West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Sep 1905, p. 8

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Enter Now. Corner Yonge and Alexander Sts. Our attendance at our Fall Opening was Five Times as great as that of a year ago. This fact .pe.ks for itseli, Write for magnificent catalogu A general Banking ousiness transacted Drafts issued and collection smade on all points. Deposits received and inter ast allowed at crrrent rates SAVINGS BANK® .nteres allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and upâ€" wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance. J KELLY, Agent. AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manmtoba, United State« and England. CAPITAL, Paid up.........., 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND .._........ 1;000,000 CAPITAL, Authorized . .. .. ..$2,000,000 DURMHAM AGENCGY STANOARD BARK 0F CANAN J. S. Mcliraith Custom work and repairing as usual. We have just opened a new stock of men‘s unlined working Gloves in various styles and prices. 1t will pay youto exâ€" amine these goods before purchasing elsew here. We are showing some good values in Men‘s heavy boots for fall wear, Laâ€" dies‘, Misses‘ and Children‘s heavy or light wear, Shoe Dressings Of many kinds. Try half time for your next. It is a good polish and has been a good seller. Ladies‘ & Boys‘ Men‘s Working Gloves Fall Footwear %BL_LIOTT ALMAL % : f "?.wfi}.\:%nm \/ The People‘s Store The People‘s Stere elescopes & Clubbags at lowest price e Uown ilown It is a pleasure to us to show you these goods. Call and see them. Don‘t forget this is the place to get New Dress §00GS i wadh imw d ie _ New Waist Pieces S han hergooas. Fall deâ€" New Wrapperettes Tt Phit es in‘ New Flannelettes ?(."%,*"‘"" 10c per yd Another Clothing Chance This season‘s Purs have arrived. We have a large assortment of all Fur Goods, all styles and prices, _ Be sure to call when in town on Show Day, Sept 21, and see our * coldâ€"weather comforts." Brand newâ€"Just in this week. Swellâ€"looking, perfect fitting, comfort wearing. We‘re starting to sell now ; Call quickly and secure a wide range to pick from. % Stylish, Seasonable Furs LCnCN‘TO, ONT. . McARTHUR Head Office, Toronto. We have just opened up a new and stylish shipment of We have it ready for you. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Latest Fall Arrivals Nobby Cap we received a completefline of Suits of this popular brand for the coming season‘s wear. Now is the opportunity for every dressy man to secure one of his favorite Suits. IF YOU WANTâ€"â€" TERMS, CASH. W. J. ELLIOTT apsSs All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted. Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade. SHOE STORE ROBT. BURNETT I Ladies‘ New Mantles The People‘s Store \ . Principal, _ Mr P;.E‘OMris moving back to his In latest styles for Fall wear | _ Miss Betl‘s cousin from Yankee visited her Sunday last. , _ We hear of a number of : | folks from Swinton Park going tc | in the Exhibition at your town. cor. intends being there unless | thing serious happens. Miss Lizzie Alcorn i ent: we hope to haar The return match petw ton Park and Priceville foot was played on the groun John Hardy. We think must have be:n rough as 1 has a closed eye since. Th the game was <â€"1 in favo ville. 4 uresNIng is the order of the day. The Japs aud Russians are having it pretty hot at present. The Czar still holds his place at the engine. We hear the Mikado is going to resign and get a better general in his place. A few of the farmers, of Scotchtown united and purchased a new threshâ€" ing outfit of the latest pattern and will long be known as the company maâ€" chine. Wonder what happened Andy when h,? didn‘t accept the 5. and hit Bill on tlw succ. the Mr and Mrs Donald Grabam, of Priceville, were welcome callers in our burg one day last week. Mr and Mrs Kelly, of the U. 8., are guests of the Morrison family at presâ€" ant ent. Mrs Ambuars Haby, of Paris, is visitâ€" at her father‘s, Mr John Morriscn and other friends. Mrs A. MoCormack is visiting at her g:tighter's, Mrs D. McDonald, Irish €C. at her brothcr's; Mrvidlgl;a'elfiurl:tfi;s week. Miss Doyle, ot Paris, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs Peter O‘Neil. Mr Donald Black, of Sceotchtown, is yvisiting friends in the buarg. Mrs Donald Beaton, who went to Fergus hospital two weeks ago, to reâ€" ceive treatment returned to her home here and sorry to say is gaining but slowly. Mr Thos. Nelson, and sister, Mrs Jackson visited Exremont friends last week. Pleased to see Mr Wm. Arrowsmith home again from the hospital and is ge;ting along nicely. Mrs John McAuliffe, of the burg, accompanied hy Mrs M. McGrath, of the central hotel, Durkam, visited friends at Owen Sound ilast week also took in the big Fair there. Threshing is the order Mrs Donovan, of Arthur, is visiting : omm (nai . P CC i i.4 B " 18$ Not a few Regent Suits have we sold lately and this week 2216 Alcorn is home at vregâ€" hope to hsar of her recovery Swinton Park match petween Swinâ€" Pomona a number of young es My 2x 00 T6: V s ceville footâ€"ball game the grounds of Mrs We think the game rough as we see one Park going to take The People‘s Store e. The result of in favor of Priceâ€" The People‘s Store town. The unless someâ€" town of in At the close of the meeting, well on into the morning, a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr and Mis Adams and carried very hearuily for the o?portun- ity afforded of meeting in their home and the boag‘itnlity so generously meted oln:t tg allhd‘ he tl)ccuion afio cele:uuted the birt 7y of Aggie, Mr an rs Adams‘ only daughter. Haying for some time past reâ€" cognized the benetfit of your valuable serâ€" vices as a teacher of mus‘c, and realizing the inconvenience to you of imparting it to most of us at our homes, thus ayoiding the uecessity of baving to travel for our instructton, thereby saving to us valuable time. And feeling that the invariable patience and agrceable manners which characterizes your whole dealings with us is worthy of our best consideration and imitation. We therefore would ask you to accept these gifts as a mark of our high esteem and appreciation of you, Trusting that you will yvalue them as such, and accept them in the same spirit as that in which they are given. Hoping that you may long be spared to impart to others of your fine talent and that the success which has atteaded your efforts in this respect in the past may continue to redound to your credit in the future, is the earnest desire of your maoy warm friends and pupils. Signed on behalf Clen of your pupils. ([Viet Previous to, and thereafter, a proâ€" gram of instrumental music was given by several of her pupils, and songs, recitations and speechss by many of the friends present, Miss Irwin the altractive new teacher of No. 12 S. S., made her debut in some well chosen remarks, and concluded with some Kiatriotic verses of E. Pauline Johnson iss Jarrett, of Woodbridge, who is a guest of Mr andj Mrs Jas. Renton was also present, Councillor Walter Ferâ€" guson acted in the capacity of chairâ€" Iman. 2 Following is the address : Dear Teacher:â€" The address was read by Miss Mary R. Ramage and the articles presented by Misses Maud Hamilton, Bella Ferâ€" guson and Aggie Adams respectively. he secret had been well kept, so Miss Hooper was completely taken by surâ€" prise but thanked the donors very warmly and appropriately for the kind appreciation of her seryices, and deâ€" precated at the same time with true becoming modesty, ber unworthiness of such valuable recognition, There gathered on Friday evening last at the home of Mti and Mrs J. C. Adams near Dromore, the pupils of Miss Minnie Hooper, South Glenelg, toâ€" gether with tneir relatives and most intimate friends and neighbors, and presented that estimable young lady with an address, a silver sugar bowl, a dozen silver tea spoons, a silver butâ€" ter dish, and a bouquet of flowers. An expert mincralogist is Mr Geo. Vasey who spent a few days in the buarg after taking in the Toronto Fair. He returned on Tuesday to‘resume his duties in the mines at Scranton, Pa. Mr and Mrs Harry Sterne returned last week from their wedding trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara, and have settled in their new home in Dromore. We extend a cordial welâ€" come. Mr Jas. Coleridge has again been engagod as teacher ot No 138. S. at a substantiai increase of salary to the satistaction of the ratepayors. Mr Colin McMillag took hi, annual trip to the exhibition, aud attended a cours: of the embalmers association meeting while there. Mr Mc. is well posted in his profession, and keeps aâ€" breast of the times. Mrs John Renton returned last week after spending a month wigh her sisâ€" ters in Buffalo. Mr Wm. Renwick, with his tamily moved into the Gwelling over the late Mr Wilson‘s carpenter shop. Mr McWilliams recently sold a Forse to Mr John Ross for tne sum of $150. Mrs Jas. Tucker leaves this week for Carleton Place, where her son James H. is engagad in the Watchâ€" making and Jeweliry business. Mrs Jas, Isaac is visiting her daughâ€" ter, Mrs Baird, at Markdale. Mr Gev. Ledingham returned to his home on Fridsy last after spending three months visiting friemfsc and relatives in the Prairie Province. A footâ€"ball club has been organized in the village under the name of "The Dornoch Puzzlers. ‘‘ Friendly games with clubs in the surrounding country are respectfully solicited. Mrs Peter Litster left Dromore on Thursday last for her home in Lang â€" ham, near Saskatoon, Sas. Mrs James Robertson, of Sault Ste. Marie, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Maggie spent a few days with ftriends in the village. They left on Tharsday last to take in the sights of the Western Fair, London. A social favorite is Miss Lizzie Salâ€" livan, who spent a week at the old homestead after a twelvemonth abâ€" sence in Uncle Sam‘s domains. Mrs Jones, of Walkerton, accoin. R:nied mer two daughters, visited r son k. the genial clerk at Mr Hunt‘s mercantile establishmsnt. Mrs Anderson, of Blyth, is visiting ‘l::ldanghtor Mrs (Rev) W. W. Aitchâ€" Mr Thos. Lister, of the Queen City n&ont a week visiting his brother. illiam, of Bentinck. Miss Agnes Watson, of Toronto, and ber sister, Miss Katie, of Michigan, are holidaying at the old homestead in Glenelg. â€"__ _ Address and Presentation. Dromore Clen Moore Victor Adams Maggie Hamilton Beatrce Eccles Edith Watson Peter R&mage TORONTO Mr Ronald McDonald took a trip to Nottawa last week and brought home some lovely green gage plums. Miss Lizzie McCannel is on a visit to her sister‘s, Mrs R. McDonald. Mr Wm Blair of Duntroon, was in this burg with a load of pluams. He ieft home with 85 baskets. and in 24 hoqnl; they were goneâ€"went like a pie social. Fred Runciman has changed his oc cupation trom farming to storekeeping, having bought a large store at Proton Station. _ We wish Fred and family full success, though we will miss him in the neighborhood. Fred and James Marshall went to Hanover on Saturâ€" day last. Miss Allie Wilson is home for a short call. Wedding bells are ringing. Mrs D, McFarlane, of Bunessan, is helping her mother, Mrs C. McQueen with the thrashing and calling on old neighbors at intervals. A Shiew it Thrashing is the order of the day round here. Alex. McLean, with his able gang of men, such as Tom Acheâ€" son and Jim Wilson, sometimes known as ‘little Jim ‘ have served their time and can slip the sheaves through as fasts as they come. The grain is good and plump and yieclds well. Pease, in general small. Barley good. ed but this affiiction will giye them a greater interecst in the heavenly home. * She is not deadâ€"the child of our affection, But gone unto that school Where she no longer needs our poor protection, And Christ himself doth rale. The funeral to Swinton Park on Monday afternoon was largely atâ€" tended by sorrowing friends The service at the house was conducted by Revr Mr Matheson,, who spoke from the words * For here have we no con. tinuing city but we seek one to come. *‘â€"Heb. 13, 14. § {Tho flowerâ€"strewn casket was borne to its last resting place by Messrs Geoc. Huaw, Jno. Lane, Burton Renwick, Archie Clark, Alex McFayden, Willie Kinnee. The parents return to a home from which the light seems to have aepartâ€" Not at school only will Mima be missed but much more so at home where she was ever a thoughtful, dutâ€" iful and loving daughter aud to the bereaved;parents, sister and brothers the heartfeit sympathies of tnis comâ€" munitv are extended in this their dark hour of trial. The Messrs Cardt and Mr Abram Hooper, South Glenelg, have each parâ€" chased a windmil. for pumping purâ€" It is our sad duty to record the death of Miss Mima Ernest, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Aaron Ernest, of Brownsville at the early age of 12 years. The deceased was strickeu with apperdieitis on Wednesday evenâ€" ing and an operation was performed on Saturday atternoon, but the patient ouly lived till 10 p. m. when death brought release to her suffering. Her death comes as a shock to many as she had been in school all day Wedâ€" nesday, taking her usual interest in her studies. By her quiet yet pleasâ€" ant and thoughtful manner, Mima was much liked by her schoolmates apd teacher, both of whom will miss her very much. Her place in her class wtll be always vacant remindâ€" ing her comrudes that another one of their number now has gone on before, Misses Ellen and Maggie Baxter re turned to De Grassi point and Buffalo respectively lass week and in comâ€" pany with their uncle, Mr McCulloch, ot Connor, left by way of Flesherton. ‘The Messrs Curdt have also purchasâ€" ed a threshing outfit and with Geo. Hargrave as assistant is threshing on this line 8, Glenelg. Mr aud Mrs Geo. Leith, of Spry, visited last week at the Brown familâ€" ies and returned by way of D. Leith‘s Normanby, and the Rev and Mrs J. Truax, Edengrove; the latter a sister ot Mrs Leith. Mr Daniel Coleridge, Jr., has disâ€" posed of his farm at a high figure $3300 to Mr Jas. Hooper, pussession be given ia April. Mention has already been made of Mrs Baxter‘s unfortunate removal to the asylom at Hamilton, the cause calling forth many expressions of reâ€" giets. Miss Minnie Hooper, Top Cliff, inâ€" strumental music teacher, who has some 20 pupils, and who has about completed her summer quarter was made the recipient of a handsome present by her pupiis one nighs last week. A fine sample of Beeves has been suppli d the beef ring this year so far at Mr Win. Brown‘s, Mr Robt. Matthâ€" ews creditably supplying four ot them. A small measly attendance at the Ebenezer on Sunday was not due as some might suppose to the absentee‘s aversion of a temperance sermon from Mr Roach, but to the prevalence of measles in the locality and a case of threatened typhoid fever in the case of Thos. Tucker who we are glad is getting better. Mr Wm. Brown. N. Ezmnont. is also under the weather with a threatâ€" ened case of typhoid : at latest reports n;x much improvement had taken place. Mc‘ @ / Ni Di it North Egremont Brownsville Boothville â€" + Gt+ ew“g'; We have a large number of Farms for Sale in the following Countiesâ€" Brant, Essex, Elgin, Grev, Haldimand, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Midâ€" dlesex, Norfolk, Ontario, Oxford, Peel, Perth, Simcoe, Victoria, Waterloo, Wellington, Welland, Wentworth and York. Also many Business and Resiâ€" dential properties for Sale in all parts of the province. If you bhaye a Farm or other property for sale, write for our terms of selling Real Estate. The Western Real Estate Exchange, Ltd., London, Ontario. Review to Jan 1, 06, 25¢ Waggonâ€"Maker‘s shop in village of Dromore, Showâ€"room suitable for fur niture. Dwelling above, A good stand Apply to Mrs John Wilson cor J. M Findlay. Dromore. â€"_ Jonx McLEAx, Lot 26, Con 4. 8 D R. Glenelg. Glenelg, Sept 1, 1905. To Lot 23, Con. 4, 8. D. R., Glenelg, some time ago, a two year old Heifer. Anyone proving property can havyve the same by paying all expenses connected therewith,. Apply 10 This community sympathises sincereâ€" ly wich Mr and Mrs E‘:'nest in their sore bereavement. Brownsville correâ€" spondent will no doubt give details +# Miss Lizzie Aldcorn was compelled 'HQTE]_, & F ARM for SALE to come home f.om school on acconntl or to RENT. of the measles.. Pleased to hear she is Syill ‘be sold, or rentod se Seix it x r Hil : 0, A AraA 1 ?l;);l';jgo::‘cly its a good time to have desired, that wellâ€"known horel amdy deâ€" f * A A § sirable stock farm at the Rob Roy, Lot This community symEatlnses sincereâ€" | 10 and 11, Con. 1. 8. D. R., Gleneig. 994 ly wich Mr and Mrs Ernest in their acres in farm, more orless. Blacksinith sore bereavement. Brownsvillecorreâ€" |Shop on one corner, Hotel across the Stylish Shirt Waist Suits, fancy stitched and elegantly made through out, were 4.50, SALE PR., Shirt Waist Suits, linen shades, were 2.50, â€" SALE PRICE |25 Swell Shirt Waist Suits, in shepâ€" herd Plaid, mercerized Gingham, After our Summer selling there are odd lines of Summer Goods that must be cleared at any cost to make room for Fall Goods _ * 8 Ladies‘Fine lawn Shirt Waists nicely trimmed with insertion and lace, were 1.25 and 1.75, 4 Ladies‘ very fine lawn Waists, handsomely finished, were 3.00, were 3.50, SALE PRICE. Midsummer Sale which will soon arrive. Therefore the fcllowing Ladies‘ Lawn Waists Begins on Sept. 14â€"â€"â€"â€"continues until Sept. 23 ‘The Great Your money back if you want it. Shirt=â€"Waist Suits W, W. Raxag®, Agent, Thistle. *T Alex. Russell. FOR SALE. SALE PRICE TO RENT. STRAYED, saue pricr, 75¢ a <tipâ€"s + TAE BIG STORE . $1.49 Landslide of Bargains 2.49 2.89 Alex Russell Genuine Money Savers are patented. at hA j .. O 5, Ytvember A. I}. mos’. at the hour of one o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon, at the Town Haill in the Town of Dorhar> in the County of Grey, proceed to sell by Public Auction so much of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment "of the arrears of taxes, and charges thereon. unless such rears and charges shall have been -«’ er paid. All the undermentioned lands are patented _ I hereby give notice that the assessment Act, I sha the 24th day oft Novyember at the hour of one o‘clock noon, at the Town Hall in Town otf Durham. County of Grey To Wit : BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued unâ€" der the hand of the Mayor of the Town of Durham, and the seal of the Corporâ€" ation of the Town of Durbam in the County of Grey, bearing date the Tth day of August A. D., 1905, and to me directed,. commanding me to leyy upon the lands hereinafter described for the arrears of taxes resnectively due thereâ€" on, together with all costs incurred, I hereby give notice that. pursnant to the assessment Act, I shall on Friday the 24th daw at ar 2lC 8 Sss TREASURER‘S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES The undersigned will sell house and lot on West Bruce St, built in 1904, lo cated between Furniture and Cream Separator factories. 30 x 32 feet, 2} stories, double cellar, cement floor ‘ one half, furnace in the other half, rooms, modern and convenient. Good well on premises, emall barn with stone stable underneath,. A bargain to quick buyer, Apply on the premises or to Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Btock and likely ani mals, Apply to j TBHos. Scanr & Soxs, Jan. 2, 1905. Rocky Saugeen P. 0O road. Every field well watered. } mile from school, and 1 mile from post office. Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 rooms, stable with stone foundation, frame barn, stone pig pen, and good hearing orchard. Terms to suit purchaser, Apply Box 11 Duarbam P. O. G. RÂ¥ax, Prop 20 0fo off "I tss 20 00 A few 99¢c Shoes left Soft and stiff front Shirts in asâ€" sorted patterns, reg. $1 and 1.25 36 in Prints, reg. 12c and 15¢ Silk Ties of ever reg. 25¢ and 50c goods Men‘s Fine Shirts HOUSE FOR SALE 36 in Prints 36 in Men‘s Silk Ties Street Taxes Costs FOR SALE. Whitewear SALE PRICE, sare price, 15¢ g., 12e and 15¢ SaLk Pancs. VC Box 92, Durham. Goods delivered to all parts of t own 20 Krek s foateisbint . 210L 9n C ns descriptioOnygy. Tota yÂ¥ VOL. XXVIL ere 1

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