West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1905, p. 1

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â€"to 3 p. m on Saturday we ive you 0 lbs Redpaths immlated Sugar for 50¢ n NVaist Suits j every PV UC W 14 er 1b se strike you 2 Pney set, C. B.C. 41 I1 Paper UNESSAN RIES 3; Ibs caught on Monday _4 But the W ithur Bargains wet weather of the ell. n ir h $2.75 to 4.50 AY World in ev et. New dip Svery pair guarâ€" h »ine with some of . We are selling ever before. )P3 Xlrac to ¢ town m late ich customer, 16 R( 18 1s~ Deen ie south me sick w days rs W im "Very 0#®6 material, k, white, rmick Hugh been K OP ister re 1€ Leah w3 up his D *Â¥ 4 Ee d o d d old d old hk d wl o ol en en it en man moaremre n en en oo ,Tmflmmmxmzmsmsd; _NEW SPRING_â€" / g Houseâ€"Furnishings: «hddu60de40 L, * i Review Clubbing Rates 3 RaevIizw and loronto Daily Star $1.80 & RaevIigw and Toronto Daily News $1.85 m ReviEw and Daily Globe........ $4.50 d } REvIEw and Weekly Globe...... $1.60 I RevieEw and W. Mail & Empire. $1.75 ' REvIEW and Western Advertiser $1.60 | REVIEW and Weekly Sun........ $1.75 o 1 REvIEW and Fam. Her & W Star $1.75 ~ REevieEw and Weekvlg Witness... #$1.60 *# REvIEW and Mon. eetly Herald.81.15 t3 Andadadnanindndh dndndb db dndin d dn in dn dn dn in t i in mm en es VOL. REVIEW and loronto Daily Star RavIEw and Toronto Daily News ReviEw and Daily Globe........ ReviEw and Weekly Globe...... ReviEw and W. Mail & Empire. REevIrw and Western Advertiser REVIEW and Weekly Sun........ REvIEw and Fam. Her & W Star RevIiew and Week‘ls Witness. .. REVIEW and Mon. Weetkly Herald We have the daintiest curtain materials you‘d w _sh to see in either white or colored goods. Golorâ€" ed Curtain Goods 6 to 25¢; White 12%%¢ to 50¢ yd here. FLOOR OILS We have just completed our assortment of Floor Oileloths in block and floral designs, in 3 ft, 4 ft 6 in aud 6 ft widths........; â€"25¢, 40¢, and 50c¢ per yd JAPAN MATTINGS This floor covering is more popular than ever is season. It is 3 ft wide. Prices 20, 25 and 30¢ yd Our store is well and favorably known for its Linoleums. We aim to have exclusive patterns and the most haudsome designs we can procureâ€"good quality, dark and light colors...........50¢ sq yd Our Carpet Department is filled with a complete: line of Carpets of all kinds. We are showing special values in Carpets just at the season they are most‘ in demand. f]enion Carpets, 25¢ to 50c yd. & Wool Carpets, 50c to $1 yd. & Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, 50c to $1.25 yd. Large Variety of Nottingham Lace Curtains .__ We have them all prices from 50¢ per yd up CURTAIN GOODS James Ireland. Lace Curtains . NO. 20 Linoleums Carpets $1.60 $1.75 $1.60 $1.75 $1.75 %1.60 the provisions of this section shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding $10, in the case of any animal with regard to which such neglect is proven together with the costs of conviction and The Ontario Suramary Convictions Act shall apply to eyvery persecution under this section. _A bill of considerable interest to farmâ€" ers has been introduced in the Legislaâ€" ture. lt reads as follows:â€"It shall be the duty of the owner of every heifer, steer or bull under one year of age to remoye the horns of such aninials and any owner neglecting to comply with Anniversary Services will be conductâ€" ’ed in St. Columba Church, Priceville on Sabbath May 21st at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m, Rey J, H. Edmison, B. A., Cheltenham, will preach at both services. On the following Mouday at 8 p. m. a Stereopâ€" tican Entertainment will be given by Rev C T Cocking late of Japan, who will also lecture on that country. Scenes, Views, eyents, including some of those pertaining to the present war, will be reproduced. All welcome. 9 bis 87th year. [Students of the Colâ€" Ingwood Collegiate Institute back in the 8U‘s will remember as we do, the kindly, faithful pastor. â€"Ed.] Owen Sound, May 15,â€"Rev Robort Rodgers, for over half a century a proâ€" minent minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, died on Saturday in er. Rev. Mr Farquharson on 8undn} morning will present the life and work of this great man. JOHN KNOXx.â€"Next Sunday is the 400th anniyversary of the birth of John Knox, and all Presbyterian churches will make reference to the great Reformâ€" Next Wednesday is Victoria Day. _ Good General Servant Wantedâ€"apply at once to Mrs Jno. Kelly. Owen Sound‘s population is now 10,186, entitling it to city rank. SPECIAL OrrFER.â€"The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer and the. Review to Jan, 1, 1996, only $1.00. To LET.â€"The sooms above 4 Lachlan‘s store, recently occupi Ur Gun as office. To rent on terms. Apply tc Monday at noon hence the W H Braix, Bec‘y A. F. & A. M. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1905. recently occupied by OPI sooms above A Mcâ€" n BReview. vision for the Town of Durham for the mlflfi. Will be held in the Town on Tuesday the Xch day of May, 1905, at 8 o‘clock:p. m. Wm, B. Vorrzt, Town Clerk. HAaprry CANADA.â€"We haye a few features in Canadian weather we could dispense with, but not by way of barter for the cyclone features so common in the United States A despatch from Lawton, Okla., on Monday says : " As a result of the tornado at Snyder, Okla., inhabitants of the "New Country " in Oklahoma are digging 500 tornado cellars, City officers and town hoards are urging the construction of such caves, and some towns have passed ordinances, requiring the digging of caves. At Hinton, Okla., the following official notice has been published : On nights when clouds look at all dangerâ€" ous, a sentry will be stationed in the bell tower, provided with a repeating shot gun. 1f there is apparent danger, he will ring the bell and fire a number of shots in quick succession. Also, any perscn who sees a storm coming when the sentry is not stationed will be exâ€" pected to fire a gun." The REvIEW extends hearty welcome to Rey Mr Bice, the new Rector of Trinity Church, and to Mrs Bice, who last week entered upon their duties here. Suuday morning was inclement but a large congregation assembled in the eyening to hear the new pastor, and many complimentary opinions have been expreesed as to his style and abil1 ty. We trust the new union of pastor and people will enable the church to still keep going onward and upward. Renewing for the REVIEW a few days ago, ("your ever welcome paper") Mr, Wm Seatter, N. Dakota, writes : " Last winter here was a daisy, yours was not in it with ours. What little snow there was disappeared early and we had good wheeling from the middle of February. Some sowel wheat in February and many did in March." MrS. thinks the "Stony patches of old Ontario would never hold young hopefuls," if they saw the great Northâ€"west. Worxrex‘s IN8TITUTE.â€"As will te seen by advertisement olsewhere, this aggresâ€" sive body have a fine series of meetings planned with some practical topice to be discussed by, no doubt, able speakers, There should be a large increase to the membership so that the undoubted benefits may be widely spread. Are you a member ? The first sitting of the Court of Reâ€" A NEw Coxpucror.â€"On Monday last Conductor Layelle was promoted to the run between Stratford and Owen Sound. No one man isabsolutely essential to any position, but Mr Lavelle has been so long on our branch as to seem almost part and parcel of it. His friends will wish him all success. Mr Wim Frost, Palmerston, takes his place. AUCTION SALE.â€"There will be off ered for sale noxt Thursday, May 25, the Household Furniture and effects of the late H. Parker(unsold by private sale) sale at 2 p. m. at the residence. Terms, Cash. For further information apply on the premises to C. A. Shepard or to S. J, Parker, Owen Sound. . Aâ€"London paper thinks merchants should be more prompt in presentâ€" ing their accounts. A drugz ist of that place recently sent a young man in the city a bill two years old, and the first part of the bill was a charge for a box of chocolates and on the other end was a charge for a nursing bottle. How time does fiy ! Capricious weather has been the teature of the last two weeks, Beautiâ€" ful sunshine alternates with heavy rains and occasional electric storms Fortunately seeding is about over but muchlow land will be injured or left entirely. Congratulations to Mr Grant Mcâ€" Comb and Miss Pieffer, who, toâ€"day, Wednesday, are entering into matriâ€" monial union. The Review will welcome them to our citizenship. Miss Pieffer is a sister of Mrs Burgman. PuBLIc LisRaARY.â€"Eyery Officer and Director of the Public Library is reâ€" quested to meetat the Library room on Saturday evening next at 8 p. m. By order. The case of Gunâ€"ysâ€"Bailey was settled in Owen Sound by the defendant acknowledging the slander and maki ng public reparation. The Review and Daily Star to new Subscribers to end of year for only $1.00. Easily remitted, Do it now. For Saurs,â€"A bav mare 5 yre old. | Apply to C. McMillan, Dromore. | Brick for sale, or will exchange for | wood. Apply to Ayling & Son, at t.he’ brickyard, Durham. Court of Revision Town of Durham. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO â€"Fearfal cyclones have been causâ€" ing devastation in some parts of the States, with great loss ot life, All ladies are cordially invited to attend the afternoon meetings. tAll ‘:& weleomth :iho ::tgn‘me meeting at w ere & gram eondw of lddme:-? the (fl?ekstes and speakers enlivened by music by best local talent. Mrs. T McGirr Mess K. L Dixox PrrEs. DorRrHAx. SEc. DROMORE. Hanover, afternoon: Miss Maddock, ‘«‘Women‘s Institutes and how to make them interesting." Miss Millar, "Hints for the home nurse. (demonstration) Eimwood, afternoon: (same as Droâ€" more afternoon.) All afternoon meetings with the exâ€" ception of Durham meeting will m&ence at 2 p. m, Evening meeting The Annual Meeting will be held in Town Hall, Durham on Friday 26 inst. commencing at 1.30 p. m. at which officers will be electedp for the coming Institute year. At 2.30 p. m. the aboye speakers will take charge of the meetâ€" Durham. afternoon: Miss Millar, "The Farm end of the Dairy business, Miss Maddock, "Hints on Sreunuking with demq'n-tution in cutting waist patâ€" Dromore, afternoon: Miss Millar, *"‘Hints for the home nurse." (demonâ€" stration) Miss Maddock, "Hints on Dressmaking with demonstration in cuttiog warst pattern." Evening: Miss Millar, "Women‘s Institutes."" Miss Maddock, "A girl‘s Possibilities," Holstein, afternoon: Miss Maddock, "Bacteria, their relation to health and di:tieuse.” Miss Millar. "Domestic Eduâ€" cation." The meetings will be addressed b Miss Maddock, Guelph; and Miss F Millar, Guelph, ovams PV C O dant Td 0 site PrutbP u. MB 4P 4ssn en Institute will be held at the following places; Robert‘s Hall, Holstein, Wed. May 24 Russell Hall, NDromore. Thurs, ~~ 25 Town Hall, Durham. Fri, * â€" 26 Miller‘s Hall, Hanover. Sat. C . d Miss McGillivray‘s, Elimâ€" _ for the plaintiffs, _ Lucas, Wright & McArdle for the defendants. " A civil case that goes beforé the Judge is the suit of the County of Grey against the village of Markdale. "This is an action brought by the County of Grey against the yillage of Markdale for specific performance of the agreement to suoply electric light to the House of Refuge, and for damages, The village claims that the byâ€"law passed by them and the agreement made under the bylaw should have heen submitted to a vote of the people and that this not having been done they are not bound to supply the light. MacKay, Sampson & Telford alleged "libel. Telford for th & Me. to "CGux vs B brought by D John Bailey â€" inck For sland and ~J. P. T phM’m for the detendant. " to them and otherwise misconducted the efection and was liable to imprisonâ€" ment .. The plaintiff claims damages for allege zrhel. MacKay, Sampson & Telfy the plaintiff. Lucas, Wright & tfor the defendant. " "Ovux vs Baicey :â€"This is an action br by Dr Gun of Durham against John Bailey of the Township of Bentâ€" inck For slander. A, G. MacKay, K. C. Mfi‘ . Telford, Durham, for the p f cas,~ Wright & McArdle, McDONAtD vs. McArpu® :â€"The partâ€" ies in this action reside in the Township of Pr@oz The defendant during the Muuicipal Election in thai township sent out a pamphlet to the electors in which among other things, he stated that the plaintiff who had been a Deputy Returnâ€" ing Officer the year before, had unlawâ€" fully given ballots to parties not entitled At theSpring Assizes this week two cases of gome interest here will go tefore the jury. They are thus put out in the list of cages.â€" The interest in the activity oh-u-‘m'l'hei Sons of Scotiand c?:m:‘t:.oo m vable of late i partie ng fiood progress with their N enerer im fee tor the day of National s on Dom.nion cross country road through | Day. The highlun?oc:tdeu, of London, ’ Durham has been added to by referenees ‘about 70 strong. are coming and those in Toronto Star and Globe _ to , who have seen their ml.rfhisg and l:'i'- the matter. The surveyors are again ‘tary manoeuvres are loud in their 4o uds m \praise. Besides these, 10 or a dozen at the west end comin;! east locating ,'g::en and drummers are coming. prize Hinally the route. It is a matter of ; danciag and the whole round o{ athletâ€" uncertainity yet which of the three ic sports as proved so successful last year. trial routes through and east of this | FOF the evening concert the Town Hall town Wwill be ch Th i, |APG the rink haye been sccured and a osen,. The reference in | brilliant group of performers, of whom the Globe says: | more later on. "Anumber of suryeying parties are | Bands will play and flags will fly to at wot‘* locating a route from Walker. | accompany the enthusiasm of the greatâ€" ton to Flesherton, on the Owen Sound | *5¢ DOmwnion Day Durham has yet had. division of the C. P. R., and construc. | w N M ie x mm tion will _ commence very _ soon. | s PP Priceville Durham _ and Hanoyer, | High Court S|“IH‘S. centres of a rich agriculture section of | opvier: i s »|_At the sittings of the High Court at countfy. will be seryed by this branch. ‘,pmng going ‘E)'u ut Owen so':,"d'l “,'0 h se nmniniifte iA recocrms cases of interest to persons in this localâ€" s ;S i lity ;vmaiafiooegi o‘f;â€"-:;numely .NBc(Q:lli- | Spllll S1Zes. yraylys. McKechnie, and Gun vs, Bailey. }u $ \The former of these cases is marked # emcsmmes | settled on the records of the Court, and At theSpring Assizes this week two | the latter is also settled on the grounds cases of gome interest here will go Lefore ’mentioned in the statement hereto anâ€" the jutÂ¥." They are thne nut ant in i. | hexed ;â€" Meeting« of the South Grey Women‘s C wes Women‘s Institute. PRoGRAX Mon. May 20. yimg parties are | _ Bands will play and flags will fAy to e from Walker. | a@ccompany the enthusiasm of the greatâ€" e Owen Sound |*** Dominion Day Durham has yet had. , and construcâ€" | uc M # 4 us The Busy Store On the Busy Corner R. B. KEELER i SON$§ If you are, we can save you money. Are you going to do any Papering ? NEW Wall Paper From Lot I16, 2nd con., W.G. 6., Bentinck, an aged milch cow, color gray. Any information will be thank» fully received and auy one harbouring same will be dealt with according to ** We further beg to say that the deâ€" fendant expresses his regret that anyâ€" thing said by him -houkf be construed as a reflection on the plaintiff‘s professâ€" ional or personal reputation or should give rise to any rumors to that effect." BSgd. Lucas, Wraicut & MeAnrouz. Gux vs, Baiuey, Owen Sound,, May 16th, 1905. **On hehalf of the defendant we beg to state that the defendant says that he never did clur?e or intend to charge the plaintiff with ou&ery or fraud in conâ€" nection with the dealings between the defendant and his brother Thos, Bailey." CS p y PCRCOGC CCE COO0m CHeore. oolk day of National rts on Dom.nion \Day. The hl(hluo:r:.deu, of London, about 70 strong. are coming and those . who have seen their marching and milâ€" itary manoeuvres are loud in their \praise. Besides these, 10 or a dozen pipers and drummers are cumin!g. prize danciag and tl.ee‘;vhule rounfd lo l“c:(.hleb- | 1c sparts as proved so successfu year. , For the evening concert the Town Hall and the rink haye heen secured and a | brilliant group of vperformers, of whom more later on. which are very becoming and quite popular in the cities. We have in stock a splendid showâ€" ing of these as well as of other fashionable slnw and styles for summer wear, We extend a corâ€" dial invitation to everyone to see our fine display of Summer Milâ€" linery. Miss Dick. ‘Polo‘ & ‘Short back Sailor‘ Last week in company with our head trimmer, Miss Porter, we attended the Summer Millinâ€" ery Openings in Toronto and have brought home many new ideas and styles in Ladies‘ Sumâ€" mer Hats and Bonnets. New Styles In Summer Millinery Two new leading shapes are the All paper bonght from us trimâ€" med free, SEE OUR SsOUTH WINDOW THIS WEEK. Our large Spring Stock of CANADIAN and AMERICAN Wall Paper has arrived and we can now show you the larâ€" gest stock of upâ€"toâ€"date Waill Paper eyer shown in Duarham Sohcitors for defendant John Baile Â¥. Spend July 1 in Durham. CHAS RAMAGE, Peamter anxo Pusursaca. Mrs Wax. Law®, Dornoch, Ont, STRAYEU OR STOLEN.

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