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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1905, p. 6

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"A Physician” writ" in the London Chronieie: Fresh air is then drawn tn to rat extent oi their capacity, perhapi. thaw little and air ed runtnined pmvicusiy oniy sat: and hsv.it.li- Aor in the mallow i We ordinarily practice Mmpa large tram o'. ttr'.' Nib are I During this prawn-ii the genera) man ia Pr" wlnrntv-l. impure air ii hilt oi tiv. a.ve'vertt and fresh nil -- . A --& a b w Rule m Is " errr of thur "ah on." I "i th.o.os ch Some New Noting About tt of the Skin. laughter and Health. otsq 'er', DI! I sort of - I --u'a 3.4.4:}... - .a. -... an f wrll-Deulg. u u..- - - influencc on those two vi- the heart sad the lungs. it is called . "tit of laugh- inns may he almost com- iviously only .uptant air then drawn in to the full- d their capacity, inflating C little used air cells which rvinusly only nztgntmt " 'ur in Je mallow breathing y mantis» Mmparatively of av: "it: are not med. proc""" the genvml circula- yntrd. immlrc air is hurried wan-.n and fresh air hurried . fun-ibis ascont and dea- diaphragm! during inspira- irnlinu the liver and other 1:191 undergo I kind of unlilu- that undergone dur- um! this is pi great bene- " mm: from that torpor _" ure liable. The heart is n i In mmo vigorous contrac- '..u octire eac',risnatot'.v pro- I' t in ,-n to six-11k. let them. d iuu.vit will: a will. Fotnr" :ilnzmt all tls, print'ipal in ir tvuiy into play. twist- ous'. ‘vz'miin': themselves al. i.. Jun-v nuiqlcn' exhilara- E DEEP STA FISH. y are name. sue , n! to more vigorous I no active enchinnntc Man, so to speak. lo I iaugh with " wit ahnmt all tho p wit body infn play um" bonding thenm in sin-or nursclar c t-," or what is P of Hm Mugs,” is a PAH-Its; by a poiso HIM with one of th HAL-E; the body um .' "~A' “nan“! ”(was un- kin-x-u-u tv-l. impure air is mm and fresh air forrihlc ascent I inphragm during Minn the liver or 1:"! undergo I I nlikv that “mien: In! this is of gre Hm... frank tha! 4"a"'Wi'J ee-e- W - use glunds, blood vouch, r tissues in timate con- em. The mm muscles, the man who laugh? of. are genenlly developed ‘ch gives him the lock] contented child. But “she; much more thae a 203 'ly and miserable :vmusc he seldom 1 child. But eh more than mere outward It has It high- poisoning Oi P of tttore our; if: oeeasionall.1 otoprtetl to it as In ttot black I Y 'war popularly " mental e Catering " lighh‘r, win}. his iu:i:rovv. I tter. will in- ot ot the min emitted by this. Tho a; purpou of the" organ cu only be eot'D tttred. The "retyry ye te'tttt_etfe! sum. luv ...M.VW-- v. - -.-_ v- _- V m “not in modttUd for mum to the pttmpttoremmtt um out!“ by the in!!!” arms. In the“ omn- If. mud our the body. in " mm! poem!“ to tho apex-lea, and thine with light at various Incl. it is interred an: the] for“. like tho MK. ment cells ot dung!“ ninth. to form a (humanistic Ipocilic patterr. Bo tar from being block. then. "no. tioha- must present weirdly gorgeous speetaetes. illuminated aa they are mid the out. "imam; voters; "In some use: the luminous - ot deep-nu tuttqt' rhino not mind. but In- vurd. Such “hummus; own no found most frequently In the on can. ttttd the probable interpretation of than is that they originally uhono outward. but. will: cov- ered with akin folds. their yum nu be- come modified Into gupplytng the fr.e 3319:? 'iiriG""irTtiriGeGGdd"suuttjme once- ot color between who.” Removes sll hard, soft or allowed lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spun, curbs, splints, rincbone, uneasy, Btines, swans. sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $30 by use of one bot. tle. Warranted the most. wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. of a South Portland qu.) bridge tend lost " me in the rescue of a ho: to drown. received a. bronze medal a to be used InApayjns an ineum,tlPnfe, ENGLISH mmtrtllilliKliT Helen's Prayer. Little Helen was a firm believer in prayer ,nnd was taught always to attend family devotions. During a. season of drought, one morning, her father safd to her. “no not let me forget to has? a special prayer for rain to-night. as the Trant of it is causing much suffering and many deaths among the animals." Her iathvr bad hardly left the house when little Helen thinking she would da mueh good by anticipating her tather's pray- er for rain, ran "p1'ctirr.ar"i, fnllingjuLl '""".' \I‘.‘--... __,,, - W father bad hardly left the house when little Helen thinking she would do much good by anticipating her tathor's pray- er for rain, ran upstairs and, falling on her knees, prayed for the much-needed rain. That afternoon the town in which sho lived was viuilttd by a severe elec- tri" r,hcwer--liatmi' \wzr- unroofrd and much damage was done. Helm. hh in!- Y1: ready faith ot' ciiiiiilsucd, thinking it was all in unmwr to her pray", again fell on her knees. osurlai:uirvg: "Lord, what have I (10110?” STOP THE PAIN, BOT DESTROY THE sToMACH.--This is sadly too often 'Art mun Ra many nauseous nostrums pur- l “Yes. sir; I love your daughter, and, while lt am poor I am--" i "There, there. don't spring that old gag about being poor but honest." ', "I wasn‘t going to: I was going to SI! .thnt I was not huttegt enough to let it keep . me from setting on in the world when I got gmy opportunity.'] k _-- ‘. .. .,u‘_| a- ‘_z -__.. V hut. - 1'tltif, te, b, Wan I u i I. , 1... 'g "I £13.11 "'Hi/i'friiiii"tihe.' Go and marry her and then come back here, I want to unfold 1 lit- tle sebame." Me pepsin preparation. ilk. One after eating are r of the dlgutive organs, nts.--40 Wanted Another Flood. " (Pittsburg Dispatch). Tommy-Say. mam, were all the bad m destroycd by the flood'. .u.nmma-yts, dear. Tommy (who has just been licked by is inther)-cia.v. mam. do you think mm is ever going to be another flood? Saul-2.): air..V. y.'fs.r.e, for nate ha all “taxman. or a: Dts. T. A. EMU“. WT“). I 50510. w.- PENNYROYAL TEA: were to now 13 t Proper Sort _of Sou-in-law. Heroism’s Reward. my wank! T: .1 The tailor who use vents now asks 75 a quarter tor are or laundry work In small expend) :; CiuuiiiiityriitiyJhr, d “an It. Used Namath) . Iain Ina“ "Midi". ONE: new! null um", anulmldrcu nnd you will Fuchs . tall of SWOUH'S co POU)D ndry work have null mvpcudltures, has to look out to live now than 'n.uitl' t . king it was , again Tell Lord, what -rntsd, ;.;31 the to differ- fee- and sing Noble Through Baptism. Nobility is usually a herita%, but in the case of one famous uglisb showman the title was gained. through baptism, and not through birth. The circus business is hereditary abroad, and appreciating the advantages accruing from an unusual cognomen, the son of a circus proprietor was baptized "Lord George singer." Since his men- agerie has several times shown before royalty, there are thousands who firm- 1y believe that "Lord George gained his title as did Sir Henry Irving and other titled actors. ‘ .. _ L-A .-. uucu lulu-s- As a. trade mark the name has been worth thousands of dollars to the exhib- itor, and was responsible in a. large meas- ure for his early suCtteM--tt success which continued until he was induced to form his circus into a. stock company, on the Barnum and Bailey plan, when the in- terference of the directors prevented his unique methods of self-exploitation. RAINY RIVER. MAN Ell] TRUUBLES Till Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured His Kidneys. Then His Rheumatism and Other Patna Vanished Once and for All-His Case Only One of Many. Barwick, 0nt., June G. --(Speeial)-- That Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure Rheu- matism or any other disease resulting from disordered kidneys is the experience ot' many of the settlers in this Rainy River country. The case of William John Dixon, of this place is a fair sample of the work the great, Canadian Kidney Remedy is domg. _ i c .I A I ‘,‘J lnrlncu: ID uv.u°. "I had Rheumatism so bad that I had to use a stick to walk. I had pains in my back and right hip, and I had no comfort in sleeping. "I could no myself for l was for near lace my righ LUIIII\IIU .l. w-‘»l).--av “I could no more than dress or undress myself for nearly two months, and I was for nearly three weeks I could not laee my right slum. "My brother advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. and I did so. After taking three boxes I oonlll walk around and lace up my shoes and do my work. Six boxes cured me eompletolv." Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the one sure cure for sick Kulnovs. Sirk Kidnpvs are the cause of nine-tenths of the ills the human family suffers from. Holidays on Satin-3:7. - (New York Times.) One of our correspondents has suggest- ed that all holidays be celebrated on the Saturdays that eome nearest their dates. There is something in this idea and is deserves consideration. We suspect however, that the consideration would end in the reaction of the idea. Of course holidays are a rather serious in- terruption to trade and industry. but it is far from certain that, in moderate numbers, they are as much of an in- jury as of on interruption, and a holiday celebrated on another than its natural historic date is robbed of most of its sentiment and onhu9iasm. Only $9.00 to New York and return. on Le- high Valley Railroad excursion, Friday, June 18th. Tickets good tor return until June Mth. Tickets good on regular fast expreas traitts, leaving Suspension Bridge, June 10th, at 8.50 and 7.15 a. m., 6.21), and 10.15 p. m. Don't fait to go. For tiukets, apply at Station Ticket Office. Suspension Bridge. or to Robt. S. Lewis, Canadian Pusswnger Agent, L. V. R., 10 King street east. Toronto. The Czar of fluy,ia, it is said, has} 325000.000 in vrs:rd in English soeurir ties, and it is also declared that he would in an cxtrcmc crisis fly and live in Eng- land, as other trouhled monarch have done before him. Then he has a second string to his bow in the 80,000,000 in- vested in American rails. iron and coal. So long as he remains in Russia, however, he draws. according to a French interna- tional almanac which was recently sup- pressed in St. Petersburg. 84:?.,573,600 3 your. That does not represent the total income of his family. The swarm of rela- tives account for a huge sum. the imper- ial appanages alone representing $10,000,- 000 a year. cAsARstirumi iCOLDS RELIEVED IN 10 TO 60 MIN0IES.--one short putt of the breath through the blower sup- plied with each bottle ot Dr. Agnew; Ca- tarrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the surface ot the nasal passages. Palnles. and delightful to use. It relieves instantly, and permanently cures oatarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat, toullitll and an“... M) "nta.-HI -- ru- m emu-u! no munur no cum '0. "7.1mm or can! momma-o amumo up: man an aura-r. 1-0 " M. 11111 coal-um u..- Mother's Ear Mt. FOR NEW YORK! His head it large. Owls are nocturnal. The owl has a médittttwe manner. A snowy owl is the prettiest at the ao. An owl steals noiselessly upon ita soar-rs taunt“! a.. summon-wh- scan a BOWNE, Ch "r"-"-" tum Wealth of the Czar. The Owl. “gm 2." no! t5NTA (ti,l'cfWt ' {a 'tl " mf " 830 Offered for nose of the Mtn-Eating Kind. The Marine Board of Trieste, Austria, has issued s circular in which all Aus- trian marine officers are instructed to stimulnte the killing of sharks. Pre- miums are offered " follows: For each specimen of shark, of whatever species (the eatable ones excepted), up to 5 feet in length, 8.30; for larger ones, $4.”, and for very large specimens of the spe- cies Oxyrrhinnn spainnzani and Odom tsspis ferot, $11.50. For the capture of man-eating sharks premiums of from 89.20 to $230 are offered. Fishermen making application for payment are to exhibit the specimens to the nearest har. bor officer. During June. July. August and September the Chicago and North Western Runway will sell from Chicao round trip excursion tick- eta to San Francisco. Los Angela. Porttaud, Ore., (Lewis and Clarke Exposition), Seat- tle, Victoria, as! Vancouver, " very low rates, eorreqbouditurlr chap tarea from ttit point. in C-tttta. Choice of "utetr, but ot train service, invoublo stopovers, and liberal retun limits. Bates. folders Ind tun inbr- tmtittt can be obtained trom B. H. Bennett. $,1teral Agent, 2 King street out, Toronto, n PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. Likes Dark Blue, But Will Avoid Yellow at Ail Times. A young gm was talking about mos- quitoes, She had spent the summer in aH!lyre, where _t_he_y wee nggleyoug. - “But I notice," she said, "that when I wore a yellow dress I didn't get atungle hite." "I an; glad ybu noticed that, in; it'is a, verification of certain experiments that we have made. "Did you notice that t" said the young scieptist. Am! then ht wynt o_n gageylx: "We made these experiments in a gauze tent, and their object was to as- certain the effect of mosquitoes of col- ors, "We placed in the tent boxes lin'ed with cloth of different hues, and we found that the little pests crowded fran- tieally into the dark blue box, while the yellow box they would not under any circumstance enter. "The experiments extended over sev- eral weeks. We had in the tent stone vessels for the mosquitoes to breed in. We discovered that, next to the dark blue, the mosquitoes sought the dark red box. After the dark red came brown, than scarlet, then black. then slate gray. then olive green, then violet, then pearl gray, then white. “Thus we proved that mosquito" no tice colors, and we formulated two help ful hints for the inhabitants of was quito-riddon districts. -.. .. . u . A . A ------- ..-1‘<_... b. 1 "The first hint is to wear yellow to escape mosquito was and to use yol- low netting for bed canopies and win- dow screens. "The second hint is to use a blue-lined box if you want to trap mosquitoes. With this box in an infoste'd region. you could easily catch and doctroy thous- ands of the insects daily."---New York Herald. Dummy "Horses." The various departments of the Patent Office teem with odd and absurd de- vices, hut one of tho oddest ideas yet put forward is a dummy horse, for which a, patent has recently been. granted a. Canadian iv.ventor. The object of this horse is to avoid trouble with nervoua animals which are apt to run away at the sight of a motor car or earriage. It is intended to be at. tached to the motor car for the benefit of the real horse's nerves. In order that the "horse" may serve its full purpose of utility. it is mode with a hollow body, in which are to be stored the tools, extra gasoline and other thirgs required by the motorman. n ...,.....~- _, _ The automobile horn is fastened in the mm of the dummy and at night the eyes are lighted up. one Being green and eyes are lighted up, one being green and the other red, and are supposed to serve the same useful purpose as a port light upon board ship. Test of Politeness. (Boston Record.) A Roxbury miss ef seven years was Intro- duced to her playmate's aunt from New York. In teillug her mother ot It afterward she said: “I shook hands Wm: her and she said she was pleased to meet me, and I said, '1 gm pleased to meet you,' because I Just wanted to show her that we are lust as pout. m Boston as they are in New York." THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE A PRIS- ONER.--virs. Z. A. Tan Luven is the wife of the governor ot the county "il, anwee. Ont., and was a great sufferer from rheumatism. When the best doctors in the community and "specialists" failed to help her, she buried her skepticism of proprietary remedies and purchased South American Rheumatic Cure. 4 bottles cured tter.-42 The I Turkey is l in Europe, I richest. His ti it. Lifebuoy tuap--disinuetalst-ut strongly recommended by the medial profe-iou " . safeguard against. infectious disease; " (Philadelphia Bulletin.) First Truaat--iV Billy. Iln't you "In; homo? '\ Second Truartt--Not much. It we so“ homo now we Bets a Melting. but it we lave it an “in: dark we gets "sed and cuddled a! given: also tar not being drawn“. Offers a Simple Sdlution. (Philadelphia Bulletin.) "Give you a nickel?" said Miss De Sty]. "Oh, no. I must dispense promiscuous ttlate.' Why do you not obtain employment?" "Please, mum." we; the timid reply, "I have a small baby and people won‘t be bothered by a woman with 1 child." “Then. you absurd enquire. gliy not is“. “Then. you absurd , the child at home wi MOSQUITO HER PET COLOR. "tat or tarArt1" HEAD. TORONTO Speaking From Experience. Extravagant Sultan. if its nurse? ' There are very Ing operations in w Soap cannot be USl age. It makes the and dean. ”inn. -'-_"'"" The woman bargain hunter has for many years been regarded as the legiti- mate butt of the professional jokesmith. With characteristic American exaggera- tion she is habitually represented as buy- ing what she does not want for cheap- ness’ sake; but the truth is, as a writer in The Milwaukee Sentinel points out, that with the same allowance as her less prudent sister she “manages to dress better, to keep the children looking better, to keep the house better tur- nished and the table fuller." The bar- gain hunter reads the daily newspaper, and looks first of all for the store an- nouncements. with mutual profit to her- self and to the advertisers. Her hus- band may laugh at her. but he would be the first to protest if she should ne- gleet to keep posted as to how to keep house Saving a Slade Tree tPttiiadelphit' Ledger.) Tho right ot a tine shade tree Ctratrtu Puk. New York, bu cw: controversy between the park deny the department ot water supply electricity. The Inlet Pullman! - “A" m- n a: I The rlght or a mm a...“ ..-- -- Central Park. New York, hu caused quite a controversy between the park department and the department ot water supply, [as and electricity. The latter had started to " a ditch tor a water main that would have destroyed one at the meples in the park. The perk department protested and the wat- er men said that It the route of the ditch were changed it would coat the city $16,000. The park department replied that the maple was worth $15,000. and another route has been staked out. _-.------- Epilepsy, Fla. st. w orb-n children or "have. that do so. I; ie/tth,',,",',;',',?"",", P' A m: , . . sen y ma ',,tGa". “jun 3.13.5 "illl FITS 9M1; Win writing mum w thin pupa. and (We full My. For sale untidy-“mm . . . ., - can Ill- There is a' restaurant man in Brook- lyn who makes a specialty ot chicken croquettes. lime was when the public turned up its nose at the dish upon which he prided himself. and could not be induced to give it a trial. The sus- pieion prevailed that the regulation chicken croquctte was compounded of scraps left on the patrons" "plates-that it contained no chicken. The restau- rant man knew better; his eroquett'" were honestly made, and he resorted to newspaper advertising space to prove it. A few common sense talks with the skeptical aroused interest and carried conviction. That man now has more calls for chicken croquettes than tor any other item on his hill of fare. And he is a regular advertirr'r. Ttttst preelous remedy, is a 1 clrcular and free sample. R Mal-3&9 I,).l,l,!,i, t - - - i " CD f""~r-!’:t:5 "At A " tglMll1 ilR'itE . E53 [LT ' dM.rililll.iMll BtllBli'h MNir., I I8ll J”) . _ T, BREW, 2 nr-Q‘L trt " 7&4. I ' 'KI., i IBtgttM' ' t kins j . w ugh, n: 'tMills 'tilk, M. - ' ram J * i'iailmlllil!I I I , It .k iEiiiglilEGi;i __- ‘ '" v 'tig Illa I k, , V F , T ' Bl - ‘ h FE IBai , . L, Ill '8EMMqB' - . , May w, A ' “an.“ WM -effCLCLTLcLLuLLL-Lr= main ere-ere-T-r-r-T-"-"-------" ---- I I WW“'II'III -' _, - "s-s-ag-i-pl-q-ill) t Gif - For and b " drum-u. m Lleblz $0.. 119 King St. w., Toronto. LW,; h 2,TG2 - 'v' ---- o t . our lines " figures in the will; ttTis-diver . . . . um! a ll 'tsiiiiejeii11tt,titpA,riitt"grp. and can be solved with . Mi 2tT't at: 'ee “" h Ito. I B No. ' I I. Said “unused S.":,', instead ofthe man'in o 'IT.' There Are Curia' oflhue 9mm . u " " th.roughsy" entire Ilium Can T,', M "u" A so the money a surely word: twine for. Mum-k on. the - _------.-- - Invent VII. iGrnoitu'etm.v. iTusnt,t-trttro-tytrv"tdste 'hutmet-difvc.tt.--.trpts.tttaywut_ moan: dank. We do note? lay TIT,, fro- m We.“ waning urns-ads ddolhr. to ad-tire. tTiiaiotmntterwheryrmri.tV We mammal)“ wry-cum mummy. Ifyoucwspellou bandwidth-t cummhiflynfimd'rpswmmwhh yawn-no.1 iirdiTicit-r-edifrmrr. human 'i"i2ar'rat'h, Wen-gm fiifreiijiea,utTirt2',NlihNtNtt, ""“ r. 1tt1irtote-" one; W m an!“ I "'1’”- "M .005. - Convincing the Skeptical. For. C7 nc- Oil or "m" you mu or "any! "as.“ "" null or A use: CANADA. CAN Toar IAII In“ " - 'iiiiiiiieLx "eeDetf5rrryf.t. l _... ._. Al...“ B-h file“ EBB hunters and Store News. Llebl . m can for In ' gtgthl'i)ai'rllt'lhltrlru.tirnEll , ”guitar: h TT and. bl: the but IT, Amado; " u woman, ”command“ to at. "iiaB" " you lulu-tron Flu. St. Vltus' Dance, -- ' _ _.---.- “nun “an ‘5, . WAY lil ASH F (gynerE-ce 'ldv.,,,',',.',,")'?," _ “A: g5: -. I . . . WWW ---_-_--__-_--- OURED man now has more roquettes than tor his bill of fare. And ' m an; fur Peg, M 3d?t'dll'ih'tiil 'niiisieaettl y few cleans- which Sunlight sed to advant- no home bright is a positive cure tor alt tenth disease: a, R. S. McGlLL. Slmcoe. Ottt. 3:51“; i Mend a... nun. norm m: by EB] Ei] n M THIS IS THE GREAT PUZZLE CAN YOU SOLVE IT FOR GOLD to mg n! [E M M 21 PE El *Issm: no. 24. 1905. [E] In. W- ttqqtMMt mu“ ate" he and In sum-.- It}. , 'iiii'ii,ii.iiiihii'h'd2them'irar' FOR SAM-Ununn 'ml----"". my terms. "mm. on pm 13 PO- troll... thirty m. unruly mum: only 31.000 down of secured. Mac. a 5% par cont. London no“ Company. Manon. on. . TWO tum-me IMO”. Dlnot curl-em. Hi and I horn-pow. AB- dreu Bott 10. I WOULD um: FtEitr.1y1lll1Ali! h Send tor ”we! hum. linen. qte., t Steam kahuna. Eastman and mu Luv. Hummon " noon sud Toronto i.g0 pm. on Tue-dun. Thursduyu and Sum-days tttr Buy ot Quinta. Montreal Bud intermo- dhu ports, LOW RATES ABOVE LINE. Iv-"---- ___'- “BAKERS TORONTO AND KINGSTON. Lou." Toronto It 3 p. m. duly. except Bun- dare. Fran! July t daily, Rochester. Thou. and kinda Rapids, St. Lawrence. Montreal. Quebec and Murray Day, Taduulun, 8mm! River. For information Ipply to R. R. mats or write H. Foster Chance. Western Paton“ Agent, Toronto. m-------'"-'-" Deodand Law for Seorchen. When the Marquis of Queensberry seek: in eourt . license to carry a gun tours-own himseit and " children trom the de Ir on- slaught of the reckless uutotubiter. it b up- parent that over-speeding sud scorching through city streets is by no menus nu "ii confined to strenuous Americans. Since Hm are ineffective. it is new suggested tint (no _ _ar nu Aunt-m! ho revived and neglect, or bad moon. nun- " “w. -v.-__ balm in Dr. Agnew'l Ointment. mu Beat the most stubborn canes. goothes hlutlon almost instantly after tint noplicution. It relieves nil itching Ind burning skin dinne- In I any. It cum piles in 3 to 5 nights. 3G cents.--" AA Borne and Woman. The horse shares with womun the gift of the greatest animate physicni bounty, cud the clusmcation does the Indy no discredit. As tor man, " partner in puichritudo is away down the line, probably I mute and maybe I. burro. The bone rank: high in our admlrntiou and lppreciution not nlono because he is handsome. but because in in patient, agile and useful. OR SALI-IiNDER XOBNAGI, “4..-“- -n am ' roiiiikiiiutoNnrrtr.I:tl..E RUNNING SORES, the outcome of gtect, or had blood, hue . never-hula; Mn in Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Witt Beat ED [E Um FOR SALE For steep or fiat roofs, water proof, tire proof, easily ma, cheaper than other not- mg. - HAMILTON MICA ROOFING CO Send and In: EB [E TIMES OFFICE. Hamilton, l4 to: wt. M stamp mention t itsid - T’Tszzle & Hamilton- Montreal Line p for sample, thin paper. M an 12 Linn-2' Likinl cit _ ‘Delcaasv, for Fore A great deal "t 1uted tstairs to rule in the HM cruisers at Mun . the American no contends that Pt plying the prim . mind during i tie, can be repa lot only narrow _ ttons, but infrin at international It in. official w: 1 that rcpt-ennui lt Wanhhgum on RUSS! ggw 'rl.' WV L l cu If Indemnity M. Deloasse I aiied it Brita Small Body of {ins ‘Wwooe “Even the I'vuvhtliunz' Mda, "are nut tr.uilors. . u the prawn! man l. at the mother mummy _ tolerate a dirgi'uwlu! In gm roast-r “mm: Y, it wil pt. argue, in: t, Japan vrl friend»... We have The Ituss and Delano to be tl my the imlunuil k between ttt mt Briuin. Thu and. policy Mul wards the isolaliu forgot that an [ Britain would rut aimed against Get “lace has not hel but it has vmbmi M. Deleastie pays l no complication-? with him out of retirement will u linnee." as a (rm ll fries oqui VOt TI" "At 11.30 oVioek on June 'tth, a body of strong advanced frm Sumilotsz, about a 1 of out of Ainyipimr and repulsed by us m north of that plum. confusion toward Nie northeast of Yinyipi Tokio, cable desp army hadqugrtgn northeast of Yinyipi NMe soldier and were captured. "With the exreptin twee. scouts on br, change to report elm “or“ and Witte Want t Juan's Terms. A Paris cable: It is definitoL that the Russian Foreign Nlitumte taasuoeff, seconded by M. It i',l “It of the Communa- ol Mum ”tilted overturvs throuul tlo, "eentativ"s ahroad lo 1mm dispouition and term- of [mm overtures. it is mid hm“. In"; by: Mo. Ind wetu' the nun» ot hopeful view which tr." Mn. :4!- bave. At tho mm“ mm- I: tt.fs. ltill is room; and M. Wi m1. and i! mowmrm i ', A Berlin cab! Speck Yon Star “an Roosevelt dense between _ Foreign Uffino 1 aident and tho they had idonti of peace and y opinion as tn Bush and M The joint vivo others, includin “in ought to I sure of n mm all would be I lamina; and It taking on tho l are. It now t dor Meyer’s am In had been pl etl " Tsarakm .gwtoooovoc 'o-q q EIIIF peeled a m was omen Vere I "ll Russian Kemp!” the view Agree to Fait, . on on the ts' 'tti"se,'de Trem.vu cutie. After a “W tt the Alleged manner it States-The ROCSE n, ASKS PEACE TERMS A Russian Repulle Witt Agree on Peace I hL,)i', tr, i Ch “I OSEVELT CR ll tl N ion y i tl is To " morm "" " w bt I" mt Ma

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