West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Sep 1905, p. 4

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TRUSTEES Sale of Lands in the Town of Durham, in theCounty of Grey St in the Town of Durbam,. and lot No 2 on the wost side of Garaftaxa Street in the Town of Durham, save and exâ€" cept a portion heretofore sold off the South side of the last mentioneda iot. The property is centrally sitnated in the Town of Durham, has comfortable dwelling bouse erected upon it, and is well suited for residential pur poses, The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. The purchaser shall pay ten ver cent of the purchase money at the time of sale to the vendor‘s Solicitor, and the balance in thirty davs thereafter withâ€" the f the Town dwelling 1 well sunite« The pro subject to The par of the pur The property will be subject to a reserved b The purchaser sbhall of the purchase mone; sale to the vendor‘s balance in thirty doays out interest, The vendor will onl furnish a Registrar‘s . and to produce such de The vendor will enly be r equired to furnish a Registrar‘s Abstract of Title, and to produce such deeds copies thereâ€" of, or evidences of Title as are in ber oF BEST QUALITY. | P | Groceriss, Dry Goods, BootS| Ora@ers Lo# & Shoes, Crockery, &ce. | With R.4 s « House Sta We can give you Bargaing. Orrice. z& We ask inspection of our Teas. «y attention. possess: TWEEDS & YARNS â€" Further part Huagh McKay, Auctioneer Pated at I August A. D. 1 uesday a/ bl WI_*Z_h_a.yje just received a large lot of Men‘s and Boys‘ Boots including fine Box Calf, French and English and Heavy whole stock Boots which are just thing for Fall wear. If you see these Boots you will notice that they are made to wear. ket Produces is here and in many cases better because manufactured expressly for our Storeâ€" under supervision of experts who know styles, qual ity and good tailoring. It will pay you to see our large stock of Clothing before you purchase your there . SCoOTT. *di arlineg‘s Prug Store n WiT the The Central Hotel" he Town of Durham on September 12th, A. D,., 1905, At 2 p. m. ing lands and premises, namâ€" 0 22, on the east side of Queen Fown of Durbam, and lot No wost side of Garaftaxa Street »wa of Durham, save and exâ€" Iew RBoots for Salt Wear Trustees‘ Sale. ay. J. P. Telford, 1eer. Vendor‘s Solicitor. â€" Durham this 4tb day of D. 1805. 7‘0_97‘ OSS Buy your Pickling Spices at Darling‘s where you will get them Fresh and Pure. unstesnes t N C€ ‘ne of the powers tain Trust Deed ced at the time of »ffered for sale by TLarlings, Cash and One Price. be had from RBrand Peter Hamilton J{yency +% Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Spring Imptements .. Harvesting Wachinery . . Anyone sending a sketch and deacflgtlon mayp quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tiona strictly contidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents, _ Patents taken throuzh Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the A handsomely illnstrated weekly. Largest cirâ€" culation of any scientific {numal. Terms, $3 a year:; four months, $1. Soid byall newsdealers, MUNN & Co.35!=«». New York Branch Ofice. 625 1‘ 8t., Washington, D. C orlock. Ploughs, Harrows, Drilis, Scuffiers etc. Enquire at this agency. Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm‘s make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Sciecntific American. With R.$McMicken at the Hahn House Stable or at the REvIEw OrFicE, will receive our best attention. 1. B We Letian Clothing Johe RDruggists. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr Geo. Richardson spent Labor Day in Palmerston. Mr R. MacCracken was in Drayton Monday on business. Mr Adam Robertson spent Labor Day with Palmerston relatives. Miss Tait, Mt. Forest, is a guest of h r cousin, Mrs R. Curran, Barrister Dunn left Mordsy on short visit home to Toronto. Mr Fred Kelly paid a flying yisit to his bome here over Sunday. Mr Geo. Sparling is attending the Exbibition in Toronto this week. Mr. Murdock McQuarrie went to Tor onto Junction, Monday, on a visit to his a ster. Mrs Frank Livingst one, of Guelph, |s visiting relatives in town and counâ€" iry. Mr Frank Lenahan left Monday mornâ€" ing to witness the Toronto Industrial sights. Mr lra McDougall, formerly of town, now Berlin, visited friends here over Sunday. Mr Ernest Brooker left Monday for a week‘s bholidays with relatives in Straifor d. Messrs Chas. Moffat and Wilt McFadâ€" den spent Sunday with friends at Scot« h town. Mr Hamilton, Galt shoe manufacturâ€"= er, is vigiting his cousin, Mrs J. S Mcllraitb. Mr Cousins, Trowbridge, was the gvest of his daughter, Mis McCrae, over Labor Day. Dr and Mrs Hutton, son and daughâ€" ter left on Saturday for a visit with the former‘s brother at Bolton. Mis Justas Roedding, Jr.,and baby, of Ayton, are guests at present at her aunts‘, the Misses Mockler. Mrs Rutherford and neice Miss Marâ€" garet of Vankleek Hill is visiting Miss Mary McGowan this week Misses Jnlia Weir and Allie Blackburn left Labor Day to resume teaching dutâ€" ies in Alliston and Drayton, Mesers Win. Smith and Geo, Turnabull and Mrs Geo. Smith left Tuesday to visâ€" it Toronto and the Industrial. Mr and Mrs C. Husband and son and Miss B. Sims, all of Toronto visited at Mr H. Livingston‘s of Vickers. Messrs Wm. Buchan, Geo. Burnett, Allie Gun and Albert McFadden left Tuesday to holiday in the Queen City. Mr W, J. Young is attending Toronâ€" to Exhibition this week in his capacity as President of 8. Grey Ag. Societv. Mrs Dean McAlvay, Chicago, ( nee Miss Alma Rowe) is a guest with Mrs Geo McDonald and Mrs Arthur McDonâ€" ald. Miss Arvilla Burgess, Southampton, visited her sister Mrs John A Graham and other friends around Durbam darâ€" ing last week,. Mrs Marshall, of Ottawa, is spending the week with her brothers and sister Messrs. Jno. and Archie Robertson and Miss Aunnie. Mr Coutts, lawyer, from Thamesville brother of Mrs (Rey) Farguharson, and Miss Young, aunt of Mrs F‘s are guests at the Manse. Mr H. Benton has secured the posiâ€" tion of engineer in the Mt Forest carâ€" riage works. and is moving his family there this week. Messre J. Darling and M. G, Evans atâ€" tended the final intermediate chamâ€" pionship match, between Bradford and Seaforth in Guelph on Labor Day. Mr Nathan Swallow has severed his connection at present as barber in town, and will resume his trade in a Toronto shop, leaving Tuesday. Success, Kelly. Mr Jack, From near Stratford was in town Monday and Tuesday with yiew of locating here in the grocery business. He is considering the purchase of Mr J. H. Rose‘s stock the latter intending to go west. Mrs John McKelvey and daughterâ€"inâ€" law, Mrs W. J. McKelvey left on Satâ€" urday for Toronto where the tormer will be a guest of her son George, the latter a stage on her way to her home in Buffalo. Engineer A. C. McDonaid left for the west on Saturday, having secured emâ€" ployment as engineer at a good salary in North Dakota. **Sandy " is an exâ€" pert engineer and we hope something may turn up to bring him back to his own town. Amongst the number going west on Saturday last were Dan McKinnon of town and four stalwarts from Bentinck Hugh McKinnon. Dan Campbell, W. J, McArthur and Dan McDonald. Miss Marion McLean went to Moosejaw while Miss McArthur went to Toronto. Among the number who left for the Queen City and Exhmbition last week were Messrs A. H. Jackson, Dr Wolfe, Wm. Lawson, Chas. Burt, N. W, Camphell, Peter and Chas. Ramage, J. F. and Brock Grant, Harry Lavelle. Geo, Smith, Sid. Gill, Wm Johnston, Grant and Mrs McComb, Mrs Peel, Mrs Jobn Carson, Misses Kate and Belle Cameron. TORONTO Mr Kitchen, St George, is visiting his sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs Burnett, Upper Town. Mr Wrmo. Laidlaw left Wednesday for Fergus, Mr Dempsev. on the cement engine. visited his home in Stratford over Sun: diw. Miss Maggie Hunter has returned from her visit to Brockville. Rev. R. 6. Ledingham spent a few days with friends in town. Mr Ed. Kress went to Toronto Labor Day to view Fair sighta and scenes. Mrs Jno. Vollet and baby. Fort Wilâ€" liam, are guests at W. B. Vollett‘s at present. Mr Moore McFadden left Wednesday to spend a few dags in Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs W. Calder and Mres A. McLachâ€" lan are holidaying at present in Toronto and Buffalo. Mr Ja«. R. Gun was in Toronto Wedâ€" nesday on business. Mr D. Campbell, Owen Sound, was a guest of hisrelatives here Mrs Wm Lawâ€" son and Mr Dan MaDonald last week. Miss Mary McFarlane, Flint, Mich., was a guest of her brothers this week and was welcomed by many old friends, Miss Jane Nelson, long housekeeper tor Mr Jas. Calvert in company with her sister, Mrs R. IXinnel, Proton, are visiting their brothers in North Grey. Among those leaving Wednesday to visit Toronto Faur were Messrs, H. H. Mockler, Wm. Sharp, N. P. McelIntvre, Robt. Aljoe, Jno, Noble, A. Robertson. Mr Jas. E. and Miss Hartie Sumpton Allan Park,. drove to Underwood Wedâ€" nesday, to be present at the marriage of their cousin, which took place the same day. Miss Sarah Vollett left Saturday for Toronto to attend themarriage of her cousin, Munroe Sutherland,. a former member of the bank staff here. The wedding takes place on the 12th inst. Toronto‘s popular annual Exbibition opened in full swing Monday, Prince Lows of Battenbnrg pressing the butâ€" ton. Larger crowds than ever are in attendance this year, 40,000 being present Opening Day and an estimated attendance of 115,000 Labor Day. This figure will probably be exceeded to day, Wednesday. One ot the chief drawing cards is the cheap railway rates. providing an enjoyabie outing. The fair itself is well up to its tormer staadards. Great â€" attractions last week were Priace Lozgis of Battenburg and the 300 English ‘Tars, while the Irish Guards band is on hand throughâ€" out the exhibition. The Process building is a very interesting and instructive one, and gives opportunities of witnessing the products of modern machinery. Ribâ€" bons, table covers, carpets and rugs are woven together from slender tnreads, a model bakeshop is in operâ€" ation, new appliances for envelope making and printing are running at lightning speod, and in the mmanutacâ€" ture of the Eatonia shoe, une observes the steps iaken in producing by upâ€"toâ€" date machinery, present day tootwear. To seethe cats and dogs an extra admission fee is charged, also for the famous C ronation picture, which howâ€" ever is well worth the price. _ The Art Gallery besides Canadian exhibits contains a splendid collection from England. Where the crowd congreâ€" gates is in the Manufacturer‘s bailding which is the most attractive throughâ€" out, being daintily displayed with exâ€" hibits of Toronto firms, and well adâ€" yertised by the distribution of tree cireulars, pins, etc. . To farmers and their wives the dairy building is a leader. â€" Butter making contests are held on certain days, and under the same root is the Cream Separator exâ€" hibit. Here near the entrance is the popuiar Oxford, made in town, and represented by Mr Frapk Vickers. It compares favorably with any other in the building, The Midway is as strong a crowd attraction as ever and the gtass blowers, the petrified woman, the three legged calf, ete., continue to draw in the peopleâ€"and the cash. A full grand stand every evening witnesses the stage performance. Some wondertul acrobatic suunts are pulled off by tallâ€"priced experts, trained elephants give exhibitions, and the capture of Port Arthur by the Japs is interesting though probably not realistic. Fireworks, then street car jams, conclude the evening‘s proâ€" gram. The Exhibition Directors should ne; a bhandsome surplus this year, as with larger gate figures and a growing name and fame, it will in all probabilâ€" ity be a record breaker. Keep A‘Goin‘. If youx:g;ke a thorn or rose If it hails or !1 it snows Keep aâ€"goin‘, ‘Taint no use to sit and whine, When the fish aint on your line, Bait your hook and keep on tryin‘, _â€"__â€" Keep aâ€"goin‘. e When the weather kills your crop Keepaâ€"goin‘. When you tumble from the top ‘3pose you‘re out of every dime Gettin‘ broke ain‘t any crime, Tell the world you‘re feeling prime Keep aâ€"goin‘. When it looks like all is up, Keep aâ€"goin‘, Drain _the sweetness from the cup, Keer aâ€"goin‘. See the wild birds on the wing. Hear the bells that sweetly ring. When you feel like sighingâ€"sing, Keep aâ€"goin‘. Greatest Success } zou tumble f eep aâ€"goin‘, +4 + + Yet Twine! Twine! We havean assotment of Gasoâ€" line and Coa) Oil stoves which we are selling very cheap. MACHINES Our stock of Washing Machines and Churns are worthy of inspection,. The Rocker Cnuros are selling fast. TRUNKS Before vou start travelling, see our trunks and valises. South of New Hunter Block The grave results that are so often experienced from lack of attention on your part. â€"It costs you only the trouâ€" bie of calling and have your eyes exâ€" amined, then you will be put wise as to whether they need special care or not. You know the place. A. GORDON, Does the present condition of your eyes give you any reason to feel anxâ€" ious. Young Men‘s Worsted Suits, ... worth $7 for............., Fashionable Summer Cap ... ... clearing lot for.... ... .. .25 Men‘s flannelette top Shirte. . . . .: Men‘s Umbrellas, worth 1.50 for Also some for . ... -,.u. 5:' Men‘s Hats, worth 1.50 for . ... (%% wan‘s o W ehave purchased a fine lot of Ladies SKIRTS & Black SILK CLOAKS and will sell all at half price Ladies‘ Cravenette Raincoats. .. .. clearing price............ _‘ Garnâ€" THE CHEAP STORE Hair Vigor pmeepnmesninsnaneetie iO _ Why is it that Ayer‘s Hair Vigor does $0 many remarkâ€" able things? Because it is 8 hair food. _ It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair " Wwaes Z on a w-u.u-un , PSFC"" \a wriel rte; black, and u% as I could wish. â€"â€" Mzs. BUSAY KLOPFEXSTIEY: Tuscumbi g100 a bottle. 3. o. AYBR C P A Cl 00 Ra«s ’u."i = PPB "sists. AllUivtpitttzemse £OK Gray Hair cannot keeP from growing. Anda gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray haie. 800 2. state Vigor my Watchmake:, Jeweller, Optician. Vyawh +Â¥ ©®°~C _ "Wbon!flrlt-d Ayer‘s Hair Vigor my m;m.u-unmz. ’utu'luumeo ECC 10 L2A am x as I could wish." 2 on Aaumbia. If you want to make money in buying goods, call at Levine‘s cheap store. You will oe surâ€" prised at the unheard of bargain prices, Here are some odd lines : A REMINDER J. LEVINE W. BLACK REMEMBER Durham 2 1 i i o:: a ‘g ’-g, "!::j! m.g h «++ . $3.90 c each 5¢ each . 409 About 7 1 Garafraxa R sion at once, 100 Acre FARM for SALE Durham, Feb. 22, 1905. SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 The children With ° .. .". :. . ; and the multitude of other little accessories. _ We have them all at prices as low as you expect, * Peel‘s Handâ€"Made‘ are WEARPROOF FOOTWEAR GONFECTIONRY & â€".:..% A. W.Watson Watson‘s Breadâ€"The 8 Buns and Biscuits in great varicty All kinds of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specialty Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale For School Days EEL, The Shoeman Or as near to it as leather « get. Protects the purse of ! buyer. Try them for F: We have more new rang in. â€" All makes, styles a prices. _ Call and insp« these. We have one suit you. t 7 miles from Durham on the ixa Road,. _ Title good. _ Possesâ€" once, must be sold, _ Apply to Ogilvie‘s Royal Household per barrel ... Also other highâ€"grade Manito® Flours, per barrel .$5.60 to 5.75 PARKER‘S Drug Store "Five Roses," TUDHOPE CARRIAGES >« AB USUAL . .. Seem to be all the go They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most durâ€" able rig on the market. Call and examine them., Barclay & Bell School Books T able*s Penciis Pens and Ink Durham and Owen Sou WAREROOMS Middaugh Ho. Stabl RANGES must be supplied %E"‘% 4 1“% oppos . P. TEurorp est $6 $6 e sEPTEMBRER 7, 1 TD BIG 4 Hyy Whit Table Floor Stair Japai THERE 3 HOREY 1 I . 5. MIL# Special Discoun High School B« 100 Acres Normar 125 Acres Norms: 160 Acres Bentinc The Banover | LENDS MONEY Places Irsurances Compauie. Collects Business Difficult School Books & School Supplie The Ha: 100 Acres Bentinc Durham Residence What about a Fo MacFarian: & Druggists & Books L. L MILI We «ht our our Lxercise IN. upâ€"to stock If vyou want every come W We keep a Watermar Chancello show you Tempti Canned M §SIJX1 .1 > C. L. GR. 1€ SCRIBDB] not date Factor Cotton H CALOE intan the et

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