West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jun 1905, p. 8

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fl.) " l l) l t 'I, é? "ri, 1"rti"R", indebted to the firm of N.. G. & . Mckechnie are hereby required to call and settle their accounts with the said firm, either by note or other- wise, within the space of one month from the date hereof for the purpose of settling up the affairs of the Estate of the late Neil McKechnie. Any outstanding accounts after the above named date. will be placed with our Solicitor for collection. Dated May 8tlt19F., - -- - For. School Section No l, Glenelg. A male teacher thh second class profes- sional certificate. Salary at the rate of 'too per annum. Duties to commence on the third Monday in August, Appli- cations must be in the hands of the undersigned not later than the. 16th " of J une. Personal application pretend GEO. BINNIE, Secretary. Bunessan. In the matter of the Estate of the late Neil McKechme I--- Distinguished for ”Thoroughnou" Jan. 2, 111).} Comer Yonge nad Alexander an. i all)?“ PelP. ""atttitpit tad other: dur- " uv n wt. tt ourgrymmtesttet positions. Circulars free. Enter my time. Ctstalogttte hee Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Stock and likely ani- mals Apply to _ -- - -- HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. Will be sold, or rented separately it desired, that well-known hotel and de- sirable stock farm at. the Rob Roy, Lot 101ml li, Con. I, B. D. R., Glam-lg. PII acres in farm, more or Iran. Blacksmith Shu , on one corner, Hotel across their maul. Every Held well watered. imilei from school, and 1 mile from post ofBee. Four miles from Durham. Good‘ brick house with 10 rooms. stable with stone foundation. frsme barn, stone pig ( pen. and good hearing orchard. Terms! town purchaser. Apply Box ll, Durham P. o. G. RYAN, Prop.| fl _/ About 7 miles from Durham on the Garafraxa Road. Title good. Posses- sion at once. must be Hold. Apply to J. P. T311031). Durham, Feb. 22. 1905. 100 Acre FARM for SALE a 77 2:84;?" - l ( Jf'irc,.r 3.12.122" t Fr, _.' .. o.', b., T' y/i(il:'i)'l,illai,i,'if" '8 ly' We have a full I F, t t'r “85.)!\ FILLED consms in J 3% ij, l Also the mom gag; CORSET at 31.00. ,5 lh J 50eand60eiatheWT ' “If g F , Company of London. I (l lil, "itll g 'd . 'd a t tl .6 ‘ E): L ' o a TEACHER WANTED. TORONTO. ONT. FOR SALE. N.. G. a J, Mcchnxn-‘n NOTICE. W. J, runs. SCARY & Sosa. Rocky Sangeen P. 0. ' V" _.-, " _ 7 Mr Fred Reay has been making ONT. 'CUT l quite an improvement on his dwelling Alexnnder su. by having it veneered with brick. when tutd “henna“; Miss Nellie Gadd, of Lakeside Bar 1g'tterl,Vt're.ate' get [ gin], Chicago, visited at Mr. W. Der- ELLIOTT. Principe]. " on Saturday of last week. 'orseta! Corsets Corsets! We have a full range of the B. & I. BIAS ED CORSETS in Drab and White at $1.00. Also the CROMPTON STRAIGHT FRONT G. T. R. from Durham to Mount Forest on the west and as far south as Grand I Valley without a railroad. Between ‘Durham and Grand Valley in almost . a direct line is a number of thriving (villages, each with its manafaetareg l that could supply a great dealot traftie ‘ltoarailroad. There is still a large l quantity of timber in the district map- l ped out that would add greatly to the , amount ot trade. The track is nearly 'all downgrade, so that the hauling would be easy and there are no very large streams to cross. It seems to many that this route, it chosen by the C. P. R., would prove of almost ines- timabie value to the people of this district and could not fail to be a. pay- ing line to the C. P. It. Co. Between Mount Forest on the west and Shel. barne on the east is a stretch of beam. tital country twenty eight miles in ex- ltent over which all the products of forest and farm have to be moved to the railroad. This in our stormy win- lters is too far to be profitable to the farmersor manufacturers. I think it Ewould be well for the parties in this district to take up this matter at once and make a united effort to get a trailroad. Vickers. Born-On Saturday, the 13th inst. to Mr and Mrs Robs Johnsam, a. eon. Mr Wm. Legate moved into his handsome new residence on hie farm last week. V Born-tht the 13thinst., to Mr and Mrs Jas. Charlton, a daughter. Mr Washington Winter of Conn spent Sabbath with Mr John Sinclair. Well Mr Editor, it is reported that Durham is to have a branch of the C, P. R. from the west ot the town tosome int on the Owen Sound branch. {any good but a look at the map showsa wide. fertile, Tell-populated tract of country lying between the Owen Sound line on the east and the The .. Holstein Leader" has taken its tirgt step. May success attend it. U The weath'er is very unfavorable for sheep washing. Miss Sadie Sinclair. who was operat- ed on for swollen throat,is now quite recovered. Mr and Mrs Todd of Birdell visited their son James here last week. The many heavy frosts are, keeping the grass and grain very short. The grgyvth is very slow. - L An ' WHITE, 1 Srant. -- Yeovil. extra good corset for made by the Wray ', 'shEl h4i3ii, The Council held a Court ot Revision in Bliton’s Hotel on Saturday, May 27. Considerable grumbling was done by the people about the new assessment aet and bad assessment having been made. The law-suit of McDonald and Me. Ardle at Owen Sound is over, coming: out in favorof McDonald. Some thought McArdle’s case was well shown up. McDonald acknowledged that he brought the books home to his house and made changes, and the judge said it would have en better had it not been done. We hear rumors of appeal- ing it and such reports that we will not mention now. More of our neighbors are talking of law. It is an easy matter to talk tl- bout here now. We understand our Council will appear in the Dlvision Court " Dnndalk next month over a wire fence by-law. Died at Toronto about the 20th ot May, Arch. McMullin cousin of the Messrs McMullin south line Artemesia aged about 64 years. Mr McMullin was at one time a resident of this place and was the first schoolteacher who taught in Priceville school in an old log house on Durham Road street 45 years ago. His body was taken up here and buried in the Presbyter- ian graveyard in this village. Mr David Allen is rejoicing over the birth of a daughter on Sunday morn- ing the 28th. We hearqit hinted that he is going to Durham soon to see In- spector Campbell about better school accommodation for Hopevllle.. Success Dove. we hope you will be able to get Mr Campbell’s insistence in the matter. A new industry for Bopeville-a new cement works by Mr. Wm. Dezell. It is not 1gfltl, to the Durham works but ha is ding n stable now undistorted uniting cement blocks for a. new house for himself. The weather has been good and fol-men have the futiattds in crop, " thongh lute. It is said that our esteemed towns- man, Mr Dougald McCormack caught a trout recently that weighed 4; lbs and was weighed by Warden McArth- ar; it Mr McCormack said so and our good Warden weighed the, fish the story cannot fail from being the truth. Misses Kate and‘Bella Campbell of Toronto are " present at home on the north line where they intend to stay for some time. The t,"g,',,",',rne't, in the free- bvterhn Church to on My the 2188 of Key was we! attended and the ettteetainatimt on the following Monday evening was well appreciated by the audience. The Misses James of this town are not improving much. Much sympathy is felt for Mr James for his troublesome times with family sickness. Miss Jadet McEachern of Toronto is spending her time at home now on the south line Glenelg. A Inge number otthe young people In the vicinity take the advantage of attending the Revival meetings going on " resent in the Ebenezer Method- ist C arch. Itis to be hoped that these meetings wil be the means of leading may to enjoy the realms of Christian life. Dr Hutton of Durham was visiting a patient lately in Proton, near Bal- sag Va_lley. - Alex. Livingstone, Jr., operated on for appendicitis a couple or more weeks ago isgetting along well and soon will be around again. Mr: Wm. McLeod. Br. south line, is suffering with heart trouble and " times her lite in deepen-ed ofbut we hope to hear of this estimable lady getting better and that she may yet bespared for many years to be a comforttober lite partner in his de- cliging years. -- - - . . Rev Mr Matheson preached a good sermon on the lite of John Knox last Sabbath morning and in the evening he preached on the Reward of the ungpdly. -- _ - -- Rain again on Monday afternoon crops are picking up very well after the late trost. Mr Allan McLean Sr. is sick and perhaps seriously so but hopes are entertained for his recovery. Commissioner Neil Mchnel is somewhu under the weather for the last few days but we hope a few days' rest will bring him to his usual healtbt and strength again, soon. I iLUiisiiitGr" for "k few'davs and attended service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last. Councillor John A, McMillan of Glenelg, is laid up for the last few months and was unable to attend Council meetings the last two sessions. We sincerely hope as the weather now is beginning to be summer like that he will econ be able to attend to his day'es at home and in his oftieial cap- acity. We believe it is a positive tact now, that the railway is to come through to Priceville. No doubt a number of those along the line who are so fortun- ate as to have it come within stew feet of their doorsteps would sooner haveit miles awav. John Nichol's barn it it said has to be shifted, at Duncan McDonald’s it comes between the house and the barn and others it comes right close Ito house or barn. Buwever we are patiently waiting, for to hear the whistle coming into town. Mr and Mrs Franks of Erin Tp., yieitgd " their gnugbtgr’s, Mrs Arch: Warden MeArthar spent a few davs " Owen Sound lately on County bag- iness. The Amherst! tiopeville <-> Eccléu. N. Reid. U. Shieli. o. Stuck; o. Shiels. Part I Jr--R Bede. I Boson. gm. Bullies! E Ate, A, We wonder who was champion on Sunday evening last. Report of S. S. No 9 Egremont for MAW. Glass IV-a Burrows. E. Ham- ilton, L Eccles. Sr In-J. Match, o. Reid, A. 1‘qu0 Jr 1rr--it1 Hutch, L Hamilton, N Rem, H Hamburg. A. Whyte, M. Keith, A Ecclos. P Reid. R Keith. Jr li-E Match, NMutch. M. Allen, J. Smith. N. Troop.- F. Hamilton. J Bilton', H Grout. Pdrt li-AI Hun- ilton. B. Eccleu. J Spence. M Spence. G Allen. l Ross, E U'tiurehiti, A Rotters, A Smith. PtwCV-lr. Rectum} Cum- I Mr Dan McDougall of Bentinck was {seen through this section of the coun- try, piloted by Red Sondv. We un- 1iet,l1i;l he WES employed try the C. Miss Alice Gregson of Toronto is visiting triends around the Park at present. We understand a new man has started to flah, so Mr Wilson will not catch all the trout. A young gentleman has found a. curious nut. He wonders what mater- ial H is made of as he cannot crack the she . The singing class was organized on Thursday' evening last with over fifty members. Mr Jas. and the Misses Ferris of Glamis are visiting at Mrs Jas Ferris’ at present. . Miss Aggie Ferguson of _l0ple Park visited at D. Campbell's on Sunday last. Miss Bell visited at D. Me0ormaek'e on Sunday evening. 801mm henvy from creed on for the test coupleofweeks. nodemm done om to the cool weather. The fruit trees on making one o blur: tlwre 'lG)'tT'a"ll2'.'v'iurl'l flit it no down» he done be hunt or blight. The fall when: is generally a promis- Ing crop through this section tfer-ttrs, also hey crops. espeeislly new mend- our. 1 Mr D. MoCannel's knee it gaining lsome. A lento number from around here encoded the meeting " Demure to appoint delezates for Toronw to see about the railway to come hy way of Dromore. Our Reeve Mr Welter ‘Bestie is e representative of the Tp. of Pgtremont. Representatives of the tamers ore Messrs George Lothian and John Snell. the merchents try John Findley. our saw mill by Mr Orchard.. Those are five who so to Toronto on Tuesday the 30th. I am tttttttdied those .men are of good ability. The Rev J. H. Edminson of Chelten- ham preached a very able sermon on Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Sunday last. Intended for an me'? The weather has dried up and the farmers are rejoicing as they can get their wetland sown. Messrs Donald McCoskery and Dan McKinnon spent the 24th at the home of Mr Il'. McComb. They spent the afteignoon titshiog and had very good Inc . Mrs Wine: of Toronto is at present waiting on her mother, Mrs A Bell, who has been sick bat is now improv- ing. Mr and Mrs G, McComb are _holidar. mg at the former's parental home at present. Rev. Mr Newton, of Durham. is at present holding revival services at Glenelg Centre. Mi-C. Kennedy intends building a new barn this summer. He will now be able to rush things having Johnny home again. Mr A. McArthur, who has been in poor health for some time, is all right a gain, we are glad to say. Miss Maud Wilson, teacher. vislted homelast Saturday and over Sunday and had a fast driver. Maud lxkes her school well. Mr John Kennedy returned from Toronto last week and intends staying for the summer at his home here. P. R, Ca. in order mace it it would pay to build a railway by wayof Dromora If we don't got the railway 1 know it won 't be Dan’s fault. William Marshall visited this town last Sunday. Are are {leased to hear Wm is the father of a. uncing bnby boy. Misses L. Aldcorn and M. Knox are enjoying the fresh breezes of the coun- try. Business is booming around here. John Hill has started a shingle mill again this spring. B. Mvers is engineer and fireato 100 lbs. Juhn cuts them in piles and Brown edges them as straight as a rule and Rob packs them by the thousand. Mr Ramage's music class at B. Park now numbers 61 and likely to increase. It is some time Mr Editor, since we have responded but we will try to jot down a few items once more. Mr and Mrs George Haw visited " John Ferguson 'it. Rev Mr Buchanan, Dundalk, will lecture in S. Park church on the 14th of J une. his topic being his trip to Scot- land. Those who enjoy a good racy address had better co. Mr and Mrs W. J. Wilson spent the 24th in Nottawa at their daughter's Mrs Hugh Wilson. M. M. Nana-m, Teacher. bNTA' Swinton Park Honor Roll. Boothville Rob Roy. wW'iait'kih9t,'F; "it'ki'Y. "t,'F',"et,ti'ie ':h7tit9tgtzpt _ ' . TORONTO Keith. A. !C. MCARTHUR EVERYTHING in fresh GRO.. Coffee and Cocoa, Spic_es. Bo Sues to bring your Sealer when you come for those many Bulk Pickles. Cash or Trade for Produce. All are invited and all should take this opportunity of visiting the farm, which in all its different departments, is worthy of inspection. The experiment- a1 plots of all varieties of grains. grasses, roots and forage crop ; the different breeds of Live Stock ; the Farm Dairy ; the Creamery ; the Cheese tuyory ; the Museum and the Flower Department ; the Rural Consolidated School Buildings, where the children from five School Sections are taught in a good graded school, and the McDonald Institute, a school for fermem' daughters, The immense buildings have been erected by Sir William McDomld of Mom. reel. Am le train aeoomodetlon will be provided. and everything will be 2'llrort't',tl Make your arrangements earl y and take in this excurs‘on. W. J. Young, Pres. S Grey, Durham P. O. S. Waters, Pres. E. Wellington Kenilworth P. O NEW GOODS The Excursion will start by special trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations, and tickets can be had at the following rates for the round trip. Trdins will run according to the following time table: Leave Adults Children , , Leave Adults ChildIen 32:33:; 'ell,'".."" 5:93 W3 i 1iY,?oTflft' 'jile."'. or; 'tg . . . a . l , " ". 6t . . HULSTEIN 8.20 " 1.15 .00 gl Pf/it??'"' m: " Ill,' fl, MT.FOREST 8.35 .. 1.05 .55 I ALSFELDT 3.05 " iii 255 Arrive at Guelph 10.35 a. m. Returning leave Guelph at ti.30 p. m. Tickets good to return on any train on the 12th. Bargain Seekers J.: 240 yds Print '"t.h..8.e.1 300 yds Wrapperette New Lustres "tg,, .15 Men's Suits 1n"r'r'l? Will be held under the auspices of the South Grey and East Wellington Farmers Institutes. on GRAND EXCURSION to Model Farm Highest Prices paid for Produce. Made of iltte green wire, nicely mounted in oiled and varnished frames. Also 3 pr of Spring Hinges and 9. Pall, all complete Don 't worry about the tiiete anv longer. Bay a now tl & up to $3 and a. few WINDOW SCREENS. The Screens cost only 30e, 40c, and 45e. - seekers Delight to sargaln visit our store during the summer months as we are continually plseing exceptional values on the Bargain Counters " such ridieu.. 1011st low figures. It helps us out to clean up our stocks and it must surely benefit the customers. Every person says we sre doing the trede in Durham and what everybody says must be true. You will always find it to be the one in every city or town that the Store selling the most goods sells the best goods and at the lowest prices. Business succeeds business CERI ES. Canned Goods of all kinds Best TEAS in bulk and packages. LACE at tk per rd and upw unis. Double fold white Muslin for Win dow-Trlmmmg at 15c per yard. Black Cashmere Ito" 25c per pr. The Big, Stare Peanuts, Alex. Russell. - Lunch Provided on the Farm. And the Ontario Ag. College, GUELPH, Saturday, June IO, 1906. Primes, Omdy. etc. In Fancy Tweeds, (w. for. .... Screen Doors Another lot in. in all colors. Woeth8eand9ts, for...... ... _ . -'-_. no U. "AAN ired to send h post mid or $§§fifiglr to J. P. h"E,',','t IoliCItor for the executors on or before the 2nd DAY OF JUNE A. D. 1%. th l names. addr-, sudden-i n- will; full lawman. of 'l2TI'2ltt"g theirchlmn and the nature 'pethoaeetrc itv (if any) held by them dat eaetitted, and that after the an! dae an execut- oal‘avomdzéeud to tho the " was. en- titled thereto. tll'/lllt',tlta m] to the china ot qettieh' they attatt Lt lave notice. Dated windward ”1.0.1“. J. P. Tina-n. Won-for the ”locum 36 in wide, Blue, Rods. &e, worth 20e, per ynrd . . . . ha .- 156%" W; Cnr, " Bur m, m. on y o , er- chant, deem. "y NOTICE m HEREBY GIVEN unu- ant to R. B. 0. law, Llap. Ill,' Sec. 38 and Amending Acts, that .11 m. having chin" against the estate of the said _ ell .?1ekiitttttie, who died on or about It,tl? day onchober A. D. In, Iu the Surrogate Court o the C ftiat In the matter a; the 59m ' g Hngchm’c, late of the Talon a! fdt,',1P2, m. es County of Grey, Ker- Geo. Bingie, A. Hellyegj, Set Notice to Creditors "'3 TI , Secy. EWellin n Kenilworth P. o. E00 “I”, Secv. 8. Grey, Bnnemn P. o. 45c to Tlic $6 to 12.00 S: per yd 12,1, I) 'N8 N?,

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