West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1905, p. 5

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aq-riaetms isteacambsthekinl {themes Why aseitisrichintheie and kr-rits-pts-tA Immww‘i hm PtyytitePl'l? rem to Be all me hey are handsome s everybodv in my are the most tie rig on the ma is: iii)tiij-'" you ever Need mks. Telescopes, Ewan") 'mmdb ss',sntitaunmsrH no sandy. part d in " ,GIIMERY /ii'2Jeieli'i'rt,edlt W. Watson mln & M t=Class itoba Flour Sale 'AREROOMS Waugh Ho. trir6rierteas. ”(1011'me .d you need is O L. The Shoeman ag that made by feel like wash. U D H 0 P E ARRIAGES have more new tang” All makes, styles and ts. Call and inspect be. We have one to Smiling RANGES an JUNE 8, tttot ll AS (IS! .d Mogul Tea Grand body knows the most dur n the market rxamino them th'h great variety Bade to order. our specialty. Pare, Fresh and Reliable. \I the $560 to 5.75 We have e that suits The Beat 10128 Manitoba Co. and " Spec- rund $6 [D JmJiJU“ _ TIE as SELLS ak CHEAP LACE CURTAINS :‘yunls long, gt} luchel wide............ MI 4 W. H. BEAN Ladies llvy twilkcl cotton Sheeting. '72 in with. .25c I yd White iurtUpreads, In-iw..............,- each Table Linen...........".............) “dwcuyd HM)! oilcloth. 1 and 2 yds wide....25cn '.".ltd't yd Stair()ilcloth............................... 5ctyd JM-uuew Mutant“.........................20cI " "lMljl(llll%lllllRMl)ll LENDS MONEY at very lowest rim-s. Place: Insuring” of all kindaingeti.trle I Mulvanies. Conn“ 00“., AIM”... Buslnou DIMcultiu, Draws Wiltln'u and Sells C.P.R. - to I" roints. Besides other lands he Otters the following Burg-Inn: 100 Acres Normality South-Welt trf Var my ", well imdproved ind an extra good rum mun-r bouu to go west. ,, A - m Curtains, I lzru Honey and Fruit Grocer!" “I”: on hand ISO n t North of Ann Pu: ( Martiut,t',Wgret sole. 100 Acres Dominick Near Rocky margeen Well improved and owner as: has enough tun In w ply "located. Durham nonunion Owned by J.L. Bgqtwrte I'lmmgn her. Also . huge number of other hum um? Town Properties. 125 Acres Mung-ab, Con 18; wet1loented and improved. Will rent if nett sow noon. The Hanover Conveynncor. Hanover MacFarlane t Co. Druggists do llakullm. Field Corn, 3ackwheat, Hungarian, and Millet T umip Seed H. H. MILLER. Elephant Bangholm P. Top Greystone Kangaroo, Etc. Rock Salt 52E PARKElll?'S Drug Store Learning compton's Early M. s Sweet, etc. TURNIP SEED H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer, (tversNrtg. . . . . . . . . 52.00. 8.Mttttd trite-ch Black Sateen Undegshigtg........ 1.00 each '. wum" .. .tyie In no each White mum... . . . t....... .5oc .nd 7he each .. Nitrhttrowns.. .. . . Jae Ind 1.00 etch " Conn Cow-nu. ....25c|nd we each Ground Oil Cake and Bibby's Cream Equivalent. All leading varieties in package or bulk. LA DI ES” WFAR M " '......L.....91.oo bb except 25e & 40c, hue worked edges Coll? N AA " (llll,l)lll'll 8106K I)llillllll North of Allin Yuk For your Cattle at 4m " 25cspur “Mk!" V f: Ivan“ N JaNiWNkii2 _ ‘ yer. .rEi5'AW, , ' " _ ‘ a», tM "er.' ,,v‘,(. - w: , Fr" s hug,” T "e, ~m. "Wu and some time :10 that '0 Ion looking into the controversy on the eden- tion clam» of the bu] for grtuutmt Provineiat Government to the Territoxiu And that we mould give our readers the conclusions arrived at. Lilo, mauv another ugh-non and cents-overly. maid“ endless talk. And much Pinter'. pk. the greater part of it all has been um repe- mion. At Ottawa, whole tho debate was continued tor weeks. the T, le seems to ohm-n that ewty luau mus: not a wince to ulelIver his not upoec‘... no matter who! its length or "relevtusey. - Many payers in the Dominion, notor- iously in Toronto, have continued to print great headline: of an appealing or protesting nature. and the use of the cartoon to excite and iuibteture comm minds but been extensively made use ot. We inane our protest axanmt much that has been said, written. and sketched. The appeal has been to the trejudices which he near to the snrfuco in almost every human life, to raw hatred, to religious bigotry. bulls. prions. and such like stlt"ttutiorus,otusu senseless out! wit- leus, have hnd enormous careuUtton, etch sane mun feeling that the only thing aimed at w“ a feeling against the Ramon priesthood. The following article on the UM lion-l clause: at the Autonomy try, In Item tho Album Advent“. mm a Bad Deer, Allin-l1. by Ir J. It, Coweti who " tn arx-tnatrtstter of the British Home ot Commons. It uppeond in the Toronto SI! . " darn ugo. sad we wpmdm It a a My minibus“ to I whim that In“ b. “but! no" at lea [utterly in tho bye-election oceotrin. on June 18. The arguments of It Cowdluld other pm- inent men " on the spot. " would Sm, more msittht than wiavdy deliverance. in Ontsrio: No hatred equals the eo-celled religion kind. Heaven known; it need not be appealed to and excited“: is too elronu end Iiublo to break out. in most men, and we set ourselves to condemn much ol the Eat-tern press during this late period, and to any. the while only directing and edit- ing a rruvinciel lunruel in theta! West we would scorn to me, new. or at any time. such weapons " have been need be men who have a reputation in the journal- istic world, or to write such deliberately misleading matter as we heye too often had to road. TORON ro STORM CENTER As we imatated recently, the storm center in time ofthie eduontional disturb. encehee been in the East, chiefly in Toronto, while here. Ihe part of the Domimon mainly concerned, all has been ', calm. deliberate, and watchful. How in this? Why this outside burning deeire to tigUror I". and to die in our interests? It is not easy to explain, unless bv we hypothesis that there is another motive not our interesu only. Can it he and the East understands the conditions of the West better then we do right here on the ground , On the contrary we contend they do not know the fturta--or, if they do, they hide them-." well u we in the West do, and it is thie ignorance of the truth, or euppreeeion of truth. wuich has done much to obscure the ieeue. and hue given the Beet the chance to egpegkto those passions and prejudices. which. we ‘eeeert. should never be appealed to by lolly writer or speaker who has econ- 1 science or any desire to forward the cause l of truth. In the bill to give Provincial powers to this proposed Province of Alberta-the creating Saskatchewan is practically the BauMP-'-Pomr" one given over such mat. ters " property belong to a Province, bat in the one ot education an exception is made. As the bill now stands. the pres- ent system of schools in the Territories must continue. The matter of Public education must not be left open and undecided. The controversy at one timekaging throughout the settled ports of the Dominion inn-t not again be stirred up. ; Sir Willnd Lanrier believes that he it bound by the provisions ot the British North America Act to do as be has done others believe he is notso bound. Much turns upon the interpretation of the spirit " of the letter of this Act. which is an Imperial one. No and at discussion has gone on in the House of Ottawa on the constitutional points raised. Probably all that can bcl for or against has been said. No one is much the wiser. One point does appear. " Sir Wilfred is wrongly or rightly LI. vised on the constitutional points, he must be credited with courage in dealing with the subject. Had he done what so many of his opponents called upon him to do, and been silent on this school mat- tar, l e ,rouldlpemsoelly have been relieved of a most wearisome and protrscted disputation. and ot much bitter personal attack. But, as we think with honest intent, and acting with true statesman- "hip, he took the responsibility upon i himself, and has succeeded in giving occasion to his political opponents _ to rage against him " being the tool of sectarisnism and has given to many of his tro-rehgionisttr much dissatisfaction. -IaNORANC'E IN THE EAST. There is much Ignorance shown MI tho Ens: ubout our ochool system. our try-tam is not their’a. Our lay-tom in not the old A - ., --» - -....L-m dual system. Our system Is no" ayswm of Separate lcboola at all m the some in which many me the expnession. Probably the best words to use in “no connection no " Minorisy " schools, or " Permissive " schools. Our school syctem is)” for an; schools. Our school system is so is: en- perior in its conception and so much l better in its practical operation to anything in Ontario, that we can politely. but per- tinently suggest to the agitators down there, to set their own house in order be- fore they venture lointerlerc with ours. What is the system of schools in the Ter- ritories. which seemsto us to be about perfection? Thst there shall be Public schools built, staffed and supported as provided by our Territorial ordinance wherever such schools ere reguired. But twine the mischief of the nal. " don. 'li"i"iii"itTiGii0iit-ulto,rie, ol the bitterness sud hetred engendered in all! Gaels on the utter cl religious (ham . APPEALS TO PREJUDICE Autonomy”. LAURIER'S COURAGE. E. out via mam-suing upm- ominous "itationttettyt in the an. and even alter all this we are perfectly tttstigma, it is the best became the suggest. fairest. and man practiml under test, we be eve, of any found in Canada. We do not wishto be misunderstood. We do not ourseltes believe in any system of Public schools but one. We have contended for one Public school system all our days. but in Canada there have been many battles over this question. and, taking all things into consideration. we see there hasbeen acompromise. one meant to meet the views ot othera who think differently to ourselves, of people who believe their children should be under some religious inthstr.yre, The arrangement is not ot out making. “enever did see good reasonstorexoeptions in Public school. hut Can» ada did, the several legislatures did. the House of Commons did. and the imperial Parliament did also. What “)me us now is simply this, on the ttttr,' is of the parties concerned a comm was reached to try to meet all sides, the rights of minorities were respected and so long asthis is the ground upon which education has to he Titled. we thim, the system now in existence in t e territories la the least olgictiontsble. Under it no particular acct seems to have any ad- vantage. Generally it has given satisfaction: and worked well. Premier Hellman has said that the territories would, it they had anything to do with it, continue the present system. in the whole ot the territories. under a dozen or thereahouts, minority or permissive schools not, several of these are small, and. we believe, feeble. NO SECTARIAN DANGER. The cry of " Rome " does not seem to be more Er, a bogey to frighten weak reborn. We say now deliberately. we see noth ng to alarm anyone. We seeno sectarian danger. t.leertu of the high clcrgy of the Roman Catholic Church think they‘rhave no rights muted them under our a stem. edo notagree with them. We think the ttovertupentlusy acted wisely in endeavoring to give iinalltylto the basis under which we carry out Public Be ool work in this Kart of Canada. In fact, the t,ti'rt,t shown out eat is the quiet. ness of come one superiority and right. In a short time all this strife will have ended. ..The bill. will HAS WORKED WELL. The may school and the perms-ave school: In t."g1't,%'lfg',tlM', Bl1mitterotteoeherami wor , up to 8.30 o'clock etch thy. This has work- ed well, pad lg: if. .he may!” noged. no, one suggested“ "ee--. CiiGierittis system muiijri'orHitii"d, un “his agitation beggn in the but. and even -m in women» My. pad. a simple pron-ion. Ila-t whm . minds! of "(on who “in" In the Inn-lad do. with! to In” not, and rm tho tmtittarr ”like Ochoa! did But apply all “I, “all. then may could. us proud“. hay. another who-l " their on: oat-And be exempt bom the support of the ordiouy Public control. but the school which no) provided for uni: own child!» must has in. may *etttt0 aPubhe who“ “an tho Act. lure the am. dale qmttitud teachers. “on text Dom. name curticulnun. 'ttut"' puudud and rules otenminuinn. mm; ttted" the Inn dam-ml- and. for "ieistter In tho touching. and obtain Ihoreby lhe “me aid from gtovrrtrttMtatt at other Public whack ; out, and hero i, the, "My faint of MEM- one». after half put three o‘clock ouch day the clnldnm may be caught the rehtrioa or (10::qu ot tite mud minority. was. our school system will continue as it is. em proud of it, not beam we personally think}: the best concelvuble in theory, but the Maryanne under existing circumstance. in Cm . While meg;v priests oi the Roma church they bedissetisil ,we believe most of their leity ere content. It is regreteble that " the commenceL meat of our Provinciel lite this ettempt to stir up strong pension has been made. We rejoice. how. ever, to believe thet from now onward we mey be outside the itttluenee ot greet political “nations designed to accomplish more then the object so cunningly tAT,,"', in tne (e"e',11/."',; We hate religion” te on we hate the evil. end we are a to believe thetin this case the vlpforous nt- mpt to create it hes not succeeded so or es the North-West is concerned. We hope to give our. selves to better work end nobler causes. The great rouse of edumigon should not be brought into party politics. ll e we and the West does not desire it and will not encounge it, It is. to every true citizen of this new land. I matter of much satisfaction. thst whatever any be said or done about the constitutional points raised in this connection the whole controversy h" gone to cottiirm and establish the wisdom Ind desk-shil- it¥I of maintaining under the eimumgtattcett in w ich we find the community. the school system now in active and beneficial use in the territories. The Municipal Council of the Town. ship of Normanlw met in the Township Hall, Ayton, on Thursday. May Mth, as a Court of Revision and for general business; Reeve Marina in the chair. all the other members present. After some minor basins» the Council formed into a Court after each member took the Oath of Declaration. MurinynKoeniz. That ll 9 minutes of the praviom meeting as road be ndoptod. Carried. H. G. Grien Mo, John D. Datum $1oo, James Rowan 'loo, Geo. Dorhecker $100 Wm. Xenia 9100. Ayton Cordage Co. 02.975. Thea. Adair 9100. Christian Rain. or 8100. The following men were reduced in their assessments: Moore-thub) That C. Chilton be paid IN, per rod for win Unee on lot 12 con. 16, Minto to pay an cqnal nmoum. Carried. Among the accounts so be void were the rollowine:-.-Milur&iuim, lumber and timber for bridge. lot 15.0011. IT, t188.66; James Bratt. filling in nppmach at bridge, lot 16. con- IT, $6.80; James Hoy. fillime in washout at Vuney. Egre- mom to pay half 01.00; Corn. Murray 'to pay parties drawing pilm 1nd moving driver to Nauru“. $27.00. N. Wang-r & Bros. lumber etc.. 1904 Iccunn‘. 017.35; N. Wenger & Bros., mulls & lumber, $18. M; Council meeting at date, 011.80 ; ormmistriomsra, Reeve 4. Koeuig 8, Mun ray], Moore 4, IJmlyyh 14, togal. 682.00: Murray-Marine. Thu Mo be granted to Normanhy Agricultural Show to he held In Nssu,aadt.--iarriod, Umbuch voting satin» motion. Am Hair Vigor East‘s for tedna. Gray Hair Why is it that Ayer’s Hair Vigor does so many remark- able things? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, put: new life into it. The hair emu: keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to my hair. -m It. W'l “I 'tr" tisltit,lttitEu'fiy,l'liiAiil:7 as! 'i'iiiiriiCigCiEfy..tLe2yttetes': Normanby Council. .11" JV.: m yum: Some of our customers think we are . too far downtown and some not .far enough but under the present ctr- cumstances we will be plea§edto see as many as can come this Hr. We have good values in , ll from $1.00 to$I.75. m ' ' ' . Dong., 1llalt, I illlllttii't SIM PM? Leather and Tan. Wehuve a line of . , . [miles Iligll “we tlt tarJotai2et them. They are beauties. Many different kinds T Ins always in stock. 'le Don't forget that we claim 66 HALF TIME " is the best. cheapest and quickest Paste Polish we know of. Only to be had here. 10e per box. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN as Cash in exchange for Goods TWEEDS & YARNS Ol? BEST QUALITY. Grocerles. Dry Goods, BooN * Shoes, Crockery, da. We can give you Bargaint. If We ask inspection of our Teas.“ The Could adjunct] to - on Tnuday. Jun- 6th, at lo 3' IL. u u Conn of Revision and for sound basin-u. --AdeatteNt. 'htrrar-0bMe% m Mr M’- offer ot64at " and (at “trot-dip "no! gib-4hreied, “an to“. and“ S. SCOTT. bearing 2/?iarmrmurs Raymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wcod Agent for the Dillon Kluge Stay Fence. METHING NEW IN “‘AEBEBE: The Perfrrrstef l'n-II. $T v Also Wilhelm'u Wrinzera. all nude by Wutwu ot Ayn . S. MCIlraith 52$ Jiri-ii-iii-iii-iii-sian" iasgtalkaigyilSbiif2b , We're Well Situated We can give onlg a. mere list of our goods. but In quality and adaptability to t 0 needs of South Gray we are not excelled: Bearing Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs. Ilene" Hpr- netm,Piilmerston Buggies. Renowned anticleu, fair pl we: Jhahn GlarR. The beat in their line as we handle only the ga"irijtNki/, ph' k'/'2ktii umpmmmmmuma. Mr and "it! “Mn: “(I ill n . . who 'il,t'l%N1'8t'l% to enter. tg; Much has mulled Went: I [Ill Elgyoqpewm an}! "tti.' - ing page”. " run mm! or m on} W --'-- """sPAlltrMEN'rtr or we, MEDICAL. "ttiih%VViit1riFGrtiiiaTriiriirenii . Tu? what-loath: within an new 1min; unwin- pcddons. For (all pascal-n address", c. A. ILBIING. Prune ml Owen 8033:! And therefore we hear nothing but prune for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. ITSUITS TO A TI FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECnNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cleanliness reignsin every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, Give us I call and see lor yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. dways on hand " Rowe's store. MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN The Perrramteelltt. GOOD REASONS f STEIN S ON'S A ’ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . H. STINSON. W E D DING C A RES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. glam Machinery. A few doom South of the Middaugh House, It t,IP7 in ch Ide I and may. (3mm:- sud Goon. I 0-1. u m at am. Old 'tomiie new. _ ARTHUR GUN. M. D., anon-u march-aching; Dissociative. Ear. Nose. and Thrust J. G. BUTTON. M. D., GI. C"!!! has In» Bonn an... on munch-oath. Hours. r-o u 0tM.----LOWtttt TOWN. DURH‘I. HONOR GRADUATE of woman University. graduate of Roral Coll.“ of Dental Snrgaom of Ontario. 300... Over J t J HUNTERS New Btotw W. C. PICKERING D. o s, L. B. S. otBoe,urtostttt, .- - - - Own-Boll Witt ttent the madman: Home. mm... the am Wanna“)- at oral: month (an. 10.. I. all c .n. m mum: to Imam (laden. Kn.) and to Kappa (New York) En Donut-la. Jammy sud {than Fund. to Los- on New n tom" nae-of sumo». "lttuiott m M cool-noun.“ awful Vdutor. Man a ”wool. :01!” W J. Aed. Hanan”. “on: -- I I to 10 a... war-1' -fia-i. , .9: 'ttttttlr t Iona look“ “(or “a Emutor‘l and tttLet mtou' Account. W and fund Imp“ Court Bullhea- Ptom of Wit than" " Ad min-undo: all alluding-hip obtained. - ohu and. h Bunny 0mm and Titus roportod WUII. M. In if. Lou-ad, Wonk “damned, pup-:3. Emu»- of doom-dru- yelrtted - “a Emutor’u and All: .1.- 1llUu9EAY a DUNN, Barristers. Souclgors. Conveygncers b-tt B. m, Money to how. 06cc. Helium Block, over the Bank A. G. HOOK-v one. W. F Dunn , _ S,oPeeie 599""?va tun-M " Banister. 8olittttorin Supreme Court Notary Public. Commuuoner. ac. In"! Public. Cotrttttiesittner,Cottvetr moor. Yunnan Insurance Agent. to Privute Honey to bash. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly stun- ded to. Fum- bought and wld‘ JOHN CLARK) D. MoPHAlL.) m and Equipment. The wheel In mommy tn “I: nanny tn chunk” and 'rtiri1,t?tifr1',ll. and tie, hir, for tun Junie! Mum 'e-temu. ttoat work. Tho (0110th can”: ml on b mterutirtgtrty_destqAtutuif an”: niriausetieyutrttitt,t. Lrglulle,lgilt dun-commonest. purhnaorhetth- 'iiiiiAteto-"tri"tr'o"etmtrir. WuJobungn. e. lung... Han-ed Auctioneer fo the County of any. Lt-dA-to-ttwth-tfore'. hi. WE... be left Su. mph-m wad room. lemurs old mod. out mm. oiiiiiiii. Nov. u. m. MOOI " 1. 2.'hr""-" uonrnv value ’ ooivivBé-E; t - “in. (in. to Dun-u a Women and Chlldnn. Eye. Ear, Nose an Throat '1‘qu m. 'h"-"""", Iv- -- - ”mac..nm¢henndou the Review ot. ”.!)urhm. at (hie-pendulum“ there, or to Ceylon P.0., will be manly Mm. Tun-Manon» D. [ovum Ceylon P. o or to C. IAIAGI. Durham - Coylon husulephono 0.09. G. LEFBOY McCAUL. 55.552210. _ __ matron. I B. I. lt-dp. In. 74 p, II Telemee Ceneeeuen Ne. " Durham School (Bee, over Gordon'a Jewelry Store. DEN TAL- (Bee. McKenzie‘n Old Stud, Dnrham Auctioneers. 1306. ALLAN, “CUM”. m: mutton»; B. A., MI“ ‘0 use A.30rkNt.NON, B. L, um a. [Joell-ed Auctioneer for Co. Grey HOURS LEG-AI... DR. BROWN, A. B. JACKSON. rm u put month In adv-Ia. Chutn- Modnxoxo It J . P. TELFORD DR. BURT OFFICE HOURS Money to Low. L R. C. P., Won. Ml... m tor ash: " Owen sou-d tSr; £1

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