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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1905, p. 1

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" NADA ot. At.Hy, Mth. 231-::-::-:mammmmmaxmxmmmfi ggwwwwwwww 1iGhiihiihliWg 'l4, 5.1 I , " VOL. xxvn. NO. 3216 fifmfiéémmamxmma Come out early on Saturday, July list. get your ticket, take a peep at the Cement Boots and Shoes Men's Shirts Ready---made Clothing For Men and Boys The newest and prettiest of the seaaon's styles are 'MP- sented here, and the colorings are very dainty. i' New Cotton Voiles and Grepe-dts-Ghentss. . .. ....18c pery New Fancy Voile (Lace effect)........................ ...... New Vestings m.....".. _rt........ ........300 to 400 pery 500 yda Fancy Muslims, reg. 150. for.... ..r... ....lOc pery u Made of excellent qualities of Cravenette yoth.in the tee, est styles. We're giving genuine bargains In this 1111‘, Here are some sample prices : s Ladies' Raincoata. reg. 812.00...... . .. . . . ...reduced to "tit tt reg. 8.50............... " '. reg. 6.00to 6.5th....... .' , ' Wash Goods and Muslins Special Sale . . . “ix“ James Ireland, iii! Don l forget that this store is headquarters for the but makes of Boots and Shoes to be had in Durham-or any . where else-at prices as low as can be put on good goods. Is on the bargain list just now. Or if you prefer a suit made to your order, we'll take your measure and Save You Money. We havea great assortment of Men's Shirts-in new patterns and mater- ala. We can promise that any shirt you buy here will fit both you and your pocket & give satisfactory wear Of Ladies' Raincodts OQQQ ' OQCQGQQ QQOQGQQ OQOQW. i tt tea x 313) , $1.85 84.50 I 81.00 31.75 . [ 81.00 . 81.76 31.75 g . 81.80 d.01.15 _ It... l iTiJ2't5tii, a l, wards. who was deservedly (moored. " m i -Newtsastle. Daily Jourmu.i-in the rink fJuly I. , E j The pipers and drummers of the 7th a i London Fusiliers. will he on hand at. the _ ', Ben News Camp Demonstration on l July I. Everyune admired the pipes in , concert lav-m year. and grntifieittion is E I again in store for lovers of the “multial ' strain." . l Home EARLt-No t Co. volunteers fgot home by afternoon train on Satur- day having been allowed off Friday 9 evening at 10 p. m., beinlg thus all ni ht lon the road. A long de av 11,th'lll'ed ', Hamilton. They come home hronzed {by the sun hut pleased with the camp ilife and soldier-like in bearing. Else- :where will be found some interesting 1 notes of the camp life. We think it a Lpity and something to be remedied if ‘the dignity of this company is to be ‘maintnine , that no barracks, of how- ever humblea kind now exists in town. '; We think the attention of the govern- _ went should be called to the lack of this necessity. Lieut. Torry’s residence. at opresent is the military centre of this Idistrict. I { FATAL EsDrsm--While Mrs Jon Cor. l bett was returning from Gravenhurst, iand when nearing Toronto, th week ago last Friday. she met with an accident which resulted fatally. She went to get a. drink and opened in mistake the out- f side. door of the car and found herself on the platform. In turning she lost her {hold and slipped down from the steps, [miraculously escaping instant death, l indeed she was conscious when found. V The utmost care and tenderness was ex- Eerrised in getting her to the hospital land hopes were entertained that she l would recover, but she died Wednesday gfollowing, to the great grief ot her 't f,teit to whom she was greatly attach- led. he remains were brought to the Er,: home of her sou-in-law, Mr Thou Liv- ingston. Durham, and interment ar- ranfed for Monday, bat with the hope of a lowing a son coming from Califor- nia to be present interment was delayed till Tuesday. Mrs Corbett was in her 70th year and was married about tio years ago at her home near Gnlt. and for' almost that time she and her hus- band have been residents ot Bentinck, and had their full share of pioneer work Deceased was valued for near neigh- borly qualties and was tender y loved in the domestic sphere. Besides the husband. fire sons and tour daughters will .mourn her death; the soul are Time. John, and Wm. at Built St). Marie, June-in California. and Joe in Indiana. The daughter- ore In Arm- tgr't Gnvenhunt. In Parker, Gut. Mn mammary. I nurse, and hrs The. Livingston, Durham. A WORD mm Tm: BsKERs.--A fear is expressed that the town may he eat- an out on Saturday. No fear of that. Still, it is the duty of hotel-kqepers, householders. who expect many friends and others ' to give orders in time to the bakers for increased supply. so as not to let them have all the burden of providing fora want that is to some extenta risk. With fine weather. the town will be crowded as never before, Give your orders at once. EXAMINATIONS AND ArrrreR.-Mr. Rowe, of Murkdale, is the presiding examiner in Durham for the higher ex- aminations; Mr A, Fir th goes to Han- over for same purpose. Insp. Campbell and Miss Fox-fur have charge of the Entrance examination here, in progress Wednesday and Thuredav. In a few days the army of school-boy and school- girl and the pedagogic ofTietTs will he let loose for the summer, hutalas .' the poor Iruslee must plod on. I PAY YOUR Doa-TAX..-.)" persona owning or harbouring dogs or hitéhes 'In town must pay a. tax on the same 'to Chief Carson. Durham. at once. It not paid lefore the first of July the aee't will he placed in the hands of the Police Magistrate for collection. June 22, 1905. BY ORDER. LIGHTNING DAMaae.--Sharn electric- nlstorms took place on Sunday night and about 1 a. m. Monday the barn of Mr Chas Kennedy. Bunessan, was struck and burned. including a. hinder. mower, and other valuable t'gth,t, Though Insured my 37“). it Will nti he aheavylossund inconvenience. Nsar Mt Forest; some barns were unroofed we hear. 2 " Power and feeling were infused into ('e'lE', sun}: by Mt L'.vrii..Dwittht-1M, The Annual Convention of the Pres. byterian Young People's Union will he held in Knox Church. HarrNton, on Tuesday next, July 4. Miss Marguv‘t Hunter, of Durham, is down for a paper .. A Model Meeting," and there is mn- terial for a. very successful couvention. A full load at least will drive out from Durham. GOOD BERgrosm.--hlr Weslev Baker, the young student who preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday won golden opinions from his auditors. His lucid sermons, combined with good vmce and fine pulpit presence Rives promise of a brilliant Career. Durhamites at a distance are already planning to come home to the by Demonstration on July I. The sons of Scotland are the organizers. but. it is really a town affair ind citizens should display hunting, fbtsts. evergreens. etc. This will be th record breaker. Dinner at 25 etc and supper will be an ved by the Ladies of the." Methodist Chttrrh in the Town Hall on Dominion day. July I. General servant wanted. Ap Iv to Mas J omt Gunman. Upper gown. The Durham Baptist Choir will ting at the garden party under the auspices of tho Methndist. Church An Pricaivilie this Thursday evening. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE V, iiiiiilliiiiii8X Mg; Hurrah for Niagara Falls! li' y ll . oplc l cm: Holman Tth. ll TRIS I a . M ‘ tlt . '% , .i. ' 3% 533%, DON'T FORGET IT.-The members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church have arranged an excursnonto Niagara. Falls on Friday, J ulv T, includ- ing all stations between here and Elam, (inclusive.) Special trtsinteavesDarhtuti at 7 a. m. and will return evening of same day. Tickets good to return on any train up to Monday 10th. Pare: Adults $2.35: Children $1.20. Further particulars later. " Mr Will McLeod received deserved applause, not only for his comic char- acter songs, but for the grace and skill of his "8hsilor's Hornpipe. "-2uehee Telegraph, "--rru, t1rut' appearance in Duehani is at the arrest Mink concert July f. Get your tickets; plan at Me- Fat-lane’s. Dnovs: 1500 MrLEs.--One day last week, a. well preserved. elderly gentle- man and his wnfe turned the REVIEW corner and stopged to enquire if he was right for Owen ound for he had missed " Hunter’s tavern " which was here or herenbouts so years ago. We pointed to the McKechnie residence over the way and the transformed hostelry im- pressed him with lapse of time. His home was Veil, a. son of the printer who ran Wm Lyon MncKenzie’s paper. and who later was connected w th the o. Bound Comet in Van Dusen’s time, The worth; couple had driven from South- ern ieconsin. where they had lived for 18 years. but were now returning to their home in North Gel-3 near " Vuil'l 2th " 212,gaPtt (ghouls 'ftt - or to on n; e seen n the States}; In and: well of tt"tl, in on open may. ey mane ey had never been caught. in s shower. STORES Crsotserx-rsuturday July bet the stores are to heCIOsed, and allow man and maid the full swing of a not- able and attractive day. The Cadets arrive at 10.30 and everyone wants to see them detrain. Country purchasers should arrange to have shopping done on Friday, June 30. and stores will keen open that night. Prince Stanley, the Daring High Wire Artist, is shipping his hemy material to Durham Friday of this week. pre- paratory to erecting his structure next week for the Sons of Scotland demon- stration on Saturday. July lat. His performances will he one of the chief attractions of the afternoon. Lreervttrrs,-Rev Dr Walter. Mark. dale intends giving tt series of lectures in the H. U. Chnreh on the evenings of the first, Sundays in the month, beginning in July. on " Rome and the Holy Land, " The Rev Gentleman has travelled there and has therefore a personal knowledge of his topic. Ad- mission 10 cts. MAD Dpasm.-London, Out" is excited over the biting of a 4 year old ho by a, dog supposed to he mad and the Wd, has issued a proclamation ordering all dogs to he Confined fora month or more, to prevent a possible spread of rabies. The boy and the dog have hem] both sent to Pasteur Institute/New York. ALL WANT To COME To DURHAM.-- From the number of applications for ground privileges, some straight. some crooked) that the committee are receiv- Ing, itis evident Durham Demonstrn. tion is musing wide talk in the western part of this province. The Durham District Lodge of Orange- men will attend Divine Service in the English church on Sunday morning, July 9th. Members will please meet at Calder‘s Haunt 10 a. m. sharp, from '2,e,g'it they march in , body to the c u o---..---.-- -. FL” . Bfrfiitii% or? COMMITTEE. Congratulations to Mr Robert R. Watson, of Normnnhy. who trr-day, Wednesday. in glorious sunshine. is being wedded to Miss Bella. daughter of Mr Wm Allan, of Egremont. May their life he ".8 bright as the morning of their wedding day when this is written. 1 BAPTIST GARDEN PARTY.-- W ith fine weather. though a little cool, In large crowd nttended the garden party on Mr Warner's lawn on Tuesday evening. The hand was on hand and rendered ttne music and sociability was at a. premium. The handsome sum of $55 was realized. p. titithiit night.' V yfaFiii/i'iii1ii"; to mix and mingle with the great, crowd and have pure enjoyment. Norrcre,-atore. cloned every evening at TSO p. m. except. Wednesdays and Saturdaye. Phone No 88. A. W. WATSON. Dr Burt. Specialist in diseases of the (are, ear, nose and throat will be at the iddaugh House. Durham for consul~ tation on Wednesday July 5 from 10 to 4. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Shop on Friday to 10p. m. . . . . . . Stores closed on Saturday. . . . . . . The above advice is important to save disappointment. Every man. maid and merchant will want to enjoy the great. day of sports and music. Stores. B mk. and Post Ofnee closed on Saturday. Do your business and thtyys.ityr Fg'ialny. “Storgs qpen_to 10 " Mr Will McLeod proved himself to he acomic singer of the first tank, 'u. Port Elgin Tunes-appearing in the rink, July I. Everybody go. A grand opportunity io sue one of the greatest wonder. of the world. Farm»: and town-men in fact, everyone should embrace this op- portunity as this will likely be the last chance you Will have this year: All tro and take your friends as you will he more than delighted. Pare, adults £2.35 children 8f.M. Civic Holiday, July Tth. A meeting of the shareholders of the Durham Furniture 00.. Limited. will he held in Town Hall, Durham, on Honda? evening. July 10th. I“. " 8 p. m., or the purpose of taking into ts.ontideratiyt and placing a. Ivy-law for thy meaning of the capital stock of and my. A futiatteddanee of att were!) is quueeted. For green beef-ring hides, free of cuts uqd holes. horn. nnd tail-bone out. I "r' 8 on per Itt.. 2 mi?" hide tare. . Slum. D. “mason. Pun. Mad at Durham, June as. lim. Entries for the events of Saturday‘s Demonstration are ahead; made from London. Toronto, Galt an other point s. It should be remembered that the en- tries for the Tug of War must he made not later than Friday night. Amongst tho entries, is one for the smallest dancer in Canada, a little tot 6 years old, but extremely clever. AT Dmurorte.-0n the evening of Friday. June 'doth. the workers of Dro- more Public Lihrurv have planned a. co teert, Musical and Dramatic. in Rus- sell Hall. Durham Dramatic Club, that has appeared here. seyeml times and Intelv in Mt. Forest and always with satisfaction. is to he present. Vocal and instrumental music interspersed will make. a. Ihnraughly enioyahle evening. The cause is good. the price low, 25c. Concert begins 8 p. m. WOOL WAypatD-Bring your wool to Taylor & Co, Dromore. Highest price cash or trade and the best stock of goods that can be ween anywhere. TAYLOR & Co.. Dromme " Will McLeod's character songs were very catchy, and he In a. whole enter- tainment in himself. "-Triintne, Win- nipetr, MtspitoG-Promures to be one of the taking features: of the big lst of .II‘gIly concert. in rink. Don't fall to hear Im. Highest price paid for Wool in Cash or Trade at J. M. Findlay’s busy store Dromore. The material for me meat Wire Walk- ing feat on Saturday by Prince Stanley of Toronto, is at the station and will he erected to-morrow, Friday. Arrange- ments are complete. Get vour ticket. - ------ o i--...-.- Congratulations to Dr McDonald on his new honors of fathsaruood, See birth notices. Mayor Hunter, in accordance with the req nest of over 60 business men Mid ratepayera. has proclaimed Friday. July 7th, as Durham's Civic Holiday. -----i-. - --- All Ready. a at of darkness. Theobald and M on made a splendid battery and " ting the teams were about, ’79", 'ht Sam's came more opport unely. F (lat-Inn base running and good si'jibi! 'iiiiitiiiiitiii, in "iinnirur' the g ' or lb vis tors. Base-hull is a RM): We in this fil'i1'Mr,i,tei",eg m other surrounding a have o ized mums but year or (ME: Burl 'il! huLphyed it (or yep.” and_the 3 b ' . a . u: - 1'nt ' tt F pr; , Gi IT", . J.. _ , ','?. '. " .. F.ff h r _ - ti,?.. f LRM. Irv, - :r'ta , . ._,. It , '2! : L/iiriy “ T -lhj', T '. . " ' In tit" f,iktltfiliii.'li 13;? i"itiiiiiiii"i',t', "r at n '0' It', align _ 'i'ilr','t',eiii'ti',t,?,?it . arm . A86 Moot-non Butt',',': of£nri Bound. and = Banning the Hanover club. Ithamptou owing thnm appear theDth.upIIet all Wants. and 2y,'Nr1tuhtr. we ethyl- duh. con- . it butler their on. Intern-M and i austere-ta when»: In this district , iii, down to may: once. and. have forum! 5 duh tetste6et. i Wont practice (I now the chief ', rho to win mm for the Div-hum l, tto 1'tt,t,tg'ade, for u._ tftgdistrict chamMon ip. Follow- f In the whodule arranged t l mum at Hanover . . . . . . . .June 29 t , . Vet at Owen Bound. . . . July 7 1 runner at Durham...... . July " l 'u'rhnm at Owen Sound. . . ..July 21 won Sound at Durham. . . ..Jatr 28 I wen Sound " Ehut6ver.Aud. 5 or 7 u lithium: III-ab. wheduled it at my thigfihungwut 5 _ [3mm . over an en- l use the 1'l,'he' I ' return bkhibit.inn hut-elm]! match Ia', -iiG"k%liiGi; lies " oomebodyu H but Friday eveningagain mllk- idoor. -.-.l_..l- i victor}. tii/ttttii/iii, never the t" _ . alloys. t oug t ey id no douhte' , f - ttori. Tttir Browns are now the (ll' dfih t ' mlodthis '2h,"gt',tep, (lliotrict I am " 0 an ers noun“ C mm "con ace as , . "' . an “Watt"! t'l(l7ef'flU'l,t,1'Jl,' " for the great Scottish 9t3"tt'tioty) sled gum;- they have (men. In fin all colors at.rr..'., .....250 m]; ,1,'l,', 't,ttta,tj1"p,,'egt 7 Forumm of Shepherd 's Plaid-for sum- iwhen the game was 'eu/tfi,',', met wear.._.. . ... . . . ......at 25c each In} no i..i__u, In . . . _ 'tsara-tfir',":?')","': _ . um kinda 1-th ar'rir'i'itiiGii"i) phoning against an experienced _iijii.iiiiiiii'i'i'sT'iiii7i"i"ii 1rtraation Make Your Entries. prham Baseball OI h . or In mnnv 011.08.. lwlnw f."".., 'lp),', game with. "I: 110le at: i ery day In Bargain [My m til (great . Dnmimon tho. We 'Sllk Shoe Luce: It Be per pair. R'me time. ', F ' , . . TORONTO w: Notice. Ir'.'," f.' 3f”; ' 7 one was. Ti' 39:"; - . "ttrt-tstr-tmn. Hides l, mama: and another exact-t. and that _ "f I? ‘supported by the Inca! otBcers and pil .- _ 7 iot vouchers and mm" prov . , 4 ‘vulne of the use"; q Girir 1 was, only a t in med 3 Int- 'tyear and but. Taking l J value to be "It”. “a Inevitgtlylo R. B. KEELER and SONS June Weddings Theobald's Old Stand, All kinds ot Canned Meats and FISH UPTON'S JAMS and Marmalades. Try our BULK PICKLES, per quart, Imperial measure. . . . .15c and 30e 10 bars LAUNDRY SOAP for.. ' . . .25e Also large assortment ot TOILET SOAP to choose from. Call and eat. a sample of our TEAS-- Black, Japan, Ceylon, Young Hy- son or mixed, from 20e to 50e per lb. Try our!) lbs for. ......$l.00. CANNED FRUITS of all kinds from The Reliable Grocery g Jodteehtoerumtuat week has“! the moon!- of the Cement 00. “that the put-mm] of Durham out! Kurt-moat. t He ttan reserved " “Mon. but we new" that: In likely to be . whatnot“! induction e. Durham Assessment. (Rreve um . Clerk Allan and use-nor iD. Motown of Wont were plat-at mud nun-scum their can forcibly u did ( Durham also. The Cement Co. were ityrtied try the mac at engineer 1 Bogart! us and another egttert. and the” (tEie1od by the local otr1eers and pil iot {were}? and puma 'irFi'i'r'i'iv,',il.it 3 non t P, mm; e ml .l,ii,ti: only A _lair"'t'l in named "iii, ti - and but. Taking Ian‘s Dental; Gutters Ian's D I: Oxfords um Lane Shoes Women’s gunned Slippers (kid) Inf-.nts‘ Chooouu Show llhnnen's "ttttPte each while thev at. We have hor' Shoes. which we clearing out, and which we tsell at. or m muw cam. below cost. Ev- ery day In Bargain [My in Shoes. Cash for Eggs WM only A ft is med tor (”and but. Taking I value to he 315mm the Inevitable qlleation tsr'i.ett-aytt?ee did the nest of the monoygo? The discrepancy between the “gum given in promohon it?“ and thou now worn to is ”mu- hle and compels a. helinf that lomething yet-y like a crime lies at noun-body's The “MIMI known on Boar. iulon Abt. V tttttt "tie arrival of "teeetiimi txdm " 1.40 p. m.. and hom 6.3) to , p. ttlt.. but not after arriv- alof8.45p. in. (run. We have just received a Inge shim ment of Jewelery, consisting of Wedding Ring; Fine Pearl Brooches. Nee ta, Bracelets. Lockets. Watches and Chane. show everything needed in the Jewelery line for the Bride and the largest & beet stock of Silverware ever shown outside the large cities We can ave you money on every article we sell. Dmp in and see our New Boot. and may in latest slvles and best mu als. Some special lines: C ome in and inspect our stack of Groceries and Confectionery- Frults and Vegetables in . Season. Cement My Appeals. J. H. ROSE, CARTHUR Durham we» FI

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