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Durham Review (1897), 3 Aug 1905, p. 5

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We and very ni he Hahn REVIEW d ‘resh able. ariety order s for the vant any o 5.15 Scufflers nev. ced rly ers BootsS &c. lan ain~© eas. an etc., of NS They P rices st n it AUVGUST 3, IIE w SELLS w CHEAP BIG 4 Hvy twilled cotton Sheeting, 72 in wide.. .b¢ a yd White Rec®preads, large size........... . $1.10 each Tuble LIETE. . . . .1« ««6+««cerc««s eerrdi@ and 50c a yd Floor Oilelotb, 1 and 2 yds wide.. .. 25¢a ufivm ya SUKIZ OHCIOUR.. ... «.. ««1 0+« ursecxtresn«0â€"â€"Menpd Ianamace Miratiiner _ ~ _ .. 2. . UEA eaic en TRERE‘S MONEY i THIS F0 YOU LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. Praces Insurances 0‘ all kinds in reliable Companies, Collects Debts, Arranges Business Difficulties, Draws Wiitings un| Sells C. P.R. Tickets to all points, Besides other lands he offers the following Bargains: Hair, Cloth and Tooth Brushes 125 Acres Normanby Con1s; Welllocated and improved. â€" Will rent if not sold soon. 150 Acres B’ntlnci North of Allan Park Offered cheap for quick sale. 100 Acres Bentinck Near Rocky Sflw 100 Acres Normanby Southâ€"west ol Var ney ; well improved and an extra good Farm Oowner bound to go west. Wall Paper Well improved and owner says has enough U ber to pay price asked, Durham Residence Owned by J.L. Browne Photographer. __Also a large number of other Farm and Town Froperties. MacFarlaas & Co. Druggists & Booksellers. The Hanover Conyeyancer, Hanover RRDUCTION STOCX [T. H. MILLER! We have decided to reduce our stock of differeat lines. See our window full of Uoney and Fresh Groceries always on hand All good value at regular p;r»ices htgr one week. _ We offer them at a direct savâ€" _!'4 less To clear out balance of our nearly all this year‘s deâ€" signs, we are offering at ing to you ot 25 per cent. is your opportunity t(:)rper rooms at a saving of oneâ€" third the cost. Overskirts...... . . . $2.00, i Hlack Sateen Underskirts «+ Waists.... . 1=3 1GSS prices. . 6. BEAN The Hanover Conveyancer, r="1{ looking tor Wedding Presents, it will pay you to see our bargains in CHINA, et€ White Waists Matting . H. MILLER, Parker‘s Potato Bug Killer ‘The best preparation made tor destroving potato bug«. No bad effects bus big reâ€" sults. Try a package this vear it you have never used it before and note results. Put up only at LACE CURTAINS LA DIES‘* WEAR except 2% 6 inches wide 0) Nightgowns, ... ..75¢ and 1.00 eactt Corset Covers...... Zcand 50¢ each PARKER‘S Drug Store uio+ keenscun@nO® iL & 4te, bave worked edges GALOERS BLOGK DORBM than regular $2.00, 3.50 and 4.50%each 72 in wide.. .%¢ a yd Near Rocky Saugeen rsays has enough tim Southâ€"west of Var ........ 1.00 each 8c an 1.00 each .M0e and 75¢ each 75c and 1.00 each Now L0¢ 70¢ e a pair Scolding and fiying into a passion over trifles. * Boasting of what you can do instead of doing it. Talking continually about yourself and your affairs. Saying unkind things about acquaintâ€" ances and friends, Depreciating yourself and making light of your abilities. Thinking that life is a grind, and not worth living. Exaggerating and mak.ing mountains out of moiehills, Lnmenting the past, bolding on uo disagreeable eXp:riences. Pitying yourself and bemoaning youa‘ lack of opportunities, Comparing yeurself with others to your own disadvautiage, Thinking that all the good chances and opportunities are gone by. â€" Writing letters when the blood is hot. which you may regret later. Thinking of yourself to the exclusion of eyerything and everyone else, $ Di'enim’mgvlhnt you will be bhappier in some other place or circumstances, Belitthing those whom you envy beâ€" cause you feel that they are superior o yourselif. What o stop during the mest | Dilating on your pains and aches and misfortunes to everyone who will listen to you. Speculuting ae to what you would do in some one else‘s place, and not doing your best in your own. Beying that fuate is against you. Fioding fauilt with the wentbe!. Anticipating evile for the future. Guing around with a gloomy face. UOruiabling. : Gazing idl_y‘mlo the fut ure and dreamâ€" ing about it instead Of making the most ut the present, Taking offence where none is intended UDwelling on fancied slights & wrongs. Talking bigâ€"things and doing small Loug.ing for the good things that Other= have instead of going to work abd earning theim for yourself, Faultfinding, uagging and worrying. Taking offence where none is intended Looking for opportunities handreds or thousands of miles away instead of right where you are.â€"Success,. ANOTHER TRAMPâ€"A YELLOW © Apother puper that comes regularly to my home:s a sensational sheet, fuil ot biz Leadlines and cheap trash,. ‘This one I glance over burriedly. 1t goes the way the other one before any one of my tamily have a chance to see itâ€"for it 18 uot for my family to read. ‘Abat paper also cimmcuilates widely.. Whas value has its circulation to the advertiser wheu the head of the farmily bhus so liutle respect for either its news or its advertisements that be wiil now perwit it to bo read by the mewmbers of his fawily ?" THEE FAMILY JOURKAL, * The other kind of paper L take " conâ€" tinnued Mr Stark, ** 18 a respectable home paper,. lt contains a picture of life with l the joys and its sorrows. ibs suocesses and its failures, its news of the individual and of the Btate. Iis news is eagorly sought afser by alt my family, and «ail read it. That paper also cirenlates widely beâ€" cause it deseryes to. lts ntterances ‘ command respect, whether in the news columns or the advertisingy â€" colnmns. What is the value of that newspaper to the alert advertiser? _ Ask him. He knows. *‘ Mr Stark empbasized the truth that the value of advertising depends ultimateâ€" ly upon the respectabilisy of the home demanding respectability, cleanliness and dignity. and therefore, veramcity in the | family journal «* People may read magazines ouces‘ month, "be said. * They may read daily papers. They may IF”‘ bil:â€"boards and glance at dodgers. Buat the cireulatâ€" ing mediam for which they watch as regularly as for their meals, is the bhome paver, The yeuteel paper commands respect, just as & gentleman commands respect. The tramp nowspaper filled with flashy headlines and gensational adâ€" vertisements, gets the back door in any respeciable family, just as the tramp does. Home Newspaper‘s Value. A tor anDu Wl 4 Fag 4 4+# es t S ty e 2 0h e e $ ‘Adopted by the board of Lio missioners for the License of South Grev, July 25, Jst. All doors opening inio any room n maamng sn s et or ® of any khd"htncur shell at hflh‘mzunhtdomflm uw 1 be open and tree to the pa Pnd. All doors or wickets with the exception of one door which may be used for the purpose of ingress. or egress daring which the sale of liquor is prohivited which oren into ur out of the barâ€"room of any licensyd premises shall have bat cne fastening and such fastening must be a boit on the inside or barâ€"room side of the door or wicket. No spring lock shall be used. The one door excepted shall be fastened < by luck and key and the owner or icensse ot each tavern premises shall advise the Inspector as to which door he wishâ€" co so fastened with lock and key. No alterations in such fastening of doors or wickets shall be made without :she conâ€" sent of the Inssector. During the day â€" and bours and at all times at which the sale of liquor on licensed premises is prohbibited by The Liquor License Act all dsors and wickets communicatâ€" ing with the barâ€"room shall be kept closed and fastened save and except when opened on entrance or exit as allowed under The Liquor License Act. 3rd. The lower half of all windows of all barâ€"rooms shall on ali aays, bours and times during which the sale of liquor is prohibited admit of a free view of the interior and no screens, blinds, shutters, frosting. pebbled or ground glass or any device of any kind whatever which may obstruct the view shall be allowed. 4th. No benches, chairs or seats ot any kina shall be placed or allowed to be used on any tavern premises beâ€" tween the building and the street neiâ€" ther shall any licensee suffer or allow any lcdger, boarder, guest or other person to carry from his or her house any chair or seat and place it or occuâ€" py it it in front of his or her house. 5th No privy pit shall be used. All closets shall be kept clean and where earth or open closets are used they shall be cleaned at loast three times per week during the summer months and at least twice per week during the balance of the year. 6th. All public rooms, dining rooms and bed rooms in licensed taverns shall be kept comfortably warmed during the cold weather of fall, winter and spring. ~7Tth. â€"Allout buildings shall be kept clean and free from filth, rubbish and weeds. The above rales and regulations shall go into force on the first day of August, A. D. 1905, and remain in force until amended or repealed. ~+*~~ ./ ~ Bigned) * JOHN H. BROWN. C wM. GOODFELLOW, | Commission ANDEEW SCHENK,‘ J _ * THOS. A. HARRIS, Inspector. Orangeville Counc‘l evidently . int end to both defy the citizens and. make a still bigger mess of their band troubles, They haye uow voted seventeen dollars a month to a second band master tolead the secona band. â€" They are evidently work ing for a terrible fall at the end of the year.â€"â€"Ex. h We bave just replenished our stock with several dozen more of thuse exâ€" cellent soft Fine Wool Sox at 20 cents per pair Also another quality, wool sox, 25e pr. Those Black Cashmere Sox at 25¢ pr tor men are unexcelled. Plain Facts 27 prs Girls‘ Shoes at 50c per pair Now is your time to secure a good pair of Shoes below cost. . We bave half a dozen pieces of colored and figured Heavy Sateen at 12} cts per yard C. McARTHUR The Reliable Grocery |" *L e m C zu, CWd, Mickoeohitic s J. H. ROSE, «~â€"| .$ . [ o | Theobald‘s Old Stand, â€"â€" Dlflun\ PPR PX W CANNED FRULITS of all kipgs_trg’r\q All Kinds otf Canned Meats and FISH UPTONS JAMS and Marmalades. Try our BULK PICKLES, xr quart, Imperial measure .. ...15c and 30c 10 bars LAUNDRY SOAP for.. .. .. 25¢ Also large assortment otf TOILET SOAP to choose from. ‘Call and get a sample of our TEASâ€" Black, Japan, Ceylon, Young Hyâ€" \ son or mixed, from 20c to 50c per Ib. Try our5 lbs for....... $1.00. Come in and inspect our stock of Groceries and Confectionery, Fruits and vYegetables in Season. sth Sb ult i at 0 hnAfi uo en T4 .m .“»‘#?1) feea P l C ineph n nl is : , 1 nragaientr En Rv e Was, erorest .... 10¢ to 80c ‘and even the States are Havanna and other raised the fence. B demoralized. Sunday last while BDUDâ€" dreds wers pprying in the churches, hundreds more were cleaning the gutâ€" ters and streeis and pogring ollm ciaterm and ‘st«gnoant pools, Min led their fiocks in m&er and then with a tine blending of faith and works, donâ€" ned white duck suits and went cleaning or giving personal ministrations. The morquito is being biamed _ as the chief agency is cgmnd(ng the disease, and if all the schemes against his life succeed. he will soon be as extinct as the Dodo. â€" The disease has had a foothold in unâ€" sanitary spots of the city since Mavy last. Mrâ€" Glendenning, of Manilia, Ont, is becoming famous as the discover of the rapid method of curing hay. Formerly he cut the hay one Cay and drew it in the next,. Now he cuts and draws in the same day. His method in detail in brief as follows : Hay is properly curâ€" ed when it comes out of the mow in rerffl-t condition with flowers and eaves attached and no dust whatevet, The flowetrs when chewed taste. of boney. â€" This makes it palatable, which is as necessary in feed for animals as it is for people, Ulover should be cut when in IuK bloom, Drawing it in the same day of cutting saves the aroma which is the natural spice of the food. Nevyer cut when the dew is on but start about nine o‘clock. OUut with t wo mowers and have a tedder follow two or three times over, This lets in the »ir avd sun. Ted again after dinner and draw in, Dow‘t cut when damp. Don‘t cut on a cloudy dav. Don‘t cut when wind is southeast. Don‘t cut when barometer is falling. He had neyer found any trouble from heat ing which he believed was wuae to fore ign moisture, â€" He never cut clover on the day following arain storm. Owen Sound, Ont. REâ€"OPENS for the Fall Term Friday SEPT. 1; for the classification of students,. _ Classes begin Monday, Sept. 4, 1905. Review to Jan 1, 06, 25¢ Four fully equipped departments. Four complete BUSINE3S COURSE for those who wish to _ come Bookkeepers, Busiuess men and enter mercantile life. _ TELEGRAPHY Course for those wishing to become Telegraph Operators SHCRTHAND & TYPEWRITING Course for those who wish to become stenographers. PREPARATORY Course for those w ho are far back in their education and who wish to hnrrove in common school subjects. â€" None too far back for this course. Write for a new illustrated Announcement and .Journal showing our various departments at work ; it is free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal Owen Sound TB M OF T 2L [iLLIAHPLZELSH +N., G. & J. McKechnie and upâ€"toâ€"date courses of study, speaiittR ds s mel en To Mess es o We would strongly advise the people who are looking for Spring Gocds and right prices to be sure and strike McKechnie‘s for a nice line of Lace Curtains from o. ~Business is of course a, Valises Ageb Trunks, 1 elescopes, h ns n the 3?«"{-'}."&..8&21 Su;prnodenhp?: Just opened up, Linolsums and Floor Oils, 1} and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of Call and examine for yourself. It will only be a pleasure for us to show you our gnods. JAPANESE MATTINGS Th arr: ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO LACE CURTAINS (The popular Cash Store.) 12 ) + No uo d h N g!;* DHAT CARPETS 4 u000 o mboargn We are h«ulq‘mu-un in Do ham _ for bhise Dressings. Have gouseen Half Time, lirge tin for 10c. We claim it is the heet and easiest paste polish to make a shine with tbat we have seen, Try it, Monsy refunded if nor satisfactory. Shoe brushes & daubers always in stock Custom work and repairing dene as peatly and quickly as possitile. TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN as Cash in exchange for Goods at the downtown Shoe Store. /T suits To a T / And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. _ Flour and other ingredients. SECONNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reig_qs_in every FIRST of all, we use only the finest department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, â€"_â€" Give us a call and see ror yourself. A _ first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. Wchw.b'“llrod thene in which sizes are out, #1.00 to 1.75. ‘roo-!opqlo'?g&u goods, we are oll to clear at....... . S. Mcllraith GOOD REASONS : ~Shoe Dressings SoTILILDTSOINTS UDEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN WEDDINXG Made to order in Lates Styles on shortest notice. H. STINSON. up to $5.00 NY ie sb 48 to $1.40 CAKES 09 L E. C. P., Londen, Engtand Gnadaatt of Lendon,..New York and Th ugo. Dicmecs of Kpoe, Rar, Noss, and Throot oo h S Pope mt TPxham. the Nes J. G. . KUTTON, K. D., C. K. mfl.w and Burgeons es and Residence Cor. Gemtraze and Geors» Late assistant to Moorfield‘s (London, Fng) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Hospitals. Oifice, 18 Frost St, ...3 . y~ .3=~ .«â€" TWEn PIC Will be at the ludmil House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. til} 4 p. m. #â€"11 a. m. 2%â€"4 p. m. 1â€"9 p. ® . ‘Telophone Connestion No. 10 w . C. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. HoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store HONOR GRADUATE Toronto University, Grad uate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ont Dentistry in all its branches. Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office ARTHUR GUN, M. D. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN, DURH AM. \Barrlsters. Solicitors, Convey ancers, 1 A&c. Money to Loan. Oflice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank L P Ahaealnw . W_. W. F Dunn 42 Bpecial attention given to Diseases Of Women and Children. Jompany and {flnu Funds to Loan on Moriguges ut lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. Co!lections and Agency promptly attended t Wilinnnetsn se moreinentsudionrcr aetenand Jats . correct! re a 0 per= sons Ioom’a‘;ut and Euouto;'l and sAd-Lt:.- trators‘ Accounts prepared an rulod urroga Court Business P'I,ON“ of Wills, Lettere of Ad minstration and Guardianship Obtained. gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles npzbd Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat A. G. MacKay Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &e J. F.GRANT, D. D.S., L. D. S. JOHN CLARK NOATRY PUBLIC DEILT T. A.IL Purham, Nov. 16. ‘08. BARRISTER, SOICITOR, mRawoew BIHMLIC _ CONYEYANCER, 4C rrister, Solieitor in Supremée Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &e. Money to Loan. fhice. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, Sydenbam Mutual nnereemecsomecegmemmme e en 00 Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Terms moderate. umnen for sal to aates, &c., mnst be at ttl‘ne ‘;wh: o.f2 fice, Durham. §#" Ooflupondeneemnud there, or to Ceylon P. O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. O ar to C. RAMAGE, Durbaw HOURS : Jusures Farm Buildings and Contents Dwelling and Contents in towns and villages. . Kverything in a dwelting hw"{;‘”"- includes all farm % eud live stock from fire or ?“udmutn.m 19400 1t use in um-g‘-‘e e &A Licensed Auctioneer fo i the County of Grey. MW“&.@.«W. falos L. _RA dn‘ wates . reasonable. Brdan Te se bett of his Amplement ware rooms, )(cflnnon'-oldm-d. or at the REviEW ffice. A.uctionecorsâ€" MACKAY & DUNN, . LEFROY McCAUL. Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten> ded to. Farms bought and sold/ or to T _ LE â€" _A L. Puysictan & Surczo®, DR. BURT McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Dnrham . P. TELFORD Ceylon has a telephone office. f s .0. Aacs s oo Gad 9t hh 40 0 Lo _ Fire Insurance Co. Established in 1869. 8 to 10 A. M. 2 to 4 P. X . . HoFAYDEN, Durhan . JACKSON, . Munter‘s Store: ComnyvevanCERr, _ â€" Owen Soumd Moderate

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