West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jun 1905, p. 4

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ill.';, The hatn' II'f't d Supplylco., “$53 iii' ,3 (es-i»; ass-seesfiseeééEEE-Eggzéé; " - aarfn arvesters g Raymond METRIINU NEW 13 M Also Wilheinr It will pay You to become a Shareholder mad help on this great co-operate movement which has come to stay Itt this country. It has accomplished much ; it wilt accomplish more in the future. The best farmers in the province endorse it by be- coming shareholders. Call and see our stock. Buhacrihe at once. We carry a full line of Implements and household utensils. We can get you anything you mutinethose linen. Examine for All Our Shareholders are "ttnmsal that they make money dealing with us, We are n goods but by reducing the expense we are furnishi: shareholders at a much lower price. wants of our shareholders; -----'_"...- -- -.p~ll quest of our numerous shareholders in another large town. For the me Our Engines . m, . 2cst Of ("If 'r',',',,?,.,','..?,?..,'?,]) L49ndm3 aerng’s 9mg fl/rs, " This is the season for tains will be required. We have them froin.... -... Our tl Cumin as a hammer. l .9052: tara. We can give only a mere list of our goods. but tn qtnlilyand adaptability to the needs of South (ix-0y we are not excelled: Deer-mg narrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair pr ices A complete showing of Spring and Summer White Lawn Waists, made in dainty fashions and marked specially low. It’s. waste of time and mr may to look elsewhere, We have decided to sell these Wain at each acadies’ gar/my 't0hite Waist: have orde P for \‘nnrenlf .t.yt8. 31.136 Fencing Will/nary I 610.7011! d .605on v AE‘V Ich' 9 A? 10 In“: ill! F, Also Wilheimu Wriearers. all mad Sewing Machines. McClary Agent for the Dillon mnin L Darling, if BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, becoming and moderately priced. The best in their line " we yourself and git prisGs 'ottingham face Curtains t7teautitut Jpriny crtpparet -"----- m swan: “I -., "‘ s accomplished much ; it wilt accomplish more best farmers in the province endorse it by be. I. Call and see our stock. Subscribe at once. of Implements and household utensils. We g you muttoinlthoseyines. aialrW9uuattt so rapidly that at the re- 'areho1dérs we are opening up a wareroom For the meantime we are attending to the s and customers in this locality. Cast and an: JB ham. Our Huts were greatly admired and were designed by our Milliners who Won tttV, stinted prnise for ele- gance. novelty and good taste. Our Order Book plainly sihows 'l8g,It,t tdl- lnery in; ca . Such a brilliant display was worthy of a much gamer tyrn than Dur. The New Baby fresh and good Ttie, JV, 1.25 (a 2.50 J]. A? per pr. lo 5.00 Needs Pure Drugs, Hy- genie Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet Preparations. J” rrnovoting your homes. New Cur. See our great stock before buying. all made by tTTiiG; of Ayn. (Ht 1trtusoted, I'll n ttba Farm J1f'aohrsrsr. Clary Stoves for Coal nge Stay Fence. "tufud. Many testify ' We are not giving away are furnishing them to our handle only the best. Bank on Quality. bridal“. 'nco. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. 2?tttu's Draggisc. and Gates Will/11013, Wadealg/ Prieed (Liv in u) P Ide or Wccd ttitifh' mii"G'tndd'Pl'l Q,',' - The see." miiiaiiii,"2"d" . tgtg, 3;" 'iiii?rii?'l,'tt,teqilt Am a {an a.-- L??t_irtrstei "id _.....unucn " urownlng. At St. John 's, Quebec I', Sunday, 3 men were drowned from anilboat, before a bathing tatality (took place. the canoe is continually l claiming its victims yet every bother or boater thinks HE’S sate. --Midland is to have a new G, T. R. Million dollar elevator. --Over 490 United States Senators and AteyrriiUGii passed th h the North West enmnte to Portland Pair, and are delighted with Canada. m- AL - _ “MP Wm Gm: London on Frida seat with Hon. M. --Fearful are 1Pstnirqr.] At S: .--hir David Henderson, M. P., re- ferred in the House to petty pi)feripg that goes on from membenr%isea, &is. This is a surprising statement but was borne out I? the Speaker who said that a good eal ot piliering, not petty, was included and that " couple ot good detectives could more than earn their salaries by keeping their eyes open a- boat the Parliament buildings. " --Ron Wm McDongall, one oi the Fathers of Confederation is dead at an advanced age. ---The Toronto Fire Brigade had 12 runs on the Nth, eight of them being caused by fireeraegish and fireworki.' MAntwALv-.In N0rmanby. on May 22, to Mruud Mrs Wm Marshall, a sun. fihrAstP.--.In Egremont, on May JO, to Mr and Mrs John Sharp, 3 son. Hoomm.--In Egremont. on May 18, to Mr and Mrs Abraham Hooper, a daughter. "'"---_----.- thrrrsEv--In Glenelg. on May 27th. to Mr and Mrs Duncan Smiley. a. daugir. ter. Mr and Mrs Shepard shipped their furniture and belongings from the Par- ker residence and will soon bid good- bye to Durham. Their many friends have wished they could have remained with us, bat wish them happiness m in their Barrie home, Mr and Mrs John Cameron: Chas. Cameron, came to their ive homes here on Friday last, summer. Miss Belle accompax parents from Guelph. We are pleased to learn that Mr Doug. Munro has secured a good position at an increased salary in Vic- toria, B. C., having left Winnipeg. Messrs. Peter Matheson and W. La. v'elle assisted the Mt Forest Lornes to defeat Fergus in an exhibition match at the latter place Victoria Dav. Mr Pete Grieves has been station agent at White Ch Winghnm, and Mr Banning place here as assistant. We regret to learn that there " very little improvement in the condition of Mr Campbell McIntyre, now in Mon- treal Hospital. Mr Cecil Gun visited at his mother's home here " couple days last week. He holds " good position as draftsnmn in London. Mrs and Miss Jean Math ton, visited at their son and Mr Peter Matheson, here 0v Day. Miss Porter, Miss Dick's head trim mer was in Toronto last Tuesday getting new idea, in midsummer millinery. Mrs W. Calder left Tuesday morning for Saginaw, Michigan, owing to the serious illness of her sister. M r: Grain Meters Geo. Hanson and Wm Hall went to Cheeky Monday and have canted n. general repair shop there. Messrs Bob ArmMrong and Thos Cur- vietr, who have been guests of Mrs Jackson. left Wednesday morning. Mrs Alex Ireland, Goumck, is via her son Fenton and brother-in-law, Jan. Ireland, in town at present. Minn Spence. Boothrinr, visited her old friends. Hr and Mn Alex Russell, while in town Ill-5 Saturdny. Misses Annie and Barbara Watt turned Tuesday to Toronto a! spending the winter at home. In Scott. Buffalo, who has been vu. itlng Miss Jun Brown, returned home Monday. In. Cousins. who has been visiting at Mr H. MeRae's, left Thunday for Lie. towel. Master Carman Alice npent over Vie. tom Day with relatives in Chusworth. Rev Mr Collins " attending Confer. ence in Hamilton this week and next. Mia. Agne- Howard left Maud-y for gshon visit with Guclph friends. Mr Percy Hopkins, of the Bank ma, spent the 24th in Barrister]. Mr Allie McIntyre returned home from the West last week. Mr Adam Robertson spent the Mth with relatives in Guelph. Mina Clan. Behrner mtmned to Tor onto Int Wednesday Kim Beale Atkinson “home from Toronto. Gray was nominated in Friday last to contest the m. Mr Hyman. ""->1~ ..._. Bolt N on Friday last, mi. the Belle accompanied her the casualties by .Inhn u n__1 s has been appointed White Church, near [r Banning takes his Mt Forest Lornes in an exhibition lace Victoria Day. CameronZand Mrs sister, Mrs Graig. n Matheson, Olm- on and hrothery. er Victoria, res DECL- ' A good deal of eredit has very pro p. I ly been given to the Provincial antEgr- . ities for the recent clever and eff ective . raid upon the gambling dive at Toronto Junction. and every attempt to outlaw this all-too-Prevue" vice is endorsed " every man who has the best interests 1 of the country at heart. But the man Ill) the street is faced by the glaring inconsistency of making the morality of gambling depend on geographical‘ location on e social status of its pat- rons. It is impossible for any ordinary man to understand why gambling should be branded ass crime at Toronto Junction or in some obscure Chinese resort, while it is permitted to thumt itself naked and unashamed under the I aegis of law at the Woodbine truck. Our young men and women are in far greater danger of infection from the mhlirag virus when the halo of iii,tr,i',i'r' an social approval is thrown noun it than in there-arts which are under the legal hon. 't Those who love their country and cherish ytLPt2 for its future must join in s and alphas PM lftt f"tgeeggtiijii,' “is do... - end atonement m mobs. oNTAttier' Arte TORONTO ', Mr We shall no doubt now hedr of peace rumors, and there will be. we imagine. a roar or a groan come from Russia that will startle the world. Russia’s Bea power is gone--will her land power also have Togo? ,V_.V...u unduly snowing not only skilful seamanship, bat better gunnery. The Russians are reported to have been Panie-tstrieken by the suddenness of the attack, while the Japanese on the torpedo boats showed, as usual, an utter disregard for death. Later re- rts say that the Kniaz fiouvarotr, 2'lrtltiv"lLetly",',t fhyprhip, has been cap- tured, with the admiral wcnnded. ,- .uv ""'AW " me1;-0f~war received serious showing not only skilful Sean bat betcer gunnery. _, - .V...uu-yuuu scum. nave been sunk or put out ot action. halt as many more have been captured. and the Russian loss of life is appalling, nearly 4000. None of the large Japanese men-Mum” rating-"“3 -, . - - you.“ uumiuuung the waters, and now another island power, more po nions than Britain, has arisen in the f'tllfllt giving rise to the liveliest speculations as to the future of the world under the allied mastery of two island kingdoms. Twelve warships " least have been sunk or put out ot action. halt as many more have been captured. and n... re- It was no fishing fleet the Russians met this time, the straits of Tsushima were not the Dagger Bank for there i was achieved the greatest naval vie- tory since that tar gone day in 1588 when the Spanish Armada was swept from the seas. From that day England was mistress at the ocean. an island power dominating the waters, and now another island power, more po ttloas, than Britain, has arisen in the 'r'li'lfllt giving rise to the liveliest speculations i as to the future of the world under the a,trt_o __-- - - Where they did decide to go, and they should get credit for their courage was right through the Straits of Com. less than 100 miles wide, and near to Japan 's two most famous bases, Sasebo and Nagasaki. The hopes ot St. Per. ersburg rose high, celebrations were in progress. and a fog Saturday morn- ing made a. rush possible. And Togo p u .. c, W - . . ...g, muue arusn possible. And Togo ? Was he watching the Paeitie route ? the Formosa route? No, he was right there, his fleet watching the south en. trance to the Japan Sea on which VladivnnOnnl' "- " About nine months ago the Russian s admiral left the Baltic, thought he had met the Japs in the North Sea and ' poured death shot into the fighintt fleet, I, went by Gibraltar and the Suez Canal to the Indian Ocean. and off the coast of Madagascar, lingered tor months, _ no doubt,' laying plans and practising , his men in artillery tiring and naval movements. At last he started east ' and tor a week or two was obscured to ' the world. The parlor experts had it arranged that thev wou d be met near the East India Islands, and mys- l tical despatches, no doubt sent out by ! the Russians, made it uncertain wheth- er Rojy would go by Singapore ori F round the Southern end of Sumatra. Togo had no idea of meeting them there, they came by Singapore, got safely through, and anchored at Saigon in French lndo-China. Here they cooled, cleaned their ships, laid in provisions, and apparently by the feel- I ing in Russia. blessed their luck in be- ing granted such liberties. i Japan had borne with French viola. tions of neutrality at Madagascar. but growled loudly " liberties in the China Sea. Fr ancewas very anxious to clear herself and seems to have done so. but all the same. the Russian fleet was made presentible dunng the wait of about three weeks and until the arrival of Nebogotoit with another squadron, The combined wisdom of the leaders of the fleets, was now evidently bent to to the task of confusing Togo: they were going east of Formosa, west of Formosa, into the Paeifie, through the Corean Strait, entirely round Jaoan to I a Petropavlosk, &e. I " Geographical Morality. Today. Monday, comes " last the met news of the tea-fights between Togo and Rojeetveneky. representing Jtttp, and Russia directly, and indir- ect y representing to some extent the yellow and white race; ---.-_ use "I: “U W pron" is that Bojeuvensky in a prisoner and wounded. and 22 Rumba ships in “ruptured or sunk. The data: in a disaster. The Jan. loat 400 men. Togo, in better luck than Nelsen. lives to receive " nation 'tt thanks and the admiration nf the world.) .-Ptd. a. L. L Dan “ Willi“. PF one JIT "ttAg'g education- uuof Guam. tttgee you: o loam“ of the Gena-d unify tithe WM Church, give. it "hisopinioittutthe page of the Autonomy bill as mended i totally in the interests of the Wet. The change of coercion he an is absurd. War Notes. [“5391- .meeive11 us we artillery firing and naval At last he started east tek or 'wo was obscured to IPs garlor expgarts had it Fgie" .1 'ah ftti; 'inj_u}-y WWW. Jeweller, We can give you Bargains: - We ask inspection of our Teats.., tNi' BEST QUALITY. Grocerles. Dry Goods, Boots * Shoes, Crockery, da. Wedding It meat Rings, Bi and ttll varieties, our “its stock. TWEEDS & YARNS Upper Town, LOTS of choice gains to those who come PREPARATORY to mov- ing to other quarters we have decided to make a MOVING SALE and have cut our prices accordingly. Call now and see our extensive lines of The foxy man will make this rule If he would full in love With sweetneu hom nmkingschool And captivate the dove-- That if be an thaw-ice ',T8lt When he ls Inn-rt ' they w I buy That qhnmte, Dish mud Hot Water Kettle at Gordon’s Mlll'll AND LADIES’ CLOTHING MOVING STOCK SALE Take No Chances l them. they are beauties) - Many different kinds I gl “as always in stock. I ili Don't forget that we claim " HALF TIME" is the best, cheapest and quickest Paste Polish we know of. Only to be had here. 10c per box. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN as Cash in exchange for Goods lil?!!!,',] cgileeu's ttti 1ii,'l,s:1, lllilttllgHigttittsy:itai2et . SCOTT. Some of our customers think We are too far downtown and some not far enough but under the present cir- cumstances we will be pleased to see as many as can come this far. We have good values in . from $r.oo to$I.75. SM” (ltgn moor Oil Just to head a shipment of Floor Oil, commonly known as Nupoline Miscellan was We also carry an immense stock of Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes. Forks, Home Yokes. Hammocks _ If you mt solid canton around your home. buy one of our Ham. mocks from 90 cent: up. Bargains in Lawn Mow." Why allow the grass to grow such a height of your_Lawu whet; you 10.000 MI. EGGS WAITED J. LEVINE We’re Well Situated an ie a Lima Mower no cheap. We have one only for ts, and the balance for $3. So up. In exchulge tor Sherwin-WNW: Paint, the best paints manufac- tuned for every pupae. Gordon, i:s,ytiifar. 53335. . MCI lraith W. BLACK HARDWARE »- Cal] and“; Durham bar- early. Bun! and Biscuits in great variety All kinds of Cake. made to order. WEDDING CAKES ourspecinlty. I 1lttlfilllltq Ptrm, IiYeah Md Reliable. t A. W. Watson First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson’s Bread PEEL, The Shoeman Do you ever Need Trunks, Telescopes. Alto other high-grade Manitoba “can. per Carrel 36.60 to 6.75 Durham and Owen Repairing and Orders inities. u Pive Mi.” Ogilvie‘o Royal Household,. per harm! . ' . . _ Etc. the t best. see our stock. We have quality and price that suits 1t8sueettrinetaseesatts; '0u40tortd50esreretoum1 We lulu, I ., .. “7'51“va ”madman“. Grand Mogul Tea WA REROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. finestandripestteas. begtptmhleuendatthe -u'neittoyouinthe dt-titmhee--dtepacr. BARCLAY d BELL TIJO H 0 PE CARRIAGES Seem to be all the Co. They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. GmrtdMtsoslTeaisa ttextdtraefdtesunniest ntttuntnirttqtsinCrylon. Iyeltsremehiriery (”In Tea AS USUA L was: I, mob _---The Best Sound our Spec The Hm 150 Ac Durham Res 125 Acres N tCO Acres a too Acres M Rock Leamin: Compto: Business Dit und 5.”. c, Elepha Banghu Greystt Kangan Illlilrl; LEN051 Places In": [Ivy mm Will“ “a! hm. Lam- Ptoor oth I Hair t 'ilr+ JIIIIlu-w y "ttir, TUR 2 not! MF. AI IL“. MI run PM Dru 1't Mac, rel Dru Fi

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