West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1905, p. 5

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1y ot§$ flers 1hey ices of If AUGUST 24, 19065 UE m SELLS m UCHEAP BIQ 4 Hvy twilled cotton Sheeting, 72 in wide.. .%¢ a yd White Bedupreads, large size........... . $1.10 each Table LiNCN........................20C and 50¢ a yd Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide....2%¢a square yd Stait OHCIOUR. . , . «+1 vercerxexretvix «eearer«l00@mpd JADPRRESC MHEUNG . . . . . . .« « /« «+e««eccece« «. 206 & Â¥C W. HAH. BEAN THERE‘ S MONEY in TRIS F0R YOU LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. Places Insurances 0 a\\ kinds in reliable Companics, Collects Debts, Arranges Business Difficuities, Draws Wiitings and Sells C. P. R. Tickets to all points. Besides other lands he offers the following ..p..ln.: 100 Acres Normanby Southâ€"west of Var Pure Honey and Fresh Groceries always on hand C 'w:::':"u'o'll i;fi;Trb;éa and an extra good Farm Owner Lound to go west. 125 Acres Normanby Con!8; Well located and improved. â€" Will rent if not sold soon. 150 Acres B’Mlnck hb Offered cheap for quick sale. 100 Acres Bentinck Near Rocky saugeen Well improved and owner says has enough tim ber to pay priceasked. _ Durham Residence Owned by J.L. Browne The Hanover Conyeyancer, Hanover Red Cross Dysentery Cordial Why Go Around Pure Pickling Spicesâ€"whole and ground. Fruit Jars, Specie and bottle Corks. MacFarlane & Co. T. H. MILLER} rham Residence Owned by J.L. Browne Photographer. _ Also a large number of other Farm and Town lT‘roperties. Druggists & Booksellers. White Wine, 30c, 40c & 50c nl English Malt, 80e gal Sealers, Rings, Corks AT Pickling Spices rLams 1 urmeric Cursy Powder Whole and Ground Spices H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer, long Overskirts...... .. . .$2.00, : Black Sareen Underskirts «s Waists.... . White Waists..... ... _ Nightgowns.. ©" _ Corset Covers Positively relieves diarrhcea or dysentery, Safe, sure and speedy. No bad effects Keep it in the house. Try our As if you didn‘t care how things went when a $ bottle will build you up. It‘s the next best thing to a trip to the seaside. Try it. PERUVIAN â€" TONIC LACE CURTAINS 26 inches Wide............ LADIES‘ WEAR except PARKER‘S Drug Store Vinegars All kinds. * i h un vas s un + PHOR ‘!C 25¢ & 40e, have worked edges i8 25¢ a bottle GALOER‘S BLOGK DORHAM $2.00, 3.50 and 4.50feach Near Rocky Saugeen North of Allan Park ........ 1.00 each 85e an 1.00 each .Me and 75¢ each 70¢ and 1.00 each 2c and 50¢ each in a pair Assessment of Glenelg for 1905. Total $763,965 Assessed for 1904 €664,873 Raise in 1905 $99,002 Children from 8 to 14 © 304 Names on Roll 908 Mr Editor for information I sund you the above statement otf the asscssment Of the Township of (Glenelg ‘*‘or 1905 and perhaps a ftew lines of explanaâ€" tion may not be out of place. ‘The Assessment Act as it is at presâ€" ent demands all assessors to commence their work on the 15th Feb. and finish on or before the 1st May. Every perâ€" son will admit that the time of beginâ€" ning the duties of an assessor is entireâ€" ly out of place, because on 15th Feb., snow in general is about 3 to 4 teet deep hiding trom yiew th» many boulders that are covered by the enormous depth of anow thereon makâ€" ing the rough plaees appear smooth and in some instances the smooth vlaces appear rough on accouut of spow driits, etc. Parts of the Township of Glenelg are hard to travel when snow is deep on account of some of the roads being in an awtul state even to get over a toot. To remedy this matter it would be absolutely necessary to change the: time for performing the work for as it is at present it bas to be done on snow up to the neck or in water up to the knees as both are often experienced before the work is finished. Should the good men that are framing the law see the absurdity of setting out a stranger tor instance who knows nothâ€" ing about the locality, at the time that the statutes detuand now, I think that they would at once see tha. a change is necessary for no matter how familiar a person is with the }Jay of the municipality he represents there are parts of it that be knows nothing about for there are scores of farms that have a fine appearance in front and at the far end nothing but hills and valleys, etc., and others that have a big hill in frons and the best of land at the far end. ,'?ml How is the macter to be remedied ? I say change the time for commencâ€" ing from Feb. 15 to April 15, and finisbhing on 15th June, when a man has solid footing to travel and he can get over the ground far taster and easier ; remunerate him so as he could afford ic examine every farm thorâ€" oughly from one end to the other or at least go tar enough to have a view ot the whole tarm. By making the change I think it would meet the apploval of all ratepayers and cerâ€" tainly of the assessors for it would give them an opportunity of seeing every place in theirnatural state and even then they woald find it a diffiâ€" cult task to please every body for they cannot please themselves. Latest advices frow Winnipeg state that the Wheat Crop of â€" Mauitoba and the Canadian Northwest wul exceed all previous semsons; » great number of Eaâ€"tâ€" ern laborers will be required to Aasist at Harvesting. A Farm Laborer,s Exeursâ€" ion will be run frow poiuts : GoInG DaTES Avoust 29. 1905â€"Stations sonth of but nout including, main line Toronto to Sarnia. SEPTEMGER %. 1905â€"Main line Toronto to Surumia and statious north (except north of Cardwell June. and Torouto on North Buy Section.) t SEPTEMBER 4, 1905â€"From all poinis Tovouto and east io and including Sharâ€" bot Lake, aud Kingston, and uorth of Toroute and Cardwell June, on North Bay and Midland Diyisions. 'i'iclets will be sold to female as weil as to male Inborers. Ticke!s will not be sold at half rate to children. Farther informaation will be supplied on application to C B. Foster, D. P. Ad4 C. P. Railway, 71 Yonge St.. Toronto, Intending excursionists should notify nearest ticket agent at once. Municipality of the Town of Durham Courty of Grey. N otice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered_ to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 Ontario Voters‘ List Act, the copies reâ€". quired by said sections to be so . trans mitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all persons ;&mring by the last reviged Assessment I1 of the said Muuicirnmy to be enâ€" titled to vote in the said Municipality at Electious for members of the Lerillutive Assembly and at Municipal E ections : and that the said list was first posted up my office, at Durham, on the 3lst day of Juiy and remais there for inspection. Rlectors are called upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the \ said errors corrected according to law. l wW. B. VOLLET, Clerk of the Municipality of Durham I Dated at Durham this 31st day of Juiy? in Canade, _ All of our graduates get posjtions Write or hands0M0 . _, , »y r1(yp°f, Principal. Farm Laborer‘s Excursions 1905. _ TORONTO, ONT. ~~ FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 6th mrapmm Hte. ongltbm-did-&‘mll largest and best commercial schools VOTERS‘ LISTâ€"1905. [oF s Awiibns ~ s 00. Ekn‘ 3 o a ie 6 aâ€"â€"â€" â€" I am, yours, J. McDonald. $616,020 $144,095 ANNOUNCEMENT . 1905â€"1806 Owing to the large increase in attendance in the High School Deâ€" partmentâ€"the average for the la:t academic year being seventy,â€"the Board decided to engage permanently a second assistant. With the increased and efficient staff, and a well equipped laboratory, the school is in a better position than ever to do efficient work, which will be taken up in three forms: FORM Iâ€"Those who have passed the Entrance Examination.. FORM IIâ€"Those who lave passed the final examination for Form I, or its equivalent. FORM IIIâ€"Jr. Leaving and Jr. Maâ€" triculation work. ‘The staff will endeavor not only to teach efficiently but will also at all times give cheerfully, individual asâ€" sistance as opportunity offers. 1903 ~â€"80 per cent of those recommendâ€" ___ed passed,. 1904â€"50 per cent of those recommendâ€" ed passed. The average over Proâ€" vince for this year was only 48%,. 1905â€"71 per cent of those recommendâ€" ed passed. The above record shows that the work done in our High School Departâ€" ment will compare favorably with that done in the High Schools. Good board and lodging may be obtained at reasonable rates. FEESâ€"One dollar per month payâ€" able in advance. The School will reâ€"open Tuesday the 5th of September. 1t is very desirâ€" able that all who purpose attending should present themselves for enrolâ€" meut and classification the opening day. It is a mistaken policy to defer this for a week or so. The Principal requests : the coâ€"opâ€" eration of all students in making the work of the school harmonious and profitable, Jr. Leaving and Jr. Matriculation. Any further information regarding the School will be cheerfully given on applying either to the: Principal or to any member of the Board. Thos. Allan, Chas. Ramage, Principal. Secretary. Owen Sound, Ont. REâ€"OPENS for the Fall Term Friday SEPT. 1; 1 for the classification of students, Classes begin Monday, Sept. 4, 1905. Four fully equipped departments. Four complet BUSINESS COURSE for those who wish to be come Bookkeepers, Business men and enter mercantile life. _ TELEGRAPHY Course for those wishing to become Telegraph Operators SHCRTHAND & TYPEWRITING Course for those who wish to become stenographers. PREPARATORY Course for those who are far back in their education and who wish to hnrrove in common school subjects, . None too far back for this course. Write for a new iNustrated Announcement and Journal showing our various departments at work : it is free. | P cih 2t 4 uky by i MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN T suiTts To a T/ & And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our breadl, cake"s, pies, and every desirab‘le variety of pastry. A GROWING SCHOOL, FIRST of all, we use on‘!y the nnest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see 1ror yourself. A â€" first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Lates Styles on shortest notice . WNOPHErY // 42 °_ 4b omTEIDTSOITS GooD REASONS : G. H. STINSON. FLEMING, Principal Owen Sound and qp}p-d.t.e courses of study, RECORD. We use only the finest TH% uUKSMAM REVIEW 4X Teering [farvesters sOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS:; The Perforated Drum, only Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. Raymondj Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal :or Wood Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. N Farm Laborers‘® EXCURSION GOING DATES AUGUST 29; 1905 s AUGUST 29; 1905 stations south of main line Toronto to Sarnia, f Main ‘Toronto to Barnia and stations SEPT. â€" 2, 1905 Maiz, $P¢,3900!â€"9. abn Retoos on Rorth Bay best ) From all points Toronto and east, Mhd-fim SEPT. 4, m bot ;.i.n,..aw.mm"a Toronto Cardâ€" well Junc. on N Bay and Midland Divisions. ONEâ€"WAY SECOND CLABS MICKETS TG wINNIPBG only will be sold, witha CEBâ€" TIFICATE extending the trip before Septemder 1ith, without additional cost, to other mnmnmmmmm Wiami hasers engaged FARM LABORERS at proaided such FARM Lmuworkm m‘&n»mnm%udmmmmm LABOEECC CA T: vatumad ta Original Starting t at rates shown above on or beâ€" . t cessn on dn esn tnatnrc acomin Ant asininetas stt ysnt If engaged as FARM LABORERS at Winnipeg (proaided such FARM M&umm u-maomnnnr%ud PO“IK! certificate to that eflee;) they will be returned to Original Starting t at rates shown above on or beâ€" fore Nov. $0th, 1905. TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED TO WOMEN as well as Men, bnt will not be issued at ala OVE LN U TTR AEtwaevorit Truvern Exreres TraiNs. TICKETS WILL BB IBOUVRU PV MUMURLITE o qoussei+t Tsurern Erpreras Haifâ€"Rato to Children.. &="*TICKETs Nor GoOPD ON INPERIAL LIXiTZED Exraces TRaINS. For further particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent or C. B. FOSTER, ». r, a.. C. r. ®., Toroxto, Ont. We can give onl{ a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair pt ices Gohn Glark. /2 Western Fair hi Mn The best in their line as we bhandle only the best. $18 Return. TORONTO m When CGovernor Simcoe laid the foundation of & London, Ontario, one hundred years ago he knew it ") would grow to be a great city, but had no thought of the Western Frir. * The Western Fair gives the people of this eountry an excellent opportunity for a pleasant outing at a minimun of cost, and at the same time developes their store of practical and useful knowledze. Its educational features have always been carefully fostered by the Directors, This year several important improvements of an instructive nature have been added, 1 C emerennipes r: ue swE c ws . Pm loed w dulb C cummincon tAfi the celebrated qrst Highland Regiment Band will give three concerts daily during the exhibition. The entertainâ€" ment department will be beiter than ever, and will include leaping the gap in mid air on a steam automobile. tm _ {Iné Rarm flohinery. von imP®@AMATION WAITE 42 %, TMU EXHIGITION THAYT MADE PALL AGRIUULTUPAL FAIPS rOPULARM LONDON Septo 8 9# 169 1905 The Perforated Drum, only in the Idea W. J. REID, racessent, on J A. NELLES, ecomcramy A few doors South of the Middaugh House, wl L. R. C. P., London, Raglan Graduate of London,New York and Ch° mge. Diseases of Eye, Kar, Nose, and Throat srwill sarwi) be at Knapp House, Durham; the tne J. G. HKUTTON, M. D., C. M. Member College Physicians and Burgeons O““"""‘““' . Garafraza and George u.nm«mi" Old Moodie Corner. Late assistant to Moorfield‘s (London, Eng) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Hospitals. Office, 13 Frost Bt, â€" â€" â€" â€"â€" Pevsic1an & SurcBoN, ‘Office over J. &,J. Hunter‘s 1 8 to 10 1a.x. W. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. HoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store | . MACKAY & DUNN, | Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 1 C3 Money to Loan. Oflice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank |A. G. MacKay K.C. W. F Ounn OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"â€"4 p. m. Tâ€"9 p. m. Telephone Connection No. 10 HONOB GRADUATE Toronto University, Grad vate Roval College Dental Surgeons of Ont 4* "uate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ont Dentistry in all its branches. Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 1O0WN, DURHAK. trators‘ Accounts prepared and r.od Burrogate Court Bub-t Probate of Wills. Lettere of Ad minstration and Guardiavship Obtained. gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported on Jompany and priyvate Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. Collections and Agency promptly attended t d inrrooty propernie istator of.det seand fai,: . correctly prej . Es of decen. râ€" :ODI loc':hd Ju': and Eu:nw‘r'l and sA‘-F:u- rators‘ Accounts prepared an r.u.d urrogate Conrt BRusiness. Probate of Wills. Lettere of Ad Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &e. Money to Loan. (\fice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. ARTHUR GUN, M. D. 4@ Bpecial attention given to Diseases Of Women and Children. Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &e Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten: ded to. Farms bought and solg/ METZBILDLC@.cLedas. Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat D. Mc JOHN CLARK _# NOATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER J. F.GRANT, D. D.S., L. Durham, Nov. 16. Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established in 1800, Tusures Farm Buildings and Contents, Dwellin & and Contents in towans and villages. iv-nhq in a dweliing is covered 'L?"‘:’P&- ‘.-.‘...” n‘.! .â€"A‘uâ€"“hn- F"I ll-m ally. Stacks and live stock from fire or lightnts mecems flce ”"nunh &m‘gtd’: J9% Werms INCUUEIRUC. AST" Esn CR 80c and to antes, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" fee, Durham. _ sas" Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to BARRISTER, 80ICITOR, TD EAAT T .AA.dc: Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Bales woocr hae ho deft at his Implement Ware: rooms, l(cilnnnn‘l old stand, or at the REvIEW A.uctioncers HOURS : . LEFROY McCAUL. N 76. .el wg ('qm P. 0 or to C. RAMAGE, Durham Licensed Auctioneer for Oo._Urey Tan eband T en ces DR. BROWN. A. H. JACKSON, J. P. TELFORD McKenzie‘s Old Stard, Dorham DR. BURT 10 a. m. till 4 p. m Ceylon has a telephone office. PHAIL_»+ M. MeFAYDEX.Durham Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. , aC. vÂ¥94 i tev

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