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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jun 1905, p. 1

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"owed on and up- nAdr every er Once 5) cts 5 cts :ents a a more we and O “ (IMAM 0 to 6 er gent. DUCC. made on 3nd inter iving at. Bl and 50 oo 2mm33~sééé§fimsaamgm tt . _ . iii Special Sale . . . VOL. XXVII. NO. " '5:1-:XEEEEEEEEEESWEEEEEWEEE Boots and Shoes ll The newest and prettiest of the season 'tg styles are repr sented here, and the colorings are very dainty. New Cotton Voiles and Grepe-tLs-t3henes. . .. ....180 per ya! New Fancy Voile (Lace effect)............ ............ ......35 New Vetstings .._.....e. ........... ........30c to 400 peryar 500 yds Fancy Maalirrs, reg. 150. for. . . . ...... . . . . 100 per yam Ready=made Clothing For Men and Boys Ladies' Raincoata. reg. 812.00 't reg. 8.50 Wash Goods and Muslins {A Made of excellent qualities of Cravenette elothjn the new- est styles. We're giving genuine bargains ttt this line. Here are some sample prices 2 James Ireland. Don 't forget that this store is headquarters for the best makes of Boots and Shoes to be had in Durham-or any: where else-at prices as low as can be put on good goods. e-rd GQOQGQO ' Is on the bargain list just now. Or if you prefer a suit made to your order, we'll take your measure and Save You Money. We have a great assortment of Men's Shirts-in new patterns audyuater- als. We can promise that any shirt you buy here will fit both you and your pocket & give satisfactory wear 0f Ladies' Raincoats OQGQOQO 6V 0Q - 6.le to 6.50.. 3 . .reduced to 8111 itil ittlitt, ea iii' 7. i, =ae= es a ' _ AP l "Mr Cyril Dwittht-Edwardp, an et. , cellept vocalist. titruryA, mung atteeeatrir, " tis the performance. 'u-Manchester g Courier-Hear him at the rink on Sat. l urday, July 1. with ether stars. GETTING 1hrADt-..The big committee in charge of the lst of July sports meet on Fnday evening to make tinal ar- aangements. As will be readily under- stood it is no easy task to handle a. big demonswation such as is planned, but the experience of last year is valuable. Reserved seat tickets for the concert will be opened for sale at 2 p. m. Sutur- day, June 24th. Plan " Macleane's Drug Store. DON'T FORGET my-The members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church have arranged an excursion to Niagara. Falls on Friday, Julv 7, includ- ing all stations between here and Elam, (inclusive.) Special train leaves Durham at 7 a. m. and will return evening of same day. Tithets good to return on "my trainup to Monday 10th. Fare: Adults 8235; Children 81.20, Further pal ticulars later. McG ILL RESULTS, CORRECTION.-- T he friends of Mr A. W. Hunter wiil be pleased to know that he has been suc- cessful in his medical work. having secured aggregate honors in the 3rd yea: subjects. standing third in the honor iist. Owing to an error on the part of the faculty, Mr Hunter's name appeared in the papers as failed in Obstetrics but on investigation the mistake was observed and the above correction made. Congratulations again to our young towagman who has " hom. ored " it all the way through. A LAMEATED DEATrr.-Our Hopeville correspondent does justice to the mem- ory of the late John S. Hardy who re- ceived injuries in an accident near Cey- lon on Wednesdavlast which resulted in his death. We extend our sympathy to the mourners, so magically and painfully bereaved. Later-Oar Booth- ville correspondent. also makes feeling reference to his death. LUST THE FIRst-Durharn's newly- organized Baseball Club played its first exhibition match last Friday in Harriston, and did not tare at all badly. Baseball has been Harriston's chief sport for years, and they have a. strong team yet they came out only 3 runs ahead. the score being 6--8; If the full nine innings had been played the Dur- hams are convinced they would have overcome thin but. Wee. Theobald. now of Mt. Forest. was in the box for the neitore. end pitched e fine geme. We look forward to name home Renee in the neu- fnture, eepecielly eince ia. not” sneer-to be out the eeeeon. The B, Y. P. U. of the Baptist Church, Durham, will hold their anuuulGarden Party on Mr Warner's lawn on Tuesday evening. lee cream, tstrawherries, cake and coffee and other refreshments will be served. Durham brass hand will be in attendance. Admission 10 eta, Bargains in Walt Paper-tic-ot our hes; papers still here that were overlooked by the early buyers. Com- mencing this week you can have your choice at a reduction of one third. You must see the paper to realize what this offer means. MACFARLANE & Co. Durhamites at a distance are already planning to come home to the by Demonstration on July I. The sons of Scotland are the organizers. but it is really a town affair and citizens should display hunting, flags, evergreens, etc. This, will he a record breaker. " Power and feeling were infused into songs sung by Mr Cyril Dwight-Ed- wards. who was deservedly encored. " --Newcastie Daily Journal.-.) the rink July I. . W H BEAN, Sep’y A. F. d: A. M. HORSE RAcrsa,--The Mt. Forest Driving Park Association are holding a meeting on July I, and admirers of that sport will have opportunity to gratify their taste. Admission Ki cu. Mr Wesley Baker, of Mildmay. will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next, MrFarquharaon goes to Mildnmy and Ayton to adminis- ter sacraments. To 1arr.--ahe moms above A Mc- Lachlan’s store, recently occupied by Dr Gun as oMee. To rent on easy terms. Apply tc Highest price paid for Wool in Cash or Trade at J. M. Findlay‘o busy store Dromore. At a big Bre in Fort Francislnst week, the drug store of Dr David McKenzie, well-known here, was burned entailing considerable loss over the inaurance. White Shirt Waists from " eta to 1.50 " Grant’s. (arp, Pl I FV “A? f! ' 5L," "ygo"", ii-fr, “a- ii?A23y.J.tliitlyt DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE 22,r01905. 'ttil'; BE ON Ttme-The sale of the reserved seal: tickets for the rink concert on July lst, will begin at 2 p m, on Saturday 2ith inst at R. Meliuvlatte's Drug Store. Remember there will bepleasi " variety. Miss Susie McGill and Mr Cyril Dwight Edwards; humorousDsnd musical by Will McLeod ', dancing by the latter, Miss Methll and the first prize dancer of the Mternoon, pipe band music, the Cadets. Prince Stanley &e, Concert at 7.30 p m. Reserved seats &5 eta, others ai cts. AT DRoMome.--On the evening of Friday, June 30th. the workers of Dro- more Public Library have planned a co 1eert, Musical and Dramatic. in Ruse. sell Hall. Dur ham Dramatic Club, that has appeared here seyeral times and lately in Mt. Forest and always with satisfaction, is to he present. Vocal and instrumental music interspersed will make a thoroughly enioyable evening. The cause is good, the price low, 250. Concert begins 8 p. m, _WATUH THE LABEL,--we have this week corrected our mailing sheet up- to-date, and will take it as a. favor if mistakes of any kind are noted, to be informed of such. so that corrections can be made. A call on a post and will make the matter right. As mud we regret that some allow their label to get in arrests. It cannot be pleasant to them. it certainly is not to as, and we hope this hint will be taken. armr- paid up, nnd the date put a little in " "nee. Do it now. IMPrtovmreNrs,--hfr J. P. Telford has now got water to ttigteaidenee forced by hydraulic ram from the springs behind the residence of Mrs Gun. Sr. who is also supplied. Dr Gun is transforming his property into a beauty spot by terracing and sodding over. Messrs M. Kress and Latimer have made an attractive front to their residences and at other points the town is sprucing up. GRAND GUMP.--her GPO. Binnie is the delegate from Ben Nevis Camp to the hi-nnnnal meeting of the Grand Camp of the Sons of Scotland. which meets in Toronto next week. After it closes the interest will shift from Toronto to Durham for the big demonstration on July lst. for Grand Chief Fraser and Grand Bee. Major D. M. Robertson are both expected With others of the breth- ren. Prince Stanley. the Daring High Wire Artist, is Shipping his hemy material to Durham Friday of this week, pre- paratory to erecting his structure next week for the Sons of Scotland demon- stration on Saturday, July lat. His performances will be one of the chief attractions of the afternoon. Letrrvnrttg.-Rev Dr Walter. Mark- dale intends giving a series of lecture' in the R. 0. Church on the evemngs of the first Sundays in the month, beginning» in 2atreoeiidiiatgddtiei Holy Land, " The Rev Gentleman has travelled there and has therefore a personal knowledge of his topic. Ad- mission 10 cts. "One very pleasant feature of the evening was the delightful singing by Mr Cyril Dwight-Edwards. to whom Mr Rider Haggard paid delightful compliments in his speeeh."-Soattt African Blmpire-8htgs at the Sons of Scotland concert on Julyl. CAN'T HAVE Mictr.-i?armers - round Orangevdle Junction, my: the Shelhm'ne Economist, are agitating for anew Post omce and want to call it Mulnck. Too late-the P. M. G. is " ready honored in Bentinck and some years ago. WOOL MrAsmrm--Brttttt your wool to Tavlor & Co. Dromore. High eat price cash or trade and the heat stock of goods that can he Meer, anywhere. TAYLOR & Co.. Dromme Use Pear cy's Paint; this your and van won't have to paint again for eight or ten years. There's real economy in Pearcy's paint. Snld here only. If you want to purchase. a. house and tot in Durham, see A. K. Jackson. Price reasonable and good terms. A. W. WATSON. South Grev Fall Show is on Wednes- day and Thursday, Bept. 20 and 21. A: last you government judges will judge live stock nnd poultry class”. The off and on wsshsble dress shields i at Grant‘s. I Don't forget the B. Y. P. U. Garden Party-On Mr B. If, Warner'. lawn next Tuesday. the 27th. New Tum-it». Ribbon 81 inches wide In white, red, pale blue, dark Mun, brown and pink at '20 eta a. yard. at Grant’s. Norrcm--store closed every evening at Tao n. m. except. Wednesdays and Saturday. Phone No 38. rm _il,trii,j'iio,ts. l M ACFARLANE & Co. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO " Will McLeod'u character songs were very catchy, and he la a. whole enter- tninment in himself. "--Trihune, Win- nipeg. $itutitou.--rhomures to he one of the taking features of the big let of July concert in rink. Don't fall to hear him. . The pipers and drummers of the 7th London Fusiliers. will be on hand at the Ben News Camp Demomrttation on July 1. Everyone admired the pipes in concert last year. and gratification is again in store for lovers of the “mm tial stain.” GREAT HEAT.--' about a week now the temperature has been the warmest of the season, reaching up in the are. Vegetation is taking In; strides. and hay should he an immense crop except possibly on some low lands. " Then comes the Tug of War," On the Agricultural Show Grounds. July I, The Highlandmen to the East are or- ganizing, And the West will no doubt look to their laurels. Pmczvmnn ON Drrcrc-We have re! ----- ceived a copy of the Annual Prize List J H R of Artemesia Agricultural Society. i q q The show this year will has held on on iTheobald's Old Stand, 53nd 6. President: Donald McMillan _ -"re"e-r"-"-'- Secy.-Treas; N. McKinnon. , .' The comical part of the programme was ably supplied by Mr Will McLeod, whose every number brought forth a: nu of laughter and a hearty encore' " , --The Huron Imtositor--Come and We hear him " the Sons of Scotland con ', cert in the rink on Julv l. i STORES Cuwt,-Maturasy July lsL‘ the m on to beclose'd, and allow , “will!“ the full swing of a not-l ahte nattrnttraotiee day. The Cadets! "an " W.80 and everyone wants to l cacti-II dell-tin. Country purchasers ill “Homage to have shopping done a mstmuttr.3tm"tx and were. will keen (iii opium. County council is in 888810“ this week at Owen Bound, .. Mr Will McLeod proved himself to he acomic singer of the first tank. "- Port Elgin Times-appearing in the rink, July L PAY YOUR Doaaux.--All persona owning or harbouring dogs or hitches m town must pay a. tax on the mum- to Chief Cannn. Durham. at once. It not paid tetore the f1mrt of July the ncc't will he placed in the hands of the. Police Magistrate for collection. June 22, 1905. BY ORDER. Bomb of the 77th were met " Hamil-I fnn w: exchanged friendlv sulutafinne. I We , ready service at the siding I wherein sfnmml. nnlnmz wait hemp l necesnry. After aheartv hundehnkinz I and newimv obt 'teqtmintmnrett. we 'ii'iilii'i1,' for the uneventful night I Wed ay morning had n muster roll I on" there every man of the Rent. (and I hoe-cl. had to answer to his name. I Then-1m: Home. nmlmement canned th the M that name of the have 'of No. 2 I Co. did not know theirnwn namea. sutrtt t "I the apparent transforming inf1uene. I ofononlcht'q soldier life in Camp. ltI transpired that it, was the title which rort6trrd, some having rmlved nrnmo- I (ilMMge"-itrel'i, knowledvo. Ittettott . 1!"er WV WI Yenterday. Thursday. rifle mnvemennt were practised in forenmn. and smut- i ine and outnnst du'v which consisted a I areal deal of lyim! down and envinz out 1 the enemv's positinn. a great deal Meier ', than the Rrst . To-day ir shows signs! Continued on page. ' i ------ '_-------------- i . . I, Met-tinct- for the. coming season are Wt YOUNG P""'irflt'i,'.,',rg,g.,.'tz. to he held in Din-huh. Hanover. Rim. w. [nitltutp , . M T M P . ‘wood. Avtnn. Holstein and Dmmore. . (“gm Pet Ire,? J. RM" (The meeting in Durham will he two T My. Woman! Institute. idnys, the need Mr to he held on the - __ --.--- xeeoond dsv. Gainers elected for the . immune venr - 3’. J. cl?:,",.',',',':,,'.,',':,','.;; . . , -ht.. Morice Viro rem. George innie ? Niagara Camp. ISec. Trans" 1nd Directors John Picken. ". -- !Wm. “out". H. R. Miller M. P., Mai. Amtrn very plenum“; run hr wnw o' I Buchnn. Thon. "Add. R. Barter.. Wm. ttuetrh, Hamilton. St Kitts and tiieliiliifii.N,i.i $3312 J,l?'tvS,'."r"he,: Pub, Pt unwed hereut'elv " t.45 It. m, i Auditors. C. ansge and A. Davidson. ahead/of the Go. from O. B. While on ime. J. W. Reynolds of the O A.C', the m we we" ttweed to n... light of ‘Guelnh. gave an Midi-m upon climate aluminium." housing: down the canal. IMnditions omitting writ ulture. £he 1'r',,tnt'i'g,l',! 'it,",',",,,':.',', 'i,'tT:,,1'l',',5 m," i/ters'.,',?",?),',;",:.,,.'"':)"':",,",,:)'":,',,"),,':,--, M or If W " on. E . ( wrtsttt-tttte slithe 'a7"l',l'.',", my...“ {the moisture in the. atmosphere. hut we Bt., (met-inn when sims'of Gretwesth- 4“" to " considerable “MM control er we” prominent. On lookan ortt, of {it in the soil. The chief ohjactmf the wirtdowtiwhito. oointed. funnpl [autumn cultivation should tvs to pttl ,h'lf,'lT cloud or water-snout, "a. seen i.tlte soil in such It condition as to take pointlbq to.tho earth. Prt 'Y.'""'"""""' iln as much KIN-'1‘ as _','it't,i.""'r'ed Ire; t',"fdtt'cgh'c:"ag'rj2', this pen"Ct,io'U"he"g2ct', Erik?“ £535.}; a mum e wo es. . . -in the full. as loose soil will take in and 8m of the 77th T'.'"' met " Hf.trtil- [hold much mote water than wull tonw exchanged friendly ttlutat.i?.m'. .the compact mil. 0n clay loam the We . , ready 't.rtrtee, it the nidine [difference would he 40 tons per more. In Vega“ "rat',.'; 'r'.,?,,',',;',,",,",,',,','::.,',',',', 't,':iJf, shallow cultivation is hem, I' tt ., Y- . “I " :V_ an tt R 'mq prepnren seed bed. mellow. moist in. and newton old '"P"""?yTt we .wurm. the loose surface and net.ing in a "t" itowr, for the tatt-tthal niet". lhlanket to keen the moisture from helow Mrrd " mormtur had " mwrter roll Hrom evaporating into the atmosphere. on" where every man of the lyyrt. (and 'gfter cultivation or root nr poorly-law horn! had to answer to his name. lshould hrcontinued salute in the season The . I WWI"a amusement “Um". hs. It? possible. the surface soil stirred often the Mt that name of the nova 'of No. 2 tespecially after rain. to hold the moist - Go. did not know theirown mun“. rettrh ure, and allow the entrance of beat and 'trrtttao.oyyytt temem.intt...infltteny 1'l',','.'flf,2l Ai'amhined picnic under the Mini»: of the ammu- Societies will he held at ttmoamt place monunnrd. A platform pro m of hrbsf snort-h" and Ink-v I‘ll will!» rendered and boating and nth amusements durimz the after- 'dr, hmhv invited to ramp Hanging i frl and baskets. Lunch will he serv- I ed tmtbr move. l W31, YOUNG Pres t Gm. Hum": furv. _ J Irarmeru [until-nun t, Mdt T. Moe-rm Pre Miss J. BMW l l Saw. Women’s Institute, 9 Wuh's Lake, Tawny. July 4th.. '06. dag: 1tits' AND WOIBN'S INSTITUTES. Union Picnic. -0- June Weddings The Busy Store On the Busy Comer ' The annual nicotine of South Grey _ Puma-If Ittet$ttrte washold in the Town iHntt have on Wednesday altar-noon last (PM. w. J. Young occupied the chair i’md opened the Ina-tint by a ltriet ud- ndrea- upon the work of the your. The 'unual routine laminae of reading mig- itttran"ditoru "port ete. was lrannac _ lnrl. The'tash wink of the your were $63100 ezgaenditttr"3rt1.at and the hal- lane! on hand 857.“). There mm» ten “mounts hold our." the ynar. with an aggregat- Mundane! of 1900 Thirtv {uneven addrem were givvn upon agri- cultural or kindred questions. - Imperial measure . . . . .ib'e un'd mi, 10 bars LAUNDRY SOAP tor.. . . . . 25e Also large assortment ot TOILET SOAP to choose from. Call and act. a. sample of our TEM-- Black, Japan. Ceylon, Young Hy - son or mixed, from 20e to 50e per lb. Try our5 lbs for. ......$1.00. R. B. KEELER and SONS CANNED FRUITS of all kinds from .... ...... . ...... ......10eto.30e All kinds ot Canned Meat: and FISH UPNN'S JAMS and Marmalades. T BULK P ry rol',U'.ld no. ?f.5ust, so: y,"g1: 'rficAWr'qttiiW65iir"iGi" ‘whlte (and) . and four link. but. heard of north. of Swinton Park on June 8. Anyin- formation as to their whereabouts will be gladly received. CHAS. MCDONALD. Dundalk P. o. June 22 13th con. Proton. _lht_llirliji)li_illri)iyt? Cash for Etrtts tttraged from the__premjo_ec "rf _tltt? We have just received a large ship- ment of Jewelery, consisting of Wedding R a. Fine Pearl Brooches. 1191251625. Bracelets. Lockets. Watches and Chains. show everything needed in the Jewelery line for the Bride and the largest & best stock of Silverware ever shown outside the large cities We can save you money on every article we tell. C ome in and inspect our stock of Groceries and Confectionery. Fruits and Vegetables in Season. CHAS RAKAGE, Plan: All) PUIIJIIII. J. H. ROSE, .‘Sfyz;”â€"-"‘£9W 'e' , "it V ".1” 1. C", Nd, "i. "r, t "C'), rriUi,'ili-,,iit'tr nun-nan Annual Meeting. ES PRAY "ar/fr/YU" Durham Li

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