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Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1905, p. 7

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Homily “we. all one man 21f Pent“ His Son (it an eleven, fell on. ement. receiviz my me fat In gonna]. aL, SAVES m. CEETS, m “Ancient ADLY BOY Conuinig as! ‘nleet Hi- all?» M rm am " ll Yue. “I to t” gino- I) to In. SOD! M at in U " " '10 "' Colo rdn y, wet. h by he to h At the long list of names, in plus of the simple Vernon Van, may can look- ed up, execpting Jeanne, and than VII - .. B, M,___A -1 ----. _-g__A M a slight rustle clog-t arm; bit Tane's face was a and eompoeed, nnd Jeanne‘s turn Ctune, to nuke the was] “Martian. Only for a moment did she pause as he held out his hand, in that moment she lookd .rtr'rtt' n iool: which he remembers? _ g . ward. a glance at once appealing and confiding; a glance which he amid not understand then, but which, in the me- mmtnns after-time, he credited with n mistaken significance. 'rlce did not look up again, not even “th. with the usual bltandering, he slip- ml the wedding ring on the wrong fin- Met', b lL was a triflimt muukii'oid hot in P; uncommon one, but Mrs. hmbton shud- derml, and Maud end Georgina nabbed. I With a little blush Jeanne held out her hand and Vane hardened tU ring to tho right finger. . The little accident took only e moment or so in the transaction, but it upset Mr. Boll, and the rest of the service we- almmt inaudible. Then, with her hand on her husband's arm. Jeanne rotmced her steps to the w-Iry. leries. as a rule, ate never largv enough for the swinging m eat, ssiilvu;t imminent porn“ M . ur.irril. and llell. when he came in. con] sun-only make his way to the table for tlso limb crowd of satin and lace. I 12:)? when hyd he held out his hand ' ti e mm to Jenn a " "I l immign l I . ' . he ~12mnwn~ tt wi It darng wp,Mt Is? is, V Why Don’t new mam-T m a LIV-am”: nun. u...‘ ...â€".â€"-- V“, This, of course. was We si ttl for tha re-'. oi thorn, amr?yarqte't Ir/sill'? and In. . were cozzniderlblv crushqdi 7 . ' "WI rothor mica Waring 'a,rrtet'-'-.ror" r..- bride." said HAL. in a stage w'cispcr. "Tam PM! turned to Vane. T _ "mu you Sign the register'." he said. Vane made hid Wig NP, to, the wk and signed. and Jssaiui"fo1lo'weif. The rt'-' o.rot,rdt.tl forward aka. "I "ty'. Vane.” said Hal. "what a hat of names you’ve got. Liberal kind .0! people your godfather: and godmoahm'a muut have been." V Vane smilcd. V "Some of them aw purely, ornament], Hui." he said. "Are We "may?" There was a general move tow-vino. door, Jeanne, on Vernon’s um, leading the way. ' - - I. . A _ ‘4.’ And you'll no where tin . come: In. WE KNOW the QUALITY let,',', and want You to KNOWN“ too. a, ”I" is mu wag-mint ',! ' Ji, LII" VII-V. Then the group of children, who had hevn impatiently waiting. threw down I. shower of flowers. and upon the” Jeanne, with . sudden tremalous smile. stepped into the carriage. The other "arrint followed close after. and in a f» minutes Hal. who was full of his nnu‘l dignity. had arranged the guests ummd the table, and the wedding break- f.:-". commenced. ' _ IIr-rginzt and “and had dried their Lam- by this time. and were radiant svitlt smiles M they fussed about Jeanne and arranged her veil, Uncle John and Mr. Lambton looking on approviugly. The latter gentleman was in great form that morning, and looked, in his new blue can: and brags buttons. as if he had never seen London in MI Jill. It was quite a "at to see him hust- ling about the room, to the imminent danger of the etnttorater1 Jaid tablecloth. and making his 2l'gl'll.ut;';t';i7il laugh rang 1'lipi, the gluten. Bustling about. he made in way up to Yam. and in bluff nnd irroreriy-yo-tdetere, tones, exclaimed, as he shook him by the hand: _ . . J . "By jove, sir. you’re I lucky dog l you ought to be 1 happy man I You’ve got u treasure. sir, a. perfect treasure t And Fray, look here, he Waving Vane a little aside by a buttonhole, but apeak- ing BO that every one in the room guild hear. "it you ever want I friend, don’t forgot the old squire. I dare any I can find room for a picture or two-iid I. dozen of 'ern-up in the Pork. And good prices for 'em, too. Dang it, I litre to encourage h'art l And give a, ‘elping land to struggJin' genius. When you want a friend, don't forget me, Mr. Vane. 1 tuan't say more, eh, can 1 t" , "No. inded." said Vane, shaking hands; "and 1 am very much obliged to rm." - "And as toruramso--Mn. Vane, eh t" he correct: himself, with . chuckle, nnd . sly dig at the side of Vane’s frock coat, "why. I look upon her as one of my own dawters. always have, by George. 1 will you joy," and with a benevolent oida'attr- lishpntlemart chuckle, Mr. Lumino- mgk into his chair, delighted at It: sol . and. in was uonce. every e "Mark my 'dial,'; whispcred 'IU' lgs Vane. "the old man is going to make u lpeech! I canmjtmhisuce. You Cont cry will you, Vane t" - Name laughed and pushed the bay in!» Crying is In chanting operation,“ the two bridesmuds, much abetted and ervooumged w H gt _ the usual viaan Whm betsr T 'consid. orina mil! _ Ei: mi. glad wit the elatter of t e res and forka. there was a great deal of hash- ter and hiking. and two persona only out-med to tro smitten with Me: rar-they were Joanne cus.'. Iteit. - his seat visibly. -"ii,iFve got to nuke . speech mm", Hal." ho said, at which nu trembled vi kissed it. Venue tsi-Ura-a-ao-au-. {ling hi4 arm urgund het, drew her. mm! him. and kiiudy'r?? _ ". 1A _ t 113* "other nu ' bride." said lf "hm Bell tume 'Will you sign Jane made hU l signed. and I ' erowded forw " my, Vane.” i%Gdls busy attending to the m1: tf M www.mm h life, fie, raised her hand had dried their I“?! " of Mm. Lunbton, who At aty2'.-gtr side of him, and did not notice th: - A attention with which Bell regarded H.- --on “tuition no fixed that lid had at most to shout in inking him for the My: my, ty pus thy eharypfgms. - To Jeans, the whole we seemed like the unaubetantial episode in a dream and every now and the: is caught her- lell glancing up at the handsome face beside her, as if to assure herself that her lover, her husband, was there. Every now and them too, Vane’a hand would seek and hold hers for a moment be. heath the table; and once, as he bent down, he whispered ' "M Jeanne Wand Jeanne's heart leaped gladly. .. . ' Never had vaus--ttre once silent and 'rtstryed--ape-t in we) Ight spirit. and buoyant Wines»; T "Isn't he quite too charming'." whit" {mred Maud to Bell; “so distinguished- ooking, too. No one would think he was only an artist, would_they_ t'l _ At which poor Bell, who "had been staring nbsently at his plate, started antl tum_e_d Pele. - - _ - . . _ Presently 'Vane glanced " his watch, and Hal, who had drowned his shyness in champagne waived to his ttet. . - "Bless the' boi," murmured Aunt Jane. "He is going to make a speech." /en'g a short one, 11,i.'fs','c'tif,Pte, t ft orto . " the-heat o e hiatgou 'fae,',rll,",i, u nodded totrted Jeanne with a flush on his bright face and a suspicious moisture in his eyes. 'irere is my love, Jen, and may you be '. t's the me, " . laipeedtt lever h t a woddf 'tttttlt mm Aunt J dmiri "I“! V v' " ”V. got lb' ith a ghi'm, on his “pg. "Thank you, Hal,” he said. "Jeanne shall be happy. if I can make her so," My» Widow». be laid his hand,“ Jmnne's and held it "Mr. Bell will have to propose the] bridesmaid'. health,” said Hal, clapping! his tutor on the. back. "Come, sir." 1 Bell started and looked around, then arose and fidgetcd with the tablecloth“ lie wad wry pale, and strangely ner- was. for {H a rule his humility deserted him when he had to open his inouth,and thvre was a ssilenee which Mr. Lambton' lu-nkv by rcqumting all to fill theirglass- on. Boll looked around once or wiee, then, with a shake of his head, sat down. Then- wns an awkward pause, but Mr. Lam'otm mm equal to the occanion, and chum-mg: his throat, looked around with a placid ecttrttemtnee. But Mr. Lambton's 'speech-a speech whieh had taken him three whole days to preparo--m" doomed to remain un- spoken, for as suddenly as he had sat down,, Bell arose to his feet again. "Mr. Tone," be said. "will you step outside with me for a moment t" Vane, who was saying something to Jeanne in a low ‘voice, looked up with a curious smile. "Mrs. Doistrei1." u said, with agita- tion. "r-mn" let this go any farther; I don't think it is fsir---with a" deference to his 1ordship--1 can’t, as a clergyman, consent to keep this secret any longer. I think it ought to be known!” "What is it, Bell t" he said. "tym't you with?“ t'. .. .. .. - _ .. "If you wish it." replied poor Bell, amidst a complete silence, and taking from his pocket the marriage license, he touched it with a shaking finger. Aunt Jane turned et All eyes were fixed upon the speaker, except. Villa's, and his rested upon Jeme‘s suddenly pale face with intent and watchful re- and. A slight shadow of annoyance crossed Vanek face. but was instantly replaced with the grave, eomposed smile. "I gee." he said. "Well, any on." Bell turned to Aunt Jane, who sat staring, thinking that either the pie or the _etiatn_pagyeAsd.. flowy. tohis head. '"j,rthe confusion, Bell’s "his 'g,feti', had passed unnoticed, but suddenly a looked over at Vane, and “Musing him laid: "My lord, have I you'r consent?” There was a quick murmur of aston- ishment. and Vane inclined his head. Poor Bell wiped his forehead. "It is very painful to me to have to nuke this-this statement," he said, "and I cannot 1uidersumrsrhy it should have been considered necessary to main- tain such secrecy. Pethnpav-perhnpo,” he broke elf, with a madden topt u he turned from one to the other, “his land: ship 2m .toi4 F.8u 'sl!'." . ... .. “his iorddsp---what $ordshipt" de. nuded Mr. Lambton, staring from one to the other. "Who the-who do you mean, air t" "l ammo to Vane, there," said Bell, catching up the license, in despair. "You mav mad it " for {gum-Ives, and learn as t did, the real entity ot-ot-Abu gentleman.” " . u .. " " L '"aii/, you man Vane?" Mr. Bent" ask- ed Hal, hotly. “What do you mean? We all know who you is. Who do you think he in" C 1geii1nidyauhandonthebor'obm1. der, but, looked at Jganne anxioqsly. "In this license, the mwn whom you -whom all of us in.“ WI " Vanni: Vane, tha artist, b owed the; Mail of Mt” he aid, gravely. FiiiiieTGirarir"tiet Marina: a vane " it he were some phenomenon. "A--- marquis!” he gsved. "Tha. aham I“ an intense silence. Aunt a.» mud mun-mum. John am sad held on by the table, but Mr. mum’s lurprho wu more I.“ and Intense thy-gig. yo tamed perfect- EdmumJWguu-p. “You h-qrjugreiytttmutia21, Bif,"iumuDrttfiuayi)iHitntofre- Nb; they}: tm‘jw'mt Jane, QM. Edi}: "What . Bell in! at! 'h true, Mrs. Will mien!" no for con- an“ my all identity mom out It no this with no Tttt 190%", gm! I can you will not ,iiuttifrto as Mimi» It“ tor it in t mtpett i-.eeittlrteileeyiF'1 "-'""'"""qeH . .. cr. _ “ "rl." , . V: e 'r) r. . r TT"'"?'""'. t2ttt gently. "tor Vernon Fam, are laik' DonCerr, Jeanne. It will all come I of my was.“ Edwin“! 'rt", right. It is plain, that Vine loves you, or] still, however, no one med ob to I “mold help“ done this! But - to m this store. and Vac. with . harm an and, and allyolrbms e that hush, ootrtitsgd.. ws' _ _ use!“ “Mn. verisopmnei? tia.". . l "Do not look so aghast, all of yam” to “And any :11 muted ‘J. YA, out r,'f,,,tttegthetef2ttthttt In. hnbton. with . Wing tsith. “I an nat changed. by Minx s mum . "What shell we dot" _ - and . title. Prsy let me remaln Before thh momentous problem .Pt Vernon Vane. and let us rennin on the celved solution there mum . hmmermg old footing. The reason for this ooneeal- It the door, “a shout! of: uncut, Uncle John. I will I?!“ and tell "Jeanne," "Aunts" "Jeanne." ion, or, better min, Janna sh.“ do 12.! Jun“. flies to the door, At least tow, Mr. Lambton, let us take . glut» of there is one who will not “my lady” her champagne together," and, with o. hug}: sad stand aloof. he fill Mr. Lemhton‘s glass; but , "Bit t" she cries. and the next moment 10:th pillmaker could not be put at ls, him in her he and satin. "Oh, _hirnuhu'tttequiek1r. . 'LL 1 l 1.1." . 1 1 un‘. h . htlv "cer--eeiiplr, 1',il lord. with plan-k one." he odd. "De 'ghted, lhn "re---' Pleas my 51:11:1Etnyhlady, gtttgttt any good " , a gas ingc “inane, not with the Ittite)')ht1 smile, but with c men-ennui. almost frightened, egpgmsionn. ., w m " I Piiiii,' 1'GTyGGy said Vane, "bill up your glut, eome----" But Aunt Jane shook her hand and trtared at hips, "Well," he said, ttxt up as . bad job; "I see you want to " a (slut, with Jeanne. Suppose you ladies run away and leave us gentlemen to hue a quiet glass to ourselves? Go, my darling?' he murmured in Jeanne’s cc, “and don't gorge”; that we have only just half at oar." . Nazi'tainly the effect of Bell’s commun- ication seemed to have caused partial stupefaetion to the majority of the - . - __ ____-,I ‘L- Ann. i'ir"ii,r'iii'Trieit Find bind! the door, Georgina and Maud arose as if they were ‘ . " '___-- __.| “at. -- ay-nkving from} a. awaiting Trom I. but I, - W, - they went out, stared" over their shoul- ders at him, as if they could not see too much of him. 1 Jeanne was the last to have the room, and, an aha want, Vane took both her hnade in his, and scrutinized ha down. wat face with a loving, assured expre- m. V ' Well, Jeanie,” he said, “are you so startled also? .e . But Jeanne did not am. did not an her eyes, and went out without . word, hearing as she did so, Vane’s voice, with its now merry ring in ithsayingl: ' , "a “V" “‘""J ""5 -eet --v . u "Now, gentlemen, don't let us be fool- ish over this little surprise. Boll, I tire en’t committed amine marl Come, Un- ele John, Jeanne hlsn’t aufiued any in- jury. come-tte", L> ' " , At Frur m M.“ Vale, I)?! P" J . WWI: ~V-lvv _ Jeanne finds the rest of the ladies clustered at the foot of the stairs, all wettingt for ht r, and all speechless "ill," and pa ting-her arm around Aunt June’s. wast, the leads her upeteirs,‘the rub {allowing like sheep; then, when thedoor in era-ed, Aunt Jane speaks? r' "Jeanne, is this true?” "Oh, yes, Jeanne, is it true-quite true'." echoed Maud and Georgina. "It can’t be true!” "Yes, it is true," said Jeanne, quietly, with downcast face. Mrs. Lambton, sank into a. chair, and held her hand to her heart. "Tben--then," tr', . said, "you are I tnarhewtitrets, Jeutt‘.” .. a. I "7riiiiiiiioiG/"" echoed Maud, east- ing a woeful and despairing glnnco nther mister. If they hnd only known-it some good-nttuyed nngel had only whispered that this handsome unknown man they had been patronizing so effusively nil these months pot was I marquis, in- stead of a. poor struggling artist, what might have heppenod! They both ex- changed glnncos and panned. "A real marquis," gasped Mrs. Lamb- tan; "and here's Luutrtirn and me been treating him all this time like a com- mon mim." ' "And pa," ground Maud, wringing her hands; "and a talking to him shout pictures and ing his friend, in theti horrid, awruLwitoy.ly e few: minute: ago. Oh, me, vixatiom" _“So shall I, I'm sure,” mound Georg- Ina; "and to think we made so much of that trumpery Mr. 1'itmimmoms---though ho is a Viscount.” "What's a Viscount to a mprtp1isrr a real marquis!" ‘said Mrs. Lambton. "And --Maud, tleorghuv-rhyr can on sit there and let her ludyship sung!” the The two girls jumped u if their chairs had suddenly bitten them, and each dragged a. chair tosmrd ”Jeanne, who stood with folded hands Ind downeut flee in all her bridal ttnerr. “Here’s a chair, Jeamto--anr My!" said both in . vpice. - '. _ - . viii}: Shad - and looked around-. the title was so gtmngp 51nd imptt?tytt.tle. "Oh, don't," she cried reprachtuilr, "Why do you all look at me BO, and ---and stand away from met Have I done anything wrong? Don't look at me so, Aunt Joana.” " ' . . s "'in1iTviiii%te first tears she had shed on her matings day, Jeanne threw her- Ielf " Aunt Jant's tet, A -- - - "There-them."' said the old lady, waking from her more, nad crying, too. "Don't Jeanne---don1t. There'e nothingto cry about, though you have frightened the heart- out of our bodies. Let me look " yap, the" - . . . l -A1ii"iriu- Jeanne?! face in her hands. --- __ - - "Yes, it is my Jeanne still, though II. is a marchioneas. But why did you be? it no secret. Jeanne looked up eagerly. . "r-T did not know it," she raid, then taltered. - _ - - _ “Loft anyone could let a isn't her tauib-her Myehip’l fault, I mean," In}: Mm. Lambton; "she was qmte as sur- prised as any of us, tmrp't pp, gulf." 113'; Gli, i mean? And to' think that :here’s a thTgt"oil,Ti, " 3J1, wait- toearry etc. Jeefr.'nt at 'Ill/ And tambton vii) be porn-[:17 with us all. Pil never forgive myzeif for taking so free and 9.11 with l tyrants: “In: -tiiiiiGFrikGt pm tur. murmured End, in an AM 1'tt"iii; for mm hade in. and. avidly yog ue.‘ iiGFiviirjirGiGiC'iyd Marquis of Femdale! 0h, Jeanne, vhf, t lucky girl -.----..------e__ I, 32.1mm started and looked Imnd with n sudden flush, pm] the old light of frank bride in her eyes. Sim] -die' with 7511mm and t,r,%rl'st gun. with cam-ml" an- ad WM '.'" "” ', munch-arm 'itmieCAibi-Atr, _'_'ir" mmrnpywthinklarplxmlfifll M ..Wr --reh I with ttit he was only Yam _ . - _ Yum.” F . ' l-, The a . drew up at“ And an an qrmrttr to he! was. anytime school home and she uzghted "'Mr, tig, J2me: t,',f,t"t. 1&ng with s Olivia): fat silken skirt. and . "Fagin ' it-i noun new q Uniting or o some subtle pm}; a "I; young! pith! Mn. Vine, _intrtand ruien to note and to remember. of . mnhionesg. Oh, Pt:" .. . _ ' -- "tou e9 go dam} ed lean? this note iiii"JGiiiii Wt. n1iiij e 1"V," .. 3;... f,)riiS,ii2i tti1htt t'sitt'it f,'lt an mama; at“ mm. tCtle' worn; for ta, k mar air, “h!"- Vane’. . mug. regain? Mel P' _ I “m1:- atu Jeanne, holding him fr“ her and kissing him vigorously: “1 1°" iyou! Tell them that min! , (To hp continued.) ','. , atte “a; 31.11:: lucky. mémuwiw "iiteanm is quite 'tti'; an Aunt Jun drying hit was. “I w wrist III mull. Don't cry, Jeanne. It will all come right. It is plain that Vnne loves you, or v 'l should he hive done this! But - bu tiirritflakd,msdattroprty-" hurled ‘Mn. Vernon Neil 90.: _ . , ' Gm Mot Weather Ailments 5nd Sum- i Iner- Conwlnlnu. ' In the hot weather the little one. .jauffer from stomach and bowel trow. lblel, are nervous, weak, sleepless and irritable. Their vitality is lower now than " any other sewn. Prompt action at thir, time, save! .? Jefl1't Btil t" “All right, Jeanne I" he on b . ur. "Don't cry, Jen t It's all g,tl"Wr'i u bit knocked over at first, of course, and you’re upset; but Vane’s none the -- ‘-A K-.--. - ...--u rm in“. The Hindus, notably thoughtful of en!- ,-mA1s, have established it rest home for decrepit beasts not far from Calcutta. A high envied manager rules e staff at eighty servants, while there in a house veterinary surgeon to look after those patients suffering from diseeee. Every unitary preeaution is taken and the stables are meisl.' lst JAtir Eng. J, t A recent mans showed that there were 973 ftsuptir iiinateg, including 129 ,bulls, 307 cows, 171 eaivets, 72 horses, V " water buffalo, 69 sheep, is gotta, m pigeons, 44 chickens, A cats, 3 monkeys, _ and ' dogs. Little red tape is required to secure _ admission to the home, and the cattle hue en especial]: any time since et , certain seasons t ey ere made the ob- jects of venerntion and are visited from fer end nest. _ . - than at any other sewn. Prompt action at this time saves it precious little life. Bshy’s Own Tablets is the beat medicine in the world for little ones. They speedily relieve, prompt- ly sure and give sound refreshing sleep. And they ore unnamed free from opi- ntss and Wu! drugs. They ulwayl do gooir-thtT cannot possibly do hem. until no horse tshould be without the Tnbleits, es 1y during hot weatb . nt s, tttt dangerous troubled idling." Jltl'Il';' and dmost unperceived. warn Mar- tieotte, Chlorydonnes, ttt' ' says: T have used Baby’s thm To); ts for diur- hoea and itp'aurtt'trtutsreis and always with the most perfect success. They are better then any other median I know of." Bold bralt dragging, on by' mail " 26 cents s box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brock. ville, Ont. See that every box bears the mute "Batry's Own Tablets" and the pie- ture of a four-lent clover on the wrapper. Anything else is an imitation. "rrcriraiiition is supported entirety by gift? from. the. nutivu, and finer a: aiiua of thirteen yeti-s is in a thriving condition, with funds ample to meet any demands made upon it. The latest version ot the Bible is one just completed by Samuel Lloyd, of the British Bible Society. For yen: he has worked upon e version of the New Inn- tament in the modern tongue, and after laborious comparisons with the ancient Greek and Latin he has at lest put for- ward ' New Testement in which the ob. scure phrnses have been made clear and words to which another meaning is now assigned are given their new form. As en instance of the manner in which the work bee been done, the world "pub. lleenm my be tnken. By common use e "vgiblican” is now the keeper of o fl lie ouse, or, in other words, a “an keeper. In the Biblical sense a publieen we: e collector, end the letter word is now used. It is the most radical chang- Ing of the text of the Seriptnree that has ever been made, but the version has the approval of the clergy, who declare it to be e decided edvnnee over the modern- ized form of the King Juneau vet-ion. I / “Balkan” South Pole is Weaning. . Since the first visit to the ice up of the south oole was made, some fifty years ago, there has been a steady re- cession of the belt of some thirty miles, and it is argued thet in the couree ot timrttwilttrii-ittAtx? make approach to the pole itself all that the lend in that vicinity may even become inhabited. It is now believed that the ice cap in but the remains of the glacial period, and thnt when the ice null tinny hve melt- ed it will not form again, the waters then being subject to only we}! ice for. nations weather. It is therefore possible that in spite of the few attempts made to reach the south pole in conqurison with the my endeavors made to reach the north pole the toner will he the sooner diseovered. he. is believed to be tth', of loud about the south le, en in the course of time this my Keane the ruling coun- try. ....,---,-,- -___ _ mg Canon Iqbal-:1 weren’t ably“ t'r'lS2'lrt"l'fJeT'rLu"'iai'Ati7to"it -- amen; Widow-So do l. P'gr, this he and “burly belovol” th a morning I felt a if I had received a PM?“ _ _ '- _ _ 7 BABYS OWN TABLETS Armin! Home: for the Aged. -e, ‘ - . - . . as occux 1n my ttea Mt “my Newest Bible. WU ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 3 i , . 'vis-ici"" a lil iiti'iiiiiiiiii'ii,,' {it e "ff"liihifhhiiii gig-:3 "Fc'..............,.-'.?"",-.."'.-".,;, ' Won ed; tro down and lave this note " my, Fiske," she observed to the youllg gm- in I.th "And be hen to take me u, in won: but an tour.” Then the opened the school (loo: mom km and ,mik. ,tlltuAbt1 she. 'tot mutate lo n: de Max: father bunt‘ina endowed thibuil t Did it not append for in way “Manon upon In bounty'. She did not tbink _of this,, upwever, u the :N "Tit'", the ttuit and present- idghhod , a rain!!! .11 t Vidal, torthetgle- . . o t e u clan, or ey all bugger, sud he: etttmnett was a. welcome break on a sultry July after. Ioon who lesson- had become I. drag. Behind th- desk the little drool mise tresl smiled, too, for she was tired, and she, too, loved the bright girl who so often culled her friends, albeit the gulf mm $1)em_we mentality? AI at" stud tide by sito" i“ “m bum them seemed very wide. The lit- tle who“ mil§teu_wu no loner y9u_ng, -d%i/rtrtttmu-vumiltir angina, tad . mugre, unsatisfying life, shunt, lint! patiently sud always have- ik,e,i1,tl',hit',t'e'1i'""'"i"""' t {W91 be. - , " ., "" "man. out, Rhoda," slid the vision inpaibuly. :‘Inwuzt to talk to £915.” A mic of the hand was sufficient, and they hooped delightedly into the playground, while Cecily with hee put- sol poke‘ the windows open to their widest limits. "ugh, how close and stuffy it in! And quite time you had your holiday, Rhoda. You no u pale " a ghost." "The but In ttring," Ill. ,xplaiori, in her 9:331:th voice. It and: on the chi n. The mental condition is away! dAyryien.t. on yysptrtit1,_tntl'. {“1513 fdtf,,f think! 'shTske ml orins my on act .1, T'V' l ridden "iiiGh; ,'i'lldl,", on 3e gigging nothing. and in: - timd, but st the present meat I am pretty miss:- shle, I can tell you.” "What is wrap 11errf.1' “Everythi ." 'ld.; vleuned- Ihr "mbois the desk, aaxloobd was: into the tam of the Iittle,sehool mistress. "D1d you know that Mr. Clap“ we; dining With us last. night?” . Fit school mistress shook her head. ' __" have not seen him, and even if I Md. he need. not hove mentioned it." .“Pspo liket him so much, he will ketp .on asking him, Rhoda; he say: he is a "ettolpr tind, tsgfrtthytttn ngdtthst he 51 a ’. v _ Mc E f i r n o - _ 3' ' J Ebola: . drew up " they 11 , , at)! taboo! home and m Harland entered the little room. and are l to Ed ni, idea a. cultivated." L Ullulvuwu. ' The lip of the little rachool mistresll faintly curled, but the young beauty,! absorbed br, her own thought, did not, notice/it. i ' I “He will keep on making him, Rhoda, then what dill become of me t" " don’t underliend you. deer?” "Oh, fee, you do; you understand quite we I; _only you Wilh to unite no speak out quite plainly. I have never met anyone like him. Why has Heaven been so cruel? He might M an easily hnv'e been rector of Downthorpe, .or . Orion 't Ngrwich, instead ‘of tttul t ey cal ingot . We tin e _itt 3mm. I neror' "Fa E without a. shudder." "I don’t think W. Clcphane is asham- ed ok hit work, or his ttn when" 96- tp,? tho iitaLesboalmis trtmu.tctdil' 'IS,, ian't', he glories in it, podtiveiy glories in it, and speaks about in these macaw 1e ttt7, people no it any were his date“ itetids It is beam in u so different from every other nun that I want to know him better, Rhoda, and yetf-urd yet it it not win”. . tr; it, I shall be eutmrsd to Lord Lethbridge. No, I dun not mnmulmy happy, but at hut I 1 plane papa, And upde the tee 31 1ti,ry.s.aotle:", w». a nun con-n- -e ._..-.._ --F Bethe! and the factory workers and Bockbridge finally at close qurtera, appat. 80 an: doing, and when 1 come buck, if AuntMoetio SP mnnfge "She turned about slow] my his, 'd'l;%1'l'.1'4. The lesson Takdli that “bemoan, end the whom: were rr.Ircrtlttet, End by the school up; the little white- ropeoomd out“. via-e tho shoot. uni-tn“ had her lane-' veritable bow- er of e ghee. bountiful without and cosy within. u val “one than in the late evening, when there am n low tar " the door. She knew the knock, it had always the power to mm her pulses. and to opt her yeart betting; But out; wardly fiii'rtiariiTiGGrV GU than with ;i{.'m" no sign. The mntt ffGeister could be Bo-go r.,rut'u;esa..'s, urii.ieeis', kiird'ii . w, Mt "'t U u n “I It is because ry other all! I etter, Rhoda, B the.” " lot of time. to any” TAU}. in king it n his hi roux. Rhoda in intend the little totem. and mesh! hi . _ u. 1rr, he It d nobie '=liitsnW1'iaii1.'arut'ililg'ika1 all of power and strength. Outwardly. at least, he seemed an ideal! leader of men. But he wore :dejectegir and she know tut it in mm Fagin. w" - - '"."""e""Nr - ‘Va"“ " Use con: to Sou/ 'ititiir, because you on “manly ttt an only true tried,“ I ha’ in Rock idge. 3: "ru'.. ,',t',',tt, Gun you I me just (mo- men t" _, , “Just a “lay like," Ill. teta- "You think there in so much 1St are t" ho said, with n kind of wi new "Of Into 1 have been depressed. thinking the work was sanding still, autism“ wgnder if I did, tttt the ho than ours“ . . hue {lbw trqu 'g,t'tr8t'thti; I an nothing leu than n selfish, ninet- nble nun, I ing wouleuly for the ti-ttpots of t. I III "I"! to hate my work. and the folk who have _tttet.tstroodtoane. ttisttmethnt1 we?” n1 hand. " in o n “in; ' ne. . " Poke aid. 'E,,VI,' yourptzrk will re- turn. Try and live it down." Be shook hlo heal. Nt is not poulble, tor the an: - not be removed. I will tell you, I one to tell yon, I hove leaned to are too null for Miss Donnithorpe. You re- ‘xnember how planed we were when I gwu first naked to the Hall, nnd how I :rejoioed I wu to be able to interest tbn ',Wihire h~.uy.wotk. He has been one ot guy t-t trieMa, and has node B. wel- ‘come of his house. I have nnllell - Eiii to the full, with a: and malt. I guitdhu,nndnothiqhu.hn it. an. hot-on. no no .1 watt. an. Itll',' Tery soul. It is time to: me to Jr'., "But you ate _,1,,i!$l.FWt'ig.'t there," the aid timidL . id becoming I gunmen to young. tmt _gttidiptr/' . . Lui: Rhoda, before the - srsttem, und- 1 hue naked to be relieved." "Where will you a?" . “Bad: to lunche- ' to tho b d “new: of ting cl ' where my - " sink into mustang. I have irtrtahm1 permission, and will gown w month.” - _ w F He sat a mu. om aiming both their proapoctQ’ _ took his I've, TJt'ts that:, A wilfueet I’m. and» in ., 'r ' “it“! - thy m1 at?“ s%'lfi"d',T' St; smile, thoughAbnrggta wan. It“ bade him itiiiMi en an: in ir1otieil 51nd och-d the'door of her drristr hng. the military WARN)”: "tr, Mtett - “ 1rtr"eeiitr.: L $0. seems a pity, but retpiie, " ri t." ...'~.'--x ., - ‘I uni right. I will theme', and soul into the w ttMfl wil come. I M11 i ' ' 11011, so I “all be 11rli'ek whole life to the wditriA6iyq iiGrda-h/a." triend7h't,tA write to cheer me, u yd?! me beret" God, wlyrrtiof,r been without, P"l I" ""iki, "I will write," aha imaged lr, and even with a slight netuu2 'r . . for the moment rT,oit,tfftt . p. I, too, my late Donn _ 11).} h _ u? been thinking may of jdn'ing’y T .7 , in South Africa. I woutt, gaping“ "C, iiiriiferT/iai it: i'e'iiiiieit".' lit/it to be patted by the w tit. reutb' " the see. when we are th6 1Plr tro gt." The Bev.' p. G. Elton. who condudvd B revival u the Baptist Church here men! your: ago, and who is well known to Beidwille prople, u , firm Innate: Mr. Elsom went to the ticket office It Dmville Ind called for u ticket to M lin Junction. The agent politely infom- ed him that all but the fut train Ind dqarted Ind that it would be imp-i- ble for tuttmimtootaetF. no. Elsom told him that he was with; in 1 revival nnd by! an qrt*rtaet. (of ii; 3.75,".541' vaaséri'ho wee with him will not be surprised to hear of this incident: _ .. - _ --. . 3 o'eloek that utemoois" " Ptuathttn Junction. Big penuuivn pom van of no uni! to the ticket Agent, but who: No. M t,11tl, out of Damn. it con- nined t e Rev. Mr. Worn u. a pun?- 'i,i'2tdi//"irt, tie ‘tnin ht: on... to . can mi just opposite a M nt which he had " sppohtnut. It "I leaned that the min was stopped on want of ntsotttot---rteMevineeory- pendent Curiotte W. gar, who, when the train was luvhgtho city, fell upon his knees and begun to guy. As soon as he completed his pay- " be true and petsed.ou.t of the window 5v. ll‘uv- -.- ..-.._-_" - . . the Bntriirh the tum would have been harmed to summon. u the ex- penditure per capito in much greater in End-ad than in either Gunny or An- erica, though the cost is less. Germans spent but $1,050,000,ooo Inst you for drink, bi had each spent " much u the "ale Englishman 0000.- 1ttt0,000 more woul have been opal. Both Germnns 1nd Englishmen spend m per eapita for drinks than the All- elic-ml, nnd in the list of nntiono the Una! States stands well down taunt sobriety. The! An mu. Americans spent $1,170,000” foe drink.- last year, but had and: m spent for liquqlf _ns punch in pruned-Eon u did that people now resort to tune meth- ode to remove the source of worry. They cut the burden of their little - upon the “Walt Ad" columns at n Mr any new per. Then column Mute t clam home for trouMe, whim! “one “no wed to dispoee of union. acum- hodetlou ot emitmodities end ttire In. no In! "Don't You!" 0*. The "Don't Worry" Clube which can once Mt input" are never heard of now- adnys. natend of trying to link. then- selvu believe there in nothing to fret 36.7% “we the “a - tor s mntmlly ntilhetory aditrstarte- their but. Ever try a 'tnee' Wat Ad if" remedy for Harry! o'Pgr,-i',,t," I {nave-born A“ y emu t.tsle,theli'lt Ban 'aT-R, just beau-e h " ten to awfully. "O-tttt . m0¢¢¢og 5:55.; mom Power of Pup; 'u. , but get” you“ _ .' JUlio _-.-...--

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