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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1905, p. 2

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El Kw ---arrc---sa-aaiaTaFiircaF9, ___ aaiaTaFiircu- f4 'rS'oMiiiy stmolj, Commentary-i. Isaiah warns Hmkiah‘ of approaching death (v. 1). I. In thou: days---This may only mean in the days of Hezekiah. That this was in the four- tenth year of his reign is evident when We consider that fifteen years were Id- ded to his life (v. 5), and yet he only reigned twenty-nine years (2 Kings xxx. M. It must have been before et IN I l~2-'..\ $1103“ Lb as“! Mo. ll JULY 9TH. 19.15 _ that God of the ha to defend Sick of I C0UN 4 on W din Ia that God's den trtttttedy the to him."--) F. and B. H. Hezekiah prays in great (Vs. 2. .'h. 2. Face toward the wall-F “my; hum those who were ya that h" might pray more h eollvetmlly. 3. Remember now eovcmint promised temporal , including length of days, to tl, om. Hezekiah. conscious of {ulna-u and integrity, feels th not deseertuut th" sentence w him off in middle life, " an beymxl that which was attain xvii-Kn“! father. lie ventures, to apostulale; he pt rer.v.ot.ishrcrtm his life it vould only be thu that Hod had deter; him. Awarding to tl of morality up to them was nothing ttr vinlisttitm of the n nanny parallrls in th (PM. vii. 3-10. xviii. l - My)". 'Naiked--1 God's people walk ' 24. I. Kings ix. 4). Literally, "with a wl solutoly devoted to , “A l-:nn n'nnl‘i hie t golutol The ki eomlm done i “n wholly had In am wh wit ll " l IIoz-ckial son was nu tha n Zak fr ally. "with a wht My devoted to Je :ing pleads his up wt before God. I this. in the face ll mn " " iftoen ye ind. but kiah lived V113 the id h M's Prarer--Usiah 38: LS. promised temporal prosperity. length of days. to the righte- z!lioh. conscious of his faith. nd integrity, feels that he has rvml tho sentence which cuts in tri'hlle life. at an age little lint which was attained by his .xther. Ire ventures, therefore, mister. he prays God to call to slice his life and conduct. as if only bo through torr,retiulnoss l lmd determined evil against Tor-ling to the highest standard 2in up to this time revealed. is Within: unseemly in the self- -e|1 cf the monarch. which has unlhk in the Psalms of Davidi . 2-10. xviii. 1936. xxvi. 1-8. etc.) 'Nuikmr-Liftt is a journey; cuple walk with him (Gen. Y. Ling! ix. 4). A perfect heart-- r. "with a whole heart," one ab. devoted to Jehovtth.--Cttm. Bib. ur pleads his uprightness and holy before God. He could not have is. in the face of death, had he in his heart the truthfulness of oments. His influence had been on the side of true religion; he forsaken the ways of the Lord. mm 1 “may“. "with a great 'iiiiiLiiieuiriiArotn lhe he? braised to deliver them out of the King of Auyr'u M erusalem. Sick unto death-- mlady which, in the natural things would have proved :. From 2 Kings xx. I', we the disease was probably a -Keil. God sends illness up- f, not in punishment. for fee 'ly, and with affection; but I! done faithfully. --1lartteic nlliP in order-Arrange your hat they will go on without ing to his family, his plans, ftt' and his kingdom. Thou 'Denth was the natural ro- sicktw,qr. This is not a pre- a prophetic warning. A mes- addressed to a person, not rm to others, is a call to re- ecree."---ilirkv. , "His being an wars was not a thange in m Literally, "with a great w great sorrow of Hezekiah wh of death was only nat- P desire to live one's full! , is right. 2. Hezekiah telt' k Wag unrini,0ted. He had throne at a time of great ay ond had labored to re- urship of Jehovah, and al- I was much which remained yet he wus now in a posi- tward with renewed courage "Josephus says the reason " m sorelv was that being eased to a person, not ,0 others, is a. call to re- '."---b'irkr'. , "His being ears was not a hange in L an 'iril,tn/'liu11'S'il'l ings ac unchangably rc- state of man in relation and B. prays in great distress *rhuman eles im for sixty varied office n exooumiinq , their faith and -Lange. Laiah - nds before us " .He tttr present freely i ou Th tt old sigma alien. vears urn be are there so “AC ton-cl: av .__ _----" Because there Lu much nimlesa pray ing (James iv. 3). Notice that prevailing prayer, 1. Springs from 3 game of real need, either for ourselves or others. 2. Is not (hunted by difficulties cr hind. rances which may appear to be in the way (Matt. xv. 22-28). G. Is a humble prayer and takes the lowest place (Exod xxxii. 32). L 1mporturyts (Gen, xxxii --. _ -, - ‘)In.“‘; xxxii. 32). L lmportunes 24-28; Luke xi. 5-8; xviii. l the promises and rests in ground of all faith. Such the promise, believes it, am nial. Seen thy tears--Affe r thy daysr--rlu Kings the promise is, u will heat thee; on the third day thou all". go up into the home of the Lord." The Lord " heals people, sometimes by directing the sufferers to the proper remedy and sometimes without the use of a remed.y In this ease (see 11. Kings xx. I') the Lord told Hezekiah to make a pouitice of figs and put it on the boil, or irarbunele. Figs are still used in the east as a. remedy for common boils, but. they would be entirely inade uate to cure a dangerous carbunele, Ill Hezekiah', healing was the direct gift of Um]. "list means used in this miracle may be cam bated with those adopted by Elisha whet _. ., ', -Lzm itt Kin work as tum 6. Will deli, powerful one be feared. We be warm. IV. The Sign given Hesekinh (vs. 7,8).' T. A sign-Hier'" asked for . sign (2 Kings xx. 8) Asking for a sign is a. pious or a wicked act according to the cpirit in which it is doné. Hezekiah is given‘ his choice of wo signs and he choose what appeared to him to be the more dif- ficult. i, ---- . , I 8. Shadow of the degrees---'"' shad- ll ow on the steps."---" V. Many opinions) , are held with regard to this miracle. The' F older commentators believed that “Wit earth's motion was actually reversed i around its axis. It has been urged (v'iriir'. a good deal of force that the true cause 1 of the phenomenon was a solar eclipse,’ in which the moon obscured the upper‘l limb of the sun, "whieh would have 1110;? effect of lengthening all shadows and! thus causing the appearance of going!' backward on the dial of the stairs." But the opinion generally held at present is that it was a piraculous use of the laws of refraction. Dial of 1h'rfi-1-"cist.Fil of Ahar.." ---R. V., margin. The dial! which Ahaz set up. and which he prob- ably obtained from Babylon, for he ap- pears to have been fond of foreign ob- jccts of art (2 Kings xvi. 10). The Assy- Hare, were the first to divide the day into twenty-four hours. Herodotus states that the Greeks obtained their knowledge of the dial and the division of the day into twelve parts (at the Babylonians. who were in const t 'intereourse with the Assyrians. Returned ten steps (R.V.). --We must suppose that the steps what. ever they were, could be seen from the sick chamber of Ilczekiah, to whose mind the sign was significant. The retreating shadow meant added years to his life. What kind of apparatus is denoted b)" the steps of Altar., we have no means', of determining. It is not clear. indeed,' that a regularly constructed sun-dial of any kind is meant; a shadow falling on some flight of steps in the palace court. and affording a rough and ready measure of time, would sufficiently ex- plain the terms used. --Cam. Bib. It is not known how much time each step or degree measured. Some suggest that they were half-hour marks. Ontario License-Holders Adopt This as al Policy. Toronto, June .26.---t"ompvnration for“ all licenses forfeited without any offence being proved against the holder of suehl lieerc-e will be the demand of the On-' tario license-holders in any future 1egis/ lation dealing with the liquor traffic, and a vigorous campaign for the recogni- tion of this principle will be undertaken and continued until it is adopted by the Legislature. l This was the decision arrived at yes- lterdny afternoon by a large and repre- sentative business meeting of the On- Dunne. :15: an, -..... ..-V 1 remedy for common boils, but. they rld be entirely inndetmnte to cure tt .gerous carbuncle, ts t Hezekiah's ling was the direct gift of God. "The ms used in this miracle may be com. ed with those adopted by Elisha when raised the 'avufanrmite's child JI. lgi iv. 34), or by our Lord when He isfied the hunger of the multitudes. ans have a tendency toward the result )ught by them, bat are insufficient oi mic-[Yes to produce that result?" ok. Fifteen sears-tyon is the y man who was ever Informed of the m of his life. God il-mercy has hid- l the time of our death from our eyes. a should be always ready and should rk as though each day was our last. Will tieiivei---The Assyrians were a xerful enemy and were con'tsantly to tario lieenseholders, held in the associa tion's offices, Wellington street east. Other suggested amendments to th lievr,selaws were talked about, but th Other suggested amendments TO we liconsolnws were talked about, but thel decision was to make the fight on the oompencation proposals: Mr. James 3tarlarlane, Toronto. President, occu- niml the chair. and after deciding on the above policy the following officers for the current year were elected: J. Hart- lett. Windsor, President; T. P. Phelan, First Thut-President', J. L. Brooks, Pvteyborou,eh, Second Viee-Presidettt; w. J. Purre. Toronto. Treasurer; E. Diekie,l 'lVuumto. Socrotnry: James llavcrson, K. C.. Toronto, solicitor; members of the Executive Committee, F. J. Collins. Dun- das; R. If. Reid, London; J. K. Paisley, Ottawa: Jas. MaeHarlane, Toronto; Geo. Bernhardt, Galt; H. Barron, Toronto. and P. J. )lulqneen. Toronto. The au- ditors are J. W. Scandrett and H. A. Coffen. _ 'rt _~_-_&A/l n11 \Ulluu. The executive committee reported on the recent provincial elections and on anticipated 1egiuation, but no informa- tion regarding the nature of the report was given out. Morgan Thayer, a sign painter, of Windsor. wished to visit the Pacific Coast and decided to pay his way going there. Be rigged up a covered top wag- on and has started with his wife and painting outfit. He will solicit work at each place along his route, pay his Griiliikuitsrtirnrhathe an. ,lmer Young, of Boston, Takes ing Child Away from Digby, DROVE AWAY WITH THE BA-TI. DEMAND COMPENSATION. many unanswered petitions? rherl sk.-mmer Yogng, tyne .r to be in we 3. Is a tumsblg est place (Exod. .5 (Gen, xxxii. , I-il. 5. Pleads in them as the h a prayer sees owl takes no de. t aimless pray" that prevaiiing . game of real I or others. 2. o1tics or hind- r to be in the 3. Is a. humble .--al. 1 I Survw- (i, S, H3513 . m mama. o the t the I the tunes Crowd is Too Great for the Metropolitan Church. Jerusalem Delegates Plan Banquet and Reu’nion, Icncnto. I With characteristic. enterprize thei California delegation have commencedi their campaign for the convention for) 1903. Already in the leading hotels [ lithographs have been posted in auspieu- was places, show'mg views of Calitoruia's {giant pines, glimpses of Yosemite scen- icry and leading buildings of the Golden ' State. Under each "litho" are the words, lttn Francisco; 1908." ' l'urtiea of delegates wearing the blue gadges were to be seen everywhere about the streets, In the big hotels, on the street cars and in tally-ho parties. l Justice Maelstrom, Dr. Copp and Mr. J. A. Jackson spent all yesterday afternoon in the Metropolitan, Church locating posi- iiirif for the seating of the State and 'r,1'rovineial delegations. Yeats were allot- ltt-d to 1,883 delegates, and delegations EVCIIURD possible attendance is “is have {still to be heard from. The possible at- itelldunce 'ni, therefore. 2,214, and allow- t ing for some of the 168 who will not at- 7 _ . I I A ....e.. A Toronto report: The Sunday school hosts entered the city with increasing numbers yesterday. The Kansas, Califor- nia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Virginia delegations either in whole or in large parties, as wel as the complete colored lit-'wrntiun of eighty. arrived and at once at Hide Extent of the Inter- national Union. ted to 1,883 delegates, and delegations whow possible attendance is “is have still to be heard from. The possible at- tendance ts: therefore, 2,214, and allow- ing for some of the 168 who will not at- tend, the gathering is expected to innu- her in round figures about 2,100. The Metropolitan Church is likely to be uneomfortnbry crowded at the meet- ings. The building wil barely hold tho de. legates alone, so that there will be prac" ticallv/ no room for others wishing to at- ltggntvs t wall y- tend. The International Lessor which prepares lessons for school world, representing a five or twenty-six million 1 the Queen's “Moi yesterd Potts, of Toronto. is the L Tlu, Executive L‘ommuu-o u. Luv ... national Sunday School Union meets morning at the King Edward IT Every State. Province and Territor: America has a representtW.ve on committee. Mr. w. N. Hartshorn is Chairman, and Mr. Marion Lawrence tivmwal Seerotary. At a lato hour last night the Er minmont Committee reported they , ‘shnrt (WM 300 MINE. i One of the most intoroctinur {:31 Icgatiun ot exguty, arm: tered upon either utter Ailiary gatherings cr s short (WM 30‘) lmwv. (mo of the most intormtlnq {rather- ings of the ontiro week will be the rum-p- tion and banquet this evening at the Russin House of members of treWorlii"i Fourth Sunday School donvention,whieh was hold in Jorusalom. Palestine, April. 1904. Eight hundred delegates from the United States and Canada participathl in Hm convention. and enjoyed togetlwr One of the most lllL|'|"‘Lu;_ pm""" ings of the ontire wot-l; will be the row-p- tion and banquet this owning at the Rossin House of members of thdWorld'i Fourth Sunday School donvention,whieh was hold in Jerusalem. Palvstino, April. 1904. Eight hundred delegates from the United states and Canada partioipatrd in the eonveution. and onjoyed togcthcr a tour of P2 days, One of the great questions to conw bvfore the convcntion. and to the con- lsidiwation of tho spocial oommittee, of [which Mr. 30th P. Lvet, of Montreal. is ’thc Camtdian member. is the question of incorporation of the international asw- cintion. (mo of tho advance movmnonts sug- gcstcd for the work of tho ncxt tri- Icnniuzn is to place a field worker, with .propcr support. in Mexico. ( Tho 1ntr/rnationa1 Cownnittco has Ph" pemled for this work during the pan: three yours about 9520.000 annualiy. Chairman Hartshorn is said to be in favor of asking the great constituency to give the International ('onnnittcc $50300 a ycar for the next three years. _ not only to carry on the work already planncd. but to develop and expand ' largely for the futuro. ' Spanking: of the widespread character ' of the World's Sunday School moro- , ment, Mr. W. J. Smuclroth. Enrollmcnt . Secretary. said: "As near as we can , get the figures up to June 1, there are l' 26.100,000 members in the 2M,000 Sun- . day schools throughout tho world. Thi4 " includes the. Sunday schools of the color. . . ', "_-....)'.,..., “mu. _.... "e" the Camulian member. is the question incorporation of the international as chitin". Ono of the advance movements Ft pr,ested for the work of the nextt enniw.n is to place a field worker. w proper support. in Mexico. ---- _ V A! "A (H‘nnnhfpn has ZU-lU‘Innlu nu III-r\.- ... -- lay schools throughout tho world. Thia includes the. Sunday schools of the color- ed people of America and the Evangelical Protestant Sunday schools in the world- wide realm. North America Fads with about 14.500000 members ir. nearly 15.},- 000 schools. Canada at last reports had 10.220 schools and nearly 787,000 mem- bers. TO GERMANY NOT EXPECTED TO BE SATISFACTORY. Berlin. June 26.---France's answer to' the German note on the Morocco ques- tion has not yet reached the Foreign Office, but it is expected that Ambassa. dor Bihourd will present it in the course of the afternoon. The impression here is that the answer does not promote an understanding between France and Ger- many. but the Foreign Office here does not abandon the hope of an adjustment of the differences in a manner satisfac- tory to Germany Montreal. June M.--Six tramps. rt') were arrested at different 1oealities in the Province as the result oi a circular despatch sent out by Provincial Detec- tive McCaskiil in connection with the Quin murder mystery at St. Louis De Mile End, are free so far as the mins der case is concerned. They were ga- thered on the suspicion that tramps may have committed the deed, but the men arrested, it is evident, had nothing to do with the crime. FRANCE'S ANSWER. I TRAMPS FREED. am-o movements at: ork of the next tri e a field worker, wit! t night the Enter. reported they wan ce at ONTA ll. Mt the the the I UHUBISIVUU P-"""'""'" - u , F2'lgl , til , ' q an 'Ill l . llllliillll 'll _ l ' IN I ‘ 'il - I i --- 'rf] - ",raravrteATUWs POSSESSED The wheat crop of Roum-ania promhes to be the largest on record, despite the fact that some rust has appeareJ. The maize crop is in splendid condjtion. Rev. F. C. C. Heathcote has resigned the rectorship of St. Ciement's Church, Toronto, to accept a call to All Saints', Winnipeg. I, - - v- I --N “two " ......,. a. Twelve cows, owned by Robert West, of Huntington, Hastings county, were killed by lightning and a couple of build- ings were struck. At a meeting of the creditors of the Wright Hat Company of London, a state- - . . - _ I:_I.:I:O;na "f killed by lightning and a. couple ot Dunn- ings were struck. At a meeting of the creditors of the Wright Hat Company of London, a state- ment was presented showing liabilities of $14,000 and assets of $15,700. Refrigerator plants and forced-air out- fits are to be installed in the New York subway to cool the air and improve the ventilation. sian Poland ,this morning. Ala} were killed. . Fred. ll. Green, earlier of the National Bank. of Fredonia. lt the arrest of whom a warrant issued, has surrendered himself " Let This Be Understood" bail for a Mari Thomas Nieh, ms of Commud Japan in Itl50, Thomas Nichol, one of the last surm- ors of Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan in 18.30, is dead at his huitw in Brooklyn. He was 79 years ci ago, and was born in England. Prominent bar iron manufacturer: who compose what is popularly known as the eastern bar-iron pool, at a meeting in New York, have decided to reaffirm the schedule of prices now in effect. CEYLON TEA POSSESSES CUP-i RV I schedule of prices now in effect. The Levis Electric Railway was sold by sheriff's sale in the Quebec court house yesterday, and was purchased by Mr. John Foreuutn, of Montreal, for $.30,- 000. Priees on tho Harlin Hanna were weaker upon the reeoption r in Itourier's note in Berlin and moral mobilization of French Americans were firm upon New l vice. A raft of four million feet". which tlw llviil Wreeking Company's tugs were trying to bring into the river, broke up at the foot of Lake Huron yvstvnlzly. afternoon, and was swept down will! the rapid current in the river. The property of the international Packing Company. Chicago, has ioren ur- dervd sold nndor foreclosure provoedingw to satisfy claims of $3.977.000. Tlie com- pany was formed a dozen yours ago to take ort't' the business of several of the smaller concerns at the stock yardc. Theodore S. Darling. of New York, and several other guests at the Hun-l Del d'Europe, St. Petersburg. have lawn tum. bed of all their varuablea. Mr. Darling lost a diamond necklace and quite a sum of money. Subsequently the nmklaoe was discovered in a pawn shop. Miss Lillian Moore. of poughkeopcie, N. Y.. whose skull was fractured when two cars filled with exeursionists erasi" ed together at Fishkill Landing, early Ae, .1. an": un-nrnl hours after the av- A bloody :x'mvd of ru. 'r-C-p""'"- __- - to-day, dim! several hours after the av- cidout. without regaining oonseir,usmess. None of the 20 others were injured in the crash is thought to be fatally hurt. New Physical Exercise Takes Welt in London. London. June '.B..--Lite will be made very pleasant tor those disinclined to worry 3nd exercise when Mr. J. F. Bentley, of Ludgate Circus, puts on the market Ms patent “cy- clopede and physical exerciser." The machine with the tsigh-sounding title is a glorified 11obtrr-horse, such as our an- cestors used. These estimable people would be indeed pleased could they but see our tendency towards reversion to some ot their _ household gods like the crlnollne and hobby- horse. It is easier to "cyclopede" than to walk, and cycling is violent exercise compar- ed with "eyelopedins." It is primarily an open-air phrsteat excr- ciser. and secondarily an aid to locomotion. The marhine is propelled by the feet. and the rider can. thus at any moment apply an eitertive brake. TORONTO It requires less exertion than walking, corned Beef Huh Bonele- Chlckon Vienna Sous-u. Ox Tongue. Soups Ham Loaf Your Grocerlhas them W. thtNou' 6 Libby. China”; HOBBY-HORSE NEW FAD. collision between people oecurred a _ ,this morning. .' "tikhrps . Libby’s Many penp soldi ia .1".:.'\ “'1'. 1 3'3]; in, 7 she a» Guided Thou .nn' " ,1,‘ . Mow 1.de B.Pirurtur . pound Guru! Mrs. " [." 1512": mix ----- N. Y.. ivr a t EU“! Ir-“E: , a WV. " l, i and L"ll mm f! - . ..;2;:;:._\ ', Iii' M " h) "a 'cts', PM \ o','- iii " in L' :3; inalxilun lo ii..?., ' - .ti.r.'i.:' ‘1 il", “N ;iiiiiiii.r.3. I.i'.i:i:i:i:)ii .'rit.ypl's who 'iiifayi' 1llmtvkcii,', A _ LI Ln 2 " . x lu‘ull its tire A " H‘ Ig .’ nun-tin: It: tirgljitiliil gr) viii-1n“ the Dgeiii"iiigr, ”-1. Va; (11sz 'r'tdeiig' Food Products troops mu 'aty ll The machine tor three guitr that he will b on the market the machine to a point which over, but he in lam. 'iii 3mm CONFIDENCE. Women Obtain She Ira. Guided Thousand- to ggeatth.-- llow Lydia B. PInkham’u Vegetable Com- pound and It". Fred Seydel. , a It ls a great . Et' VJ. sntisfactiun fl I"? i ' _.- _ C' Lvryy. v' wonvant_ttiiai' I r I i 3.2, hl 'ii). J she can write. to _;':i' . 9 LI ii:' "noocrte'siiitr,'her l ia. f .ffff.' the tul ",t private (fy. Rl.,r:i:iiiii.i: and Confidential l 'iii::.:?..?., 'iii.iii)it details u‘nnuk Ill-r" 'iiiiiii, f.iiif.ii'iC. illm 55. and know l 'i.iiial ,3 'ik:'.:'.:".: r-", thutln-r lulu-r “111} " " 'tIl . is be 500.1 My " v.0-t M' lllllEtlth% man only, u w-l, QEtiidili"illrtff man fcll of 511-! Va: pathj' L2? 11w] sick sic/or-i, tru,'. I above all. a woman who has inn! I more experience in treating female in; l than any living per'.-""". _ Over one hundred thousand (new: v.3 female diseases come before Mrr. l".\11;- ham every year, some personally, others by mail, and this has been go- ing on for twenty years, day uftcrday. Surely women are wise in seeking advice from a; woman of such experi- ence. especially when it is absolutely tree. Mrs. Pinkham newrviolates the con- fideuee of women. and every testimo- nial letter published is done so with the written consent or request of the Writer, in order that other sick women may be benefited as they have been. -- _ 1- * q A. n..v,...n. not. may W nun-cum - -ur _.--- - Mrs. Fred Seydel. of 41.2 North 54th Street, West Philadelphia. Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkumi-- A, , " , t 'e/ja'."; _ ..... I'm 1 ttertusld " vars. t.rngt? mm e ng advice, 2'l Ind female 'ig and could not carry a child to maturity. I urn-Wed your kind letter of instructions and follow“ your advive. I am not onl a well woman in com senueuee, but have a {committal baby girl. I wish every suffering woman in the lam would write you for advice, as you have done so write you for much for me ." Just as surely as Mrs. Seydel was I Tce' cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham's " . Vegetable Compound cure every I past woman suffering from any form of on. a female ills. With No other medicine in all the world eatit has such a record of cures of female pro' troubles as has Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Catt Vegetable Compound. Therefore no Ire prudent woman will accept any substi- ther Lute which a druggist may offer. T1 MARY M. ROGERS FROM BEING HANGED TO-MORROW. '""ii' JriiiGi; giéizcwrite him. Pinkhnm, Lynn. Mass ' for special advice. It is free and always helpful. Brattleboro', Vt., June M.-..-, he Mary M. Roger's habeas corpus petition was heard by Judge Wheeler. sitting as a justice of the United States circuit court. In his opinion Judge Wheeler took occasion to oritisizo the proceedings; of the Mate with reference to Mrs/ Rogers and her case. He could not see, however. that he was justified in order- ing the discharge of the woman from custody. It is understod an appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court will be taken. tomeys After ATTEMPT TO SAVE line weighs to pounds, and guinea. The Inventor ct iii be able to place the I rket at about 30g. How t o to the requirements ot m itch the inventor is now 1 no is determined to solve th Obtain Mrs. PinlrhatrPis Advice and Help. a consultation Mrs. Rogers' at formally filed an appeal. an, and is troid enter considers -e the muchine How to adapt ts ot women is ' now worry“): so!" “I. trrotr- 1" ."e'-. - 'riee' “I!" .My, Wile-L ll magnum“. grittt also at 100 Ira-hell of white at tl to not. and no buholl of - It " to m- 3.” “In. goo bushels "uit" it 48 to “we per bunch and with Bale I . s 0 1:0 [Maul g .50 to ttttry ton for timothy, __ - - a... mixed. Straw 9.13.92, loidi a” *"ry - m _ loads " $.50 to “ii I ton for “mom ma It a to " for mixed. Straw on.» tour lot ulna; It 89.50 to no a mu Dru-II hon no unmanned. with an}, " 89 to $9.31. the later tor light weigh: Wheat. vhlto. bulhel .. .3111; to 'll - 4-. "i-tutr .. .. .. 100 to I Celery. per Galen .. .. . Cabbage. per dozen .. . Onions. per bl; .. .. Beet, hindquartm .. Do., ioreiiusrt"f .. Do., choice. can“ .. “- Int-Mum. ctrcuo Do., towns-r" Do., choice. cttr Do., mpdlum. c Mutton. ver c" Veal, per cart. . Lamb. ".e1am PM Cheese Markets. Peterboro'. on... report: This _ 5.385 boxes choose were boarded m fen buyers grunt. Three [Mturivs lib-Ice: the lanes It 9% to we, Woodstock. Ont., report; To-day Jere uttered 1,153 - white and Lao colored cheese. The bidding rung. tt-N to 9%e, 645 boxes being mid Hi- to Hic. Picton, ont., report; To-day L; boarded 1.980 boxes; highest bs0. at. said. Sterling report: Eleven hundrol no sold st Mie; balance at :4 {pm New fork . Detroit .. , Bt. Louis . Duluth .. . Minnelpou‘ Toledo .. . Madam-Cutie are quoted at per tb.; refrigerator beet, 91g to sheep. 13 to Mc per lb. Toronto Live Stock Trude tor tat came was dult exporters. which sold at the 1 tions since the late boom in place, --. ___..... nuclnnk for up tGiaut.tr.lut "if; 'Chlclgo n rules the live stow sonunent. ll limit: Bl w H I)!" LW~~ Feeders um stoegers--Tlr data; In leaders and storm done was " prices syurput came. One load was son & Soul. which weighed in; etch. " $3.75 to $4.60 per Xumy sold 40 smokers u 1.000 1Useachr at Sl.00 to AL...“ I): L-Lc, The market outloc _ . A“ Inn“ there is little change. Toronto reports to Itradstrvri's say: The trade situation during the pus. week, u we: the cane throughout lln- “hole of last minth, has been waiting un locp lcxpected improvement in Hip “mullet The movement of spring and mmme: goods ht" been light, but it nuu' " as though warmer weather had wznv tt shy and there is It noticealO impruw A . A "A 1..., haul Bradstreet? on Trad Montreal reports -.o Brad-1 There is an encouraging tone received from business nn-n l is 3 fair movement in sorting past week has been [was 5 on account of I number of 'itil with a corresponding numbm anions for extension oi tinu promises, Values are P'r"'ru' Cutie show an easier iv.chn are steady and in other litw, there is little change. _ ‘\,,, I .A ment. The dry goods trude tgeglgt quiet. but it is 1 ravelleri out with full line 1 pacts in that regard, good. been in Idvance of 5 per w: per yard in cotton ticking.- ldvances are expected to tol hardware trade continues In Ibipments are going to the Building operations arv still tremelv lame. scaze. 11wre movement of staple groceries. are geqernliy fair to good. -"' B"""”d __ At Quebeiv.---TrHie throng: Eastern section of the Provirn" 1y quieter than the precedin': though there is reported a fit for susonahie goods. L‘ollcmm slow. spri Winnipeg reports say: A conditions here is the larp' immigrants who are pouric country every day. They an- able cltss, mostly from lingl: United Stubs. whois'." still hu a. quiet air but r are moving better. (ML-Minn u reported last week and l room for improvement. Trade reports iom Hamill street'l say: Business runs a' ly and with little Chang» from that reported a WW wholesale demand is light Toronto haunt Market. min no! to-Mr vote small and Tied “as: Wheat ls vacuum, a. ot 100 unhel- of white in tl to _ “4. LI-IMA'I of - " " to Mr from that reported a mum wholesale demand is light but more activity to the mqvomv‘ tail stock; "There ii fair trr'. with the country although th, tutmllr t busy season. Market Ill lines are steady. Collections mu Elsi: Medea“ ind Mr. A Missing. Toronto. June t2.--The par-'11: lie Model". ot 687 Bpadiua aw Arthur bulb), ot 159 Alumna Veer much "taned over the [ at til. you" couple. who rm on Tuesday evening. The boa Ind coated "on: I boathousv L Baku-u atgqet. - found (run wan-r ynmhy aw" t . couple have disappeared to to the police, uh: were mama: - some use. ot them. -m: 11182)! h-a_com::,e:;lal Gm] Ihinu' 'mu. british Cattle Leading Wheat Mark YOUNG COUPLE DISAE Id bir In in ltr k tor e "ier, “PM Maxim 13 Trade, ll " satisfactory null “Hum er of appli' m 0r' inc PPEAR if n 10 Id 15W h 0‘ W N n that I)" " ‘nt i1 " to man © (I 0M 5mm omiitf g3. n then i it Jae' The dun /l tods oat doii m arss9 yo!“ 3!! M (on: at Vt it. the Jt. Il- ttit. . I." IO {it tIle m hf t men he: " reg " du'r he No " 11mm: MY min 1-de wtih his music tent in, to iind and. But pm is {rem the op cl " da,thereww hand than handheldmlb (n m tt t! Han- kin 1ratatnll-tcuet "thtnrtaw tl er he i " " mgr diffel do I 'l1'd "M " Vernon ed to p . Ukl, things I his hea em, ar tuned this tin rueourr “Qt Q light o! he pulls newt MM. RED LABEL. Olly ONE BEST. BLU Mahmud“: "rt-ifrmsearetorsot '"mrrAcrmatD,cAster Pleasant " um " 'n All" rt " Lil u " n LOVE JD w ll tl by "

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