West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1905, p. 4

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it” " Ft ttgt do cl ll " tex It I " his ti 25:137.: Cooperation is not altogether a new system of doing business. It has been running with increased success in England for over 50 years. It has been successful in many of the States of the Union where it has saved thousands of dollars to the farmers. We are the first to introduce it here and already have urge numbers of testimonials from members showing the amounts saved to hem by dealing with us. It costs you only .20 to become a. member and. We may save you that amount on one purchase. We can supply you with any machine or Im- plement need on the farm or in Four home. We do not sell cheap goods but we sell first-class goods (hear. , he old style of doing business has cost you much money. Why not try the new way? Union is strength and we want every farmer in this vicinity to become a mem- her and help us to build up what will be one of the strongest organization of farmers in Ontario. The Farmers' Mig a Supply 00., Ltd n Bevin lacuna. McCluy Stoves for Coal :or naymo " Agent for the Dillon 11mg. Buy In“. peering A? aweséers SOMETHING may 1N WA§HERSz The Perforated Drum. any in the Idea Burling’s Erna Sisoms----rcacs aii1ll.!lStitis The New Baby . $67. Darling, We have just received a. large consignment of New Full Goods consisting of 250 yds MUSLIN s, rag. 10,&_150, clearing at 56 yd 350 yds FLANNELETTE, reg. 7c, clearing. .53 yd 100 pr Ladies' COTTON HOSE, regular 15c, clearing at.........................locpr 97... 5 doz Ladies' Wrappers from.. . . .50c to $1.50 each 3 doz Ladies' Night Gowns from..750 to 1.26 etch which we have to offer to our customers at low prices Made up in the latest style, in black, brown, navy and tweed "trests, trom.. . . . " " fad/of Wrappn: and 'tlight .900»: We can give onlg " were list of our nooda. but "I quality and adaptability to t e. needs of South Grey we are not, excelled: Bearing Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Haley’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned "tides, fair puke- m: lore" Sereda, gtamaetettea, 'tther.. petal“, £adin’ Sheayar-a- &ttrts, Wrapper: and Wudomar. gain (Slarh. Also Wilhelm’l Wrimtem, Call at the warerooms in Hunter's Block. Get our prices on Machine Oil before you start haying. 200 acadioa’ 'ttro" &tirta The heat in their line as we handle only the beat. NEW 00008 '. .7. Warlock. Jame Clearing: in Jummer Soods COOPERATION Can! and ' fun. ‘53 n farm Machinery. a Yott'll find all these at Darling's Drug Store. All the goods we sell are pure, carefully made, the right thing for the purpose. If youlbave a prescription to fill this is the place to bring it. Everything fresh and good. Needs Pure Drugs, Hy- genie Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet Preparations. all made by Watwn of Ayr. We Bank on Quality. fthe people’s' Druggz'st. A few doors Bouth of no Imam Home. Wood THE 0W1: friert6, It mum Sniper vat! ”Bethe. lauds-y to an minutia- than. In Adan Weir and daughter In. J all. are visiting Buhto friends. In Dr Button and children mound- intt n few weeks Way in Pricoville. Mr Cecil Gun came home Int week and in a guest " " mother's for I week or so. Mr Arch W Hunter, is home from Neel“ College, Montreal, forthe holl- an". Ibo Mary Vollot returned Wednes- day to Hamilton the! . month's visit. at home. Min Anderson. who has been the guest of Mia. J. Ireland. left Wednes- on for her home in Birth. Uranus-I. and later Rogers, Mt. Parent. In visiting their rehtives u Inspeetor CImphell'I. Mr Karl Newton, is upending at few week: " his home here at" an about. of three your. in Bt Louis. Mr Arthur Allen to spending the hot. idaye with relatives In Uaruraxa. Mr. sad Mu Allan also go this week. Mines Jessie and Effie Hunter left on Friday but to spends few weeks with Miss Lick, formerly teacher here, near Oshawa. Mn Wm. Largo. (nee Id: William) in visiting with her went. and is ex- pected to he joined by her husband this Mm. L, Bomervitte. and an intimate friend Mm McArthur of Toronto are at the.Hedgu. Mrs. Hunter ll coming Boon. Miss Sophia Jack, Toronto. came home lant week to spend a. lmlidav round the old home and leaves on Sat- urday next. Mrs. Sham, Acton. her daughter, and gran'dcbildren. we visiting at Mrs. ty parents Mr and Mrs Duncan Campbell, N. Bontinck. Mr Moore McFadden went to Mr. Por. est on Monday, relieving Mr Ellis. Drought, more for 3 week. week. Mr and Mrs Tocher, and three chil- dren are guest: with the latter": brother Inspector Campbell. Their home in in Montana. Dr Gun was a delegate hut week from the local Lodge of Free Masons to the meeting of the Provincial body in Hamilton. Mr David Kinnee went to Toronto on a busmess trip on Monday. He was ac- compsnied by Mr Potter, 5 saw-mull man from up north. ' Misses Mary and Myrtle Little. of Holstein, wen guests with Mr and Mrs John Clark, Saturday, on their way to visit among Bentinck friends. Mrs Ivy, Port Dover, her daugh- ur Mm Gilbert and little grand-daugh- ter are visiting the tottnerU sitter Miss Jeanie Burgess at the home of Mr Wm. ridge. Miss Burgess, though in her 92nd year, is recoveling from the ac- cident to her arm. Miss Olivene Marshall and little broth.. er Archibald, of Ottawa, arrived last week in town. and will spond a length- ened holiday with aunt and uncles here, the Rohettson's in UpperTown. Miss Gibson. of Wroxoter. who was a guest ot the Ireland home here for a few days returned Monday neeompanied by Master Noel Dickson. Miss Dorothy the latter'. sister. remains for a while. Mr Geo Tumbull. Br, who has been for a month ortwo back a sufferer from errsipehr ...-a almost recovered and we are pleased mace we. able to attend the garden party nu Tuesday evening. Mr and Mrs And Derby. attended the golden wedding of the latter's parents, near Hampden, on Tuesday but. Five of the seven children attended the cele- bration, two being in the Northwest. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Coop- er. Mrs James Thompson and three chit. dren of the Boo, accompanied her sister- in-law Min- Lydia. Thompson (who had been visiting up there) back to Durham. The former after yisiting relatives here left for South Bgremont to risk. her mother, Mrs Wilson. Mrs Hanna of Mt, Forest. a Pmid- cm ot the Bnuseen Pmbyterinl W, If. M. B. visited Durham last Thursday and adduced the ladies of that Society here and the Mmion Band in noble and inspiring effect. A good collection wan taken up in aid of the foreign mu. eion fund. Mr Jon. Lauder of B. 0., is visiting his msnv relatives around here. who are pleased to welcome him amongst them once more. Amongst others he is making ncnll on is Mr Alex Meuan, ot Bentnnck. who formed his acquaint- ance in the West some years ago. and whose brother Hugh ls still there. Imam. mmmrrr-Rommirtt--on Thmday, July Nth. at the residence of tho bride. by the Rev Wm Familiar-on. ArttusrG'.Batrnett,D. 0.8”!!! Bun- mon. to Elk, “he of Mn Robert-on, In" at Dull-n. Ont. "'i'-.'4 ira'W, lea“: , t ”my“ "rt" Lrk":7f3ri': let: who apnoea the-{n of on indemnityr 't,h'lltgtth'l'St,d'l was. Mn tot-rm not " Poet Aztlan-and 'iiu7GiiimiiiitiiGiiG by leaeeoraa Manchu-a wan by vir- tue of military motivation. but in tea ionic. the title being gunmen! by tasty and nnqnationable under in. ternational law. Until tome tine early in the 17th century. tbkUlitt, which in long namw island hunting the maritime portion at lanehnria which Chine ceded to Basia more than any years ago, was under the dominion of Chino. When Chine-o ,qhtyittittPsed the Japeneee estab- Iiehed colonies on the Southern end of Sakhalin. which they continued to no- copy until 1875. In that year Rania. whoee commercial and military agents had founded settlements aid built smell fortitietttiong in the pottheryt Portion ofered Japan some at the is. enda in the Kurlle group in exchange for the lower end t Sakhalin. The records do not show whether Japan made the exchange voluntarily or otherwise, but made it was and tor the last thirty years Sakhalin from Cape Elizabeth to the Strait of u Peronte has been a Russian pee-don. At any time within the last year Japan could have taken Sakhalm. It was lightly garrisoned. most of the defend- ers being convicts compelled to do military duty during their term of detention. The very helplessness ot the colony undoubtedly induved the Japanese to postpone their attack upon it until the vmizhtier problems fl't sented by the Manchurian camoa so. by the siege ot Port Arthur and lastly by the arrival of the Baltic fleet in Eastern waters. had been ftoally solved. The purgose of the Russian Government to oifcr the ceeeion ot Sukhallnasan equivalent for an in- demnity was long ago suspected by Japan. That purpose if it has existed at all, has now been most effectively discounted and Japan :s in possession ofa cogent argument which can be employed by her plenipotentiaries in their efforta to secure a peace agree- ment in all respects satisfactory to the Mikado. Commercially. Sakhalin is at email account. but politically it counts foragreat deal when thrown into the scale along with Port Arthur, Delay and the southern half of Man.. ts1ur'ia.-Broaklyn Eagle. There were many sad hearts on the llth of this month when the sad new-i Tread from home to home that Bessie, t e eldest and dearly beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs Clark of Var-ney had passed away at 10 o'clock the previous evening. Knowing Bessie well from infancy up to the time of her death the writer knew herto he a very pure mind. ed yonng girl. above the average in good trite",',),,"",".,,",',')., and knowledge. She had a prou dignity that would not let her countenance anything that was in anyway low or mean. and that would not listen to anyone speaking evil of another without quietly reprov- ing them, always loyal to her friends and to what was right. She will he very much missed in the League where her seat was seldom vacant. The fun- eral was held on the following Wed- nesday, the Sunday School children marched in line from her late home to the Methodist church where a very sol- emn and Impressive service was held by the Rev w. L. Newton of Durham. It was avery large funeral many being unable. to get into the church during the service. It was asad sight to see so "may boys and girls weepingly taking a last long lingering look of all that. re- mained o her who was so dear to them in life. Strong men and women wept at the scene and many beautiful Bowers and wreaths were laid by loving hands on her casket, which was a beautiful white velvet one also a pilltw of roses from the Sunday School where she was a member. Kind friends Went that worn and lined the grave with wedding. ferns and daisies and it did not seem to the sorrowing parents that their dar. ling’s body Was being laid away in the cold mug earth but rather in ssoft fleeey w its cloud so very becoming to their pure hearted t1ower)tovintr Bessie who gave her heart to the Lord some three years ago but dignot feel satisfied with her experience. he always seem- ed to long for and want the experience of older Christians but havmg frequent- lt talked with her we do not mourn as t cos who have no hope as her last testimony was that she was that“; fully in her Saviour. Many frien from Conn. Orchard. Bonessan and Durham were present at her funeral. the pail bearers being six boys from the B. School. N Aldred. Herbie Vollet. Max Allan, ilbert Blythe. Cameron Lauder. Willie Morrison. Blarht be the shroud that enfolds her ver 1'i','li',', be the velvety sod. Fullof . auty the cloud that Boats -Conn The Western Real Estele Exehon‘ze. 78 Dundee Bt. London. has tb large in of Farm. City. Town and village pro- perty for buyers to select from. If you can be united With a TIN,',', in this country, we can suit you i you want to buy. on can have our services free of charge to get you suited which mirht othermse cost you a. Rood deal of t we end money to look up yourself. Perhaps You may have a farm or some other real estate property you wish to sell. Oar commission: for sel- 2,'ti,t small, and remember we charge not. in: until " is sold. It never sold For further puticulu-o regarding the foregoing writ. to theaboigtddridotr iGGiN colt} you anything to let Ill try. We want . few good live mate in the Co. of Grey. In Mernorlattr--Besgie Clarke. o'er her -- fl 7 fl ___ if Dear Bessie has gone to her God. Are You Interested. ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO J0me Warns, 871 Simeon St... London. Ont I??? Wamnot sold on at allow Binder Twine yet. Do not lose this opportunity of securing the cheapest twineon the market. Just to hnnd " immense ship- ment ofScl-on. which Lou will thid much cheaper nun can purchased t lsewhcxe. Also some Spatula tor cleaning pots. See . tow a the am- plee in . nr north window. f Among our varied stock of Emmelwaro no u tttttttttttrot covered pails, very suitable for harvegt-tield we hove been fortunate in so- curing 3 stock of Putz Pounds for cloning silverware which we no sell- ing cheap enough for Iinwure. It your floor, require oiling try some of our Muxoline Floor Oil. Corner Yonge 3nd Alexander su. One ot the unrest and beat comments: schools in Cumin. All of our manta get petition. Write for hunduome Cauloxue tree. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prhteipal. With IMMeMteken at the Hahn House Stable or et the In!!! Omcz. will receive out but , attention. its Jil?, Wheelie» Does the present condition of your .eyes give you any reuon to feel nnx- lotta. The grave results that are so often experienced from lack of attention on your part. It costs you only the trou- ble of calling and have your eyes ex- amined, then you will be put wise as to whether they need specin we or not. You know the place. A. GORDON, Orders JUtt Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Syria, implement: . . Plonghs, Barrows, Drills. BettfBem etc. Enquire " this agency. far-nail», Watt/tum . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc, of this famous timo make. They give great satisfaction. Priced and terms to tttsit parehaaen. Pete, familiar: Otfsremty . . Hair Wipr a... y... we " out " (it with ' doing “he? N-ttca. that! ,rhr.rdtrtt'? '0' W Arer's Hair VI!" ttnd 'ifiihi_lfllrit,ig. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. Sth TWINE I TWINE i. mm - m m? "iaiuir,rttftrMttr9fE, GGiiGiiii.iidii1tted!!t .17; -dad you rem-- atrir an?! "iiiritittttrg,t Watchmaker, Jeweller, opiiciam I: (tti 'k. FR Ct": iti' a” ( Fs. f );1Q,,1' . 'l F ysy?ut " can h ", i 'o" Mt) “G" ' lil,"' seusorg--aptttutt" A REMINDER W. BLACK Enamelware REMEMBER Pomade for NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant tr R. 8. o. m. Chnpm Sec 38, and Amending Acts. than] persona hthIDR chum mot tho estate of the said Neil Me , who fied on or uhnut ttre lsth " of June A D, 1006, are herd)“ iii'ii'i, to lend hr post. prepaid or to vet to J PTolford. of the Lawn of Durham, Solicitor for the Executm s on or More the 27th DAY OF JULY. A D, 1905 thew omen. Add”. and dearriptiorvt and . full We!“ of partwuhm: at their claim and the nature of the se- unity. (if in) held by them, duly cer- ttttmr, and "the Bald day. the exe- cutor. will raced to distribute the loot-n! the at...“ "ltMMtqt the parties nan-cl than. in!" and only to tho old-I 0(th they-lull then bave ','t,t'dttt darete July A 0.1% PM was! {or the thre- was I “HIE _ e. . 1'0!“ Imam. For B. S. No. IS, Egmmnnt. male or blank. Applications. stating qturlifi- cation; experience. sud salary expen- ed. with Mimoniada. rem-Wed up to July ar. Duties to begin after midsum- mer holldnyt' Ar.'ltt, . , Ammo. Dromore, P. o. Form-eon beef-ring hides. free of cut- and bola. horns sud mil-bone out. I willry 8 cu per 1b.. 2 [burr hide burr. . Burrs. " the Sums Court of the Count ' of. GM. as the matter of the mm.- Shoe Children Properly PEEL, The Shoeman m: First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson’s Bread-The Best, II a. hard problem to salve. IW. have mud:- thie unpack! Mud y and Inn- prepnred to show yvu the very heat in Children':: Scrap Sh porn. Oxfords. Buttoned and inc-ed Boon in Muck and tan. Buns nnd Biscuits in great variety All kinds of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKm our specialty (lllllf [(3le Wham? A. W. Watson Barclay tl Bell TEACEER WANTED. Jiuauretzaoiltiiikd ikPt m- ltd at Glenda. in thngomdt; ' We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Cull llld inspect there. We have one to suit you. ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be an the tto. Therageredotteye and a everybodv “a!" acy- Ir} itid but dot; able Hg on the market. Call and examine them. Ogilvie'l Royal Bunsehuld. per lmrcel.... Also other high-grade Mauiluha Fluuru. per Imrrel .86.60 to 5.75 WAREROOMS opposite Middnutth Ho. Stables. " Five Rosa.” Durham and Owen f o and Notice to Creditors RANGES ‘-0 illll 4 2t .7432 ' .. ft (Tun-m “dim Ivy tuned ettttott Flu-Minx Whit! [Win-wads. lure mm- 1tttl,ttabirrars ..... Oilclolh. I um 2 ya:- w .t.trofieloth.............., 1W Matting. .._ ..' H.000 Insunncou '4 I Comtmuicr, Collect. Dot Inch.“ DIMculuu. I Ind to“. C.P.R. Tietto Budd” (HINT lawl- the (quu\\1I b' .II Illillf'ill()llfllt ner ; M~I|Imlmu~lnnd . owner bound to um “rd. ‘85 MM Norman” l “Manon-d. m l mu i "tP.; 100 Acre: Normunby The Hanover (Tonveyam Pun Hotter m too has Iontlnck V Well improved and on mu ber to [my prim-nun! Durham Radiance “W luir, Cloth and Tooth B Wall Paper lacFarlane l muggists t Bun! il - SELLS The "Mumm- 1 LENDS MONEY RBDUOTION of STOCK II. II. M I "%tt+ . Aim n In M umwn l’rownlm H. H. Ml Ion, I tverrkirtr. " Blue-k tiqttet We have decided our amok ot diffet See our window , " hit handy all this up». we are All (and value . when tor one we: do: them at " adireet Mv- I in: to you ot 25 p To clear out hula -e till it your opportunit rooms at n swim third the cost. 'agt.t “new“: c limp tor quln'L Kiirlt looking fer Presents, it will p use our burgumsi The best prep" tor destroying No Ind effects lulu. Try 3 pa yea if you have lt betwemd n Put up only " Parke Potato Killer PARKE Drug S LAt cr: I a . H1 cor Wgurtp A I“ blti' “'I ll (2 " m "

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