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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1905, p. 1

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[Red 905. visit our atom atinrtaliy placing s at such ridiew. ean up our stocks Every person I what everybody llitupto$3 rdel Farm MPH. ore in every city or s sells the best Icceeds business Ie. Cred arm. 5c per yd 1lt, ‘75“: l2 :1.,.c 45c to 75c $6 to 12.00 tr the Produce. ll. May A shed frames " part, lo, and 45c If: D. “In ht to " W new: h") 'ap, then M t Special Sale . . . VOL. XXVII. NO. 23 5:33EXT-CEEWEEEEESEEEEEEEWEQGE 2tiitiy"ei?h,yeihhieiji,; i,?,! 3 Special Lines E " Gl Men's Shirts Td'."?,,".),,',".'.".' (Laceenact)........................ .... 3tAwJre gc.:...).-..-.-:..)....--" .4999! 500 rai, Fang? Muslim} reg. 150. for The newest and prettiest of the season?. styles are sept. seated here, and the colorings are very dainty. New Cotton Voile: and Gt1spe-tu-Chenetr. . .. ... . 180 per y Plow llama Voile (Lace enact) ...... .....A.A.... ....A... “.2; Made of excellent qualities of Cravenette cloth in the new- est styles. We're giving genuine bargains in this line. Here are some ample prices ". Lwea' 381nm. reg. '12.oo...............reduttfa to 810. " reg. 8.50............... " 7. '. reg. 6.00to 6.50........ .. 5. Boots and Shoes Ready-made Clothing For Men and Boys Wash Goods and Muslins We have a great assortment of Men’s Shirts-in new patterns and mater- als. We can promise that any shirt you buy here will fit both you and your pocket & give satisfactory wear Is on the bargain list just now. Or if you prefer a suit made to your order, we'Il take your measure and Save You lousy. Don't forget that this store is headquarters for the bent makes of Boots and Shoes to be had in Durham-or any where elttrat prices a? ltr, gas can be put on good gooiltyari OQOQWO James Ireland. 0f Ladies' Raincoahl I Ate, m] GQOQGQO OQOQvO‘O 699$”. i ”111an y", "*- V .......1Ooi)ery1 I,rr,,':,r,'f,5s' , (Joan Dunn“: No. 11L-ahe mem- bers of Court Durham No. 111 will at. tend Divine Service in the Ba tist Church at the hour of 11 o'clock on gun- day, June 11th. Members are requested to meet at Guider’e Hullat 10.80. A free mil offering in aid of the Forester-f Orphan Home will be taken at the Hell. War. JOHNSTON. Jn., Sec’y. DON'T FORGET TT.-ltte members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church have arranged an excursion!» N iagsra Pulls on Friday, J ulv 7, includ- ing all elation: between here and Elan. (inclusive) Special trainleuveeDurham lt 7 a. m. and will return evening of same day. Tickets good to return on 'any train up to Monday l0th. Fare: Adults $2.35: Children $1.2). Further pal ticulare later. MILITIA LUNP..--At Niagara Unmp next _ week it is estimated that about 0000 men and 1400 horses will assemble for the manual drill. This will probably he the last gathering on the historic spot and it is inted that new ground on Lake Simcoe. about 15 miles from Barrie is to be selected for the pampose. More ren- aral we suppose. until probably tillere h? eat-e pat to _o soldier Pt. Fin 'ls'urit2Mteatglgirdfiit IE 3-K?" of regular and methodical habits and for the past ten or twelve years has been employed as janitor of the bank. In his active life he was very .widely known, having in pre-rmlroad days, driven stage between Walkerton and Durham, Walkerton and Clifford. Durham and Mount Forest. etc. His wife is a. sister of Mr B. Putherbough. Bentinck. and she, with their only daughter Mrs tde1Uvish; whose home is near Uedarvi1le, will sincerely mourn the loss of Moving husband and father. We extend condolences. Funeral to Durham Cemetery, Thursday M2 p. m. IACROSSE THIS SUMMER Ywr.-After so much uncertainty as to whether Dur- ham could boast of a C. L. A. lacrosse team this season, the matter has been dettnitely dectded and the Durhams will he in line A district, more to the home club’s satisfaction, has been ar- ranged comgrising teams from Durham. Hanover. b'outhampton, and Owen Sound. This gives each town three home games and .will make a closer fight tor district honors. The schedule for the new district is to be arrang- ed in Hanover Tuesday. Later-The Hanover and Southampton represepta- tives came to a disagreement over their game which was scheduled for Fiiday in Hanover. Hanover still wants it but Southampton desires a postponement until they can get together a team; ac- cordingly no schedule hasheen formed as yet. The Wellington: are now very sweet and guarantee good treatment to all visiting teams. Messrs Dr Bolt and Norman McIntyre represented the Dur- hams, and the outlook is that t9outh- ampton will be. out, the district "ta composed of Durham. Hanover an Owen Sound. THE LATE BEN MArag.-On Tuesday morning June 6. the grim leaper gath- ered in another of the old pioneers of this district in the person of Mr Ben Male. For a month or two back he has been eonfined to the house with a. disease ot the stomach which at no time gave much hope of his recovery though he lacked for nothing in the shape of medical skill. nor in the kindly ministrations of wife and daughter. The deceased was about: 70. years of age Tm: LATE Mas thtitto.-.The home of Mr and Mrs Wm Calder and the Graham family were plunged into grief last week by the news of the death of Mrs Graig. daughter of Mrs Graham. and only sis- ter of Ira Wm Calder. She died at her home in bamnsw on Monday. May ahh, as a result of an operation. For a year or two back she has been greatly afflict- ed and has undergone several operations but the end came at last. Mrs Calder left Tuesday ',T,'gt,"i but of course was too late to see her in ife. The remains were brought to Mr Calder’s on Thurs- l day last, accompanied b! the sorrowing ' husband and sister an by her three t brothers, John and Neil of Indiana. and Finley of Midland. Interment took since to the Durham cemetery on Fri- y, the services being conducted by Rey'ds Faguharson and Newton. may; beant ul and appropriate t1ora1 em ms surrounded and covered the coma. thegittot loving friends in her American home and some hom this neighborhood. Oneson about 6 years te, '8'}!th a mother’s love. Ir re ye Satin-day morning. the brothers remained allay with their mother and sister here. the ftmt "who ford-wt was. AnotherhrotherAllur Graham is Ihthota and to It; 1 we” extend sympathy _ The Review and Daily Star to new Subscribers to end of yeq- for only um. Easily remitted. Do ‘t now. Inspector Campbell gun a very ahle Midi-cu to a large congregation In the Methodist Church last Sunday evening. Dr Brown, spec-Mist in go. our. not! and throat. will be at the nap? Hot? Durham, SsturdsyJune 10th. mm 1 to 6 p. m. Eves tested and 0m cupphed. THE Excmauotc-prhu is the “an! outing given by the Ifnemee's Inuit!” which promise: to be sucvuful no 'l'". For an. ace. see the Id on m To Lter.--1he room: above A Me- Luhhn'u store. recently occupied by DrGun an oMee. To rent on any terms. Apply tc Brick for sale. or will 'nret+ for wood. Apply to Ayling Wigan, at the irrickyard, Durham. owmsg Ar,u' OPICS W H 83‘s. Beer A. P. WA. I. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE t, 1905. ." ”9""1! .. "T' t" _ g _ , _ 7. _ ' I _ It,; a I. / ' . _ _ ', ' t t' V“ l . I t I . e 3 , . 'r _ , I l . HOTEL Prrrtcaratm,--The Middaugh House properly has been bought by a Mr Murphy, of MarlcGle. the rice we have been told being 812000. ghis is a notableclmngo for, for the Best time the groperty leaves the family of the huil er, the late H. J. Midduugh. Mr Murphy is a man of experience and in due time will no doubt be running It himself. In the meantime the present. popular tenant Mr Dwis stays on. For that new Beuffler, go to Barclay let Bell's. A large stock to choose tom. THE HOLSTEIN LEADEit.---IAst week we received a. copy of this new paper which is a. readable well-got-u 6- column quarto. The publisher is h,, o. M. Seim. formerly of Ayton, We have had occasion to my many nice things of the pretty little village and must congratulate them on now buying a. local editorial vmce to arouse civic in- terest and to champion local im rove- ments for we notice ye editor-is t'll,',l1'Jl; urging the building of cement sidewalks in is adopted village. 1i,teaiidicfitgttiot,tttg,t',i,d. The newspaper man hates an old item ashadly as a lady does lust year millmer- y. Give us personals and other items when they are fresh. Don't wait until your friends bnye been with you several weeks before telling us. ltU a Courtesy you owe your visitors to see that their arrival is mentioned, und in season. J. L. Piarite " making to order a {Incline of lulieo' tip-£04m can". in [any cmmettel. Catt and no thou. You will be delighted. T DELEGATES PRESENT THEIR CLAIxs. --The delegation that went from Dro- more to interview Mr. Lennard. the C. P. R. Superintendent of Constrpction in Toronto. were courteously received and their plans Rivets consideration, with a promise we understand that ex- ports should look over the territory on or near the switch line Railway and from the Lake, eastward Dromore way. Dr Jamieson, M. P. P. fell in with the delegation and was with them at their interview. Mr Miller. M. P,. had been expected but found it impossible to get away. If this course is adopted the line we d strike the u. Sound branch at Proton Station and would be tive or six miles Ionget than the P.rietiilt route. a fact which will tellsgainst it, though It is claimed construction will be easier and a wider market secured. Mon new Ran es 'ust in “It!” and Bell's. Rea: tbeJir Id. this went. If you want to purhamr a. house and lot in Durham, one A. K. Jackson. Price reasonable and good terms. Mr Levin. In: rented the Slur: stormmuthot the new Banner bloc and hu this week moved " dt y good. aback into it. Tabernacle medium. in change at Evmgeliut. Thou; Bell. of Hamilton at now in progress in Allan Park. mmttr--r will pay for groan. trimmed Beef Ring Hides tree of can and hole. Tie per lb. 21h. per hide tare. The Beavers. of Beaforth, Oat. " tested the Cannon. the champion lwrouo team of the United States. by a score of 7 to 4 In Brooklyn. IaMmnutB.---Rev Dr Walter. Mare. thue. ingndg ailing g. "riey. of lecture- ttt Bar in rhtegl of mind of course t must needs so brough Durham. North Wellington Educational As. mention bu noted money to keep an ad in the 03%; papers at the head of "Teachers ante-d" column. akin}! teachers to refrain from answering I not touting salary. This will tend to mitigste the throat cutting practice of of underbidding. " - Ill-v Uuuuuy- III - """""" beginning in July. on " Rome and the Holy Land, " The Rev Gentle man has travelled there and has therefore a personal knowledge of his topic. Ad- mission 10 cts. DEFEATED AT HAsovrrm.-The Dur- hems opened their Lecroeee season with a. defeat this year when Hanover. in an exhibition match. whitewashed them to the tune of 5-0. 66 Go West, youn men "did not in this case prove gong advice, hut lack of practice wee mainly responsible for the lose of the game. Hanover secured 4 out of the 5 goals in the fltst half. while in the lost half. the Dun-heme had them [pinto Screpping wee much in tandem» on th sides. but no one was eeriouelv hurt, Norman Me- Intyre. often. a referee, holding the players well in hand. None of the boys put ope really star game. but with e strengthened teem end more tice, they Will nuke the otheu raw, the 'ttel st!t,i,'e'iiifiitlli,i' ma... present o n up t 0. Involle . Mfs, ' cover we. r1: l let me. W. Me. l in! Dot. Home; H M. Smithgeentre. Ms“ hone. Wale; Sad home. Hunter; let hone. McIntyre: mu. Levelle “new. W. Luella. Our item last week maniac!“ the starting of the Separator works ould have read " Durham Mmufwtnring Co. " lunged of .. Fnrmers' Mama-atm- ing and Supply Co. " WANTS " Iooc-0ttrh, in the [about aspirant, for a. branch of the C. P. R. to run ham Hanover to Bouthunpton gassing through Cheeky and Burgoyne. he business men have met and a. petition with MO signatum forwarded to the C. P. R. authorities. The Enter- prise thinks it Is now or never. Paisley is to have her Pork Factory running msin by Oct. lat, under the. management. of n Mr Buck and the Ad- 'g,'tt,t,'2Jtf, f,rgt,t1 to ll",'.'.,,,",,'?.",'."., ems supportm ttoodw) o eve business man and citizen while hedevg ops a. large and prodtabie business. It never rain: bat it pout-I. All +ettie milway trt2tn.aeet te Gear- T. Sam-a. 'aiip2t, 'ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The loss ot'life is greater than was expected last week : some estimate killed or drowned at 10,000. Certainly it is fearful and spectators say the sight was bevond all human description. Three cruisers. battered and beaten, have turned up at Manilla after seven _ days. A nice diplomatic situation now confronts the United States. One of them, the Oleg, will require GOdays to I repair, Aurora 30 days, Jemtchug 7 3 days; poesibly they any have to re-l main here till the cloee of the ter-i which will certainly be the latest thing ! for them. Togo. like Nelson, used e? battle signal. and we don't think hel would deny getting the hint from the I hero of Trafalgar v-compare them '. 1 N elnon [ ' ' Enxlami ex- seen every mun to o " duty. " Judge Meredith holds that it. is so liable and assesses 8t,ti00 damages against the two townships for failing to provide the guard. The plaint ills in the (use are Albert Plant, a farmer, of Ezremont township. and his wife. Mrtule driving this spring their horse bolted and took them over the embank- ment on trtoad on the line between the two defendant townships. We visitedh ,iuiig'tg'r,1g, ttf. ex trytnpathrtorhitswounds. The Bush!) ll,',' turn we: courteous en h to any " regret wu tempered waging baton by such a. generous foe. C Uhsstr--Ine, Redford. Jack Bryan and Norman handgun cet. What Judge Meredith considered an 2 Important pointm the law regarding', tholmliilily of municipalities to keep: their roadways in a safe condition. was i decided by him yesterday in intuit“, against the townships of Minlo und’: Nornxanty. a Japan will erect a monster Light- house on an island " the scene of the bottle. u a memorial of her great vie- tory. Thisis a tribute to Japanese good sense. for. being near to her neval hue, it will inspire patriotism inthe may who see tt, and will be pracdeelly useful " the lune time. Jr I-M5adie McDanuld. Leone Flam. Ella. Carson. Roy Watson. Charlie Hav. ens. lull Crawford. The question was whether on raising the level of a. road by means of an em- bankment. the municipality is bound in protect it hyn unrd rail. Mid. on fail- ing to do Bo, is fd'tf) in damages. The Car. it in said, still declines to nuke pence. One writer an: 66 The world bu not yet loomed that the laws of logic sud unity. much less of humus motives. do not control the Basin policy." Andthilisthe mun who culled the Hague (hethmtttse. Form m--Artttur Weir. Clan Alioe, “at Grant. John Johnston. Evita: Pomn "---Etttet Mon-icon. Oliver Hun- ter. Gertie Backus Id. Pinon. John Me- Khmou. tte Ir-m- Wsrmingtou. Ru Me- ttttth Ethel Gantry. Edith Wanna. Illa Petty. I! ll (AV-Be-te Saunders. John " 1hatth. Wiemihed Mchul. Sydney Bolt. Tran Mekar, Tr " (B)--.uimie Mount-m. my Ctitte. Vivian Omwford. Lid: Hump Ito-o. Horace Elwdge. Jr Pt II (A)--Bdwtn Search. Maud Klein. Cutie Run-cl. Ray Pamuhamon, AMe Shape. A Class --'Jortu chondd. James Wdls. B Ula-ahora McAulley. Sadie Me. Kechuie. Farm r-Irene Lnnmu. Kittie Clark. Edith Dingww. Stanley Manlly. Ema Baum. I! m-Nettie Hepburn. Ruth Mona. Jule Fuquhnnon. Harper Knew. Har- old Alice. tee Pt Ir-thr- Fulton. Earl " Donald. Annie Vollot. Verna. Pinker. Cecil Guthrie. Jr Pt II fB)--fihpit, Lloyd, Wesley Johnston. May McKnchnie. Mary Mc. Koclmie. Chm-lie Willhmuon. 8r 1--Helen Ireland. Bertha Havens. Marguerite Hutton and ham Brynn I If "r-thid (Bolling. Vnddie Odd- I Id]. [nun Seigner. Haul Ila-slum: In Burnett, ' It III-rCathu-ine leDougdl. Ruby! Int-Icy. Lizzie Kearney. Lyn: Kelsey. i and Grant. I Rr-mir-art Glenda. on Edd: . Juno mu: HIM!" Wm. Valle. has Br IV Chas - Jun Wat-om Cecil Wolfe. The. Holt and Links Kinnee eq. Inky Mills. Name Smith. . Wu Township uw. Echoes of the Great Fight. PUIHJC “(FOL DEPABTI'INT HIGH SCHOOL WAITIm School Report for May. BORN Togo The destiny of the empire depends tt this action. Let - man do his lama» l, Putin bilingu- otherwise (.mp1: . Wagon IotB. con. & it. G. R., Glam-lg. Minna-dunk want of GlenmcIdonl. will Juno-tented mic-din. to law. This ' flue-nu you to don't uh permimion tor l it h Imponihle to diecrieittmste l HONOR Jll,Mita ,'t,'1',%' 21'/i'Sra1't', at: We beat. Surgeon: on! I My In 'hh'i' uuchu. o 1:: HI Thu VIII bothe In! rhnncv to Ct6tttrt on the historie old hattletield umuud Fort George and Queen-mm Meisthtr. pm _ girder! drills Saturday. May 27, Jum- nnd toth new p. In. A few mow men can still he taken. Apply at onu- The Busy Store On the Busy Comer Women's Gr. mad Petr. laced Show, [Adlai Cause Oxfords on. . ARK. per pair Borr'qufrfihoes'at..--. .mc perpalr Boys't)tteshor' nt.........) .. line? Dougoln Shoo. AL. .1.00 " We have no aocumubttton of ladies' Shoes in aims. 4 and " which we are selling at gmtly reduced prices to char them out. Cuhmcre Socks IL... ......25cper pair Ladies' Cashmere Hmu- at. . .Wic per pair Ken‘s Ilne light wool Box at in per pair Theue wool to: an excellent for summer we“. Light summer Underwea- that will - a. 't.00 per unit. l B. KEELER and SONS WHEN TO SPEAK and WHEN TO BE SILENT Women's Dougulu Oxfords. an aim. ........... iu.-....eoloperpr Theobnld's Old Stand, The Reliable Grocery Staple & Fancy Grocerie- Oholoo PM“ and Confectionery June Weddings oMoe-A3atdeem Block. over Post Ottiee There we . lew Suit! Mt which no lull- C. McARTHUR In. pa/tthe. thing to know but NO is 'he time In teit Put- clung-m of the vulum we "tree in [,"i.'11:'a'iit1 f'.), [ii, _ . .‘ hy' J. F.0RANT. B. 0.8. L. D. B. in " Coot. Thule Fraura {on Good that M. Outlet-Truman PM... If" H: fir! ',l'/cl5',tll,',jd , our Jami r-i --. a 'tv'fy T_"- h" V car,' fi..' ' SlcaL" 7!",'":,.1-': l IN. We have just received a large ship- ment of Jewelery, consisting of Wedding Ringo. Fine Pearl Brooches, Neoklete. Bracelets. Locke“. Wetohee and Chains. show everything needed in the Jewelery line for the Bride and the largest & best stock of Silverware ever shown outside the large cities We can save you money on every article we sell. CHAS zonal. Plum m haunt: BOOTS AND SHOES Volunteers. Attention t Good values in Tens, coffees and Spices. We invite everybody to visit our More and inspect our fresh, clean goods. It now prepared to supply all your m“ with a brand new stock in the following lines t J. H. ROSE, CAPT. o. M. BNIDBR. No.4tht. 8itrt Retriment NOTICE. HOSE A. lwmuncx Durham m " rs:

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