West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Aug 1905, p. 1

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s Pio p $2.99 red to town rately if | and deâ€" Roy, Lot neig, 04 acksmith cross the d. 4 mile ost office. Good ble with stone pig . Terms use an i<h kely ani » on the Possesâ€" ply to ELFORD. nam W ys in that Gilenel nd Boots &ec. aln"© eas adies‘ These Lrespas feet, floor â€"half 1904 Al,E i9C of SoNns NS n 0C nort @qt ream WV () n CÂ¥ to 1t VOL. i Hosiery Revizw and loronto Daily Star RevieEw and Toronto Daily News Review and Daily Globe........ ReviEw and Weekly Globe.. . ... ReEvirw and W. Mail & Empire. Revirw and Western Advertiser Revizgw and Weekly Sun........ nEVIEW aANU . TSR IRCI 2 ces _ tls â€" @ REvIiEw and W. Mail & Empire. $1.75 R&vikw and Western Advertiser $1.00. Revigw and w“nl Sun........ $1.175 REevIiEw and Fam. Her & W Star $1.75 REvIrREw and Week!& Witness... $1.00 RevIzw and Mon. Weekly Herald.$1.15 Review Clubbing Rates oxunnnnnannanenmEmERE ERiRInIEIE Underwear Dress Goods Ladies‘ Parasols XVII. NO. 31 anmmmrmmmmmemmmmnemmmmmnmmuneemmmemmnsonmmmmemmmmmememet mmsmxmsx mE One Ounce of Satisfaction is worth a Ton of Talk < We can sell you Hosiery if you DSlery give us a Chance. We are adâ€" mittedly headquarters for popnl;; priced goods. Our Stock is still well assorted.© «* Ladies‘ tast black plain cotton Hose ........>>** .. 123 to 1 S fnllfubionedmmleu.........wto Ribbed biack cotton hose, heayy weight for boy# ... ..>> Complete range },‘sdies' and Misses‘ Cashmere ml% md% â€"___ very special at...... .606 «69 !** +********"" Rock ribbed Cashmere Hose.... ...« ..«+«****** All sizes Men‘s Balbriggan Underwéar .. .. Extensive range Ladies‘ Cotton Vests special values at...... o on aieas aie hok Taffeta Silk for Shirtwaist Suits, brown and white 6 navy and white, white & black in pin checks 50c a yd Jap Taffeta Silk, plain cream, white. brown, f black, blue, red, 27 inch at...... ...« . ... 50c to 608 . Extensive range of Cotton Dress Goods...... .. 10s. 15¢, 206 Silk and wool MIXHUr@® &b...... ... 666 + 66999999 50c to 75¢ . Cotton VOile @At.... .. .e es e 6+ 669 6n 6n n n * * .186 and 25ej & fl;:i“g Dress Ginghams, _Pit-ulins. Merce_riâ€"zed Sateen > James Ireland. special value. 2602 60% 6 @202 0%6 $1.90 @2 0%93%0 j H Paragon frame »teel rod, lilva trimmed bhandle. See them fof ce 8°V o dn ds g7 $6 <% > t 1b oL wl y ': ‘ fr f;w"-‘-: *%% ' x , 3 spncite mm ht agigno NB esn on menrih wilke + > a o o ~ o e * d + w it winaitanes ce + 6 PC hss k : & o n s o t 53 j < Â¥ k"n‘,i- we , ‘ pusth @9 e x % 4 'J} é g + '» a \‘ : â€" d ‘ & ;‘;\ .“\ â€" ’4’:‘,,':"_"‘ 4 g” " t . : >/ $L $ D +. 4 cp>~ . ahoul C & m 40%¢ $ i s a s e e dell t Ned t on 4 eC , P ‘, 4# *4 j 53 % Â¥ ) C #87 4 j § ' a ‘ + NY \i \' ‘3“ $ ‘ I . t 5 % 4 + :. & '. | "wt | 5 . ] s C M ; 3 | ts 1 TB S . » M : Li [3 C ; | a f 4 8 \| | wR ‘ \ f E. | } : â€" x I ‘\ : _ y o Y s & s \\, \ v€ * 4 . Gage Socen : i F fl K §§ | The annual picnic of Lawrence‘s Hall ls. 8. will be held in Ector‘s grove Friâ€" | day afternoon, Aug. 4th. Rural schools reâ€"open on the 3rd Monday in August. which this year falle on the 21st inst â€" Town Echools on first Taesday in September this year. The Rev G. Stevenson will preach at the preparatory tervice in the Method_ Church on Friday evening. The sacra. ment of Communion will be adminieâ€" tered after the sermon on Sabhath momning. For SALEâ€"A threeâ€"yearâ€"old horse sound wind and limb, brei of "Clear Grit. " Will be sold on easy terms. Also a "Stony River " two yearâ€"old mare colt, something special. â€" Apply to A, B. McLrErurax, Agent, Durharme. _ Rev Mr Little, haying been unwell all last week and not feeling equal to the task of preaching a sermon. teleâ€" poned N, W. Campbell, Public School Inspector for South Grey. who respondâ€" ed and occoupied the Presbyterian pulâ€" pits bere and at Fairbairn on Sunday last and gavea good practical talk on * The Making of a Man. "â€"Hol. Leader On! Ttux®x Dust.â€"UComplaints were plenty last week of the ineffectiveness of the watering cart on dusty days, So far we do not depend on it at the Reâ€" view Corner, but it is a decided griev» ‘ ance down town to keep doors closed or have goods damaged by the dust. An improvement will likely occur if pointâ€" ed out and insisted upon. VEexTitaTine Tngz Snors.â€"" One thing that most people with tender feet who insist upon wearing patent leather shoes in warm weather don‘t Enow ‘ gaid a shoeman the other day is that a small hole bored on eitherside of the } shoe, about one inch from the sole and : close to the instep. will givye more comâ€" “tortflnn_‘dl the foot ease powders ever NowT Joudl There is a mistaken impression in r1eâ€" gard to the registration of births which the Registrar desires to correct. The notification of a birth made by a pbhyâ€" sician is not the registration required by law, which can only be made by one of the parents of thechild. Thirty days are allowed to perform this duty which is not complete until the name of the child is added to the record. A great deal of trouble is occasioned by the omission to turnish the name, without which there is technically no registraâ€" ‘ tion. keep the feet cool. " An Alymer correspondent says in nl recent issue that Mrs Wright 1s visiting her brother, Mc Wrong. We prelumel that it is wrong to tmake a comment upon the aboye personal, but still our intentionsare right. 1t is remarkable that when Mrs Wright was Miss Wrong she took advantage of the offer to become Mrs Wright and refused to be called Wrong after she was once Wright. We say right here that this is right, but most women persist in beâ€" heving themselves right when they are | wrong.â€"St. Thomas Journal. PHoto Exraroing.â€"Travelling aâ€" gents in this busines haye been altogethâ€" er too numerous. Oneof them in Owen Sound last week had an experience, Mrs Cashore had givena photo toenâ€" large and 50 cts as a deposit, on a promâ€". ise that the work must suit her or no Lpa.y. The work was a failure, and the agent refused to return either money "or photo till a warrant for his introducâ€" ‘ tion to Magistrate Creasor was issued ' and he meekly returned the articles and \paid the costs. Better luck than the writer bad, for in his case neither agent | nor photo was seen again, teaching him a lesson home. ce cncid is woihlp, aud that all should learn to deal at mis".~ Nee o s ol €la ui\ THURSDAY. AUGUST 3, 1905 WoxEn‘s INBTITOTEâ€"A meeting of this body is to be held on Aug 3rd next at the home of Mrs. Thos McGirr. Corâ€" invitation to all. _ JEax Browx, Secy VorEkrs‘ List. â€"The list for the town of Durham was issued from the Review office this week, the official copy heing first hung up in the Clerk‘s office on hat Ko;d;;_..h;lry 781.t. from which date the 30 days for changes or additions are reckoned, The Hanover Post referring to the Durham victory over the Wellingtons of Owen Sound says :â€"* The result also means that if the Durhams had won their home game with Hanover. that things would be in a mighty exciting condition just about now. The form that the Durhams are showing now AS compared with their initial performâ€" ance here, shows what good. hard pracâ€" tice, combined with lots of pluck and nerve a.nd'â€"u'_tonch of patrio_tum. will do in this business‘called lacrosse." Dip You Buxv ?â€"Anyone in Durham ill after the week‘s expounding of all the ills that flesh is heir to by the itinâ€" erant medicine man. who nightly holds forth at the Foundry corner lacks faith in the wordy exponent. With a fine fullness he has drugs to clean the inâ€" side and soap the outside of the body, he has wit and humor of a certain kind that furnishes a laughing tonic, he has an immaculate platform presence, and an unbounded helief in the gullibility of the public, which enables him to exâ€" change his wares tor good coin of the realm in the pockets of his auditors. Of course he doesn‘t need the money but the people need his medicines, and the philanthropist has an ample field to 1 Iulln ns acabibine se t + onity c in TEomemes: "’n"f' VEery Sm;ww Mrs. Lindsay. of Walkerton, came over to visit her sister Mrs Samuel Edge. and was accompanied by her 9 yr. old grandson, Master â€" Adamson. From some unknown source he contracted measles and was getting along in the o d measles and was getting along in the usual way, when some check must have occurred. for they "went in" on him. and he soon after took convulsions which ended in death. The poignant grief of the father and movher who also liye in Walkerton, may be imaginâ€" ed, for this was their only child and they did not see him die. The mother was wired for. but arrived too late, The remains were taken to Walkerton on Saturday, the funeral taking place on Sunday. Messrs Dan and Robt. Edge attended the funeral from this part. NEw Caxr Grounns.â€" Volunteers will go no more to Carling Heights at London or to Niagaraâ€"onâ€"theâ€"Lake for their annual drill. The government has acquired 30.000 acres in Simcoe county known as Simcoe plains, for a new military camp. â€" The grouud selecâ€" ted is a tract about 6 miles square, lying 5 miles north of Alliston, and three miles west of Angus, on the G. T. R. It is mostly a sandy tract, a considerable portion of which was owned by the Government, The land is well watered there being a river and a creek running through it. It is sufficiently hilly and lwlll have ample facility for musketry practice, which is something Ontario camps have been woefully lacking in heretofore. It will also giye lots of room for the cavairy to get round in. The spot is easily accessible from all parts of Western Ontario. 6 DAE NEew TEacurrs â€"â€"The School Board, ] at its meeting on Friday night engaged ‘ Miss F. McKerracher, Dutton, for Conâ€" | | tinuation class work, Miss H. Dadson, Union, for the Entrance room. The || latter is a graduate of Queens Universiâ€" | ty. the former is a third year underâ€"gradâ€" uate of Queen‘s and holds a firstâ€"class professional certificate from the Ontario Normal College. When to these is addâ€" ed the name of Miss Mary Gordon, of our own town, who has been engaged tor the important position of Model School assistant, it will be seen that the eschuol is splendidly fitted for doing effi< cient work. Miss Gordonis also a graduate of the Ontario Normal College with honors in every department she is called upon to teach, She is the first of our native born pupile to teach this | higher work in our own school and we | have no doubt her attainments, natural | and acquired, will make her very sucâ€" ; | cessful, _ At the same meeting the estimates for 1996 were struck and the | town was asked to provide $4000 for | achool purposes. Anicre No Review Ns % Nest Week. ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORoNTO 4 m;g EX'},. t The evening train of Friday last. Mt. Forest to Durham. ran into a buggy at the gravel road crossing near the old race track and the occupants Mrs Felic Curran and a davrghter about 16 vears of age were pitched headlong. They were returning from Mt Forest, and whether the horse was running away, got banlky or frightened is not known ut anyway it was caught on the fatal spot, and two valuable lives are blotted out. ‘Messrs. W.D. Mills and J. R, Gun| were on the train and of course got nat | to render assistance, while a messen | was deflntch«l for a doctor. 1-3;1 found Mrs®Curran still hrest.hinr. but | she was past helg. for she died in the hands of those who weuld succor her! Mrs. Gun and Miss Lizz‘e Laidlaw were ‘ also on the train and lent their aid. Miss Curran was pitched against a wire fence, seemingly headfiret. for her kead had got between two wires and she would soon have strangled. She was soon relieved and recovyered c inâ€" scioueness, but the shock maude her hyâ€" sterical and after lingering through the night and part of the next dav, she too succumbed end a wellâ€"rounded home Ns ® fas was plunged into deep gloom over the trn&l occurred. ® * Mr Curran is a brother of Mr Robt. Curran of this town a cousin of the Bnrnett family, and is well known in Southeast Normanby. He and his reâ€" maining family of five children will have the deep symg&tby of a wide circle of friends. but that will not make amends for the lives blotted out by the deadly level crossing. Mr Curran has had more than his share of trouble. _ He had a barn burned not long ago and in it a valuable horse. The horse on this occasion was killed .. The verdict of the coroner‘s jury‘is given below :â€"*"We the coroner‘s jury, ( empanelled to inquire into the cause of | the death of Catharine Ourran, have viewed the remains and also yvisited the scene ouf the accident, after hearing the evidence of the train hands and others are of the opinion that death was causâ€" ed hl!thelng atruck l;i engine 350 on m'. train No 55 on the (Grand Trunk y. north, timed to leave Mount Forest at 8.17 p, m.. on Main Street mhpddton. From the evidence we find that the train hands gave The Deadly Level Crossing. Â¥rs Felix Curran and Daughter believe that crossiug to be a very danâ€"| _. _ “'";:;:v- »mises and office safes umsonea.ndvo.:sd recommend th:i :‘n‘h“fdu::lmre P"':fi: 'n'm"fi“u e the Grand Trunk Railway be I‘H‘l:flt ce. $30. mm.s-:. Ts boon d forâ€" to replace the board fenee on bot! eides | balan tt;profi and Inus mut.. ac‘‘y Â¥ of the track with wire fence for at least ward t * now .\monnumbo ©02.114.82. 200 yards west of t 9 «roosig o vley wa The profits for the year, after deducting that avrrangements / be, BAdC with MAs expenses. interest accrued on deposite, Foster to remove that part of her orâ€" nA mg provision for bad and chard that obstructs the view of an doubtfm.kul a;"&m., mounted to €156.995. approaching train from Main Str:_t The d te of the bank now stand at wwâ€"@@@â€"â€"â€" C “l&m An agency of the bank bhas been opened at Blenheim.â€"Insurance For SALEKâ€"At the Hedges, BUEEY» | ang Rinancial Review, For SALEKâ€"At the Hedges, Buggy, Cuttter and other articles. Apply to Mrs L Somerville. on the premises. ExrarcrPATION Day.â€"Tuesday, Aug. Ist. isa day held in high honor by the t colored race everywhere in commemorâ€" ' altion of the break from slavery. hack E in the 60‘s. Mr and awire 8. Harris and | 2 daughter Flossie are the only representâ€" atives in town, and it was pleasing to | ( see them don the colors and keep holiâ€" day in honor of the big day. Miss Flossie went to Owen Sound on Monâ€" day to take part in the big celebration usually held there. y Gonpâ€"BYE Juper® Morrisox.â€"The appointment of Judge Morrison to the Judgeship of Prince Edward County at |: an increased salary calls from Owen Sound papers many complimentary reâ€" marks and regrets at losing him. Not only there but at every point he held Division Court he will be missed, for he was generally looked upon as one of of the fairest judges on the bench. The Sun says of him: " Judge Morrison is to he congratulated on his promotion to a more lucrative office. He never ceased to discharge his jndicial duties | here with dignity and ability and it is agreed that his advancement is meritâ€" ed. His appointment will necessitate 'l his removal from Owen Sound and the town, as well as the entire county, will " | sustain a serious loss." PyR s o New MacuinEry.â€"The labor of the farmer will soon be a thing of the past. The old days of the scythe and the whetstone and two acres a day are long gone. . No more are two, three or more handrakers seen making windrows, each sending it oneremove further in. Even the picturesque field of haycocks wili soon not be seen, for the hay tedding machine, and the hay loading machine take it from the windrows, and there you are. Amongst the number who have bought hayâ€"loaders this season are Mr Colin McArthur of the 10th con Glenelg from che Barclay & Bell agency. Mr Geo Aljoe has another of the Massey Herrs make, while Mr Wm Ritche, Rage Hill is also supplied. It is an inâ€" dication of prosperity all will be glad to see, but there is no doubt the increased use of these machines is largely owing to the scarcity of labor, owing to the drain to the West. 25 conts. Subscribe NOW. A Grand Garden Party under the auspices of Varney Methâ€" odiat cburch. * A GOOUD PRUGRAM is heing provid: ed consisting of instrumental and vocal music. recitationsa. addresses, &c. Durâ€" ham Methodist Church Quartette will render selections. REV THOS COLLING, Durham REV W L NEWTON, s REV DLCAMPBELL, Dromore. will deliyer short addresses. _ An interesting feature of the evening will be a FOOTâ€"BALL MATCR hetween two star teams of the vicinity. Durham Brass Band in attendance. Admission at the gate; Adults [5c, Children 10 cents. Supper and refreshâ€" mente extra. C | All welcome, All invited to enjoy a ‘plousnt evening. ‘RevTUCocumng (Rev) 0.1 STEPHENSON | Superintendent Pastor. Thursday, AUGUST 10th, 1905 Ixprovi®c, Bor Scowry.â€"Much inâ€" terest is yet taken in the recovery of Brad Jamieson. He made good showâ€" ing for a day or two, and is still gaining tut checks are occurring., as they are bound to do, which cause anxiety, We trust his rugged const:tution will soon land him safely on his feet. GET ONE.â€"We have just comp leted this week the Anoual pr ize list of the South Grey Agricultural Bociety, and a copy can be obtrined from Secy. Davidson, There is as usual prizes sufficient to make a good show, and terms and requirements should be studâ€" ied forthwith. As usual also a large number of our progressiye business men make use of its pages, and the m'omlu of the advertisement, however et, will be fully implemented we are confident, b{ calling and dealing at |their place of business. Get a copy. This great famil from now to Jan. 1, MS” now 16 Jan. 1, 1000, over 5 mos ulyl:, m:‘:mmm awa or » chioy ht home news. Let CHAS RAMAGE, Pamtsa avo Posissuzea. An experienced Male Teacher wanted for School Section No. 8, Bentinck. Ap plications, stating salary, &c., received up to Sept. 1, 1905 Dutes to commence 2nd week of October next. * _ If convenient, a persoual application is desirel. <iak! < ko To: For green beefâ€"ring hides, free of cuts and holes, horns and tailâ€"bone out, I will pay 84 cts per 1b, 2lbt'lper hide tare. K . SmITH, m tm ons cce omm w mm e s m nmer TE O nndccdcaalinmeamen sn will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Aldrad, Standard Bank of Canada. July Weddings We R. B. KBBLER «i SONS We have just received a large shipâ€" ment of Jewelery, consisting of Wed: , Fine Pearl weedine srioklots, Bracelets, jgwelerylinzfotthemideudthe largest & best stock of Silverware ever shown outside the large cities We can save you money on every article we sell. R. LIND8AY, WM, TORRY, ‘ Trustees. A, PARK, Teacher Wanted. bor know about it. y Number free. J. W. Vicarrs, Secy.â€"Treas. , _iNOVIRLOTTY CA L sdmae Watches and Chuins.

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