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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1905, p. 4

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£1) ' J7. Darling, ummnwuxnxuxuxunxuxuunwnw The Farmers' tilPf'tr a Supply 00., Ltd. We 0on't Want Money Let. us mm!» you " price (m an 8 ft. HAY RAKE. Examine it careful”. Darling’s Erug Seems----:--:::-:; atgllllllV ThirNew Baby The Price to Shareholders is only $15 We then have enough profit to help pay that eholders a dindend. All we need to do is to sell the goods. Don't he deceived by the stories told you by some who are interested 'tttYee-tttrm all they can out of you. " we were not doing the bani. The Farmers’ M’f’g a Supnly 00., Ltd ireurtie, wouldhnot advertise in. ' WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO BELL BINDER TWINE to our shareholders so " to awe them money. Call and see it. " Wh not become A shareholder at once ? Don't continue to the old . vim by co-operating with your neighbors you con ave 'tllt'di'lru'lfU.'"" BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, becoming and moderately priced. This i< " nmwnwnt that is gaining ground but. lt is only a matter of a. httle linw until Pt pry farmer will be interested. This is the season tor rrnovoting your homes. N ew Cur- tains will be lequired. See our great stock betore buying. We gave them from.... .... Our lCnrtain s a 'llllllld'r'. tr. 00 per pr. to 5. 00 I,adies' tDainty Wham Walsh A complete showing of Spring and Summer White Lawn Waistg, made in dainty fashions and marked specially low. It'tyn waste of time and money to look elsewhere. m, have decided to sell these Waists at. each Wil/I'nely - I t 2.5"”- d .6”on 'rlutthtgham £ace Curtains . 0teautitut . hring Mppuret Pun we mm! the co-operation of every Farmer in the country. Club and ' Prvre. Our Order Book plainly shows the result of lil- linery Opening Week. Such a brilliant display was worthy of a much larger town than Dur. ham. Our Hate were greatlv admired and were designed by our Milliners who won un- stinted praise for ele- gance. novelty and good taste. 'i' War/oak. he, W, 1.25 to J. St? gria and good. We Bank on Quality. l Neefls Pure Drugs, By. ' __. genie Nursing Bottles, the fullest Toilet Preparations. "iroah tivd all these at Darling’s Drug Stow: All the goods we sell are pure, carefully made, the right thing for the lvpurpose. If V othave a prescriptit n to till Esisithe placefto bring it. Everything fthe people’s , Druggz’st, 5.35. (Steel wheels 82 extra Wil/inery Wodestg/ Prieed THE / Dr Pickering won in Noun: For.“ That-0a”. Mics Emma Shocker is home from Toronto. Miss Dantavel, Glenda. left Monday for Buthuo. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Fluke:- are visiting relatives in Palmerston. Dr Holt went to Mount, Fore-t on Wednesday. Mrs Sampson. Dornoch. teh Sam day morning for Berlin. Miss Velma Williamson returned home from Toronto Saturday. Mr Attred Neil of Kenilworth, W“ in town over Sundny. Miss Ella Robertson orrived home this week from Hamilton. Mr. J, C. Nichol, went on a trip to Flint. Michigan. Tuesday. Miss Vsssne returned Tuesday mom- ing to Clifton Springs, New York. Miss Roy. of Listowel. accompanied by a friend, are guests at Dr Holt's. Mr. Arch. McDougall came home Tuesday, his health of late not being good. Mayor Hunter was away on a vint of insp eclion to his timLer lands in Hali- burton. Mrs Ed. Burnett and Miss Jessie left Tuesday on a two weeks' visit to Niagara Falls, Ont. Miss Kale McDoucall leaves to-day, Wednetrdav. on a. visit to Chateworth and Owen Bound friends. Mr R. D. Little Owen Bound, visited on Sunday and Monday at Mr Thou. Turnbu11's, an old friend. Mr John Murphy, Markdale, who lately purchased the Middaugh House, was in town Tuesday. Mr John Nichol, Jr., and sistervilited from Saturday to Monday, their uncle Mr David McNichol and other Bentinck friends. We are pleaséd to learn that the operation on Mr Omnpbell McIntyre in Montreal was quite successful. MISS Mary Gordon; came home from Hamilton Normal College last. week, where she has been further fittine her- seIf for scholastic duties. M in Ohve Thompson, of Varuey who has heen visiting Mrs H. Cook, return- ed home on Tuesdar--Ptumereton Spectator. Mrs Wm. Graahy took bet-little son to Stratford Hospital last Thursday, where he will undergo a. surgical oper- ation. Dr Gun accompanied them. Rev. Mr Matheson Priceville, preach- ed preparatory services in the Presby- terian church on Friday last and was as be always is, much appreciated in Durham tor his scholarly discourse and earnest manner. Miss Flo McComh of Willitumrford in visiting at her nncle‘sat Bunessnn. and accompanied by Miss L. McUomh of that place were guests of their cousin, Mis- S. McKinnon of Roaeview Place. the beginning of the week. Mr John McIntosh. N. Dakota, came home last week. unexpectedly. lu't verv acceptably, after an absence of 12 you". His mother who is very low. and sis- ters were of course delighted to see him and his presence Will lighten the anxietv and responsibility attendant on his mother‘s illness. In the July Delineutor Dr Grace Peck- ham Murray has some remarks on the cane of the nose and mouth that wilt be read to their pt ofit by all mothers. Of pi npel‘ breathing. she says; It there are obstructions in either the mouth or nose which pi eyent the free introduction of air, the blood ie not aerated as it should he, and the whole bodily nutrition suf- fers in consequence. The trouble occus- ioned by such "condition is much great- er in a child than in an adult. If it child is not growing well, if he. is pale and puny, the nose and mouth and throat should be examined to discover if there " re any ohstncles to free breathing. Between the nose. and the throat. and generally out of sight. are spongy growths called .adenoids.' They inter- fere more efrectutuly With the free en- trance of air than anything else, and as they exist unseen they are often tne un- suspected cause of a. child's ill-health. If it child breathes with the mouth open and not through the nose, they are like- ly to be present. If thereiu'e many of these growths to give rise to cutsrrhul discharges from the nose, and they will also interfere. with the hearing. They sometimes Occasion the swelling of the glands of the neck and cause intitumstion which result- in open sores. Children suspected of having these mouths f should be taken to a surzeon to be ex- l emined. The main thing to be home in mind is that the onlv proper wsy for a l child to breathe is through the nose. Mr Arthur Allan who went for treatment to Fergus Hospital came home last. week much improved. and we are glad to see him on the street. again and recovering rapidly from the other: of his long struggle. Sydenhamuggtygl Insure: Fun: Buildings sud Contents. Dwelling and Content: in town: And villages. manna: In unveiling um by mam. Ctteteatt. 003% Includes Bil the hm plodnee - guy. all live stock from are or lightning mm mm 'tttmeer a 'ltt Mus m Mlllil'l tn on 'aSt2'." 123;? 7.214%, you J. . lentil]. 'htruttt Necessity of Proper Breathing. Established in 1889. - A ---_t Fire Insurance Co. in Mount Fore-z We“ (tittn min“ Wan A.%iF-%.m"q"'_ ---" guess at France, was nearly the victim of a bomb outrage a few days ago. It waa fhsrttt too far and did little damage. The young King wok it do fearlessly that he aroused an increas- ed enthusiasm. Be is now being fetedin England. _ --The nominations for the bye-e1» time in London and N. Oxford will be held to-day Tuesday. There is a tremendous partisan excitement in both constituencies, with great pres- sure being brought to bear tttr Toronto papers and politicians to secure the detest of the autonomy bills. There is a possibility of detections in N. Ox.. ford bat London will not likely throw oat Hyman, with all the added prest- ige of Minister of Public Worke' s. s. No18 mnxnox'r tJtnmrti-Arthur \Vells, Olen Monte. t--Lewis Reqwick. Wallace Findlay, Charlie Hay. Eva Renton, John Ren- wick. Maggie McLean. Sr 8--Atex Findlay. Downie Watson, Susie Hol- penny. Bella Lester, Mandy Renwick, Alex Hay. Jr 3--Agnes Renwick, Murray Findlay. Willie Sterne, James Ramage, Charlie Watson, Alma Ren- wick. 2---]milip 1yy.y.iuAn,S.T1r1,t,Tt- on. Susie Tucker, Ettie McMillan, Thus. Hailpenny. Elsie McWilliams. Pt 2-- Ralph Harrison. Ettie Hustle. James Isaac. Bertie Eccles, Edmt Dixon. Colletta McMillan, Sr Pt l-Florence Ramage. Lucv McKelvey. Ernest Black. Louisa Railings. Murray Wells, Marv Findlay. Jr Pt l-Helen Butter Clarence Harrison. Campbell Watson, Grace Renwick, Marjorie Baxter, Irene anick. J. H. Uonnmmn. Teacher LATONA PUBLIC SCHOOL. Glass 4--lbfntttie McKnight, John Mortley. 3--Frsnk Twmull‘y. lotus et Manley. Bella Ray. 2--Morrigon Smith. Addie Twamley. Alex Turnbull, George Ledmghnm. Mamie Mortley. Pr 2--Lizzie Smith. Clifford Mountain. Isabella. Turnhull. John Ledmgham. Katie Smith. John Smith. Peter Mountain, Norma Black, Arthur Simp» non, Sr 1-Ueetl Twalnley, Jimmie Vaughan. Neil McDonald. Stuart Mc- Gillivmy. Carrie Manley. Jer-Willie Smith. Charlie McDonnld, Donald Smith. Archie Turnlnull, W.llie Vaugh. an, Georgie Noble. """"' -e--- 5.- -iiriiti Armorr, Teacher B. s. No. GLENELG. Clan 6--Limie Binnie. I-Jennie McGillivny, Winnie Binnie, Emma Benton. May Young. St. fr-Angeline Davie. Katie] Mg: Faxlang _Archi_q Ken- 'ktlit Jr 8--Atnelits Righy. Noretta Fill also. Laura Beaton. Br 2- Eliza Jane Edwards. John Arnett, Thomas Grasliv. Jr 2--Geovge Mclnnis. Wil. fled Nichol. Mary Graohy. Br Pt 2--. Bertha Seeley. Ruth McGillIvray. Nellie M yers. Jr Pt Z-George Amen. Flora McMillen. Br Pt 1 2Myrtle Gruhv. Vernev Pennock, Fanny Graig. Jr Pt I-Violet Fallaiae. Christina C Gil. livray. Vina McNah. Pt 1 (ny-Suas Edwards, Mathew Me Keown, Howard McArthur. Average attendance 45. ALEX FIRTH. Teacher. 8. a. NO 12, Eennuoxr Names in order of merit. Class l-Maggie Hamilton. .Sr 3- Blanche Reid, N. McFadden. B. Fergus- on. J. Brown. Jr, 3--E. Barran. F. Lawrence, E. Patterson. Sr 2--ir, Davis M. Eccles, R. Watson, E. Hear , M. Wilson. C. MoKeuzw, c. Nelson. 'it Mc- Guire, E. Tiluhy. L. McGuire. G, Wilson. Jr 2-C. Davis and E. Err-lea eq.. M. Eccles. M. Hamilton. R. Ecru-u. T, Brown. A. Lee, J. Ferguson. B. Fergus. on. A, Harm. M. Hann. J. Reid. Pt. 2 -J. Wilson, J. Hamilton, I. Watson, E. Mo Fadden. M. Ferguson. G. Patter- "on, B. \Vatson. w. Ferguson. B. Lee. Pt I-C,. Johnston. M. Mather. R. Law- rence. G'. Ecclos. M. wilson, E. Wilson. M. Mathews, W. Eceles. .3111; Alwyn 8-Wilite Manlly, Benton McNally. Thos. Putberhougit. tir 2--CUrn ua- well, Ross McDonald, Thou. Johnston. Jr 2--chtrenee, Manlly. Robbie Puthers lmugh. Mabel Smith. Pt 2--Mny Griemm. Marjory Clark. Earl McNally. Sr I-John Clark. John Smith. Wesley Cornwall. Jr I-- Howard Fletcher, John Grier-son. Roy Manlly. Average attendance '32 W. J. RITCHIE. Teacher U. s. B, Nol, N.&E. Br t--Ettie Hutton. B. Lauder. G. Dunn. Jr 4- Ethel Pettigrew, Florence Barber. Sr 3--James Mielivride, Hazel Barber. Jr 8-Percy Aldred. Murry Boy, C. Pettigrew.. Sr 2-Annie Pettigrew. Earl McCulmnn. Florence Clark. Bertie Barber. Willie Bugle. Jr 2--Winnie Blyth. Ella Barbe-r eq., Ming. Kerr, Edith Morrison, A. Petti- grew. H. Barber, H. Gadd. Sr Pt 2-- Willie Hutton. Alister Lander. Mary Bugle. Jr Pt 2--Annie Gadd, Stuart Grant, Florence Kerr. Sr l-Laura Pettigrew, EIU Morrison. " 1 Ite-. Willie Eden, Gordon Grant. Cecil ar- ber. Jr 1 (ht-Cecil Blyth. JeetrieNhsdd. Average attendance 32 s. s. No 10 BESTlNCK Clans 6---A nnie Clark. 4--Hugh Mac- (Jotyltek, Phil ”out". JESSIE Sinilh. ONTARIO ANNIE C. MACKENZIE. Teacher. Honor Rolls 010 of in, trtttMt 'p,atd'tela/ll',rt' C. D. DRIMIIE. Teacher. TORONTO "a" 1mm no“ Mlll while E! mm: m... Buck Hanna! Skirts. worth 82.“) Blue trfmmedtrkieta, worth MO.. .. Iaurteicmsvenette Rtincogts. made __ nus-6.4m worth 7.00.....,... 4.50 New. thte Black Worsted. tailor. nude Sui“. up-tu-dule. worth 15.00. now ench 9.1.0 3 10.00 Pink sttlped Heavy FUnnelette. good value, per yd 10c. . . .uuw 61c Other '4r,'eli,t such as Luce Curtains oweiiintpr, &c at , err low prices. South of New Hume: Block, Durham We are open for another 10,000 dozen eggs this week. Brine them along and get the high price. Every person knows that has used Sherwin-Williams Paints that there are no other paints equal to them for all purposes. We are headquarters for Screen Doors and Window Screens and we have the best prices going. . Before buying elsewhere inspect our Lawn Mowers. We have the var- itty_rantting in price from $1 to Who would be without a hammock when you can get one for 90 eta. Just tn hand a great Winner": of of Hand Saws, " prices to sun everyone. See our stock of Butter Spreede. Lap Rugs, Lap Rubberl. Whips and Harness. The Demon that borrowed our Wire. Fence Stretcher will confer e fav- or it they return it " once. Corner Yonge and Alexander Ma. SUMMER amnion for teachers and others dur- ing Julv and August. All of our Wastes get positions. Circulars free. Enter my titne. bnhlogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PHrteipal " The sun never shone on a sweeter face than that of the bride or hand. somer than the groom." He had one of t6 Gordon’s" " kt. Wedding Rings. She was presented with a gold Watch and chain and her numerous presents were bought from A. GORDON Distinguished for " Thorougimou” Everything in readiness for the Spring treason. Do you want any Jprrisur Implement: . . Ploughs, Hamws, Drills, Scumers etc.' Enquire " this agency. JP-os, Weather, . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of thia famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. ... Pete, familiar: 394972031 . I . wea-tottepedielthe tikeiiaiiieout.1etheN"t: ter block and will be be_tter Watchmakex, Jeweller, Optician. If you wish to get good value for your money, look out for Four own benefit and call and "ORE EGGS WANTED With R.'McM1cken at the Kuhn Home Stable or " the REVIEW Omen. will receive our best attention. . TORONTO. ONT. J. LEVINE HARDWARE THE WEDDING DAY W. BLACK Hiawatha? 'fff Bo you ever Need Trunks, Telescopes, First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale A.W.Watson Bum nod Biscuit. in gm: variety All kind: ofthtte. made to order. WEDDING CAKE mopochlty. PEEL, The Shoeman dwt qierupsyetauvebeen q.NtGoudtm'treitrdi' cine--al1 you need is & m d Grand Mogul Ten. (1meanan outefthetrterves. Why? Watson’s Bread-The Best- Becauseitisriehin (the bvorineesse iiiiiiaarundseCceyke. this ta arntins the ele. menesgsrnsrerterve-fbod. Grand Mogul Gei"e9ro4Mtswk. 25c sumusocp-pu-d (15¢!th “VH5 “1“” “and“ Durham sud Owen Sound. Repairing and Orders our Spec- inlties. um"qr"""""-"'r"-'" ,,_ *iQMOIM‘ud' m'g'qw Etc. See our stock. We have theNuality and price that suits 'tair", Otttteie'. Royal Household, . . . . . per barrel......" Also other high-grade Manitoba mourn, per barrel JG.” to 5.75 " Five Roe" We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. ... AS USUAL . .. Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybodv knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. T U D H 0 P E CARRIAGES Barclay tl Bell WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. RANGES (amend: essence) Ind Relhble. m ale BIG " v, - 2 yard. lo: Af tad ie Rwy "mum White Belle Table Litter, Floor Itilcltrt mlrnilrlml Jul-new Mar IHERE' C (mu-Mum. Iuolnoul and Sou Pun Money Tu Se, LENO‘ Place. " noy _ u IN In I 125 he aged In: 100 " , 50 ~Ac The Hum Fied m 100 he Durham Mam Drug um Tm??? Well in: her to ' Pttotoo "rut u II. Ele Ba (ire Kai Le Co The Mu Wt m All

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