West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1905, p. 4

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TRUSTEES Sale of Lands in the Tewn of Durham, in theCounty of Grey Under and by virtne of the acers contained in a rorfninfTruatPoDeed which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at * The Central Hotel" in the Town of Durham on Tuesday, September 12th, A. D,. 1905, the following lands and premises, namâ€" 1y;â€"Lot No 22, on the east side of Queen St in the Town of Durham, and lot No 22 on the wost side of Garafraxa Street in the Town of Durham, save and exâ€" cept a portion heretofore sold off the South side of the last mentioned lot. The property is centrally sitnated in the Town of Durham, has comfortable dwelling house erected npon it, and is well suited for residential pur poses,. A recent issuefof the Coleman, Mich. parer bas the following notice which will interest many Bentinck people who knew the deceased : Death al â€" ways brings sadness but never did it bring greater sorrow than when the news rapid!ly spread through our comâ€" munnity that afdearly beloved wife and mother b&p‘-ed;in&o the great August A. D. 1905. The purchaser shall pay ten vber cent of the purchase money at the time of sale to the vendor‘s Solicitor, and the balance in thirty days thereafter withâ€" out interest. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. _ Further particulars may be had from Hagh McKay, J. P. Telford, Auctioneer. Vendor‘s Solicitor. _ Dated at Durham this 4tb day of The vendor wi‘l enly be r equired to furnish a Registrar‘s Abstract of Title, and to produce such deeds copies thereâ€" of, or evidences of Title as are in ber po:aoss_mn. T s t $ pe s PDarling‘s Prug Store We have just received a large consignment of New Fall Gocds consisting of 250 yds MUSLINS, rag. 10.& 15¢, clearing at b¢ yd 350 yds FLANNELETIE, reg. 7c, clearing..5¢ yd 100 pr Ladies‘ COTTON HOSE, regular 15¢, lenrIhg st...‘.....:.:..}.;:......~â€"~<sOCDT VYow Dross Soods, Ftannetottes, Wrapâ€" perettes, «Ladies‘ Ready~â€"toâ€"wear Skirts, Wrappers and Underwear. which we have to offer to our customers at low prices 5 doz Ladies Wrappers from.....50c to $1.50 each 3 doz Ladies‘ Night Gowns from..75¢ to 1.25 each Made up in the latest style, in black, brown, navy and tweed effects, from..... 2 to F56 Ladios‘ Wrappers and Wight Sowns Trustees‘ Sale. Obituary. 200 Ladies Stytish Skirts Buy your Pickling Spices at Darling‘s where you will get them Fresh and Pure. e 4c n NEW COODS JSome Clearings in Summer Soods Tarlings, k Caskh and One Price. tinck township, Grey Co. Ont., March 4th, 1857. ln the year 1882 she came to Midland County where in the followâ€" ing year she was married to Malcolm McDonald and settled in Geneva townâ€" ship where she res.ded until her death. of no avail. She gradually grew worse until a week previous to her death when she was stricken to her bed. Loving bands did all in their power to soothe her sufferings but on sunday morning death came to her relief. She was not conscious at the last but she passed away without a struggle. For several years her health has been failing, medical aid seemed to be Mrs McDonald has ever been an arâ€" dent christian and a devote. member of the Presbyterian church, â€" She was beloved by all who new her and her presence will not only be missed at bome but among hber many friends who sympathize with the tamily in their sad bereavement. Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. Board can be obtain ed at reasonable rates. . Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place sor residence. Besides a hu band she leaves two daughters, Azna and Tena and a son, Archie who bave the hearttelt symâ€" pathy ot ail. Staff and {Equipment. The school is thoroughly equi in teachin ability, in chemical and elecaclf'::%;ua and fl% tings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" tion work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Prlnc(el MIQ_L. h. FORL.R, B. A _ Claccing an q REL Wmm .Johnston, Jr., Isabella McArthur was born in Benâ€" Durnam School MISS A.JOHNSTON, 3. Commercial. ortocA. * FEES: $1 per month in advance The Druggists. lass Certificate, Pflncinl , B. A., Classics and Mo . A., Mathematics and THE DURHAM REVIEW Miss Whitchurch returned Saturday to Stratford. Mr‘Cecil Gun came home Saturday on a short visit. Miss A. Banks left Friday from White{ish, Algoma. Miss Edith McKenzie was a visitor in Mt Forest last week. Rey Mr Farquharson will occupy his own pulpit on Sunday next. Mr. A. McClocklin came home Saturâ€" day; evening from Meaford. Mrs W. Putnam, Mt Forest is the guest of ber sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs Carson. Mrs Ross and daughter Miss Belle, Toronto, are visiting friends in town. Mis Bucban is epending a fortnight with her daughter in Baytield. Mr, and Mre. D. McCoskery spent a few days on a trip to Owen Sound and other points. Miss Bessie Levine, after spending 6 weeks with her uncle in town. returned Tuesday to Chicago. Miss Townsend and Miss Easton, guests of Mrs D B McFarlane left on Saturday for Toronto. Mrs A. C. McDonald was a guest of Fleshert on friends last week. Jim Lee is in London this week. Mra Jas. McClocklin, Flesbnerton, a few days visiting relatives here. Mr.C.F.Lawrence, Vickers, left Saturâ€" day to resume his duties as teacher near Welland. Mr and Mrs H. W. Hunter of Stubenâ€" ville, Oh10, are guests of Mrand Mrs G, A. Blackburo. Messrs Walter and Willie Willison, Toronto, are holidaying at their uncle‘s Mr. T. A. Harris. Miss A. Sumerville, Fitzroy Harbor, is visiting at present with Mrs Angus Cameron. Miss Flo McCormack, Aberdeen, reâ€" turned Thursday to Rochester, after spending a month at home. Mr Will Robertson, Kincardine, spent a couple days with friends in town over last week end. Mrs Thos Cline. who has hbeen visiting Mrs Burnet. left for her home in Cayuâ€" ga on Friday last. Misses Nellieand Liowyn Moran left for Ayton, and Miss Ethel Limin. near Varney, Monday to resume teaching. Mrs Jne McKechnie and children are visiting Hanover relitiyes. Misses Kathleen Grant and Rosalie Brooker arrived home from a months visit in St. Marys and Stratford. Miss Ruby Milts arrived home Tuae«. day after a six months‘ visit to Toronto and Hamilton. Mr William Johnston, Jr., attended the I. 0. F. convention at Lindsay this week. MrB. Williams is his coâ€"deleâ€" gate. Messrs 8. F. Morlock, and J. Kelly left Monday on a three weeks‘ pleasure trip to Noith Bay. New Liskeard, and Toronto. Mr Chas McKinnon and son John, went west Tuesday with another carâ€" load of horses, At Arcola, Man,, he is building a large salesâ€"barn. Miss Maggie Fletcher, of Toronto, ;E»ent part of last week at her home at ull Corners, and attended the funerâ€" of the late Jno. McKinnon. Mr. Thos Potter and family of Welâ€" beck took train here Tuesday for Haliâ€" burton where he will be employed on Mr Sparling‘s timber reserves. Mr Tolchard, teacher of No. 9 Glenelg bas taken up hbis residence in the old bank building in Upper Town. Mrs, Tolchard‘s mother is with them,. Dr E. 8. Launder, wife and daughter, visited at the home of the former‘s sisâ€" ter, Mrs Mundle, Ixilsyth, before leavyâ€" ing for Cleveland on Saturday last, Misses Ray and Ada Cleaye, Owen Sound. spent last week and this with friends at the Review office and at N, Egremont making their headquarters with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs, D. Coleridge. Mrs, John McLaren and grandson of Buffalo aud Mt_-:dE,b Du;iidoon ‘i§ Durâ€" ham accompani ayor Hunter were guests of Mr. J. i!_ Mc{“fiy‘d;enhone prvdednlt *h ty pant Snd .\ yc Mesgsrs Henry Cameron and Charlie Hoare returned to Toronto Wednesday. The former in a few days will leave for Neepawa, Man., to resume his banking duties. MiEFe P on e ves co on day recently, There they m t t}goftrgg. 8Sr, ;nd it is neegles: t,oMr!;gz:: at in such com Id ti recalled and mvive?i.m y old Simtes were Mr Jas. McK. Robertson, of the Macâ€" Lean Publishing Co,, Toronto, is in town this week renewing N:R:nintances with bis native ogt. the Review and the lessening number of bhis associates of 17 years ago. He has worked his way steadily up and is now snrchasing agent of the big Pubhshing House. Brackâ€"In Glenelg on Sunday, August 6, to Mr and Mrs Angus Black, a son. Troxas â€" Baxksâ€"At the Methodist Church bz Rerv C W Brown on Wedâ€" nesday, Aug 2nd. Mr Jas A Thomas to Mirs Dora Banks, both of North Bay, Ont, MARSHALL.â€"In Normanby, on July 20 to Mr and Mrs John Marshall, a son. Farr.â€"At Wallacsburg, on Aug. 17, to Mr and Mrs {Rev) Thos. Fair, a whoo BORN ONTARIO ARC ’ TOROoNTO Tte commissioners of Javen and Russia are ppll'efl‘l to separâ€" arm ar Pnrz:muth. fi:' B.mP‘:i::' AlC At ALC AS â€" LUFCSIRVUO®EY AEW T T UE D es without agreeing on a basis orge.a-! ‘There were 12 points in Japan‘s deâ€" mands on eight of which agreement 18 Rol:lble. but the Russians so far are in refusing 1. Anindemnity for Japan‘s 1css0® owing to the wal. 2. The cession of she island of Sakâ€" m:)!in The gi of the ships i . The giving u the 8 nâ€" terned in Chinese pgmand at nul:nu. 4. The limitation of the naval power of Russia in the east. Japan seems equally firm, bnt no one knows, for the J:E Commissioners of peace aro just as silent and inscrutâ€" able as are the leaders of the war. They will speak at the right time and thats all you can learn. . President Roosevelt is evidently feariul of tailure, for he has approached them agein with a view to getting their consent to arbitrate their differâ€" ences. Toâ€"day, Tuesday, is the eventful day and pessimism re?us nearly everywhere. Japan bad a sa‘e rentâ€" ed for their papers and a report says have instructed the owner to render his bill as they are through with it. Much of the apgorem firmness on both sides may be bluff. The Czar it is hoped will do something to save the situation, and some think pressure by other nations will induce Japan to yield a litle. Britain is making it clear howaver that she will do nothing to deprive her ally of the fruits of victorv and a suspicion exist= that she will let nobodyâ€" else do it. â€"Senator Wark is dead at the age of 101 years, 6 mos. and 1 day. Not since the time of Moses has there been seen a man attending to legislative duties over the hunared year span. He was one of the Lenators chosen at Contederation and is the last but one of that number. The Toronto Star in an appreciative sketch says: ‘‘Senator Wark al ways advised a simple diet, but that was the smallest part of his secret. For him, as for others, the elixir ot life lay in somcthing else than mere foou for the body. Senator Wark had a mind enriched by much reading and a soul fortified by the promises of the Christâ€" ian religion. With these stores of solace and affection, the days never came when he said : "I have no Bleasnre in them. *‘ He led a fall life. e was interested in great public questions to the extent that he forgos his own feebleness. And above all he had that abiding faih and steadfast hope which make life piacid, because deatéx is esteemed a goal and areâ€" ward. " â€"The British Columbia Salmon pack for the first time in its history exceeds the American pack in Paâ€" cific waters. The total pack is exâ€" pected :o reach 1,000,000 cases, â€"The Ontario Rifle Association held the first of its big matches on Monâ€" day at Long Branch. Thare were 275 entries from goud shots from all parts of Canad a, even from the Yukon. The style of modern warfare requires as a first requisite men who can shoot, and who can shoot straight, hence everything pertaining to rifle practice is worthy of the closest attention. The heroic stand made by the Boers was strikimfly dependent on their aovility in this line. _ As long as the spectre of war haunts the earth it is well to be prepared. â€"â€"A clash has taker place between the civil and the military power in India, and Lord Cuarzon, the Viceroy, has resigned, an indication that the home authorities support Lord Kitchâ€" ener. â€" Lord Miuto, formerly Gov. Gen. of Canada is to be Curzon‘s successor. The trouble lies in the administration of the army system in which Kitchenâ€" er is bonnd to be supreme. â€"Wheat cutting is in progress in southern and central Manitoba ard a good crop is assured. Another week of gocd weather and all Western Canâ€" ada will ba stooking the biggest harâ€" vest yet gathered. â€" The railways are rushing harvesters and home seekers to the west at the same time rushing the construction of cars to carry eastâ€" ward the great crop. True it is, Canâ€" ada promises to be the granary of the Empire. â€"While the world watches the anâ€" tics of the German Emporer amongst the cabinets of Europe the tact is over: looked that German East Africa is in open rebellion. _ On Monday two cruisers were despatched there as the Governor t.elegra;rhs that matters are getting worse. ore tronps are being sent. â€"The (i‘vlobe has dsorne interestâ€" ing special correspondence appearing from &?new mining village ofpce:;alt. There has been a rush to the famouns district and a sale of building lots reaâ€" lized $27000. Provision is being made for a school house and before long the place,â€"now a thing ot tents and sh:lcksâ€"will be organized municiâ€" pally. The Western Real Estate Exchange Ltd., London, Ont., has a large list of Farms for sale or exchange for other property. If youarethinking of buying afarm or other property it would be to your advantage to get our list of propâ€" erties for sale. If you will write to us at our head office or to our Local Repâ€" resentative for this district stating the County or Counties of which you wish a list of farms for sale, sent to you, you Smail Hope of Peace. Are You Interested. m will receive by return ofmail a complete list o1 the farins we hsuforuhw&bfl! Counties, Rave youU & farm for sale Write for our terms and method of selâ€" ling Real Estate. Western Real Estat® Exchange Ltd. London, Ont. Wao. W Ramage. Thistle, Local Agent. Twine! Twine! We have an assotment of Gasoâ€" line and Coa! Oil stoves which we are selling very cheap. MACHINES Our stock of Washing Machines and Churns are worthy of inspection. The Rucker Courns are selling fast. TRUNKS Before vou start travelling, see our trunks and valises. STOVES J. LEVINE | fwthot New Hunter Block, Durham. ‘ If you want to make money in buying goods, call at Levine‘s cheap store. You will ve surâ€" prised at the unheard of bargain prices. Here are some odd lines : Young Men‘s Worsted Suits, ...... worth $7 for.......... +*+++*+lif Fashionable Summer CSB::+.!2r.., clearing lot for.... ......25¢ e Men‘s flannelette top Shirte. . . . .25¢ e Men‘s Hgbglln: worth 1.50 for .. ... pinnnnlue C yoperaimee SWd cemmerientibid n ds 2 dAd s Alsouomeior..................w Men‘s Hats, worth l.50(or...........75 W e have purchased a fine lot of Ladies SKIRTS & Black SILK CLOAKS and will sell all at half price Ladies‘ Cravenette Raincoats. .. .. clearing price..........‘‘*** an 7x Does the present condition of your eyes give youany reason to feel anxâ€" ious. The grave results that are so often experienced from lack of attention on your part. It costs you only the trouâ€" ble of calling and have your eyes exâ€" amined, then you will be put wise as to whether they need special care or not. You know the place. A. GORDON, THE CHEAP STORE Hair Vigor Food hair; Eive i something to live 09; Thuk'.“’-%,, will ,’!.'.A&.a.almnlh will §GOF """ _/ hea anl Ayu’tfldf'__bf""“” Short Hair hair food you can buy. 10f °. years it has b“l doing just what we clatin it will do. . It "ie en ternere n Ipt" in hntmcnoges paraiee i epoumte ns o o it Watchmake1, Jeweller 98 A REMINDER 22 feui W. BLACK REMEMBER '“---2500.011 Optician, ols TWEEDS & YARNS OoF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boot® & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain‘. P®®~ We ask inspection of our Teas. .z Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Spring Imptements .. Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scuffiers etc. Enquire at this agency. -*cmcll.’ w."('..’y 6. is Rakes, Mowers, BRinders, etc., of this famous firm‘s make. They give great satisfaction. P rices and terms to suit purchasers. Orders S. SCOTT. Peoter Hamilton J{yonqy & ‘s < Peel‘s Handâ€"Made‘ are WEARPROOF FOOTWEAR PEEL, The Shoeman Watson‘s Breadâ€"The Best Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Buns and Biscuits in great variety All kinds of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specialty CONFECIIONRY mizent\ A. W.Watson Or as near to it as leather can get. Protects the purse of the buyer. Try them for Fall. We have more new ranges in, . All makes, styles and nrices, _ Call and inspect With R.JMcMicken at the Hahn Hn:'_.f_w_“ at the REvyIEWYV suit you. TUDHOPE CARRIAGES . ... AS USUAL ... Seem to be all the go. They are bandsome and as everybody knows, they are the most durâ€" able rig on the market, Call and examine them. Barclay & Bell Ogilvie‘s Royal Household, per barrel ... Also other highâ€"grade Manitoa Flours, per barrel .$5.60 to 5.75 "Five WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. Durham and Owen Sound. RANGES We have one to okGotlan 4* $ed AUGUST 24, 1805 BIG 4 LACE 2 yards long, 26 incles An Curtair Ladies Hyy twilled cotton Shee White Bedepreads, large Table Linen.......... .. Floor Oilcloth, 1 and 2 y Stair Oilcloth........... Japanere Matting .. ... .. W. . BE THERE‘S MONFY N T8 Places insurances © ®~ Companics, Collects Debts, Business Difficuities, Draw and Sells C. P.R. Tickets | Pure Honey and Fres) 125 Acres Normanby and improves, . Will re! 160 Acres Bentinck Offered l'H"uP’HT quick 100 Acres Normanby Red Cros: Dysentery Cordial The Hanover Conveyance 100 Acres Bentinck Well improved and ow ber to pay priceasked Durham Residence Photographer. Also Farm and Town l‘rop Why Go Aroun Pure Pickling Spic and ground. Fruit Jars, Specie and bottle C MacFarlan: & LENOS MONEY «+ Druggists & Booksal ney ; well inytovcd t Owner bound to go w H. H. MILL White Wine, 30c, 40c English Malt, 80 Sealers, Rings, AT Pickling S Curry POW Jer H. H. MILL The Hanover Positively relieves diarr1 or dysentery, . Safe, and speedy. No bad e Keep it in the house, As if you didn‘t care things went when a $ Oversk irt Black Sa PERUVIAN â€" TO will build you up next best thing t« the seaside. Try White Waist Whole and Ground 5 urmeric Beside LADIES‘ WEAR PARKER Drug Sto 30 & JS 11 S our e following Bargai Corset CC Vinegars pt LROWI All kinds M ting pices CRLOFR DJ J¢ a br sOT KS A ] N 18

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