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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1905, p. 1

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Ink iled and “rubbed frames PIG ill) BANK OF (lllllill for Produce. Model Farm iUELPH. 1tay.ts was: only 3Ott 40e, and 46e tore 1 Off sell. llt rdi, J KELLY.ugent. smme tl & up to $3 r VIN l905. 'en ' -n‘wrest allowed on sits of 81.00 and up- Mention and every 'ustomen hing It. AGENCY 45c to 75c $6 to 12.00 ik per yd ", Sw, 12.1,c rates Toronto Cl resident anger. a trammeted m 'made on ed and inter n St HUI” I.“ I] VOL. XXVII. NO. 24 §wwwwmmw 'ihiihhhhhiWihhkii, "i'::.::.')'!':.:!, 3 Special Lines 'iii T33Esagxmmmmmmmmmma Emsmmmmzmmmmgm' Special Sale . . . i Made of excellent qualities of Cravenette elothjn the new- est styles. We're giving genuine bargains m this line. Here are some sample prices : Ladies' Raincoata. reg. $12.00...... . .. . . . . . .reduced to 81t, " reg. 8.60..........--. " I .. reg. 6.00 to 6.50........ o6 , 0‘99“”. The newest and prettiest of the season l styles are reprrf sented here, and the colorings are very dainty. ' New Cotton Voilos and Crepe-de-Chenos. . . . .. . .180 per yard New Fancy Voile (Lace effect) r........... w........... ......350 New Vestinga .......... C.C...r.._........3oc to AOtt peryard, 500 yds Fancy Muslims. reg. 15a. for. . .. .r.... ....10c per yard . OQGQOQG Men's Shirts Wash Goods and Muslins Ready=made Clothing For Men and Boys Boots and Shoes We have a great assortment of Men's Shirts-in new patterns and mater- als. We can promise that any shirt you buy here will fit both you and your pocket & give satisfactory wear ii' you prefer a suit 'made to your order, we'll take your measure and Save You Money Is on the bargain litt iust.no.w. Or Don't forget that this store is headquarters for the best makes of Boots and Shoes to be had in Durham-or any where else-at prices as low as can be put on good goods. James Ireland. 0f Ladies' Raincoats OQ$QO~O OQOQO‘O reduced to $19-22 itit'ii,tliittit Brick for sale, or will exchange for wood. Apply to Ayl’mg &Son, at the brickyard. Durham. The thctory roof is on, flooring is approaching completion. steam is up, and it won't belong before work begins. We beg to acknowledge receipt of complimentary tickets for the races of theMt. Forest Driving Park Associat- ion on July I. Prince Stanley. the Nth century high Wire marvel, appears at the big July 1 Demonstration under the auspices ot Ben Nevis Camp. The whole assessment roll of the town of Clinton has been appealed against on the ground that the new Act was not complied with in making the assessment. NEW MoDtmATort,-ttev Wm. D, Armstrong, M. A.. Ph. D , Ottawa, was elected Moderator of the General As.. sembly of lhe Pieshyterian Church in senior: at Kingston last week and this. To Lrrr.--1he looms above A Me- Lachlan’s store, recently occupied by Dr Gun as office. To rent on easy terms. Applytc Durhamites at a. distance are already planning to come home to the by Demonstration on J uly L The sons of Scotland are the organizers. but it is really a town affair and citizens should display bunting, flags, evergreens. etc. This will be a. record break er. W H BEAN, Bee'y A. F. & A. M. Dave Darby called in on Saturday morning and exhibited to us one of the finest trout we have yet seen. It was caught, in watson'tt, above McGowau's dam and weighed almost 21hs, measur- ing 16.h ins. This is no fish story. DON'T Former 1T.--Che members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church have arranged an exeurmonto Niagara Falls on Friday, J ulv T, includ- ing all stations between here and Elam. ( inclusive.) Special train leaves Durham at 7 a. m. and will return evening of same day. Tickets good to return on any train up to Monday 10th. Fare: Adults 32.35: Children 81.St, Eurther particulars later. Evnay'rmxu COMPLETED. _-- All ar- rangements are now made for the Sons of Scotland Demonstration on July I. There has been delay over train or- rangements hut the difficulty has been happily overcome and With good weath- er, this year’s Show promises to eclipse last year's as much as that did any previous effort. Only 25 cts to the grounds, children 15 as. vehicles 25 cts- Admission only by ticket for sale at the Drug Stores and at ticket offices. A RECEIPT FOR. Krsswr--To one piece of dark piazza. add a little moonlight; take tos granted two people. Press in two strong ones a. small, soft hand. Sift lightly two ounces of attraction. one of romance; add a. large measure of folly; stir in a. floating ruffle or two, one or two whispers. Dissolve half a. dozen glances ina well of silence; dust in a. small quantity of hesitation, one ounce of resistance. two of yielding; place the kisses on a. ttuahed cheek or two lips; flavor with a slight scream and set; aside to cool. This wrll succeed in any cli- mate, if directions are carefully follow- mate, ed. THE Exctuusros.-The officials of the Ii'avtuer's Institute, notably Becy, Bin- nie, must. be swatitied at, the success at- tending this years' excursion. Satur- day morning looked threatening but four coaches left the station here pretty well filled and Var'ney, Holstein and Mt Forest contributed many more and when the union with Hanover branch was made there were 10 coaches in all bound for the farm. The usual court. eons treatment was extended to the visitors at the farm, a generous lunch, open buildings. lectures, guides. &e., all parts of an education that is telling on l the province. Tickets being good for a. lstuy over many remained until Monday. IA communication received in this of- l tice deplores the conduct of a. few young men en route who, without apparent cause shout and yell in a. way that gives ., city people a right to consider us bay- seeds and hoodlums." Another humil- iating circumstance to our correspon- dent is the "attention and :putronage bestowed on cheap Johns, quacks and fakirs, when there was so much ofan elevating nature to be seen and heard." Such things will be dear friend, and even the 1mportunate and desperate crush at the lunch room door will con- ( tinue to cause wonder if the crowd had had anything to eat fora week. Burns knew all about it “Deil tak' the bin- most on they drive." The afternoon was wet. causing more indoor inspection than usual, while many " did " the city. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE 15,3905. ”54:5 "/3113? Highest price paid for Wool in Cash or Trade at J. M. Findhy's busy “one Dromore. It you want to purchase a home and lot in Durham, see A. H. Jackson. Price reasonable and good tel-mu. In our Edge Hill correspondence [at week. we mentioned Mr Jan. Atkinson as hnidlmg a new house instead ot JOI. Atkinson. Priqter'ts error. Norrctg,--Woro closed every evening at Tao p. m. except. Wednesday: and Saturdays. Phone No 38. A. W. WATSON. The local members for South and Centre Grey have been honored by hny- mg two new townships in New Ontano named after thetn,--Jtuttieeon and Lu. C. O. F..-ie memhers of Court Durham No Mo, C. O. P., will attend Divine services in a body to the Method- ist Church on Sunday next, 18th inst. at 11 a. m. Not correct was ouratutemont hut week that Mrs Mule was a. sister of Ur S Pulherhough. She Inn t6 Pathet- trough and is a relative but not IO close. WOOL WAsTirD--Bring your wool to Tavlor & Cm, Dmmore. Highest price cash or trade and the heat stock of goods that can be wen anywhere. TAYLOR tlo.. Dromou HORSE RAcrso,---The Mt, Forest Driving Park Association are holding a. meeting on July I, and admirer-of that sport will have opportunity to gratity their taste. Admission 25 eta. Use Pemcy‘s Paint, this year and van wont have to paint again for eight or ten years. There's real economy in Pearcy's paint. Sold here only. MACF‘ARLANE &Co. A novel and delightful feature of the lat of July demonstration in Durham will he the presence of about. 70 of St. Andrew's Society Royal Cadets In High- land uniform. Stuart tartan, with rifles, tae., afternoon and evening. A CHAIN Oh' MovINaB.--Mr. and hire. Buchan are movmg this week into the Mekeehnie manse property, the Mun- roe family follows them while Mrs. and Miss Park, me ungientnnd. will occupl theirold home in the CuasFforil Asideiiifii. l The pipers and drummers of the 7th London Fusiliers. will he on hand at the Ben News Camp Demonstlation on July 1. Everyone admired the pipes in concert last year, and gratification is again in store for' lovers of the “manual strain," q Mr Leonard. C. P. R. superintendent of constrnction, was in to wn last week. The railway is now usurety though when construction wilt commence we cannot say. We are informed that the route through town is likely to be that crossing Garufraxa. St. at Dr Huttou's corner. LEtrrmattr,-Rev Dr Walter. Mark- dale intends giving a. series of lecture' in the R. U. Church on the evenings of the ihat Sundays in the month, beginning in July, on " Roma and the Holy Land, " The Rev Gentleman has travelled there and has therefore a personal knowledge of his topic. Ad.. mission 10 cts. The editor of one of our country pap- ers receiyed the following query: "Gan you tell me what the weather wdl he like next month ? " In reply the editor wrote: It is my belief that the weather next month will he very much like your subscribtion. " The inquirer thought for an hour what the editor was driv- ing at when he happened ro think of the word unsettled. He went in' next day and squared his account. PROF. Kosorm's Soxs.-Lust week's " Republican " published at Laramie. Wvoming, has the following referenees to the otrsruing of our well-known and genial master in music. "Rudolph Konold. general manager of the Phoe. nix Mutual Life Insurance company at Salt Lake, is in the city the guest of his brother. Engineer Al. Kohold, expecting to leave to-night for an ex- tended eastern trip. Mr Konold. before his return to his home in Zion will pay ayisitto his aged parents in Canada. and wiil attend a. meeting of the general managers of the Phoenix company in Detroit on the 20th. He has been very successful in the insurance bushels and has just finiehed an elegant home for his family which cost a. little over 36,500. " Another item in the some issue says 66 Miss Louise Konold. the beautiful young daughter of Mr and Mrs Al. Konoid. who has just returned from a. year's visit In Canada, complet- ed s course in harmony and theory of music while nwsv. her instructor being her ttrattdhsther, the elder Konoid. who is one of the moat skilled instructors in the British possessions. " r'ii'4t?Jtls', _il,ttrii ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO gt MODATtNa.--A western pho- er udventiees " If you have . we can take it. If you have none 'te make it. " a: "tt lb. ad . J. com to t a elem nth?8col . I will pay for green. trimmed as Hides free of cuts and holes Thet It). 2ihe per hide tare. ' T. Sun-n. . J. Henry. from Walkerton. ham to town sud opened up Monday I kt and general repair shop south of Beott's, store, formerly the ' drrn Mrobitatu, columns w-dnv record thqpenth of mu Annie Rielly. no” W Hill. Deceased was an amiable youhg Indy Ind will he sincerely mourn- " relative- and many friends in GI elg and Normwby. when the fam. it '. vet! for nanny yours. RUNAWAY in town Sunday even- ing “and some little excicem out. The bone. which belonged to Mr Harry tether. Bentmek, was standing tied in him of McKeehnie'a store. and it became fe ightened at the “(hoodlum pulling hr. It bolted. hawking the We. and mm north, turning west at Dr Hutton'a corner and WM finailr caught near the unwary. No material l Mice was done to the buggy. Monsanto LAexotrBir.--Mr Anna-i Hwormuck. Glenronden. hu handed us l My of the Western Globe, published II'Lwomhe, Alberta which contained It i I”. article dealing with the desirability l, at this dUtriet as it place for settlement "ireciOy since the opening of a. branch at the C. P. R. The article describes a l kip made by the editor and others and l, 3 full of notes regarding the soil, the timber. ranching and duirying opportun- tttel. the hospitality they met with. kc. They rushed over It dozen embryo vill- ageu. and everywhere there was a rosy ttet, We wish we could print the hole letter, this is impossible. but any- §ne wishing to see it can do so by calling tt the Review office or better perhaps all on Mr McCormack, who is an en- usiut on the West. The article in- ..nces n number who have .. smbition ver. " one man beginning to turn over quarter sec. with a spade i It closes follows t--" Lacombe is the district F prosperity and contentment. Where datum but. insulin Western Cun- ada is to he found. When a land seeker looks over the Lucombe district he is at once satisfied, and willing to cart his lot with the balance of the settlers who are enjoying life and the best climate on the globe. " A = A Tuesday morning under Capt. o. w Sunder, No 400.. 3ist Regiment. gath- ered fortheir annual trip. the last to Niagara Camp. Including Limit. Torry and Staff-Berg. Haulage, the Illum- raised to the dignity of carrying a sword. there werem in the bunch and though some of them had wart-My an hour's training they made a pvesentahle lot and will come back greatly henetitted h the two weeks discipline and drill. lic, Cornpgny consists of 9. M. Snider. Capt. l R. Torry. Lieut. The othets at random are (we don't know the Evy-g- ennta and corportus): Percy Voila. John McLean, Wm Darby, Ed Glass, Alf Noble. John Lloyd. Wm Johtvitou, Thus Bart-lay, Harry Burnett. Peter Rumme. Thus Momma Beet Moore, Geo Pilgrim, Alex McComb, Stanlov Telford, Norman Mcuillivray, - Green. John McGirr. Thus Rmd am) Ira Wudsyro iiirl1iGilafii'laiHiG/ all; huglgr. I We hope, If they meet the enemy, they ( ll B KEELFR al SONS Will give a good account at themselves _ I o J is}; we shall be glad to record tlmr do. ‘The Busy Store On the Busy Corner Again the Sons of Scotland Commit- tee have one of their big IM of July cun- certs on hand, and the talent secured is . a. guarantee of excellence. In addit Inn , to the Pipe Band, the Cadets. the first 1 prize dancers of the afternoon and the? aerialist, Prince Stanley in trapeze work 9 there is a full ticket of musicians of, high rank, notably Cyril Dm ht Ed- i wards. who has sung before 'r'owpi'll and I won honors in two continents. His i supporters are MissSusie McGill of Lon. I don, a noted Soprano, Miss Una Butler) Pianist and accompanist. end Mr. Will i McLeod. Singing and Dancing Comedian of Seaforth. Doors open at 7p. m. l Concert MFins at 7.80, being Saturdayl evening th a must be strictly wdheredl to. By request some reserved seats have been set npnrt. open to first com- i era. and the price the usqu one, w, etc. i Accommodation for all at 253 on Town _ Hall Benches. A large platform is being i erected, the floor, will be saw-dusted and anight of solid enjoyment, realized. 55M The undersigned will sell house and lot on West, Bruce tit, built in 1904. lo- cated between Furniture and theam Sepamtor factories. ii) , 32 feet, 25 stories. double cellar, cement floor in one bait. (quince ip the o.tt1tr half. ft one ”all. lulu-u» ... um» “vuv- --. 7, rooms. modern and convenient. Good well on premises, small barn with Btotte stable aisderneath. A baa-gain to quick buyer. Apply on the premises or to Wat. Lmamt Boorelt, Durban. Onto the Tented Field, That Pink Concert. House For Sale. -----' .0- ------i------- 1 if“? The vulture of Brooke now denim Io he inoorpomtod with Owen Sound. Thin would {live the County Town I population of over IS. 000. Albums tom-ls are among the latest novelties. They do not. requuv .oap and water to clams them. " hen nailed it as said (but they may he thrown In the tire, and in a few minutes are readrto he drum out fresh and den. Among the patents tuned by Marion & Marion, Montreal. is one an-d Coeds, Elmwood. who has invented s clothe. noel. Information concerning thin or other when“ will be cuppiied free of charge hv applying to the above mentioned Bran. Bnmoina in Walt Paper-teo- of our hm paper- still here that were overlooked by the only buyers. Com- mencing thin week you can have your choice " a reduction of one third. You must we the paper to tealise what this ofter menus. MACFAttLANE & Cu. The Reliable Grocery Staple a: Penny Groceries Choice Fruits end Confectionery TheobaWs Old Stand, t; June Weddings We WHEN TO SPEAK and WHEN TO BE SILENT Women's Bangui; Oxfords. all sizes. ........... ........ ......l.00perpr Women's Gr. and Feb. laced Shoes, T.".".-..-..............-'-') [Adin' 09:99 Oxford: a. . gk per pair Boyl' Butt Show at . . . . . ... .90e per pair Boya' tine Show at .........t.N .. Min-98' Dongola Shoes Mn. .LOO .. We have All necmnulu ion of Ladies' Shoe. in “5083, 4 ted which we are selling at may need prices to clear them out. Cuhmere Socks ttr.... ......25c per pair ladies' Cabaret-e Hose at.. .25c per pair Men‘s ttmt light wool Box " 20c per pair These wool so: are excellent. tor uummer weer. Light summer Under-weer that will wear at 31.00 per unit. There are . tow Buita left which we call- ing " Cost. This is your chance fora Good Bait Chou). Cub or m for Produce. CHAS BAKAGE. Pam: an Pullman. C. McARTHUR In. verv desirable tiung to know but NOW is the time to tell put- chuers of the values We offer in We have just received a large ship- ment of Jewelery, consisting of Wedding Rinse. Fine Pearl Brooches, Necklete. Bracelets. Locke“. Watches and Chains. show everything needed in the Jewelery line for the Bride and the largest & best stock of Silverware ever shown outside the large cities We can save you money on every article we sell. BOOTS AND SHOES Is now prepared to supply all your wants with a brand new stock in the following lines : Good values in Teas, Coffees and Spices. We invite everybody to Visit our store and inspect our fresh, clean goods, J. H. ROSE, 9‘29 HOSE Durham TCTI

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