West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jun 1905, p. 4

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g cy? Darling, 93h: Eecplar's 2)russiftt. wwanwxnnwwmmwaowxsxnxwatw The Farmers' M'f'st a Supply 00., Ltd. We Don’t Want Money Let us quot? you a price on an 8 ft. HAY RAKE. 2)arlfng's Eras rf.5uma---rrccrs A The New Baby are ll HESS. ”W” aetaeaeae3e8.3.8.3e3ea.8e3e8.8.8.a.3qt The Price to Shareholders We then I w E H A V F, The Farmers' Mig a, Supply Go., Ltd. BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, becoming and mcderatel y priced. This is the mum tor f tains will be required. 5 We have them from. . .. .... Our 81 Curtain s5 a J hummer. Mill/nary L (pagan! k £01180 fad/es ' 'Dainty A complete showing of Spring and Summer l Waists. made in dainty fashions and markea specially waste ot time and money to he): elsewhere, We h to sell these Waists " each - A A 4 A l . Why not lemme a shat when Ivy co-operating This is a movement that is gaining ground fast. little time until awry farmer. will be interested I err.“ ed they Wt shat em 'Rotthtghum tjteautifut 6vinsr cr1pparel, rtre enou MADE AItltANGEMr'.NTs' To 5371.}, “when IN INF, to our Hers so as to saw them tummy. Call and are it. . I ecume- a shat eholder at once y Don't continue to pay the old price v eo-operating w;th ym.r nelghhals you can save the difference. But w» tlt prof! mug all they t ndvertise l Our Order Book plainly show:; the result ot Mil- linery Opening Week. Such a brilliant display was worthy of a much larger town than Dar. ham. Our Hats were greatly admired and were designed by our Milliners who Wun my ,,tintcd praise for ele- gance. novelty and good want the crsnttertttiott of every Furtoer in tho country Cash and 0110 $7160. taste ”Wk/.00 per P" to 5.00 he, tr, l.25 At J. 5o ' ht rrnovoting your hcmes. New Cur- See our great stock betore buying. 'e tieytuvtNI I run out of , £ace Curtains You’ll tird all these at Darling's Drug Sucre. All the goods we sell are pure, cirefully made, the right thing for the purpose. If .vittlatve a preseriptit n to fill this is the place to bring it. Everything fresh and good. is only SIG' Needs Pure Dogs, Hy. genie Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet. Preparations. my shnteholdets _ “rived by the sh mt of You. If w 2min: Waist: We Bank on Quality. 'ortock, Summer White Lawn n Specially low. It'tsa . We ba Te decided ..i, l divuit ries in] lt is ottl.vva mattrr of a Will/nary modesty Priced livuio-ml. All we need r'% 2.1,. yuu my Route who " a e not doing tite hust- Exumlm- it mrefnllv (Sun-I " heels 82 vxt m THE DURHAM REVIEW Barrister Dunn was In Toronto Sat- urday on legal business. Mrs John Smith is a guest ot Toronto relatives for a few days. Mr Wes Theobald. Mt Forest, was in town: over the week end. Mrs. Hunt is visiting at present at her son Ed's in Traverston. Ir. Hugh MeRae attended the funeral of his mother in LPammuton. Mr Joseph Alchoson went West a. few days ago to yisit his sons in Man- itoba. Mr John McKinnon of the Rocky, is a guest of tus brother in Toronto last week and this. Mrs AS Hunter and daughter, Mists Mmgmet took a trip to Walkerton last Thursday on pleasure bent. Mrs Lynch, Hamilton, is a guest of Mr and Mrs W. D. Milis for at week or so, She is "cousin of the former. Messrs. Holt and Vullvtt were dele- gates to the District, meeting of the I. O. O. F., in Mount Forest last Wed. nesdtty. Mrs H, Me DonaU, Crawford, called on Durham friends last week on her way to Fleshelton to attend the Baptist Convention. Mr and Mrs Thos Livingstone went to Toronto on :Nonday. The latter will stay with her mother for a time, she being at present under t: Patment In the hospital. Mr. Godirev McTnggnrt. Pomona. a welcome caller at. the REVIEW oftice Saturday. The old gentleman " still hale and hearty, and has been on a trip through Normanhy and at Mr. And. Ford's, in town. Mr Roht. Legate. Br., Greenside. N. Egremont, spent a few days in town last week with his sons Wm. and John. Mr Legate though over the three scone. is still an fair health. We were glad to meet with our old neighbor, who still keeps abreast, of current thought. The marriage of Miss Bessie Browne, youngest. daughter of Mr and Mrs Chas. Browne to Mr George H. sun-on was solemized at the home of the bride'r father at high noon on W edtiesdny June 21st. Rev W. L. Newton, pastor. oiliciuting. Mrs Newton played the wedding march. The bride was eeColt- ed by her father and looked exceedingly dainty in adress of crepe dc chem: trim- med with cream ribbon and lace, wore white carnation: in her hair. and catried a hoquet of white cavuatiuns and maiden hair fern. Miss Flora Mc- Urcgor. Park Hill, was laridesumid, and looked very pretty Ill a dress ot pale green ctepe dc cnene trimmed with pink velvet, and Wore a gold locket, the Klfl ot the groom. Mr Archie Stimson, i brothel-of the groom acted as grooms- ‘mau. The btide's tIuVelling unit was 1 tnown ladies' cloth With cream silk waist, and brown toque to match, Mr and Mrs Stinson left on the 3 o'clock train to spend their honeymoon in Sil'ulfold and ForrestTille. The guests from a. distance were Mr M. titinson, and Miss Fanny, father and sister of we groom from Alma, Miss Jennie Locum-t, Fotwestyiile, Mr and Mrs James A. Brown, Owen Sound, Mrs H. P, Ball, Slutt'ord. The Review extends hearty congrat- ulations Co the. young couple and Wish- es them long Inc and happiness. Homciys--Ewvas--At the manna. Dur- hon, on Wednesday June 14th, by the Rev Arm. FUrquhartton, David Hopkins to Jessie Ellen, daughter of Robt Ewen, Esq ' all of Beuunck. McMcuw.si--MccAsxEL--At the resi- dence of N, NIL-Canned Esq., Con. 2, S. D. H. Glenn-lg. by the Rev J. A. Math- eson B. D., Priceville on June Nth Nell McMillan of Proton to Margaret Mc- Unnnel. In tltets'trvvoguie Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the gttarditovthipof Melvin Greig, in- fant child of Arth Mr G wig and the late Sarah Graig. deceased. Application will he made to the Sur- rogate Court of the County of Grey, before the Judge in Chambers at. the Court House in the Town ot Owen Sound. after the expiration of three weeks from the first pulvlit-ation hereof, on behalf of Maggie Calder, wife at William Calder of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, the maternal aunt of the said infant, for an order ap- pointing the said Maggie Calder the guardian of the put-sun and estate of the said mtant. Dated at Durham this 13th day of June, 11105. Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the ter m if Iosaible. Bound can be obtain can reason :ble rum-s. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable plac _ tor residence. The school is thoroughly equilpped in teaching ability. in chemical and electrics 5111331198 and tit- tings, &c.. for full Junior Leaving an Matricula- tion work. The following competent staff are in change t _ THOS. ALLAN, Ist Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. M. FORFJL B. A., Classics and Mo Wm.lohrtste"t,dr., C. Ram-go. Chairman. Beach” Durham School dems. MISS A.J0HNSToN, B. A., Mathematics and Commercial. M.uamg CALDER. By her mlicitprs -- FEES: $1 perpnonth in advance Staff? and Equipment. HYMENEAL - .a-.. MARRIED. NOTICE. A M ACKAY & DUNN. Continued from page f. I of being n wet day when probably the exércises will be still easier. In our own Company. No, 4. which by the. way is the smallest regiment. owing, it must be. co the. better industrial conditions {neyailing around Durham, for certain- y it cannot he lack of luvalty to the interests of the country's defence, sever- al promotions have been made: In addi- tion to Sergte. Torry and Noble, Pte. Burnett has been Ipromoted to Corpuml M acting Seam. tee. McGix-r and Mc- Comb, Durham. and T. Moore, Thistle. , as Corpornlq and Stanley Telford. Varn- ey, as Lance Corporal; Ptes. T. Reid ind H. Hinds have the privilege of get: ting np early and lighting the fires and preparing the meals for the men. - __ sc..., "nu-r the ONTA H"'r'"""e' ..-- WV, There Is a large camp this year. the. largest! have yet seen. the south east corner of the commons is 1ccitti,ed by the ravalny tents, The west si e along the beautiful moves that line the mud is ocvupied by the inf. regiments some 12 no number. while the north side to- wards the town is occupied wholly by the artillery and an imposing sight iris. The old military buildings have been renovated with a covering of corrugated steel siding and freshly painted. which does not look like as If this campground _ ... L ' -._. “an: and ("M’s [nu um» n... .... .. --ie"_ -,,, . M' was to be closed, although I am told that the authorities of the town have been notified to that effect. They are raising a great. kick about, it; the ground has also been offered for sale. All hearty and well this Friday morn- ing. Raining to day, weather very warm Wednesday. Thuraduy cooler, fine breeze. A foot-ball match watt held on Thurs'- day evening between the 31st and 34th Regls., the former winning by 5 goals to none. best of good feeling prevailed throughout. The vollev firing of No. 4 Co., amid the light shower falling end considerm the discomfort of lying Krone on the wet guise. shows a better gnre of merit than some larger com- panies. The whole company blazes away at. one target about 400 Kurds dig.. lant. gets up and nuns anot er 50 or 75 yards, lies down and tiretr again at the word of command and so on for 5 times. One can imagine what like the target. will be. something hke a. dilapid- ated fanning mill screen, of course many halls plow up the earth a few feet ahead that would put. a mmwurth to shame. The boys are all well. The suhtarzet machines are upon the ground to which the companies are marched up, to the number of 10 or so. where the men we practised in the art of aiming, a. little needle darting out into a paper target at the moment the trigger is pulled. It is very fascinating without the cost of ammunition or jar to the shoulder. Following is the score of a majority of the Co,, the others ranging low. 5 shots at 100 yards. a possible 20, and 3 shots at 200 yards, a possible 12 100 200 Total Capt, Snider 19 ll 30 Pte. B. Moore 19 ll 30 Capt, Snider Pte. B. Moore Corp. T. Moan), Pte, Barclay Pte. MoGillwmy Corp. Ml'Cmuh Pte. P, Ranmge Sergt. It, J.lorry Pte. Allen 15 8 23 6t Glass l8 3 23 Corp. MCGlrl rc, 7 22 Pte. J ohnston 18 4 22 Sergt Burnett ll 7 21 Pte, Telford 10 5 l5 " Darby l2 2 l4 " McLean ll 2 l3 .. Vollett ll 0 ll A return football match between the. 3lst and 34th is talked of to-night. Company matches are also spoken of for next week, beginning on Monday. The how drill all day and are readv for play after supper as keen or Keener than when at home, thus dispelling the idea of hard work so prevalent among the boys remaining at home Wednes- lay and Thulsday were tine and warm. Friday wet and damp. to-day, Sutur- day, again warm but with tt fine lake breeze blowing. The score at volley firing was 50 for Durham with 19 men while No 3 Co., Owen Bound took 50 with 30 men. Capt bmider's men are to he congratulated. Some regiment can he heard firing " the hutts while I write. giving out an idea of the peppering. snapping sounds read of in 'war reports, hut happily with no diieful results here. Ten men are being picked cut of each regiment fnr a choir. to-mm row at. Divine service. Many are gunning to take in the excursmn to t P. falls. This year the new regulations tzov- erning the high school entrance exam- inations have come into force. The curriculum is considerablv changed, and the studies altered. An increase has also been made in the standard required to pass. Heretofore 33h per cent on each subject andy50 per cent on the total was necessary. This year those who secure admission to the high schools and collegiate institutes must obtain 40 per cent on each subject and (it) per cent on the whole. The number of subjects of the written examinations is consequently reduced from three to two days. The following is the time table. WEDNESDAY, JCXE 28. A. sr,---)---)) instructions. 'l.00---10.00--Composition. 11 OO-P.?, "Jr_-G'tpgrimh.v. P. yr.---'.,'...)--))-.--)) Grammar. 4.1o-r40--Spelling, THURSDAY, JUNE 29. A. yr.-A).00--11.00--Arithmetic, 11i-12.00--Wririnm P.sr.-2.00--h00---Readmg (written). Bonding (oral) "lav be taken on the atove [days at such hours as may suit the convenience of the examiners. Parties fishing or otherwise trespas- sing on lot 28, con, 2, E. G. R., Glenelg, (immediately west of Glenroaden), will he prosecuted according to law. This means you so don't ask permission for it is impossible to discriminate Noble Niagara Camp. The Entrance Exams. LATER NOTES. TORONTO Thiétle Torry and Noble, Pte. "gromoted to Corpnml ' tea. McGix-r and Mc- and T. Moore, Thtstle. d Stanley Telford. Varn- nrnnralz PICS. T. fteid NOTICE. O .-i------ 17 17 17 16 20 19 A. McComucx. 12 12 11 ll IO 24 23 FLAGS I ALWAte' ”DD-IA .v. -7 .. We are now ready for the Is: of July with our Scotch flags and smtulfug1' of welcome. It you want to decorate your residence call early as we have a limited number. ALWAYS READY for any occasi We are now ready for the Ist of J with our Scotch flags and smtu1fl v; “A“ wont. to deco A VARXE'I‘Y hand this week WE ARE do in Screen Door the assortment, 70 eta to $13-50- WHO WOULD be Screens. when you Ct 20 cts ipwards. MOVED DOWN TOWN We are now to be found in the fine premises south of the Hun- ter block and will be better prepared than ever to show you good values. Black trimmed Skirts. worth $2.50 for...... ...... C.'.............; Blue trimmed Skirts. worth 3.00. .. Ladies’Cmvenette Raipcgggs, made -"'iiULliianVorttt 7.00. . . . . .. . .4.w Men's fine. Black Worsted. tailor- made Suits, up-w-dule. worth Ilk00, now each 9.00 a; 10.00 Pink striped Heavy Flannelelte. good value, per yd 10c... . .uow 650 Othet. nods. such as Lace Curtains 'fl','v"ll'iirGl &e at very low prices. If you wish to get good value for your money, look out for your own benefit and call and Distinguished {or "Thoroughnou" l'orner Yonge and Alexmder Ma. SUMMER SESSION for teachers and others dur. ing J ulv and August. All of our graduates get positions. CireuUrs free. Enter any time. Catalogue free South of New Hunter Block, Durham. " The sun never shone on a sweeter face than that of the bride or hand- somer than the groom." He had one of tt Gordon's" 18 kt. Wedding Rings. She was presented with a gold Watch and chain and her numerous presents were bought from A GORDON Pete, Jfami/lon Jfsrem::y ' I . Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Jpriny Imp/emana- . . Ploughs, Barrows, Drills, Scuff1ers etc. Enquire at this agency. 3tartretsrotsr Wac/u‘nory . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Orders [all Watchmaket, Jeweller, Optician TORONTO. ONT. With R.?Mchcken at House Stable or at th OFFICE, well receive attention. J. LEVINE THE WEDDING DAN IETY of Hammocks came to week which are bargains. E doing a rushing business Doors on3account at having nent. Prices ranging from R. a 35' , 'W. '0 -- F ELLIOTT . BLACK LD be without Window you can bay them (rum W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal FLAGS I I bee/lam at the yREv ill-iv' .....$1.50 the Hahn our best Jon. People mm" like iiiUisiustuter,thek'w- tanoininthe leafthan "amountafsuer. anMMogulistH'crv nardlem atsumyyeeztsarrl light Shoe Childish Properly First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale PEEL, The Shoeman High in than: unaware} ankkwvintannin (bitten) i'i"ipiusethepauteand taniiuptUnerves Bugs and Biscuits in great viiritt All kinds ofCakes made to “ram WEDDING CAKES our specialty (i)lifiiNliit tl',yier,ell't'c,f. A.W.Wats0n Grand INogul Tea -__ -- m M had Is a hard prohlmn to solve. wt. hau'e made this a special And y and are prepared to show ynu the Very but in (‘hildron'u Strap tilsppers. Oxfords. Bulimia! and Lawn: Boots in Man and ban. GCiil bGiseqesimy mam 'CUi'uiiiaieethetyettt atsou’s "read-The 13m! We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to T i) D H fl P E CARRIAGES suit you. ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the Co They are 1yuyisoye and as cvcrybodv knows. they ttre the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. Ogilvie's Royal Hun-14v pm lmrwl Aldo olher high-grade Mum Flours, per barrel .86.60 to Barclay t Bell \VAREROOMSoppnsite Middaugh Ho. Stables. JOKE " ttrot Durham and Owen Sound tVe RANGES " JUNE Ast, 1905 HE A; Slam MI 4 f,)', 2 yum Ion X11 Curtuit "dies "Ty twill: " m White Hula-n Table Lillfll.. Floor Uilvlulh it." oileloth, Jul-mm- Mun WillililliNi Places Insurances Corn-tic- CoHecu th lush." Difficutttets, Ind Betts C.P.R. Ttep (“an huh ‘l v, 125 he". Normanby “Mum-yum l ' 'r ttMt Acres acumen oticrtu,t |"., 1‘ ., _ 100 Acres Buntincu Well'mur- ", ri run Hone The Hum“ t't too Acres Norr-tsy Durham Residence l’lmlugrnl-L. r V _ Fun” “In! Law, i . Iiair, Cloth and Tooth Br Wall Paper HacFarlane Brnggists t, Bu REDUCTION STOCK The “MIMI! l LENDS MONEY IL”. 311 Paris ( ire Potato Bu Insect Pov and Heller H.H. Ml We on t' Sty All Co prim Mer t I dire ing to near! y al signs. Wt u your own rooms " I third the. cot “ Ilill- l F3 less Presents see our t on. ”lurk 31f M‘k of cl LAt lum- c stuck t our wi PARK Orug ent I)” W We

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