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Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1905, p. 6

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w, COURTS“ MP "MINCE Important Doings at the Zcmstvo Cor9re' Held at Moscow Yesterday. _ - _ . lt Drafts Constitution Along Lines of British Parliamentary Gova'nmem. :31,“ Baron Komura. ":iltvivitte, who arrives in Paris 'l'ftl,th but the "tep tur. Friday, will sail from Cherbourg by I? gauging. iuid eiiri trt 1:131: German liner on Wednesday Inext. g” {rennin-Sela mthyrt1 tet, here, arrival is preceded by some. interesting he?“ tho Sgt',.',,.? ft',,',',,'.', 2,PT,t telegrams from St. Petersburg, one :,'r,trd'ltt, lrttt. I knowedge o which makes the important statement I A ,ll"Tll' r . ' tPobied- that the Russian pienipotettifrr te.- ' tf) l 'tt,ilhtoii,i?lti Kt,?,)!?, pedal to nuke Wt of 'ierit,,ul',', that”; l t t “in! d n‘ 'iiiFlii; wheelie ties, an that of . WBr m 'Y""" a V e is m' in: "mg ...._ “191119.!" to t 0 he can only Innnge an alliance with t)iriiiis"riir,"' a man g _'i'i'il,-3)'l "iiG old Japan, the theory beingithat a pee-Drum 3tpp'lrigi?it A't?rdiQ his head which would imply up alliance could ll" tdit-Ne wet ulatr y a 'iiiiiekeitted be regarded as ignominiou. . passenger before he could shoot and yes "Allied uith Japan, Russia would Ito., ”“3“; mm a”, i " the tune hold her own in the far east, Indnbe'j; . . - IP, . In'?, ", " ' tg k.? Ser- nidei, this idea, broaehegl by M. WittA, ' . , , V ' , it W13 has so delighted the Government th."' . A " . f , . mixed-to the question of offering drip“ an m-- I M., “it; aEMlall' "'79: Chief demnity is no longer considered Insur- S'iiitiittiltfillillllll ‘ " A 11. Po- mountable. The possibility e?t.later eortte, - w, P' q a MEN :1. ' p _ twith in. ing to terms with new is regarded Ete'f.P1iMhel - -. MI " a reac- an iea,ill. and logical. H r., skew? ': Ei:.,. d of From Words to Action. [mulle' ii, , .m pr TIG' 1'l'd'd,'l, A London eabhe.. . The Prerw .e-' eoireAkbhr.it' dthei, cs, "that M. respondent of the Times Wires ijf-niiiitliFili'l 'i"rtt'ii',','tt pence nego- regarding the meeting of the Russian 'i tintions. . '0". ,. than three Zemntro there: "To-day’s r"o,y'r,r,'it,',t','lyttP. " if '6'e a j demands marks the starting point of a. new t prove impel“ n. 'ttat expects to movement away from the {throne artild return immidatW,f n toward-t the people, and pm war 5 ' .- f In I to deed-. The temper oi the assembly k L MHZ. Oftenorrglento icc, of was revealed in a. speech by Iran Pete aufl't"/,',", It the 'd Voes cthigiess runtavitch. who said that all hope of re to-da ." an 's the M 'i'g't,' corres ndent ,tolt.ttio.rt Wits' inevitalrle,.ytd it "5 of 'ttli,',',','.',,' "was the alleged 'i'l'f,'o"dfj' their duty to T/'i,1t,', slut."""'"' the of n militarg' plot against the present "T'peyi',',yi'r1 o o S iiu with . occupant of the throne. After the blun. Ihene wor l were gree e der of interdicting and advertising the storm of cheering: Tl"' congress had ens of Zena“). and Dumas, the at theprevrous night's slt,tPtt, leur- Government perpetrated this afternoon tral a wi,.h to boycott what P. eg',',.'")",'; an additional blunder by detailing a few ly styled the Bouligane constitution. . n police officers to stop the proceedings. organizing committee had proposed that "The policemen gad-huinortdly tried the .mngrc" should take Irt.rf, m m,” p to execute their orders, and after wait. eleetivns under the Ciovernmen.t's ing considerable time over the incident, tseheme, but the matter was compromis- the congress resumed its deliberations ed on the understanding thnt the ques- as if nothing had ha period. The Govern- tion ,houhl Ire leit 'lpen until the.Boyli/ ment is now in a. 1'llfl'i'l'il position. De. iiirriraiur has t;een promulgated, when the congress would be reconven- ed by telegraph. A London cable -'derrt: " tbe Til fallow“ "To-day the committee introduced its own draft constitution, the text of which was published in The Russkiya Viedomosti. by the significant adapta- tion of tho English Parliamentary prae- tice. The draft was passed on the first reading, the congress resolving that it should he submitted to the discussion of all the Zemstovs and Dumas before the second reading at the next con- grgs. I " a...” "Princva Paul and Peter Dolgeroukoff introduced I resolution by which the congress definitely commits itself to an active propagnnda among the people, both high and low. Another resolu- tion denounced the outrage: perpetrat- ed hy the Administration upon the liven and liberties of the people, "To-morrow the congress will hear a paper from Prince Shakhovskoi on The National Assembly,’ and another on 'Women', suffrage,' and will claw with adopting an upped to the nation." . Baron Roman Arrives. A Seattle. Wash., report: Baron Jut- oro Romain. Minister for Foreign At- fairs and peace phn'lpotentiuy of Ja. pan. arrived this morning on the Great Northern "earner Minnesota, and col. tinned his journey over the Great North- em Railway this evening. occupying Mr. James J. Hill‘s private car. Baron Koaf" urn (lwlined all tenders of hospitnlity while here, [pleading will Win! from the .Vikado to make nil possibb weed to Washington. Baron Roma“. in declining to discuss the mission, said he did not feel at liberty to. splash, Pf cept to say that "the Gro befligererrta, in reapmm- to the suggestion of the President, have appoint pom plenipo- tentiaries who are to meet in the Unit. ed Stat“. and it is to be hoped that the petunia! impulses of the two nation, _ - . o . r, 11.. {.2H‘Ah... A: - PM-.." .... ,_,-,_, ._ _ thanks to 'iii; friendly initiative of It. Rmmt'\0!l. may be successful in bringing ass-nation of hostilities? White neru.etive as to diplomatic - ters Baron Kunmra was one of the - democrtttie of the Minnesota's peer gen. At a gathging Tuesday Eighth ro sad and 1 in sin mun“ ant): a memory of his teu'l ar, but the other members of the party aim seemed to know the tune if not an writ- China Wat: “this. A Washington, D. C, report: Chin’s official notiucation to the" power: an ab- will Bot “win ll, mngemnt regarding 3tanthiirta eoridemi'tg WM she has nut been consulted before“ has reached Washingtqn: A A - It‘ltuwu "-"""W"r" Before addressing thin note to the neutral powers China sent to St. Pct“ burg and Tokio In identical note em- uining thin notification. The Chinese eoosmunieation is Felt worded. and is so expressed that it frr no reply. The arrival oi the text of the no? diN-, _', ”fr." uvs-fiivinl report reaeh. ing Wtrdiirvetort recently from Europe, that China had requested that she it allowed to participate in the conference. China', motive in addressing to Rm sin and Japan such a notification val to remind them that she had never at quieoeed in the alienation ot Mnnchurh from Chinese sovereignty, and that It. expected " the first result of the qr the full attention to (Jim eotrMit of the whee. That this pod” might receive the Minted tmpirortht the ”and upceu .eopies of the a... were forwarded to the other capitals. To Kill Chief Procuntor. A St. Romain“; cabin: A in Draft Constitution. 5'S'e tble: The Paris carrot The; can: to-night " turn. Japanese Plenipotentiary. Has Arrived at Seattle, Wash. still 'i.ieeffst,tra COIIOer‘M’t 1 Ina-{01m awn” 'tlht-tii'it,Jt, fine, w in I ¥* 7 "rt, that ':f'e?tti'e1t,)tilit'li'i,ftjf i,et"grtt" n in- eat e _ , 'Jr usur- t,1td,liUli; 1ti3tt,jiltit, cum- t,fg),tNt _tttt,',ft f? a mm "q mled 'A.utrrprr " 'TT . Pw to: tionary policy. -." , _. I 1Amii1aliVi-"JYmottal. tr on ' M. Ir..i.ttt,eeet et"gig.tth.ti, auntie] report of on attempt on the life of Constantine Moviteh Potriedonost, lieff, Chief Proenntor of the Holy It. Inod. is current in St. hamburg ttri night, but the AW, Press is un- obe to obtain emstirmatims of it. The nuthorities and even the police at the 'Tanrskoe-Selo nilway Ration here, where the attempt is reported to have been made, “him all knowledge of :any such happening. Aeeording to the report,“ M, Pobied- ! wasted! fee, off 91‘ of the coaches 'ttrt the {min om Tsarskoe-Seio, where he is residing duringothe glimmer, to the 'li;iai"ioriir, a man a at 28 yea: old wished up With a .ritottiCirt his hand Ibttt he’wn’s seized my a quick-witted I passenger before he could shoot, and was 3“ -cttfAtf ic:sAA: the time . or'2N, ' tfirff i'irqAhe Ser- 9‘ in tt iillt 7‘ , it was when} gr ' t _ tmned to death , the 7 H, [mm Chief wet it9fii, " C "f f M. Po- t,fg,tthtkqlttt' c 'with in- ahtieneine'" "! ' t6. T a reac- tintiona all not' Ing"T .rthan three weeks. and it the a .se "lemands prove incompatible M. Ttttt expects to return immidutir.'.1 - rtergith Bad Blunder. A London cable: One of the topics of conversation at the Zernotvos congress to-day," says the Moscow correspondent of the Times, “was the alleged discovery of a military plot against the present occupant of the throne. After the blun- der of interdicting and advertising the congress of Zemstvos and Dumas, the Government perpetrated this afternoon on additional blunder by detailing a few polige officers to stop the proceedings: , rv--“' "re-_-'-'" -"" v 1 __ . V "The policemen gad-huinortdly tried to execute their orders, and after wait. ing considerable time over the incident, the congress resumed its deliberations as if nothing had ha pened. The Govern- ment is now in a. lugicrous position. De. spite their arbitrary discretionary pow- N's. the police cannot even prevent a gathering of citizens. . sum“... -- _--_,-,,,v "The 'doii,rGaii" and its arsenal of decrees and circular: no longer command obedience, except when backed by bay- onets. "Will General Trepoff, who instigated this latest demonstration of official im. portance. venture to resort to force? It is believed the temptation to vindicate the Government's prestige may prove too strong. but if violent measures are taken matters will only become worse. Lilhrll ‘Il‘llhlll‘l ..... V.... -e'_"" "The recent persecution brought al- most double the numbers expected to this afternoon’s meetings, and the violent measures greatly stimulates the whole. of the Zemstvos and Dumas to fight against what numbers of the committee tirdny styled the real revolutionary party the Bureaucracy represented, by the Nome Tremya and Moscow Gazette." POLICE AT ZEMSTVO. Take Names of All the Delegates and Bear Discussions. A Moscow cable: The Zemstvo con- gress opened at midday in the resi- dence of Prince Dolgorukoff. The Con- gress was attended by 225 delegates. Count lleyden, leader of the deputation representing the Congress, recently re- ceived by the Emperor, presided. M. Folovine, President of the organ- izing committee. had barely started a statement dealing with the:obstaclgs placed in the way of the Congress, an- nouncing that GiwernorGeneral Koz. loft had promised that there would be no recourse to extreme measures, when the Chief of Police, with numerous com- mivsaries and officials entered the The chief announced that the Prefect had prohibited the meeting of the Con- gress and ordered the seizure of the documents. Count Heyden protested against the proceedings, but the Chief of Police began taking the names of the delegates. Then cries were raised of "Write down the whole of Russia.” Many persons present‘who were not delegates to the Congress requested thatl their names' also be taken. The police, then departed in order to draw up sum; monch and the sitting was resumed. Bouligane Scheme Inadequate. The scheme of a National Assembly on the basis outlined by the commis- l sion presided over by M, Bouligane, Min. ( ister of the Interior, was minutely and critically discussed, and denounced as totally inadequate to remove Russian internal grievances; because, including a property qtmlifiation and an elector- al system by classes, it prevented the Assembly from truly interpreting the will of the nation, while the exclusion of numerous categories of citizens from the franchise was a contradiction of the principles of equity and reasonable State policy. Some Redeeming Features. At the some time it was recognized that the proposed Assembly would com- prise a considerable proportion of the social forces of _the empire and gene, us the centre of a social movement which would tend to secure yolitieal liberty and 'regular muonal t'iipAuen: “you. friction." it "" ' ' red hmmo tin t.Letettr6tt of‘t B" u P thirihit"tirWe Wynne & a. Iimilar project the delegates of the Zemstvol and municlplitieo 2 should _po_rticipste_ iy em wtth" the Gfiet '0: 'e, l" a comth group xtnd to obtairf " antee of individual Ind public iber. ties Kama momma: embodying the s-tslr " -tist ri ibh mt with tttfd of 'yiilk1'i'l it Double - cm “I.“ In -. "', 1' Toronto, Jul Maseru“ on York “we? we; excited and clue; dost night when a tee at white git}: become brides of Chn Bilge“ id: "Ling. The festival won at t e Chinepe reatiumnt, 190 York street, and until only this morning there In: more or lea excitement around the plnce. The girls ore both young old good- tlooking, but unlike most blushing brides they “Minotaur arr-esut but runny chronicling of the up” event retty chronicling of the up” event. t, ‘the society reporter, who got the, line when, 'utr" in: congra- , Ltionl- ’sz 't 'u . ::' 3. Charlie Sing, one of the bashful grooms is a happy sort of fellow,-trut he has to do what he is told already. He was willing to loosen up s little regarding his eii,barkation on the sea of matri- mony, but after saying he had been en- gaged for some time a woman with a pretty little Chinese baby, which the policeman said had six fingers, slid into the conversation and Charlies coniidenccs were cut off. Be need fi, live in Clinton. Numerous Chinsmen were asked to re- late the romance, but their replies re- sembled the sound of, gravel droppinn rapidly into a deep well. The lady with the baby talked fight. Charlie Lee was there. He knows what he is talking about if anybody nnderstnds him, but he is sore on the papers because they recently misreported him on some mas ter which seems to have been of great interest in tha Chinese quarter, and he didn’t want the weddings noticed. One of the brides plainly exprcsed her unwillingness to June anything said of the joyous events, and what she said settled it. . In the apartment at the back of the restaurant there was a gathering composed mogtly of Chi- nesel. who’were (plietly calibrating. the service of the Methodist Church united the happy couples. . white (up; 't A CUtham, Ont, Mort: but night tear Wheatley the Muse of 'thomas Dulmage was suddenly attacked by eleven masked men, who wore black slouch hats and black masks over their faces. The ' dragged hint from his bed and 'purd1l'l" him with ropes, and, de. spite his vigorous protests, dragged him to a nearby well. Here a lung, stout rope was tied around him, and he win lowered and soaked for over half an hour. The unfortunate man was some- times immersed for half a minute at a time, then his head would be released to permit breathing, and then he was low- ered again. despite his cries for mercy. During the whole time his body was in the water, and when he was finally rais. Essex Man the Victim of a (in; of um " SILT], uuu nucl- u» u on; ....-...J ...., ed he was almost numb and half drowned. - - A Not content with this, the attackers! then dragged him to n East some fifty1 yards away, and thras ed him with a: horse whip, which tore his shirt to‘ shreds and cut cruelly into the fresh.', When he was finally released, the physician who examined him claimed he was half dead with pain and exposure. The alleged reason of the attack is that Dulmage was in. the habit of drinking heavily. and then striking and abuaing his wife,. and His said tho neighbors have repeatedly. warned hint concerning this conduct. The-case has been reported to the Crown, and Crown Attorney Smith states that the case is being thoroughly investigated. and the l guilty parties will be severely dealt with. Harvard Taking Great Interest in the Big Sunspots. Cambridge, Mass, July 24.-An the Hanan! uuwrmwry yesterday tt Wil4 said that sun spots now exciting ennrrl- arable interest are of unusual dimensions. When they first appearell, on Friday. they were not very tangiblerhut now they can be plainly seen throw: smoked (glass or even with the naked 'eye wheat (the sun is low. - 1 . Although the Harvard observers here. do not pny much attention to this par» tieular phenomenon, they tottk photo- graphs this afternoon. --- - .I . . AI, ,7 !_‘_A_.A,_A M ammisit m warn-on}: rret'l','.'l"?r,', a"""", UUIJ .m.’ =.. ..._ - - zinun \mscrvumry yestenl v tt was', b ’ ,. '-“" 'P sl.. . 1 v a "l said that sun spots now ext-iii}: (“mil-f cfizomgmutfiheiffg'iqflilm n I :rnblc interest are of unusual dimensions. I'I --, ' it a), h 'llc, at , F '. Sl hen they first appeared. on mutual ‘1' o "mm ' '8' 21.11 te ..' mt' they were not very tangible-but m/w', T?.ameld the Dominion controverted they can be plainly seen throuh sin-31ml tyleetioit aet. glass or even with the naked eye wheni To .amend the Northwest Irrigation l the sun is low. V inct, 1898. _ 1 Jim: 2i,ltrpiiglotbtrvg; 'g/ph' To amend the soanvan"s ttet. l l t I y T . T ticular phenomenon, they took phBto-t To “amen? the o,s'orthweist."territortes graphs this afternoon. _ ircyrescntatmm aet. . . "Whether the hot weather ia‘caused of. To provide, for the regulation of wire- affected by sun spots," said W. P. Ger-11°55 tilegraphy in Camda. ' liiil, oi the observatory staff, "is un-l To amend the revised statute respect‘ known." sing the salaries of certain public tune- The spots on the sun at present arcltionaries and otheronnual 'ettttrgtion ':1'mol1'e': the largest which have appearedi,the eomuriidated rename. l, m recent years, although ieii,irait,at.'.) ' Respecting the Ptusitie Bank of Can- :y"d'tcoJ.1,,7'i"tr1)1t,i? thoselwh appear- ' min. I e. n .2.. .e'are co. , i . -', . t ..r _ somewhat above the 'cr/ict.",',',).:',',)',')',','); 1ty,,1?fee; the rsailt 1iau'rieie/,t alloy" right hand side. They sive estGiited tu Ittt'rtny osintit.vi -r' I ,. . be 100000 miles in diameter, hum-3‘ Respecting the Vancouver, .hctono. & times as great as the earth. TWO spots Eastern Railway & Navigation Com- are supposed to be collection; of eottd pony. V l _ denscd gas containing solid matter, but. Relpeotirc 1103593 tkust Joseph de scientists are not agreed, amrsome as- la Cite d'Ottawa, and to change it; tronomers think the spots até depres- name to L'Union Saint Joseph du Catw rain? in the smface of the sun or bodies; ada.. .' . , " ' [mung from the earth to the you. I ‘i Lisiairltpf mnlégte l ,_9ke’ . " . - lManunn Column. ion ilwny om- The Sleuth Who Killed Him Will Get 88,000. .' Durant, I. T., July gc-tn' a battte between officers and the Miller gang the notorious desmerado, Wild Bill Milky, was hot and killed in a hand-to-hand encounter with Deputy United sum Marshal Jim Davis, of Wiltmrttm. _ Miller's gang took refuge in the Kit- mitia Mountains near Wilburton over a. year ago. and hue defied. oftiehtli, to take their stronghold. Martha] Duh wag removed from Colbert ta Wilbu- tm for the 'l','gl'A' slii!tiii'i,? Ji,'l1' . e y io m tn ' Jtf ut stletitfot J . y, T , in which county Miller wattlorn 'iE where his first crime, the We: . t gheriff, was co itt . -- ‘J, a. rr';,l',i',i'i'.,o'i'i'ii1,iii'i' .. " 15tor Wild 3311’: body, " In itt6ti>hyri11;_trt "iiffft body', iriiir,ie,i2,f'tut will: get other rewards aggregating 2Bo. Sev- enteen horses were recanted frond)» outlaws’ camp Iftor'the battle. The mt ot the gang eluded the officers. ' DUCKED, THEN FLOGGED. “WILD BILL" MILLER DEAD. SOUS SPOTTED FACE. we _rIX6Ek ' MMini iiiiuirt. my new, .ibt a. {Kinda-wool TypotnihnCo-m. ', , I." l ." ~mwg utthg Dominion; '"'.', Respecting iitruion'tttiu"rait and Respecting certain patent: of tho'Ul" der,riodTrir-ttert0tmq- v', '3 To mend the net may thet i" ertntoeatimt af live luck would uto- Respeohng' f' my mums; "Hidinn.Bly & Western Wy‘Compny.‘ ", Respecting the' su"iiaaaut k June-Amy Rummy Company. Respecting the Edmonton, Yukon & Pacific Railway Comphny. Respecting the Great Nathan Rail- way of 13annda. . "ii'e4eetinsr thiNuncouver & Coagte Kootemy Railway Company. Respecting the Kugo & Ludo-Dun- can Railway Company. To income“ q thelreeeenden Wireless Telegraph 'llhl'ld) ' . Respecting the Ottawa Electric 'Com- Put, _ Respecting the Ottan & New York Railway Compuyr ' Respecting the Northwest Coal a Coke Railway Company, and tay change its name to the Great West Railvny Company. _ To amend the act respecting the Royal Military College. ' . ' . . For the relief of Philip Vibert. For the relief of George Pearson. Mpecting theHutrpeeti0n and sale of seeds. ' 71:07 incorporate the North'We'st Tele- phone & Teleggjnph 00 py. To karma . ie du CUitthrdé My.“ "._. gross Champlaiit i), t g "s. a; am: To- o,prwiiteiptt Title indtj‘rust WWW? ; src. r':', '_. ",'r))r,r. .'"'Jy'-, fiegfieaifig'mmmnnaimn- my Company- -r:'is:it"is'vc,lrC; v"' Respecting the igattiUititti' t North Shore Railway Company. . ' Respecting the Algomo. Central & Hudson Bay Railway Company. Respecting the port and pilotage dis-' triot of Quebec. _ Respecting certain patent: of the Ideal Manufacturing Company. Respecting Gillies Broth. Limited. To amend the Government nilmys act, . V To incorporate the Monarch Bank of Canada. . To incorporate the Sterling Bank of Canada. _ To amend the not of 1809 respecting the city of Ottawa. To amend the acts respecting natural- ization and aliens. l Respecting the Grand Trunk Pacific. Railway Company. I Respecting the James Bay Railway. Company. l To amend the act respecting the' Yukon Western Railway Company. I To amend the not. Respecting certain patents of David Thomas Owen. Respecting the Wreners' Bunk of fan- puny. Respecting L’Union Saint Joseph de la Cite d'ottawa, and to change in name to L'Union Saint Joseph du Cam ada. . ‘, / , f' ' * V l - s.. d. I I Li..! RWY-4: _." J l . __.. "tkitiisertif {We 'itrafk'%iFi'ekir" at: as regards the selectiog of gumme ial grades. tu,bd 'rarnt8et.4 _'.-' ', . Cr To amend the iirtuh1rrevhntit act: To amend the land titles act, 1894. To amend the frantrtsise act, 18985 To incorpomte the International Bridge * Terminal Company, l For the relief of Agnes Hedevig Riga Salusbury Tre!awney. _ ;. Respecting the salary of the First Minister. 2 To eatpbllsh and provide to? the my. gamut of tlle Province " Albert” ii; establish and priMde for the , . etmrtertt of the Province 6: 80km? ewan. . ' '5 C .1 -W. . stte:e1rttte,'"e Het) F T" . v t. V , ,' U , Imend tel ac: “swig In "- bitntion between his Mnjesty and the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Cumin. ' To amend the act respecting the Sttrthweat. ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO eemGs and statistics Ppovidmt‘. Finan- {WESMS‘ETL ct 1iiurrtscthet?ftt: 'T'"', l up the Hymnal ,Wem I Andre.". ‘,“:,r;/ l 'uireetinii the bipe'ct'ion' if mat”t when. .' _, um: Win the superman cut 6! hi. lpwlee 'g'l'hl'l DireisterrAteter% of PM»; In Heath. C ' g . Respecting {also mentions W', Induce or deter immigration. - i warm to dppull' trout coral-2 summery convictions.- ' ' _ l Wing the Senate In! Home ‘oll Common. _ _ , ' l 1 To mend the Boom» and It»; chequer Courts not. i, To amend the euatonm,uritt, 1897. l To' amend, the at respecting the Judges of Provinciel courts. . Respecting annuities for eeitain Privy Connemara. Respecting the South Shore Railway Company and the Quebec Southern Rail. way Company. Respecting the Ontario & Minnesota Power Company, Limited. ' For grating to his Majesty Certain sums of money for the public service of the financial year. ending respeetivt" ly the 30th of June, 1905, and the 30th of June, 1000. The Trick of Two toured Dimitri 'r" Successful. Montreal, July 24.-Chloroform has been degraded to the mil; ot a burg- lar’s accessory in this city, and the police are looking tor two men who used it while rifling the sleeping tte),,','""?,,', of Mm. B. Labranche’o real enoe on City lull oven/us early yesterday morn- ing. About 3 o‘clock Mrs. Latrrauelse's daughter Aline awoke, and, bearing a noise in the house, called out' to ask who was moving about. A hand was instantly placed over her mouth and a handkerchief, saturated with chloro- form, was held over her face until she Domino unconscious. The intruders also ehioroformttd Mrs. Labraneheh young son, who was asleep in a hammock. Mrs. Labranehe was iloeping in another room. and did not hear the robbers until they were about Man Who Attempted Life of Millionaire 1 Serves Sentence. i Pittsburg, July 24.---Alex. Berkman, ithe alleged anarchist, who attempted to kill H. C. Frick, the millionaire steel I manufacturer during the great llama- istead strike in 1892, was roleased from the Western Penitentiary today, and iimmediately arrested again on n. nom- mitment to the Alleghany County Work. ‘house to sene one year for carrying concealed weapons. l Berkman was sentenced to twenty- : two years in the penitentiary, but good '.behavior earned for him a commuta- tion of nine years, so that he served but thirteen years. During his long im- prisonment Berkman devoted his leisure hime to study and writing. As he left ifor the workhouse he said to Deputy {Sheriff Haggerty: h they succeeded In gummy nun). '1 he police were sauted in, and a search of the house was made immediately. The burglars had evidently escaped by means of one of the open windows. It was. found that they bad secured $45 and tt gold watch, as well as a number of arti- cles of minor value. The young woman and voung man soon recovered. IICIII vac Ivy-Ivan; _r.W.Wr_ --tr to depart. (we raised an alarm, but they succeeded in gettin', away. and young In amendment To amend the crimi_nll "I hope there won't be any notoriety about me. I want to do my uttle bit and then be u. good man and live at peace with the world." --_r- . . -I u~-_.u__1.r-_-. 4- tk., "HG trip fish the'penitentiary to the workhouse was without incident. His Highness of Yap Left Million and Two Funnies. Honolulu, July 24.--Adviees fro Yep, in the Caroline Islands say that the contest over the 81,000,000 estate of Kink: O'Keefe, of the Mods, has hem compromised, the ante being equally di. vided between the American and native wives. p'litefe went to the C4rolims in tho sixties, amassed a. fortune and pained great htfhtenee oier the native. Hovbuilt whoo'ners, and on many is- land: was practically the mien He married a. native woman,.\vho bore Inn half a dozen ehililren. About five years ago he died while re. turning from lions Kong to Yup. His fortune wastaken by he widow_aatd family in Yaprut-Jt developed Jhttt t7'keefe had a wite " the United States to.. whom he had sent I regular remit- tances. She watthwyer from San Francisco to Yap to file the chin, and tk compromise wan rmlnd'whcn In pee. sented " proofs. _ Former St. Catharine Girl Wed: . \ Wealthy Denver In. Pittsubrg, Pc, July 24.--WilWrn Cal» vin Nevin, a. former Pittyttprger, now a resident of Denver, Colorndo, m married here tonight to Mill Jennie McIntosh, his pretty etenognpher ad governess of his eight-rear-old, daughter. Mi. Nevin wu . weekly widnwer, and the naming! "met quiU a Mon. Min McIntosh we: formerly muti- dentof St. mammal-u years has been 1it'uyr tpert, when she was employed By In)!“ The wedding tet,', plea: pt tam... of Mr. I A, ' en; 0 _ 'o Exam t fttlt gawk-ask ago attend some tort of . hmily‘ reunion. With him came his eight- yeur-old daughter and her We, Min McIntosh. The announcement we: won made that Mr. Nevin end the governess were to be married. and the weeding tool: place this evening. . HE TRIED TO KILL ERICK. WIVES SPLIT KING’S GOLD. g 1.. -p. "R . Hugh}? .55.! 'iia. _ jj MARRIED IN PITTSBURG. USED CHOROP‘ORH. ot a; criminal code, iriGii from 7 certain ma New r.t r!:':!;')).-,?,).',,' '.8Etf.,5?s.Pc,'r,'e.'ty,'Y' Od r Ct f." ' at?“ ip,t 3' V ryi-",'; A F. .'tri7,?ihl,'r,l',,',, 18l,ll2, .. _ 'rFC7,iiF1i7ii't) ".s. J M i. "r i In: , , " d ll 1 tt M, ‘5'?qu ”y: " in: “I!" 1892, a. Home aiit%i km and! wumneqdmsonu Any menu mew. comma; j . lo g, Men all .3 a luddcn nu imi jumped from the bush, b no on cit, I aide. Each had a shot. n, and pointed at us and demand. , the money. One scanned to boss the 3'01), and shouted to the other to shoot and horse, which he immediately did. Tho Queue dropped " suddenly “ruck me that now but only one man Mound. July “PINK. 4 Lylu, [:me of the Oxford Mountain Itil- my, now building aiong St. Waugh nu. {at We,“ rammed " mt way ttid fitted the desper- ate upbrienée In tsdndiiott underwent yesterday nt tho In of hallo. gig). waymen, who "ahttl to a, 39 pay- 2'ika 814Mim4h. aqua; ".‘U " .a Arg w 'niong “a run- jotruction road betwen Kinga'uury and {WW was. r0n 0. quiet sin-tell be- :twm two clump- of buoheu we “th 1.103811% gong, you: all of a sudldcn up with . gun, and he'off his guard for . plot-It. I. lei-1 the grip with the #110de M m ran towards the budl. N can jumped zthe other way with t3t1t,f and“? money. tie . t F . t lilting is gun at him, tg It'h‘b'ele‘éppged km the burthes, tlm huge going oven!!!- head. Both ital- ua then saw I had the big money bag, end started firing at me. um the buggy “ninety“. us. and gave me a chance, and efitst shot went. owr my hcsd. , kept' running 113mg, EU ar, to keep them Duty. Then the other fire-J. and we Fbuckvhot etruck the money matehel, tair. ‘ly riddling it, and swinging it around >0 “and it knocked me down. while i 1clt have”! shot 'ting iauuy um. V l was n t mukutrt, ithd jitttptd up anl"u nu. I “we met IF an 15min . supply _ man named Buldiquio, w#o grabbed the sat- thel "in“ me to escape. Clue two highwaymen kept on firing wwml mum glwts, ttml. I an 1e.veeri,yselctlt.1t in my iiiiiri'kiuiur'ik no back. while mm. aria got'peppered in one le;'.. After a minute or two, however, thvy evideuUy gotjgnredgmd '" into the bush. “WW! Ga i freus long oharwetid. got- ting numb“ if the ltulian Ind nut, wasM7Mt- charge killing the horse " we could have done would have been to let them get any with the money, as we were unarmed." After the shooting was over 1r3. Lyde drove to Richmond. where Dr. Johnson, of that place, took a number of buckshot out of his arm. Upon Lie. arrival here he was met at the summ by his wife and son, and promptly driven to at hospital. It is believed that the Highwaymen were acquainted with the circumstances of Mr. L.vrleu trip, and suspects are being watched. Kanus Judge Find- Custom “Ancient and Honorable.” Kansas City, July 2i.--Oudge Glover declared in the Circuit. Court to-day that he would never interfere with that ancient and honorable right of . wife to search her husband's podieto for [0088 change. swung: 3h. Pe- wife to search her husband's poeket? for [0088 change. 'Willium M. Hard. ing asked a divorce from Ina M. Hard- ing. one reason being become the had a habitat "trisking" hit pockets the he Ml asleep. . " When the evidence “15 all in Judge Glover Mid “I “It.“ distinctly umbrrtoatrthat I am not grunting this divorce becJuse the wife went isto her husband’s pock- ets. I shall do nothing to Were with that ancient prlvilogo of the fall" 'sex. A wife has the right to do that. I grant the dlmrce for other reasons.” 'ri-pert-mr-est-ttmet-e be said, more severe than those impos- ed by "this moderate and re:usonable Tht British Rom-of Commons Give: . Third Ream. London, uJIy ".---u the Home of Commons yerti'rtletputhe am» campus. ed its third reading by a 'majority of YO. The Prime Minister, Mr. Balfour, in winding up the debates on the hill, can- tended that the propost rearimions wore less severe tuti'thhuy inmund by any other nation. He reinvest to the American immigration laws. and asked whether "UN'oBe ' ' 35:1! mum the Aureadanniate ttfhtit fit wisdom or look“ with unmoved eye on the swarm.“ Wei-Ali. {at kink restrictions as {VET G the reitrietions "l.m?et M Y. T0 t. 1 , L. I, 1ricied Two Children and Mother May vinaiiAHd s.,1MNd-uirAreom. Cunninghnm, was e,lled 3.0 Ftieu11ship, Atlantic county, 3 Lei, I northeast of here, t'i-'ii',lts',"iA'iiil,r,":,tj,'i, of Jon. Frtuuoi, who ' ~poiuolled by eating toad stools. He found . deplor: able scene. Two children, and 2 and 7 years were dead, and the father and mother-Aware writhing in agony. . . The family had feasted u “we: hut night on tond stools i'hich had been mir taken for mushrdoms. The baby at: only the froth-on one bread, but died first. The father my "Irvin, but the mother is in . eritieal condition. m cm BOY. Pulled Lad M loaf and Let Him Down on Pavement. New York, July M.--While flring n kite 09¢ ml of I No. 1.010 Stebb' .nmI“ it,, 'ieaterda.v, Robgrt Mit '|,_ e even, fell. one Hundred feet the. 11':"ghtdrttetitht i)i't,'e,i?yiiti1 aginy e tau He w: _'tt'i'ut.' Whey the meat occurred ' Robert and Inn elder brother, William, were playing . Wiitinrti uked Rob %ttu:hed_go the we. “6710? d mo- ment. The little Ind, however, wan not Muhammlmkite, which ilt it; rim flight carried him over the edge a} the WIFE CAN LOOT POCKETS. ALIENS BILL PASSED. WU a niot. A) 0.12 14:; At tit 10.: list of namesI - 2yN,t'r, Yum). Pvtt " Q ing Jeanne. um "cet',, “title eloquent of I V a {we was calm and m but: tum ulna to mak “m Only for a mom we I: he held out his t moment she looked u) - which he remembered “It I 311nm at mm- “I “m; I glanm' which I mud then. but which ”tom after-timc. he can Mk“: significance'. Why Don’t -iitie did lint I Well. with the 1 god the wedding . " was a trif' wmmon (mo. M and Matt With a link hr [and and l to the right fit prh. little av " tttatt the tt Bell, and Um almost inaudi Then, with mtry. , urge enm without tl with“. u namely r the littlo m But whr timidly m he 31.3mm: daring wl;i Itindor srl and kissed And you'll see Know the 'li'if to KNOW It too A TEST} Juan put t ing guard This, you of tho b Yam“ and sit; of nine- yo! peopir. your ,9 must have bor Vane smiled "Some of u Mist," ho mid Thee was door. Jean” the wa y stopped in mrriages f Georgina and Hum; u (an by this “we. :md with smiles as they I'llxmw and arm-rd her wil. I It. lam looking or The latter gentleman "ar that morning. And looked. at and has. buttons, new at. London in his It wu quite a mum to It” giant the room. to don't of the elaborately-l Old MUM his old-ling but mg Imam: the gu "ttat, be made his way a in bluff and pmpvrly (out. “chimed. as he I than“: " y jove, sir. you’re a It ought to be a hnppy man I We, air. a porter! t hay, look hero, he adds I We Hide by u button! h .. tint every our in 1 large! the old mm (and room for a [a a... of 'em-up and prices for 'err encourage b'art 'ard to "rugglin' mt u friend. don" I a!“ ".t' more. t' “No. imled." add “an! 1 an very ml “And u for)”: In mu himself at.rdigpt the aide "why, I look upon In “MI. always hm {an joy,” and with tt imttletmyt churl qnntr iarto ltio Hum". " nad, in (‘U'YM‘th “M my words.' Vale. "the old man Vale. "the old man is 7 open!” I can see it i your: alum you. Vane Vans and And pus Us mt. - Crying In an exhaustin' the two brfdesttuudn, mm 013mm“ by Mal, an thud: “In 'iarpridettt bet orirm thdr heart-hour: 1 (led with the clutter of forks. than was a trroat ter not (liking. and tw "You'" got to make Bit." In laid, at whit "tttlr. we" Jean, Van- on: W , ' LOVE Jean my if you MJNI n "you . if I antrat and "It to r foe I In he looked remem . [ " once lace which a. but whi Lime, he Timer. look up usual blunt! a ring on t " OI tt.'. In!) “a wit n h tat I?!“

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