West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Aug 1905, p. 8

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1# 3# Our Groceries are Fresh Mens Furnishings Special Values in Â¥\ } ay â€" shem for both Men and â€" Ladies, in Tan,black and Patents v SSERLING BROS. handâ€"made Shoes we recommend for The " !MPF®?IAL" "hoe is a handâ€" We do a big Grocery business, which enables us to sell at rock bottom prices. _A constantly replenished Stock keeps our Groceries fresh and upâ€"toâ€"date. and Men. 22 new cases have just arrived. All sizes and all prices,.............$1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and $2.00 ces await your inspection and choice here. Everybody needs Shoes, and vwe can satisfy any person wi‘h our assortment. Hundreds of Shoes, of all makes, styles. vatitties and priâ€" some Canadicn make, a s ;:ufl :!‘.d stylish loohng Sl!oe. All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted. Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade, Goods delivered to all parts of town. , Western Fair ' ‘The Western Fair gives the people of this country anm excellent opportunity for a pleasant outing at a minimun of cost, and at the same time developes their store of practical asd useful Enowledwe. \ Its educational features have always been carefully fostered by the Directors. This year several important improvements of aninastructive nature have been added. The celebrated gist Highlend Regiment Band will give three concerts daily during the exkibition. The eatertainâ€" ment department will be better than ever, and will include leaping the gap in mid air on a steam automobile. When Governer Simcoe laid the foundation of London, Ontario, one hundred years ago he knew it would grow to be a great city, but had no thought of the Western Fair. ROBERT BURNETT LONDON Sept. 8 â€" 16, 1905 THC exmrartion vmaT mase rail AGMIOULTUMAL raine resvian wmaire W. 4. REWO, racesscat, on 4 A. MNELLES, eccntramy ITORCNTO, OKT, ~â€"~ FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 5th Corner Youge and Alexander Sts. mflm‘w;lmw schools Catalogue free. W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal. We also hope you may be K to continue with us in your preseu. capâ€" acity for some time to come, for our mutual improvement. Signed on behalf of the Bible Class:â€" Ana Jane White Sarah Ann MacDonalda We know by your thorough teaching of the lessons that you have faithfally studied them for our benefit but the study of them will bring to you its own reward, for no one can put time and thought on Bible study without being richer toward God. We ask you to accept this gift from us as a little memento and with it we wish you and Mrs Cook all prosnerity. The members of the Bible Class in the Crawtord Presbyterian Church asâ€" sembled at the home of their teacher, Mr Wm. Cook. on Wednesday evening July 26, and as an evidence of the apâ€" Kreciacion in which his services are eld presented him with a magnificentâ€" ly finished easy chair. Mr Cook who was entirely taken by surprise, expressâ€" his thanks and admiration for such courteous trsatment in a few very appropriate words After the presentâ€" ation an enjoyable evening was spent in the usual manner. The following is the address read : Mr W m Cook : Dear friend and teacher ; You will have noticed by this time that this little surprise party is comgooed chiefly of the members of your Bible Claes, We have waited upon you this evenâ€" ing to express to you in a few words our Eppreciution of your service to us as a ible Class teacher, a service which has lasting results, not alone thro‘ life, but thro‘ eternity. Mrs Vanata of Hamilton gave her friends a flying visit, A very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Cook one evening last week when the memâ€" bors of his Bible class met there and presented him with a handsome chair. Mrs H. McDonald is at %resent visitâ€" ing friends in Hamilton, Toronto and other places. Mrs Fred Cbristopher of Chesley is at present visiting her parents. _ Miss Boyce visited Mt. Forest friends last week. The Misses Hamels ot Torontoâ€"spent a few days at D. McDonald‘s. We are pleased to have amongst us Mrs Ewing and John Milne of Dakota looking hale and bearty. The farmers around here have finâ€" ished bhaying and are now busy cutâ€" ing wheat. Miss Dancan of Toronto is at present visiting at Tom Hastie‘s. Wednesday last. . Deceased had left here only tour weeks ago to visit her daughter, when paralysis, with which she had previously been afflicted, reâ€" turned with ftatal effect, Mrs Vasey was a very estimable lady, held in high esteem for Christian virtue, her sympathetic nature and hospitable manoer. Her husband predeceased her by only six months and she leaves a grown up family of sons and daughâ€" ters to mourn her loss. _ The funeral on Friday last to the R. C. cemetery was largely attended. Yet still our greatest griefg May be reliefs 1 Could we but take them right and in their ways. Happy is he whose beart Hath found the art To turn his double pains to double It is our sad duty this week to chronicle the death ot Mrs John Vasey which occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs O‘Connor at Sudbury on Miss Charlotte Smith of the Queen City, accompanied by Miss Scott ot Chatsworth, are renewing acquaintâ€" ances in the burg and viciniy at Dresâ€" Mr John Morrison returned last week from a trip to the Prairie Province. He speaks in glowing terms of ,the proâ€" gressive West. Mr P. J. Malone, ot the Customs Department, Owen Souad, renewed acquaintances in the yvillage one day lass week,. ' Mr H. H. Miller, South Grey‘s clever representative at Ottawa, paid the vilâ€" lageka bausinesstrip on Friday of last week. Rev Mr and Mrs Aitchison leave this week for a month‘s vacation with friends in Haron County. Dnm:g Mr Aitchison‘s absence the pulpit of the Presbyterian church will be occuvied by Mr Cameron of Toronto. _ _ An interesting conversationalist 18 Mr Edward Coleman of the County Town, who spent a tew days last week with his many triends in tois commanâ€" ity. i# Mr Frank Sullivan of Irish Lake, accompanied by his sister Miss May, spent a few pleasant days in the burg, visiting their sister, Mre John Sullivau. We miss the smiling countenance of Miss Aitchison who leaves this week tor Seatorth atter a fortnight‘s vacation with hez brother, Rey Mr Aitchison. Miss Colena Nichol, ot Rockwood, is visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Duncan Campbell, of Bem.inck.fl Address and Presentation. j ELLIOTT (f /y Crawford The Rev Mr Roach of Priceville, has had very successful meetings in the Methodist church north of here. He had a good assistant from Toronto, A Mr Nailor of Toronto was here for a few days and held a asuccess meeting ful with the Indepeodents on Bunday The L. 0. L 1136 will hold a picnic in Mrs John Hardy‘s bush on Augast 1lith. A grand time is expected, rain or shine. We are sorry to hear that while Mr Howard Wasson was engaged in takâ€" ing out poles for the telephone, he had the misfortune of getting a bad gash in the thigh with thesaw but we hope soon to hear of his recovery. Rev Mr McCaal of Toronto is takl:fi Mr Matheson‘s place at Priceville a Swinton Park while he is away for his holidays. Mr _ McCaul was pastor at Swinton Park for four or fiye years. He resigned twelve years ago and moved to Quebec where he had charge for a number of years. I am sure the congregation here will be glad to welâ€" come him back. The revival services held in Salem came to a close on Wednesday evyenâ€" ing. They were the most successful seryvices held in the neighborhood for years, over fift{ being added to the church roll besides a few joining other churches. Miss May Camgl.)ell is visiting her uncle Mr Donald Campbell at present. Mr Leslie Watson visited at Maple Park on Sunday last. Mr John Chislett was out at Durham one day last week. Mr James Knox is drilling his well this week. Miss May Corbett ot Owen Sound was visiting as Mr Geo Martin‘s. We join with the mang friends in extenging syimpathy to the bereaved ones.â€"Com. Mr Percg Lawrence is visiting at Mrs John Hardy‘s at present. ceased had been niling for some time and was on a fair way to reeover{.nn- til recently when she suffered a relapse with a fatal termination. _ Deceased was the eldest daughter of the late John Brown, of Crawford, where she resided until the time of her marriage twentyâ€"three years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and fol.mnlg of twoisons and two da.ughteu. the eldest son being a theological student in Queen‘s. Thcey deeply feel the loss of a kind and affectionate wife and mother, as also her aged mother keenly feels the loss of a loving daughter. The largely attended funeral took slace on Monday 10th inst, to Glenwood cemetâ€" ery. Haying is the order of the day aâ€" round the Park at present. , We only hear of one man being through yet. On Saturday, July 8th death claimed another victim in the person of Mrs Richard Dobson (nee Ann Brown‘) who for the past number os‘{eur- resided in Picton. Prince Edward County. Deâ€" The barvest is going to be later this verr than last year by two weeks. Crops in Glanely have a good appearâ€" ance, roots look good, so do weeds which need attendance. Miss Maggie McLachlan, teacher of Middlesex, is home with her mother, Mrs McLachlan of this place during the bolidays. Miss Jane Wright, teacher of Nortolk Co., is also taking her holidays at the old home here at present. Gaelic in the Presbyterian church here at 11 in the imnorning by Rev Mr Mrs Dr Hutton and son Arthur are spending a while with her sister, in this place at present. Mr John Mcintyre who is making his home at Norman MciIntyre‘s south line was siezed with a paralatic stroke some ten days ago and is unable to do anything to assist himself since. Rev Mr McColl who is fiiling the Presbyterian pulpit here preached a very good sermon last Sabbath mornâ€" ing from 1st John 29th yerse he dwelt chiefly on the small word Sin. Mr McColl is one of the old time preachers and it is too bad that he is now getâ€" ting on the decline. Dr Rowntree who ably filled Dr Dixon’m for the last two weeks left for to on Satarday last. Miss Gertie McLeod daughbter of the late Rev M. McLeod, after a tewly ears‘ absence is at present wit her mother in this town, where she intends to stay for a few months belore returning aâ€" gain to the North West. Miss Emma McLean is getting along fairly well after a second operation. We hope to see her all right soon. Dr Dixon returned after a two week‘s boliday looking well after his return. Haying is about wound up but still there is a lot to do yet in some places. Our town is somewhat quiet at presâ€" ert on account of the husy season. liaspberry picking is the general order g(tbo time wltg the women and youngsters. pulpit when necessity calls him consequently be is a general favorite wherever he is placed. y ‘Teacher Blakestone as per appointâ€" ment filled the Methodist Church pulâ€" glt last Sunday in this rlaoo Mr lakestone is an all roand fellow : he can act from the hay field to the ie en in To Reath Swinton Park enc ts Hopeville Obituary. * * «i 6 + TORONTO ORCAnIrE LOPON U on Ds en ntiar ind esd 00 Reeses WA Pmd mevhiva w Mn in ces t in ie c c n 6172 mtes : Aoubs» A +c a oi sedea ""’”‘W Wiaesiipad '&"‘u’:...« ienss n ardveattvan 77 R Pss Nedb wl atoniah senthP n Lal as A general Banking ousiness transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed <t enrrent rates 1 SAVINGS BANH .nterest allowed on savings bank deposite of $1.00 and upâ€" wards Prompt attention and ever; facility afforded customers iving at a distance. ‘ J KELLY, }jAgent. â€" AGENTS in all principal points .n Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DURHAM â€" AGENCY CAPITAL, Authorized ... .. .. $2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000.01 0 RESERVE FUND............ 1,000,00 oTAXOARO BARK _ OF_ GANAN ning of the term if possible. Board can be obtain ed at reasonable rates. . Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place or residence. Staff and iEquipment. The school is thoroughly ter?ulrped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical su;:rllu and fitâ€" tings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" tion work. + The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. m. FORE..R, B. A., Classics and Mo Contractor Wm J Glenister completed the brick work of Geo Campbell‘s bouse in Glenelg last week. He is ow building for Neil McMillan. Mr Hector McDonald, of Washington Territory, U. S., is here for some timelloo Acre FARM for SALE paying his old home a visit, his nged' About 7 _miles from Durham on the mother, his brothers and other friends |Gsrafraxa Road. Ti:l:lgoont Possesâ€" make him a welcome guest. _ He is a |S‘0n at once, must be . Apply to son of the late Alexander McDonald of J. P. Terrorp. this neighborhood . Durham, Feb. 22, 1005. Wm.Johaston, Jr., C. Ramage, Rush in Your Butter and Eggs. Your money back if Durhnam School derns, < NU o on s s sb MISS A.JOHNSTON, B. A., Mathematics and Commercial. Intending Students should enter at the begin We will offer on Saturday next a limited number of Ladies‘ Tweed Skirts in assorted styles and colors. These Skirts have sold for $4.50, 5.00 and 7.00. To learSaturday at..!...................}..3. @400 Prints in all shades, 36 in wide, reg 15c. per yd Saturday.ss :; 1. ..sss x > <i1cx s sn mik in ty s o a 9 s a Baroains Extraorpinary 4: FOoR Saturday, Aug. 5th FEES: $1 per month in advanee. Alex. Russell. yy ~ us â€" 9 C *A t Ladies‘ Skirt Snaps Underpriced Prints w We have a full range of the B. & I. BIAS FILLED CORSETS in Drab and White at $1.00. Also the CROMPTON STRAIGHT FRONT CORSET at $1.00, An extra good corset for 50c and 60¢ in the WHITE, made by the Wray COammasner mB Â¥ __ a _: Oxfords, Strap Slippers and ‘Trilbys in Black, Tan and Chocolate; Shoes that you pay $1.50 and 2.00 for, c we sell Saturday for........ 99 Corsets! Corsets/ Corsets ) Half Priced Shoes Parties fishing or otherwise trespasâ€" sing on lot 28, con. 2, K. G. R., Glnelfii (immediately west of Glenroaden}, w be prosecuted nccording to law. This means you so don‘t ask permission for it is impossible to discriminate â€" o€, Srant _ The undersigned will seil house and ilot on West Bruce St, built in 1904, lo cated between Furniture and Cream ’Sepamtor factories. 80 x 32 feet, 24 stories, double cellar, cement foor in ‘one half. furnace in the other bhalf, 9 rooms, modern and convenient,. Good well on premises., small barn wi‘h stone stable underneath, A bargain to quick buyer, Apply on the premises or in [rond. Every tield well watered. 4 mile from school, and 1 mile from post office. Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 rooms, stable with stone foundation, frame barn, stone pig pen,. and good bearing orchard. Terms to suit purchaser, _ Apply Box 11 Durbam P. O. G. Rxax, Prop HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. Will be sold, or rented separately if desired, that wellâ€"known hotel undy deâ€" sirable stock farm at the Rob Roy, Lot 10 and 11, Con, 1, 8. D. R., Glenelg., 904 acres in farm, more orl=ss. Blacksmith Shop on one corner, Hotel across the Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Stock and likely ani mals, Apply to THos. Scarr & Soxs. Jan. 2, 1905. Rocky Saugeen P. 0 HOUSE FOR SALE FOR SALE. NOTICE. w Box 92, Durham. A. MoCormac«. Goods delivered to all parts of town : 0C ‘ Raevirw and lof Review and Tord Reviaw and Dai ReviEw and We ‘ RevIrw and W. RevIEW and We Revirw and We RevI®w and Far ; REvIEW ana We REvIErw and Mo VOL. XX omm =s 2 Pic ja@ele®ele ole alece Review C SPICE Best Wh Dry M W vers THE im b1 Usiins m h OT W pi \n U W

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