" - my: in hope who writes _ °'_" "T-" “i "aa-ant-tm"" In: sF.ityyeetee1ePts.,t,et.,t human-831mm], ttiftttti2t'tet,tt',t'ti;'ti,lldl Myriam“ MoWnneyelsim . - bee-ie then n? “a. the attention of eultfrarted minds. ln- nel,',',',' â€we 2f ' padded of "ter'T bed. the greet friendship by which Hui He held this trefoil up before the peo- royal Home. honors the writer of thae l â€Thad hale than behold one in three. knu' from . - cable! met once convinced to Wmnngmce of 2,tead',ta'; were all his M19,“ they autism?†chin: the attention of cultiuted minds. adersted tht faith preached by the inter. The Prince of Montenegro succeeded his eating saint, so the legends ran. uncle when he we: at quite n youth, ----_--"-- and broke up hie studies in Paris rather ml f tly to the!" hpoeeed salon "o'ste,, throne Elitltl8ll 1PlUlit lINIMENT etvmnt yte eceue 'sunee. From that dny the prince and his beauti- mo'“ all hed., soft " “110M ful wife, Princess Milemi, devoted them- lump} and Meme-ha from homeq blood selves to the welfare or their subjects. mm, wk. whim: nacho“. "my. CAettinje, if one of the smallest among stifies, sprung. '0" M "olUn throat, European capitals, is not one of the less ' eotrtrhs, m a" $50 by u“ of one bot- picturesque. The shrill whistle of rail- tle. .annted the most wonderful way engines has not yet broken the Blemish Cure ever known. peace and freshness that reign in its pure -----_---" mountain air. Many trails of modern FEEDING CHILDREN. civilization remain unknown to the - dauntleee sons of the Tchernagora (Block Stunt“! for Proper Diet to But, Mountains), and in many features tttl Mothers. ' _ A ---..» A â€In vac t""""1"" r.._..,,, - dotail of contort u grand to make the traveler feel at his ease in the strange, weird land of battle, freedom and song. The aspect of such chieltains an grace the sovereigrt's table, the handsome and noble countenance of Princeee Milena, the tenant and spirited anecdotes related y the prince in fluent French and with on air of utter s'unpssitr-terrth?y4 combines to bestow a feeling of novelty And warmth. Prinee Nicholas belongs to a very ancient dynasty indeed, and by his daughters’ brilliant marriages he is new allied to almost all the great reign- ing houses in Europe. He was the best friend of the late Emperor Alexander m. of Russia, and the present Czar 'shows him great affection and filial reverence. "Our mountains are rugged and bare," writes the Prince of Monetnegro, "but our hearts are full of vigor and tire." The prince always cuts a conspicuous fig. ure in smh court ceremonies as he is pre- vailed upon to appmr in, whether in Italy or in Russia. His tall form towers high above the crowd, and the brilliant colors of his coitunie, the front ewe of his every movement, the glittering row of kniveq he wear: in his belt, always snake him the centre of attention. Lately be stood sponsor to his grandson. Um- berto. Prince of Piedmont and heir to the Italian throne. Queen Helena of Italy. while still a young girl, spent her time at Cettiuje in helping her father demands of the poor, buthlso in the pur- suit of his literary labors. Together they mun-m1 or composed ballads whose or- dor, patriotie fez-ling and strange original beauty have rarely been surpassed, if ever equalled. Another of the prince's doughy-n " married to a Russian grand l duke. a third to the Duke of Lcuchetnrl berg. " fourth to Prince r'raneiq Joseph', of Lratteur"ts. while his eldest daughter,} the Prim-ms Zulu, who was the wife of! the prevent King of Sonia, died many ymre :zzu in giving birth to a son. Prin- l t'eri4 Miieiia is very clever and well versed , in l'liizlieh and French literature. Herl hUdlxlml winks four languages, and thel palm-v in titt,inje ii a place where books . ', - , A...I nn-ngnyl u~ith wan-.131, - u. u..._.. --__,,, â€was and their character resemble those of the ancient Scotch chum The prince is far more the father of his lab- Jeeta, the ehieftain of his warriors. than their ruler. He wears the national furl», and on state occuions 1 tall white P we attached to his purple cap by n costly diamond jewel. He sddresseo his sub- jects by their Christian mines, and every one of them calls him father. The scenery of the Black Mountains is splendid indeed, and leaves a lasting im- prusion of grandeur and wild liberty to all those whose privilege it is to gaze on the huge rocks and the tiny dark blue than that border the way leading to Cet- tinje. Nor is the spell broken when one reaches the prioee's palace, though no detail of comfort is spared to make the u“""""“ 'I’"""‘ -- u V place in Cetbinje is a place where books am- a.'uit.ri received and perused with joy. The prince u, moreover, as brave an the subjects and loves to hear or to tell the old feats accomplished by his tutct'itor.q or the great heroes ot his herotT land. Two daughters of the gifted pair still remain unmarried; their grace, goodness and beauty are already much spoken of. and they are excellent sports- women. in fact, the reigning family of Monetneg'ro is one in which virtue and intelligence are well cared for and tra- dition is not abandoned. though the prince keeps in touch with every intel- kctual movement of the Present day.--- iii,iJG Vacaresco in the Outlook. It is interesting to know that in the Province of Ontario, Canada ,there are ever 40,000 “We miles of inland water stretches, exclusive of the great lakes WONDERFUL WATER WORLD. and the River St. Lawrence,‘d nearly all lying north of Lake Ontario in the “Highlands of Ontario." These High- 1knds embrace the districts known as "Muskoka," "hire of Bays," "Maganeta- wan River," "Lake Xipissing and the French River," "Temagami," "Algonquin Pure," and "Kawartha Lakes," and arc all reached directly by the lines of the Grand Trunk Railway System. Speaking; (1 the "Muskoka Lakes" region the (unwind Leader in an article headed Builders Revel in Wild: of Muskoka. be- ing s report by their special staff repre- oontative of gnueiiting which the mem- hero ot the Builders' Exchange in that city to the number ot 200 enjoyed in Nahum territory, says: "A hundred autumn“ rolled into one summer re- con region would not compare with the "Ontario Highlands." Summer cottages and hotels, pretty camps and hundreu ot sail boats. and arrow. passed in Pano- mm as the “earner Modem steamed pot scores of enchanting islands." A copy of a handsomely illustrate! dc. miptivc publication pertmying the at- traction: of this magnificent territory will be J. D. We hear mach abr:::. Lite shamrock ', art, going 'e,e'2.1ed'eL'ht"d'.i- the "I. can. . than days. I General! Haw many of 'dS know numb about it? f Decorated try French at. In the dim pas: the in??? 53:;ka id be! Atemmder Max-inn, one of the 2mm lo 11“."? 'rte fwd?“ to p. P at . and noted French vegan in anyon- g'e'P1."Y .-. at mud sorrel,whiels . try, has recently received the 1:13th .ho has tritolUte leaves ilasoratioa extpitsrrA1 by the Minister ot Just now nur'nqrnus pans of oxatis IN Ptrtrmritth"tetwtdtt iailr'ot Fine Arts " be Iet.m at new best at Horticultural of Paris for her educational and utistic an, 'ef.""""" Park. They are in the: work. Mme. Marius, who w†heard Nit Atl. rbod . ihers in 3 course of prints Mum, or . yet; 5' knows how this plan. lessons. last winter, will WONâ€! gire and: u eonu'aordy known as the whtte another course but. this nelson. Union Station, Toronto, The Shamrock. )ry Lraaerrtittyolr,--s huge that would enlighten 1....ser tttnn'. So St. Panic]: stooped to the earth! mwdkomthegmnsodâ€"wmm‘nl loco 'rtrrentei"tthftisetIPet' aniline udagooddul otmtsuture- tshamnock. . m" F r- ___ -__-e"H - - The chief was " once convinced, a were all his people, Ind they straightaway adopted the faith preached by the inter- eating saint, so the legends run. Children often eat too much meat, re- suiting in abnormal atimulution of the nervous system and imperfect nutrition of the bony and muscular framework of the body. This is often a. cause of bed- wetting. Cereals, potatoes, whole-meal bread, milk, eggs, cheese, the puiaus, nuts, green vegetables and salads furnish the elemnts of growth and repair in a satis- factory form. - . .. . I ASL‘ :_.A-_.l A: Removal all hard, soft " allowed lumps Ind blemishes from horas, blood spuvin, who, splints, ringbone, "valley, stifle», sprain. not. uad swollen than, coughs, etc. an $50 by m of on. bot. tle. Warranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure "a known. Many children are Fevish and ill-tem- pered beeause they on improperly nour- ished. A revision of the diet ,with suit- able addition, will ntisfy the clild and transform it into a happy, crowing youngster. A healthy child has an in- stinct for "new pod this should be gratified in moderetion. Honey in one of the best of sweets, or a little good butter-seoteh or sweet chocolate may be used. It is better to overfeed than to under- feed a growing child, says the Medical Brief. Overfeeding is less apt to occur with a properly selected diet, for the child will be sutisfied with a. lesser bulk of food. It is not a good plan to feed children on thin soups and similar fluid Suggestion for Proper Diet to Buy Home“. Do not forget that the baby outgrow; his food just as he does his clothes, and that timely additions to his dietary are a valuable means of preventing scurvy, n.- chitie, diarrhoea duturhances and other diseases of 11iftetie origin. . " * .w. iiiiiii,%%irGrfihsd before the de- mand for nourishment is satisfied. . Lamâ€: Y-Z (Wise Head) Disiufeetatrt Soap Powder is better than other powders, " it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 Taking it for granted that every wo-l man has secret hopes of a husband and home of her own, many a girl loathes tho thought that some others may con- sider every man they meet in the light of a probable suitor. To be forever con- sidering the pros. and cons. of each new acquaintance seems to rob the world of a romance and beauty, and make mar- riage appear so matter of fact that it loses all charm. A wis r way for the girl who would put all such thoughts behind her is to consider every man she meets, as the property, so to speak, of sum other woman, and treat him ac- cordingly. If she knows him to be quite hvart whole, this will not make any dif- ference, for she will think of him " one who has yet to meet his wife of the fu- ture; and in this way she will not mis- interpret any courtesies and attentions by reading them as indications of a seri- ous attachment as do many girls for. ever on the lookout for "Mr. R:ght." Only when the true lover comes along will the girl who has hitherto treated all men in a courteous. sisterly manner, turn Ur thoughts towards a warmer feeling. She will have reserved all her affeetion for the one ardent suitor to whom she Incomes sincerely attracted, and she will afterwards heartily congra- tulate herself that she was never in- duced to flirt with any other man, or make herself appear other than the sterling, womanly woman she knows herself really to be.-3iontreal Argus. Success. A failure was talking about success, says the Chicago Chronicle. "Regular work-so miny hours of hard labor all the year thrirugh-r-tMt, ia success' secret," he said. "It isn't the clever, quick people who sueeeed---they usually are the failures-it is the plod: ders, peggiug away with their eyes fixed alwas on a single goal. _ - "Gerandini, the great violinist, said of his success, "It is due to twelve hours of practice a day for 28 years." "Edison says: 'Anything I begin is al. nyu on my mind, and I am wretched till it u finished) "Darwin said: Tor forty years I did each dly’l end saw ended its appointed Big or Little Navy. (Cincinnati .Enquirer.) nae-At (Vents in actual war have demon- strated that it a country has use tor a great nan-y at all it would be a very greet luv. and then it must be handled with you deit- ccm‘. lt should have I nice. mootb. strato- giral spot on which to rise and tall gently fd'. thr 5W6†of 'he sea and wait for the trr.vel-wtvrtt enemy to “weâ€. Coins out utter a tight is hard on a any. A small establishment will do for - and tor the exchnnge ot civilian mm: govern- ments, but we mun “hump" "new if we are going into the In class. . WAITING TO BE SOUGHT. r,t:t""k 31%; _"-__.... '" w... ._.,_., --- 'i' In}, hum my. “t“: “A the curious“ tttt tptrl1'flt1 Ԡty " did think it the . theologhtl aernti.t5on l to uphill the WM?- SO q tub for ads sill“? iittld ____._, A_I2_I_L-_ _ -~al' ' , Saying' ef Vile In. .4 Fame is the perfume of heroic deedl. ---soeratea. All objects lose by too familiar a view.--Diydeu. Hope warps judgment in council, but quicken: energy in action. --Bulwer. A rich man without charitge is . rogue; and perhaps it would no ditficult matter to prove that he is also a fool.--Futlding. . . u m " IWIO†I A~.unu°- Let not the emphasis of homitllity lie in bed and board, but let trut , love, honor and courtesy flow in all thy deeds.--Emertson. , Whatever disgrace we may have de. served or incurred, it is almost always in our power to reestablish our chat- aeter.-KoehefoueauH. There is no readier my for s nun to bring his own worth into question than by -endeavoring to detract from the worth of other nien.--Tuletson. IT MUST BE WELL FDUNDED Made by Cures Litre That of Simon T. Landrr-He Tells About. " Binnie". River Bourgois. Richmond 00., C. B., July 10.-Hspikitth)r-AtrPntr the many men in this part of Canada whom Dodd'a Kidney Pills have relieved of when and pains and weakness and made strong and able to do a good day's work is Mr. Simon V. Landry. Mr. Landry has num- erous friends here who can vouch for the story he tells of his cure. "I was bothered for over a year," he says, 'with lame back, weak legs, pal- pitation of the heart, general weakness and shortness of breath; in fact, I could not work and was a total wreck. \ Steady Growth In Popularity of Dodd's Kidney Pills "I could not get anything to help me till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. But they did me good and no mistake. I used three boxes and I'm back at work again,†It is the cures they make that make Dodd's Kidney Pills so popular. Their popularity has grown, steadily for thir- teen years. It must be well founded. The Men Have No Say. (Everybody's Magazine.) “They say" that hoopeklrto ore coming again. They any hove come before the" words are printed. What is it to men whe- ther that majestic crinoline is to be revived or not? However wrapped up, the feminine contents will still be worshipped. Hoopoklrts look “funny" or awful on the stage and in the pictures ot years ago, but it the women can stand them, we eatr-amt must, whether we can or not. It we understand the situa- tion--ot course, no man can or should pre- tend to-Loudon frowns upon hoopskiru; Paris is doubtful; Chlcago is prepared to welcome them. It betting were not 1 sin, we might be inclined to bet on Chicago. P. g.--How do you get them on'.' now do you get into an open car with them? The "Highlands of Ontario," considered the most beautiful summer resort dis. trict in America, is annually attracting more attention as the ideal playground for the tourist and holiday seeker. Dur- ing the last week in June this season, the members of the Builders' Exchange of Cleveland, Ohio, to the number of two hundred, held their annual outing in the Muskoka Lanes district, one of the 'prin- eipal regions of this vast territory, mak- ing their headquarters at the "Royal Misskolca" Hotel. The Cleveland Plain Dealer of June 30 publishes an article by their special staff correspondent, in which appears the following: "The Royal Muskoka Hotel is one of the largest and best equipped summer hotels in Canada, opened a week earlier than usual to en- tertain the builders. The two days here have been most thoroughly enjoyed by the members of the party, and the pie- turesque and beantifyl scenery along the railroad and lake route, in the centre of the 'Highlands,' amazed and delighted (the C1es'elamiers1" . _ -. . . AN ENCHANTED LAKELAND. Take a free trip---a mental little jour- ney through Muskoka-by asking for that handsome Muskoka publication is- sued by the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem. It contains a large map, nineteen views and a fund of 'mformation. Apply for copy to J. D. McDonald, District Pas- senger Agent, Union Station, Toronto. aTiiiikiseeus to Calm Waters. . (Success.) Shells filled with oil, intended to calm a stormy see when tired into it, have been in- vented in France. The effect ot a. film of oil in reducing the size of waves is well known, but in the case ot a moving vessel it is difficult to reach those in front among vhicb the vessel’s progress will soon bring it. At first ordinary explosive shells con- taining oil were tired, but these. besides be- ing dangerous. did not distribute the oil evenly. At present wooden shells are used, which break when they strike the water, allowing the oil to run evenly over the Bttr- face. For night use the shells have an 11. laminating attachment. The result. are said to be satisfactory, was in W. . _ -aarrgr-q" , JS'e & mâ€) A at. i “a?†m: Tg..ttioa. I. . a ':j, , Frat and M IQ. w I" 'j': é Scott's Emulsion mu. THEM ALL 529m poouummgn FLY PADS PROTECT YOUR FOOD Earths-Mud; WlLSON'S M EELS . mu m at: an. gm-h‘QIN'IYQ T'" £1?†War, York mir _ ' In “it of in“; 'tred ?EE, m det.reyt it _ 4 he brushed, itre dust d 't show Ol so much, and no they brush all e, other bat! and let their at“! Ptt Rap ' 'ud good loony; mucn tptt'e,tt it mt so much on â€gaunt o rushi iueItnatteentttrtorttt Mon 'l/pull',',',,; torturing ft “all. giv,ats tt,trrrarreibeeheu of mop- "What guts... mm ias out of bui- nesiirGpisaeururfB. “drop! of rain fall on a dusty hat and every drop Spread: and fixes the dust on which it falls and makes the hat dingy. The game '""qG"irtiri; iiaiii i/rush their stair his " ttry M' iGAriettt.t.rett?.t rain falling _on a clean hut would luvs far less effect on its Ippearxnce. "Brmsh your straw hat, and the rib- bon, too, just as you would any other, and you will have the satisfaction of keeping it in fair condition. a hat fit to wear the sensor: through." It you shonld‘look at a detailed coast our-l vey chart at San Francieeo, you would oh-l serve that the broad penuinsule. extending southward like a sheltering arm between the ocean and the inner hay is creased and dim- pled in a. great contusion ot mountains; that it has runny indentations ot coats. may streams. end here and there a wee late. But no scrutiny of the chat would lead you to attest' it is a veritable Adirondacks alone by itself on the western ridge of the world. From the time of my earliest recollec- tion I used to stand upon the hills at my native town and look longingly .ecroee the five miles of white-capped water in the harbor to the alluring heights or this, to the. inaccessible region. it was always new to look at, never the same tor two consecutive days. tn the spring. when the clouds rolled trom its heights, its steep, lean hills were green with fresh grass. and I could see those smenrs and masks ot yellow wild flowers. which some some say suggested the name of the Golden Gate. In summer came mileleng streaks ot white tog. halt obscuring it " times; the rain ceased. and, almost in as day. the hills changed to deep rich brown. In the autumn came the clear, dry north winds. making tt seem so near and sharp against the sky, and the gaunt cliffs stood forth in all their reddish-brown and rel- lows, sheer to the white surf line. in ‘wlnter came the rains again, and, as sud- denly as before, it changed from brown to >green and gold.. - A v __T_M A- _-n eh.- -rs6eoe. ugh-Ink DR. AGNEW’S OATMEAL POW- DER.-Htev. w. B. Main, pastor of the Baptist Emanuel Church. Bunnie. gives strong antimony tor, and is I. tlrm believer in Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhat Powder. He has tried many kinds ot remedies wlthont an". "After using Dr. mew's Cumin] Powder I wu benefitted " once," are " words. It is I. wonderful remedy. so eetstsc-d6 new“ ...... Be'"'. Later on I used to san the waters which bounded it. There were smooth reaches extending tar inland. and tortuous tribu- taries struggling through marsh lands. al- most to the various buttresses of its Vesu- vius; and angry sheets of water, so broad that one might sail any till the hills dropped below the horizon. And, skirting Along under the red-brown cum - 300 lee: high they rose-Otto could sail out through the Golden Gate, pm the iron-bound hood- lnnd on the north. with its veiling siren, and Ball for days up the coast tit he dared get so tar from home on the Pacmc) dittt a line at growling breakers 1nd towering cults on the one hand, and the llmuiess ocean on the other.-From "The Land ot Tarralptrisr," pr Benjamin Brooks, in the July gerituaer's The popular time for a trip to New York Will be about the time of the West Shore or New York Central excursion on August 14th and August Mth, reaps“. “Bahia Drago, at 69% Yonge street, To- ronto, will gladly furnish partieulars on application. Russian Treasury Houses. l If there should ever be an invasion of Russia by the little yellow men of the east the first treasure houses to be sack- ed would probably be the churches, for the Russian cathedrals are fairly en- crusted with precious gems. The dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral, in St. Petersburg, iis covered with copper overlaid with [pure gold; $250,000 worth of gold was used for this purpose. m the cathedral Iof the Kasan there is a cloud of beaten gold above doors of solid silver twuty feet high. In the cloud of gold appeu's the name of the Deity, emblazoned in diamonds. This church also contains a. picture of the Virgin Mary encrusted with gold and jewcltto, the value of $75,- ingy. Wireless Telegram' . Once in a while you see a. self-nude man, but lawsee,, look at the women! mun one nun-nu†._.Fe".- -- v_- ~-_._-_. Mining a few women and some plpe artists, the goat is as strong-headed u anybpdy. ffii fin, ever see a. great nun who took time to pour tobacco from a, slouchy bag into a. square of rice pa.- pert , A , A "itA, a terrible thing to say, and yet many a man became a. victim to the bottle at the hands of his mother.’ The woman are always able to speak for themselves. Then why should they expect the men to stand up for them in the street cart - flit Gatters not whether you find it on the boarding house table or on the stage, French dressing is usually pretty thin. a... I saw "fp yii, let A Kansas City woman is suing for divorce because nine years ago her husband hit her on the head With a hatchet and she has not been able to talk since. Apparently the man was "tisfied.--Kantsas City Drovertf Tete. gram. "It“ "VI“ “I†Juvv\A-1 w Ull‘, VIA-“y VI, V. "" 000. all: the Cathedral of the Assump- tion, located inside the Kremlin, is the most sacred picture in al Rush, the Vir- gin of Vladimir, {minted by St. Luke, and adorned by jewe s valued at $22590. ARRANGE YOUR VACATION ACCORDINGLY. A Wars Not Near on End. (Weshington Times.) Despite its horrors. wu- grill persist as long as the struggle tor existence, the eitort ot self-preservation end the economic eon- teltn ot trade engage our attention. or war: and minors ot were there will be no end until humanity is evolved into â€mating higher than it now is. Nevertheless. use- ieu wars, were of are vaittslorr, were wax- ed only for mere p use. should he with ed, end can be. There is occasion new for the world to bring pressure to beer upon William ot Germany. Unless he an be quieted. unless his impulsive neture a. be soothed into something ' mat, he qrttt I“. cipltnte a wet that mint be 'traatrtttti to his own people. ~‘ No need; A comp fhttter. San Praneiaett'tt Beautiful Huber. " horrors. war will persist as' -o'-"e-'"'--"--"-" - y struggle tor exirterace. the elfort A ". servnuon and the economic con- M ICA no 0 Pl Pd Q, de engage cl:- attcnitxlon. Ot war: 5 ot wars t ere ST I be no end , men unity is evolved into munching 2 For steep f" 1ilt., easv.l It it now is. Nevertheless. new mraterprmrf, ttre Ttrot", "C. wars of more vttinglorr, wm war taiit, cheaper than other mm , tuber-e elf-gmâ€; Ihould be restrict; e u n e. ere s occasion now for "yd r . It to bring pressure to bear upon I/ ' a.“ “up Pr ramp l Guzman}. h'.,"),"',', he an be r -r ' “I duties: this pt-ip-ut. l as: is impu sive nature on be M, ‘r’r: Tr='sd I o something like rest, he will pm- . . _ ’, I V:\ I - ' I ION Mich wt!“- that must be diam to J, e !MIt ' , tlhht L o e. _ ' _ U n has more friends than he e 'sl, L P' so: Rebeca street, . . . ‘ _ . MANT T I CAIIADA. invent will either bll it or L 0 ' _-i--------------.-.--.-,-.--. .099...†TORONTO t. 0tware be no end gaunt!“ Difficulty bu been experienced in ob- taining itiiuninatine gu from the coal obtainable in the PM?» Islands, and the: experiment the Varmint labor- storte have lound that a much better guilty of gu is obtainable from the oil of coconuts. , A . " . _ -_.._--,.;_ nrn not Cocoanut oil is a. commerciu proaucc end therefore readily obtainable, and a gas from this source mny be mnde In more chewa than by the me of eoU. The oil is elowly fed into red-hot re- tort: and vohtilines rapidly, there being but a small residue of tar. So succesdul have been the “ferment: that there is already , agitn. ion on foot to intro- duce the on into the United States in sections where coal cannot readily be had. It is asserted that because of it: greater pror1etis'enee, in gas, bulk for bulk, it wou_ld be possible to make use of the oil NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA In going to above points take direct route, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five not express trains daily, from Suspenlion Bridge, Niagara Falls. Trains of G. T. R. make direct connection at Suspension Bridge. The Lehigh Valley has three stations in New York uptown, near all first class hotels and business houses; downtown, near all European steamer docks, saving passengers for Europe a. long and expensive transfer. Secure your tickets to New York or Philadelphia via Lehigh Valley Railroad. marriage and hyphen. We do not wish to be discouraging, but we must confess that we do not be- lieve society will ever rest on any oth. er basis than Christian marriage no we now have it. Polygamy still survives in ocuntries of different religions and has been signnlly revived in our own. (Jer- tain nameless relations, false and delus- ive images ofpmtrriatwrp.v.hi,c.1i/?1.e,nfirf5 ive images of marriage, which can never eventuate in homes, forbid the wild trope of time-limited unions. Nothing but marriage as we have it is thinkable, and the only question with the philosophic mind is how to make it tolerable when it can not be made lsappy.-HtuTer's Weekly. . A CASKET or PEARLS.---Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove I great solace to the disheartened dyspeptic it he would but test their potency. Ther'" variable gem in preventig the seating of stomach dividers. by titling and otimuhtin. digestion-UO ot the†tend "with" in n box. and they,“ 85 cents. Recommended by most eminent ptsrsieitrus.-44 (Nebraska State Journal.) Nothing grate: more discordantly upon the dellcnte ear of n delicate-perm", than to hear . women using profane end indellcnta amuse. A one of tint kind was recently reported in this county ,nnd the court we! asked to discipline her/with n fine. Alter heerlng both sides ot the story he comprom- ised the case by merely taxing her with the costs. But why should A women be as- sessed damages for using profane languege when men are permitted to render the atmos- phere henvy with the smoke ot their war-ls without danger at police interference? In. eiiy it must be quite es wrong tor e um to‘sweer " the mules as tor a woman to eweer at the neighbors. and it in only that we ere not no need to st that man. u. ehudder when Matilde says it. on. AGNEw's' OIIMENI wuss PtLEW-rtehing, Bleeding. and Blind PHI. Comfort in one application. It cure: in three to In nights. It cum all skin du- cues in young lad old. A remedy beyond compare, and it never tails. 35 eettts.H8 compare. v I I - - - v v - - -- Tttat trrareiot" may. II t posit!" can for m (can. anâ€. Write tor -iptt" circuit? Ind [no sample. R. B. loan-L. “asâ€. Out. WSOM§ 3W; . on t.'tttttet.t.efeeffff" - Willie had a firecracker, Couldn't nuke it go, And so he knelt wove the thing And puffed " cheek: to blow-- tttet.'.---'.--." ::e&'.'.'.'T88----- Fredie had} Roman rocket. - "fti"iihrrCtG {Mia mu out, He looked to see it the than; w" lit; It was without lgpgbt. (EEK. mime cont. On Women Swearing. '" Phllip’llll GOI- is a. commerchl product readily obtainable, and a. source may be made far Inn by the use of coal. " Tragse. '1' Wy a“: C' -. 33 'iii.ky,B5kCij'i?, newsman: â€Mlidlm.u- “an“. M man â€than and Plato. Luv- nunmol n no. Ind Toronto 1.; pan. on “allâ€. My. not! human (or Bay of Quin“. loam sud harmo- um pom. now 341:: ABOVE LINE. 81mm: TORONTO AND KINGSTON. “In Toronto a ' g. m. any, except sun. mt. From July 1 any. Roch-star. Thou. and III-mu mm. 3:. uvmce. Montreu_ liter and Hum; Bar, Tulounc, than“, or. "'r17r"mm-ttoo only to R. R. mm: a mu M. In Cull... Watch: PM"... “out. Toronto. The portray') of the Dowager Emma. of ftltt tet",', 2iht American art- int, 1, wh ch has been on ex. hibition " the St. Louis Fair, is to 5. the warty of thia country, an unox. Implod nor and difficult to understand. It will probably be placed in the White House, as no art gallery would be thought a respectful resting place for so august a gift. Indeed, considering the audio†gf, P, people, the painting 1m . o a portrait of a Chino» ruler . a aging innovation. It is said that this portrait, like former Chinese drawing! of the Empress, is mi~10nding, as it depicts a large woman, while she i. in fact, . little woman. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. but!“ Jun. July. August Ind September the Chm" and North Western Railway nu all from Chicago round trip excursion tick. ca to 8n handset». Lo- Anselm. Portland, Or... (um-fa Glut. Expositiom. Sen. tle, Vim " Vinoouver, u very lor runs, compendium]; cheap “we from Ell points in Can“; C Mee ot routes, hm of mm tel-vice. avenue stopovers, and Imam mm limits. Run. folders and full infor- muon an be obtained from B. H. Bennett, General “out. 2 King mt east, Toronto. Luann of Ion! Life. (St. Louis Republic.) The rural town in met becoming n my in in xenon! ownintnentl. accommodations, runners and nyle, Ind it is the menu In Museum-tin: the let-t idea and conveni- ence. anon; surmount forms. Through m- ' [mu ud memento the country in 'yotttt m to any. War to the my- “ ','t.1'G,' qt will“. 'hlch human in- ummy In Gui-Inc. The present is an m ot luxury. Every urban home has the '.'.. vestiture of I when in A former puma: in not. tt more. with the common excepmn of nine no! ma not. more and better mm- tiu tor only living. Every country 1mm in compmtlvely " well furnished. Alma-t All the contort which is loud in th" my home an In insulled Ind enjoyed m the 'gtteqt W tsnnhouo- Inn; in an out. ot-Lhe-vny loulity. Ont. KIDNEY "mt-T.---'-',' no time tor experimenting when you've dr- cove!“ that you In I victim ot some one form or “0th.! of kidney disease. in hold of the tutu-eat am the thousand: hm piqued tttMr “it! til I!!! It}: mired ',rtISkl.r. GriaGaiGiir. -teoiriii lineman may Cure sund- â€than In the world of name a an - Butterer's must iriene.-m Antennae. Long toxemia. (mane ttpot-ts-Review-) Mother Stanton! mend prophecy, so long tended u the most wonderful pred)euot1 ever uttered tyttft it VII waged if: pave. been Evul urns-In- um-.. .‘ n..- r.er - a “take." filled to provlde for the autumn. bile. unions!) the did foretell the Ream loco- motive. But the automobllm's case War an- tictpnted, may centuries ago. See Nahum, chum:- 2. were. " "The chulots :han ran In the MI: they "all 'ostle one agrsisrt another in the broad ways; they shall "ettt "he torches; they that! run like the um- lot the Sam Wife. (Town ma Gummy.) ttttron-OF'. wife used to he t mm. 304 not an it quite thin. Whn ed the change. I woods}? ._, " -'VatoiiLui'ivitros. This wife. Mugs." TORONIO-MON [REAL LINE Portrait of Chinese 1hnpresa. ma omen. Hamilton. Hamilton- Montreal Line 'IF:?'; owmooo Isn't theâ€. 'tiF $31.1 _'i'irf"jl)); WIT] .' TO Wi? The Gen. He is the y i M' [ am " my suf livi I ' . o---"" 0900‘ tho r of th " (-rf lt it. Penman: cable deipl ttttr; t of M. Wine, plat to be chief plempotentury - motutxcns to be comm; “Weâ€, which was :5ng â€mutiny powers. Not minim: was torwarded to E?, on the North German .113 from Cherbourg o riat It“ il a ll tl tttl Rea-on way Want to Go even orde under But I m '% Will Die at the my Be muster of "" Trepofi' D00 1 Will Die a It an the Leading Lib His Appointm " PAY TOO P001t of th w a wooMWW IN th It “no†Doom w i Signs Hi Chief Pea: in " tl fr to Int-net " n Conferem " h ll th "