West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jun 1905, p. 8

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day 14th inst., which turned out fatal. Mr John S. Hardy, of Swimon Park, left home in the morning with a horse and buggy to go to Flesherton in the best of health and spirits, but while going down a hill. east of the station, a farmer's team which got beyond the Died on Monday the 12th. Mr Ed- ward Ryan. ot the 6th can. Proton. of consumption a ed 48 years. Mr. Ryan was an»: farmer,' was raised in this township, the only son of the late Patrick Ryan, one of the pioneers of the township and many years a member of the Council in its earliest days. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wile and family besides many other relations. The funeral was on Wed. nesday the, 14th to the R. C.’cemetery. in the Irish Settlement and was very largely attended. Death has been bnsv in Proton the lost week and removed some promin- ent parties to the other world. A very serious accident hapwned to one ot our Proton farmers on educa- lilair Vigor White Hair "t an: now an“ minnow. 3nd I In" untangle-.1 I.“ o Immune.“- vo-du to. h't%"tt 1tirdt * ‘Av: not I '2.me n t. no o I If or." In a. B. III-411. in“... “an, ’LD I homo. J. e. A". eo.. All 1lagepa. 'A. moi]. In; Aliikj'"','s""'"j'" only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your any hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will Special Values in Mans Furnishing. ii Regent " Clothing is THE correct wearing apparel for Men and Boys. It is manufactured by the well-known W. H. Lailey & Co, Toronto, and is made to fit, in all sizes, all except those very oddly proportioned. These Suits are to look well, feel well, wear well and suit your pocket well. You have that well-dressed feeling and an air of rednement when wearing one of our " Regent " Suits. Considering style, fit; and quality, you will not find lower-priced Suits in town. Suits For Dressy Men and Boys “batmazi Stylish Sum- t'iii'iieii" “hum. mer 1hiit tiopeville The People’s Store Also the CROMPTON STRAIGHT FRONT CORSET at $1.0). An extra good corset for 50c and 60c in the WHITE, made by the Wray Company of London. tt .6. Sraut. We have a full range of the B. & I. BIAS FILLED CORSETS in Drab and White at $1.00. ROBERT BURNETT 'orseto.r Corsets Corsets! He was married to a daughter ot the late Righard Parslow, she surviv- ing him with two children, also his aged mother, three brothers and four sisters, the most ot them in the N. West, besides many more relatives. The funeral was the largest we have known togo to Swinton Park, great sympathv being, expressed for the mourners and general regrets at the sudden taking off a useful life in its prime. He was 46 years of Me. Prince Stanley. the 20th century high wu'e marvel, appears at the big July 1 Demonstration under the auspices of Ben Nevis Camp. There is one grand thing in his de- parture--he lived a good christian life and was respected by all who knew him. He had his faculties to the last. and had no dread of death, being pre- pared to meet his Saviour. In politics he was a life long conser- vative and was the leading oftieer in the conservative association for Proton township. Mr Hardv was born in the township ot Hope. County of Durham, and came to Proton with his father'e family about 26 years ago. He was an industrious, careful farmer, ran a 200 acre farm in the best of style and was in very com- fortable circumstances. He was raised a Presbvterian and was a true and faithful member and official. Alter hits death he was taken home and the funeral was on Saturday, the 17th, to the cemetery near by, and was held under the auspices of the Orange Order, of which he was a member. Rev. Mr Matheson, assisted by the Rev Mr Roach, of Priceville, officiated, both spoke highiv of Mr Hardy’s use- fulness as a neighbor, church member, and officer ot the church. control of the teamster. ran into his rig and in a few seconds all was in a smashed up heap. Mr Muir, who lived only a few rods away, ran to the scene. with what assistance he could get, and found Mr Hardy in a helpless condition. m was conveyed to Mr Muir's house. where all that could be done for any person was done tor him. Doctors were procured. his wife, mother and other relatives gathered around him, but none could keep him living, and he died in less than two days from the ttme he got hurt. t This more open-1 '; at. Ts. In. i We: .. Mr Will McLeod received deserved applause, not only for his comic char- acter songs, but for the grace and skill of his "8ailor's Hornpipe. "--Raebee Telegraph, "--Ris t1rtrt appearance in Durham is at the great Mink concert July I. Get your tickets; plan st Mc- Fol-leach. To his sorrowing and grief-stricken mother, sisters and brothers, the com- munity extends sincerest sympvathy. Though we know the parting is only tor a briet space. yet how often will the loved ones ': Long for the touch of a. vanished hand And the sound oi a voice that is still. Ft A and feature is that his brother Archie arrived home from Assa.. just in time for the funeral, but too late to see his brother who longed lo see him once more. The funeral took lace from his mother’s residence on gunday Jane 18. The service was very impressive, Mr. Matheson taking occasion to appeal fervently to old and young to prepare for the inture life, towhich this life has no comparison in endurance or happi- ness. He read portions of scripture from Psalms 46 and 121, also St. John, eh. 14, verses 1--3. Those present joined in singing Garfield':, favorite hymn, one he had sung on his death- bed, "There's a land that is fairer than day. " The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery west of Priceville, where already were laid the remains of his fatherand three brothers, two of whom died in infancy and one a young man who died three years ago. A large concourse of sorrowine friends followed the remains. While we will not attempt to enum- erate the many good qualities of the deceased, we only voice the sentiments ot all who were acquainted with him when we say he was a boy ot except- tional qualities who if life had been spared, would have been a man of rare ability, his gift tor art being oar- ticularly well developed. Be was a credit to his family and his deportment in life was an example to his associates and his kind and amiable disposition endeared him to all with whom" he be. came acquainted. At school, by his unassuming manner, he readily be. came a favorite with his teachers and companions. He lived a Christian lite and died trusting firmly in his Saviour, and the eheerfttlness and, tranquility which he viewed the fat. are is further evidence of the happi- ness there is in the hope of the Christian. Those who visited Garfield during his last illness, always found him pleasant, cheerful and bright, bearing his illness bravely and with great fortitude. His only desire to live was for his dear mother's sake. l Death has claimed another of our brightest and most hopeful have in the person of Master thdtield Ferguson, who died at the early age of 15 years, " the home of his mother Mrs Daniel Ferguson, Lot 27, con 21, Egremont on Friday evening, Jane 16, attera lingering and distressing illness ex- tending over a period of several months and which he bore with more fortitude, patience and resignation than might be expected of one so young. l Mr Amhie McLeod cane over to see his friends last week and did not for-) I get to call on Mr J. McDonald. A large number attended the large barn-raising " James Cnider‘s. The captains were Willie Pnitburn and Geo. Swanston. the latter being the winner. It was the south against the north. Mr Calder will have a. fine barn when completed. Mr Chas. Me. Lean ot Proton isthe trainer and the work is a credit to him. We have no doubt the Massey Hal'- ris is a reliable firm but our local agent is in the habit of carrying his Bible with him on his rounds, whether it is to prove his statements or not we are not prepared to say. Mrs Ferguson 's brother from Minto attended the funeral Ot his nephew, W. B. Garfield Ferguson. Our teacher, Miss Spence. is kept very busy just now, the average at- tendanee being 55 and her entrance class gets two extra hours each day and Saturday forenoon. The Maple Park cor. tells us of some fine ittshintt stories. Did you ever catch a white faced one? Our correspondence to the Leader is read with much interest, it appears to me, as they try to put a couple ofthe neighbors into one name, however, stay with it Mo Dhonnul Gradback. 'Miss Kate Clark is home from the Queen City for a short while with her mother. J. Hill bought one of the most up-co- dateibuggies frome McQueen, Tuesday and to-day quite a number from a- round here are out to purchase mach- inery from the Massey Harris Co. Mrs Herman Haw had a surprise visit from two of her brothers, Robert and Sandy Stephenson who were more than surprised at the fine country with such fine buildings and level farms. This was their ftmt visit to this part. One of them runs two steam thrashers and has thrashed for the last 35 years. Mr Duncan McLaehlan of the 8th eon. visited his old friends and ac- t,t,i'"ttit', around this neighborhood. hut McCannel, Jr., took Mr Me. Lauchlan to Holstein in order to show his companion the north-west rt of Egremont. After driving 2l'u'l.'iu', distance they became alarmed. They enquired for the way of the first rig they met but behold; the second party was also lost. They got home after all at sun down, and two men, more tired, has seldom been seen. Boothville thnon Corn Peas Prunes Dates Cheese C. MCARTHUR IVE' extend this invitation to everybody whether In the habit of coming to this store or not. We do so confidently be- cause we. know we have the goods; and our customers know it too. Salado in packages Cty 13e and 23e each " Red Feather " Tea Ct 20e and 40e each Japan and Ceylon Green . . . . © 25e per lb Mixed (black, Japan or green) 25cpex lb You can also procure the fol. " ii, lowing GOOD THINGS t u','; Salmon I Tomatoes Canned Apples Corn Com-e Spice of all Peas Cocoa kinds. . . Prunes Syrup k doz varieties Dates I Pickles of Candy. Cheese i Peanuts Lemon! The Priceville circuit: raised a sub- srif.iI11,te, and bought a buggy for Rev. Mr ouch. a timely and appreciative gift. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mr J no Hard v who passed away on Thursday Jane 15, He was driving to Fleshercon on Wednesday and when past: Ceylon he passed a team which was out with stock, The team took fright and ran away running into Mr. Hardy's buggy throwing him out-with fatal results. I Come for Tea EVERYTHING COMPLETED. -All ar- rangements are now made for the Sons of Scotland Demonstration on Julv I. There has been delay over train ar- rangements but the dift1eutty has been h appily overcome and With good weath- er, this year's show promises to eclipse last yeav's as much as that did any previous effort. Only 25 eta to the grounds, children 15 cw. vehicles 25 em Admission only by ticket for sale at the Drug Stores and at ticket ofBees. Fall wheat is growing splendidly and is now beginning to head out. Miss Tana McDonald, of Durham. visited at Mrs D, Firtb's on Sunday last. Miss Amy Edge, teacher at the Rocky. leaves after the holidays to at- tend the Collegiate Institute, Owen Sound. The Union Sabbath School picnic will be held next Saturday in Edge’s Grove. Mr Dan Edge pulled down his old barn recently and is building an up- to-date pig pen. Ritchie Bras. are do. ine the mason work. ' Baseball matches are played now every Saturday evening, The young and happy couple left for their home at Swinton Park before the dawn ot day and now thee are domi- ciled tor a time at the old familv resi- denee awaiting the completion of their own dwelling hoass.-Cotn. Mr Robt Ector last week installed gewlightning rods ion his barn and case. Miss McCannel was one ot the most successful Mthoot teachers in the County ofGrey and that branch of the educa- tional department suffers on account of her decision in giving preference to hnvhing one good scholar to contend wn . On Wednesday evening. June 14th. at 6 p. m. a very pretty home wedding it. " place " the residence of Mr Neil LLiw'annel when " sister Min Ma'- lgaret was united in marriage to r Neil McMillan of Swintou Park. The 'ceremony was performed by the Rev. }J. A. Matheson. B. D,, of Prieeville. ‘As the strains of the wedding march [played by Mrs (Rev) Matheson were fioatimt melodioutrly through the house, the young couple unattended took their glues under a dainty, unique arch of tidal wreath and snow balls and white lilacs. The charming bride looked beautiful in a handsome dress of cream eolienne with yoke of rich embroidery and carried a boquet of white roses and maiden hair fern, tied with white Bllk ribbon, and wore a wreath of orange blossoms in her hair. The whole house was tastefully decor- ated with a profusion ot flowers, Huge boquets being massed at each end at the arch. The tables in pink and white decor- ation looked tempting. the bride’s cake a large four story one being placed in the centre. Only the, immediate friends ot the contracting parties were present. The presents to the bride were very select and beautiful, speaking highly ot the esteem in which she was held. Miss McCannel is widely and favor. ably known throughout the County Pf Grey and many there are that will join us in wishing her and the man ot her choice a long and happy life to- gether. Mr McMillan is one ot Proton's must prosperous farmers, being a son of the late Duncan McMillan. a man on unquestionab‘e principle. and it is be.. yond a doubt that the son is possessed ofthe same good qualities which he largely inherited from " father. bNTA After tho dinner was served the evening was spent in music and song, stories and games. Cash or Trade for Produce. Helium-lemma Nuptlus. Swinton Park TORONTO Edge Hill Top Cliff. See large posters issued from this office for particulars. Pianist and accompanist, and Mr. Grill McLeod. Singing and Dancing Comedian of Seaforth. Doors open at 7p. m. Concert begins at 7.30, wing Saturday evening this must he strictly adhered to. By request some reserved seats have been set apart. open to first com- ere. and the price the PS!!!” one, Wo cm, Accommodation for all at 25: on Town Hall Benches. A large platform is being erected, the floor. wilt be saw-dusted and a night of solid enjoyment realized. Srrvs<ieot1arail 2)amortstrcaulart Again the Sons of Scotland Commit- tee have one of their big lst of July con- certs on hand, and the talent. secured in a guarantee of excellence. In addit ion to the. Pipe. Band, the Cadets, the ttpst prize dancers of the afternoon and the aerialist. Prince Stanley in trapeze work there is a. full ticket of musicians of high rank, notably Cyril valght Ed- wards who has sung before royaltv and won honors in two continents. His supporters are Miss Susie McGill of Lon.. don, a noted Soprano. Miss u.e. Butler The L o L, No 1136, have postponed their pienie on account of Mr John Hardy's death. We understand Mr W. J. Heard tzkes contracts cheap when they are near the river. Mr John Ferguson of Maple Park visited in Swinwn Park last week. Wedding bells-Mr Neil McMillan was joined in wedlock to Miss Maggie McCannel of Glenelg on Wednesday the " of June. We wish them evexy happiness through lite. Everybody wants to see the Cadets, hear the Pipe Band and -hut space forbids. Mr Barry Stearne visited the Park on Sunday last. Business is looking up in the Park as We hear we are going to boast ota telephone line in the near future. Our Next Week Bargain Day will he Friday, the 30th. Setl your Wool now As the price has reacneo Fhe top notch. It is impossible for it to go higher this season, but there is a possibility of it being lower. Sell at once. WA nnv either Cash or Trade and give you every pouxid that is w your bundle. We pay either Gash qr Trade First-class attractions, Musical and Spectacular 3 pkgs McLAREN’S JELLY for ....... 200jar MARMALADE ....r..........r 100 tin SI'UVE POLISH............. SWISS FOOD, MALTA VITA, par pkg 6 cans SARDINES for..............., 3 lbs FANCY BISCUITS. . . . . . .. Wod! Wool! , We have the sole agency in Durham for the Famous Saxony Wool Blankets. They are perfectly scoured and are guaranteed not to full in the wash. See them. Same prices as last season. Also yarn, Sheeting, Sax, Under- clothes, &c, at old prices. . Saturday .6ng Ist. That Rink Concert. Alex. Russell. "'f'lliE [i))j(2 STQJRE Bargains for Saturday Saxony Wool Blankets Alex. Russell y,mr.1.i" Prompt: LtiiiiorGiirTviTr" faculitv worded cuntomera hing am (ii-twee. a KELLY, {Agent A general Banking business (mastic-(Pd Drift: issued and collection "mute on all points. Deposits, received and inter est allowed at current use? SAVINGS BAR! mums allowed on avg“. tttet (10909th of 01.0) 9nd up- I 'rnet"Metsiqtted will sell house and (lot on West, Bruce St. built in 1904. In- fcated between Furniture and Urealm :Sepurutor factories. 30 x 32 feet, 21 'stories. double cellur. cement floor in lane half. furnace in the other half. 9 grooms. modern and convenient. Good I well on premises. small barn with stone lstumble underneath. A bargain to quick Puotr. Apply Arn the premises or In DURHAM AGENCY CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . . . $2300.00!) CAPITAL. Paid up. ......... 1.000.0I0 RESERVE FUND. . ... ' . . . . .. 1.000.000 AGENTS in all pr neipal paint: an Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United Sun-.- and England. 8mm am or tiijihj Jan. 2.1%. Thorough Bred Castle and Yovkshu-e Hogs. All registered Stock and like]; nmls. Apply to -- Will he sold. or rented separately if desired, that well-known hotel and de- sirable stock farm at the Kola Roy, Lot 10 and lt, Con, I. S. D. R., Gbmeitt, 99} urea in farm, more or lm. Blacksmith Bho on one corner. Hotel across the [our Every tield welt watered. {mile from school, 'sttd 1 mile from post omce. Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 moms, sulhle with stone foundation. frame barn, stone pig pen. and good hearing orchu'd. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply Box ll Durham P. o. G. RYAN, Prop a»! About 7 miles from Durham on the Gurafmxu. Road. Title good. Posses- sion M mice. must he sold. Apply to HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. Durham, Feb. 22. 1901. 100 Acre FARM forSALaE The tttWtsigped will W. P. COWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. As the price has reached FOR SALE. House For Sale and convenient. Good in. small barn with stone 1h. A bargain to quick on the premises or to wht, Lmioerre l‘uos. SCARF & SONS. Rocky Satan-en P. " Box ird "lid-7mm. J. P. TELEGRI). likely uni. M cts 15 cts O5 cts 10 cts 25 cts; 2,5 cts Pil' :5 Good 332-: 1-3-1 Fi', Fl', ' 'e,_-_sisii1iiiiiii1 g Spe 5P, VOL. xxv: kAsirsi - i:siiiiii Come out Rcvmw and ‘loroi MVII' and Turonl Bunny and Daily Runny And Woe-k RIVIIW and W. M REVIEW and Wm.“ REVIEW and Week REVIEW and FM". REVIEW mud Week REVIEW out Mun.‘ Review Clll Creates New Cotton New Fancy New Vesun m yds Fund. Men's S Ready=m For Me Ladies' Rain Wash o Boots a Of the BA Made of er est styles. Here an a if you l order, WI Suva " The new seated ht vou bu \' Ja We have Shirts - Don 't f makes where el eheeket son Sum ly "

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