West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Jul 1905, p. 4

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Jr, A, Darling, We run Suppl) you with any machine or Im- . plmnent used on the farm or in your home. J,"i)carGnis Erna J?likomx----ic--zs aa!tlrkcttiiis The New Baby The Farmers' M'rg dt, Supnly Co., Ltd peering A'. arveséers SOMETHING NEW IN wAfHPts'. The Perforated Drug). on]? in the Ides Baym and; semi,?!! BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every land HERE. Tepitrtmel1ts all complete with goods attractive, becoming and moderately priced. I,udies ' 'Dainty This is the season tains will be teqcired We have them from . . .. Our tl Curtain ;s a bummer. 77/1/13:er titesrun f d fave-{y A complete showing of Spring and Waists. made in dainty fashions and mark waste or time and money fo look elsewher " 'iJ.ri GGrwaists at etieh ration is not altogether a new system of doing business. It has been ming " ith increased success in England for over 50 years. It has been Eul in many of the States of the Union where it has saved thousands of to the farmers. We are the first to introduce it here and already have "culrcrsof testimonials from members showing the amounts saved to / dealing with us. It costs you only 820 to become a member and we may save you that amount on one purchase. 'llotthtgham £ace tj%autifut (Spring olppuret , We can Rive only a mere list of our goods. but m quality and ; adaptability to the needs of South Gray we are not excelled: Deering Barrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney's Har- ' 11883, Palmerston Buggies Renowned articles, fair pl ices m tr gal-m GlarIi. mt n Also Wilhelm':' Wringertr, all made by WatsonfoTAyr. The best in their line t scll cheap goals but we sell tirst.crcss goods therp. The old mincss has cost you much moncy. Why not try the new way? th and we want every fatmcr in this vicinity to become a mem- tn build upwhat will be I tle of the strangest organization of ing Machines. McClaay Stoves for Ccal or Weed Agent for the Dillon Kluge Stay Fence. COOPERATION tt the warerooms in Hunter's Block. Get our " my Machine Oil before you start haying. Our Order Book plainly shows the result of Nil- linery Opening Week. Such a brilliant display was worthy ot a much larger town than Dar. ham. Our Hats vero greatly admired and were designed by our Milliners who Won un- stinted praise for ele- gance. novelty and good taste. Cash and One fried» ”3/00 per pr. to 5.00 tcr renovating your haves. New Cur- See our great stock be'cre buying. he, JV, L25 In 2. 5o g of Spring and Summer White Lawn shims and marked specially low. 1t'sn to luck elsewhere, We have decided You’ll fird all these at Darling's Drug Stcre. All the goods we sell are pure, etrefully made, the right thing for the purpose. If P ulhare a prescription to till this is the place to bring it. Everything fresh and good. Needs Pure Drugs, Hy- genic Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet Preparations. HS We Bank on Quality. cr7rva' farm Machinery. We handle only the best. W/u'te Walsh 'ortock. She people’s 2)rugiise. A few doors South 3.} the Middaugh amine} D 0 2171mm: Mil/{nary modesty Priced was BUREAU REVIEW Miss Porter is visiting friends in Walkeiton this week, C Miss Lit-Ewen. Mt. Forest. is a guest of Miss Jewel McComb. Miss Calder. Yeovil. is a guest. of Mrs And, Marshall this week, Miss Dora Davidson has returned home for the holidsys. Mr Arch McTavish, Cedarville. visit» ed Mrs Ben Mail this week. Miss Dorothy Lawrence was home from Toronto for the holiday. Mr Angus Mch-muck. of London, is visnting friends at the Rocky. Dr Burnettof Hamilton, was visiting at Mr and Mrs Adam Rotkrtson's. I Mr Umhach. Toronto, holidayed here _ with his sister. Mrs Lochie McKenzie. I Miss M. Agnes Raulage is holidaying l for two weeks with her uncle in Guelph. Mr and Mrs Robt. visited the Iatter’s m ham. ing tt town. Mr and Mrs Jot) visiting at. their son Town. Mr Wo Ind., tVttt' Burnett's. Miss Dom Burnett left for Toront Monday where we will take a. alumnus as Imlhner. Mr Kohl. Hughes left Monday on a Wait to his slaLrl"5. Mrs (Rev) Farr, at It unaccl-ul g. Mr and Mrs Kippen, London, visited Mrs Wiggins and othel-Irwnds m town over the Ist. Mr and Mrs Grier. and daughter, l’nlmeraton. spent the holiday with Mrs lieu. Meikle. Mrs 1rozelgrove, and daughter Mrs Orchard of London, are guests of hit' and Mat, S. Scott. Mr and Mrs J. Graham, of Toronto are vismng at, her mother's, Mrs J, irc Ureury‘s in town. Bits and Miss Ayers. Listowel, were vitntors of Mr and Mrs w. H. Bean last week and this. ' Mrs Wm. Hunter of Egremont, visit- ed last week am Mr Charter Smith’s and other friends m town. Miss Davey, Berlin. is a guest of M his M, Gun at present. While rcncwmg old acquaintances in town. Miss L. Leslie, Mt, Forest visited Mr and Mrs Mclnncs, Blmnessau for a tew days, returning on 1uesdtsy. Mr Alex. Graham arrived in town last Wednesdayand makes it welcome addition to the latl'usae team. Messrs Wm, Campbell and Jas. Me- Kenzie, of Dnnuas, spent Dominion Day m town with Mr J. ti. Drysdate. Mrs Day and Miss Nettie Day and grand-daughter RIM!” of Hamilton visited friends in town over the holiday. Miss A. C. Mackenzie has been re- engaged by the Vul'ney School Board at an "unease of 830 on present salary. Mr and Mrs G. H. Shaw, Toronto, and Mrs Eix, Chicago, were guests ot Mr and Mrs w. H. Shaw over the week end. Mr and Mrs Wm Burnett, Hopeville, took in the demonstration Saturday, and spent a couple days at, Mr Ed. Bur- Hell’s. Mrs W. F. Atmstrong. Mrs C. A. Watt, Toronto, the Ntter his sister, Were guests at Mr w, H. Bean's over the holiday. Miss Mrs J. ti, Vollet. Fort Wiliiam, (nee Miss Wallace) and little sun. has been visiting Mr Toilet/s parents here and other friends. . Mr Geo. Wright, of Toronto. spent from Friday to Tuesday with his par- ents 1n town, Ho is progressing rapid- ly in his musical names. Mr and Mrs C Rmnage and Mrs Might- on of Durham attended the reception party given to Mr and Mrs lt R wattson, Normmnhy. on Tuesday evening, Mr John Henry Coleridge of Owen Sound, was a guest at the REVIEW ottice. last, week nn his way to the re- union in honor of his gttsnd-parents. Mr and Mrs Sui-man McIntyre te' turned home from Montreal Monday, bringing with them their son. Campbell who is recovering bu. very slowly from a long illness, Rev Mr Farquhavsop, Mr Grant and Miss Allie Grant, left by train Tuesday for Harrnsum where meetings of Pres- bytery and Presbyterian Young People's Society were in progress. Two loads of others dlove over. Mr Swallow. an. his son Nat, and little grand daughter Eleanor, left on Tuesday morning tor Toronto. to be present at the marriage ofthe tormer's daughter, Miss Emma. on Wednesday. Conkvatulations in the meantime. Mrs Therioult, (nee Miss M. Wiley,) returned to her home in Haileyhury on Tuesday after aFeuding a few days at her sister's. Mrs .aidlaw. Mrs Wilson another sister, and her daughter Miss Wilson were also Visiting here and re- turned the same day. Editor JF'm McDonald of the Chesley Enterprise attended the SufS demon- stration, We had the pleasure of meet- ing him for the that time. He is a member of Bruce County Council, War- den of the county, and a genial and " fable member of the fourth estate. Messrs John Coleridge. Owen Ssund. Frank, of Guelph, Thomas, of London, with their wives, and little children of the two last. named were uests of their sister Mrs C. Ramage you; few days at the week end, Miss Selina was also a visitor when returning to Tees- water. Messrs Jno., Dougald and Miss Kate McKinnon, Mr and Mrs E. D. Evans. and their niece. Miss Dandy, Mr Chas. Pringle. E, "Euterprupel' editor, Mr Wm." Me mud, all of Cheeley. were guests " Mr J. A. Black's over the holidny. and were well pleased with the day'n sports xss Gagnon, of Winchester, .is visit- her Mother and other hiends m Woolfiugbtuy, of Indianapolis, was a guest this Week at, My Ed. Mrs Johns of Guelph are their sod Mr Hurry Johns of ' Toronto, bolidayed here . Mrs Lochie McKenzie. rs Rampage is holidayiptt with ber uncle In Guelph. Rom. Miller. Braotfomi, ev's mot her, Mrs Faulting- 'r,ifs1t!:: days. Mr Jack Shaw, of Dun" for the lat. .38, came home Mia MeLutr, Owen Bound, was a guest tt P" M'dntoeh’s. "if Lauder Buck-n was home from Meatord for Ute homily. Mina GEM Barclay left Saturday on a. visit to her sister in Toronto. Mrs and Miss Buyer. of LondonL are the guests of Mrs m. Black; Mrs Wilson and daughter of the Boo' are guests at Mr Wm. Laidlaw’s. Mrs Jag. Bouiden, of Elmwood. isa. guest of Miss Laura McKenzne. Mr Arch. McDougall and Miss Kate are visiting in Priceviile this week. Miss Lizzie Leslie. Mt Forest. was». guest of Bunessau friends last. week. - Mr Thos Collinson of Ceylon is a visi- tot at his aunt's, Mrs J w Crawford. Mr Norman Dans of Stanford is visit- ing bis grandmother Mrs Sutherland. Mrs and Miss Patrick, of Woodstock, were holiday guests of Mrs Whitechurch Miss Lamb, of szkakee, Ill., is visiting Miss Mekeehnie, Uppel Town. Mrs Jos Matthews and daughter of Murkdale me visitors at Jno Wright’s. 91's. Miss Maggie Crawford. Toronto. spent over [nebulidays at the parental home. Mr Lysl Ireland is home f. u- the holl- Master Gordon McDonald. Chats- Worth, is holidaying at MrJ. P. Hunt- Misses Llowyn and Nellie Moran, Ayton, are home for the summer va- cation. Mr James Ceylon spent in Lawn. Mr and Mrs E. A. Rowe. Mt Forest. are guests this week at Mr James Mc- Auley's. Mr and Mrs Boynton and Miss Bnyn- ton, of Totvnro, me visiting at Mr Just. Laudm"s. Mt' Don Itohevtson of Kincardine spent over the lat in town at his aunts. Mus. A D Brpwning. Mr and Mrs Sims, Guelph, visi.ted over the week end the lauer's Coustr, Miss S It J McKinnon. Barrister L. Hutton and wife ofBol- ton, spent, our the holiday with his brother Dr Hutton. Mrs Jas. Gun and Mrs Dr Arthur Gun visited Stratfurd friends the hu- tel part of last week. Me Redford underwent an operation last week and at latestticcountq was making good progress. Mr Alex and MISS Kate MacDonald. of lmmlasb. visited friends in Priceville for a. few days last week. Miss L. M. Forfar, H. S. ttsst,, Saturday for home-sooner' than tended owing to her sister's illness. Drand Mrs Black and familys and Mr Geo. Carter, of Paisley, were guests of Mr and Mrs J, A. Black cyerthe holiday. One of our former townslmu. Mr Otto Knapp, of the 500, is holidaying iutown--iooking large as life and as hem-1y as ever'. Jfr Arch. McKinnon. L ed his home here last w: He is now intetested in but and furnishing house Mrs Wigle, of Kingsville, and Miss Grace. Bray of Kalnnmzon, Mich., are waiting their daughter and aunt at present, Mrs P Patterson. Mr and Mrs It Mitchell, JNronto. the latter u daughteruf Mr C. Firth, spent from Friday to Tuesday rut. the parental home. Mrs. C. Futh who spent, at week in Toronto came hotrse with them. Air and Mrs Jas McLeod. Miss McLeod and Mr Shaun of Kincavdine, spent over the wank end at Mrs. Wm b'aunder's. Miss Jemima Saunders ot the. Chroni- cle stair, left with them on her holidays. Miss Jean Hewett. Rockford. was a guest ofher uncle. Mr A W Watson fmm Friday till Tuesday. Mr W. With his son Roy and tlaughtevJean uccmw pulied her. home, the 1atterretuainiug [or two weeks. A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mes F. “engrave. N. Egremont. on Wednesday last. 28th of June. when her daughter Mary became the bride of Mr Wm Henry of the 19th concession. The bride was given away by her brother; f'reorst_while Miss M. Hooper played the wedding march very sweetly. The happy pair took their stand under a beautiful arch on the lawn. trimmed with roses and pretty red, white and blue streamers. The bride was supported by her sister Lizzie, the groom by his brother George, of Hep- worth, while pretty Nelly Atetuson acted as fiower girl. carrying it basket of daisies trimmed with ribbon. in a cosy receptacle of which lay the ring. Rev Mr Roach performed the ceremony. The bride looked attractive in white organdle. trimmed with valenciennes lace insertion and chiffon, while her sis. ter was: equally handsome in white monselienne Wllll all over lace yoke and both carried bouquets of white snow- balls tied with ribbon. . An elaborate wedding re ast follow- pd. the table- being 2UJ? by a fine 4-st0rey wedding cake, and after full Justice had lrpon done to the sumptuous viands, the evening was spent. very leasantly till2 a. m.. when congratu- ralions were repeated and the company dispersed. The presents were costly and numerous. No fewer than 135 guests were invited amongst them being Mr and Mrs Jnhn Hargrave Sr. and Jr., all of Maxwell: Mrs Roleltson and son, Wrtlkerton; Mr and Mrs A. H. Jackson. Durham: Miss McIntosh and Mrs Reid (nee Aggie) of Hepworth. Mrs Jamieson, Bruce. hridge, was unavoidably absent. having broken her leg the day previous. The REVIEW wishes the young counle much joy in their journey. Watrott--A11aml " we hinted last week the marriage ONTARI‘U AM" (a) TORONTO Henry-Har-e. and Miss Irene Legute of the holiday with friends HYMENEAL -0----------- traveller, visit- week and this. in a Winnipeg 75‘ left in of Mr R. R. Wat-on. Normanhy. tolli- Bella Alhm. of Eat-2mm". daughter of Mr. Wm. Alum. took place on Wed- nesday. June m. Rev. Mr Campbell. 'ot Dromore. doing the knot in the preacher of a few friend. of the con- tructin! parties. The happy pair have been hmuzht up together in church work and the uninn of two such reputable and respected young people is an event of importance. m. h..- .m "urrirubt.rg at this writing The happy pair have not!" mu... together in church work and the of two such reputable And renal young people id an event of impor We have no particulars at this w hut wish them I" joy. LArren,--The honeymoon trip in- cluded a stay with friends in Toronto. and a. trip to N imam Fails. Ihey came back on Tuesday evening and were welcomed to their home by n recep- tion pang of their neighbors and friends. eany congratulations and Rood wishes Were extended and the. company enjoyed a sumptuous repent . 3,, u.-- 1......a women’s heat welcomeu uo lllru - .1 __ _ Lion pang of their neighbors and friends. emty ieatrratapt.tiottt' and good wishes Were extended and the company enjoyed a sumptuous repeat prepared in Ira Jmnes Watson‘s Mat styleund subsequently spent a pleasant evening in social char, "main &c. Mvmves--BAupev--A,.t the manse on Wednesday June 28th by the Rev. Wm. Farquhrrsor), Mr Mark Marx yu to (Jim: lone daughter of Thus, Bailey Esq, all of Bentinelt. . Fcstrros--HAsaats--At the residence of the bride's parents. " the Rev G. Kendal, on the 28th J une,Jerut, daugh- teroer Wm Rune. to Mr W. W. Fuuswn. all of Proton. As the great m ot July Celebra- tion is over successfully. we will now settle down to business. and continue to give ynu similar bargains to what we have previously offered. There is no home complete with. uunone of our Hammocks. and the pnces are encouragmg. Do not be annoyed with flies when you can buy Semen Doors and Window Screens cheap. A fresh supply just in Oar Show Cases are wed filled with Silverware, very suitable for pre: sents. All goods stamped ' W. Buick' such as spuons. forks, ete, are warrant,- ed not to change in color. We have a new line orGranitware which should be inspected by every woman. It is higher in price than the old line but we think worth the monev See our Preserving Kettles. In washing Machines we lead the market, from the simple open one (cheap enough for any poor person ) to the most up-to-date revolving one. Our assortment of Clothes Wrmgers will surprise you. ranging from 2 25 up. When you require aChurn. call and see what we have in stock, every- thing from the common Dash Churn to the latest improved Rocker and Bar- rel Chum. W. BLACK Distinguished for ”Thoroughnotl" )R2'it2/M, a "Talifttb [ff?'-' mnbnumn nun! corner Yonge and Alexander suttt. SUMMER SESSION for teachers and others dur- IngJulv and August. ' All of our graduates get positions. Circulars free. Enter any tum-.35.. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. " The sun never shone on a sweeter face than that of the bride or hand- scmer than the groom." He h'ad one of st Gordon's" 18 kt. Wedding Rings. She was presented with a gold Watch and chain and her numerous presents were bought from ' A. GORDON Pete, familial: stsreey . . . Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any 2usrins Imp/amour: . . Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scufflets etc. Enquire at this agency. War-vetting Wan-tinny . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Orders JUtt Watchmakel, Jeweller, Optician HARDWARE I TORONTO. ONT. With RJMchcken at the Hahn House Stable or at the REVIEW OFFICE, wt11 receive our best attention. . tr Ji?, 7770.691!“ THE ‘VEDDING DAY MARRIED At the manse on 28th by the Rev. , Mr Mark MPH yu xter of Thus, Bailey Hygienic Packages beveeeafeoodhealth. mountainsofCeykm.it Um of Grand Mogul i,,eik,w flavor of purity. QPrepued by machinery Shoe ail', Properly tTiatitute mother tea who "iust " tro.od."istlte PEEL, The Shoeman First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson’s "read-The Hm iiexeessivtprditonan Bums and Biscuits in great Tlil iv Ft All kinds QfCakes made to win WEDDING CAKES our apt-cir- ' I ) WWW” 2.l"'itedrrj.' A.W.Watson Grand Mogul Tea Is " hard problem tn solve w, have made this 'ttspecial-tttdy" on? prepared In show you the _ ern has! in Children'" Sump Slum ls Oxfmds. BuHuned and Lm mi Boots in Muck and tan. qSold at 25c. Mud list We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. T U D H O P E CARRIAGES . . . AS USUAL . . _ Seem to be all the gm They are handsome and as everybodv knows. they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine than. Ogilvie's Royal Hnuwhc-h pet lmtuel Also other high-grade Manil- Flouru. per bane! .85.60 to 5 " Five Roses," Barclay 81 Bell WAREROOMS opp trite, Middaugh Ho. Stables Durham and Owen Sound JULY th 1902) RANGES 25c. 'tu,ttkand5t)eper L,aturdtereerniutntxtw schedulers for St JULY 6. 1905 BIG 4. Trr'. Ih MI My Illlllmll© Ttsl Hair. Cloth and Tooth E 125 Acro- Norman 160 Acre; Benton 100 Acres Norrv Wall Pape The H ‘CO Acres Bentin “(4111111 ttr,ts. ' 1,. ' Durham Reade" REDUCTION of STOCK lilufui Bruggists ll. ll. M We our See All [mud y prion tor Wer then I direct n ing to yum Toe nearly on! signs. Wt La l=3 less is your rooms I third u Potal have decide stack ot diff our window If PAR Drug C kil u ar "

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