West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Aug 1905, p. 8

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h When the Harvest is Past | And you find time to think about your necessities, come to us and see those Boots and Shoes at...... .. .. 50c per pr Men‘s Tweed Pants at. .. ..$1.00 per pr Extra Fine Wool Sox at.....20¢ per pr Few Suit Lengths at greatly red. prices All Prints, Ginghams, Muslins an d ot her Suammer Goods reduced in price We can supply all your wants in GROCEBIE&â€"â€"-;IW&yn fresh. OUR TEAS are too wellâ€"known to reâ€" Tli" any comiment. Black, Green, apan. m’i\,dâ€"in bulk and packages Theobald‘s Old Stand, The Reliable Grocery Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Club Bags, Shawl Straps, moderate prices CANNED FRUITS of all kinds from _ Imperial measure.....15¢ and 30¢ 10 bars LAUNDRY SOAP for...... 25¢ Also large assortment ot TOILET SOAP to choose trom. Call and get a sample of our TEASâ€" Black, Japan, Ceylon, Young Hyâ€" son or mixed, from 20e to 50c per Ib. Try our 5 lbs for....... $1.00. Ladies‘ Oxfords & Strap Slippers All kinds ot Canned Meats and FISH UPTON‘S JAMS and Marmalades. Try our BULK PICKLES, per quart, at the downtown Stoe Store J. S. Mclliraith We are headquarters in Durham for Shoe Dressings. Hm‘o&)umn Half Time, large tin for 10¢c. We claim it is the best and easiest paste polish to make a shine with that we have seen. Try it. Monsy refunded if not satisfactory. Shoe brushes & daubers always in stock Custom work and repairing done as neatly and quickly as possible. Cash for Eggs New Fall Goods TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN Call and see our new Fall Stock consistâ€" ing of Stylish, seasonable Boots and Shoes of very dignified and graceful apâ€" pearance, durable and comfortable. The more you wear them, the more pleased you‘ll be with them, All sizes and pricesâ€"for Men, Women and We havre a few lines of these in which sizes are sold out, reg $1.00 to 1.75. . To make room for other goods, we are offering the balance You will be delighted with our large and well selected Stock. First choice to the early buyer. Children to clear at il1 parts of town. 30€ . McARTHUR C ome in and inspect our stock of Groceries and Confectionery, Fruits and vegetables in Season. Shoe Dressings Superior Footwear at Inferior Prices &4 "/\\e e (GhA\ ce ks [A w\ se i [( \1‘ C 7/I2 J. H. ROSE, delivered to All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted. Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade, tons, Blankets, Flannelettes, &¢. 80c to $l.40 Goods, Dress Goods, Cotâ€" ROBERT BURNETT Durham Already our New Goods for Fall are rapidly coming in, so our Summer Fabrics and many odds and ends in every department have to go to make room. Price is no consideration in this great CLEARING SALE: All Sumâ€" mer Goods reduced, while many Mr. Cameron,. B. A. of Toronto ocâ€" cupied the palpit ot the Presbyvterian church for the past two Sabbaths, His originaliuy ui thought and choice langâ€" uage made him & very impressive speaker. w6 e in pfetty pieces, short Odds and Ends, you will find to be genuine Bargains. Miss Ida Wilson of town is staying with her sister Mrs Thos. Ritchie who | got her arm badly hurt while driving | home from town one day lately, the horse took fright and threw her out. We hope to hear of her able to be aâ€" | smound soon again. _‘The cosy home of Mr. and Mrs, Dunâ€" can Campbell of Toronto has been full of life and gaity for the past fort night there being present their daughter, Mrs. James Sharpe of Limehouse and her daughbter Mrs Arthur Ivans of Torâ€" onto, their grandâ€"daughter Miss Minâ€" nie Nichol, teacher, of Rockwood also Mrs. John Polloek and family from the Qaeen City. "Tis with pleasure we welcome back to the villa:gliss Susie MacIntosh, who returned last week from the Queen City to spend her holidays at the oldâ€" homestead. Mrs. Harry Hunt, onur genial Merchâ€" ant‘s estimable life partner accompanâ€" ied by her son Master Carrol spent a few pleasant days with friends in a nd around Owen Sound, We regret to learn that owing to inâ€" dispositton, Rev. Mr A.tchison has tenâ€" dered his resignation as Pastor ot Latâ€" ona Church Dornoch, and Burus church Rocky Saugeen. Every body around here is busy at the harvest. The bum of the binder cau be heard in all directions. We extended our condolence to Mr. John Matthews who had the misfortune of getting his nand badly crushed while working in Owen Sound. we deeply regret the death of Mr John McKinnou cf Rrocky Saugeen, who was well known and highly reâ€" spected in chis community. A number from here attended the obsequies on Monday. f Tom Firth has eugaged with Thos. Ritchie for the next two months. An estimable lady is Miss Alice Smith, who took advantage ot the Civâ€" ic Holiday Excursion from Toronto, to visit her parents and friends in the community. We sympathize with Mrs3. John Barâ€" ry in the deathof her mother, Mrs. Daley which occured on Weanesday Aug. 2nd. The interment took place at Ayton Cemetery. @abliss Maggie Quirk of the Queen City is renewing acquatntance in the Burg and community at present. Miss Marguerite Fletcher of Palsley, visited at Mr D. McFayden‘s one evening last week, Mr Cameron R MacIatosh sPent a few days this week visiting triends and acquaintance around Traverston. Mr Wm. Edge visited friends in Walferton for a couple of days last week. Misses Mary and Louisa Burnett, of town, visited at Mr Wm. McFarlane‘s last week, A number of ithe young peeple of this vicinty enjoyed themselves in a dancing party at Mr John Staples‘ Friday evening andâ€"Saturday mornâ€" ing. Mr and Mrs Gurtiey and their daughter Olive, Toronto, visited friends in and around Edge Hill and Aberdeen last week. Dornoch Edge Hill This Store opens at 7 a. m. vooge ts 2 C The following were a tew ol the many visitors over the week end and with friends at Dromore and vicinity took in tae Sunday seryices conâ€" ducted in the absence of the pastor by Mr Brethour of Ms. . Forest :â€"The Mr J. Hastie and wife of Blytb, at his brother‘s Mr and Mrs Middlebrook (nee Rachel Adams) Toronto, at Messrs J. and F. Adams, Mrs J. Brown and two children of Toropto at Mr Garson‘s, Mrs Heuston at Mr S. Patterson‘s, Miss Swanston late of Macâ€" Donald Institute, Guelph, Mr Donald and Miss Belle McKinnon Priceville, Mr and Mrs Shortreed N. Egremont, Mr and Mrs Chas. Gillies of Robb, at Mr Eccles, Mrs Hugh Baird, of Markâ€" dale at Mr Eccles‘. * The Rev Mr Campbell is spending his holidays at Owen Sound for the next three weeks. Mr and Mrs Alex Henderson returnâ€" ed on Wednesday last from Toronto, looking bale and hearty, where the former had been undergoing operation for threatened renewal of appendicitis. Mrs Wm. Hornsby and daughter Eva of Penetang are paying a visit to Mr and Mrs Hornsby and other friends around. The latter is quite an acâ€" complished musician. Jas. Eccles, having receiyed a stroke of paralysis there while on a visit. ‘The funeral was largely attended by friends and neighbors. Mrs McIonnes bad been ailing but on Wednesday evening lust death claimed his victim at the age of 72. She was buried in Priceville cemetery beside her hus. band who predeceased her some years ago. f Misses Mamie and Marjory Rozks, of Torouto, are visiting friends in this vicinity for the past two weeks. Mrs John Renton leaves this week for a visit to her sisters in Baffalo. The managers of Amos church heldl a meeting last week to consider the building of a new manse next year. The funerai of the late Mrs John Mclones, took place on Friday trom the residence of ber daaghter, Mrs â€" Mr Robert Adams and his mother of Holstein, were guests at the Lothâ€" ian home over Sunday. Mr J. Laughton is having a new roof put on his bouse and fixing things up in general looks like business up there, can‘t tell how soon. Bells are ringing. Rey John Hastie, of Blyth, ably filled Amos pulpit last Sunday. Quaite a number from here took in the Orangemen‘s picnic at Swinton Park, and report a good time. Miss Jane Reid who. has been in Toronto for some time returned home last week. Mr and Mrs Altred Inkster of Ravâ€" enna were visiting at Mr and Mrs John (Garson‘s Sr. last week, Alfred has many ftriends in this part having served his aporenticeship here at the blacksmithing some few years ago. The tall wheat in this locality is all harvested some of it is more or less rusted, that of the Lothian Bros. baing exceptionally free and a good sample. The stonework under their barn is about completed by those excellent and carefurmasons the Messrs Renton. Mr Jas. Leask who has‘been recentâ€" ly indisposed, is recovering from his severe attack. Well Mr Editor. it is a long time since we corresvonded but we thought we would jot down a little of the hapâ€" penings in and around Pomona. Very sorry to say that Mrs John Meagher is keeping very poorly from a severe attack of sciatica. Mrs Young (nee Mary Jane) of Buffalo, and children are visiting at her parents Mr and Mrs Ed win Wells. Mrs George Long, Toronto, and daughter Georgina are staying for a few weeks at Mr Chas. Watson‘s Mrs Sheppard of the same city a grandâ€" daughter of the latter was also visiting there last week. Mrs D. Coleridge Sr, left this week tor a trip north to (O‘wen Sound and Sydenham, her daughter Selina havâ€" ing come home for a short stay on Tuesday last, before going back to her school near Teeswater. Mr Donald McCormick purchased a new Peter Hamilton binder from A. B. McLellan agent. When Dorald buys he buys the best. Mr Donald McRae Jr. is nursing a sprained wrist at present. _ _ _ Rev Legate, wite and family of Burfcrd are visiting the former‘s father, Mr R. Legate and assisted materially in the choir at the hall wich his old time power and vigor. Mr and Mrs John Sharpe, of Murâ€" aoch, yvisited at Mr D. Coleridge‘s Jr. last week. As did also Mr and Mrs W. J . Sharpe, Holstien. Miss Gardiner who has been visitâ€" ing at Mr and Mrs P. Reid‘s, returned lately to Toronto taking with her for a short stay there, Miss Blanche Reid. Mr Chas. Watson is recovering nicely ftrom his recent indisposition. Mrs Neil McLachlan and daughter Mabel of Calgary Alb., is at present visiting at her fatherâ€"igaâ€"law Mr John McLachlan, Priceyville, also_visited with Mr and Mrs John Beaton Pomona. _Mr Michael Birk took a businessl The Clerk certified that the interes ted trifirto Normanby one day last week. | partner bad been notified to attend said James Haley has thrashed some| meeting according to law. fall wheat and bsr::ly for a few of tha| The report was read and discussedâ€" farmers around and has done excelâ€"| McArthurâ€"Robbâ€"That the reeve be lent work. instructed to sign the Petition rogarding Pleased to see councillor John Mcâ€"| said drain. Carried. Millan is uble to attend council‘ The reeye signed the Petitionâ€" meeting Saturday last. Resolved that said report, plans, speciâ€" _Mr Michael Birk took a business trifirto Normanby one day last week. James Haley has thrashed some fall wheat and b":ly for a few of tha farmers around and has done excelâ€" w Ke Pomona a e Lt > TORONTO Mrâ€" Alt: Staples of S;. Loais visited ar his uncle Mr Chas. McClocklin for a tew days last week. tine. Mr Pat Fogharty gave a party to a few of the young people oue evening last w,ek und they report a pleasani Owing to no paper last week there: is a lot of matter to attend to this week aud as the times are getting busy with the hurry and bustle that are always associated with the harvest we cannot give much attention to gathering news for the press, for we have to attend to gathering in the sheaves for behold the fields are getting ripe and the time of reaping nigh at hand, consequently there is no rest for the harvesters for a few weeks. The weather is all that could be desired for harvesting during the past two weeks and a nice shower of rain would be yery acceptabie for the root crop now. _ Water is getting very low and a number of people have to drive their cartle quite a distance to get a drink. There has been a large number of people visiting friends from a distance and if we omit mentioning some of them it is not our fauit for sometimes they are away before we are ‘aware of them being in the place. Mr and Mrs White and family of Torontc are visiting at Mrs White‘s old home at John McArthur‘s in the Glen for the last week. Mrand Mrs Legate of Buffalo are at Mrs Legate‘s old home at Mr John Nichol‘s, Durham Rd, Glenelg. Thos Nichol improved his dwelling house by vencering it. Wa Mather is putting up a new kitchen, also a stons basement under his barn. Alex. McLean, South Line, puta new addiâ€" tion to his barn lately. Miss Emma McLean greatly and will be we hope shortly. We are pleased to see that Councillor John A. McMillan is able to atteund to his duties as a municipal officer now as he has been infirm in health lateâ€" ly. The Misses Simpson are home at present with their molher in this town. Master Alex Walker of Toronto is at present visiting his aunts in this place and at Ceylon. Mir Neil McLachlan and daughter of Calgary, N. W. T. are at present yisitâ€" ing at Mr Johu McLachlan‘s, North Line, where they intead to stay for a month or two before returning. Commissioner Neil McCannel is also now able to attend to his business after a severe spell of sickness during sumâ€" mer. Hector McDonald and his aunt Miss Maggie McLean visited friends at Walkerton a week ago, The Rev Mr McColl who was subâ€" stitute for Rev Matheson while taking his vacation left on Monday for his home in Toronto. Mr Matheson is exâ€" home this week and will occupy his position in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Miss Hambly, teacher from near Hamilton, visited her sister Mrs Thos. Fisher for a few days last week. John Mclntyre who received a stroke of paralysis a few weeks ago is not any better and unable to do anything to assist himself. Three funerals took place to the cemetery in this village during the last week of old pionears: 1st on Thursday the 1oth inst., Donald McLeod, an old resident of some 54 years of the Townâ€" ship of Artemesia was buried in this place at the good old age of 85 years, Mr McLeod was fatherâ€"inâ€"law to Mr. Donald McMillan of the South Line, Artemesia. He was a good old P resbyâ€" terian whose place was never vacant in the church while he was able to attend. Rev Mr Thom of Flesherton officiated At the funeral. On Friday the 11th inst Mrs McInanis relect of the late John McInnis near Hopevilleand one of Glenelg‘s pioneers coming some 54 years ago settâ€" ling on lot no 41, Con 2, S D R, Glenâ€" elg, now the property of Samuel McDerâ€" mid. Her husband predeceased her some 38 years ago. She was in religion a Presbyterian, about 78 years old, her maiden name being Euphemie Mcâ€" Donald. She was a cousin of J Mcâ€" Arthur, esq., Warden. _ On Saturday the 12th inst there was laid to rest the remains of Allan MeLean better known as *‘ Allan Ban ‘‘ another of the first settlers of Glenelg being there some 55 years on Lot 54, Con 2, N D R. Mr McLean was elder of the Presbyterian church for about 40 years being elected into the eldership (before the union took place ) in the old kirk, Priceville, Mr McLean was laid aside for many years on account of ill health as he was unable to attend. Rev Mr McColl officiated at the funeral, which was largely attended. The body was takâ€" en into the church during the services, Mr McLean was about 78 years of age. A special mseting of Council was callâ€" ed by the Reeve on Aug, 4th. 1905, to consider and dispose of the Report of Tp. Engine filled by she Cletk on July 27th, 1905, relating to a drain crossing certain lots in Egremeut and enteriog into Proâ€" Egremont Council. Priceville is improving arounrd again Midsummer Sale , Your money back if you want it. li&i;ls Sat. Aug. 19â€"â€"â€"â€"continues until Aug. After our Summer selling there are odd lines of Summer Goods that mus: be cleared at any cost to make room for Fall Goods which will soon arrive. Therefore the following Ladies‘ Lawn Waists 8 Ladies‘ Fine lawn Shirt Waists nicely trimmed with insertion and lace, were 1.25 and 1.75, The Great â€" 4 Ladies‘ very fine lawn handsomely finished, were 3 out, were 4.50, SALE PR., Stylish Shirt Waist Suits, fancy stitched and elegantly made through fications, assessmeunts and estumates be adopted und the Clerk draft a Byâ€"Law according cJ the Drainage Act. Carried. Swell Shirt Waist Suits, in shepâ€" herd Plaid, mercerized Gingham, Gordonâ€"Fergusounâ€"â€"That upon _ the certificate of the Township Eugineer for pay ment of $24.00 to the soveral pa rties for services in locating said Drain be paid and individual orders be made to said parties and charged re drain No 1 Egremont and Proton. Carried. were 3.50, SALE PRICE, Shirt Waist Suits, linen shades, were 2.30, â€" SALE PRICE, l.25 Fergugsonâ€"Gordonâ€"That Byâ€"law No 189 to provide for drainage work in Egreâ€" mont and Proton be now read a firat and second time or published in The Holstien Leusder according to law and the Court of Rewsion on said Byâ€"law will be held at Robb, on the 15th day of September, 1905, at 10 o‘clock a. m. Carried. Barn burnt by lightningâ€"On Saturâ€" day 5th August, the barn of Geo Sturâ€" rick, 11 con, Proton, was struck by lightning about 2 o‘clock and was inâ€" stantly in a blaze. It was a first class frame with stone stable underneath and abous 70 tons of hay and a lot of imâ€" plements, machinery, ete. A â€" thor ough bred bull was got out of the stable, and there was a small insurâ€" ance on building and contents. Conâ€" sidering the value of the property, Mr Sturrick intends to build aga&e and has already let contracts. wWaggonâ€"Maker‘s shop in village of Dmn’:gge. Showâ€"room suitable fl;:‘fur- niture. Dwelling above, A good stand. Miss Elizabeth _ .enister 0° Turonto who has been visiting with Mr Glenisâ€" ter and family here has returned to Toronto. Peter McArthur has returned from the West. This week we regret to mention the death of two of the oldest residents of Proton, On Sunday 5th near Ventry, Peter Fullerton, aged 73 years, a forâ€" mer resident of Hopeville. He was brried in Ventry cemetery on Tues. »«_h, a large crowd attendiog. On Wednesday morning, Aug. 10th, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Jas Eccles near Dromore, Mrs Effie McInnis widow of the late John Mcâ€" Innis. Mr and Mrs MciInnis eame into Proton from (Glenelg about 45 years ago and settled on a wild lot 2% miles west of where Hopeville is now where they commenced to clear up Proton‘s wild lands. Mr Mcinnisdied about 30 years ago and Mrs MclInnis lived on the farm with her family until a few weeks before she died when she went to see ber daughter where she got worse of her ailments and died. The funeral was on Friday the 11th to Priceville. Bert Love, who fell off the barn some time ago is doing vell. Shirtâ€"Waist Suits Alex. Russell. SALE PRICE, SALE PRICE, Hopeville John Wilson or 1. M D Aurtrax, Clerk. THE BIG STORE Landslide of Bargains $1.49 Genuine Money Savers 2.49 2.89 TETY 2 DL M n O s 2 emmgemmmmene e went ... RIPIAIRPIPQ :beTgl'lm o * R e 11 »|# Repair Simop | Lately opened, next door north Pn soe of Chief Carson‘s, where Turonto Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Lawn Glenisâ€" Mowers, Lock Guns, Umbrellas, etc. ned to will be repaired on shortest noâ€" tice at reasonable prices. Hunt 4 from ‘& around the woodshed and garâ€" rett and see if you haven‘t someâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€" thing you want repaired. All kinds of Machinery reâ€" llage of g]lned . scissors ground, Saws 5or furâ€" ed, locks fitted with keys. r 1. l:' fatisfaction M___"."_‘___ 100 Acre FAR M forSALE About 7 miles from Durham on the Garafraxa Road. Title good. _ Possesâ€" sion at once, must be sold. Apply to J. P. TEurorp. HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. Will be sold, or rented -epamte:‘y if desired, that wellâ€"known hotel and deâ€" sirable stock farm at the Rohb Roy, Lot 10 and 11, Con, 1. 8. D. R., Gleneig, 994 acres in farm, more orless. Blacksmith Shop on on« corner, Hotel across the rom£ Every field well watered. 4 mile from school, and 1 mile from post office. Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 rooms, stable with stone foundation, frame barn, stone pig pen, and good bearing orchard. Terms to suit purchaser. _ Apply Box 11 Durbam P. O. G. RÂ¥xax, Prop 200|o off Durham, Feb. 22. 1905. The undersigned will sell house and lot on West Bruce St, built in 1904, lo cated between Furniture and COream Separator factories. 20 x 32 feet, 2} stories, double cellar, cement finor in one half, furnace in the other half. 9 rooms, modern and convenient. Good well on premises, small barn wi‘th stone stable underneath. A bargain to quick buyer, Apply on the premises or to Wx. LecoexrtTE Box 92, Durham. Parties fishing or otherwise trespasâ€" sing on lot 28, con. 2, K. G. R., Glenelfi. (immediately west of Glenroaden}), will be prosecuted according to law. This means you so don‘t ask permission for it is impossible to discriminate Soft and stiff front Shirts in asâ€" sorted patterns, reg. $1 and 1.25 Silk Ties of every description, » reg. 25c and 50c goods saure rrice, 15¢ 36 in Prints, reg. 12c and 15¢ A few 99¢ Shoes left Men‘s Fine Shirts 36 in Prints 36 in HOUSE FOR SALE Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. Men‘s Silk Ties FOR SALE. Whitewear NOTICE. SALE PRICE, 65¢ all whitewear during Sale g. 12e and 15¢ SALE PRICE, 9C T Goods delivered to all parts of town McCormac«. 'r-; 20 00 Dp M Come in and see ou styles, all ; north Just inâ€"128 yds Dr ‘re in wide, sp wa c Ask to see our Lad u m u These are t-nly a !"\' t noâ€" Hunt _ garâ€" Highest F ¢ Ass wWS y € §1‘N‘¢’MW 3z THE (AGKH a‘e VYOL. XX1 h ies saee n ra . n 2 Pick [ 1 REVIEW and 1 ore REvIEW and Toro Roview and Dail REviEw and Wee Review and W, 3 REVIEW and West REVIEW and Wee REvIEew and Fam, REVIEW and Wee! REVIEW and Mon., Dry Review Cl SPICES st Whuite ‘ Aa large 6 est Materi tx in r rend eres, ett 4 mone) ordina Get th We hal W i1a ve W And it 1 @ W {} 1 U

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