West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1905, p. 1

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2.75 S) '.90 .25 from . it h , pig 'rlllal 99; nith the Mile 37:? t' I: Eli’f‘mes Ireland. _ g ttt to the , if de- E 0 we g tilosiery i,1,1),/t1 tr""""""'"'""" tgtggitggtng=glg VOL. XXVII. NO. 30 '5%1iagiiaernsiigiiggeggNatgenggiitggnggsitingegi'iiii' Ladies' Parasols Dress Goods Underwear Taffeta Silk for Shh-Waist Suits, brown and white , navy and white, white& black in pin checks503 I " Jap Taffeta Silk. plain cream. white. brown, black. blue, red, 27inch at...... .... .....50cto 6th, Extensive range of0otton Dre- Goods. .. . .. ..10c. 15c, 200 Silk and wrxtlmixtaregat...... ........... ..... 50eto 75c Cotton Voile at.... .... ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .18e and 256 2:32:03 Dress Gingham. Muslims, Mercerized het.e All sizes Men's Baibriggan Underwear. . .. .25e to 60e no): Extensive range Ladies' Cotton Vests ' special values at...............),", 20nd 23c. . very sijietiii iii]..:.".-..".-."...-.,.... ......25and 3tht Rockribbed Cashmere IIase.... .... .... .........30to400 . We can sell you Hosiery if you DSlery give us a Chance. We are ad- mittedly headquarters for popular priced goods. Our Stock is still well assorted. Ladiea' fast black plain cotton Hose. ....... . .. . ..12§ to 15tt " full fashioned seamless.........20 to2ths Ribbed biack cotton hare, heavy weight for boys . . . . . . .250 Complete rantreFiies'and Misses’ Cashmere hang1 . -.. a." One Ounce of Satisfaction is worth a Ton of Talk special value. ”C‘NG O‘QOQOQO G‘C‘W. OQGQOQO Paragon fume Heel rod, silver trimmed handle. See then for itil iittltt It has been discovered that Owen Sound’s electric light plant. owned by the corporation, is no longer able to supplv the demands made upon it, The plant was taken over by the town from a private company three years ago. At that time there were Idi00 incandescent lamps in operation, and there are now 7,2N in use. The plant will probably he remodelled or enlarged. This con- dition of attairs is regarded by the townspeople as an unmistakable proof of the advantages of municipal owner- tship.--Ex. HONORABLE Dte.uaNo.--Lmrt spring a cattle dealer named O'Brien, from Fergus or near it, was around buying cattle, and paying the very good price then going. Among others, he bought from Brigham of Allan Park. Jas. Mc- Ilvride and the McKenzie Bros. of Bentinck. He shipped a lot a month or two ago. going to the old country with them and promised to be back on June 20th. This date arrived and no sign of the buyer and soon after the parties began to suspect that the great drop in the price of cattle was leading him to jump his purchase and leave them in the latch. Acting on this the Me- Kenzie's sold their cattle receiving, of course, much less for them than at the Brat sale. The others mentioned had not parted with theIr’s when on Mon- ‘dav last along comes O'Brien, who had been detained in the old country from iunforeseen causes, but prepared to pay who full priceagreed upon. He trot the cattle. the sellers generously throwing lotrssi,i. per cwt. This done Mr o'. Brien sought out McKenzie's and paid them the diference in cold cash they were out, owing to his failure to reach 2 here on m June. Hr O'Brien can do ‘all the business he wants round here “new. rod, preventing mm from going under more than a. few inches and a. cotnpan- ion who had eeen the mishap secured hie rescue. To have hot dry cement worming into mouth, we and eyee even for e few minutes was an undesir- able experience. ALMOST 8srormmmh--A mic-step of some kind in the Cement storehouse last week olmoet proved fatal to Mr. G. Wilson, He fell amongst the cement and under s hopper pouring out more. Luckily. he was able tograap an iron [held in melodrama swam in nr. Glands at Tucker’s Corner t " A suc- Griuimijetitm but just been cloned as the Ebenezer appointment. on the Priceville Circuit. In a. small church between fifty and sixty conversion; took place, atMrf1tt, joined the Method- lat Church. Rev H. B. Magee, Confer- ence evangelist. assisted the pastor. Rev W. b'. Roach. " DURHAM, THURSDAY. ~er gr, 1905 m At12 noon on Thursday 20 July. ll very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs Adam Robert- son. the bride being their eldest daugh- ter Ella. who in uniting her name and fortunes, with Dr Arthur Burnett, of Hamilton. The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr Farqnharson. the bride's pastor, in the presence of abcut forty guests. The bride was led in by her father while the wedding march was played by Mrs Blackwell of St Mary's. The bride. one of Durham’s loveliest young maidens, was attractively attired in cream sill: hatiste over taffeta and carried a ho- quet of white roses and ferns. The bridesmaid. Miss Jessie Robertson was equally attractive in cream mm'g rem ins. Mr David Eagle. Windsor, was groomsman. The ceremony over and hearty con" granulation: the company partook of a. sumptuous dinner, and after an hour or no ot social chat the happy couple left by the afternoon train on a honeymoon trip of three weeks down the St Law. rence to Prince Ed. Island and Nora Heath. followed by the hearty good wishes of the guests. On their return they will take up residence in Hamilton. There was a lot of beautiful presents- teetimony of esteem for the bride. The groom’s gift to the bride was apiane. to brideamuid a. pearl ring, to groom:- mnn can links, to organist a pearl crescent. Among guests from a distance were; Mrs John Robertson and non Ron. 01-min; Mn Barnet, Gait. the groom’s mother-, Mr, Mrs. and Miss Alina. Thornbury; Mn Idle and daughter Jean, Thornbury; Mr and In Black- well. St Mary’s. 7 Inenovnn Prtmuturtr,--Mr J. A. Del! ' 5 line has had somethin' doin' since Mi , cl wing of the Bolt Dentistry won’t; I The Proprietor. Mr Calder, premium"? , got workmen to make connections . . l, tween the drug store and the rear "a ’ presto. comfortable, cool and attracti ‘ T ' ice cream parlors apnear. Just - I , week Mr Darling has had placed n Fl the back of the drug store an expend J __ plate glass mirror which gives an ill , .fr _ ory doubling to the trim little plum During the hot spell last week the J '. , l lore were popular places. . T I):, "?",, Mn. BEN Wanna Dun. -On Non-W any forenoon last the above sentient“ * Wu calledover the hardtora pe1sloi0, 17 _ illness. Only lately however V f I R trrt.tier1tottto'tto-' new; ' - ttgdrit will be missed from our streets. it He has long been a resident of the place Fl jsnd until a year or two ago took a or prominent place in its actiwties. He _ was in his 64th year and the trouble te was in the stomach, of a cancerous na- an ture. Besides his widow, a daughter of of Mrs Thou Vollet. he leaves as chief of mourners two sons and one daughter. on For nearly 20 years he drove stage out all of Durham for the late H. J. Mlddaugh. on He was a memter of the Oddfellow's vo Society, miller whose auspices he is to del be hurled today, Wednesday. He was red also a member of the I. 0. Foresters of l this place. and his foresight will he ap- pal predated in the home now made lonely spi by his loss. lift Movasa.-...Mr Morlock he: been may:V the forehead and m ing his household Roods this week in the head Which reqni his recently-purchased flne new reek! v.'t6ttmt beyond this an ence, just west of Inspector Campttel F dhoet she eeceped nth: where we will: forhim and hit famtl ri": The (lightened min many yenre of comfort and prosperity , "a Culbertson holdin DIRECTORS Mrmr.-A meeting of th _ the Wild rue "Ht Directors of the Grey and Bruce Int . _ 'g'tTts,'ate."5 ual Fire Insurance Co., met In t C F ' lest were ara Hahn House on Monday for the com! ,» f own "attle w” ‘Nu erauon if the usual business, editing“ 'rneh ed with e peed ROI mentof losses, etc. Mr D, MeDotwuk). a!" an d fortunately wi Mulock. is President,'. Mr tDan v!',' ". buggy. The impr Campbell. Hanover. Mnnngernnd Beeti" . '0" in the. trtable m trnd_theae mth wide-awake direct/93 pen d Mrs Culbertm and energetic agents are keepiugi' w .'.5 gm." stunned a. lit to the front. - _ BMW "tends hum constit- Dr Burt Specialist in Diseases of that eye. ear, nose and tin-ant, will be " the 1 Middaugh House Durham, to: con“!- tatlon on Wednesday. Aug 2frmn IO, to 4p. m.. Eye: tested. and at 3 fitted. '.l""ti tne utter place on Hondsy next. " On My lat Dr Wolfe, In Wolfe For: tugat--At the Hedges. Bum pm! In OulheI-uon were driving with Cuttter and other “ticks. Apply A "ttttie horse “d ttttttttr and while on 'rmLBornervitie. on the premises , Albert Street, south ot the Retrutry Woum's itrtrrtrxrrrr-A meeting o . . ce. the "it broke and the hm” ttot this body is to behold on Aug " " [latched Ind itteontronattie. It wont at the home of Mm. Thou McGlrr. Cori " a. full mead and dashed in a wide invitation to all. JEAN Bnowx. Seer “If": P front of the Reeutry ofBee wo- A Champion Foot-hall match hymen Ayton and Hal-min will be punt! " the latter plnce on Mondsy next. Burnett-Robertson. Matrimonial E figs-233R ih'a 13%;; - _ be” set ot M ' . Th . bs, " the hut In consul. . but 2from 10, 15,0" , d al""t, 'uqnd w" . s" icloua to been - the fa week in _ “the he aw raid that t Danube“. Chock ah Ill fun“ . . The ft rosperltri. my Our ‘ngof tht I tttthe, nos teutHt, wttt, 't ttt th M, s',.",',:',',,',',', 1e coming: Eb “we: A, 'tr1o1"tr'i, {it rushed Walk a. m, rDuncanf in ha 5nd Beers T I RI direetprk 9" on: m ngi Gels pand _ outwa- .'; Mum-uh . A. Datu (181:9 hm since tht, pue. At r POOH!“ wont-mi promptly , . :tionl ho- J. rem- "a.', ( tbert Lttmtl huh “I? Nothim IE ' n will cad n ”2 'ma apart-l , = 4}an to {up . n atta me plan. . all: clan 'ttte , g gal-Iva W; 3 l The um " Noni'. 'ttending national- I . mtton, rolpucod - ton-eh hin- q up ho naBhII" all _ehe' H; rstmts. Mondne I ,. C am. 'ttte' ty ta a., ' Alt qt o 'MB nmrt 1'1! The beautiful grounds of " Idylwild " --the meme property recently purotma- ed bv the Presbyterian body, were throntted on Tuesday evening by an unwanted crowd. The loveliest of weather prevailed all day and evening and Reg Mr Fnrquherson and his tant- ily had the grounds. lawns, ete., in splendid shape. clean, uneven and at- traetive, This was the timt opportunity many had had of seeing the fine residence and surroundings. the cree- tion of the late Mr Parker, and expressions of delight and satisfaction were freely made. The nature! beauties of tiee and shrub and flower were enhanced in the evening by special electric light tuirttpr, shining on gay and loyal trappings, dainty tables sun ounded by chatting groups. and waited on by willing wsitresses. The Durham hand was present and added greatly to the charm of the eyening though to the regret of many. and tomone more than to the committee, the promised piper was not there. On learning of his Inability to be present. tttrorta were made by wire and otherwise, to supply his place, bu t were not successful. Two sets of quoit players had some keen gun“. croquet in another spot furnished amusement while the young- sters rsn wild for . time amongst so mv"hidey places." Ort future oc- casions this feature will need some restrsint. Wednesday forenoon u we write the patient is still improving and in good lpll'ill sud needless to say the cloud ll lifting from the hearts of loved ones. We sincerely that the parents mar long enjoy the Inn-blue that come: from the lute and health of their only and manly , i.' les were passed In safety before ,, on stable was reached into which '; ", rushed with speed somewhat slacken- ' my] and fortunately without upsetting l' 'tFt buggy. The impact against par- loos in the stable caused a sudden b psnd Mrs Culbertson was thrown , gun's: stunned a. little. but almost . ”mulously was otherwiseluniniured. " T She has no desire for another such a , Pile. At latest accounts Mrs Wolfe is i, Progressing nicely. Hixmg with the crowd of Presbyter- ian. were 3 number from the other churches in town. lududlnt Revda. Bloc and Newton. Rev. Me Calling be- ine unable to be meant. It takes few words to tell of this. but few can mature the intensity of the onxiety felt by the parent- ond friends of the tsttthteer during the anxious hours of the night. and succeeding day. The outcome will be hailed with delight by alt who know the popular young man and we hove the greatest pleasure in voicingthe sentiments of the town in delight at the prospect of his early recovery. I RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO f -. between a mutant! the brick build- . The swerve threw the Doctor out hut soon enough to clear the build- . hut Mr: Wolfe who followed was , Mic-own With force against the bricks was ueverelvinjured. being uncali- i F [out fnrnwhile. She received A cut the forehead and another on the tide k the head which required some etitch- . Nothing for some time came upon the n with no sharp and painful . end- i, lean the announcement on Sun- eyening that Bred Jemima had n stacked with appendicitis. He t in church in the morning and took ';iidrtvat with hiefether in the efternoon. '5;The eeverity of the attack led the _tt"gi,',t,t, physiciene to decide on on __ notion. end the wires were brought into meto have Dr HeDoneid home: my holidaying " hie home in Sea-- t 33,." bond end mined hen} Mood-y "temtoon. Dr Groves, of Fergus, come up in the evening And the I operation wee emcee-fully performed. 13 Operation for Appendicitis. [abut beyond this and the not-vow Chock the mteaped other injuries. "' The frightened animal rulhed on, '" Calla-than holding to the buggy. Presbyterian Garden Party. witnessed hv a numue,/uo-i,aii ler no assistance. Seven] rim and who were pulsed In safety before Almost A Fatality. 0-. cGirt's) 'nt on umbton St A SUMANTIAL UnAxt--aoene of the money which you into the thousand dollar more“ in the lnde-nlcy to the members of the Home of Common: Is eoretetttharktothe people In . direct manner by the personal donation of 3500. to the North Grey Agriculture! Societies prize list by I r W. P. Telford, M. P. The direcwu hen been called to meet and rearrange the prize list to accommodate the ttmnt.--Times. We The Buy Store On the Buy Corner Mr. J. Ross Robertson, proprietor of the Toronto Talc-gum. bu decided to am n mum'- home in Toronto a n metnortat of hi- wife and only donghter. The building will cost 875.0(1). Mr. Robert.” is one of the few philanthro- pists Toronto bu. _ July Weddings R. B. KEELER all SONS , Some of Dundulk'l prominent citlum are Agitation for the purchase by the village at Doyle's Grove " I. Park, Would that Durham'. prominent citi- zen. were engaged in a similar manner. tom. ' rtattiifdr" Ga GGiTiie Damn Tur'","?, t S,gt"a"lttr m t 5i'it,'i't,l'il'ait'ilizi't,'0ei??,f won]: - tt went a an apart.“ in; lf exhibition may be arranged a ton. on the tield. asking the rubber from the Duke's home and my"): " to Durham’- home 'epmtedir.' Donny mam. Shclhourne. who tittuted on the IOMM‘ Grey's line-up Int moon. was Mom. and kept the player. 'ttt well In hand although it looked seven time. u though Madonna would have mbemthomohy expma0.0. D." A Thy-{turn patch yttth.the, Welling- Tho following in from the Sun's write- up." Pete 1‘an qtood in front of the Durham trottltV.eprr, walnut and have. with all his mimdignity 'tart. rd upon but countenance. He disting- Ief.f hinge}! hy_p_luying choke-t gum l It was lumior and clean Incl-mm- Ethel: detented the Dukes Friday. The teem was slightly changed from that [which pleyed Hanover u Fred Glen. B. Lorelle and Bert Home took the [places of C. I‘velle. Hunter and Crew- l ford. Referee Hedi" of Bhelhurne. ihndon we" took with the Durham. Inot one being ruled on. while at number el, the Wellington. adorned the fence. rhlettr for rough work. Both Will ‘Invelle and Gill were Ind up with cuts and when around the head and neck. Irttluiied by Chemey. for which he was ruled " " diffeeeitt timer. his testa ltnt-elllng over a quarter of the some. r Incidents. not Accidents. like thh have Ruled the national game in our County capital. " only email -tu--etot the most desirable class at tttu-attend the game. there. Owen Bound mud the ttret lwn in the 2nd quarter while Durham moved Pete. In tho third unrtereuh mm scored twice, and the1ut - the fut- eat Inhomof the game. The Dukes saw their champion-hip chances alip- ping quickly and thee fought every inch of the way. The Nun and white. howeyer 'tood the pace. addinz tho Heinz and winning gosh. and Owen Sound was out. seam however to win the district but. if a double schedule um played. would have A splendid opportunity. Hanover by this game. eittcham the dis- trict. as they 'umadr have won three games. Victory hm ftmt1ly rated with the Durham [new hon. but Why they took the Wellington; into own right on the Momma moan, Owen Sound. md in A nip-ond4uck match won oat by tr and. to 4. The Durham have utrpck the" stride too late in the Durham Defeat: the Wellington. Wedding R , Fine Pearl gtl,$eli,jll8tid lit-gems. Lockets. "Watches and Chains. show everything needed in the Jewelery line for the Bride and the largest & best stock of Silvemre ever shown outside the urge cities We can ssve you money on every article we sell. We have just received . large ship- ment of Jewelery, consisting of CHAS ELEM“. Dunn m Pusan-n. E322: LI M U tl

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