West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jun 1905, p. 1

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els. ~vyery person L and what every body to bst onl y 3Oe ,40c, and 45c. sell. } thes eTs ed and yarnished frames . or â€" Produce. Jas Parox rkle B u 1¢ $1 & up to $3 tore T% oc per yd sas" H2EC 45¢ to 75¢ $6 to 12.00 )dlla M M wally DiaACINQG : such ridicuâ€" up our stocks Evrory nersenn irh Prop. tel Priceâ€" wn stable W clIgAt _ to t our store ab m sdale city or usiness ( 1vel day . 994 mith the mile wit h PÂ¥ "rmMs 1C6 D sovenneiniadnianiie diiadiiidinityy] ; o Special Lines £ y ow w x* :-::-::-::-:Z-:?:EEEEEEESEHEEEEEEMEEEE 12 ""AAannanszniszexasznns===® VOL. XXVIIL NO 22 The balance of our New Spring Carpets ar at CLEARING PRICES. Special values in Tapestry and Brussels at...... exeds sis ix‘> + O Heavy allâ€"wool Carpets NU siv . : cx is« s vie a‘‘s‘s s OB Unions and Ingraing at...... Sek is s mane Aolt A few pieces new J ap Matting, nice patterns. We have a full line of "Outwearers" and t All sizesâ€"for Men. Women We 46 66 Our Stock of MEN‘S AND BOYS C passed anywhere. The assortment is large, cloth the most fashionable Our Suits for Particularly Nobby, and the prices are snuet In Fine Boots and Shoes â€" Viectoria" and « Queen / Albert" _ and _ "King e have full lines of these tamous t] Ladies‘ and Girls‘ James Ireland. ; Nobby, and the prices are such as to suit asmmemomsll. 2. ers and they do outwear any other boot made Men, Women and Children. Boots and Shoes Working Boots and Shoés we carry the,best lines madeâ€" «* Queen Alexand{n " for Women RAINCOATS Carpets 0&@@O%@ 0 "King Edward" for â€"Men @I0%@0%@ O~>@0%>@% 0 Clothing STERLING‘S HANDMADE Boots Noh is Spriqg Carpets are to be cleared out s ++<+..........50c to 1.25 per ya tsÂ¥ .Â¥......... . T5¢ to 1.00 per ya terirr........ . 25¢ to 50c per ya , nice patterns, 20¢, 25¢ & 30c yd makes at all prices BOYS‘ Clothing cannot be surâ€" ge, the styles new and the for Boys and Youths are Durhd any purse |__The "Presbyterian " in its notes of the recent meeting of the Synod oâ€" Toronto and Kingston, has the followâ€" ing reference to a local man : * The reâ€" port on Church Life and Work was in | troduced by Rey. W m Farquharson in | one of the best speeches given during the meeting. He (?ea.lt with the subjects ‘ of Sabbath desecration, the inroads of intemperance and church attendance. | He pointed out the difficulty in drawing | the line between necessary and unnecâ€" essary labor and recreation and the great need of guardin ca.refullg the | sanctit{ of the d%y. d: feared that in spite of all the efforts for legal restricâ€" tion of the liquor traffic the habit of inâ€" temperance was gfinini ground, and said that whatever be the restrictions the fight is still on and the battle is a moral battle. Dealing with the alienaâ€" tion of the inwllectusf the discouraged and the openly immoral from â€" the Church, Mr Farqubarson emphasized the need of seeking to suit the one great message to all conzmou and needs, " view to having that railway run its new line through the thriving and progresâ€" sive village of Dromore. It is surrounded by a rich tarming community where many thousand dollars‘ worth of stock, grain, timber and general merchandise is annually shipped to outside points. Besides tge protlem of construction would be comparatively easy through a gently rolling country," Bouxn» To HavE It,â€"Our North Egremont correspondent sends us the following item : * A delegation consistâ€" ing of Reeve Hastie, J. M. Findlay merchant, John H. Snell and George Lothian, farmers, and Mr Orchard, a sawmiller, leave on Tuesday morning for Toronto. where, it is expected they ] will be met by H. H. Miller, M. P. and Dr Jamieson M. P. P. Their purpose is ' to interview the C. P. R. officials with a || SICK PEOPLE.â€"We are pleased to , hear that Miss Lottie Beaton is recovâ€" \ering. though slowly, from a severe |illness. Mr Arthur Allan at Fergus is | also gaining ground. Mrs Guthrie has | been a great sufferer for the last few | weeks but is getting better. _ We regret we cannot speak so hopefully of | Mr Ben Mail who is not gaining as his friends could wish. ®KX / The percentage of males employed \as teachers in Ontario public schools | has dropped from 58 in 1897 to 24 in 1905. | _ J. L. Flarity is making to order a m!fineline of ladies‘ upâ€"toâ€"date coats, in fi ‘fancy cravenettes. Call and see them, Ko®, | You will be delighted. A Water Test.â€"If you want to test the purity of your well water. here is aA simple recipe for doing so: Fill a pint bottle nearly full of water, and dissolve In it half a teaâ€"spoonful of loaf or granuâ€" lated sugar. _ Cork the bottle and keep it in a warim place for two days. If the water becomes cloudy or milky within fortyâ€"eight hours, it is unfit for domesâ€" tic use. e | k M _ Bri | wood H) vrick: T E | Suhl::: | Easily % ; 1 t"'! o 1 m; Pric,er E The as tea % | has dr | _ The Cement Works are this summer | turning outr _ more cement than ever | betore, and of a quality not inferior to | the excellent product of the past. Orâ€" | ders for thousands of barrels ahead are ‘filed in the office and the price ranging higher than lasc year, a record season | is sure to be ma(?e. occasion A woman in the States won a prize by giving the best answer to the conundrum + Why is a newspaper like a woman ?" Her answer was, " Because every man should have one of his own and not ran after his neighbor‘s. " Moxtnuy MEETINGS, â€"School Board meets toâ€"night, Thursday; Public Liâ€" brary Board in Librar Roomwwms on Friday, Town Council on KIonduy next. All at 8 p. m. and don‘t you forget it. h\\;eek day services preparatory to 13 CoOGP o 70 Cmm mpoun t Sineetiatak.? 7 wl s 4 47 . OeCY Iplil Vemi t Svastngstntiiti lssnc B tss h OR 7 OB 1 i S Lachlan‘s store, recently occupied by Ur Gun as office. To rent on easy terms. Apply to th it _ you want to purhase a bhouse and lot in Durham, see A. H. Jackson. Price reasonable and good terms. The Review and Daily Star to new Subscribers to end of year for only $1.00. Easily remitted, Do it now, Brick for sale, or will exchange for wood. Apply to Ayling & Son, at the vrickyard, Durham. 'l‘oI LET.â€"The rooms above A Mc w oR SÂ¥ ce ‘ E> ails ‘Dowm PE OPcE W H BrEax, Sec‘y A. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1005 )C Il GrEIGâ€"In Saginaw, Michigan, on Monâ€" day, May 20, Mrs. Sarah Greig. ‘Tbe funeral will leave the residence of her brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Wm. Calder, Friday, I at 1.30 p.m. for the Durham Cemetery] ) _ WaTcn THE BastrS.,â€"The child kidâ€" napping and murder case in Toronto which bas shocked the people of Ontario this week should lead to the exercise of better care on the part of those who are entrusted with the charge of children. It is to be deplored that in any commuuity there should exist a danger to young children of falling into the hands of parties who are criminally inclined, and liable to do them ind'ury: but that this is true cannot be denied ; and that a child such as Josephine Carr is described to be ) should turn out to be so monstrous an offender, might well raise the question . Who is to be trusted ? The points we 'wish to emphasize at present is the danger attendant upon leaving children in carriages anrd go carts upon the the stroets while ‘shopping is being done. Here, as in Toronto the practise is all too comtmon and the babies are exposed to more than the dangers of being kid when thus left alone. Runaways, h winds and other comâ€" mon occurrence and phenomenon, are fraught with danger to the child, and we d‘f)ubt not but one general result of the tragedy in Toronto will be an awakening to these dangers and a gutor care exercised by mothers over eir little ones.â€"Ex. " | be glad to hear of his welfare and of * | the opportunitygiven him to get a sight El' of the world. We wish him suceess, s | â€" A Move® in HrrrRFoRDS,â€"Last week Mayor Hunter shi ped six of his fanm.â€" ous Hereford hu'ls to Maple Ureek, â€" | Alberta, and three more to London | Ont. Toâ€"day, Monday he is shipping â€"| six heifers to Burlington. Mr Hunter | is we think the largest breeder of Hereâ€" | fords in Outario and we congratulate | him on the success he has made of it, Fifteen out of most herds would thin 4 them out considerably, but the Mayor ‘ | has over 100 more of the same yet. ’ “ Cour‘t or REvisto®.â€"This body had before it on Tuesday evening an appeal | from the Cement Co., for a reduction of | their assessment. â€" Assessor Elvidge had | it at $250000, Mr Farr, Mt Ehrhardt | and Mr McKechnie were present to supâ€" | port the appeal but the court, while unâ€" willing to have the appearance of ‘burdening any industry, thought a million dollar plant shouid not consider | an assessment of a quarter of its yvalue excessive and sustained the Assessor, There may be an appeal. _ Mr John ‘ Kinnee also complained but no change was made. THE PARKER SALE, â€"Was reasonably well attended though the afternoon threatened rain, which came heavilK about the close. Auctionser Clar made the most of the articles that || were left from private sale, and in |â€" some cases low prices prevailed. A | good buggy for about $14.00, Phaeton " $7.25, A large number of books and 1 pictures were disposed of at better than usual sale prices. The ria.no, ' Nordheimer‘s best make, was sold for | $325 to Mr Jas. Gun, not much more | than half its value, The fine house | ‘ and surrounding were greatly admired by the visitors and opinion is general | t that the Presbyterian Church has | ¢ made a very wise move in purchasing ‘ @ the property for a manse. 0 start 0 Chili,: Word has been received : John Cochrane from Liverp has just returned from a three trip im a River Platte Ste Buen(()is Ayres on which he ~ ployed as suugeon and. was start mwfim Storex NotEs Fouxp.â€"Last October Hartman‘s Bank. Clarksburg, was burgâ€" larized. but an alarm frightened the thieves, who made off with what they thought no doubt was a cash box, but which eontained only notes, and of no value to them. The notes were found secluded place on the Big Head River last week but the box was missing. This discovery may lead to detection of the robbers, THE LATE THos. GORDOX. â€"Owen Sound lost a notable citizen last week by death. For about 50 years he was town clerk and had held man civic. offices and positions of trust. lge was also Inspector of Schools for West Grey until 1902, when he retired and was sucâ€" ceeded by Mr, H. H. Burgess. The pubâ€" lic schools were closed the day of his funeral that the teachers might attend his funeral. P on oys PP PE tim of one of the first c dents of the season. â€" He his depth, being unable sank for the last time be be secured. m at o 2 Eces 42 02. A0, BW ' * promoter" has been investigating the possibilities of a cross country branck. THE Excursion.â€"Thisfis the annual outing given by the Farmer‘s Institute which promises to be sucsesaful as gver. For rates &¢. see the ad on page Owing to the absence of Kev. Mr. Colling while at Conference, there will be no morning service in the Methodist church next Eunday while Inspector Campbell will occupy the pulpic in the evening. George Muxlow, a 13 year old boy of Blant‘yre. St. Vincent T‘p., was the vieâ€" $ Eie dagit en nac i Oe d s ans uEe L Twenty five cents, all in coppers, is all that a burglar received forhis trouble of breaking into an Owen Sound busâ€" iness place, Chatsworth to Southampton by O. P. R. may yet be realized. A C. P., K. "* promoter" has been investigating the nnssihilistas 2e 2. ___ & L } Be sure and atten Midsummer Millinery Thursday and Friday. We are informed that over was paid out forcattle in Du Tuesday, DIED. informed that over $22,000 | he out forcattle in Durbam on l been received from Dr the first drowning acciâ€" and attend Miss Dick‘s Platte Steamer to which he was emâ€" He got in jl';«yvc;fii! L§ yerpfioi.fi He le to swim, and before aid could Opening this Ns manths‘ Parties fishing or otherwise trespasâ€" sing on lot 28, con, 2, K. G. R., Glenelf, (immediately west of Glenroaden), will be prosecuted according to law. This means you so don‘t ask permission for it is impossible to discriminate. CoUuRrt DURHAX No. 111.â€"The memâ€" bers of Court Darham No. 111 will atâ€" tend Divine Service in the Baptist Church at the hour of 11 o‘clock on Sunâ€" day, June 11th. Members are requested to meet at Calder‘s Hall at 10.30. _A free will offering in aid of the Foresters‘ Orphan Home will be taken at the Hall. _ Wx. Jonxsrox, Jr., Sec‘y, The names of otflcer;";r;d'“d'irectors for Holstein and Elmwood branches will be published in a later issue.â€" Com In many sections the idea prevails | that the" Women‘s Institute is for‘ â€"« D. eountry women only, whieh is indeed / a great mistake as the Delegates sent \The Busy Store out by Supt. Putman are using their | best efforts to unite the INLOPOStG Of | mm women from both town and country | in this great erganization which was | conceryed for the extpress purpose of | interesting and »ssisting women of all | * classes and communities in the upâ€" | l\/lldc building and Lenefitting of the Home., | h Thelast meeting of the Series was | » held toâ€"day, Monday at Elmwood, at. M 1 1 which Miss Maddock gave an interestâ€" | ing talk and "demonstration on Dress. muking. " and Miss Millar gaye a| O splendid address on " Home Nursing " | p‘ with demonstration in bandaging. J Mrs Jas, Watt. Hampden â€" was io. c appointed director for Hanoggr. | We take The only place of meeting where an Institure was not organized was Hanâ€" oyer. _ The meeting for Hanoyer fell on Saturday, a busy day, as ladies from the country either could not get into town or were forced to hurry home without attending the meeting and the ladies in town evidently thought the meeting was not for them, as only one was present and she was not sure whether she had a right to attend or not. At the close of the Business meeting Miss Millar gave an address on the "Farm end of the Dairy," and Miss Maddock the value of fruits and vegat ables and the necessity of ventilation and good Sanitation, Friday afternoon a meeting was held in the Town â€" Hall, Durham. _ The Annual meeting commenced at 1.30 at which the following officers were elected : Pres.â€" Mrs Thos McGirr, Durham. Vice Pres.â€"Mrs Davia Mcâ€" Crie, Durham, Secy, Treas.â€"Miss Jean Brown, Durham. Directorsâ€"Mrs Chas. McArthur, Durham, Mrs Chas, Gray 8r Varney, Mrs Thos. McComb, Bunessan, Mrs David Hamilton, Durham, Mrs John Renton, president of this branch, presided over both afternoon and evening meetingsin a very proficient manner. Miss Watt and Mr Ramage gave a very pleasing Guett, and Mr. W. Isaac sang " Farewell Blue Bell" in his usual good style. "Past 12 o‘clock" was well rendered by Miss Isarc and Messrs Ramage and Israc and was heartily encored. After a vote of thanks to all who assisted in the program and also to our worthy president, God save the King brought to a close a most sucâ€" cessful meeting, ‘ Afte trioti TL Joliy | ood values in Teas, C« PA patriotic song, *"*Three Jo y Spices. ‘e invit » Britons" by Mro Wnn Ramage, Miss' \'?s‘i(;L5011r‘zteo;:'"Ixfile:':: Maddock gave an interesting talk on the | fresh. cle agh 'j~ * St. Louis Exposition, but her maim adâ€" | resh, clean goods, dre;s. Wé:ly a plt;izsanlt nlghpmfimhle talk ; to t s and girls. She pointed out sibility that each of us have | J H ROSE foilmt each were placed in FR utds o do our part the wor‘d will be poorer for | Stand, ~ â€" it. In the evening Miss Millar spoke on Women‘s lnslitutps, shnwing the purâ€" se of this worthy organization, the r:neflu derived from attending monthâ€" ly meetings and the best methods of conducting and making the meetings interesting. Ex230 ItX10 ft would only contain ;‘l;‘(;:ngh pure air for one individual for the space of one hour, 12Ve ursing, and Miss Maddock dealt with tge subject of Fruits and Vegetaâ€" bles. She also spoke on Bacteria and ventilation, sluzwing the great necessity inft nninnnn id uk CC . At Dromore both afternoon and c ing meetings were held. In the a noon Miss Millar gave an interes demonstration _ on Emergencies Home Nursing, and Miss Maddock d with the subject of Fruits and V ; in ma Â¥y.. ... _ _1 CC [ACoore CAVEe An address on Domestic Education touching on the various methods of instruction at the present day. Domestic Science Edâ€" maukink was £allca. _ 3 PC The 8. Grey series of W. 1. are over for 1905. 'lt‘he atrl.‘endunse has been fairâ€" y good throughout, espite the wet weather which kept quite a number from alttending. The total attendance heing 160. The delegates sent from the Dept. were Miss Blanche Maddock and Miss Bella Millar, hoth of Guelph, | The members of the Institute seem vapre muak srres 20 Cl C NTARIO ARCHI TORONTO NOTICE. Women‘s Institute. A. MoCormacL«. ing room as well | and pointing out | L. _ in the afterâ€" e an interesting mergencies â€" and a room 15 .. late Royal College D« venâ€" 1 Dentistry in all its branches R. B. KEELER a»t SONS We June Weddings Our head trimmer, Miss Porter, has been in Toronto, imbibing and selecting new ideas and styles in Hats and Bonuets for this Summer l:)‘rning. We inâ€" vite all the ies, young and old, to visit our Showrooms on these days, and see our elegant display. June Ist & 2nd The Reliable Grocery We take pleasure in anâ€" nouncing to the Ladies of Durâ€" ham and vicinity that this seaâ€" son we are holding Midsummer Openings, to take place on Thursday and Friday, Staple & Fancy Grocervies Choice Fruits and Confectionery Midsummer Millinery Opening Miss Dick. Ofticeâ€"Calder‘s Block, ox HONO® cravoam Tabernacle Meetings will be held a:! Allan Park, beginning en Bunday, June 4th and will be continued every evening for the following three weeks, Evangâ€" elist Thos Bell of Hamilton will be in charge of the services, A cordial inyiâ€" tation is extended to the public, Services on Bunday at 10.30 a. m.. and at 2.30 and 7 p. m. Week nights at 8 p, m. sharp, under the auspices of u"- Mennonite Chuarch, We have just received a large shipâ€" ment of Jewelery, consisting of Wedding Rmfi-, Fine Pearl Brooches, Necklets, Bracelets Lockets, Watches and Chains show everything needed in the Jewelery line for the Bride and the largest & best stock of Silverware ever shown outside the large cities We can save you money orm.every article we sell. &iLL, __+ _ 00| 300 ""@" +THe/000 CO camp on the historic old battlefield around ’-‘m-' George and Queenston Heights, P» wuor_v drills Saturday, May 27, June and 10th at6.30 p. m. _A few more men can still be taken, Apply at once ty J. F. GRANT, D. Tl{lp will be the last chance Good values in Teas, Coffees and Spices. We invite everybody to visit our store and inspect our fresh, clean goods. Is now prepared to supply all your wants with a brand new stock in the following lines : CHAS RAMAGE, $ PrrwteERr axp Posursace, Carr, 0. M. Sx1oer., No, 460, 31st Regi un t M l mm mm Tabernacle Meetings Volunteers, Attention I Rev, C, F. KRaAUTH, Pasto College Dental On the Busy Corner Toronto er Post Office University, Grac Burgeons of On Regimen ka s Durham to cam| i 208 339 [E

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