West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Sep 1905, p. 5

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he 150 Acr ntinek North of Allan Park "91 fe ne-' 1 ‘.l’. en?’ol"quigk sale. 100 Acres Bentinck Near Rocky Saugeen Wel!l improved and owner says has erough tim ber to pay priceasked. Durham Residence Owned by J.L. Browne Photographer. _ Also a large number of other Farm and Town Froperties. The Manover Conveyancer, LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates, Places Insurances 0@ al\ kinds in reliable Companics, Collects Debts, Arranges Business Difficulties, Draws Wiitings and Sells C. P.R. Tickets to all points. Besides other lands he offers the following Bargains: 100 Acres Normanby Southâ€"west of Var ney ; wellimproved and an extra good Farm Owner bound to go west. 125 Acres Normanby Con18#; Well located and improved. â€" Will rent if not sold soon. The Hanover Convyeyancer, Hanover THERE $ MONEY in THIG For YOU W o. . G "1 U COrton cneeting, /2 in wice...25¢ a yd White Redspreads, large size......... .. . .$1.40 each Table Linen........................2% and 50¢ a yd Floor Oilcloth, 1 and 2 yds wide... .20¢a square yd Stmit® OLICIOth, . . . «. . . « «. ««« «¥xx««<<s<««+« . + tC W YO Japanese Matting......................... . .20C & YÂ¥A Ladies‘* Overskirts...... ... .$2.00, : * _ Black Sateen Underskirts 5 1 o 1 o w MWM ce Hyy twilled cotton Sheeting, 72 in wide.. .2%¢ a ya Wrnbes We r se LERTE LACE CURTAIXNXS 2 yards long, 26 inches wide............ Pure BIG 4 m All Curt H. H. MITLLER! [F sEPTEMBER 21, 1905 . We have a bale of mill ends Factory Cotton running from 5 vds up which we sell by the pound. These specially fine goods can be bot much cheapâ€" er in this than regular way. It‘s too hot to cook. Save yourself the trouble by buying some of our Canned Meat delâ€" icaciesâ€"Smoked Chip Beef, Kippered Herring, Finnan Haddie and boneless Pigs feet MacFarlans & Co. Draggists & Booksellers. H. H. MILLER, Try Our Spices HWoney and Fresh Groceries always on band Fresh Honey . H. BEAN Preserve ELggs biack Sateen Underskirts........ 1.00 each + Waists.....85¢ an 1.00 each White Waists............. 50e and 75¢ each **_ Nightgowns.......75¢ and 1.00 each _ Corset Covers......Zeand 50c each o4 y sÂ¥ en e cer is ue EOW :* ains, except 25¢ & 140¢, have worked edges Tempting Canned Meats LA DIES‘~WEAR They are as pure as they can be bought. We have just received a lot of prime Honeyâ€"10c a Ibâ€" put up in sealers. wWATER GLoss * serve 150 egge f r two years. This is a proven fact. Try it. People are predicting a bigh price for Eggs this winter. Put themaway now. A 15c can of Factory Cotton GRANT. $2.00, 3.50 and 4.50%each %% a pair z e G. H. STINSON, Matthews & LafimerlMODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN Announcement ! The chief change in the law relates to the sermson for snooting hares, which bas just been moved later and opens now on the first of October instead of Sept. 15th. The hareseason also closes later, on the 31«t of December. Muskrat can not be hunted from May Ist to Jan‘y Ist and can not be shot in May. Beayer and otter are prohibited until 1910, Grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl oPr partridge, woodcook, black or grey squirâ€" rels, open season, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. Swan orgeese, Sept. 15 to May lst. Duck of all kinds, Sept, 1st to Dec. 15. Enipe, rail, plover, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. Hares from Oct. Ist to Dec. 31. The close season, according to the copy of the Act issued by the Ontario Game Commission for 1905 is as follows: Deer. Nov. 15th to Nov.1â€"t. For Moose. Reindeer or caribou, south of the main line C. P. R., is same season as deer, north cof C. P. R. the season runs from Oct. 16 to Nov. 15, both days inclusive. No;Elk or Wapitican be hunted at any time in Ontario. Quail or wild turkeys Nov, 1st to Dec. l1st. A despatch appeared in the duilies of Tuesday from Minto, N. D., aetailing the confession of one Charles Hersig to the killing of a young woman in Ohio some yents ago, and for which Charles Sterling of Maxwell was hanged. Sterâ€" ling was hanged on cireumstantial eviâ€" dence alone and weak evidence at that. simply from the fact that he had been seen in the vicinity where the crune was committed. This confession will bring a certain degree of sorace to Sterâ€" ling‘s two sisters, who still reside at Maxâ€" well and are highly respected.â€"Fiesherâ€" ton Advance. We often wonder, says a Maunitoba paper, why it is that men have not sense emnough to know when they have accumulated _ enough property and money, Here are men by the hundreds a‘ll over the country at 50 and 60 vears of age, worth from $25,000 to $50.000, owners of the best farms in the world, working and slaving year in and year out to make more money and buy more land when the very best they can make of the job is ten years or so of fret and worry, then a funeral and the probatâ€" ing of a will and a 8Scatlttering of their e irnings. Some Changes madein the closeSeason Mr Geocge Binnie of Bumnessan, called here on Saturday and was accompanied home by his son Thomas, who had charge of the Creamery since early spriog. He has resigned this position to continue his course at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph and left Tuesd»y afternoon to be there for the opening, Mr Binnie did good work at the creamery and turned out an article that commanded the highest price paid in Canada throughout the entire season, His place is taken for the baiance of the season by a Mr Cain who comes highly recommended as a buttermaker.â€"A d vance. a cannon and a roll of p.p-cr for a fuse with a view to giving his working mate a scare, He put some powdar in and touched a ma‘ch to the fuse when the said mate was approachiung a few yvards off. He had his head turned watching to see the other jump about seventeen feet when there was a territic report and he got a swat on the cheek which caused him to see enough stars to conâ€" struct a milky way. That occurred about a week ago, and the only thing that mars Chester‘s enjoyment of life at present is that one cheek tesembles the cheek of a eolored gentleman, and will mate the other only when unwashâ€" ed.â€"Dundalk HRerald. Having purchased the groâ€" cery Business of Jno. Rose at Theobald‘s old stand, we beg leave to announce to the public that we will carâ€" ry a full stock of Staple Groceries, Confectionery and Fruits. Also a stock of Flour, Feed and seeds. Visitors to the show will find a Lunch Counter, inâ€" side the store. t P"'.-ft"" explosions of mines have Game Laws. w# egme s ooon2 2l P Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every Give us a call and see ror yourself. A â€" first class line of Bread, ~Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Lates Styles on shortest notice And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. FIRST of all, we use only the finest department of our establishment. . LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, /T suits To a [ / Owen Sound, Ont. SUBJECTSâ€"Telegrapby. Trpewriting. Svelling, Penmanship and Letierwriting Intending Students shoul begi :‘i’ng of the term if possible, ?i:n:‘r‘df 2:; meobtul:: « &::c mt:vb;e ::i'm !:urhum is a healthy and mdebcs. + § it a most desirable place C. A. FLEMING, Prineipal Owen Sound Wm.Johnston, Jr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Secwet Firstâ€"class equipment of standard telegraphy Staff and Equipment. The schoo! is thoroughly cq\u'.‘»ped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrica aupplies and fit tings, &o., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" tion work. The following competent siaff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. . FORT..R, B. A., Classios, Moderns and English, MISS8 FLOS¥® MOKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Unlvoult}){'. Soience, History and Geography. MISS MARY GORDON, First class with honors, Graduate of Ontario Normal College, Mathematics and English Grammar during Model Term. Instrarmeats. . "0./ 2. ... 3 ~~*~ 0J0 additional operators will be needed in the next three years and very few are learning it. Now is the opportunity to learn. Full particâ€" ulars sent to any address free. _ Addressâ€" Even this magnificent exercise can be oyerdone, but you will make no mwistake if you only duxt every reom after you hbave swept it, although many housekeepers dust oftenâ€"r. Review to Jan. 1,‘07, $1 Telegraphy Course NORTHERKY 37 _ Sweeping giyes much the sams motion as goifing «trokes. For the gracelul perâ€" fection of arims and shoulders so much desued by eyery amwpitious girl uothing could be better. if done in moderation. Floor ectubbiug, like lawn teunis, 18 raâ€" ther viclent, and muâ€"t nut be tried uuless oue‘s beart is all‘ right. At ficst it will be almost as kevere on the knees is rowing in a sk:ell, but as one gets vsed to the occuâ€" pation it wiil giye a suntle satisfaction of its owo. Runoing upstairs on errands for the rest of the famil y is firstâ€"cluss exercise, and ruonning dowustairs is almost as good. Interesting diyersion will be fouud in oggâ€"beatiug and 1ce cream freezing. Dustivg ought to have a chapter by itself, First you are down on all fours then you are on tiptoe, seeing bhow far the the duster will reach. You twist yourself into all sorts of positions to get at the corâ€" nere of the carved furniture. First you are on one knee, then on the other. Every muscle, every tendon, is brought into serâ€" vice befores you have finished. GOOD REASONS : Shoulders, body and limbs are developâ€" od by mattreas turning. The eye and the sense of symmetry learn much from the regular arrangemeut of counterpane aud pillowns., With the folding of every connterpane, blanket and shoot, the arme are setretched as far as they will go, each hand bo‘ding one end. Then, stavding perfectly erect. the chest is thrown out. Quickiy the hands are bronght together »gain, and, presto! the sheet is folded douiâ€"le. Durnam School washing and wipmg dishes will be found admirable. One is as good as the othor. Bedâ€"imaking as it is still taught in the pbysical cultare economins of the home, eannot be too highly commended . Home exercise is said to be quiteo as m““W”Wpflflfliu STIITSOIINT‘S For FEKES: $1 per month in advanes Home Athletics ! ies 76 and wriste, steady 26 SOME?HINQ NEW IN WASHERS:; The Perforated Drum. Raymond) Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. A)eering Jfarvesters ’Durhmu...................Sept.fl)&21 Dundalk....................Oct. 12 & 13 Flesherton.................Sept. 27 & 28 Feversham..... ...........Oct. 5 & 6 ‘Felgua.....................Sepr.28&m Grand Valley.............;.Oct 17 & 18 Harriston................ . Rept. 28 & 20 Holstein..................October 8. Meuford...................Sept.23&3) Mildmay..................Sept, 26 Peiceville....;;...;:>;. .: >%..;:2400t.; 0 Palmerston............ ... Sept. 26 & 27 PortEIgin................Sept.28&29‘ Shellmrne.................Sept.%&27‘ Taru..........................Oct.3&4i Wiarton ... ..............Sept.27&28! ATLRUL.>~+: .+.« +>*% «.. ..*+.,.OCt 4& °5 Chatsworth................ Oct. 12 & 13| Cla.rksburg................Sept.%&m THE UUKKHAMâ€"â€"REVIEW the country has worse thunderâ€"storms than the city, is that in the city every iron point and pinnacle reaching up is insengibly drawing the electricty out of the air, and thus reducing the danger of an explosion." «"Well lightning usually atrikes a tree bhecause it enntains sap, which is moisâ€" ture. The denuding of the forests, I think, may increase the danger from lightning, as it makes the anic drier. Lightning is simply arn accumulation of electricity in the air seeking the other pole, and in doing so it comes down through the air to the earth through any convenient medium. The reason The impression that there are may be due to greater publicity given to the occurrences. You may have noticed that more harns than bouses are hurned by lightning. Ithink that is because the barns generally contain hay and grain. which are moist to a eertain extent, and maisture attracts lightning because it is a good condnctor. On the nther hand, houses are dry. Lightning rods are a geod glotoction if they are numerous enough and have good ground connecâ€" tions " "Tsit of any value to have trees near barn?" * Why are so many barns struck by lightning these days?" was the query put to Mr L. Hlake astronomical officer at tha Toronto Observatory, Wm&'@m&@é@é B# wvi¢ Dates of Fall Fairs. Gohn Glark. We can give nan a mere list of our goods, but in quslity and adaptability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned aiticles, fair prices Lightning and Barns., Also Wilheim‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. \__â€" ez [fZné Germ [J]oohinery. The best in their line as we handle only the best. TORONTO Sep(t,c;'ld&azs " Going Sept. 12th, returning until Nov. 13th. * | Going Sept. 26th, returning until Nov, 2ith,. . Oct. 4 & 5 Full particulars from Canadian Paeific Agent, Oct. 12 & 13| MacFarlane, Durham, . or write C. B. Foster, D, A., Toronto. ' Will sell Harvest Excursion Tickets Harr Vigor "My hatr was out terribly. 1 cce Mzs. £. G. L. Wano, Landing, N. J, hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all danâ€" druff éisappears. Ayers Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. 1t suffers 0 a bottle. NORTH WFST oor Hair A few doors South of the Middaugh House, f°r !. 0. AYER 60., To the only in the Idea cr Wood OMficeâ€"â€"LOWER T0OWN. DURHAM. Jompany and private Funds to Loan on Morigages at lovurn.eu of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. JOHN CLARK _» Durham, Nov. 16. ‘03. Iusures Farm Buildings and Contents, Dwelling and Contents in towns and villages. liveryfiafl e t d""mm ullbt'b:“hrn prod ou uce .ny%ud live stock from fire or lum gu hmnnce“plmth?:“ml.twm you @x pmfin the Sydenham. mswdv:: Sydenham Mutual Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office Barristers, Souelzorl. Conveyancers . C. Money to Loan. Oflice. Mcintyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K.C. W. F Dunan * mate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ont Dentistry in all its branches. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &c Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten« ded to. Farms boughi and sold/ O. McPHAIL _â€"~ trators‘ Accounts prepared and r-od' ssed Burrogate Court Business, Probate ot.\% . Letters of.:d minstration and Guardianship Obtained, = f_l_xu wade in Registrty Office and Titles r..%'.'a HONOR GRADUATE Toronto University, nate Raval Mallasa Nantal Enrsaane‘ s Collections and Agency promptly attended t Wills, Deeds, M ’? Ip&u, Agreements &c. correctly .gz'p:m..l:.um uf decensed rr- sons looked after and Executor‘s and Adminisâ€" HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M. Olundmw.m and George Bt., at foot of Hill. _ Old Moodie Cotner. OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"â€"9 p. m ‘Telephone Connection No. 10 Office, 18 Frost St, â€" â€" â€" â€" Owen Sound ZFWill be at Knapp House, Durhs h-nlnln:ch-ufi. Hours, 1 L. R. C. P., London Graduate of London,;New York and Cb‘ Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, Eng) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Hospitals, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Bales mfly attended to. _ Rates reasonable. may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" ARTHUR GUN, M. D. Pavsician & Surorox, ‘Office over J. &wJ. Murter‘s Store to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. ##" Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P. O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to D. MecPHAIL, Ceylon P. O or to C. RAMAGE, Durbam BARRISTER, S01C:ITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC â€"COWNYEYANCER, ac. Au1ctionecers. ffice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. ffice. McKenzie‘s Old Stard, Dnrham Member Colloge Physicians and Burgeons J. F.GRANT, D. D.S., L. D. S. or to C. RAMAGE, Du 42â€" â€" Ceylon has a telephone office. 4@ Special attention given to Diseases of , _ Women and Children. Will be at the lldd-n?x House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from G. LEFROY McCAUL. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat MR LDECA. L. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey MACKAY & DUNN, DN T ATL. en ced 4 se o. A. H. JACKSON, HOURS : J. M. MeFAYDEN, Durham J. P. TELFORD Fire Insurance Co. Established in 1869. DR. BROWN, Money to Loan,. ednesday ol each 1 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. DR. BURT ‘s old stand, or at the Review * 7 to 9 P, M. ts for sales as |s ¢4 t

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