West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jun 1905, p. 5

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IARCLAY d BELL rand Mogul Tee FUD HOPE ARRIAGES 1 ever Need 5. Telescopes, Ad only in pndnacs " = '(kand5t)cperpmatd w. barman-mm ”chairman-inn madam xourteaintopsintkykes ass W Yatson The Shoeman Nome» and NONI-rah. "which Grown 'tandrtpesttcas. Dis, inating housel- 'erittobulkteaser Lyouwkhdixdu passibleblendafdt. " beingieto Pare. Fresh and Reliable. avian Tea vtrx ide to order, ’nr specialty. “MS lour rule Mani $5.60 to JUNE ;, no. The Best Pposit market 'ttt kn rSpec te co, 5.75 IO". youinlhc my and Int ws to tave Luits mu The North 61 -AiiiiGrk , s P, tYG'SIngvn? ycggagkksale. 125 Acres Norm-ruby Con 18: Well located and improved. Will rent it not mid soon. Durham R‘sldoneo Owned by J.L. Browne Photoprnrher. Also I Inge number of other Plum am Town Propertiet. PARKER’S Drug Store 1co Acres nominal: Near Itoeky Snuseen Well improved and owner says h" enough tim l-cr to pay rriceatrkett. Besides other lands he Otters the following agnglng: too Acres Norman-by South-west of Var my ', hell2?gpi'id, 1nd an our. good Farm (“mar Loum to go west. “MUM-1'“. Collocur Debts, Arranges Business Di"tettsttu., Draws wilting: m4! Sells C.P.R. Tickets to tyll points. Learning Compton's Early M. S. Sweet, etc. fllfjlf'il MONEY!" [HIS Hm Y0" F __ - - - - v The Hanover Conveyancer. LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. Places Hum-mums of all kinds in reliable Hvy will"! cotton Hunting. "ain wide.. .25e White Bedspread», largo true...,.......)." Tattle P,?triv..,..C/C.T.T.".r.'.yi'-,i, :1)nd Floor ilileloth. 1 ttttd 2 yds wide.. . .250: squu i?.t?.,ti?1r.tA/_r.CT..C.'.r."CC.'.'.'C."..Ph'.'fl Jupanhe 3utuntr...i.y.y.y.y.y.y..'.'.:'.%r; Elephant Bangholm P. Top Greystone Kangaroo, Etc. Lac": HE l f III. H.1MILLER. TURNIP SEED MI 4 LACE CURTAINS "his long, gt} inches wide............ Hanover (Tonyeyancer. Hanover 'urtaim. deep! 2Ge Romy and Fri-sh Groceries than on hand MacFarlane d Co. Bruggists ' Bestsellers. It !i '. H. BEAN Wh ite 1Nistr owrskms. . . . . HIM-k Sateen l Field Corn, 3uckwheat, Hungarian, and Millet Turnip Seed JUNE 1, 1905 LA IHEH' Wm CORN 157 Ground Oil Cake and Bibby's Cream Equivalent. 30 iiiiiiii'iGia; y. Corset Cot'ers SELLS in CHEAP . MILLER, All leading varieties in package or bulk. . . . . . .8100. 3.50am! 4.7O cinch rytierritirts....h.. 1.00 each Wtsutr. .. . .x'l: an 1.00 ttttth .--........MetuMt 75cench owns.......7.'vc and 1.00 each t'overs.. . . . Jim-and 50c one): ll ............ 91.00 " a. 400, have worked edges " (lllim ill(lilI DURHAM For your Cattle at _......91.40 etch 25(- andwcayd H2503 square yd .........l;')cnyd .........'ah'abd 2Ne ttle teir ."Oe II 700 in! At thin juncture some well selected Ioloa won sung by Mia Ennis Watt in " The Dar ou Song- of Home." Wm has in " Good-By. Blue Bell," and Wm W Run. an in " Pt'd"2, Britons" White: b out. patriotier “than: of iitt'i,fii' ttt t'tt,l1tW2ldttgt - w I . cub the when: of Ctatnda In lune-1m Til. "2-1994“: amm~ A Inge grant to the institute ll promised which will aid in the purchase of mngaz- iuea to. The speaker held that oncom- ligament should be given the younger girls in Institute work,nsiheir minds if anything were more susceptible to im- prored methods or new idea. Women's Institutes would aim to understand the .. why" of everything, and thought that united lotion on the put of the Men might be Mon up successfully. in car- tailing the any: of an: druadid dice“. consumption. The increased sock] conditinna uquiml is also of great benefit, mutually. by ex. chmge of views and opinions was noted. Min Miller, in introducing the subject of " Women’s Inst." 5 he on the origin of it which took place grit“ Stony Creek by a few ladies assembling themselves together to discuss matters of common interest in their household duties. also on objects to be obtained by the meetings such as the sanimry conditions ot the homes, hygiene, the paper-don of foods, the cultivation end can of fhwsers Ind the cultivation of that taste nnd refine. ment which no to make home attractive. wmewnu dampened b the weeping weather which 'i,','l'a'd7 and doubtless kept many back from an otherwise very entertaining session. Not being poet-awed of the necessary nib (not gal, mark you) we were not privileged to attend the afternoon meet;- ing. but am told that it was highly in. structive. edifying and interesting. The success of the evening meeting wna somewhat {ia‘mpened _by the _we}epmg N ,7 V . __.-.B' vv-vll ‘VLIDII I'll-u- dock and Mus Millar, two talented young ltdieu of Guelph addressed tho meeting of some 40 ladies m nttendauca. A successful mowing of the above was held in Russell Hall here on Thursday afternoon and evening. when Miss Mad. .I--n- _, * I. ..... - Mr Jno. Marshall purchased a fine. mare from the Aitchison bros. this week. Women's Institute at Dromore. Mr Jas. Watson's house is completion and presents a tine ance to say nothing of the COl will atford. Miss Olive Thompson 'spent Vic day in Palmenswn visiting friends returned on Saturday. - 71...- ....u “a: "we" name on his holidays for the past two weeks returned to his position in Owen Sound on Saturday. _ . _,__- ."W rm. ycunnuru last week. The villain Is suspected. Sony to any Mr C. Blyth is not un- Klrovmg in health. He plans to go to nukoka. , .. T Mr John Thompson lost a; valuable cow by congestion of the lungs. _ Miss Tyreman who has been the guest. of her sister Mrs H. Hutchison returns to her home near Brussels next week. - "V. .. "mu ecu-5 a DUI” as ala alum Mr Stanley Telford and Mia Lottie Fee. Without thutery we want to any that we think our Durham Meth- odists friends are as sociable, pleasant and well-behaved it lot as eve? came to assist a meeting and will be welcome again. The lady aecotupruutst to the qum tette was a. correct all-round player. A vote of thanks Was tendered to Imp. Cum hell, the male quartette and Mr Wm. fL"il'ilt Pr'weeds at iii cte and lo eta about. " 90. Meeting closed appropriately with the National Anthem. Mr Julius Keller is recovering from the operation fc r nppen.dicitmperrormed by Drs Jamiesun and Huttun and the formee's son. A disgraceful attempt to blacker) a young lady's character was pet petrated last week. The villain in ...m.‘.,,...... ,_- V7"... u; un- Isle nour. The organizing of a. singing class with Me R. as teacher. was uuyreuted to your scribe. I The speech of the evening was by 1 Imp. (Jaunphcll in the course of which l he prayed that in order to convey to l the mind of " person addressed in [ those days of “big things and wonders ful. " it is almost nee-usury to impress them in "enact, higher. form than what in really necessary in order that they may believe wind you are saving. Ti, call this or that thing merely bad wont _ impress them but "awful " bad will arouse interest. He instanced the frequent misuse of the word, quoting a remark of a Durham ludv who spoke of an " awfully nice quilt. r, He instanced appropriate and emphatic uses of the word, a liar, a. fool, etc. The address was listened to with rapt attention and was helpful. I "w cumcn was soon tWed to over- ttorltnr, Pastor Unmpbell In the chair and he soon had the prom-u under way. After an arming anthem by the chair. the "ma e gunman!" grained with a soul-stirring selection, "' carer My Gm] to Thee" which was homily "noored nod heartily responded to. Germ-l Wm. Raiuuge. of Dmmore. ever rendrto help in a good came, was pres- ent and Run- three or four tine selections being covered each time, hm. with good l judgment excusing himself an. the] "h one owing to the late hour. -iiGeUTi"lii," "irarai%"i"iirr. t um- fl'igg'ettet " this point and. _ a In. get from which we extract has account of the new: .. Douhtleee one of the wt 00mm] social entertninmente ever held in Knox Church was held on Victoria Dar. Fine weather brought. together the youth and I beauty of the n . hoorhood in the easel I evening. And bag m colored wit; not into a game of Imam. [ The Methodist lmleqwletteof Dur-. I tam. accompanieq by _e _ carry-ell of Mr The chmch th"yhor, Part “m, "vcoeuuett by s carry-nu of happy young people ind the whether of of the evening. [unpector Campbell. alt piloted by the min! 000- will! of the Btu-hum Foungry. arrived in due time, and " once [here wage a. tub for inside that gaw- doorkeeper Jan Peter an in- tent"): time. Vim“. Ny at Blythe’s Coma-s. Ah'r. Blythe who . “Wagon any}; , solo udld if: has been home a nne appeal. the comm“, it m. Victoria friends and is nearing we; 1trtiitGitiniiorGrirGT; P's-lit? mottled customer. “in. at: A general Bulking business transected Daft: inued and collection tmade on all polish. Deposits received and inter out Allowed " can-eat rete- MVIIGB I”! .ntemt moved on luv-ism: bank Wt. 21 “All 9nd - bum-(AM AGENCY CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .32,wo.noo CAPITAL. Paid up... . . ...... 1,000.ot.0 RESERVE 1i'UNDl........1,Uojjdj AGENTS in all principal pomtn m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba] United Stage and England. w. P. 00W“, President. 030. P. " 1, Inner. SIMDARD BANK OF GAMMA be; Some evil-minded persons whispered that the drungisl had fired his place for the nuke of the Insurance. and the po- lice arrested him, At once Mrs Atkin- son was made to suffer also. At the time she most needed comfort she was deserted by her own sex in the mining town, the women of Ymir ractically unending her to Coventry. ’Bhis social indignity. added to her other troubles. served to throw hermind offits balance and she drowned herself in the reservoir. "A few months: mm Mrs T. H, Atkin- son of Ymir committed suicnde, after having been socially ostracizwd ,. her husband had just stepped from the dock at the Assize Court at Nelson a hee man pvonounced by the Judge to he win bout, a stain m: " character. Mrs Atkinson died because of ill-natured gossip; to Atkinson irrevocable ruin and misery have come from the same cause. Lt'IrT.--SpetGt correspondence in the Glohe of Saturday last gives fuller. details of this miserable Tistruceorjust.. ice. relating, what We did notknow, that there was a. tragedy springing from it. The relatives and many friends of T. H, will extend to him all sympathy in his great sorrow, while rejmcing that such (-nmplvte vindication came to himself. The yycle in the Globe is us follows: Under the above title. we were pleased indeed to see the following item in the Globe of last week. honorably ac- quitting ton of Mrs Butter., of Price. _ ville. who, by a chain of circumstances. had been suspected of arson. We congra- tulate the son and _delightin the mother‘s Joy. Here is the item t "Nelson, B. C. May 19.--The trial ofdruggist L. H. At- kinson. of Ymir. at the Assizes here for man closed at 6 o'ciock this evening. Atthe conclusion of the Crown's cnse the accused entered the witneas-hox to tell his story. when the foreman of the jur interrupted to state that if the evidence for the Crown was all in, the jury would not require any further evi. i deuce. Atkinson then Rave his story, and the defending counsel declined to address the jurv. After a few words fmmthe coulta. verdict of not guilty was given Ivy the jury without leaving their seats. and Atkinson was honorably discharged by the court. 1 Mrs John Benton. Dromore. the outi- mable president at the loan] -oclety occu- pied the chair neceplnbly to the audience. while Mina Kate L. Dixon. the rueruetic and popular secretary. took note at the proceedings. wrote down the names of many new members and gunned In the slseLru,---com. 8he held that each mu. boy as well " cub link id, to hm for I purpoc. whim to " Lincoln "I. “noon: in the boy, the attention was what made him. The girls ohouhl have In mutant in “no home. would “donor to nuke things bright for the low. by klndueu. by deco:- "ing their rooms. by the an of proper pictures. calling (out: everything um " manly Ind noble. and not than ot war, and bloodshed u as sometime: ttetttt, _ which my bread in the boy's mind a de. sin to hull and any. The boy. no u a; piece of clay in the lands of the KING, elu- tly led for good if an gnu-In will only lend. the two nddremu were very ulnar pro- Jucuoul and Tftir terv highly " the young ludieu' Abilities, The heat of anon- uon was awn: and a vote ot thmntu, wool-d- ed to than: and the otlttr perfume“. " Paat12 oclock " was sum: by M15: M. A. Isaac and Mann Ina-c mud Rummy, and was humanly sutured. Head Office, Toronto. Under the yum w mm on . recent visit then that an. m regarded as the garden of C‘nldn. She at" s in. ductiptioa of but vi.“ to St Luau hit. of tho boll 'lmpod "caption an, " It high. mad. of ' dian "can. we fumiubmgu. the and". the aphobbry, ova-”hing pertaining to it In and. in Gunman. I who... White In» M‘s nut-jeci “a an " Girl's Poubilitiou" Ibo took 'eedsion in opening to mat on the large pawn. ii.- of Cut-d- in being able to supply aim unwilling tequila! by the union. While lummly looting upon um eunu- tim with limit derrick: and dit uelu, u minim Uattrtemttatetu pursuits, was nut- prGod to law on t rgeom via-is than um W“ HMS _ "a; Te. _ F ' I 'th' _i'i'iit, . KELLY, :Agont. l'onorably Acquitted in Order: (for? Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scuff1ers etc. Enquire at this agency. Wervodiny Weeding . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm's make. They give great. satisfaction. Prices Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Jpriny Imp/omen” . . Pete, familial: Jigoncy . I . -9iriN PM! in, G.,&J. McKechniei . THU will“. 'eiissaasgaeasgt asausaLae ___ .2; ed u mull; Ttng Gunn- lexcxratneoae,-ahi. you The Farmer‘s Irttrtiteeto Excnnion to Guelph take. place on Guaranty. June 10th and alt the attotctiomt of cheap 1"tt nnd stay over privilege: an allow- ~11.” mono-q.- " 'dtJ.r,'R'gtst brtA'elllaN Mill 4.0413100. --ttiyor Weaver, of Pttilqdetptti. Ins won t with View” hr civic Wham corporation. by hulk- ing the moms you m lean. Chicago is still in the than. ot I bk Strike. fatalities hive occurred. and the militia may have to be called in. 11trpttd,1ptgsi, With R/MeMtcken at the Hahn House Stable or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. up a cold In a single night, wards " bronchim, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ed- vlse parent!» keep it on hand. and trims to suit purchasers the couple left the Court Home and the It,',",'.',',',',',': " they sued. newline In. 943% victims at c 1'tllT of Ayeris Femoral. Punish an“; it dom for children: broth You can hardly and a homo Ttlttotttthier'y Chevy "AV by; Cherry Pectoral f O r -fi&%hhrh"rsh"i, inn" .0. A m I... W. heel/an MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN Flour and other ingredients. SECnNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see tor yourself. A first class: line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. FIRST of all . fr And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO /T_SL_IITS TO A TY will pine your gervieeg in - demand. Four all! ”#1?” '."rsetrlkpt11f,eiiieiiig,tiitii't new tte; eel" ' M ttUt no time llke the meant to enter. Th . Institution has unexcelled grettt,'"i . full m ot compels!“ 5nd plum lug tenchen. Badman who were jun able to spend a few winter months with us we now liliitig lint-clu- ndtlons. For full psi-cloning Bddeesi, A TERM IN ANY OF nus BE. “\PARTMENTS 0F Tuar- GOOD REASONS f AMLo.tothiiiiiiir"'""" Address" WWI“ mum-Ian, b J. 1. AU"',".'.")',',',': Mm. Elam. . has: minimum without that! 'tGlTtTlhTAWil'd'r'lSht,pt',t.t magma: UEP.eeterttierota-ssn. will he Iold “the Km to tim-. tn mguummhmum ttes;-- .':flrtytti.!,ty..........retmettotuemr.n2 . “Mlmh"......m .. " " 't )...l . "irGrittCihiiiay.;lltl u n7.- " Lugs: Etttgrtetts, my 10. ms swim-sons ‘. H. STINSON. " FLBIING. Prine pal Owen Sound Made to oraer iriTart Styles on shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES a" ma 1'ithtr " " " " j..CiC ad lim on can lots. ml: 'll"llr,'At: III/.223 we use only the finest other ingredients. Binder Twine. J. M. run. l' ' 'htPtd.eesstusr.q-a. and G in... io mammal» om Immune: Tey By denhulLuumu but... Kev. u. u. JOHN CLARK. D. MoPHA IL Licensed Auctioneer to the County of any. I4tt-AAare-rt, thee. ot . an. ML he no EM- 'tttill/gint?..'., i',iitsVehllUfM'2'h','leti"li,Si,a2 00102. HcKenzie’u Old Sand, Dnrham low-y Public. Commissioner. Convey "our. Vuluator. insunnce Agent. to Private Money to Loan. Colloc- tionl of all kinds promptly at ben, ded to. Farms bought And sold Tenn- moderate. Ammenu tor no!!! G cementum”; “them'm- lice, Dunn. 00.3.01: "flTjyteittee,i,iit than. or to . " V min amended to, him on inane-don to my Licenced Auctioneer for On (In. mu. menu for a Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. to. Bu'rlston. Solicitors. Convertuteers, Ac. Money to Loan. (Y"'. McIntyre Block, over the Hank A. G. Mushy K. C. W. F n...- -_ _- . _,,___-, .w-wwuu' w-WMII pm. Elth of doc-cud r :0!- looted that ad Enema:- and Fi?::':.'?' uteri coo-nu wrap-god Ill fund arm " Com Busing. Prob.“ ot Wit a. Letter» Ill% Won Ga fhetirtitiit; Ohm-0d. sou- chu and. in may one. and Titles roportod on Jammy and funk Fund. to Loan on low. “love- no.- of than“. Valuation and. by Aeolian-hat Ind Mum vuuum. A i. - tttBee-----; f1ttNotton. ad Annoy prom my utundod to Wills. Booth. long-cu. Lesion, Amman-mu he. 's9rsttttr pup-M. mum of doc-cud per ton- [00:04 that And Emma:- and isAll-mun "tow mutant. od cu rum urmcn Court Business p,',',?,'.',, ot Wit I. Lone" ot Ad mum-n1 fherdtluitaip' ("Lulu-d. mu- ch... mul- In nu-..- __-. - HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrgoona of Ontario. Rooms. Over J & J HUNTERS New Store orto Auctioneers. Block , Altman GUN. m. p Once. " but trt, Will be It the the an: Rad, Mee, over Gordon'. Jewelry Store or?!“ IOU" 70.00.... Cum. No IARRIOTER. Sottp tam-raw - Cour-VA- LLC.P..IMO.. !.?P"a"mlru-iid'iA"gi'dfl1'l',t Dionne. of Eye. In. Non. and' . In" I ' ninth... 'dtlJe.l'tt.'gttttgesuei t_e. '. C. PICKERING B. D S., L. D. S DENTAL. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. FFICE FIRST DOOR E the Du nun Pharmacy a. Residence first donrw old Post Oftice, Durln ”Wmummmm, Wont-mountain. We, Ear, Nose i, T5031; many & DUNN, 'tl'fW&f.'=tittitiiiiyra J. I. wanna...- udmnt to Imam (In-don to Kmpp'n (New York) Ev. Hm- ttrn- mg” nad "moon. ----Ne_ co. W In I”. LEG-AI... :31!ng McCAUL Coylou bu n We oloe. - __ - "'"._." " " an: Wetland.)- 07 a to A. a. an d p. u Imam omega 0 c. “nan. Durham MEDICAL‘ ROPE! . P. TELFORD LOWER 'l'OWN. DUKE”. Money to Long Plum“ ' mmGG," - J. M. Hum!”- ""71 'to " A.I. . JACKSON, DR. BURT DB. BROWN. Kidd-ugh Home. nu_rham “.41-- _ . 65833 ca." "uaa, new: (laden. up and York) he Hanan... Modern.“ ll each 'Giitriiaii ‘mocy Cnldeii. Ivor won of th Durham. (Tom . F Dunn ‘. Grey EA ST Owen Sound H and um " it Pl

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