West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1905, p. 4

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BEAUTY ABOUNDS on Departments all complete - . ‘nA mr‘l g cy7 Dariiniii, roittr People’s Druggz’st. O O : - 7 - -- - __ - -- - ----= L-e-a-ae-ea-a--'"", The Farmers' We Don’t Want Money Mill/nary (slogan! d .60on Jl,adies' 'Dainty Waists. made. waste ot time to sell these y This is the season tor tains will be required. We have them from.. .. ... Our " Curtain .3 a bummer. I The Price to Shareholders is only $15. - . ' ---. ‘Lruhl‘nhlm We then have enough profl! to help pay shalenm to do is to sell the goods. Don't be deceived by tl are Interested in getting All they can out of you. ness. they would not advertise us. ITE. HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO S] shareholders so as to "we them money. If Whe not become a shnreholder at once ? Do when by co-operating with your neighbors t us INN" you Reautifut Jpriny :ttpparet The Farmers’ 'flottingham o , arZIng S This is as mun-mom little time until (u e: becoming A complete showing _ - ' r“. nplcte showing of Spring and Summer White ‘e in dainty fashions and marked specially low. * and money to look elsewhere, We have d Waists at each A A a . a: " t Hut we Our Order Book plainly shows the result of Mil- linery Opening Week. Such a brilliant. display was worthy of a much larger town than Dar. ham. our, Hang was a who on an greatlv. admire" lulu were designed by our Milliners who won an- stimed praise for ele- gance. novelty and good taste. sent that is gaining ground fast. eset'y farmer will be interested. Cash and ' wnnt the cr-operation of Erma fi.5uma---sicz2s The New Baby '"zs,, 31, 1.25 to 2. .50 w. 00 per pr It to help pay shfrehotders a dividend. All we need Don't be deceived by the stories told you by some who 1 they can out of you. If we were not doing the busi- renovoting your hunes. See our great stock I JGee Curtains 'f'e a Supply Go Y " a, Supnly Co., Ltd,, s ft. HAY RAKE- 'tilhite Waist: We Bulk on Quality. 'or/ock. 'rtce. TO SELL BINDER TWINE to our ' Call and see it. 'f Don't continue to pay the old price :hhars you can save the difference. mer White Lawn “any low. It'sts We have decided every Farmer 5.35 pecple’s 1)ruggist. ' to 5. 00 . New Cur- betore buying. It is only " matter of ' "o" is l Sou M the UH r Baby ou?, go new rugs. Hy- the ottles, the M: rparations. m," all at Darling's Drug Jo awe sell are pure, 'd ight thing for the l tt I rvrn'iption to fill hi .,. " 1/vrwvthlne _ " Examine it carefully (Steel wheels $2 extra in the country " Ltd. All we negd - til‘ll - - " Miss Ada Middleton returned Tues- day to Chicago after visiting her moth- er. Mrs Middleton here. Mrs R. Williamson visited for a few days last. week with her sister, Mrs. A, Doupe. in,Holatein. Mr Wen. McDonald, who has been in the employ of W. C. Vollet us timber. left, Tuesday. having secured a guud Situation in 1'ovonto. " - ' ‘IA uuuy‘. ...,__, Mr Wen. McDonald, who has been in the employ of W. C. Vollet us lmlher. left, Tuesday. having secured a guud Situation in 1'ovonto. Traveller John Cameron of the Mr- Leam Publishing Co. was at home over the week end, His daughters. Misses Kate and Belle, are also name tram the McDonald Institute. Dr McDonald went to Fergus nonpu- al. Wednesday, In charge of two muses quuirmg optl‘tuitm. Mr Wm. McCal- nmn, lately from otrWetd tor appendi- tsl.. ".,A Huan Yaudt near Ayton. [Ul‘uIn-u vr - 1mm, iiii'iff from tbeAVet citis, and Henry Sand: with tt bone trouble. “up, an... -_V, " with it bone trouble. Mr Geo Binnie is this week in Toron- to a delegate from Ben Nevis Camp to the annual meeting of theGruud Camp. Mr Hugh McKinnon. Bentinck. is also in attendance. representing the Camp at Basswood, Man. hitstt W ilson, Caledon Rust. Mrs Green St, John. New Brunswick, and Mrs. Munn. Cleveland, were guests for a. few days of Mr and Mrs A. B. McArthur. of the Glen. The two last named ladies are sisters of Mrs McArthur. Mr Arch McLeod, Qumran. been home sometime on tin of his mother's serious illness, at latest accounts SSIIIP‘W'hat _ --- .» n... v of his mother a Pt" “Jun ........‘ --e" at latest accounts somewhat improved and he returns shortly. We were planned to have a call from him a. few duvsago. Mr Itobt. McDonald. Montpelier, I Idaho, IS one of the old faithful of the REVIEW. Notwithstanding his over 80 years he writes a good letter, and keeps his subs in good ordel. He is it comin to Assessor McDonald South Glenelg. l Mr Wm. Leggett? left Tuesday for the North- West. aiming for the Red Deer districtiu Alberta. Mrs Leggelle and other members of the family may go later. We wish them well in the newer Canada though always regretting l their going for. onGrio's sake, MN Armstrong, Gravenhurst Mrs Montgomery. and Mrs Parker Galt. daughter of the late Mra Corbett, were all at the funeral on Tuesday. Thos.. John, and James, three ot the tive sons were also present. The latter came from Los Angela. Cal., in time for the funeral which was delayed one day for him. MrA. B. Mt-Arthur. Gen. Agent of the. Peter Hamilton Faun Machinery (70.,isin his home, district this week. He covers territory from Listowel tr, Barrie and the greater part of Grey, Simone and Duh'erin. He reports hi: local agents all busy the prospects at a stood mop stimulating business. Th: ' local agent here is Mr A. B. McLelhu ' who is making a good showmg. "itt. MrA. B. MeArthur. Gen. Agent of he. Peter llmniltun Farm Machinery 70.,isin his home, district this week. He. covers territory from Listowel to Barriennd the greater part of Grey, Simone and Duh'erin. He reports his local agents all busy, the prmpects at a. itood mop stimulating business. The local agent. here is Mr A. B. McLellan who is making a good showing. Mr and Mrs Wm. Black went to Lon- ion on Friday last The former. though only there 5 or 6 hours had nhundam evidenrelhnt the Dominion Day Dem- onstration in Durham was arousing great interest, and the G, T. It. it is ex- pected will need at least two trains from that city, from which the St Andrew's Cadets and the Fumliers‘ Pipe band ‘ . A, AA“... n“; line. also Vault‘a ._.._ 7,, come. At points along the crowd will he swellm weather this town's a will be severely taxed July 1. Mr Rudolph Rorr Konold. is mound hm can only make a brief is now in Utah wh Manager for the Ph, Assurance Co., he ha successful. J.1/t has y "or 1. Mr Rudolph Kornld, son of Prof. Konold. is mound hmne at present. but can only make a brief stny. His home. is now in Utah where, as a. Genernli Manager for the Phoenix Mutual Life Assurance Co., he has been eminently successful. He has just returned from "meeting of the high dignatorics of his societv in Detroit, At hit, Forest on Saturday he observed from the train, his father about to come on board, and needless to say there was tt tender and heart felt meeting. We were pleased to have a brief call from him in company wuthhis father and to learn that Mrs Konold_a_nd he‘rfnther Mr l‘lone are t?:,tll: AA-‘Am t., any in P.rrrp- MCDONALD- to Dr and 3 A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr Fred Ludlow. 180 Spad- ina Ave., Toronto, Wednesday evening June 2i,--Misi' Annie Chislett. of Dur- ham, to MI Edward Stover, of Tot onto. The briilf 're .hrf.omitytly, attired in LII? Ulnar V'w" ..‘-‘.___,, h . white tnik with chiffon sequin trimming and cirried a hoquet. of bridal roses. She was attended by Muss May Snead, who wore , dtctntyyo'itu.tt"a' of {ale greet; woo Wurt'nun-u-J V....-..... we r __ - U ','l"ir' de chene and carried a. hoquet of pin and white carnations. The 1:00:11 was assisted by " cousin, It rank Donnley. The happy couple left on the 7. 45 p. m. train for Niagara Falls and other points east. The bride's going away gown was brown milk crepe de chine The cereal-(my gas etrtef tr h'll,"hte7.' "bTriGv'niCdi" Queen Bi. Methodist Church. They left amid the good wishes ofithexr many friends-Corn it BORN ALD- In Durham. on June 22 and Mrs McDonald, a son. HYMENEAL the occasion I59. She has , Mam. tyo ONTA do in tour than...» _ The Sergts. mess is again going this . Pottlluc year with ufull supply of Set-ate. VIZ. For your l Kill 30, one a. bugle Sean. has since deserted. Oar stock is complete in Bug 1 e r The Selgt. Major T. H. Corrie. U, ti.. Paris Green and Bluestone. Was gtil elected lPresi of the Inn’s; Stf. S t. outage. ‘hist e. was e ecte . ate Sea, the additional ofBce of Treats Paints . . ttal being added to it. A committee of five There lib no Mixed, Paint to eq Sgts. were. appointed as Messing Mau. suaain-willitPyy, although We carry agers. The grocelies taken down from nearly ever other Band. ‘Durhnm are giving good satisfaction. - ‘ They may not all be usedpwiug to the Flags 230:1?“ the Gov. me. issuing fuller Be sure and secure your Deeorattofr A military tattoo. ie promised for Flags gable Saturday Juli; 1‘, as our Thursday evening and a bi ehmu tight store will be closed on that a). t and field day for Friday. 'lsime is pays- ing along guily only 3 more drills, the ra'h'Wa7aaaaa boys are counting the time. The hand this yeur is giving grand satisfaction, Bandlnaster Miller, U. 8., is looked up- W BLAC K on as the best, comet, player on the . grounds and Withul it most sociable and genial artist. and well liked by his men. e,.-,.---,---------""""""'"""" - - e -- - - __ _ Quite alot ot l-lunket tossing is indulg- ed in. " member of the illst Highlanders getting a. severe fallout not serious. THE CHEAP STORE , One death by drowning and another t by a fall from it horse is reported. ‘Mfâ€"fif _ lA large. e,eptt tower is erected for . t " purpose o ta ing views of the mov- E have decided to offer to . ibi/trttefor mmmg pictutes of the W the public, goodsth tbs: The Y. N, C. A. is again doing a very lowest prices fort is an - . .a. - ween...“ up a" next week. The I. an». n. m ..,..-._. H 7 .. grand work in holding meetings of an attractive nature. giving Views of British Columbia scenery and other Inlelesting spots. interspersed at in- tervals with favorite. and well known hymns thrown upon the canvass. " - .R.w__---..s..-m In". "r"""' ‘--.V~.., . The brief period of military camp life is rapidly drawing to A close. Some of the members being perturbed on Tues- day by a. foundatiunless rumor that Camp would be extended for number two weeks. The feelilng is somewhat inspiring as value an an my. . .. . . .. . . . . .. _ ., one quiet y writes, to he snadenly , . . , , ' . entitled by the loud loom of cannon in Table 13mm, good value at 50c 1.".1?.ilg.1, 'ii.ij,iiijjc,cj,tti1ec,uc'h, in” ones whole for..........-----" . . system and PC oes revilir lies from , , _ , . . ", . glove to grove and helps to create an 1woTsasHoEs at, very low ptuces. I interest varying the monetary of the q-i-tr-Br- afternoon drill. lt is most fultnnulv theytule not loaded or it would be A “mar, different feeling, a. horse of a dif. J LEVIN E ferent color. . 4 Haut and 9825 ."..re ps:omiseyorlytak. South of New Hunter Block, Durham. inst to-morrow. titreial supplies of 1am l and butter are prlovided. and less cheese ”â€"â€" pe '.e"P-Hr"-------=i--"-----"-" than formerly, (its of sugar notwith- . . " ' standing the high price prevailing. Dutmgulnhod for Thoroughnosg ' Eggs are 20 cts per dozen here. 1(i"P?Ptf?rtll, JA_. 7L Ant-I‘ll I . I I - A m It is surprising why mule don't come _ outlo Camp from Durham and take advantage of the enjuvmrnt to be found both in sight and sound, probably We. are not constituted alike. but in our opinion. one afternoon'" service of the massvd hands practising in an ndioin- ing propurLy is ample recompense. for any inconvenience we may he put to so nmgmt’icent and so inspiring it ts, pent-trailing to one's inmost soul if he i has one for it. Most everyone took in the excursion i to the falls but Corp. Thos. Moore. who l already feels so eat ly the inconvenience oronice having had to not as Corp. of I the quarter guard tor that day. heed- less to say his duties were performed faithfully and well. A holiday for him on Monday forenoon recompensed to a small extent for the disappointment. The present drill is evidently ordered with a view to conforming to modern conditions of warfare such as sending out advanced parties other sections of the force coming up to theh support. The weather of the last week was some- what coolet than the titat, the scouting exercises taking the men necessarily out in the common and among the trees whete they obtained both air and shelter. The march out Into the coun- try for four or tive miles and bark. seems to us is devoid of any practical advantage keeping as they have to do to the roads and hyways and coming in, in some cases without firing a shot The military tattoo held on Thursday evening was a decided success and the largest yet. Some thousands attending , and being densely packed all around _ the enclosure. The playing and march- l t ing of the twelve bands. the two bugle , bands anda couple of 48th pipe gave I variety of an entrancing nature, but a what shall we say of the Review and t march past. in t e past we have used . grand ', smaipif1ceiit' and ‘immense ' i so that we are out of words to describe , the grandeur of the event. such a mass , of haphazard humanity. while in nice orderly and serried ranks were equal ' numbers in various colors contrasting I superbly with each other. The various l regiments Were. drawn out in column ot :1 Uo's, and reached when in line over a half mile in length. Our own Regt.. the 3lst, when dr'awn out, in one long rank reached 20 rods in length. On reaching home front Re- view there was a buzz of excitement to learn that we were to leav§.that nig‘ht Jen-u IMII§ wry v.... V, at 10.30 p. m., we were able to tstrike lent and clean up our lines, and got, down a good hour ahs'ad of the time called for only to have a very impatient wait until 5 minutes after one and tin- ally ggtting to fleepy £13.11)“th at. 4..30 “ll, “\lul-na CV ----.trr a 11).. leavingthere at 8.30, and arriving in Durham at. 2,15 earlier than we have ever yet done, rendered necessary by the fact of the large cumr the Railways: being unable to handle a l the troops in the usual time. So the Camp for 19th5 is over. the larg- est and the beat ever yet held amid beautiful weather and tsurroundings and leaving with a feeling of regret that it might probably he the last. it present intentions are adhered to. Prince Stanley. the 20th century high wu-e marvel, appem It the big July 1 Demonstration under the unplug of Ben Nevis Camp. TORONTO Jug. ELLIOTT nine . inks 0 ye?, - mm: nmn, out now................ I' Boys' 3 piece Suits. wen 2; Ladies' Skirts, were 1.75 er Girls' up-to-date Skirts Blue deny and molesl as value at 25t tor. . .. ,jiiX.' Li; 3.- Men's Worsted and TV 10.00 and 12.00 each Boys' 2 piece suits, wr t'omcr Yonge and Alextnder Stu. stMMER SESSION for teachers um! others dur. ing Jul, and August. All of our graduates gut positions. Circulars free. Enter my time. - ... _ B. r nn” I’D-Inninn‘ iuuuogue free 's The sun never shone on a sweeter face than that of the bride or hand- somer than the groom." He had one of " Gordon's" " kt. Wedding Rings. She was presented with a gold Watch and chain and her numerous presents were bought from A GORDON Pete, familial: Agesrtcy . I . Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any {irring implement: . . Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scuff1.ers etc. Enquire at this agency. Warpath! Warthog . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Order, JUtt With R.t.McMiekett at the Hahn House Stable or " the anm' OFFICE. W111 receive our best attention. TORONTO. ONT- Watchmakex, Jeweller. Optician. THE WEDDING DAY :ed and Tweed Suns. were 12.00 each, now . . ' . . .$7.50‘ eb'uim. were2.60 and 2.75. , Suite. were Loo, now $2.75 ts, were 1.75 & $2, now $1.26 date Skirts for. . . . . . . .81.75 and moleskin cloths. 'rtetl, W. J . ELLIOTT, Principal It? '0.Cellan ', mts. were .....$7.50 and 2.75. . . . . 31.75 now $2.75 now $1.25 . . . . . .81.75 aths. gopd k per yard .. . . .37; cts " in eaeh _ “munch n. washout?" i aim-Wm a”. .-."-'" . P ed by machinery iu',"l't'2'ti:'t to teapot. Grangl ttogut qsoldon‘yi'w ....a._d Had - - --"" m . 0,... ad panic! " in eaeh W tttkerrrtef 1'u'u7,uirGiie,tyStt n. 'sririiiarr.Usut"""" Shoe Children Properly T i) D H 0 P E CARRIAGES PEEL, The Shoeman We have more new range; in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. " a hard plolllrln to solves ll t' have made this a uwcial M ml y and an- prep-f tn 'show yu-u the very but in t'hiidreoV Strap 'ihltpeti. Oxfmdn. Bot toned and Lured Boots in black And tun. Wat son’s Bread Seem to be all the go They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most dur. nhle rig on the market. Call and examine them. First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Buns and Biscuits in . great vyrn'ty thll',t'g?h'; made In mm DINO CAK% cumin-malt" (l8lfigllllllllf Pure. r'rcsh and Reliable- A.W.Watson Barclay t f), Ogilvie'm Royal Hnuwlw Pet lml'lvl RANGES " Five Roses,' Also other high-grad" Munilu-m Flam-H, per hurt el .85.60 to 5.75 Durham and Owen Sound AS USUAL all the Ko To --The I'" all II' ' vit $6 Ill BIG4“ 11E - Hl-LIJ tatdir Mvy mil White p, "ble Lil Floor nil Hair , tilr Jill-Imu- ill Curt Illflif'0lilllfti yam ttair, Cloth and Tooth B Pttre lush.“ Difficult 'sud Sell; C.P.R. t26 Acres Normonby] 150 100 Acres NOPM'M’} Pheal Insurance- 'otulmtnrs Couottts The “an Wall Paper tCO Acre: Bench-ma Durham Residence REDUCTION of STOCK MacFarlane Brnggists t The H.ntist LENDS MO 11.11. Mll IT r Paris Gre Potato Bl Insect Pa and We have decided our stock of diff'et See our window fl All good prices to tttfer the I direct ins to l" To Clean nearly al "ttttr, M l-3 less is your oppor moms tit I third the cost EN lo Presents see our 1 cm. Acres Bertti nc‘l ll 29, 1905 .H.Ml LAd PARI Drug ilielle one wt at W has]

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