West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1905, p. 5

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mm) has). $5.60 to 5.75 Lde to order m specialty it reat variety ire. Fresh d Reliable. oeman Jur Seed copes The Best tson hyo ml Manilola Bl Sue have suits {if} It JUNE 15, mpg BIG 4 In“. is SELLS sis CHEAP 23mm: long. il' Inches wide Ltulies' (Rotating. . . .. . . . . .3200. l .. mat-k sum“ [mac-mm '. Wlhlal.....l Hvy twillwl cotton Fmeeting.'i'.'. ht with” .250 ayd White Bedrpretrds, Inge slzc.............$1.40 ouch Table 1%eii......."...2........_....2rttr anda'xocuyd Floor oiVloth. I ma 2 yds wide. .. .250: mun yd 't'ri"rVi/g'/t'ii?..'C.'".C.T.CT.cl.-..1iyr'tttl .laxvallme Matting.,.........................20clvd V, '. 2;; bb '.'.y.r.r.....tt.ott " A l Curtains, ext-opt 254: J: 4tte, hue wanted edges Turnip Seed ara()lii%llfWmll hare Honey and Pros-h Groceries nhuys on hand Field Corn, Ruckwheat, Hungarian, and Millet 1 ISO Acres . MI " NC (Mn-reel chm-p70: quack me. 100 Acres Bontlnok Net Ni on improved 3nd owner " "rrtorisrrricetsiaed. Durham Fulani-go 8"" MacFarlane tl Co. 11.. LL. 'M-_"-'---" The Hanover Conveyancer. Hanover Bruggists ' Buoksallars. 'rN* ._. '-' l...,-~_,V Wham nggugncg Owned by 1.1.. Browne I'hotourrapher. Also . huge number of other Farm and Town Properties. I I. H. MILLER. Paris Green Potato Bug Killer Insect Powder and Hellebore . H. BEAN White Wat-t. All leading varieties in package or bulk. Ground Oil Cake and Bibby's Cream Equivalent. JA CF, CET RTAIN H L A In ES' w PIA R PARKER’S Drug Store Nightgown. .. (one: Coven. It I M'LLER’ ll Hi at (llllf)lll'4 8106K Mlllll :m. 11.50 and 4.aretth Near Rocky Sangeen I says but enough tim s........1.00each Me an I.tO each .mc and 75e etch 730 and 1.00 each .25c nnd 500 web ......,31.4nuch 5w and 5011311 .2305 square yd ........Aheaytl .........Ncavd 25e . mir 40c " Bo me " an be non nth-Mat“ limo 'mrrrthhttt point. to s 10171.va l mean fortbo dairy ml: in 1906. Old: “out. ot - and about. were “My [ have! to low in the deity mutu- " the world, sud production up to the pram. tor unmn “new, he: been Yo" "tali. The [muons no out in excellent eon- dvtron. though tbev have been aommcra' buckward. end everything point: to a your ot trod returns for the dairy farmer. Dairy 0rgtusizuioms. The various organizations ior promoto ing (haying were never so cumulewly “atom-tiled - so we“ munued " n pone-em. We ere looting for stood than!“ from the svmemauc (hull-nigh o! mumm- iou and help now in full swing. Emly- I when we find renewed interest and hope Ar, duiryiug. Faetoryuaeu are imprmiug Iyer, factories; (hwy boards of trade are l starting out with amended rule»; the hay- eru M dairy products am wearing a martial unite us the remlt of large de- mand. good prices and ftyireprofittt. It now remains ior the dairy banner Io keep up with the procemiuu. Iudwidmn effort is mauled up well us ergamzml effort, T he Ihury Farmer. It would seem that the chief Weaknesses of the dairy industry {rout the Fume”? view point are: I-Not enough return. in home seasons. tor labor and capitol expended. During a. went. path of the ~eusou of 1904 the mew-y ro-ceived tor butter and chem-e did not. pay the man who milked the cow», and he grew die- Oouvagt-d. It would seem a»: if there should be some may to prevent these discouraging seasons. The chief cause is doubtless, suecnlation. How to prevent this inn subject well worth the attention oi'pnlitical economists. 2-Lusk of pay- ine Comb. Then one considers how difficult it is to obtain and maintain: herd of {int-clues oowe. some allowance musthc made for the man who milks some poor cows. Bat one of the urentest hindranCes to the securing of better cows in the lack of systematic breeding, tor a do finite purpose. There is altogether too much tb Lit and miss. " in the melhude adopted in breeding dairy stock. The use of pure bred sires and the sticking to one breed, ratherlhan mixing tho breeds, are the two main ieqniuitieu for sncceee in csuibhsuingaud tnthutuinitrg a dairy herd. t3--Lack of proper toward for improved effuu tn is "number Weakness fiom the View- pomt of the dairv farmer. We still tind the same priee being, paul for all kinds of milk and creum legunlleuol its true value. As a result. of this many of the best and most progressiye patrons of our factories are leaving the fuccury and wanting the milk up at. home. or are selling milk and cream to the city. In consequence. we find markets like Toronto ih,oded with dairy buttemliicli often sel s for a price .., n - _ A'A A-_-- wt_, "WW - __ ,, than can leave little or bo prom tor the humor ; yet he considers this better than the injnaticv meted out nt any fnctories. Grading ot menu as creamenoe, and poy- menu tor milk acconhng to' its cheer-e or butter yaIue me an.) I that. should be taken by Manny owners. m 0de to givo justice to all and to retain Hm patronage of the but farmers. Mitxellaneottt, Dairy Notes. The farmer who takes good care of his ; milk and cream by cooling it and deliver- I ing it to the creamery or cheese factory in I good physical condition, receives no pay l for his extra care and labor. m then argues that it does not pay him tc do this as he receives no more for his share of the, tinished product Illa!) does but neighbor who takes little or no cure of his raw ma- terial. All share alike according to quail. tity and regardless of quality. This in munnestly unfair uud retunle improve- ment In Canadian) (lolly products. Grail- iue, and touting Would seem to be the remedy be this. Incidentally tho patrons of cream 3 collecting creamerien can produce it better qualllv of cream by using the hand-sen ar- ntor and cooling the cream after M'palnl- ing. The present would seem to he a ftivoral4" time to purchase separators :18 the various companies have a '. rate wo" on and prices are. reduced about one-third. 4---Thts labor problem in ulsou difficult one for dairy lemme. Especially in the milking " cows a. serious quantum. We had hoped to have a milking machine in- stalled in the dairy stable at the College heforv the exonrsuone began in June. but it looks now as though we should be ills. appoiuted. .The firm from whom we expected t) not the machine. is making some imprz-Vrmeuts in the apparatus, which they do not expect to have emu-plet- ed for some tune yet. We feel eontident however. that a preoiicel milking mat-lune will be placed on the mukot in the near l future. In the meantime dairy former: should not grow dueouraged u duiryiug is and will continue to be the but paying branch of agriculture throughout a. term of yours. Is THIS Hoxommul: JOURNALISM ?-- The tit. Thoma: Journal ssrst---The l Christian Guardian recently refused to give grace in its columns to a letter l from I H. H. Miller, M. P.. for South Grey. giving the ransom which led him to support the educational clause: of the Autonomy Bills. " He must excuse us, " saidthe Guardian, " from insert- ing a. letter explaining why he thinks _ the educational clauses of the hill should be supported because his reasons for not supporting the meuure are of in- terest to his own constituency rather 1 than to the Methodist public generally," i The Grenfell. N. W. T. Sun. minim-ma very sharply on the refusal of the l Guardian to give Ma Miller n chance to defend himself. " It awe-rs to us. '.' it uys. " that the excuse of the Quardum is the meanest. and most. pimhleye have ever met with in a. paper claiming to be rispeetattle. " A lacuna-'3 Klein-" Ya. I cu. ML- Ln“... ' A MERCHAWS K1cx.-" Yes, I eel. uinly In" . "up. The homu send dun. - month and draw on me " night; bot if I and I bill to a - he becomes swearing mad and quits and- ingumy m. While I an hard up - _----. ..-..- " mn- who at il',' 'l,',l,l'm'rr'lla "am; am a: "i" m m 'fd'hfl' oiisit,ttJtd'fd to miitt at!" 'tttt “AA-'1.- Saturn Proapoctl. Exchange Echoes. to“! 0-9‘ "u'm' iaiiriu , w PEP-1‘1 m P.-. bidding for trade. " 1 don't they only I’m a has. Every in, I am expected l to dig up for oval-1th mt thu come-I dong, (tom . lame ticket to th church _ {and " people who cleim I ought to do l this bee-nee they do port of their Irud- I intt here, but m&friend Timothy hum neither hays n e ticket: non-helps the 1 church fund. and yet get. the cub in l udvmre lmelnm; ind lfl were to (are culalee unhealpuon paper among the wholeule houses when: we trade, I would get the horse laugh proner. If I sell I. poir of puma. l month-eat the hume to candy and cigars; If I buy a load of potatoes I must do the saline. Customers who are able to pay. hang onto their money while I pay 10 per cent. " the bank to get ready cash. I have a his: business during hard times and poor crops from people wlm are wnlllug u. trade with me pmyidingl can duplicate catalogue house prtcet' and want until ntter hut-veat for my money. My scales weigh too much when I well all " and too little when I buy lmlwv. rum a Llnef, a liar and a “rafter. If I smilel mu a sor soapy hypocr!te; If I don’t I am a grump. Yes certainly this is a snap. " And he look- ed over 810,000 wort h of hunk accounts, all “nod. and wonder-mi bow he could raise $250 to pay n sight (ll-Ml due to- l "torrow.-Ex. The clear, mellow, flute like whistle. of the ooole is again heard In this sec- tion. This healthful xxsnqrosl hit-(l hate its penaxle hm mau- the and ot' " branch of a. high tt'ee. Don't, (“stint them. buys, huL do eve: y! hung you mu to pru- tect lhem. Them laughs pluumgu um delight to the rye and (ho-Ir pwsence makes the annuity all the mom joyous --E.x, A REMARKADHC wrLa-The, Riplev ExprTssr--it is not often that a man's death is received with joy, but such a was the case on Friday night. when a C telegram reached Amberley announc- ing the death of John Uoultarul,of Kipper]. The good newu ot‘his death was received ll] Huron. Ashtield and q Kincardine. with a certain amount of pleasure. by those persons who were interested in his demise. The late John I Uonltartl hasa history, and to chron- icle the story in a brief manner we might say that many years ago the deceased. who was a bachelor. taught school at Lochalsh, and also owneda l farm. loaned money, and WM looked upon as a rich man. He had a nephew ‘in the old country to whom he sent; money to pay his passage. to Canada. The nephew retained the money. and refused to leave his native land. Cout.. tard then made a vow, that none of his relatives should receivea dollar of his wealth. For the past thivty-five years he has loaned trom 850,000 to $75,000, on condition that the rate of six per cent, be paid as long as he lived. and when he died the deed ofthe pro- perty Was lo be given to those who had money borrowed whether it be one year or thirty. It is no surprise that the news of the old gentleman’s death was pleasantly received. as many mort- gages are now paid up and many farmers in Huron havea clear title to their property. Among those who were lucxy enough to be presented. with a few thousand is the name of Neil Campbell, who borrowed $3,000 from the late Mr Conllard one year ago. ‘ Neil just paid one year's inteleet, and received $3,000, less $255. Hector Mc- , Lean borrowed $3.090a few months ago i which is a nice Easter gift ; Rory Ross gets $2,300; Mia MeBurney, $2,500; John (ielitles. 81.800; Mr Blair, sever- , al thousand; Capt. Brown, about ' $3.000 and many other persons, the , names of whom we have been unable r to secure. 53 Sr 4--51tulge Morton. Sr 3-ftiias Edge. Jr 3-Geptie Morton, John G t'ttN- yr. 2--GeotgesNewtll, Alfred Bartley, Noble Barkley. Herbie Dunsmoor, Andy Vessie. Annie Ewen. Pt 2--., Mahle Vesuie. Willie Edge. Hoy Wis. mer. Sr l-Lewis Newell, Thomas Grashy. Jr l-Earl Vessie. Garnet Wismer, Stewart McArthur, Edith‘ Wismer, Reba Vessie. Marv Hartley: AMY l. EDGE. Teacher. I s. s. NO IO, GLENELG. Class l-Mary Jane McCualg. Lizzie MrCunig. Edna Chislett. Sr '3--Julia McKinnon, John Mc-Em-liern. Charlie McDonald. Jr 3-t'yatu Nc1thschern, Ada McLean. Jennie Hooper. Sr 2-. Willie Hooper', Charlie McKinnon. Joe. Hooper. Ida Mchaig. Katie McCunig. Roy McDei-mid. Jr 2--Gertie McCuaig. Pt 2---Gludys Tucker, Flussie Hooper, Maggie Kennedy. Mary Kennedy. Gladys Hooper. " Pt. I-Henry Tuc- ker, Almuur Hooper. " 1--lsloy Mc- (Jung. Malcolm h cKinnon. D. MCDONALD Teacher. "te' a. s. No. 1 NHBMANBY Class 4.--Ne1lie Burns. Sr 8--Eva Me. Allister, Viola Backus. Jr 3--Arthur Gadd. Arthur Backus. Willie McAllia- ter. Br 2-Lizzie Burns. Jr 2--Mary Backus, Minnie Keller, Arthur Morrice. Br Pt2-Marr, McAllister. John Kerr, Walter McAllister. Jr Pt 2-Graeie Mountain, Annie Dean, Henrietta Kel- lar. 8r ti-Mabel Wallace. 2rl--Arth- ur Mountain. Lowest cittstr-rhtwsort Marshall. Andrew Marshall. . ANNIE MAoanCKEx, teacher. ’ s. B. so 14, Eammon'r ) Class rr-Basil, Wilson. Maggie Mc- l Dongnll. Marv Wilson. 4-. John L. I McDonald. Bessie Weir. Alex Haw. l tr-Lillian Sackett. Eva. Haw, Clam , Wilson, John F. McDonald. 2--Neil - McDonald. Olive Sackelt. Donald Fer- ' Eugen. Thomas Weir, Daiav _HaW. t aniel McKinnon. Pt 2r-ire"rlit Me- r Carmel. Mar McQueen. John Wilson, - Christen» 6,d','fi'fl'1.' Neil Spmgne, P Jeanie Clark. Janet McDonald, Lydia n McKinnon. James McDonald. f-Dun- . con Cameron. Gordon Sackett, Charles . Cameron. Annie McCannel. Charles " “compel. Edna Sachem. Mary Me 15611331]. .......,,_.-. M. SPRNCE. Teacher. B. a. NO 3 anmnw. Class s-Marr Edge. 4--Matrg Firth, Ada Staples. Ernie Greenwoo Sr 8--ri'emt Ector, Mar Spittnl. Hal-h - 1'_|_._ n-“n-nnl' mm" Class tr-Mary Edam 4---Matrgie Firth. Ada. Staples. Ernie Greenwood. Sr f.rj:Pf.'tfa"otfl,r,' Mar Bpittel, Her-hie Edge. Jr John Greenwood. Emma Ritchie and Willie Fallinxhnm eq.. Clan Greenwood, Ploy 1rnlkiptthnm, and Arthur Edge eq. Br Hut-cues lee Willie Rennie. Willie Rotor. 1. Pearl" Wilson. J.putes. Ritchie. " at sztrlio Str: Alluhn I I ugly. I. . Betm . mn- IIcKmon. 11""?th Armr. " WE PM my... v- --- _ Bell. IcKnlop. Jr an.» Kenny, that William. Viacom Paint. Jam J. s. s. 302. n k a. Honor Rolls kw Lam In: human! 31511}! . "e"'"" - .7 IVIwM-v ---'" V Edna. Myrtle Ector. Cutie Ritchie. Bertha Fnlkinghum. Jr 1 (up-0M0 McNally. Alex Vnughun. Jr 1 (h)- Mnrv Paylur. Willie Ritchie. George Wilson.Penrlie Fnlkingham. ANNA Scorn. Teacher. Canada’s "or“? when yield pet acre for ten yum mm the greatest on the American continent. Y gmglum. 8r 1- Muggie Rid-biz. 'ee, -- . I “4.. n-,.‘.:.. no in Some of our customers think we are too far downtown and some not far enough but under the present cir- cumstances we will be pleased to see as many as can come this far. We have good values in from $1.00 test-75 $illll SWIM Ml§segx (,lf1i?,!.1jet!,i,!alii,'t?'t:','t, ufgtgHigtN.stso3.'o'itai1s'e'et them. i hey are beauties. Many different kinds l tilitllllil!l always in stock. (llil) Don't forget that we claim " HALF T IME" is the best, cheapest and quickest Paste Polish we know of. Only to be had here. 100 per box. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN as Cash in exchange for Goods TWEEDS d; YARNS Ol? BEST QUALITY. Grocerles, Dry Goods, Boots * Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargains. It We ask inspection of our Teas.“ S. SCOTT. Deming A? arvesters 3 l Raymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal cr chd Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. METHING wwwwa agmagww il',', Je're Well Situated N,, G.,& J. McKéJhnie: . McIlraith We can give g'lt a. were list of our goods. hut in quality and adupmhilily to t 9 needs of South Grey we are not, excelled: Deering narrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned mticleu. fuir pt ices f ohn Glark. Also NEW IN “‘ASBFPS: The Perfm-ntrd I‘- The best in their line as . ANT vv;-. -.-- V V Wilhelm'. Wrinzn-s. all made by Watson of Ayr. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ., ©NIt " . , Mg, " M5Ete%t' = _ "ck-': “a ‘ wttt-rmtrservtee-eterdee,.tA Font 'ii?ilriiii?'i't) "2ll'd'iuf, 'l'itilll'r'1ti'i', . n . e . The” no “numb: the peel,» to enter. 'attire t,',t,ta't"l't,Pl tsent' Ltali. com a: o. Hundred- who were math]. to spend I few - months with us "a new fitting nut-clan positions. For full [1.11in "deem, C. A. FLEIING. Prim: pal Owen Sound A TERM IN ANY OF THE IE. WPARTMENTS 0F WEI“ ind therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. [TSUITS To A TI FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECnNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see tor yourself. A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN STINSON'S GOOD REASONS f handle only the best. iUiT Io, Vorider in Latest Styles on shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES Farm M40111 any . A few doors South of the Middaugh Home. . STINSON. If]! ttrt t tw ir " Ide L. R. C. P., I”. m6 Guam at Inna-.310: Pee or no. Dim of Eye. In. 't.tee. and “and .Win be " “In In. “If“. tho - and» In ad: month. Ian. I-at If“ J. G. BUTTON. M. D., 0.11. oe uld lode-nee Cor. 6mm:- sud Gem. Bt.. It MO! mu. Old loot“! Col-ant. Pirate!“ a Bunion. ItNhoq our J. (up). Hun-he's Sun I I to " Ll. um “than! to MoohteM" (London. Pate) and to Kmpp's (New York) Eye Hospital; otrue, 18 Front St, b-u s. m. 2-4 p. I. 'i'--' p. ToIophono Connection No. " W. C. PICKERING o. D s, L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Slum-gone of Ontario. Rooml. Over J & J HUNTERS New Store ottue--Caider's Black, over Post 0am. J. EGRANT. 0.0.3. L. D. . HONOR GRADUATE anonto University. and um Rom College Dental surgeons of Ottt Dentistry in all itq bunches. 0tBtNr---L0WER TOWN. DUBR‘I. Contact”: ad Laney promptly nth-led to Winn, Donn, lam-pl. 1M, Agra-“nu ac. cormtly prom. Est-MI of demand LT. Iom loom um and Emutor'n and Adm Im- trnton‘ Account: propcrod Ind “and Burnout. Court Bull-cu Prob-u of Wit Jaw." of Ad minomuon and Guudlwchip Ohm-0d. - chu and. in Manny one. and Tm.- “pom I... Collu- PQM- at Mucous ARTHUR GUN. M. D., MEDICAL. Parisian. Solicitors. Conveyance”. Ae. i . Money to Loan. l O""'. McIntyre Block. over the Bank in. G. M-cK-v K.G. W. F Dull! - Speck! mum given to Diana 0 Women and Children. Will be " the mum? Home. Durham. the am Wednesday o each month my. 10 a. In. an 4 p. m. Em Ear. Nose, drThrptt A. G. MacKly K.G. Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissmner. a. Money to Loan. nffice, over Gordon's Jewelry Store. Notary Public. Commissioner-.00nvey sneer, Vgluamr. Insurance Agent, to Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinda pmmpdy uten- ded to. Farms bought wd sold: BARRIOTER. OOIOITOR, non-av runuc counnncaa. ac. a. MoPHAIL.) JOHN CLARK) G. LEFROY McCAUL. Dun-hull. Nov. 16. ZDEN TAL- By denhumnglllty‘l Imus ',ttrit,eegTtllelll,'."1h' bum-c -tt?ttrrtee KCLL-" hum-III. en--- a unawnmhmwm- " “m1uniu-Oll Ul' ' 15.W FjEa'ftii'iiiEh'teteitt ii'ext=777GT9, A.- I ri, .. CTI] , Term: modem“? Muscat: tor “In a to antes. am. must be In“. at the new" of- ttee, Durham. of Correspondence “an.“ then. or to Ceylon P. o., will be promptly attended to, m- on spplludon to D. IcPEAIL. Ceylon P. o m- m C. “nan. Durham Licenced Auct ioner to the County ot Grey. MannedAuanotthcm.ole. his tga',","',,',, be ten Sa, lnpunm Wu.- mglm. "l'tallhG exam-n. 01-an HOURS Auctioneers. MACKAY * DUNN. DR. BROWN. arm :IL:EyCit-aes.2L. Licensed TiGraeer for Co. Urey DR. BURT J. P. TELFORD OFFICE HOURS McKenzie‘u Old Stand. Dal-hm “glen In: I telephone otMe Giulio. J. I. "A” m, irTAriiiihu- Co. Established in new. . JACKSON. Modern.“ ll Owen 8oumd ftailf 3'33

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