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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1905, p. 2

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" ii I I Faye Where Goods Stolen Prom Mur- dered Man Were Offered for Sale. Tradition has it-and most happily for mnmncc in this fascinating land truluious in most cases are still as good coin as faet---that the "Thieves' Mar kt'l," =tunds on the grounds of what was once a part of the spacious gardens of the "new house" of Montezuma. In the long days gone by, this garden, of spacious proportions, was the scene of many dark and dismal crimes, and many were the robberies and acts of violence that occurred there, for it was on a highway much used and when night had talien was very dark and dangerous. The tale goes ot the murder by a pow- erful oiiicer of the sweetheart of one of his retainers, a crime that rankled in the brunt of the poor Indian until, not long atterward, he took his revenge, and his master lay dead. killed in a drunken Prisoners have had to nightly ilk their fingers all wound on a prepared slab. and then place them on a piece of specially Prepared paper, turning the. slowly round by the direetlon o? on official. until an im- pression of all the skin markings he: Men left on the paper. Phony the sets of fiturer-prints are indexed end stored any until wanted for comparison. either with flnvr-nrivituh subaeouently taken or with tutefdental marks made by escaping crimi- nols. curb In those left on the piece nt gloss. Perhaps the finger-marks on the (has coincide with those of a criminal who has not been seen or hurt! of tor many monthu. An independent search is at nnoe made for him. and possibly some of ttts old 'aeattaintant'm' are enlisted in the count. Ile mt'u' have been a frequenter of att kind: of law dr-ns. Be sure that in every one of those dens there is an official or unoffinlul representative of Scotland Yard. The miikman coming up the court carrying two Pang. may be a yard man. for oil kink of disguises are brought into mm. And so in a more of different ways‘ strn'vv'nu‘» SM‘URF'] Ynrrt set its sri1ettt mil-i rivinnry in motion for the cause ot instlce. The o'iminal who escape: from the ring~‘ font-6 may esteem himself fortunate. Dar hv My in nnv particular case the ring " drawn New". and the criminal is kept w'w‘w‘" "ra revlon of his Mime. There I,t1 row“ Tree 'i’v'iaonvernd orime than is rup- atupur try the wronged wronged man, rifling th, eta. carried away with house nil the trinkets a which he could lay his hied himself to the pro! Montezuma‘s gardens, wl self under the trees Ul day s I The tngtrigteger-tBte looking commercial traveler who lounges round the book sum or near the booking omen or“. or more of tho great railwav stations is I!" pm- hnhly a man from the ylrd. The methods vary. according to circumstances. but in our?! dinouon they up the strong. an. an.» when of the police net. Up at Scot- land Yard the finger prints on the piece of - .” being "refttttr compared with some of the finger-prints of known crimi. unis. For veara finger-prints have hem "tted. and there are now on register more than 60.000 nets. Few pm no easily non interesting than M tory more or less nuthm to the Phomtieiaar. fo: before the Christian on Marta has belonged. moth-r. to motto of tt Buswr- --= --' In he year as At. At.. men was "hip- i "___ 2._;......__ wreekrd or. tFe Fiend. thev. trallud 119mm} "Woodman. SP1?! that tree, nnd this went alone would have sufficed favorites poem of the tramp who blastsinwhuiugpwuium A.wc2wpkind22n¢£axhisdianer. A piece of glue hening the mull or two fingers is seat ott " once to Scene-d Tera. It has been decided the! the crimlnel I- e usual laborer. and there is e de- tective quietly wen-hing every coma bdrm! house within e naive ot all”. Meanwhile. one of ttto senior detectives at the yard, with a memory stored with the name. of each of the desperate Inhi- Qui criminals who might be 1iu1r to cal:- mit such I crime. lu- eel on toot u eetrch for each of these men. whose movement-i will. unknown to themselves, be "ecu! tor den back. from tho "A" of Which." "trfet to the "Y" of Rabat. district. much Meta " tho onthorltln ht the great control build- to. on tho Embankment tnlnk it necessary should be known. It to then only . all!!! ot a for hours before the policemen In the stunt- nro lento; their on: open for n “tr-hunt! Inna of forty, wearing I long my overcoat. But this Is on” we bollh~ nlnx of the work. Que of the chief de- “other of Scotland Yard Is on the scene of tho crime u quickly on it In possible for him to get there, and possibly the M- nlntant commluloner Muse]! mines Gm on Ms motor cor. The chick. with their “Mutant. mote n thorough extunittntiott ot the pine. and taitttrotertstt, - - - the “that e! which he eecuped, the six million: at people in London on more or It. under surveillance. III-(inc A terrible some: such on that It De.tftred a few do” no. The local police immediately ammonium with Sodium You. giving the 'ttet-tating. for example. that three people hove bean lowered in . house. and that e lair-hunt! man of forty, wearing a long guy over- cast. has been lean to leave the Icon. From Scotland You there “dine to the twenty-one metropolitan police divisions. bluntly . his. unwou- crime occurs In Mutton. Scotland le 1.th over the was I are“. but hvblble net. in. whlel only the very lucky or an "a clever evil-Inn cut one. What you consular that 'he undo- over which led“ "rd in power In. a radio of {mean mm- from Chum Gnu. you will m be ',Ui'lgl'lf nature at the who. Manhattan. Witnln u few hours le thCeutttrreer, of n unutxoul crime. oi r": EXICO’S TRIEVES’ MARKET. my centuries truly a “thieves' ." It is not so many years ago no counted this market as one places wherein to look for goods ul flown away from the house in u.vsterioun fashion. but now one y 4::ny sadly (from the buyer’s ot' view) that that day is long Id ex .nwdan Mail The Nancie Islands. iew) that can Herald Do easily m g than Malta esp authentic. Mans. fourte istinn era. Hound. at c at» of tht'gro 4 a, al 'd servant. The he master's pock- h him from the and valuables on a hands. Then he ntvcting shade of where he hid him- until the coming city and he could --.A--c-.-.-..-...L-.=. c" -eet- "'"""’ cal my and he could i, ev: without moles- ' the] lad been hidden i, hen alarm having I bis 9 union: in his)“; revenge his mas- l Ci guilty man and , all despntched him. I col which had per- g uri m are before in] u 103m the body , l murderer made . hi, time to keep! ' until the excited of Sootland up the court a yard man. brought irlto Mn, orImYnnl "ro'.ador," mm- and "thieves' years ago .t as one for goods , house in new one u- or w: of DY" r. te 0112 RTE hurry mother and lady Ihoum use it. Um! 1','grtft'g 'tteuud_!tvfrafP,s='t'Y tty:.r.g.,s.tttr.t!!.9.raqentr,f _ A correspondent of the Chicago Jour. nal, who has been searching for the most monotonous method of earning a living, decides in favor of that of cracking eggs. "I met a man who said he was a. biscuit. manufacturer on a large scale, and was rather inclined to boast about the num- ber ot eggs his firm bought in the course oi a year. Now, it seems that, to avoid calamity, five eggs are broken into a bowl at a time before being added to the common stock. There are men, he told me. who do nothing else but crack eggs. They become so expert that a man can dispose oi a thousand an hour, or 10.000 a dav.” . "But, father." said Dorothea. "The Ancient Mariner was not a real person. He was only a. euraeterl" "Are you quite sure," said i. " that a character isn't, a real person? At all events, it was here that Coleridge, walk- ing from Nether Stowey to Dulverton. saw the old sailor-man. And Since Cole- ridge saw him, I reckon he lived. and still lives. Are we ever going to forget what he has told us: He prayeth best. who loveth best. All things both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all." ---From A Day Among the Quantock Hills, by Dr. Henry Van Dyke, in the June Scribner's. . English Roadg. What good rcadr, they have in Eng- land'. Look at the piles of broken stone for repairs. stored in little niches all along the way; see how promptly and careiul.ly tvery hole is tilled PI! and carefully every hole as tilled Pl! and every break mended, aml you will un- derstand how a small beast can pull a heavy load in this country. and why the big draught horses “var long and do good work. A country with a fine systkm of roads is like a. man with a good cir- culation of blood: the labor of life be- comes easier, effort is redueed and pleas- ure iv.ereased.---Fr0m "A Day Among the Qunntor-k Hills." by Dr. Henry Van Dyke, in the June Seribuer's. They were few and simple; yet some- thing (perhaps the generous sunshine of the July day, or perhaps the inward glow of contentment in our hearts) made them bright and memorable. There were the quaint, narrow streets, with their tiny shops and low stone houses. There was the coast-guard station, with its trim garden, perched on a terrace above the sea. There was the life-boat house, [with its doors wide open, and the great 'boat, spick and span in the glory of new paint, standing ready on its rollers, and the record of splendid rescues in past years inscribed u on the walls. There. was the circular (fl',',,,'.'?,,')]','.', with the workmen slowly repairing the break- water, and a couple of umcient looking schooners reposing on their sides in the mud at low tide. And .there, back on the hill, looking down over the town and far away across the yellow waters of the Bristol Channel, was the high tower of tit. Deeuman's Church. "It was from this tiny harbor," said I to Dorothea, "that a. gerat friend of ours, the Ancient Mariner, set sail on a wonderful voyage. Do you remember? I "The ship was cheered, the harbor clear-l ed, Merrily did we drop, Below the kirk, below the hill, Below the lighthouse top. That was the kirk to which he looked buckles he sailed away to an unknown country. 1 the thousands ot people who nub to so wor- thy a remedy as South American Nerv FREE? Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects. 38 as A last resort would get it an a nrgt resort how much misery and sunning wank! be spared. It you have any nerve disorder you needn't suffer a minute longev. A thousand testimonies to protit.-M The bridegroom who carries a. minin- tore horseshoe in his pocket will always he luckv. The bride who dreams of fairies on the ttle before her wedding will be thrice ts teisml. _ Never give a te!egram to a bride or bridegroom on the way to the church. It is i sure omen of evil. Marvin-29a on hoard chin are commer- ed unlucky. If you cm. be married on (Ix-yang! tannin “avid. The finding of a spider on the wedding gown by the bride is considered a. sure token of happiness to come. If during the marriage eeremonrthe wedding ring should fall down the bride's fate will not be an em iabie one. If a bride should by chance see a cof- fin as ahe starts off on her wedding tour sh. should order the driver of the ear- Hue to turn bark and start. over again. -aNttsbure Derpntc's. The Port of Ancient Mariner. So we strolled about the town and saw thtsights of Wutchet. - - Removes all hard, soft or ealhngsed lumps sud blemishes from horses, blood spnvin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, nines, autumn. sore and swollen throitt, coughs, etc. an $50 by use of one bot- tle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure eve: known. that time the allwictorious Roma: were inyrotttesit?.? of tle may» . In 1530 Charles V. a Germany, to ac- tyyedate Pepe Clement VII.. ceded the 3mm group to the Ma of the Knights of St. John d Jemlm, wtbh held it until 1798, when through .tbe coybined treachery ot, stleoe. tel tlr, 2.53 V JGcGr-if ’ a}? lair," iaiGad Von Hompeaeh, it fell into the bud. of the French. At the beginning of the nineteenth century Englnnd came into posse-don of Malta and continues to hold it.---Frmn "Melt?," by Chaplgin Jriuien G.“C&s and. U. for May. ENGLISH SPAVIN [INIMENT "ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE.”-If I‘MIHIIUY "'u".m, 1‘". llu' "" :Ilu "y a" I}! lulu. u. v. bk. T. A. tiLOCUM, mun». 'i'i'u'ib'iGrtiriui12 PEN NYROYAL TEA. "Woodman. spy-e that tree? is _the_ Egg-Breaking a Trade. wedding Swmtwn si.' Niviin Four-Track News and you. will rut-viva a tai", of SLOCUX’S CU POUND ' GiiGfdriiia ois asked "1 was troubled with Lumbago for two years. I could not work. 1 had to get, up at nights to urinate so oiten that my rest was broken. I read of cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to try them. After the first box I could see and feel a change. Three boxes cured me completely." I Lumbago, like rheumatism, is caused by uric acid in the blood. Uric acid can- not stay in the blood if the Kidneys are working right. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the kidneys work right. When white people do things for native races, the gratitude ot those ministered unto is sometimes quite touching. The annual re- port of the hospital tor women at Aliabnbaa, gives a couple ot certificates which i1tmtrate that many a gruteml heart beats beneath a swarthy skin. The first is trom a husband whose wife had been experimented upon at the intstittAtiimuhde grimy Jae. Smith,. dairyman, oi Grimsby, Ont., writes: "My limbs were almost useless trom sciatica and rheumatism. and. notwithstand- ing my esteem for physicians. I must give the credit where it belongs. I am a. cured "Ti'roiirr-siifd,L3rr wife has returned from your hospital cured. Provided males are av lowed at, ypur Bungalow. J. wquld like to lowed at your Bungalow, 1 would kao to do you the honor or presenting myseu there this anemoon, but I will not try to repay you-veit"""' belonged: unto iioELidiFs noticeably ---re" Winnipeg ... Toronto .. .. Fredericton .. St. John .. ' Montreal .. Vancouver .. London .. . Hamilton .... Ottawa .. .._ Brantford .. Charlottetown Kingston .. . Quebec ... . Victoria. .. . Moneton .. man to-day, and South American Rheumam Cure must have all the credit. It's a. marvel But what doctor would not treasure so eloquently expressed a token of Bratltuue as tttig? “Dear and Fair Madame.-I have much pleuure to inform you that my dearly un- fortunate wife will be no longer under your treatment. she tuwing left this world for the other on the night of the 27th ulto. For your help ln thls matter 1 shall our roman irraustui.--Yourts reverently, ----." Marvellous Steel Bridge. The steel bridge over the Pecos River, Texas, is a marvel of mechanical skill and extreme simplicity of construction. It is considerably more than 300 feet in height and is 2,180 feet long, get it is supported by stone pillars so small "hot it spams incredible to I'beholder that the can sustain the enormous weight My pasting trains, which invari- ably stop on the bridge to allow passen- gers to view the structure and the bleak, desolate surroundings. Quebec, P. Q., May 28.---ib'peciai)-- John Ball, 3 bricklayer, residing at, 57 Little Champlain street, this city has added his statement to the great. mass of proof that Lumbago is caused by dis- ordered Kidneys, and consequently eeilr, No Pent-Up Utica. "91' (London Advertiser.) In the matter of area London shows up well by comparison with omen- Canadian cit- ies, as this table shows: curd says That Lumbago is Always Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Quebec Man Cured His Kidneys With Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and His Lumbago Vanished. A beautiful pelican was among the animals and a day or two before the menagerie was to be broken up it flew off into the country, where it no soon killed by a. man who was shooting in the marshes. Seeing that he htulotttaiet. ed a genuine prize, he hastened to pre- sent it to the King, but some of the court officials had heard of the peli- can’s escape from the Vatican and there- fore by the monareh's orders the bird was stuffed and sent back to the Pope, who has placed it as an ornament in one of the rooms of the palace. THERE B NUW‘ "TT" l MASS BF PRUUF In the gardens of the Vatican there has for some years been a small mens- gerie composed of rue animals which were sent by admirers in various parts of the world to the late Leo XIII. In these animals Leo’s successor, Pope Pins x., took much interest, but " it costs a great deal to feed them he recently decided to remove them from the gar- dens and to present them to the vari- ous religious institutions in Rome. SCIATICA PUT HIM ON CRUTCHES. M gymnasium. f. tt-t.rtr-q" ( - mama-3n Scott’s Emulsion WILL CLaAn'THE'M out BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTE! FLY PADS by Dodd's' Kidney Pills. Mr. Bail Diastuesttosummer If The Hindoo's Thanks. WILSON'S“ Story of a Pelican. Acres 10,797 10,790 9.13;) 2.171 1,921 1.874 1,550 uatii ON JJ90 i00 In testing a piece of cloth to see it it is a cotton mixture, if you cut a small piece off and put a match to it, if it is all wool it will only singe, but if cotton is there it will flare up. There is no nicer spring breakfast than a sliced grew pepper cut very small and cooked for ten minutes with two peeled and diced tomatoes in a little butter; add four eggs lightly beaten and stir as for a scramble. The battle of flowers which was held at Cannes recently was unusually ani. mated, and universally declared to have ben immensely successful. It has nt- tended by glorious weather, and taken part in by most of the Cannes elite. Con. spicuous in the long line of gaily decor- ated carriages was a landau containing M. Pommery, of champagne fame, and a party. It was smothered in Marechalc Niel roses of extraordinary size and beauty, and took first 'prize. Another carriage was decked with pink stack. in- termixed with sprigs of delicate heather. Among numerous other vehicles were a wagonette decorated with arum mies and occupied by a party in fairy lawn tennis costume, and a Victoria. with large yellow carnations and La France roses. The breaks of the officers of vari- ous regiments were also much admired. The price paid for flowers for decorative and combating purposes must have am- ounted to hundreds of pounds. Make a delicious violet perfume by putting half an ounce of small pieeerof orris root into two ounces of alcohol. Add to this a. bunch of newly picked violets, cork and bottle tightly and shnlre well. After it has been standing tour or five days a few drops on the hummu- chief will leave the scent of flesh "r. lets. The olives. stones and alt, are first crush- ed in a stone mill run by ox power. The mass of pulp is then transferred tn.tlat Wicker baskets to the "torchio," or oaken press. from which tho oil oozes Into a vat below. The presses at Dlevoie In very old, elaborately carved with the arms and de- woes of some early padrone. Tremendous pressure is applied through a primitive cep- stan arrangement, which the men work by heavy wooden levers, walking round and round on the stone floor in I track much worn by the tread ot tgenerations. There are commonly two or three squeezinge of the pulp, the product of the nrst being ttg- the finest quality. But the process once begun, must be carrled forward continuously, lest. the oil should spoil in the meklng. it " finally drawn ott into huge earthen jug ot immemorlal pattern, like those ln which the Forty Thieves ot the Arabian tale cancelled themselves tor nefarious purposes. And it Hands thus tor a week in the adjoining clearing room, called the "ettiaratoio, utter whivh it ls ready tor the tnarlret.-Prottt "Life on a Tuscan Fer-m." by T. It. Sulltun. in the June Scribner's. It is not general] known that covered with boiling water and 111:5? ed to stand five minutes are more nont- ishing and more easily digested than eggs placed in boiling water and allow- ed to boil furiously for three and 1 half minutes. Our household pets ore suscepubb Co I far greater variety of disenc- m most people imagine. Pnrrots no known to be peculiarly susceptible to 3 disease so peculiar to themselves that it is called from the Greek word for parrot, "psittaeosi1." A number of fatal are: in human beings of what was It tint supposed to be a malignant influenul pneumonia were in Paris traced to the bacillus at present thought to be cann- tive of the parrot disease. A certain pro- portion of parrots are known to die from tuberculosis. Cats are known sometimes to have tuberculosis, and that they have in mam‘ cases been carriers of diphtheria and other of the ordinary infeetiona di- Adolf Memel’s 1rydrotreplut1tta. The doctors who carried out the autop- sy on Adolf Yon Menzol’s remains state that his lungs showed that he had suf- fered as a yotmg man from tuberculos- is; yet he lived to be nearly 90 years old. They further state that he was "hydroeephttlie"--that is, had water on the brain, in this resypeet resembling the great mathematician Helmholz, a proof that men of the greatest genius may exist with the skull formation usually associated with a firm mind. STRONG WORDS BY A NEW YORK SPECrALWT.--"After years of, testing end eomptsriirors I have no hesitation to lay- lng that Dr. Agnew's Cure tor the Heart in the quxckest. west, and surest known to medical science. I use it In my own pne- tice. It relieves the most unto form: ot heart ailment inside ot thirty minutes lad never ttui'-.-;; Still the tragedy repeats itself. In your after year and day after day the unlocked door is opened and dethrotted viral. en- ters-ttte victim ot ignorance and passion and affection. and a child is robbed ot n hon- onbio hottte.-rheodore Dreiser, in Tom Wltnn’s meine tor Mar For thirty-five yeus, “my Ind runner. in the bitterest cold Ind the molt wrung heat, it hu seen them compute poor. the rich. the humble. the proud, the beautiful. the ttornelr-and one by one they hue laid their children down and brooded over them. wondering whetner it were poulble (or hu- man 'love to nuke so great . tmeriticey Ind yet not die. ,, _ It ia the piaee where annually 1.200 tonna- “DS! no placed-the silent qriUtetm ot mare tmtr tteartttreWttttt ocean than In! other crun- “not the world bog-n. For nearly " run It In. mood when It doe: to-dar, readr-drtrped, open. while u many thousand men an stolen manually In and. It- tttr l'Mtt hopelessly about. hue ma that: helple - offspring withln In depths. Jumper-No. I can’t do that: 1rutaou might. marry her yourself, and p me .the differ-sr-minted for "a!" from Fliennde Butter. . Bumper-You, owe me thirty mound dollars, which you say you ean'b T. Why don't you marry Miss oidgfrl it". worth twice that amount. , And this cradle to the most useful Ind. In a way, the most lnhnbtted cndlo in the world. Day nner day, and your titer you, it is the recipient ot more mull ,rnrmring souls than any_ other cradle 11am hum! or the race. In tt the real ch! ran at ur- row are placed. had over It morn um nu shod than it it were tn open__gr_nv_g; - ' "-- -....-.. '-.' LG," - ... nu we“ 5...}. ,..,z.. tra wiat 7:: 3;; Strange_Cradle in Which Are Phat! an Am nll has teen and In the VI, of u- gument. the tart remains as: the only “y m "tttt't tuning In 11.trir, you; your In Then ta a cradle imam the door at the great Institution- d New York before 'hIch I constantly recurring - " Inlan- ucted. " a . yum cradle. out. " draped In white, but with such a look at cozy cum upon: it can on. would une- 1rpmyrre,et It to). a endle oty'11T?'2'r. " ctly Sure Cure far ttie Tipping HM A Reasonable Proposition. THE CRADLE or TEARS. TORONTO mm of Bonn: m '. Grief: d tbe - How Olive Oil is Made. Battle of Flowers. indirectly i Useful Hint; I? rw, e 6t man .115 WWW - __ A A -_-- - tr'"". v _ t w. , rl' 3-._mth lulu!” increased number ot stylesdn Iceman. the number of sorts of leather employed, and the various col- ors de rigueur, the care of the shoe is a matter which takes on considerable im. portance. The first. necessity in the care of the shoe is the tree. Without trees they cannot be made to retain their shape, becoming wrinkled and an- cient-looking. Since the trees may be had as low as half a. dollar, and will last forever, there is no reason for not possessing them. a I " ' --___ AL_L - _-....,.'...."- That precious remedy, in n positive cure (or all (emu. circular Ind free “male. R. S. McGILL. Simcoe. 0n: T----------------- The reports of our foreign, consuls lo- cated in German cities and in the M centres of Africa, South Medea, and Asia. have been filled for several years pest with accounts of the means and measures devised b the German Govern- ment and German {when men to push the sale of German goods in every quar- ter of the world. Of a score of recent eonsulu reports lying before us at this moment, all except one devote a large amount of space to describing tho work that Germany is doing in the develop- ment of her trade interests abroad, fre- iidtt,l,s,'iitt?/)ie.t'Cl'1h,, our feeble and in minute efforts along the same line. L-ruirslre's iquktv. - 'V'UI _ --. v - _ orhrai;lra'ii7, " mm: that do no. " know a mum! that h uncut. THIS [no Fol A hum. Tutu “an“ Ind a, It. “will Right by mail would. an cu tin "my. mango” r An expert saw: that the oertmiration acts like an acid an tho leather. causing It to become tinny. hard and brittle. In extreme cues leather wan actually cracked open from no other cause. tsrirGi,fiirhiG- run we! {or 9195!“:‘21 =GGaa.------"-=C- - Ger-sly Gets the rule. The American people' new no concep- tion of the Vigor um sarcssiveness man which Gemny is urging her chums in the foreign markets and circumventing so tar as possible, the efforts ot other countries to secure a shsre od the tor- eign trade. It is German influence, ex- erred through certain well-known cunn- nels, that has helped to detest our snip- subsidy bills and other plum and mea- sures designed to develop and promo!» our foreign commerce. It is the same policy that has led to the formation of the German syndicate to help defeat Mr. Chamberlain’s protective tariff. Alert, shrewd, resourceful, and indefatigable, the manufacturers and business leaders of Germany are leaving no stone unturn- ed in their efforts to capture a lion's share of the world's trade. The reports of our foreign consuls l?- - -- _ _ 'dtl'rft m ettN for spam! a! kind 'dimUtioiaituuifrmic/uttt4 ' ',,'i,Tg',k,tr', In now “and by the but phyll m and Inn-plum in Run , , Ind Man. " II mung-mm mm-ondod to the “Mount If you min from Imam. nu. St. Vltus' Dance. A. . " - -r___---- ._.4_. .L-. tjt1ANt1 tt BLossoMs End! tytufyy.rtutto-iet 111000;"de 'd:1"tgn't.xtt,'d:T,'"ct . lam e", In I‘M Duns. bout new puede Ind an “salad with n litt may, " follows: " hm .rrr twenty-six letters m the alphabet and we have med 2.... instead of the letters in spelling. Iran A It lo. I. I Ho. '..1) " I I“ I. on throughout .6" dram. Cu: you think out the na" . of - “the” cities? ttso (be money in web with trying at. Maryann-nun “In. 'iVt'iarr"ei"Ciri't'Rrng St. W.. Toronto ltmwmlg Tau', trrnodsoive 'l'lu""tt'Nf you no correct you may ',,"a"d,a,'e' M a',: Of my“. I . Whofdolknto venue lcmmmwfl'mrnmeWm-omy. "youcannplluul m-dhdtbn dtky.qri'Her.au aT, warm uswith yylrrrtairte.tnd 1eeierfte1ette1i0rr.eaUsistiee.r- 'lat) mpdy. wempm 11Pfa'rgrNrrattfa'tgthteMg"irg.t “14$; “my”... was ammonium cannon Imu.“t. p I”. Oil l " "Ill I." “In or FtG0tEt6 SPILL" "" I‘ll " A ml CI" " (’AIADL CAN I“ I“! - IV'N AWAY'IN A For 'igh',U' 'tJa',?.,,".',",) $512211; MICA ROOFING ”whom-Inn I“ Care of the Shoe. G_IVE;N AWAY' IN CASH W, EU E n M can You tout " ron coTS IHIS IS THE GREAT PUZZLE M 2i Eh Il mm CRY.-- Pain in the bark " the on ot the kidneys tor help. To mum t the can in to deliver the body over to " m - can cruel. ruthless. and finally life destroy- nil fem-Io dim. Write tor description “Wily, I dreamed I went to a rm- tion the other night, and if it happ min I not to be properly drniwdf Trunkted for "less from Le Jam: Pinned. "What do you mean by going to 1.91 witl-ury1other ont" , IBM!” petticolt kills thr- mm! ."mo--Washington Times. In. Soul, Men Klduy Cure has Ikln to miraculous in helping the need: no” out o! the mir- Art disease. lt n tn ll! tro-.--" _ A bou’t expect great bargains to Hun out great "sings. Don't wear big olecws and tng Puts It you are short. Don't Put cost before out. (fouled Ink wont cover a poor tit. Don't Mp into our clothes and i'N' poet to look drums: Mt er",') that dress was math- fur woman, no womnn for dress. Don’t put nt your lllownncv ouisiO, Don't war vertically shaped mulwml if 2oupre can. . mung: TORONTO AND KiNGSTnx, W we» a Stu. bsily. 9on Fl Sun- days. M July 1 lip, Roohosm: Thrtu, and umm mus. it. #MA'rmu-e. Mm mm, ner m - my. adousac, Sign“), For tettortrtntimt apply to R. R, lgems or “it. H. - Chaffee. Western [hunger Aunt. Toronto. m mm muons blue can". 1% and 8 horse-power. M has M to. Iwouw LIKE may wow cl. "gab-qrtuNNt IORNAGE, o. I? any our... valuable on property In N. m m m can"! situated, out, a.” Gun or secured. bnlam-e a! m, " out. In... DI- Company. London, Oran b if!” for our NOV Styles and Sample. oi “JD and m Butt-I. in cloth. aim Imp” m "in; tho macaw. skins and mm- 'ara; iiiiiiiaiiriiiii Co'l}i:'té3n1 tttit tor 1” . “It. ptrtt ISSUE no. 23. 190t Amusant ...- - “In!!!" ill" 1w. tteui.-ii' .. and tor samples ot tshirt wam gm lulu. than. qte., from $2.50 up ED -- human. Hamilton and my... WV. “UNI " noon and Turnm. 730 II. " WI. Thu-edgy: and 5mm in». bf u _ . um. “antral and “norm. IORONIO-MON [REAL LINE For steep or flat roots, water proof. tire proof, (Jilly te: cheaper than other mox- HAMIUON Mich ROOFING C0. Bend stump for sample, and mention this paper. Ei) FOR SALE "" Rebeca Street, autumn, CANADA C', nuns ABOVE LI Nr ”In OFFICE, Hamilton. iGiaiiadoiid _ Gu-ia. hm. "roam-tloot. -rtost-.ith View-R?" I of Those Don'u. Hamilton- Montreal Line M El ll M! Togo Ear Concentr Destr 1W'd

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