on to nllowed on .00 and up and over, ce Agent. transacted u rgnadat on 3 and inter SAMBA ed lent "r. " h h ".4 _-l,",,:,':':',"'""""'"')"')'-: SALE iii' tisiiriassrrasngemefidaon= magmas: f-i:-::-:1-235;3333323333M§m3333mmm ‘VOL. XXVII. NO. 27 A, sisii1iiiiihilliiiGGiiih 'iiiihMlhWihh%f Men's Shirts Thc .ewest and prettiest of the season 'tt styles are repre- sented here, and the colorings are very dainty. New Cotton Voiles and Crepe-tbr-Cherie' . .. ....18c per yard New Fancy Voile (Lace effect) ............ ........r... ......35c New Vest'mgs m......... ........... ........30c to 400 peryard 500 yds Fancy Muslins. reg. 150. for. . . . ...... ....100 per yard Of the Season at H. H. Mockler’s 0ood until July lst, I905 Jar "rock n: Hwiurv is complete in every line, black for ladies in Cashmere. lush- and Cotton, tan in tisle and cotton. open- work and plain. We also have Children's in black and tan, in- fants in black, tan, red and white. 36 pr Ladies' tine openwork Lisle Hos, re: 30c. nnlv 45e per pair Have you seen the Rtewegt in Black Ilus’erv Children, in openwork lisle. embroidered in blue. re Ladies' Raincoats. reg. 81?.99 Ready=made Clothing For Men and Boys Boots and Shoes We carry a fall stock of Groceries. always fresh and of the tinest qualities. In CAXNED GOODS we have : Chicken Tongue Spiced Smelts Sardines Duck Chipped Beet Mackerel Tomatoes Turkey Corned Beet Salmon Peas. Corn Chicken Tongtle Spiced Smelts Sardines Duck Chipped Beet Mackerel Tomatoes Turkey Corned Beet Salmon Peas, Corn Bring in your Butter and Eggs. We pay the very Highest Price. Special Sale . . . Wash Goods and Muslins Ladies' Underwear ,0 pr Ladies' Oxfords and low shoes, reg trom 1.50 & 1.75 for $i.00 :1) pr Children's Oxfords, reg. price 1.00, 1.25, 1.35, for 75e per pr reatest Made of excellent qualities of Cravenette elothjn the new- est styles. We're giving genuine bargains m this line. Here are some sample prices : H. H. MOCKLER. We have a great assortment of Men's Shirts-in new patterns and mater- als. We can promise that any shirt you buy here will fit both you and your pocket & give satisfactory wear James Ireland. Is on the bargain list just now. Or if you prefer a suit made to your order, we'll take your measure and Save You Money. Don't forget that this store is headquarters for the best makes of Boots and Shoes to be had in Durham-or any where else --at prices as low as can be put on good goods. . Ladies' and Children's Oxfords a Of Ladies' Raincoats reg. 6.00 to 6.50.. Dress Goods GQOQOQO SQOQOQO QQBQGQO Groceries OQGQG‘Q. Hosiery In cotton and lisle. ..10e to 30e Children's, all sizes. .8e to 12he 30¢. onlv 45e per pair . reduced to $10.00 . i6 7.50 iii) mm " ."IHPF and can, whia, 5.00 'f,iter,"'ttti": g A SEVERE AvrrLrtmoN.--Mueh sym- ', thv is felt for the family of Mr and [ruZClux-k. Varney. over the by a Ydeath of daughter and sister Bessie a: _ , 15. She was attacked by appendicitis. i underwent an operation on Sunday last F and died on Monday. She was a clever 4;);Ight girl giving promiae‘ofa. useful [ t e. DON'T FORGET 1T.-The members of .the Epwortli League of the Methodist 'church have arranged an excurmonto Niagara Falls on Friday, Julv T, includ- _ ing all stations between here and Elma, 1 (inclusive.) Special trainleiwes Durham lat 7 a. m. and will return evening of 'same day. Tickets good to return on ;any train up to Monday 10th. Fare: :Adults $2.35; Children 81.20. Farther pal ticulars later. , ANEW DrepxwrmtE.--Mr Win. Me- 1Murdo, Hopeville, was in town on Fri- ;day last making Tigtitt as to the ,discounts on school oaks, bought in 1qutsn.tit.its His section, No 12, Proton, ‘has decided on wanting the system of 1 supplying text boo s free undue this is I the flrtrt school in the district to try it, "he experiment will be watched with {much interest. Government pays tio per centof cost. - . A GRAND PicNrc,---The union of Far.. mer'e and Women's Institutes for picnic purposes at Wilder's Lake on In esday was bound to he a great suc- ce ss. There was a large attendance, an impromptu plum-am of speech and song, and boating on tne lake which, however, was rather rough for the tirnorous. Splendid weather prevailed. AT MtrLocs,-The Annu Ll Garden Social of the Bentinck Baptists will be held at the residence of Mr Duncan Me.. Lean. Aberdeen, on the 14th Inst. when there will be some brilliant addresses " Durham clergyman and others, and good music by Durham Baptist choir. Tea served trom 6 to 8, A mission 25 as and 15 cts. GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BAIar--0r hn.velhin hair, should call on Prof. Dorenwend at Mlddaugh House Durham on Wednesday, July 19 and see his wonderful devicesin Toupees and wigs worn on over 66,000 heads. Explanation and demonstration free. Private de- artments at Hotel. Don't fall to see his new invention, patented all over the world. 86 AND HALE AND HEARTg.--Con- gratulations to Mr mn. Johnston, Br, " Novmanby, who on Monday last reached the above patriarched age. To mark the occasion a. number of his neighbors met and spentd. social eman- ing with him. Wm. Johnston Jr., in town and his son wm. make the three generations. LADIES LOOK YotrsoEtt-Which is the desire of one and All. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend's private show rooms at Middnugh House, Durham on July IO, and we the many beautiful inventions in styles of human hair coverings, wigs, hangs, Switches. etc., and inspect his new patent structure. Presbyterian church on Mr A Noble’s lawn )pposite the church, on the even- ing of Tuesday. July 11tb. A good programme is being provided and every- thing else possible is being done to give all an enjoyable evening. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all. Admission l Children 10 cents, adults I5 cents. ROCKY SAUGEEN-A garden party will be held upder1 the ayypicys,yr. thy The Durham striét Lodge of,0range- men will amen Divine Service in the English church-on Sunday morning, July 9t h. Memhels will please meet at Calder-'3 Hall at 10 a. m. sharp, from whence they march in a body to the church. Dr Brown. M D, Eye,. Ear. Nose and Throat Specialist wilt he at the Kna p' House. Durham, on Saturday. Juli 'll/lf. Hours 12 to6 p m. Eyes taste N glasses fltted. g The big demonatrril over, atten on venues now on the Nia m. excur n on Friday. Th over the' lorious h ofJuIy next. w’ k. the thering d? this district] ei in Mt F st. After win ng; the " s of the - funct Harri n lurk P . ing co. e 'Directors h 7 hered eremna WOOL llr,,eigd,ri,h'.h'hrtg', wool to Tnvlor & thr, Dromore. igheat price Cash or trade mad the best stock of goods that can he ween anywhere. TAYLOR & 00.. Dromme CIVIC Horapat--Friday of is week has been proclaimed Uivlg iday for Durhmu to allow of as and for all to take in the lath excursion to the Falls. ( . N'ortcw-8tore closed - evening at Tao p, m. except Wednesdays an Saturdays. Phone No 38. A. W. WATSON. Court day on Friday. July 7th. General 'errant-wanted, Mt to . Mas JOHN Gunman, Upper own. Hi best price paid for Woot in Cub or grade at J. M, Findlay’a busy store Dromore, . T. P. Smith, fig,', SpeciaHst. will be ntlhe Knapp can on Wednesday, July 12, 1905. One day only. . v N f I g . L T RI "P" , ' a. IT .- _.c'.t.tyce' f = t x' 3 I i's ~'~ «m M BY ORDER or COMMITTEE. [ti')1t,lltt'?,' DURHAM, THURSDAY. irmart'"diuroti. an i-s Kw era will iqy nt of their hand I mud little. rs INN Al numb: 8ttf, tmi at 10.4: n d miners li: _ ndrewat dadetl t on rched over " , n "i'g,tti),'ti/,'hrg h s Icti o g or P 1flesue, ( in room, n ' after whic e e- rocessiun a: . e rJno. A ac " ' andnrd rch il "rn_q.ettt " n“ The attractive uniforms of the cadets Rave a pleasant coloring to the grounds and their movements and tiring were done with t.u1tnirahle'peeciqion. Throwing Hammer-Alex McDonald 75 feet. Dan McDonald 70 feet 10 im, Thos MCDougal. 68 ft 10 in. Tossinz Caher-A McDonald 19 ft 9 in fTMcDougalJ 18 ft 2 in., D McDonald 17 t 5 in. Jimmie Gardiner isafine dancer mid delighted all. especiallyl'or the spirited manner he shows in the Irish jig. H Running High omp--Hiu. Sweeney. Swazie. Running hup, step 'rpugy'3-,, w. C. Pickering. 35 ft 7 in,, E. iii, 35 ft 1 in., Jack Sweeney 'dt ft 5 in. Half mile raee--Sullivan, Benton. Swayzie. 100 yards-Sullivan. Sweeney, Pickering. Boys' race. under 16-Fred Smith, Geo Lloyd, Cliff Sel ner. Girls' race-Annie Vollett. Td'eeltllt), Edith Watson. The enterprising Free Press "sent Mr. \Voollntt. a reporter, who gave a full account of the day’s proceedings. hut is away off in some of his statements. such as 7000 being on the grounds, 75 cadets being present. “clear and cloudless sky, ae, but mistakes will craep in. Messrs Jno H. Hunter, Wu! Black and J. A. Black were starters and markers for the athletics. CONCERT.~ There was a verv large attendance. the reserve seats being well filled. Some regrettable incidents occurred by part- ies crushing in in spite of ushers. but the comm ittee tried to oblige all. The dashes of rain chased manv Into the grand stand and the booth did a good business. Mr Wm Young took a few snaps fro m the Judge's stand of the big crowd, which must have numbered about 3000. The stalwart: Priceville MeDonaWs as usual took nearly all the strength events. A poorlv wedged hammer might have caused an accident for it flew " the handle into space but fell harmlessly, - ,,, Chief Dr Hutton was the chai but called upop Grand Chief Fruitftg occupy. therPsiti?m That he did so well goegwnhopt saymg. He is an enthusi- ast In national music. customs. sports &e. and made astirring address along. these lines. Cpyrilr)wightrEdwards is a baritone singer of no mean Dower, and has a large repertoire, singing even French and German mumc. "Long Lure the King†was spiritedlv rendered. He sings feehngly " The Land of the Len" but fails at some points to Five the Scotch accent. He is scarcey up to Donald McGregor or Harold Jarvis in stage paws: and presence. Following a week of Brte wither Sunni“ last broke with Mt.p%bsnat sky rendering very doubtful '/httrlt of the days sports. Rowena“: tair and fine' and the oomml hustled around and got eve-myth“; r, The day before “page" trdgiiti to arrive. tttil Flldax atoning the town'lud aspir- rmk appearance. the duct being heightened by the libero! display of hunting in many places. and the pretty appeal ance of streets flanked with ever- greens. The large Scottish flag, lowly purchased by Bed Nevis Oaths. was dig. glayed for a. While from wan ow allow luck's store. and In from the camp room, What with is . an}! the many small one . mm at, lion ot Scotland has t, 'F ea. fmllhr "are. Uheerfun Weather but grad crown; Ri. L113! RACES. NOTES, l, : [ Shia';',;'; C'; 7 x56 'ri/kr1i'tr't"rti'iiiri'f"v'; in? ee.'? ‘73.â€! um am Tit Jr 2 (h) to " 2 (ttV-Vivien Crawford. May Ulitfe. Mamie Mountain, Horace Elvidge. Maud Burnet. Lida Living- stone. Evyline Levi, Than. Lauder, Harry Gordon, Susie Kelsey. Leone Russell, Ruhv Galen, Milton Mills. Karl Lenalvtn. Florence Barehw, George Kress. Charlie Harbottle, Katie Belle Black, Irene Lawson, Gertie Campbell. Nettie Daniel, Vyvian Harvey, [7er 1Vnll, James. Lloyd. Sr Pr. 2 to Jr 2 (lo-R trl McDonald Shirley Fulton. Annie Vollntt. Verna Eluker, Marion McKenzie. Cecil Guth- no. Ir Pt 2to Sr Pt 2--Mturay Thorne, Alex Hilderhrnnd, Maud KI'PSS. Pearl Mitchell. Hmnld Mekectsnte, Edwin Search. Ray Farquharsrm. Cassie Rus- sell. Caldwell Marshall, Mary HartfoM, Willie Ferguson. Lizzie Hills. _lnn Campbell. Hurry Vollett. Thos. Wright Russell Lavelle. Alfie Sham Mtuorie Hartford, Wesley Morton, John Har- bottle, Gilbert Gordan, Louisa McAnul- ty, Frank Mellmith. 2 In i3---Winnie Brooker and Rita? Darling eq., Willie Petty, Mabel Lat-l inter, Florence Bryan. Rex McGowan, ; Edna Limin and Edith Watson mu" Devenn Warmington. Bessie Saunders ‘ and Wilfred Calder eq.. Sydney Holt. I Rov Fluker and Mary Billings. Lewis} Lavelle, Mabel Grasliy. Annie Mc-I Donald. Tressa. McKav. Willie Clark: Zena MarshallJEdnLh Duncan, Winnie I MeCaul and Calvin Kinnee en., .lohni MeIlraith, Annie Mekinnon. 1havai Lawrence, Nellie Russell,(Nellie Mc-, Lean, Hortense Livingstone) eq., Muck ( Saunders. Freddie Laidlaw. Fwd Torry Morley Calling, 1 Jr Pt 2 to Sr Pt 2 (a)--Helen Ireland. Della Browe, Marguerite Hutton. Jessie Black. Bertha Havens. Lillian McCrie. Janet Marshall. Laura Bryan. Annie McGirr. Georgina Lawson. lar- hen Whitmore, Theresa Vollet , Bennie Benton. Myrtle Daniels. For green beef-ring hides. free of cuts 1 and holes, horns and mil-bone our, I _ will pay 8 etc per lb.. 2 lbs per hide tare. I 5 T. Smut l, A meeting of the shareholder; of the Durham Furniture Co., Limited. will he held in Town Hall, Durham, on Manda! evening. July 10th. 19N, at tl p. m ' or the purpose of taking into consideration and passing a ivy-law {of the increasing of the capital stock of said mummy. A full attendance of all Ihmbo. on is requested. D. JAumsox. Pres. Dated at Durham, J an. an. 1006. tt *0 " 4--Neilie Hepburn. Marviii, GUn"i"7r'c"'Cir."Tiriiiie"'iiii0'v"e'i, Wriuht. Lila Kelsey. Lizzie Kearm-v, I finished th Ttran . iiii'il"fii'i"i,iijjeii,i,iiiii, Cftheiinse Ml?! .1..‘i__. . [not mime. ames mit . I . . . . dreamt. Rtrrnsett'BtsNmrtn, Ruby} _ CWKJlMYo July Ith. ','ee,eu'gfte,f.'"r'igg't, Jl'reyug;ri, Mayor Hunter, in accordance with Gutlilie "iiiiii'sriririi", I/IT McGow- i the request of over (in business men and an. Haii'per Kress F,'ei.Tii,' iMcComh, iritt,epttevs has '",et1.t"11 Friday. Archie Grar, iiiri'h Moran. May Mc- gJuly 7rh, turDurhaut's Ilivic Holiday. Gowan and Annie Kearney eq.. Willie i "'-ed"-"-"-'e-e"-"'ee""-"tP"-e-eeer"r"r-rrr-'= gicGowmlI“ in“: Ector, Alghlllirlgucsuu i' ' Miles 0 no lan, Leu e an er _ (11'ti2,; McKenzie. John McDonald. 'The Rehable Grocery Ida arbottle, Nellie McGrath, Willie; ________, Browning. 1 'trittiji.er Promotion Examinations. CN ', ifti arranged in order of merit. C u, I' Pr SCHOOL DEPARTMENT " , 2 to Form 3--Keith Newton. ' _ tun. Olivar Hunter. Ethel Mor- Ait A Ite Reid, John MrKinnon. Dan It] II. Geo, Harlmttle. Elsie Petty :31: , Dolly Hopkins. James Mc- ' a. . Form 1 to Form 2--Iren" IAtimer, Katie Clark. Fannv Moran. Stank-v Mo NAIR. Edith Dingwall. Robbie Laidmw WAttri Campbell. Flftie Hunter. Chntlie Bowlink. Arthur Wehher, Edith Allan, Ell. Mar. Mary Ritchie. Selma. Hop- kins. Katie Kenny, Willie- Lawrence. Joan Crawford. Muzzle Potty. Mamie Munro. [slay Campholl. Charlie Ram- nuenqd Arehie Davidson eq., Lottie Barbuda. Bea Mecrackem, 'muc SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Jr 4 to Sr L-Vnddlo Caldwell. Laura Sit-goof. Garfield Collins: and Eva [irr- netti tq, Hazel Marshall. Willie Gadd. Russell Currie and Jan. MeLean eq.. George Howl. Ben Wilson. Lily Harris. Frank McKay, Edna Reid, ts, Wttt ucLeod, he was recalled mun . "All. No humorist of recent yan- with the exception of Fax. could be put In tr-ttl?'",', with him, and his can it" and singing were tirtely dam. 'hs renderan of ‘Did anybody Miler Charlie. " could not be im ... ppm). Be is also an expert de ditil was loudly applauded for the r , Hompupe. " A. tan: Syne and God Save the KID? . the. meeting and a rush was Tuitat he train. which reached Lon- gon.mrding to the Free Press, tbout v,'r CG!" In a. sweet singer. but was , powerful enough for n. rink. . ", ttir made a splendid accompan- . f: tttttlg, was tttegg,',': ' " rapeze wot-kw enmem . m. Re mved himself with Jllif.' Noah Gardiner danced. m‘did lit. my» show. to good advantage in ncinl part of the any will not ha teip known until Friday even- ing in eek when all accounts are ex- , Therm will almost certainlv he I. Fe on the right side. ghra?AttoUhvytenine waayttdouttb. qRrwtFeFtNEs TORONTO Continued on page o" Durham School. Notice. Hides "iiat'i'iS'si1fic n. . (am i Imperial measure . . . . .15c and 30e t.lie,d,t a 10 bars LAUNDRY SOAP for.. . . . . 25e ti Torry ( Also large assortment ot TOILET ,', SOAP to choose trom. rawford. .Call and get a sample of our TEAS-- I Horace I Buck. Japan. Ceylon, Young 11y- ' Living- I son or mixed, from 20e to 50e per Lauder. t lb. Try our5 lbs for. .......<1.00. F. Iecont, i113. Karl ' Cash for Eggs iJuly Weddings Theobald's Old Stand, CANNED FRUITS of all kinds from All kinds ot Canned Meats and F1 SH UPTONS JAMS and Marmalades. Try _onr B_U_LK PiCKLF'2Vper qytrl, On the {Remit Hanover secured the Gil, and in less than a minute scored the first. while later on in the quarter they added the 2nd. The Bets ond quarter oulv one shot was put In the new hy Hanover. while at the beginning of the third Durham much- ed their solitary goal. The home team added two more in the third. and the Durhnms. in the last. let up. seeing the game was lost. while Hanover tinithed the scoring. w. Hunter, A; umhuu. Xv. Luvelloé Outside, M. Smith; Inside. ll, Lwelle. The Busy Store On the Buy Corner We l B. KEELER and SONS Referee Jimmy Allen. Mt. Forest. ruled less than half n. dozen men " the held with a. slikht ptu'tiality for the home team and " 4.2.51inod up the sides The nurlrattts were an tot.. 1owr.--0osu. E. wolfe: Point, P. Math- emn: Gover Point, B. McDonald; De- feneefieid, H. McDonald. P. Ctuwford, S. Gi_l_l; Centre, B. Moore; Home fleld, Eve body . Ant-and opportunity to wryone Jodie greatest wondenof the world. Farm»: and townumen in fact, everyone should emit-ace this op- portunity u this will likely he the last chwce you will Gee this you; All so and who your friends as you will he mote than delighwd. FIN. adults 82.35 children $1.2}. In one of the clement lactose gonna played this season. the Durham. come out second beet It Remover Int week. A small crowd including shout a dour. enthunlutic Durham sport: new the Visitors waterlooed by the score of 8 to l, but nil agree the home team won on its meritat they played a faster com. hinntion, had more weight and were In much better condition than the blue and whiten. The score is hardly a fair criterion of the play; the visitors had more of the hall than it would indicate but time and again eluewe little sphere was lost lay heavier weight, a poor pen or tl wide shot or goal. Strengthened by Ellis of Tara. nod Cummings of Owen Sound. Hanover presents a strong. heady team. with an almost stone wall defence; hut, the Durham home-men's Rive promise or being qullllly good. Experience, and condition" will greatly Improve the team which included four iboys who played their flrst C. L. A. match. We have just received a large ship- ment of Jewelery, consisting of Wedding Rings. Fine Poul Brooches, Nee lets, Bracelets, Lockets. Watches and Chains. show everything needed in the Jewelery line for the Bride and the largest & best stock of Silverware ever shown outside the large cities We can save you money on every article we sell. C ome in and inspect our stock Of Groceries and Confectionery. Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Hurrah for Niagara Falls! "7'" _ If-', {IF 't?,)esl,rsj , . “Eb-(“5" r", r s' seT 'P',if,"2i'g/"r td., "ihsA. li, _ s" . V_. ‘53.. Ly" 'if,'l', . '-uu'irt.a.rt mu ï¬â€" . a†CHAS BAHAGE. Plan: an Pun-In. - Defeated at Hanover. cum mum. My 1th. . J. H. ROSE, Durham