West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1905, p. 4

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g cy7 2 )arlfng, Tul pmpZe’s‘ Druggist. O . 3;: - JT r, _ ”V, ,,__::" ”K", -etetetreae-e8e8et.8e8. 3e3eaeae8e3e8e8. The Farmers' M'f'tt a Supply 00., Ltd. We Ihm't Want Money Let us quota you a prue on Darling's 2)rug gtope A The New Baby The Price to Shareholders is only 815.35. (Steel wheels 82 extra We then have enough protrt to help pay shat eholders a divtd d. to do is to sell the goods. Don't be deceived by the stories loletl‘you 52:73:53 are interested in getting all they can out of you. " we were not doing the busi- Dee, they would not advertise us. WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO SELL BINDER TWINE to our shareholders no as to save them money. Call and see it. It Wh oorfheeome a shareholder at once? Don't continue to the old . when by cooperating with your neighbors you an save 'tttGE/du""" 'rho Farmers' M'f'g a Supnly 00., Ltd. BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, - . , , - - -1 ,_ -4--.1 This is the season for ttting will be qucired. We have them from.... ... Our ti Curtain IS a hammer. 4 A complete showing of Spring and Summer White La,“ Waists, made in dainty fashions and markets specially low. 1.t " waste ol time and money to look elsewbete, We have decided to sell these Waists at each A A _ - A - - - 1- I,adies , Willinery tltegant d fave/y This ii a mun-"um! that is gaining ground fast. little time until Hwy farmer will be interested 'ilottht, ham £ace ' titeautifut Jpr/ny Apparet iUiiiiiiiiir" Gii" 'Ucderatery priced. But w" w a Cash and tu, yucca Our Order Book plainly shows the result of Mil- linery Opening Week. Such a brilliant display was worthy ot a much larger town than Dar. ham. Our Hats were greatlv admired and were designed by our Milliners who Won un- minted praise for ele- gance. novelty and good taste. an! the cv-npprntion of every Farmer in the country Iairtty Mite Waist: ”he, JV, 1.25 to 2. St? humming your homes See ot'r great stock 8 n. HAY RAKE. Yoilltiird all these at Darling's Drug Bore. All the goods we sell are pure, cuefully made, the right thing for the pri, (use; If )(ullmve a 1-H scripticn to fill Ythis is the place to bring it: Everything rieTsh and good. Needs Pure Drugs, Hy- genic Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet Preparations. We Bank on Quality. 'ortock. homes. New Cur- stock before buying. , a urlams It is only a matter of ”(Winery modesty Prieed Examine- it carefully Mr Met. Btorrer is home tram 19 Mrs T. A, Harritsien Monday to Toronto relative; Miss Jean Ireland left Saturday on a v isit to Brantford friends. Reeve Mums, of Hanoyer, and Mr Messenger were in town on Friday last. Mines Maggie and Marion Gunn visited Mt. Forest friends the beginning Misses Maggie visited Mt. F019" of the week. Mr John Cameron left Mondnyand will resume his duties as lmveller for the McLean Pub. Co. Mr und Mrs Dugald McCormick, Priceville, visited Miss Robertson, Upper town. and other friends, last Nts Herbert Ball, of Slmlfmd, ac- cmnpamed by Miss Flora. McGregor, of Paikhlli at? wishing the turmer's pui- pareuts in IGWII. Mrs Robt. Turner and children left Thursday for Fergus, where they will remain a. abort. time before joining her ween. husband out West. Mrs Robb. Ector, of Edge Hill. and Mrs Thus. Turnbull. Con. I, E. G, It. ate this week visiting daughter and ulster Mrs Little of Proton. Mrs l. B. Brown and Miss Sarah Brown left Monday morning to visit. the tsuaner's daughter, Mrs (Rev) Trirtx of Eden Grove.~Holsl.ein Leader. Max-shall Gould, who has been work- ing for the Durham Cream Separator Co., has left the tirrc, and is visiting at his home, Waterloo Ave.-Guelph Mer. Mr Chas, McInnes went lo Owen Sound on Tuesday mornings witness on lhe Prior case which Was aired be- fore Police Magistrate Telford here some months ago. Mr Baldwin Hutton, of the Traders' Bank, of Winnipeg, nephew of Dr Hut fon, in on a trip to Ontario, convales- cing from an attack of typhoid. He was the guest of the Dr for a few days lasL'wee-k. Mr Geo, Watson. Hamilton, is spend- ing a few weeks in Durham and vicauity wntha view to improving his health which has notheen good for some months back. He is " rulutnve ()er Chas. Watson, North Egremont and of Peter in town. Mr John McArllmr. Lot 28. Con. 1, 8.1). ll, Wttti m town“) Wednesday. He expects some day soon to jump on a U. P. R. train at Buuebsan auction and be whisked to Durham iuafew min- utes. The mack goes within 00 yards of his barn. Rev " m, Farquharson and family had a moving expel ience this week and on Monday and 1uestltty vacated the plennaes on the old Woodland corner which lor about SIX years has been the Presbyterian Manse. to occupy the. tine new ,manee the conpegattonhats purchased, the Parke: residence. The congregation 15 pleased indeed to me their' pastor and his family among such lmauulul rurroundintps,and no wish is warmer than that they may long enjoy It. Among the many visitors who took advantage of the trip to Guelph to visit friends and telatiycs there over the week end were Misses Jean Brown, ti. It. J. McKinnon, Edsth Williams, Mrs Adanus,thirts McArthur Sr. of the Glen. her two daughters who are visiting her and son Dan, Mrs Wilkinson Sr. Dro- more. Mrs Tnyor and Miss Taylor Dromm-e, to Hanmwn. Mruud Mrs Wm Nelson Dromure. Wm Isaac Dromore to Gall. Mia Chas. Rumage Durham, Mrs Wm.tE'ccles and son to Acton and Georgetown LrtmNouAsr-1n (ilnnelg on the 27th May, to Mr and libs James Leding- ham, a son. BcHwAsT--in Sullivan. on the 4th June, to Mr and Mn Henry Schwandl neon. MrDmarros--In Glenelg, on the lat June to Mr and Mrs A. Middleton, a. daughter. McCcLLoca--HErto--On Wednesday. June Tth, at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev Wm. Farquharspm Wm. George McCul- loch to Charlotte Ann daughter of Wm. Herd Esq., all of Bentinck. ItrraLLY---In Glenelg. near Edge Hill. on Tuesday. June 13th, Annie E. Reilly, aged 42 years. Stafford Equipment. The school is thoroughly equi in tackling utility in chemical and ?li,tilii??i'/'i,'i!, nnd " tings, hir, for full Junior Leaving nu maiden)» tion work. The following competent sun In in mg'é'? iiii;Ghi; irirparifiF.' -Eiiif ’m be one n- on " mm: m Durban in I balmy and gMyupyn, “In; it I - (lair-bio pace iiFiWdeisee. WnJoluuug. Ir,., G. Karim Durham School BUREAU REVIEW TBOB. ALLAN, lgt Ch“ Certificate, PrineirV MISS L. M. Ftyitr-m, B. A., Clinics and Mo MISS A. JOHNSTON, B. A.. Matttematieg sud (mum-l. lugging; trt.u.dtnta,At1oN1 tttef " JP! run: 01 ”month In lav-nae. MARRIED. BO RN DIED. Berlin. to visit The elections on Tuesday resulted In the return of both the Liberal candid- an by good majorities. In North Oxford Smith is elated by nearly soo, white Hyman in London bu over 300. The reduction in tsattteriand's mnjorily was pxpeclod under any circumstance“. .. "---.... cl...- .5“; lore, WM tn %rW%P'Mr. Me-e'--- ",7. for it TG well known that the Ute member had a. personality that no suc- cessor in night was possessed of, a per- sonality which drew to him many from the ran" of his opponents. Huwwer " is very likely the blood-red hue and cry of Catholic domination intiuenced a few, though the result in London does not bear out this Idea. 6NTA The use of a creed cry has too often been used in Ontario, and the bones of former cries lie scattered along the path of the country} hiaturv, now and again kicked into the light, by partizan prow- lem looking for campaign material. Itrat this latest cry Will vanish as the others, IS almost a certainty. and it is to be hoped the dead carom will be rapid in its decay. and leave no more. due results than tollowad the agitation over. say, the 1toss Ihttie. The tsneer of “Rojeatveusky Hyman " will recoil on we users,TuKo Laurier unywzty has made. at clean sweep. He was dared to open a seat In the V.etst he did so and Ohm-r by acvmnmtion was the result. You ctn't no thisiu outario---wats the next challenge. Tues- day's elections shows that he could. We sincerely bope no gmunds have been glveu for changes ot colruDUuu. London naturally would be proud to Lavea mimeter, and that she has with- stood the temmnuuu to stampede by the wild appeal: of some westerners. m greatly to bur mean. The defeat is not so much a Conser- vative defeat as it, Is that. of certain Turuuw newspapers. humbly the News. The cartoon; m lint,' puprvua1reioeeu the moat. shameful concepuuusuf recent years, and has amused more than sus- plcwu that the mauagelueuL had sunk every liner feeling to allow cunlrnry feelmgs to run rampant m the hope that hulllehOW they “uulll deal a blow to the Laurier Ministry They misjudged the} electorate and the blow hats been almanac-mug. The Dave of Peace is at last appar- entl y to settle on the warring cuumnes. Presndent Roosevelt is the man ot the hour ; his position, free trom European alliances, has enabled mm to --what no European monarch could do-step in and suggest, a Cessation of war. Both sides seem willing, but it is too soon to jump at conclusions tor it is a lung step between Japan's minimum and Russia's maximum. Can it be possible the world does not want peace? Certain the gruesome thet dashed up to it at late has made it look with a kind at longing tor another Uyama victory and later a Vladivos- we]: siege. Small skirmishes don l count. bat how the appetite is whetted by the prospect of thousands slain! May the blood, and the tears, and the suffering, and the groans, and the agony of war soon impress itself so strongly on the world, than nations shall study war no more. France and Germany by hereditary hatred keep in the world's eye. tio does Britain and Russia for that and other reasons. Austria and Italy as members ot the Triple Alliance are not forgotten while the Sultan sees that Turkey is kept to the trout by a mass- acre or two. Spain a iortunes and mis. fortunes past and present are quite conspicuous, but who tor a hundred years has looked " excitement in Norway!! ' , . .w. ",4 _ . Bat it has come. Last week she broke the only link that bound her to Sweden, by repaaiatintt King Oscar. who was King of both countries, though their parliaments were entirely separ- ate. Sweden has monopolized the con- sular service of both countries it appears. and, Norway claims, to her disadvantage. Norway has the third largest mercantile marine in the world and is constantly outstripping Sweden in trade though her population is smaller. They have offered the crown to Os- ear's son bat it has been refused m the meantime. Would the King of Den- mark’s son take it? tie, thankyou. So the upshot may be that Norway may become a republic. Ifleit alone they will likely settle the matter peacably, but there is fear of Russian and German interlerence which might cause a. new storm m Europe. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Greg. In the matter of the guardianship of Melvin .Greig, in- ftott child of Arthur G reig and the late Sarah Greig. deeeased. Application will be made to the Sur- rogate Court of the County of Grey, heforethe Judge in Chambers at the Court House in the Town of Owen Bound, after the expiration of three weeketrop) the Jimtjiu!t)ietion hereof. on behalf of Maggie (Jalder. wife ot William Camel-of tho Town of Durham in the Countv of Grey. the Iliaternal aunt of the said infant, for an order up- pointirur the said Maggie Calder the guardian of the person and estate of the said Infant. Dated at Dulham this 13th dny of June, 1006. -- -- Parties tbthintr or otherwise trespas- sing on lot a con. 2, M. G. R., Gleuel ' titniteditsteV west of Clarendon). ',"llil be mounted according to law. This mm you no doit at widen for it in impound. to discriminate. A Double Header. MAGGIE CALDER. By her mlcitgfs - TORONTO Peace. Norway. NOTICE. -0- NOTICE. .-.- - ----.- , , _ . " yaw "t M v"' sir1',i0t"' mm - Il,!),'?,??,:?),':" MACK AY & DUNN. MOVED DOWN TOWN We a. now to be found in the fine premises south of the Hun- ter block and will be better prepared, than ever to Show you good when. Bia"ei."r.'.e.d Skim, worth $2.50 Blue trimmed Skirts. wot th 3.00. . L Ladies'Crnvenette Baum-oats, made unto-date. worm 7.00.... ... i up-to-date. worth 7.11).... ... a"... Men's flue Black Worsted. unor- made Suits. up-to-dsle. worth 15.00, now each 9.00 a 10.00 Pink stliped Heavy mannelette. good value, per yd 10c... . .uow Bic Other goods. such as Lace Curtains Towdungs, doc at very low prices. In mixed paints we lead. We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams pnints as well as nearly every other branch that other dealers handle. Who would be withouna Hand-Spray- er when you can get one socheap. and such wvariety to pick from ? Paris Green and limestone in abundance for spraying purwsea. South of New Hunter Block, Durham, J ass to hand an immense shipment of Superior Granitware of the latest design. Every woman should see this stock as it is sure to satisfy. There is nothing to equal our variety ot Tinware Kitchen Utensils. Let us know oi something we hay 6 not got that you require. Do yon require a Fancy Work Basket, Sernp Bankec. Market Basket or Clothes Basket, it to give us A call_ It is advisable to secure a Hammock before all the best are picked up. l'omer Yonge Ind Alexander Sts. SI‘MMER SESSION for teachers ttnd others dur- ing J ulv and August. All of our graduates get positions. Circulars free. Enter any time. Catalogue free. W.J. ELLIOTT. Principal Distinguished for ”Thoroughnou” " The sun never shone on a sweeter face than that of the bride or hand- somer than the groom. " He had one of " Gordcn's" 18 kt. Wedding Rings. She was presented with a gold Watch and chain and her numerous presents were bought from A GORDON Pete, familial: wane-y ' * . Jpn’ny Implement: . . Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scufflers etc. Enquire at this agency. St-ting ”aching . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Order, dUtt If you wish to get good value tor your money, look out for your own benefit and call and see Watchmaket, Jeweller, Optician J. LEVINE TORONTO. ONT. HARDWARE Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any With IMMcMteiren at the Hahn House Stable or " the REVIEW OFFICE. wtil receive our best attention. t i I. JP. Waco/Ian THE WEDDING DAY W. BLACK ELLIOTT 1:, - I - Up-bed/tt 0. now ml! 9.00 a 10.00 wy Flunnelette. per yd 10c... . .uow (Sic T.Ctuo (1ch Mo.ilistht i,1iiii'""aitFyef Bo you ever Need Trunks, Telescopes, Mid”. IU. acaa,teseht'yitis always . tN8tRh W" Pleasing to mothers Pd." "u,ut,,utatsen,itiscuykrt's best mountain i6 " you. High in theinet (mum) and Iowin toninOitters). it is the We of hy- PEEL, The Shoeman First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Wat son’s Bread-The Best Bun: and Biscuits in great variety All kinda of Cues made to order WEDDING CAKE ottrtrpeeialty MW! Emem'? AAWNatson 50c Grand INogut Tea qwonlyinw WW 'LrisLii-ndre-i-"" Asrettttt,t.e,,t Reptiring and Orders our Spec ialties. Etc. See our stock. We have the quality and price that suits best. We have more new ranges in. All makes. styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to T U D H 0 P E CARRIAGES suit you. . .. AS USUAL . .. Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybodv knows. they are the most dur- nble rig on the market. Call and examine them. Ogilvie's Royal Balm-hold. per burn-I ' _ . _ Aldo other high-grade Mnnilnh» Flaunt. per barrel 35.60 to 5.75 " Five Roses," Barclay & MI \VAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. JUNE 15, tttot Durham and Owen Sound. RANGES t5c.30e,4thrnrtd ia ,,rtomrietsteo'etm'. the}: $6 JUNE 15, t Illll 4: Ill Hwy h! White I Table- I Fl In Jliflli'iMll Turn Seed luolnou DifCtet um! Sclll C.P. 126 Acru Nor "so .Aerrey 8901 100 Acres Noe Field Cm 3uclos Hun Place. 'omior-' The How too Acre. Bo 11rl,,t',iIrtthr"'cls I.” ioli'y )Tllv‘ Durham Resid MacFarlar Bruggists d Tbt' “uhU‘ CEN DS M0 " IL”. Paris ( Potato Insect and It m packaq All leaf Mouton _ CoHOt PA Dru \IHI "

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