West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jul 1905, p. 8

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" Mr Phtriek J. Morrison. Prescott, in viewing " the old homestead in Glens)“ this week. Mr Geo Ritchie in receiving nanny mmmletiong. _ Mrs Iuteshiotrern.t- ed "him on Frimy In: wfth twin daughters. All are doing well. IMWCIDI' And In John Ritchie. Fort illitun, are visiting his When. Geo and Wm near here. 1". Btore do.” " T p. m. RWPENS for the NI Term My am. I; I” for the clandlcutlon of ma. Clanc- begin loudly. Sept A, ms. Poul-9111331115211 dwell“. tour couple! BI'SINESQ COURSE tor_th- who mm bo- come Beethoven}? Midis. iiarairatiir mercantile We. “LIBRAPHY Gonna for those wishing to bacon. 101mm Oman SHCRTMAND a TYPBWRmNa Conn. toe than who wish to become “anon-pm. PREPARATORY Gonna tortttoee who m In buck in their education Bad who with to Mir-ova in mmmon school abject. lone too " hock [or this can... Write toe s new mum-ma mun-em and Journal showing our urlom departments a work : it in tree. " Imperial" Shoes Special Values in Mens Furnishings 'rl,')", coth _ t al Mr Joe McArdle went to Dubai? 'rite or . 'IS,', “mm Amtougtceggtegt " on Monday last to a meeting ot t a Journal "h1'g",'ggyrfitrge'.'ei"'t""" Grey tttil .Bry co M. F11. Co Directors. ', A. PLEIING. Principal Owen Sound I .rurintt II In full "ruttt now, a. good _ l at crop. Miss Snub Hanna, Holland Centre, What about a Neat Raincoat? The Famous Canadian Make ind 11'»th aiiiieTrii, 193”. shipment. one. Our new line of Men's just in gives you valid?! and style to pick from, at lowest prices. You are sure to ind one that'll fit. New Cravenette Coats for the Lathes arrived in same shipment. See our assortment before purchasing your new Owen Sound. Ont. [70/97/7594 Edge Hill All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted. Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade. Goods delivered to all parts of town. The People’s Store IN estern Fair ' mumm- hlr - the People of am My " caulk-t opportunity for I plan-t out. " I Illimnn of cost. an} at the game (in: devehpoo their not! ol practical Ind an“! knowledge. V7 In redundant {aim-n have “way: been artfully fostered by the Directors. This year 0:va Impoetartt Improve-ent- of nnturstruetive “(are have been added. The eetebeated gut mun-d with: land will [in the. m all, during the eahitritto.. The emu-uln- mt department will be better than "It. and will include taping the pp in mid ll! on a “can tsutomottite. When Govern“ Sim hid the foundation " Won. maria. one hundred years ago he hey " would grow to be. patchy. but had ”minim Wooten Mr. Also the CROMPTON STRAIGHT FRONT CORSET at 3111). An extra good corset for 50cand 60:: in the WHITE, made by the Wray Company of London. a Al Srant. Corsela/ Corsets eorsets.r We have a full range of the B. & I. BIAS FILLED CORSETS in Drab and White at $1.00. "I mun-am mu I. J. It... "mot-7. on J A. IILLII. OIOOIVAI' ROBERT BURNETT In all lines, we aim to carry only the best obtainable. and in Boots and Shoes this u the ”Imperial." In good looks and appearance. a nicer Shoe would be difficult to find; we have them in tan, black and patents and can give you a wide choice as we have 12 new cases in this week, just opened up. All who have worn them are loud in their praise. We have Shoes for everybody in all sizes. 7" IIUICIYIOI VIA? D... FALL ACIIGUtVUML I‘ll. .0qu LONDON Sept. 8 " 16, 1905 is . guest " her grandmother's, Mrs J... Allan, this week. Mr and Mrs John Little, Proton, have been visiting " the latter: par- ents, Mr and Mrs Robt Rotor of the avenue. David Allan, Hopeville. and daugh- ter Casio were over visiting his moth- er last week. Astana] the meeting lust Tueadav night in the Grange Ball, conducted by Rev Mr 12glt,t'g,',t was well attended und mac enjoyed. Mr Wm McNally and niece from Mull Corners, visited " Mr Geo Ritehieh In: Babuth. The doetor attending Bert Love reports him doing well and not a. a badly hurt as " first announced. David Allen and Ham Allen have been going to Edge Hill to see their mother who is sick. Adam Scarlett got notice a few days ago that his mother " Sault Ste Marie was sick and not expected to get bet- ter end he left tones her. Mr I. W. McArdle visited his father on Bunday lust. tiopeville This Store opens " Ta. ttt. Following are: (at date In!!! ”that: uniting in and around Dmmore from 4 don to two weeks or more; duration. ”Ml-and In John Bylaw! and Mr and In Parker ot Toronto at Mr nod lira John Gannon's the parents of the ignition". ot Dundglk. " her aunt‘s In Rots Ronwick. Mn Adsmoon and chi'd. of Toronto. " Mr tuid Mrs Samuel Paterson’s. . i; GU" Mnr Ju Longbow and niece of Port Arthur st Mrs T Laught- In Lothian had a week’s vi Fleshertoo with her relative Mr Moore nod returned Monday. Mr Alex Henderson, Jr, has “(:3 nude moo an ogntlon for append! - tin " Toronto capital and is doing nicely. his wife is in attendance. Mr Chu Wench is we ere planed to any somewhat recovered from " severe illness and hope to see him in his aeeusstomed sent " church. A successful Sunday School social was held some two weeks ago " Amos Church where the Rev Mr Holmes, Methodist minister " Holstein deliver- ed an exoellent address. the choir also rendered tine music with their old time vim and sweetness. Mrs P. Litster also sang some solos transporting us to former days in her charming gltteg style. A quartette by Misses sit and Lothian and Messrs Isaac and Ramsge another by the Misses Renwlck and Eccles, and a dialogue by Misses Mary Brown and Grace id and D. Henry blrought a successful meeting to a c ose. It we have missed any we have torgot; this item should have been reported long agr. but it is liken man sitting between two chairs. it tell through between two correspondents. each leaving it for the other. Misses Maggie and Ellen Baxter no home for a week or two on the occasion ot their mother s illness. Thomas Binnie, tmttermtrirer, of Ayton creamery. and Mr - Russell of the same plays visued relatives and friends around Dromore. Miss Katie Clerk. Dromore, and her cousins. Mine Cueie McLeod. ot limo. and Miss Eve Elliot; of Toronto. spent Friday in town. They took in the sight. at the cement works which they enjoyed immensely although eomewhet dusty. Dan MoCmnél got a proven track in " burn it is giving good autism:- Annie McMillan, of Ceylon. in visit. ing at her grandmother's. Mrs Clerk. Min Jennie Marshall is visiting " " brother Jemee. Mr and Mrs Willie Wilson. Neil A. McQueen and Dan McCannel took in the excursion to Niagara Falls they report an enjoyable time. Mlss Kate Clark is the possessor of a beautiful Doherty organ rchased trom John McQueen. 6005 players praise it for its tine tone. Oh set the bells a ringing And fire off your guns; Blow your st,rJ,"r'ti'i', inside out And hang your iggest drum. If any one should ask you The cause ot all this joy You can tell them I'm the Father or a oouncing baby boy. Is the song James Marshall is slug- was“: McLean: agent I. day at J. MeQueen's1aat wee . - Mrs Clark and her son Findlay spent no enjoyable week visiting friends in Collingwood and Nottawe- saga. cps. Mrs Clark met a number of old friends and saw many changes since she last visited there. in; these diys. The pouring rain of the morning of the 12th did not hinder the loyal orengemen of L. o. L. 1136 from as- sembling " their Lodge and driving to Mount Forest they were awarded by a. fitte afternoon and grand demon.. etretion it being the largest crowd that ever gathered. Swinton Park lodge carried away two lat prizes one for the beat pinging and one tor the largest lodge, on one 2nd prize. The lecture " Swinton Park on Friday night was a treat to those who attended, bat the attendance was not as large as expected. The Aldcorns are enjoying the visit of some ot their Montreal friends. Herman Haw'a cousin and his wife from near Owen Sound are visiting Angus McDongall and his daughter Maggie resumed home from a trip he the Manitoulin 1d. from home for four Sunday enjoying a. well earned rest. Rev eCall will take charge of the services in his ab- sence. We are well pleased to see the names of Miss Spence’e two pupils all who wrote " the recent entrance examin- etion in Durham. “We congratulate the Swinton Perk young lady who successful caught a swarm of bees lately. a. will econ hove a feed of honey. The collection " Swinton Park on Saenment 8untur for Foreign Mis- sions unarmed to 837.15. At Price- ville the collection amounted to $53. fried every my) mob uh diver (I ' mir-Urol-trut the an»: noti. bronchO) who t 'tttht them should be c, the Clark of Emma that the Com Onr local agent had u. trying ex- perience last. week for two days he Yied P?rr. 3'91? tteh an Agrrrro Rev Mr Matheson will be absent Arrived too late tor last week. Boothville ._vo<-..\ 'tt visit, " a tiw [:01qu it/td 'll'll'M,'T,.'t'2f, “mm”? t t y a a... and 1tUiWitT'llufd h. [ nun-301w goth: toot Mouton llolip Itiiot and caught him. Jack though: he would have to and tor (st-whey to 11.0 him. Mr Cameron R McIntosh. prinolpd of Athens Model school is holidarintt " his home tube burg. Mr and Mrs Wm Smith returned to their home in the village after I. month's plenum visit with triendsin Kent County. 10mm of Buford: itrrkitirtit his brother Rev Mr Aitchbon ofthe A Winsome lady I! “In Alice Corlett of Chicago who arrived In: week to enjoy countrv life " the old home- stead in Bentlnok. Mr and Mrs W J Greenwood of Traverston visited friends in the vi!- lage on Saturday and Sunday last. Miss Allie Grant of Durham. former. ly teacher " Lawn: area: e few pleasant days in the etl age the be. zinnlng of the week. Miss Kate Maloney of New York city is renewing old acquaintances in the community. She is the mentor her friend. Miss Maggie Megan. From another correspondent. Mr and Mrs Wm Smith. Sr. arrived home on Fridav from visiting their daughters. Mrs Mills and Mrs Rose ot Tilbnry. and son the Rev J Fraser Smith of Camber. After spending the pee: three weeks in our burg Miss A Anderson left on Monday for Durham prior to her re- turn to her home in Bltrth. Principal C R McIntosh of Athens Model School is holidaying at " home here, He was one of the examiners of the recent Entrance examination held in that pines. Miss Alice Corlett of Toronto is visit- ing her parents Mr and Mrs R Corlett " present. A few of our citizens picnicked " Hayward 'g Fallslut Frid.y ahernoon and report I pleasant time spent. Mr J aha Duncan and duughter ot Glam: visited his sister Mr: T. Me- Knight 9. week ago Sunday. Runberry ttttf is the order ot the dey end " t are is en abundant crop we think every one may get a good supply. Mrs Wm Ledinghem of your town who has been on en extended visit to her daughter Mrs Jae MoCl-rty of Owen Sound arrived here on Saturda and is the guest at her son Mr J. Leg. lnghem. Rev If Metheeon, B A of Cheteworth was a visitor at the manna on Fridev tgl took in the picnic to Hayward a a. Miss Isa. Campbell. Swiuton Park, returned to her home last week after spending a very pleasant time twith her aunt Mrs J. annbull. Mini Allie Great. formerly teacher of Lemma. school spent part of last week with her friends Miss Grumman and Miss MoArthnr. Miss M. McKenzie. teacher, Durham is 'tg',',",', her holidays with her Ill- ter rs Dr Smith. We are eorry to so.“ that Mr Jag Watt who has been poorly for the past two months is not getting much better. The Rev MrWHBoyle.l) D, the popular pastor of St Paul. Minn., at- tended divine service last Sunday. He is spending his vscation with " brothtrrh, Messrs Chas and Joseph Bowie of Glsscoct. Engineer John Ledingham of Ihr.. lnth, after an absence of four years. returned About two weeks ago and is the guest ot " mother and brother ofWelbeok. He looks hale and hearty as of vore. MrR R Aitctison. hardware mer- chant of Bttmtrville, paid a visit to " brother, Rev W W Aitohison the firrtt of the week. Mr C C McFeyden of Edge Bill cal- led " the meme one day last week. Born-On July 14th, to Mr and Mrs Wm Lochend noon. Boy no 4. The council met July 8th, no per ad.. jonrnment. All the members present. The business of the council woe enme- whet delayed by the upped of the "f P R Telegraph Co which ceme before Hie Honor. Judge Marrieon " 10 o'clock on that. day. Mr MoMurchy. solicitor for the CPR argued his care foe the Company for about 40 minutes when his honor die- miseed the upped end the council pro- oeeded to ordinary business. The. Reeve in the chair. minutes of last meeting rend and eoMrmod. The following commun- ications were read; Prom Jen P Here. report of Committee " Welker deviation. from John Kelly re bank mount hom Lucas. Wright and McArdle; Legel ad. vxce re Walker deyietlon. from 1130 Treynor P L 8 re O’Heuley deviation. _ from D Allen repair of townline a and E from A Livingston, A, MoLeehlin and John MoArthur. Gtgtituateq toe gavel. Arrowsntith--aant,--Th" the report of we Committee re Wal In: datriation " presented from the Hollend eide of the Committee be adopted without my B. mendmeut. Carried. Moggintut--.Woir--Th" a Committee consisting of the Reeve, Mr Arrowrmith god the mover be appointed to cumin the bridge on Samoan River " Lot 47 con BN. D. B., and have the nine ro- ptirod if prtultitmtrits, and st not In" . new bridge built a once. Curried. 0lerteht Council ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO pas Your moneyback it you want it. Rush in Your Butter and Eggs. miedoner for Ward No. 2 Glenell spent 03.50 replirlnu culvert st Lot 30 can 4 S. D. B. in 1904 and the; Egremont Council my to our Treeeurer " on" be- ing baboon due Glenclu alter purine chime for washom It Lot 20 con 21. Curried. Other pevrneute were made or follows l John Meegher attending Judge's Court 8300;1niuh “Gloom: attending Influe'r Court, "OO; Thou. Nichol, gavel tor two been, 88.60; Thoe. Long. gravel. 01.10:Wm. Greenwood. gravel. 84.00; D. McArthur. gravel, 08.00; Thou. Me. Girr. “revel. 01.80: William Eaton - el. 8265; Ticket for Wm. Burueee to Sonic Ste Marie. 05.40: Other expeneee connected with sending Burgess. 02.50; Gee. E. Arrowunith, saluting surveyor. 82.00; E. W. Hunt, attending Judge's Court, 01.00 ; Thou. McFadden. attending Judge‘s Court. 01.00; Thor. McFadden. Committee work to Merkanle. 02.00; 1hoa. McFadden, conveying D. Lenoh to H. of B 02.00 ; J. S. Burk. two duye to erkdele. 84.00 ; l no. Ellison. expenee of Legal Advieo. 60.50; J. B. Block. on ulsry. 010.00: Gen. E. Arrowemith. Cornmiasiott, 05.00; B. W. Hunt. Com- mission. 85.00; J. A. MeMillen. Commun- ttt, 910.00; Wm. Weir, Commission, Tiiiii, Council adjourned to August " a IO B. m. J. B. BLACK. Clerk. Staff and Equipment. The Behool In thoroughly 'ati',',',',', in teaching ability in chemiml and electrics supxues ind m tings, Gs".', for full J unto: Lavina nu Install» don work. The following competent am! an in chute ' T508. ALLAN, litmus Certificate, Princlxnl 11188 L. n. I‘OBIAR. B. A., Cludcs wd Mo - -- -derna. X188 AJOHNSTON, B. A., innuendo: und Comment“. Intending Bandeau should enter a the begin In; of the mmlble. Bond on he obtain edit with . Durban is I grimy and tsttmattretowr, mun; it . not: den ble pm tor residencef -- distance. Wm. Johnna} ._Jr.. G. Rani... A general Banking ousineu transacted Drafts issued and collection made on on points. Deposits received and inter out allowed at current rate. SAVINGS BASS. Jul-eat allowed on saving: bank deposits of 'LOO and up- ward- Prompt attention and every 91cm" "ordisd cuebomen hing eta aullll AAA AAA (llllllll CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32,000,000 CAPITAL. Paid up. . . . . .. . . . . 1,000,0CO RESERVE FUND. . .. . . . . . . .. 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal pornta Mt Ontario. Quebec. “mobs. United States and England. w. P. COW“. President. GEO. P. REID, Inner. DURHAM AGENCY BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY FOR . Saturday,, July Prints in all shades, 36 in wide, reg 15c. per yd Saturday------" We will offer on Saturday next a limited number of Ladies' Tweed Skirts in assorted styles and colors. These Skirts have sold for $4.50, 5.00 and 1.00. To clearSaturday at..............-.-.----- $2.99 Durham School Head Office, Toronto. FEES: 91 per month in dance. Alex. Russell. J KELLY, $Agont. I) nderpriced Prints Ladies' Skirt Snaps THE BIG Oxfords, Strap Slippers and Trilbys in Black, Tan and Chocolate; Shoes that you pay $1.50 and 2.00 for, we sell Saturday for... . ... . 99C Half Priced Shoes Ft', HOTEL & FARM. for SALE or to RENT. Wti1 bemld. or rented r,t:re,t if desired. that well-known hotel an de- sirable stock farm at the Rob Roy, Lot 10 and ll, Con. 1. S. D. R., Glam-lg. GM acre. in farm, more orb-u. Block-mid: 'eg.' on one corner. Hotel across the to . Every tield well watered. {mile from school. sud 1 mile from post otBee. Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 menu. stable with stone foundation. frame ham, stone Pitt pen. and good hearing out-bud. Tel-mu to suit purcbuer. Apply Box 11 Durham P. o. a. RYAN. Prop About T mun from Durham on the Gut-dun. Road. Title good. Poo-eu- cion u once. must be sold. Apply to Thorough Bred can. we! Yo'hhlro logs. All registered Mock and likely uni malt. Apply to race. SCARP & 80x3. Jun. 2, 1905. Rocky Bungee. P. 0 Durham. Feb. 22. INS. The undersigned will nell house end lot on West, Bruce St. built in 1904, lo (rated between Furniture and 0mm Separator factories. tto x 32 feet, 2; stories. double cellar. cement Boor in one half. furnace in the other but. 9 rooms. modern and convenient. Good well on premises. email horn wiih stone stable underneath. A burg-Lin to quirk buyer. Apply _9_n tire premises or to 100 Acre FARM forSALE Putin tbhintt or otherwise trap.» sing on lot 28, con. 2, M. G. R., (Hench. (immediately vat of Glenmnidonl. will hepwucuted wading to law. This means you no don't ask pemiuion for it is Impossible to discriminate Stayed from the when of the undersigned About Hey 'Ahh, tr white sheep(3 black faced and 2 while faced) and four lambs. [at head of north of Swinmn Park on June 8. Anyin- formetion " to their whemboute will be gladly received. _ Cg“. McDogApn. Dupdnlk P. o. or mm QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods. Boot' I: Shoes. Crockery, to. We can give you Bargain. - Wo out inspection dour Mud TWEEDS & YARNS June22 HOUSE FOR SALE . SCOTT. FOR SALE. NOTICE. ESTRAY. “lawn .npuuotm Box Mt, miiUm. A. Imam; J. P. Tswana. 9C ft) m il, in TOL. XXVII tgrgatgSWiilllg DOM Chum In!" and Toeoatto DI in" and Toronm On. "In! and Daily (Huh: In" and Mrerekty Gl Ivuv and W. Mail: - and W etttern At IV!" aod Weeklv Eu - and anl. Her l [IVIII' nnd Weektv W hvmw and Mon. Ween $33333 Hosi Under Dress Ladies' Create 100 yds only and q Of th Good 60 ro only I Plaids 3 only 8 N de eh too yds atrit 125 yd: ch: 50 yds only Dar l Indies In ty work and l than in bk 36 pr [Adi mm Children. ' Ladies' In Rock ribt Ladie Ribbed bl All sizes I Extensive Opt [Adi :30 iorChil4 tinet qua-l (mic! Duck J up Tam bl :omplow l var Extensiw Silk and Cotton V1 Abe full nuke ot priced It was In Taffeta l nu One is v 65 yd green Turk!

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