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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jul 1905, p. 8

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W m.Johontoo, Jr. . Chairman Inn-mung students should enter at the begin ning of the term it possible. Bond an be Ithtain ed at ”unable mm. Durham is I balmy and “(naive town, unsung " I most desirable place lot residettee. V . A ', “W America's Greatest Hair Goods 0, . " Eiil8ii' -, . Artist. HE IS COMING TO E. ., é , g '/aifi', Middaugh House, Durham V I - s3, { , _ "V Mi 'rl' " '1.ng ,r./, d , fa,“ Wednesday, July l9th Ir?, h C' tr, , (cvh1'-"se E‘? 'iiak'er; ’ ~(}:‘il§\3 - - -- -L, _ *:,’ -C, Cr=c' w. , ’ ' t'Wt _ii'itii This visit gives you a chance to consult. sunny. in “up. ar., tion wotk than ' The DORENWEND C0. of Toronto WV Remember the Date and dont fail to can " the Dorenwend. It you cannot call. write for catalo: Durham School ----------- l TI. more do... ', at T p. m. You have heard of Mir-ts A. JOHNSTON, B. A., Mathematics and t ommel'clnl. TMOA ALLAN MISS L. lt. FO " t4peu"taT Values in Mos Furnishings “ Regent " Clothing is THE correct wearing apparel for Men and Boys. It is manufactured by the well-known W. H. Lailey & Co, Toronto, midis made to fit, in all sizes, all except those very oddly proportioned. These Suits are to look well, feel well, wear well and suit your pocket well. You have that well-dressed feeling and an air of refinement when wearing one of our " Regent" Suits. Considering style, " and quality, you will not find lower-priced Suits in town. . Professor Dorenwend Stylish Summer Suits For Dressy Men and Boys FEES". $1 per mouth in Minna TI)! Dorenwend about your Hair choose from the stock of Hair which he carries with him-. just what you require. You mm try on any Switch. Bang. Pompndour, ete.. and see just how ir will look. l'rufe-swr Downweml ran Q be lie-pended upon to sell you only first quality Hair Goods. You are call to <m- and examine these goods. sum and Equipment- o,ol li thoroughly equilpped in teaching Hut-min“ and electrics swam“ 3nd " for full Junior Leaving In Matricula- The following competent and ue in Baldness Ladies! Read This LLt N, 1st Mass Certificate, Principal ht. FURI..R. B. A., Classics lad Mo self the beamiful assortment. of “faves. wigs. etc, which Professor r”mum-u. [U bot" '"ce. Professor Dorenwehd can fit you with a will hide alt traces of Baldness and take th Doctors recommend there Tonpees as a heads. catarrh and neuralgia. Professor the sum and show yonjust host you look I ass as all men know. distigures and adds pre-usiun to the face. 11rhs remain Dvn'nwendnqnp fit you with a WIG m- 'I’nlYl Men’s Suits at Bop' Suits at 103 and 105 "REOENT" C . Ram-go. Secretary Brand Clothing The People’s Store CORSET at $1.00. An 50c and ah: in the WHITE Company of London. We have a full range of the FILLED CORSETS in Drab and , -orsetal Corsets Corsets! ROBERT BURNETT Yonge St , Toronto And the number we sell is constantly in.. creasing. These are Canadian-made Shoes and are up-to-date in every detail. Goof fitters, good lockers, good wearers ; that's why we sell so sell so many of them. Try a pair yourself. We sell the al July the lst will be remembered here for some time as a day ot note ; an accident happened here that might have been more serious. On Friday evening Mr and Mrs Gilbert McArthur and children of the 10th con. called in our village, on his way to Glenelg to visit friends there and take in the Dur- ham sports on Saturday. They left here in the best of spirits expecting to have a fine time, bat when entering Artemesia their spirited horse became very fractious alter getting a cut of the whip and Rot uncontrollable and dash- ed away with the occupants, at hill I speed. He ran into the fence, smashed I the buggy and pitched out the occu- " the hotel and s eatalogae--itt free , You will never have a better opportunity to see for your. Nwitcher, Bangs. Pompadourg. Dorenwend carries with him. "'--e-_. ---- IISK'\I wa- face. 1Yhs anmin Bald when ith a WIG or TOUPEE. which ike the place of your own hair. ? i as a preventative; for colds in issor Downwond wtll fit you on look afterwards. not forced to buy because you t grant. . Imperial Shoe ....84, 8. 10 and 12 F ...32, B, 5 and 88 Hopeville This Store opens " IU. m. see Professor lp {mod ex. t I. BIAS Glehelg. Mrs McGill, of Hamilton, (nee Mary McPhail) and family visited for a. few days " her sister’s Mrs Don McDougall south line, Glenelg. Mrs Patrick Sullivan of F ergns paid a short visit to her father and fsther-in- law, IMean Blue. and Sulllvsn of Ill-n- a We are sorry the accident that befall Angus Hooper in getting two of his tom taken off with an axe while chopping. He 13 at present in Durham at his uncle's where he will be convenient to a. doctor. Our town streéts are pretty well graded by the road grader and Dan ttPet! and Will Conkey Luke good marl and Otto Konold’s .088 is Very heavy in getting four of his horses kil!ed by lightning daring the thunder storm of over a week ago. Alex McMillan, south line, put a roof on his barn lately. Teachers are all home now for ly two months' vacation. Some have commenced hayine bat the general commencement will he a week or two yet. Crops are fairly good and the late showars will revive them greatly. ,. “M... on account of the intense heat, and unlike the old Scotch woman who when her minister was praising her for her good regularity. in coming to church, said she liked to come to kirk because she sleeped ‘so Weel. We attended church " Swinton Park Presbyterian church last; Sabbath and were struck at the large gathering as it was on a communion occasion. We noticed that like many other places some were rather inclined to {allrasleep on account of the inten.un h... ”A The garden party held at the Meth. odist parsonage one evening last week was quite a success as the evening was tine. Receipts of the evening amounted to nearly $50. Warden McArthur and Comr Allan were away on County business to Owen Sound on Monday and Tuesday ot this week. Misses Minnie and Kate McIntyre of Tpronto were home on July Ist. Dr James Atkinson has again com- menced business in the old stand in this village and many will be pleased to see him back again. A number of us attended the great demonstration at Durham on Saturday last and probablv a number were unintentionally guilty of breaking the commandment "Remember the Sab- bath day to keep it holy, " but as it was not in day time the act was com- mitted the transgression does not ap- pear so great, bat however we fancy that a large percentage were robbing the Lord ofpartof his quiet Sabbath morning by sleeping till past church time, A number from here attended the funeral ot the late Jas Welsh at Pomo. nu on Sunday last and was one of the largest funerals ever seen at St John's cemetery. At the communion held in the Pres- byterian Church here last Sabbath 23 new members Were added to the roll ehiefly young people of both sexes. This without a doubt \was the largest number ever added to the church at the communion season and it must be a source of gratification to the pastor, Rev MrMatheson to see the fruit of his labors prospering in this place. Mr Walter Hastie occupied the chair. and gave the opening address, setting forth the benetits of the library. and the appropriateness of the educational entertainment to be givem--Uom. The sum of some $20.00 WM realized, which will after deducting expenses he devoted to the purchase of new hooks. A vent] clever rendering by our own Mr J, . Findlay. of the branch of promise case of Bardell, vs Pickwick was given with good perception and ability, Solon and "uartetteswere given at intervals by Mrs Litster (nee Jean Renwick) Miss Mary Isaac and Messrs Isane and Ranmgc. Miss Agnes Reo- wick. and Mrs Haw accompanying on tneovgan, thelatter giving some fine instrumental selections. The audience though appreciative, was small owing no doubt to the manv other attractions ot. hand in the immediate neighbor- hood. nu. In MeArthttr lighting on her End. “validly hurt. The bone wee caught And It Pnton drove them here. A doctor was sent for and the mnily is getting over the trouble ; on Saturday . team went out And brought back a broken buggy. Things might have been worse. The entertainment held on Friday evening last under the auspices of the Dromore Public Library passed " very successfully in point of execution. The dramatic club from Durham excelled themselves performing better than they had done previously at Orchardyille or Durham so say those who had the Eg.- ilege of‘hearing them at either p we. The yurlous parts of Hamlet and the king were well taken indeed all through was worthy of a larger audience. An entertainment of this nature is some- thing new in this locality but none the less appreciated for its netructive ten- dency. _ On Saturday our village was desti- tnte ot All the male population except two ot our business ttien--.Mr A. H. Burnett, blacksmith. and Mr J. H. Scott. postmaster-who stayed at home to guard and protect the plate, the women and chi dren also steyed. We hear it said by some DOOPIO t at they were good, faithful watchman. Mr. Burnett watching from his own house to the main corner where the local bank is. and Mr Scott from the poet omce to his own house. Somedour people went toToronto andmany to Durham _and all report a good time. Dramatic Concert at Dromore. Priceville. ct-..- w... near- new Latona Presbyterian B. S. picnic on Wednesday last was a great success, about $2 J being realized. During the afternoon races were won by the for. lowing t Boys under lO--John Smith. Girls under IO-Ivy Darzavel. Boys io-lr-Bryce Dargavel. Girls IO-Ili-Att" Silvester. Ladies under Ill) vars-c-pst Mina l, The many friends of Miss O'Leary paid a parting tribute to her enthusias- tie labors of love among the boys and girls here when they met in the R. C. school-room on Thursday afternoon. A programme was rendered with Master Carroll Hunt as chairman. Among those who gave valuable assistance were ex-school teacher. Mr Angus Mc- Intosh. a solo and recitation highly appreeiated. Mr Mack Jones, a charm- ing solo. At the close of mgr-02mm, Miss (yLeary was present with a handsome dressing case by Mary Jane Cummings. Miss ("Leary replied in a feeling manner. Among the guests present were Mrs Dargavel. Mrs Hunt, Mrs Cummings, Mr McIntosh, Mr Jones Miss McIntosh and others. Miss Abbot, teacher ct Latona school returned to her home, it Ilhe Dove, " on Friday. Miss Abbot expects to visit at her mother's summer cottage. .' Waverside, " Muskoka. during, vac- ation. Miss Campbell, sister of Mrs Rav home from Toronto hospital after serious illness of pneumonia. The Latona Public School was the scene of a very unique gathering of parents and triends on Thursday last, fit being the semi-annual public exam- ination. The choruses rendered by lthe children and the well rendered f recitations by "Little Addie Twamley" [ were much appreciated. Trustee .Donald Smith adores-ed teacher, par- ents. friends and children in a. verv appropriate manner. He thought that the exercises of the afternoon t'efieeted great credit upon the teacher ot their l school. Miss Abbot, who eeatainly was ‘ so enthusiastic, sympathetic and prud- ent that if they dia not make trite men and women as well as receive a good education under her instruction. it was certainlv their fault and not the teach- er's. Remarks regarding the perfect discipline of the school were made and noticed by all. Miss O'Leary left on Sathrduy for Pt Lambton. Abbott, 2nd, Miss Reynolds. Boot and Shoe Raee--Jiin Sndbury. Egg race-Aggies Silvester Chgm'a ryerrtAggit Silvester and From "not/ter correspondent. Th is week’s budget. Miss Mary Jane Cummings left on Fridav last to spend her holida vs with her aunt Miss M. Robertson. Mary Jane Cuiiiinimta.' V Bogs use under 12--John Leding- am. Quite a number of Dornochers took in the Dominion Day celebration in ye Editors' town on Saturday lust and report a good days' outing. We extend congratulations to Mr John Lang who took to himself a life partner-on Wednesday of last week. May joy and prosperity betheiriot. Miss O'Leary left on Fridav evening for her home in Port Lambton. By her courteous ladvlike manner she won a host of friends all of whom sin- eerely regret her departure. Mine Host O‘Mara has erected a sub- stantial platform with cement finish in trontot his hotel. This adds greatly to the Improvement of the establish- ment. (m, end ot'merriment I the programme leonsisting of yo al and instrumental music, veeitations, speeches Ike, tshowed systematic preparation and was re- ceived with enthusiastic applause. The ladies o. the congregation prepared a sumptuous repast and the braey air of the Park being it keen appetizer all did ample justice to the many delicac- ies provided and as old Sol wended his way to the western horizon to give light to thoge in darkness all dispersed to the respective places of abode thor- oughly pleased with the days' outing. Miss Mary Jane Cummings left last week to spend the summer vacation with m nds in the Forest City. The Presbyterian Picnic held on Wednesday ot last week in Mr Donald Smith's romantic grove was a decided success in every respect. . Ideal weather favored the occasion and in the alternoon a large crowd of people wended thesr way to the hillside park with one predominant thought " We're here to enjoy ourselves” and enjoy themselves they did. A commodious tent on the grounds contained all the delicacies of the season and the tsifie- ient clerks who catered to the wants ot the crowd were kept sobusy dur- ing the afternoon that the proceeds ap- proximated $25. The various races were participated in by grown people as well P' the youngsters and caused tti'siiiia'i"iii"iiiiriG" Tilimhy " temoon of In: week when a good number of Itm va1tyrertetyye11_to a y Good Eve to ma Alice O'Lesry. the popular teacher for the pest _ {an A choice program ot Dia- ogues, recitstions. songs. da., the ren- dered with greet emciency and was much enjoyed by ell present. A pleasing lecture oithe occasion was the presenting to Miss OlLeary of an elegantly cased meal. are set ind this together with the many evident signs of extreme sorrow tgttowts In insepar- able link binds teacher and upile to- gether. Miss O’Lea ry repliedp in Ment language betittintt the occasion and. thnsended the proceeding of a Very sociable afternoon. A_very pluggngtime PPI! or“ I" Domoch ONtARfO TORONTO is A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection unade on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at curl-em rates SAVINGS BANE. -nterest allowed on savings bank deposits of 8L00 and up- ward: Prompt attention and every facilitv atrorired customer-I iving ata distance. .J KELLY, ugent. DURHAM AGENCY AGENTS in all principal pomts m Ontario, Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. w. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hunger. ' CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . . . .8FMINMl CAPITAL}; Paid up........... 1300.010 RESERVE FUND............ 1.000.000 SWEAR!) BANK (lf CANADA Lather, Ontario. Don't forget the Latona Sabbath School picnic on Wednesday. All things are being arranged to make it the best of the season. The Laiona school boy or trl must l have felt that "he must work it he, would win " when he wrote on the! County Promotion examinations on) Thursday and Friday last. (, A goodly number of Dornochers vis~ ited Mr Alex McDonald, Crawford, on Friday last. Mr. McDonald reared a very large barn during the afternoon. A very enjoyable time} was spent_ by all. LaNexcgabbath is CoCmmunion Day inl - - F""." - w lf, tona resbvlerian bur-ch. Serviees! at 11 a. m., also at 7 p. m. Preparac-I FOR SALE. orv services Friday afternoon and! Thorough Bred Cattle Saturday morning as usual. I! Yonkghlpe Hogs. Miss Limin, accompanied by her, All regisreved stuck and mother, Mrs E. Limin. ot Durlmm.;nmls. Applym visited Miss Skene, "The Maples, tr on [ runs. SCAR Saturday last. Mi s- Limin and her _ Jan. 2, Im.5. Jtocky ts'au successor Miss Abbot spent a very jov- I ------------------, ial afternoon together. j HOUSE FOR BA Mrs Cummings spent a day last week in Owen Sound Rev. Mrs Aitehigon's aunt of Blythe, isa welcome guest at the manse at present. A territie wind storm accompanied by severe thunder and lightning pass- ed over this village on Sabbath even- ing last. The Intensely strong wind blew many trees and fences down,: hence the farmer is kept busy for al, day or so viewing his " goodly acres. "I The programme given at the com of an elaborate repeat was greatly ap- preciated. especially violin selections by Miss Wilson, mouth organ selections by Messrs Wm Loeheed and Harry Simpson accompanied by Mrs Rant at the organ. Two choruses by Letona scdhool children were much ttppreeiat- e . Mi. S. Black is viaiting his sister at Our July Clearing Your money but if you not it. . The most stylish lockers, the best wearers, and the most com- fortable. THE ONLY PERFECT SHOE ' FOR THE LADIES. The new Lace Collar-the latest Novelty. In fact, everything that is new in the Belt and Collar Line. In prices from Head Office, Toronto. intenaed tor In: weal w Alex. Rassell. ', 74%: ' Wrt: ”if l New Collins and New Belts I Mligll)llNli8earta= sastsr%jlfsfiF 3‘33? Everything in this line " greatly reduced prices dur- ing the next two weeks. It is impossible for Its to quote prices. Come and see them. IS: to $2.25 THE BIG, STORE 9881100 Acre FARM forSALa E Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boot! as Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargainc. n We ask inspection dour Tent- TWEEDS & mung OF BEST 0”.“va Strayed from the premises undersigned about May Nth. t sheep(3 black faced and 2 white and four lambs. Last hard ol of Swintnn Park on June 8. A formation as to their whereabou be gladly received. (Jigs. McDogum. Dundnlll S. SCOTT. Parties fishing or otherwise tug-pu- sing on lot 28, con. 2, E. G. R., Glenelg. (immediately west of Gienrotynrn), will be prosecuted according to law. This means you so don't, ask permission for it. is impossible to discriminate I Will he sold, or rented separately if desired, that well-known hotel and de- sirable stock farm at the Rob Roy, Lot 10 and Il. Con. l. ti. D. It., Glenn“. 99$ lam-es in farm, more or lass. Blacksmith ashodp on one corner, Hotel new“ the Iron . Every field welt watered. hmiie , from school, and 1 mile from post oftice. 1 Four miles from Durham.' Good 1 brick hangs with 10 moms, stable with ,,'stone foundation, {mum harm. stone pig I pen. and good hearing orchard. Terms, lm suit purcGser. Apply , Box 11 Durham P. o. l - G. RYAN. Prop The undersigned will sell house and lot on West, Bruce tit. built in 1904. lo rated between Furniture and Cream Separator factories. 30 x 32 feet., Pd stories. double cellar, cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. ft rounm. modern and convenient. Good well on premises. small barn with stone stable underneath. A lmrgnin to quick buyer. Apply .931 blue premises or to 0f Ladies' Underwear June 22 About 7 miles from Durham on the Gamfmxu Roud. Title good. Posses- sion at once, must he sold. Apply to Durham. Feb. 22. 19M. HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. HOUSE FOR SALE Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hog-s. 2pkg Chinese STARCH....1.3C 41bs CURRANTS..,. .... .25c Bottle Trilby Shoe POLISH. 7e 1 jar Scotch MARMALADE 15c yi 1b pkg Dunham , BEST QUALITY ESTRAY. NOTICE. Our Saturday Bargain Attractions I War. LixGGii:ii" Boe ie, Durham WALD. Dundnlk P. o. 18th con. Proton. runs. SCAR!“ & Sosa. Rocky tiaugeen P. o . ----"i9.Pqt. v: u".- l!i20th, t, Whiu‘ COCOANUT. . . . . A. MCCORKACK wttetedisorrii'w'iii Premises of tl a 2 white faced] t heard of north Jane l: - Any iq, Gomudetiveeed to ail parts of town. J. P. TELFURD. likely ani the 'iii.i1'i', E Haslett VOL. XXVII. iiiiiiiiiikk -- _ gems WARM Rum": sud 10mm Us“: Rmuw and Toronto Duly Run" and Daily Globe. . Rlvmw and Weekly Glnlu RIVIIw and W. Mail & Eu Run" and Western Advq Rm" and Weekly Sun. Rsvmw and Fun. Her & M RIvuw 5nd Weekly; Wnn BIN" and Mon. , eekly Review Clubbing XlXllfile2Fu'h'ly,,'l,ril) Ladies' Par Dress ii Underwea Tutreta Silk I only a an Taffeta MI black. bl All sizes Men 'al Extend": rum special " Extemivc rung Silk and wool m Canon Voile It Also lull mute ot iyre, Lidia? lust. hm Complete range very spec Rock ribbed Cal Jam Ribbed back priced goods One is , specinl v

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