West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Sep 1905, p. 8

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s The People‘s Store When the Harvest is Past And you find time to think about your necessities, come to us and see those Boots and Shoes at ... ... ... . 50¢ per pr Men‘s Tweed Pants at.... . $1.00 per pr Extra Fine Wool Sox at.....20e per pr Few Suit Lengths at greatly red. prices All Prints, Ginghams, Muslins and ot her Summer Goods reduced in price % ~*~ Brand new â€"Just in this week. % wearing. â€" We‘re starting to sell now ; to pick from. We can supply GROCERIESâ€" OUR TEAS are _t The People‘s Store The Reliable Grocery All Kinds of Canoed Meats and FISH UPTON‘S JAMS and Marmalades. Try our BULK PICKLES, per quart, Imperial measure.... .15¢ and 30e 10 bars LAUNDRY SOAP for.. ... . 25¢C Also large assortment of TOILET SOAP to choose from. Call and get a sample of our TEASâ€" Black, Japan, Ceylon, Young Hyâ€" son or mixed, from 20e to 50c per Ib. Try our 5 lbs for..... .. $1.00. CANNED FRUITS of Theobald‘s Old Stand, J. S. Mcllraith HavE YoU BENEEFITTED ? New Dress Goods New Waist Pieces New Wrapperettes New Flannelettes Our loss is {.our gam. We would rather have the money than the goods, this time at least. A few sairs Boys‘ and Youths‘ Bals at 2¢ and 50c per pair. 10c DRESSINGS T Hait Pime) Custom work and repairing done as neatly and quickly as possible. TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN as Cash in exchange for Goods We have a horse hand Thresher‘s Mitt which can‘t be beat at 90c "~~ wthis season‘s Furs have arrived. _ We have a large assortment Fur Goods, all styles and prices. Be sure to call when in town on Day, Sept 21, and see our *‘ coldâ€"weather comforts." & Not a few Regent Suits have A"0ther CIOthlng Chaflce we sold lately and this week we received a complete{line of Suits of this popular brand for the coming season‘s wear. Now is the opportunity for every dressy man to secure one of his favorite Suits. By our last cheap sale of Shoe Dresâ€" sings ? If not, you are still in time, as we are offering till Saturday, Sep. 2nd, all our many lines of in either liquid or paste for 3c bottle or be 25¢ lines for 15¢. These include tan black and white dressings. Store | The People‘s Store | s2"" Latest Fall Arrivals C ome in and inspect our stock of Groceries and Confectionery, Fruits and vegetables in Season. . McARTHUR uire any comment apan. mixedâ€"in bt Threshers‘ Mitts Stylish, Seasonable Furs y all your wants in â€"always fresh. too wellâ€"known to reâ€" unment. Black, Green, lâ€"in bulk and packages . ROSE, All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted. Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade, ROBT. BURNETT I Ladies‘ New Mantles (excepting 2 in all kinds from _ .... 10¢ to 30¢ Durham Including a nice range of LUSTRES, in red, black, brown and white. Of best French Flannel, latest Fall deâ€" signs, and other‘goods. These are just the thing for Fall wear, _ and we have them to suit everyone. One case, 37 inches o n"io, ... ___ We per 70 Swellâ€"looking, perfect fitting, comfort ; Call quickly and secure a wide range Harvest is pretty well over in the neighborhood of the Park, some of them are through. Quite a number of the young men took in the excursion to the West. Some of the young ladies are mournfal looking. Mr Bowler of the gravel road was visiting at Mr R Knox‘s last Sunday. Miss Eva Beaty of Toronto, who was visiting friends in the neighborhood, has returned home. Mr L. Watson is ill at present : we hope soon to hear of his recovery. Miss E. Ferris visited friends at Dromore last week. Miss Mable Knox is ill with measles at present : we hope to see her around soon. We hear of wedding bells, particuâ€" lars later on. Quite a number of Salera young folks are taking in the convention as Berkâ€" ley on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr W. Harrison of the Park is takâ€" ing a trip to New Ontario. 3 Glad to see Mr John Brown bome from Toront» hospital hale and hearty. Miss Maud Schell visited at Mr J. Knox‘s last Suuday. Mr W. Kinnel visited Mr R. Knox Sunday last. Mr J. Colwell, ot Galt has been visiting Brownsville and gaye C. Mcâ€" Queen an afternoon call. Harvest is about a thing of the past around here. Miss Kate Clark left on Saturday morning on the excuarsion to Manitaba. Hersister Mary will accompany her from Toronto. Among those who left tor the West this week are Charlie, Archie and John Ferguson, Walter Broughton, Willie Sackett, Jobn McDougall. Sevâ€" eral others will tollow. Charlie Dixon and his two sisters Belle and Kate attended service at Swinton Park church and called at Mr Noble Wilson‘s for the evening. Mr and Mrs McDonald.. from Top Cliff was at church in the Park. STANDARD BANK OF CANMN: Mrs McQueen and Miss Spence, teacher labored among the Ferguson‘s on labor day. Dave Mcintyre gathered together over 500 lambs at Pricevilie on Monâ€" day last. J. L. McDonald, Emily Wilson and Margaret McDonfi]all are in your town at High School, many others from S. P. and others from the college. CAPITAL, Authorized. ... ... $2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,010 RESERVE FUND ........... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal pomtj in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking nusiness transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed <t current rates SAVINGS BANX â€"nteres allowed on nv_igga b‘:_n‘k deApoolAu of $1.00 and upâ€" wards Prompt attention and every f‘n‘ciliw afforded customers living at a DURHAM AGENCGY Head Office, Toronto. Swinton Park J KELLY, Agent. Boothville The People‘s Store ent of all | on Show cohett 2C t or e tone it Mr R M Dargavel, our veteran sawâ€" miller left on Saturday morning to rd a week with his daughter,. Mrs. no Klein and take in the Industrial Fair. C R Melotosh accompanied him as far as Toronto and left on the atterâ€" noon boat for Brockville. iMer left on Saturday morning to| _ Mcsers Jos. and Colin Blvthe sons of ols n se wmien uie o ”‘»: prvigh ing Blythe of Marden and the Jad Aioin and twake in the indaswisi Wisses Janet and Belia and Chas. ie .md nuke mh tb.p.‘d mial Pivthe chlidren of Jno Blythe were hi Th: as Rmmh the ‘3:? attending the foneral at Marden. ::r“'rtor Bm::dn'lf s ‘ Mr Jas. Peters will have an abunâ€" c CirMe' day dance of good water soon.; He is “&mx‘“ Bd.,‘r M o ared “:havinz pipes from a spring to his o cac wreaitured con | house and by means of a ram is supâ€" versationalist and possessing a re-l i ving the power, oi be ie hase the _‘p We must congratnlate Mr and Mrs '“'l bo' fls Uretnlevalls Xoss‘ to *be Mcllvride on the bitth of a â€"little social citeics. danghter, come to brighten up and Mrs Brvan of Port Arthar, oo s rug iighten np their home. Also, a son to nied by her two sons Elmir A"d | 1f and Mrs Jas Webber ealls for conâ€" K:elville is visiting her mother, Mrs. conprathlatiing. Alex McIntosh. y t n se e c en M onl e ie > Rey Mr and Mrs Aitchison returned to the villa last week. M;Af.tchlsop has greatly recuperated Guring his fow weeks vacation. Dr J L and Mrs Smith, accomFanied by Master Morrison are visiting friends in Arthur and vicinity. Mr Wise and son Frank left on Satâ€" urday‘s excursion to help gather the abundant barvest in the Garden of Canada. Chief McKnight is this week spendâ€" ing his annual holidays at Toronto ard Niagara. Bovs, you must be good during his absence or when he returns the hammer of the law shall fall with apoalling force. â€"MrR B Ledingham is spending his holidays in the vicinity, being the guests of his brothers, Jas and William. We miss the winning manner of Miss Comellia Barry who left a fortâ€" night ago ior an extended stay in the County Town. Mr Allan McGilliyray of Manitouâ€" lin visited his parents for a coupleof days, then returned to Owen Sound accompanied by his brotber Dau. We extend bearty congratulations to Mr Thomas Mcintosh, an old Dornâ€" uch boy, who, on Wednesday of this week, is to be united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Ditner, an estimable lady of Owen Sound. _ Parâ€" ticulars later. . Mr Ed Sallivan otf Owen Souud is enjoying a few well earned holidays at the old homestead in Bentinck. Miss Maggie McKenna left the tore part of the week to spend a term at the N B C, Owen Sound. Mine Host O‘Mara, the popular roprietor of the Bull‘s Head is in the &neen city this week attending the Fair. Mr James Beagher, tonsorial artist of our sister burg, Wiliiamstord reâ€" newed aequaintances in the burg for a te w days. Mre John Pollock and familv returnâ€" ed to their home on Victor Ayenue, Toronto, after spending a pleasant month at the cosy home of Mr Duncan Campbell, Bentinck. "Tis our painful duty this week to chronicl& the demise of Mr Jas Watt. whose sufferings were terminated on Tuesday last, when the angel of Death arrived and called his spirit home, Mr Wait suffered greatly durâ€" ing the past four months with dropsy and kindred ailments and no hope was entertained of his recovery. He was a man esteemed for his honesty ana integrity and conspictous for his intelligent yiews <on political and social life. _ nme leaves a widow, four sons and two daughters to mourn his logs. At the funeral on Thursday, Rev Mr Matheson officiated. â€" Revy Mr Aitchison being absent on his vacation. Once to feel the gain of loss Take the sweetness out of pain Feel the uplifting of the cross, Is to know all care is vain. For thy heart to thee shall prove When is own repinings cease, That the crown of all is Jove And the end of all is peace. _ Miss White, of Toronto, and her two daughters have been ?ending' a month or so with Mr and Mrs John MacArthur of the glen. Dr and Mrs MacCormack and little daughter, of Wisconsin, spent a tew days at the former‘s home at Bunesâ€" san. Miss Mclones and Miss McArthur of Toronto, have been spending their bolidays with theâ€" Mclun s tamily of the old poust office. Mr MacLean and the Misses Macâ€" Cormack, of Walkerton, spent a day with their friends recently. We are sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Thos Nichol and family of the Rob Roy corners who shortly leave to live in Durham. Miss Stidwell, of Dutton. has comâ€" menced ber school duties in S. 8. No 1. We welcome Mr and Mrs John Mcâ€" Gillivray and family to our neighborâ€" hood. Hope Mr McGillivray â€" will soon regain his usual health. Mr Geo Stewart. of Detroit, is over spending his holidays with his uncle Mr John Stewart. Mrs Wm Wilson and little girl and brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Master Fred Wilson. all of Toronto, returned home Saturâ€" day after ?{;ending a few weeks with their friends around here. They were accompanied back with Mr Grav Wilâ€" son, who intends taking in the Exhibâ€" ition. Mr Chas. Kennedy‘s barn is now completed which adds quite an apâ€" pearance to our line. Mr Archie MacArthur has been laid up tor a few weeks but hope he will soon be around again. Miss Mary Kennedy returns to Toâ€" ronto.again after spending a month or Rob Roy. TORONTO l fro ty A Ut oc o e c wi ons Oe Indleit, s ts ons h. s i hi io AuaiBgea ind db adfe inss Last Friday eveningâ€"A bad misâ€" fortnne befell Messrg Hoeflin & Dodson of Orchardville, in the loss of their new separator and traction engine wi h selfeeder and blower out attachâ€" ments, the first of the kind in these parts. It broke through the bridge at Dodds‘ Millsâ€"the driver, young Hoeflin going through with it getting somewhat hnrt but not serioaslv. Several people visited the wreck durâ€" ing the last few days but could not snggest anv way of getting it ont, and at last report they had sent for the head agent at Toronto to get it out. We are glad to see Mrs Andrew Stewart about again after a very seriâ€" ons ilIness and wa hope she may soon recover her usual strength. Mra Jno. Marshall â€"and her sister Miss Calder were visiting their parents in Egremont and brother in Luther. The horse, one of Mr A. Stewart‘s, does not like visiting, so broke out of its pastnre field and came home a disâ€" tance of 24 miles, and Mrs M.. not knowing it so wise as to find its way back. was very glad to find it home before her. Last Friday morning M* Robt. Morâ€" ice on going to get some binder twine which he had bought a few days previous, found it had disappeared with somo other things. After a long search which was quite a loss of time on such a good harvest dav, he had to ennelude some one had stolen it and he thinks he has some idea where it went to. X35 The West is taking awav a great number of our best blood. Among many others from Ont., who lett on the Harvyest Excursion last Friday were Gen. and Landels Marshall and Jas. Gadd, Miss Collett, grand daughter of Mr Alex Smith left also on Monday to join her father in the West. Mrs Thos. McNiece is away to Stratâ€" ford hospital to undergo an operation for some internal wrouble. Mrs Jos. Graham, of Sydenham Tp., yisited her relatives here the Moore and Marshall families and left for Guelph last Saturday. Mr and Mrs Alex Smith are attendâ€" ing Toronto Exhibition this week. Miss Alma Leith and Louie Gadd left for Toronto, Monday, the former‘s cousins the little Misses Rocks, accomâ€" panving them home. Mr and Mrs Alex Smith are now settled down to enjoy married lifs in their new home and may they live long together to help and cheer one another is our wish. Mr Win Allan gave a very interestâ€" ing and clear report last Sunday in Knox Church of the great Sunday School Cornvention in Teronto in June where he was a delegate. He advisâ€" ed all people who wished to get enâ€" thusiastic and their eyes opened in regard to the work of the Sabbath School to actend ore and irs effects would last a life time. Word has been received from Mr Jas. Marshall, Sr., who went Nest in the spring. that be is living in his house which he took out ready to build, and has a nice crop. The West seems to be the place to get aâ€" long. _ c o Cl n P Mrs Andrew Marshall, of Durham, is visifting among her many relatives about here. Mrs Farquharson, of Durham, is to address the W. F. M. S. of Knox church on Wednesday at 3 p. m. Mr Jas. Moore, as far as we have heard has got the credit of being the first through barvesting about here, baving finished on Monday. Mr and Mrs Ramage, of Darham, met many of their old time friends last Sunday hbaving taken in the serâ€" vice here. Mrs R. extended her yisit for the most of the week. We shall be all pleased to welcome Rev Mr Campbell back from his vaâ€" cation and hope he will be greatly invigorated to take up his work. We are all glad to see Mr Julius Kelier having made such a complete recovery after his operation for appenâ€" dicitis but he has such good help from his boys that he can take it easy now. This week‘s budget. Mr and Mrs Geo. Haw, Swinton Pk, visited at Mr John Marshall‘s, Sunday. Mr and Mrs Thos. Allan, Durham, called on their neice, Mrs R R Watson, one day last week. Mr and Mrs Gillies, Holstein, were guests of Mr and Mrs Leith over the week end. MrJ. W. Watson, Detroit, is expectâ€" ed on a visit to his parents this week. Rev. Henry Caldwell, wife and chilâ€" dren, who have been visiting his old home on the occasion of his father‘s last illness and death, returned to his charge at Fonthill. Misis Migiebeuonhu beeutachingl school in No. 1 in an emergency, an leaves for Ottawa Normal School next week. Miss Adair, from Collingwood, © Mrs Geo. Moore, Jr., and family, reâ€" turned to their home in Teeswater, Blythe‘s Corner. "P mt m Midsummer Sale Begins Sat. Aug. After our Summer selli that must be cleared at which will soon arrive. Therefore the following The (il'eat.â€"-â€"fif-L Ladies‘ Lawn Waists 8 Ladies‘ Fine lawn Shirt Waists nicely trimmed with insertion and lace, were 1.25 and 1.75, h Swell Shirt Waist Suits, in shepâ€" herd Plaid, immercerized Gingham, were 3.50, SALE PRICE, Stylish Shirt Waist Suits, fancy stitched and elegantly made through out, were 4.50, SALE PR., 2'89 Shirt Waist Suits, linen shades, were 2.50, â€" SALE PRICE l.25 Our sick liss is improving. _ Mrs Jack who was very low is getting well, while George Scott is still conâ€" fine : to his house but iâ€" gaining and J. H. Scott is now able to attend to his own work. This last week we bave had J McArdle driving to the Dromore doctor with a sore on his head. o ul On the moveâ€"Mrs D C McArdle has gone home to Toronto, Miss Beatty of ‘Toronto visitiny friends through Proton, some of our gay boys and young men gone on the ha rvest exâ€" cursion to the westâ€"one noted youth from here will be missed.â€" others greparing tor the Toronto Exhibition. W McArdle ot Markdale was here on Sunday. George Sturrick who had his barn burnt only a tew days ago raised anâ€" other new barn on the old foundation last week and the tramers are boarding it in. Fast work. Contractor Glenister is building a brick house and woodhouse attached of solid brick, the largest farmer‘s dwelling in Proton so weare told. He intended to have it finished on Satâ€" urday the 2nd inst only they were kept back by the carpenter‘s work not being up but a few more days will finish it. T The Esplin church intended to have a meeting for business but it did not come off. Some parties thought thers was a flaw in the manner of calling the meeting. _ Wim Burnett lost a fine horse last week, a driver, with a bowel comâ€" plaint. He was valued near $150. Contractor Allan is pushing buildâ€" ings up here fast and Dezell of the new cement works will soon make a name for themselves. Review to Jan 1, 06, 25¢ Shirtâ€"Waist Suits Alex. Russell. ,, SALE PRICE, YETV Hopeville. on selling there are odd lines of Summer Goods d at any cost to make room for Fall Goods ~~ Gepuine Money Savers oK Landslide of Bargains 19â€"â€"â€"â€"continues until Aug. 2.49 uhnto ds + s V m !\a 20 oo off Soft and stiff front Shirts in asâ€" sorted patterns, reg. $1 and 1.25 sare pricc. ©5¢C Will be sold, or rented separately if desgired, that wellâ€"known hotel and deâ€" sirable stock farm at the kob Roy, Lot 10 and 11, Con. 1, 8. D. R., sjleneig, 99$ acres in farm, more orless. Blacksmith Bhoup on one corner, Hotel across the HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. road. Every tield well watered. 4 mile from school, and 1 mile from post office., Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 rooms, stable with stone foundation, frame barn, stone pig pen, and good hbearing orchard. Terms to suit purchaser, _ Apply Box 11 Darbam P. O, G, Ryax, Prop oys The undersigned will sell house and lot on ‘West Bruce St, built in 1904, lo cated between Furniture and Cream Separator factories. 30 x 32 feet..Â¥i stories, double cellar, cement floor in one half. furnace in the other half. 9 rooms, modern and convenient, Good well on premises, small barn wi‘h stone stable underneath, A bargain to quick buyer, Apply _on the premises or to Jan. 2, 1905. Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Stock and likely ani mals. Apply to _ + TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Silk Ties of every description, reg. 25¢ and 50c goods sare rrice, 15¢ 36 in Prints, reg. 12¢ and 15¢ BALE PRICE, Town ot Durham. County of Grey To Wit : BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued unâ€" der the hand of the Mayor of the Town of Durham, and the seal of the Corporâ€" ation of the Town of Durbam in the County of Grey, bearing date the 7th day of August A, D., 1905, and to me directed, commanding me to leyy upon the ln.ndnfhu-eimtter denc:l-nb%d fotl-1 the arrears of taxes respective, ue thereâ€" on, together with all costs iÂ¥ncurred. I hereby givenotice that. pursuant to the assessment Act. I shall on Friday the 24th day of Noyember A. D., 1905, at the hour of one o‘clock m the afterâ€" m at the&:&fldl 3 éhe Town ;i t? in t rey, proce :g-:l‘l‘:y Public Aoc{ll;n so much fot e lands as ma n r wo nlml.t’d 'h.y --..ml_u A few 99c Shoes left Men‘s Fine Shirts 36 in Prints 36 in Men‘s Silk Ties HOUSE FOR SALE FOR SALE. Whitewear all whitewear during Sale Wa. Lecertre â€" _ Box 92, Durham. Thos. Scarr & Soxse. Rocky Saugeen P. O -2' E’f‘fi:fl@% | * i1 aP * 4# E) * 2 Ladi VOL. XXVII Revicw and 1oronto Evu:w and Toronto vIEw and Daily G1 RevieEw and Weekly REvIEW and W. Mail REVIEW and Western REview and Weekly REVIEW and Fam. He REVIEW and Weekiy REvieEw and Mon. W enela" ole ali®alace|aco|e °o s s l ho o olvkreaars : TgF CASP Review Clubb H A number of I grouped to Shot Suitings . Ladies‘ F New Wai inasome t a Sn Ja n exceedin two ol this Sea 1e 3 len k frieze : u0 If The new spection . proved weights Waist S1 Per vd 1 38 in to We have beautiful Cream af U wa very n 1 GO 111 & O on bet aC sC AC a

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