West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1905, p. 5

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the no pun: and knows. Post than t market. m ,styies and Ind inspect ve on: to ES e Shoeman 1905 real en Properly " RY :1): ticks] :33: Watson audio nits in great VIM Jes made to - “(ES our speck”, " PE {ES ---.--eee. Owen Sound N n ranges Ball Flour H Tettt 5/”. Ariuie Mann-u... c'; .85.60 to 5.15 a " ve. We " Judy and 't -u the Tees ‘P ““me and Laced The Bent and ule Manilo!‘ hold JUN! BIG 4 HE i. SELLS atis CHEAP Indira" trverukirtg... o.....02.0tkt .. man-k aster» l‘ndcnkinl .. “at"... . . .1 In y will“! comm sheeting. 'PP. In wide.. .23e Ayd IN hm [tn-dummy, large 'iirT..C.r......,tr3oeiet? Tnirle l.inen........................2‘I‘ mam-yd Floor wilt-1011‘. I ma 2 yds Mac... .7.i"ten mun yd _Cr'i,"i'rT,i"u'e'Gii'.'..T."r.."..C.V.CC.r.C.....?c11Hjl Mne-mu-“nlnnn U,,_____”.._,,_,...20c.\'d Jitng)llfpilllliWl8ll yards long l'ure "one; and huh Croce 125 Acre. Norm-Mu and iml roved. Will Tet' The Hanover Conseytttu'er, LENDS MONEY at very lowest rate-s. Pine" Insuranggg of all kiudsln reliable nummiw. Collects Doha. Arrange. Buslnoss Difficulties. Draws Wining: w! Sells C.P. R. Tickets to txlt points. Hosiulvs other Innds he otters thefollowlng -irtn'. 100 Acres Norm-uh, gouthovest ot Var Iwy '. \wllimfxroved mud In extra good turn Ipit m-r Doll!“ to go west. ISO Acton 1h',Watt North or Allin I’m ”Noted cheap or qu ck sale. 100 Acres Bonn-ml: Near Rocky Sauscen Well improved Ind owner says has enough tim her to pay price liked. Durham Rooldoneo Owned by J.L. Browne l‘lmmum mcr. Also a large number of other Farm “In: Town Properties. The Hair, Cloth and Tooth Brushes names» Matting Wall Paper tatElitgtu'd MacFarlane & (h Druggists t Booksellers. REDUCTION curtain, STOCK II. H. MILLER? Paris Green Potato Bug Killer Insect Powder and iltiellebore We have decided to reduce our stock of different lines. See our window {all ot All good value " regular prfees.tor onf tree!'. We Offer them " a direct sav- b4 les ing to you ot 25 per cent. _A. LL. AW-i-a-.'-'""-"'"--'" Hanover Conveyancer. Hanover To clear oat bulance of our nearly all this year’s de- signs. Awe are yrtTinctt, . H. BEAN is your opportuisltr to paper rooms " a swing ot one- third the cost. G tl 3 less We? White “aim. . .. . ... Fb Nightgown:- .. '. Corset Covert, Ktlt looking for Wedding Presents. it will pay von to see our bargains m CHINA, of . H. MILLER. LACE CURTA INS LT, inches wide. . . . ...... .. nn TH EH’ \\'FL\R except PARKER’S Drug Store 1FiiG7nt it not sold soon. _ North of Allan Plrk f- 1-4 less at .'.‘.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....7oc " ............tt.0t? " & 4w. bau- “orked edges (lllf)iil'(l BUNK DURHAM than might i200. 3.50 and ryytlttl! "ics “ways on hand Con 18; Well located r........ “Wench 850 an no such .30c ma 7.K each 77-0 Ind 1.00 each .25c and MY each Now 25c . pair 400 " -..- V.--” _t_e__"-'"'e ""H -'" - - Guy In". on Monday 19th imst. All tho newborn pm»: but It Rec-nod. " uined wrench innate. and Mr Thomson who arrived imst in the council “journal. J no. HeArthur. lug.. the W-rclen. took the choir Ind beiefiy warned the wand]. Be extended to them e welcome book to their duties. From all port. of the Conn. ty he bed heard of prooperity end conun- minted them on the proepeou of e bountiful harvest. He referred to the recent. dam of Mr Andrew Grier. Inspect- or of rclzwlr for Entst Grey. dull and it Would be their duty to appoint. a moccas- m. He expected “not. would be I report hum the County wlioiior. in the manor between the County and the village of Markdnle, The equalization of the Conn- ty's assessment would be before them and he hoped and believed every member would In this matter be actuated by what was fair and right. and believed justice would be done to every pot of the county. He expreared his regret at 1110 Hines! of Mr McCuunel. but hoped he would soon he mound ngnm. The warden thou called upon the valor]: to read the minutes of lust. day's January seamen which was clone and they were eordirmed and signed. A large number of miscellaneous documents were present. ed molding the county trtratmrer's state- ment for 1906, which this your amounts to over 040,000. TvEsmAr,--1tee Mr Ledierd reported l won done by Chiidieu'e Ail Society. A petiiion, largely signed, from county merchant: in reierence to pedlar's license was presented. and otheraunmuuiotstiona as follows : Meuford council asking to have nebenlnree guaranteed: Chenley High School asking for 324.17. County Grey's share oi maintenance; circular from A. McNeill of Ottawa in reference to prizes for fruit; reports from N. W. Campbell. lump. in South Grey. and irons A. Sator- mil. acting Insert. for E. Grey; from Walter's Fall-I Ag. society asking for grant. North Grey Women's Insiiinte present- ed report and naked lor increase ot grant trout 610 to t25. Messrs Preston. Bull and Allan present.- ed reports relpectnvely of Finance. Educa- tion and tustht committee. and were sauna-d. Wr.Dsstsrrav--At the Wei1nesunyafitt The Count! Cc.nncil_9( . “so . Count! Lot -...,....,.., Wr.Dsraurav--At the Weduendnynfler- no-n Main-u n matter of eouridtmsltie Nmelaucr we» dlscllam-d and a change nude. namely. in the manner in which iuuunes of the home of refuge are main. mined therein. Up till the present each municipality sending an minute to the inatnmion was tum-d for maintenance of and: inmete less the amount. than) by the manager to he “med lo such inmate at work which he or .he was able to per- form. _ . I l a ar, lull“. The following motion was moved by Mr J. W. Frost, seconded by Mr Westgwuy. a. n . l; “mu. RT_%fMtF."'.e"_ .3, --- - That in the opimon ol thin council the last. clam-w m "r.'aw providing tor pay- ment of the inmates of the house of refuse by the munioig silty wudinv the same. ' their lenpectiyo ostirtunrfshonhl be struck out. run] than hereafter umimenauce of the Inmates would be pumided forby the general mainlenauce account of the inni- tttttou. " . .. ..,, n- . .r|llall"‘o In spankin: to his motion, Mr Float my! he was Informed by tho treasurer thut only 92:5 odd had been paid in by the municipalities so Gr this year, in main- tenance of inmates, and the bylaw was being: disregarded. It emailed u are,“ amount of Wuukon the superintendent to keep the hooks necessary to carry out, the system. He contended that it it was the object to prevent. too luauv being soul to the institution. such nu objeet was a wrong one. Mr Bell supported the motion. Mr Allen upluwml the motion and deeuued l that amen Mr Frost gave the notice at January session that he would brine in this motion. he had been enquiring and tonnd there was no disatiursctioo with the present system. He contended that when n person was to become an inmate of the loose of refuge, he would be taken to the institution and introduced to the superintendent and not put on the train and hit to get " where he liked or jump into the lake. Mr Coleman sand he could not see one reason in fever of continuing the present, lift-ten) of maintenance in preference to the one proposed by Mr Frost‘s motion. The present. bylaw tstultifUd the proper working of the institution. Be would have opposed the election of the house of refuge it it had been conditional that in- , unites would be maintained be the moat. sending them there. Mr Pringle said that in Sullivan it was not the poet who were drifting aw-y into the towns, but the wealthy and the poor were remaining with them. He claimed that the present ayntem a maintenance in the home of [ refuge was all right, and he was opposed to changing it, Mr Preston waa also append to the motion- Mr Shute saw no reasonl for making the change. When the house of refuge was built it was not with the Idea of muni- cipalities getting rirl of expel)" of main. taining their own ooor--umt merely having a place when this could be properly and economically done. It WM an honor for a. municipality to look after and maintain its own, . ' -- AL- ‘-| 1L5 Una. The resolution was carried on the fol- lowing division: Yetur--lbitststms Ball, Bell, Brown, J. W. Frost. B. L, Frost, M. Col- man, Schauk and 1irssttoear-8. Nays- Allen. Paterson. Preston, Pringle, sou, Thomson and the w.rdou--6. A bylaw will be passed to bring the change into effect, The other business tranuclod was so , follows; Mr John McDonald. Ireuurer of C bats- worth,adi1remurd eounml in reference to guaranteeing $4.000 of Chetewonh de- beutures. Messrs Geo. Binnie. ot Glenda. and Adam Br own. of Sydenhem, “dressed council on the subject of the cinch: not out by the Ftnit Grower's Aemcietion. end naked for . great ot 08510: prime for successful competitors n ttuit, flower end {honey show. A letter from Mm Oder. widow of an lete Inepeetor Grier. wee reed. eleo e " CountyCoundl. . '33. , (,cue?.tfk"ey, ‘u' "ay, 'fir, ., cf ._ 'li' 'iiiiiii'iirii)iiii,viiiiir, ggké tor from W. Kerr. ot Thombnrv. m ' we. thereto. iirirriia. wand I upon of the Truman Aland-don. to which convention he Ind been a delete. The pronoun.“ of the Grand Jury In the Gmnl Sections of are to». VA: presented: “no u mama-rial from the people of Romain Ilking that it be - ed into 5 police village. and Inns act“: Burgou' report of West Grey 'L'l',2". Mr Preston pmnled report of Fin-nee which nu con-mam! m commit“. at the, whold with Mr J. W. Ihotst In the 'thair, and udoptod wuhom unendmeut. on a division of 9 was to Cr an". It “a men moved in amendment by Messrs Allen and Schenk. that the (in; pan of clam-e 1 at the report Ina “ruck mm. This was the acmuut. of the county. clerk u t,omintrtimr-offieer for DIV. No. l. amounting to 815 ()2. The amendmem was lost by 9 years to 8 (up. couneiiuioarned till Thursduv mm- nueu. The Council met May 27th and (mum ized " a Conn ot Beviuiou. members present, Than. McFadden. Gnu. E. Arrow- smith. Edwin W. Hunt. and Wluim Weir. Each member took the news-my only as members ot mid Court, and took their seats Mr McFadden Wm trot. ed to the clmir. appeals Were heard and the Amdanuent Roll was changed as loa- lows: John Pliel. for self, Assessor sustained. N. B. Duulop for C. P. R. Co, Assessor sustained. Abraham. Hooper tor null. appeal withdruwu. Horny Hooper for eelf. appeal withdrawn. Jun. C. [has for self, reduced 98l0 on building“. Alex. Mchl-m reduced Mo, James Hopkins. Boll surtained. Alchle McCuaig. mama. mom reduced to $8900, W. L. Fulkin g- bam. Lots 1 t 2 con. 8. reduced 9100 each Thou. Member Lot IO can. 10 reduced 9100. With these changes the “argument. roll was paw-ed and ordered to he tsertitiel to by the clerk, and the Court of Revision ndjonrned_. "he-“ _ After udjoummaut of Court of Revision the council proceeded to General busiuens, The Reeve in the clmil. minutes of last meeting read and oootirmed. several ac- counts, reports and communications were read. " Weir-Arrow-ith-Tha' the Assam- ment roll as revised by the Court of Ile. vision be accepted by Ibis council we] that the clerk certify to the same an revised tor 1905. Carried. mmt--Arrowsmith-Thu each Com- missioner reerive 8200 to be expended in their respecxiyu wards for the improve. meat of roads. Carried. Bvlaw 453 taking lots 1& 2 can. 3, N. D. B. trom S. S. No l and adding them m S. S No 9.31m taking 48, hon. 8, E. u. R. from S, S No ll and adding it to No 9 was passed. Cheques on Treasurer were issued as foilowet _ J. A. MeD0uald,btuanee cl s.'.lary am As- l Fem-mm- 830mm Thus Lauder winches in Racistry Oitiee 500. Jan A Carson, , cost repair Townliue G&A$5.00. A, Black rep of made lots 32. 40 and 42 con 2 M.oo. Treasurer at Murkdale. 8 years rout. of Hall 518.00 Jno O'Neil scrubbing Tp Hall 93.00. James Me- Gilvray rep of road lot 6 con. 3 N. D. R. $2.53. T Davin. repair of road. lot 49. con 8, E G ll $2.oo. A “View. rep Cul- vert.lot9 con 9 "oo. W J Hamilton. new deviatiou; on new-um. $50.00. N W Campbell. (ans-us of Svlmnl Arbitration 327.50. Municipal World. collectors rolls etc 64 73, Thou MeiGdd'ut, 2 day's Committee Work 93.00. Geo E Arrow- smilli 2 /lsty's cunnuiltev work 53.0". J l S Black. 2 day's cunmiuee wan M.oo. E W Hum. committee work $1.oo. Wm Weir, commiltee work 81.00. The Clerk for postage 93.11. Weir-Hunt-- That tho Reeve notify Mr McDongull that we accept. his offer to mum the Hall for 970 and that meets Hunt and Arrowssmth oversee the work. --thrriedu, - __ . - - Haut-Weir-Thar the Tp Treasurer receive $12 ufund from Gen E Arrow. srulth, to Mrs Dillons funeral expenses. the came being settled by County Council also $18.00 from Them Davis, the name having been drawn in 1904 in "ror.-L'ar. mG--hrrowsmith--Th" the council regrets exceedingly the can“ of Mr John A ieeuillan's absence from his seat ttt the council table and man that tho slate of his health will soon lake 3 change iorthe lather, and that at the next meeting of Council be will he able to takehis seat, which he has held soiong with credit. to himself and benefit to his munimpnlity --thrrried. - , , The Council 10 a m. Glenelg Court of Revision. tl Commercial. Intending Students should enter " the begin ning ofthe term it possible. Board an be chum ed " xenon-me rates. Durhun is a healthy and attractive town, muting it I most desirable pluce tor residence. - - -=V '- ‘A-p-nm ' SCOTT. Wmdohnoton. Jr., Chum. TWEEDS & YARNS - OF BET QUALITY. Grocenes, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, dx. We can give you Bargains'. - We "lt inspection»! our Teas.“ Durham School FEES: $1 pertinenth in sdvanoe. adjourned to July 8th at J SBLACK. Clerk. t, r. ' l, m " 'n G. Ram-go. In! 003mm In the Surrogate Court of the (loam of Grey. In the matter of . ' middamh' of Kelvin M. "k fan! child libCt.rii','iiii. and the lateSarah 'reig. . Appllcution will he nude to the Sur- rogate Court of the County of Grey. before the Judge in Chambers " the Court Home in the Town ot Owen Sound. after the expiration of three week! from t_ttttmtJiutli.etior' l1.trfoh on behalf of Maggi, Calder. wile ot William Calder of tha- Town of Durham in the Conntv of are? the maternal aunt of the said infant. or an order ap- pointinn the mid Maggie Calder the guardian of the person and "tale of the qaid Infant. Dat; Erbiumam this 13m day of June, 19tD. __ _ A____ lt; 00188 ?ililt WINES. iit “RIM! Shoe Dressings l N; lines IN MI: Black that for box calf or Damn: leathers. Superb», Quickshme. Shin- ola, Brushola, Black o. Packard's Special. III hitl, il)t homes ti BI: Ideal and Krohlnck. Nonsuch. regular 26c for.... ...... . .15c Glycerin with silver apmm. reg 25x.1tie E Z white, regular 23c for..... 15c J. S. Mollraith bearing Jfaanvatfs.r.rt, SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: The Perforated I Also Wilhelm's Wrinzere. all made. by Wat Raymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves Agent for the Dillon nge Stay I TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN as Cash in exchange for Goods at the downtown Shoe Sto re. From now till Sat,__J' ‘11; ll, we will sell the followmg Shoe Dre'- sings at. greatlv redueed prices. This is the best chance of the season to secure your 8le Iy of dressings. Tue following regufru' Blvd-it», Reliable Saturday Night, Meliaithhs special. Sunbeam thi. WfiWfl aigaigkaigbaigdlsb W} ‘Barristers. ' at I M §N.,G.,&J.Mc_Kechnie§ "" MAGGIE CALDER. By her solicitg-rg " m N, c. t, J. McKechnie 'ara-tatt, a: gamma! f ohrt glark. in.“ We would strongly advise the people who are looking for Spring Goals and right prices to be sure and strike McKechnie’s for a nice line of Lace Curtains from _ Just opened up, Linoleums and Floor Oils, ll and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of Call and examine for yourself. It will only be a pleasure for us to show you our goods. NOTICE. The best in their line as we handle only the best. JAPANESE MATTINGS iiicKAx & DUNN. LACE CURTAIN S (The popular Cash Store.) "tei,urrsa"'ts'z'. CARPETS McClary Stoves for Coal cr chd Dillon nge Stay Fence. A TERN IN ANY N THE IE. WPARTMENTS or THE" wut-xt-tttest-_-ae-f. m ”P5329???“ otgtydrf,AeAer.'. Pyy.1tef 'l'll'l'B", wall" “I gll'lAfllrrGTr' “In.“ a: . raga-n ad . M t no time iid the "will“ to exam. at than khio ttiimtee' Hui-silt to unit. this am bu would an; I lull in! at competent sud teaches. Handled-who were humanism. M macaw with us at now Btiirit Int-ell- ”Mom. For full pal-“cub" address, c. A. ILIIING. "In and Owen Sunni! rr sunsrro A TI And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake's, pies. and every desirable variety of pastry. Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reiggsjn evgry FIRST of all, we use only the finest department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and sec [or yourself, A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. sqnd ftarm Machinery. all made. by tA7irtTorothyr. MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN The Perforated Itrye, STIN SON'S GOOD REASONS f Made to order in Lates Styles on shortest notice. H. STINSON. WEDDING CAKES A few doors South of the Middaugh House. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO only in the [Git WdWcVYoI-tuo‘* Dionne-o! In. In. None. and my» "Himalaya” Duh-.tbbo mtetgrurttt-ettm61ittx. dun. I-or I.‘ J. G. BUTTON. 11.11.. th1IE. oe and We! me. (kl-Inn “a new ttt., " foetal mu. Old loot“: (new. OFFICE noun F-u B. II. 2--4 p. In. 7-* p. I. Toiophono Connection No. to bu nut-um to MooefHM's Haydon, In) and to Kntpp'l (New York) By. Hotlink. once. " Mt St. W. C. PICKERING B. ll S., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. madame of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Over J t J HUNTERS New Store ottice--Caider'. Block, over Post Otnce. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto T'stiversity, Gad an; 1mm (Janene Dental Surgeons of mu sea"; iiifiir Elie}; Band Surgeons}! Ottt Dentistry In ill its hunch“. DtBee----L0WER TOWN. DURH‘I. “but coll”. Qypldpu and Duncan Jammy and print. Fund. to Loan on lioness“ n Iowa-t no“ of intense. annction mm M commute“ cud awful Vulnutor. MEDICAL Co1uettion. and Agency promptly “ta-dad to Willa. Dealt. MonSueI. 110mm Agnew-mu tomorrow.” prom . Estua- of deco-sud per- wna look“ that sad Executor‘a lid Alumna- trnou' Amman prop-mod sud ruled Elma-9.. Goya Bin-[non Promo. ot Wit B. Lemon ot Ad 'eitutmtiyrrt. Iii? cumin-m» Qth- It": ARTHUR GUN. M. D.. aid 35337; Yiuii - iiiririiTa he} riiia ri; Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers - lpednl “with. given to 01mm " Women and Children. Will be a the llddsugh Home. Durham, the lint Wrdnesot..o.t leach month from Eye. Ear, N959} ll‘hrpgt IARRIIT‘R. .OIOITOR. noun" ruauc commune-n. ac. J. F.GRANT. D. 0.5-. L. D. B. . G. MIcK-y K.C. W. F Dunn G. LEFROY McCAUL. DEN TAL- Maury to Loan. (lice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank HOURS '. MACKAY & DUNN. DB. BROWN. LEG-AI... Piraeus: a Inna-on. we d. Std. Raoul-'0 Sun I I to 10 Lil. J. P. TELFORD DR. BURT ficu." 'tttt 4 p. n FiEViiism-ance Co. Establinbed in law. J. It. Iol‘AYDII. wu- Medan-at. a Owen Sound 3 iidid Ciii w n": F1

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