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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1905, p. 8

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I Thin Slur. do.“ 1 at T p. m. Mrs Smith of Arthur is visiting her son. Dr ' L. Smith at present. The sacrament will be dispensed in the Latona Presbyterian Church on July 2nd. Preparatory services will be held on Friday and Saturday at the usual hour. Mrs J. Sam. Chatsworth, returned tdher home on Tuesday alter spending a Very gaunt week with her sister Mrs R. oy. Mr and Mrs J. E. Renton of Dromore and Master Alex Skene Ramon were welcome visitors " "The Maples, " one day last week. Mr Henry Simpson attended the wedding of his brother on Wednesday in Berlin. On Saturday last Mr Caseyof Sul- livan and Mr O'Connor of Williams- ford were brought before Magistrates D. Smith and T. McKnight and fined twelve dollars and costs tor disorderly. conduct and using profane language on Wednesday evening previous, This should serve as a timely warning to some of our vouths in and around Durnoch and cause them to " right about lace. " Mr Jas. Ledingham is busyfprepar- ing the foundation ot his house which 6s Regent " Clothing is THE correct wear It is manufactured by the well-known W. H made to fit, in all sizes, all except those vet Suits are to look well, feel well, went well a have that well-dressed feeling and an air of of our " Regent" Suits. Consmenng any: find lower-priced Suits in town. Men’s Suits at....... Bop' Suits at ......, Special Values in Menu Fttrni.utlrtfrpt Stylish Summer Suits Fo and Boys Ag/trii, a. mir Vigor IWeak Hair Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why not be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads ot hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. .. I £3703!“ Ann an: Str for . Ion; I til... " In. hand. . wand" :11 an: loin. git"S'lt ham: to no Pl,utt ret And. a o “In. in s 0 oatdid " t,tt4'NA'ltl'. "hts'?tetk. 31!. “In. a.e, Amocu “Mum for low“. - Intended for lant week. Domoch. athing is THE correct wearing apparel for Men and Boys. ed by the well-known W. H. Lailey & Co, Toronto, and is ll sizes, all except those very oddly proportioned. These L well, feel well, wearwe11 and suit your pocket well. You messed feeling and an air of refinement when wearing one " Suits. Considering style, fit, and quality, you will not "REOENT" Brand Clothing The People’s Store for ROBERT BURNETT We sell the And the number we sell is constantly in- creasing. These are Canadian-made Shoes and are up-to-date in every detail. Good fitters, good lockers, good wearers ; that's why we sell so sell so many of them. Try a pair yourself. her Corsets! Corsets Corsets! We have a full range of the B. & I. BIAS FILLED CORSETS in Drab and White at $1.0ik Also the CROMPTON STRAIGHT FRONT CORSET at $10). An extra good corset for 50c and Oe in the WHITE, made by the Wray Company of London. he intends moving acyoss the side line shortly. Jim thinks It will take about two days to complete the task. Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith Sr., expect. zozleave on J nne 27th for an extended trip to their daughters Mrs Mills and Mrs Ross of Valetta, Kent Co. Mrs Malone of Holland will occupy the cottage during their absence. Mrs Dr W. H. W. Boyle, of St. Pauls Michigan, attended divine servieeWurt Sunday. She is the guest ot her brother- in-law, Mr Jascph Boyle ot Glascott. Miss Black who has been the guest of Mr S. Back leaves on Friday for Luther prior to her return to her home " Brampton. "Great Sol "is a welcome visitor with all Dornoehers this week. One of Dornoeh's gentlemen was molested on Friday evening last while returning to Dornoeh on his bicycle. Someof Dorrceh's would-be-smarties plan ed wire across the road and then took to a joining swamp like a. pack of Indians. Our gentleman friend we are glad to sav is recovering, but In these columns warning is duly given that i: the offence is repeated justice must be enacted according to the laws of our land. Surely Ih?rpoelt is not to iUrpiriTrutd -tiie "eivrized world m this respect. -- Mr Maick Jones. clerk in Mr Hunt's General Store here paid a. visit to the County Town the first of this week. A rare, treat was given to those who attended the Y. P. Meeting last Stn- day evening by the little tolk, of the Sunday School. when they Jeautifully sang bt God is Love." For Dressy Men We are very sorry to say that Mr J. Watt is not recovering. Mrs T. Me Knight and Miss Mamie have been out of town for a few days. The Annual Promotion examinations will be held on Thursday and Friday. The high temperature during the past few days has already made the bright- est eyed boys long for a well-earned rest. The vacation this year will extend seven weeks. Rev. Mr Aitchison is actin T as super- intendent of our Sunday School in the absence of Mr George Ledingham who has gone on a trip West. "One very pleasant feature of the evening was the delightful singing by Mr Cyril Dwight-Edwards. to whom Mr Rider Haggard paid delightful compliments' in his sspeeeh."--Souttt African Empire-Sings at the Sons of Scotland concert on Julyl. i .5. Srant. Imperial Shoe s4, 8. IO and 12 82, B, 5 and 88 This Store "Pe'" " , a. m. Emma“. " 'dXr2?7 _ Ici? ' lit Mrs B. Corbett , her brolber’s fun! on Wednesday. l Quite a number l girls ot the Park ta " Hopeville on To The Rev. Mr Brunch menu- w I the Epoch! meetings in Salem ch! on uly 2. He has secured the “can of Evnngelist MoGhee of the onto contemnce to conduct men! expects good results. _ - * 's...... nf FGGusal Garden Party of the Methodist church is to be held in Priceville on Thursday J nne 28th. Mr George Watson raised an Int- gLement house and also a. lean to his rn on Satan-dry last. Mr Archie McMillan took a trip on business to Owen Sound last week. The football team expect to play a. couple ot games in the near future. We think if they do not do better in the future than what thev have done in the past they had better throw up their hats and quit. I What we wonder. How one young gentleman receives invitations to all the parties while the rest are left at home. The B911, L, McCormack agent lost on May 24th was found. A novel and delightful feature of the lst of July demonstration in Durham will be the presence of about 70 of tit. Andrew's Society Royal Cadets In High- land uniform. Stuart tartan, with rifles, tae., afternoon and evening. Contractor W J G.enister came home on Saturday 24th having finished the second large brick house this season. It was tor Mr Andrew Dingwall ot Art mesia and he goes this week to commence another bri k residence for Mr Geo Camnbzll of Glenelg. The churches have been busy the last week here. The christian seen- tists conducted by leader hieLeaeh" closed their nightly services on Tues- day so and all the preachers lett on the 213a taking, the train at Dundulk for other parts. We hear that Mum:- Leach goes to the Niagara district. Mina Baker, the lady preacher did good work in visiting the people hear - , - - "i'l“"‘ 'n ”n"ni‘lr\ in awn nu..- --. _-_Ne-" "h - _ and she made considerable reform in some places. Quite a number from here attended the Division Court in Dundalk. The case of Lachlin v. the Township of Proton was won by the township bat it is the belief of some that more money has been lost by the township than would have paid for building the snow fence, and Mr Lauchlin has received much sympathy. This fence was approved of by the Road Commissioner and ordered to be built by the council we believe. The Esplin church held Sacrament on Sunday 25th, conducted by the Rev Mr Kendall of Conn, assisted by the Rev Mr Mor:ison of Cedarville. The day was fine and there wasa large turnout of members and ad- herents. “Mr Cyril Dwight-Edwards, an ex- cellent vocalist, figured most agleenhly in the performance. 'u-Manchester t)ouriev--Heisr him at the rink on Sat. urday', July 1, with cther stars. [The following cow. was received in! time for last week but owing to a. re- grettable mistake was omitted m the? make ttrr-Ed.] I It is our sad duty to chronicle thol sad death ot Mr John B. Hardy, Swin- on Park. On Wednesday oflast week‘ while Mr Hardy was going towards Flesherton going down a long hill he was ran into by a run away team ot horses and seriously hurt. He lived until Thursday night. Three doctors were in attendance but none could stay the hand ot Death. Mr Hardy was of a quiet and cheerful nature. beloved and respected by a Very large cirle of friends and acquaintances. Re was a power tor good in the neighborhood and in the church. and was always ready to assist in every good work. Deceased was one of the faithful elders at St Andrew's church and pastor and l people sincerely mourn their loss. He was a member in highest stand- l practised better m many mamma- ing in Swinton Park L. o. L. No. 1136. l The Rev Mr Short, of Calgary, N. He was born near Port Rope, His] W. T.. paid a short visit at the Pres- family moved into Proton Tp. about 25 1 byteriau mange here last week. He years ago, and the homestead on which I wheeled trom Walkerton. he lived is one of the tinert farms in, Several trom here took in the farm. Proton Tp. He mas ‘married to Mary ieri'. excursion on the 22nd to Guelph. Parslow on June 21t1. 1890. . . Crops are beginning to look well el- He leaves to mm 1113 detth, hit Ynd’ I though by all appearances the harvest ow. two eons, his mother, three sister I"".", "Pr" -.. - - and three brothers. The funeral 'it l, will be later than last year. Saturday was one of the largest ever Potato bugs are an over,. aburrdant seen at St Andrew's church. Mr. good crop sofar. e130 Canadian thistles Matheson, assisted by Rev. Mr. Roach, and . other noxxous weeds need no conducted the services both at the coaxmg tor to grow. house and at the grave. The burial No wedding to report but we expect services were conducted by the Orange! to hear of some Boon, for certain bach- Order of Swinton Park. The pail- elors, thatthe word youngisnot appli- beares were Hugh McMillan. George i cable, hag tsaught ths to.u.tairien utter Ham John Parslow. Robt. Kinnel, attending a recent wedding and we John Weir, Thos. Huston. . ‘expect Mr Mathewn’s services will be i WW2, L--...t--A "if. and cum-7 h,.,/retiuire1 are long. His beredved wife and sons, his widowed mother and sorrowing friends have the sincere sympathv ot the corn- mnnity " urge. A large and beauti- ful wreath of flowerg by the Orange brethren were among the floral offer- U516 inc Illuwnv "a-r""""'"' v- -_- _‘,, munity " urge. A Ur e and beenti- . - fal wreath of fiowerg b'g' the Orange u,,gt,g;1,,tt't,ollhtE's'ilit'il', 50:13:: brethren were among the floral offer- sheep (3 black faced and 2 white (need) ings. . and four lambs. Last heard of north An uncle of the deceased. from Tor- of BTiyton, Park 'P Junes' Anyin' onto. and Mr Wm Blakemon, from l, 'i,iiiiiiiiralut"" whereabouts will Guelph, arrived on the noon min just . . . . . . CHAS. MCDONALD. Dundalk P. o. 1n tlme for burial. gune22 ISthieom may. Swinton Park DJ. umber M the boys and 'ark took in the meeting on Tuesday evening. Mr Roach intends to an“ meetings in Salem church He has secured_ age Sts, ett who was “handing funeral returned home 1iopeville Boothville 'rsenister came home “y of the he heid in 2 iii Tor- them a nd of the PARIIRS' AND WOIBN’S msmmas. ---- Wilder’s Lao. Tuesday, July 4th, '05. A combined picnic under the of the above Societieu will t time and pieet 1eeeef, A ,,1-- --- u l program or “nu u“. songs will he JJliurGii' t other amusements during noon. - Egg” body Invited to come. bringing friends and baskets. Lunch will he serv- ed in the move.- W. J, YOUNG Pres :GEO.BXNNIE Beer Farmer's Institute. Died " his late residence. Durham Road, Glenelg, on Jane 20th, Neil Me. LLecd, one of the pioneers of Gtenele, ‘at the age of eighty-four years. Mr. I McLeod came to the Durham Road in January, 1851, settling on lot 43, N. D. R., con. I, now the property of Duncan McDonald. Mr McLeod was a man who never knew sickness till he was over his 80th year; he was of a robust constitution. His wile died just 13 months ago. The luneral to Smeliie’s cemeterv was . largely attended. Rev. Mr Matheson . officiating. Mr McLeod's three daugh- . tets from Toronto attended the funeral. ' We often heard the remark made that - there are but very few ministers in ' the Province that attends so many funerals as Mr Matheson (cities not in- eluded), he attended four last week. Mr James’ daughters are improving slowly. Neil McCannel is getting better. Mrs McLeod, Top Tlie. is e keeping poorly. _ -. .. " r._.:|.. ‘unrn Rreaxr- Mas T. Megan Page: KUCPIIIF Wu .J . Mr McQueen and family from Stay- ner. and Mr and Mrs Francis McLeod. ot Collingwx od, attended Miss MeCan- nel 'tt marriage on the 14th of June. Warden John McArthur spent all last week at County council, Owen Sound. Com'r. McCannel was unable to attend on account ot sickness. Pleased to see that Cot1netlior luc- Millan isso far improved in health as to be able to assist letting jobs in com- pany with Reeve McFadden. Mr Alex McMillan. SR. south line, who spent the last few months in Man- itoba returned" week or two ago. Sandy thinks the hills of Artemesia are as good as any place and more natural [or a man that was raised on lthem all his lite time. Dr Dixon is always a busy man, Sunday's not excepted. Alex McDonald, son of Piper Hector McDonald of this town, took prize ot $10 recently at a large picnic held in Dundalk for best dancer. Fred IiiEArihhr is quite an expert at pruning fruit trees and anyone needing his services would do well to give him a call. Malcolm McFayden is busy selling implements tor John Clark of Durham, Mr A. B. McArthur was promoted to head agent (or the Peter Hamilton Co. Hector McDonald ot this place is agent tor the Noxon Co. The boys of town and locality have formed a foot ball club in town this summer and has won honors already In detenting others. -m, Maman Mclnnes is busy buying and selling cattle and other stock for which he pays good pnces. Mrs Irvine of Toronto (nee Lizzie McGilhvray) and son spent a day or two at D. Graham's on her way to visiting her uncles, the MeGillivrtsy's, andiaante and sister on the north line Glenelg, and in Durham. Mrs Irvine's husband died a tew months ago. Miss Kate MacQuarrie, of Duluth, who spent a month at her father's north line, left again this week, _ri\liss Hihcks left for Toronto on Fri. dav last after mending a couple of weeks with her father and mother. About 13 new members joined the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last, mostlv young people. Three adults were baptized on profession. ot faith by sprinkling and two int'an's by the par- ents The gnelic communion will be held next Sabbath July 2nd, in gaelic. All lovers of that language will do well to attend. _ -_. , . , , avvcuu. The Boothville cor. says their local implement agent carries his Bible. It all agents and others would go by Bible teachings the truth would be practised better in many instances. The Rev Mr Short, of Calgary, N. W. T.. paid a short visit at the Pres- byterian manse here last week. He wheeled trom Walkerton. Several trom here took in the farm- ' ___,-.-.'-... A... A... 9-)an m analnh. R We} Union Picnic. Priceville. _-----------"'""' v,ie'4jiita'ii',i,t,:ftaT,i'tit,f 2 see that Courxclllog'_Mc- TORONTO rm”-.- -7 - hty-four years. Mr. the Durham Road in rattling on lot 43, N. now the property of res; MISS J. BROWN Women's Institute. lto come hrmging Lunch will he serv- ESTRAY. Ider the ye,tt'it . will be he d at ted. A platform :echee ind spicy Mm boating and urine the after- all the top notcii. It is impossible for it to go I but there is a possibility of it being lower. every pound that We pay either Cash or Wool l ---The whole of the country meeting in Tor nstional S. St President is a Laren. -- We have the sole agency in Saxony Wool Blankets. They t are guaranteed not to full in the prices as last season. Also yam clothes, &c, at old prices. --Lords Kitchener am disagreed. as to Britain's and the former being 1 Government, 91ree m ---The whole Sunday School interest 3f the country is awakened by the meeting in Toronto of the great Inter- nstional t's School anion. The new President is a Canadian, Judge Me- Laren. --Lords Kitchener and Curzm have disagreed, as to Britain's Indian policy and the former being backed by the Government. Curzon may resign. A poor situation in face of Russian ag- greesion. Again the Sons of Scotland Commit-1 " * tee have one of their big lst of J uly con- L F“ Certs on hand, and the talent secured is! "' a guarantee of excellence. In addition ', trtt to the Pipe Band, the Cadets, the first :99 prize dancers of the afternoon and the l ro aerinlist. Prince Stanley in trapeze work there is a full ticket, of musicians of; high rank, notahly Cyril Dwrght Ed- -- wards, who has sung before royaltv and L won honors in two continents. His , supporters are MissSusie McGill of Lon- I don, a noted Soprano, Miss Una Butler) Pianist and occompanist. and Mr. Grill, McLeod. Singing and Dancing Comedian , of Seaforth. Door! open at 7 p. m. i m Concert begins at 7.30, being Saturday1 evening this must be strictly adhered ill. to. By request some reeerved seats 1 have been set apart. open to ttret com- l - era. and the price. the renal one, M cts, 1 Accommodation for all at 25s on Town I Hall Benches. A large platform is being I erected. the floor. will he saw-dusted and a night of solid enjoyment realized. 3 k __fi------------" ,Ci 3pkgs MeLAItEN'S JELLY tol'.........-. 20ejar MARMALADE s..........-'-""'"" 100 tin srovE POLISH.................. SWISS FOOD, MALTA VITA, per pkg .... 6 cans SARDINES for........--- 31bs FANCY BISCUITS.................. TOPICS OF THE WEEK Sell your Wool now Pin-ties tiertttnR or (Jun-I mm “fir - sing on lot 28, con. 2, E. G. R., Glenelg, (immediately west of Glenromdvni. will be prosecuted according to law. This means you so don't ask permission for it is impossible to discriminate l Everybody wants to see the I Cadets, hear the Pipe Band ', and---hut space forbids. tynusf5eois1evil Demcnstrabion See large posters issued from this office for particulars. "f'iEii, ii%) (gf(())?iifi, First-class attractions, Musical and Spectacular Alex. Russell. That Rink Concert. Saturday gals fat'. Saxony Wool Blankets flUtinR or otherwise trespas- _ .. n n Illa-19hr Bargains for Friday NOTICE. is 111 your bundle. Alex. Russell A. McCuRMACK. C’SJELLY for......... :ncy in Durham for the Famous They are perfectly scoured and in the wash. See them. Same so yarn, Sheeting, Sox, Under- About 7 miles from Durham on the Gamfmxu Road. Title good. Posses- sion nu mice. must be sold. Apply to J. P. TELFOBD. Wall be sold, or rented sepamwly it desired, that well-known hotel and de- sirable stock farm at, the Rob Roy. Lot 10 and ll, Con. l. S. D. R., alumna. 99.h acres in farm. more or lws. Blacksmith Shot? on on" corner', Hotel scram the run . Every tield well watered. Smile from school, and 1 mile from post oftlce. Four miles trout Durham. Good brick house with 10 moms, cable with stone foundation. Trauma barn. stone pig pen. and good hearing orchard. Terms l to suit purchaser. Apply l f Box 11 Durham P. o. I G. RYAN. Prop Durham. Felt. 100 Acre FARM forSAuE HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. it to go higher this Season, " "r lower. Sell at once. i The undersigned will sell house and tlot on West, Bruce tit, built in 1904. lo cubed between Furniture and (Dream ,Sepnmtor factories. an x 32 fret, 295 (stories. double cellar. cement floor in 'one half. furnace in the other hnlf. " (,iiiiiii modern and convenient. Good well on premises, small bun with sunn- istahle underneath. A bargain to quick ]huyer. Apply on the premises or to l War. Lunch-re l Box 92. Durham. All registered Stock and likely uni nuns. Apply to _,, - IN, id Rs, nu” Jan. 2, 1905, l, CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . . . .32.(m.(m 'CAPITAL, Paid up.......... 1,000.0!“ IRESERVE FUND............ 1.000.100 SIMDARD BANK 0f CANADA AGENTS in all principal pomta m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United States and Englnnd. w. P. OOWAI. President. GEO. P. mu. Humor. Trade DURHAM AGENCY A generol Booking ouoineu transacted Drafts inued and collection "and. on all points. Deposit. received end inter est allowed tt current rote- SAVIIGS um; -ntemt allowed 0 savings bank dope-its of '1.00 and up words Prompt attention and eve facilitv dot-dad customer. iving- As the price has reached distuice. HOUSE FOR SALE Thorough Bred Cattle and Yov'kshlre Hogs. Head Office, Toronto. FOR SALE. 22. 19Gi. a KELLY, $Agent. and give you rims. Scum in Bosm. Rocky Snugeeu P. o ...‘25 cts .. .15 cts ...05 cts .. .10 ch; . . .25 ch ...25 cts -, r (r,"",:?,' 'r._jij'iiiiiisit' 2i%f,treatest tue fif'ytyyyPe y; y',', 'FIX/YI, h',' F,', y,',' VOL. XXVI M. iii' Speci ci"' -P'9 -.e 'ee -- '.... I I I I p, " " " I'll'w and Week]? mud Fm". A, and Weekly and Mun. w,

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