West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Sep 1905, p. 8

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sns e " aegegent "7" Commer Yonge and Alexander Sts. Our attendance at our Fall Opening was Five Times s« great as that of a year ago. This fact «peaks for itself. Write for magnificent catalogue Enter Now J. S. Mclraith The Down Town SHOE STORE Telescopes & Clubbags at lowest price Shoe We have just opened a new stock of men‘s unlined wor king Gloves in various styles and prices. 1t will pay gou to exâ€" amine these goods before purchasing elsewhere, We are showing some good values in Men‘s heavy boots for fall wear, Laâ€" dies‘, Misses‘ and Children‘s heavy or light wear, Men‘s Working Gloves Wms . Alptntntnrediiin .. A 4. i : 1 s 2" 7 NP _ and * How you are swindled." Send us a rough Mo’r-‘o‘u of your in vention or glz!provqt:nenth:::mtw_lll teg.gq free our opinion as to w is pro . tentab‘e. l.rcnl applications have oftey :cn successfully prosecuted by us. We conduct fully equigfid offices in Mon! io duparen B o thetines eate Rromny, i tch work a uick‘y secure ‘:‘ly. br‘onA‘utheinmfizn. 8‘3& ‘ustom work and repairing as usual TERMS, CASH, C. McARTITHUR Fall Footwear Ladies‘ Men‘s G A P 8 & Boys‘ »e Dressings of many kinds. Try half time for your next. It is a good polish and has been a good selletr. The People‘s Store It is a pleasure to us to show you these goods. Call and see them. Don‘t forget this is the place to get TORONTO, ONT, Cosy Furs VERYWHERE throughout our Store will be found fail departments, which indicate that cur Fall and Winter Goods haye all. arrived. Careful attention in every detail has been a feature of our buying, and as a result, we have une of the most complâ€"te and best stocks in every way, of Dry Goods, Readyâ€"mades and Furs ever seen in Durham. _ We invite you to call and make a minute inspection, and are satisfied you will be deligh‘:ed with your treatment, our Goods, and our Store. We call your attention to our new A big range of White and Gray Co“ons Dress Goods .:&%,, Waist Goods Wrapperettes, Flannelettes Complete Fall Stocks We have just opened up a new and stylish shipment of We have it ready for you â€"=«IF YOU WANTâ€"â€" Nobby Cap Store ... lne c oniinens ns sangeonimng ho Eeeeeet eE SmRt y W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal apsS All the season‘s stock of Furs have arrived, which gives all intending purchasers of a winter Far wide and varied choice. Caperines, Ruffs, Boas, Mitts, Muffs for Women and Children. Coats, Caps, and Collars, for Men, Women and Children _J The People‘s Store | All kinds of FARM PRODUCE Wanted. Highest Prices paid in Cash or Trade. TWEEDS, MEN‘S SUITINGS OVERCOATING, all newly arr ROBT. BURNETT | In all Departments. styles for Fall wear In latest $ ; Communion Gaelic next Sabbath | Oct 1st. | _ We notice from the Dromore cor. | that Colin MceMillan, an old south line | boy, who is doing business there as | harness maker and undertaker, reâ€" | cently attended the Canadian embalmâ€" | ers‘ association held in Toronto. This ' is now a necessary branch of the underâ€" | taking busineâ€"s especially at anuruicc doubt Last Sunday being children‘s service was held in the Presbyt church here accordingly, quite a ber out on the occasion. With wmangrrcery o _ wbo was laid up with paralysis at Norman Mclutyre‘s for the last two months was taken to the House of Refuge last week. Mr _ John McKinnon, of Eholt, is visiting at present at his fatber‘s, Mr Archie McKinnon, South Line Glenelg. Reeve Boyd, of Artemesia, has a ganz of men and teams for the last ten ays building a bridge on the Saugâ€" 1e.eu River at Donald McMillan‘s south ine. ‘ Mrs John McLachlin, of the Rocky Mountain District, is visiting at her father‘s, Mr Alex McLean south line Artemesia at present. e o oo Et e® 1 uNCY used the forks very manfully for a time, whether it was to show the young men that they were capable for barn and housework we are not preâ€" pared to say but however they were obliged to come down from the mow as best they could in a natural posiâ€" tion. John McIntyre who was laid up with paralysis at Norman Mclutyre‘s for the last two months was taken to the House of Refuge last week. ceR CE TERY €521 VE strength or otherwise get buried in straw up to our necks and every perâ€" son knows that a buried person is not of much account so we aiways make it a plan to keep our way clear so as to give our nearest chum a chance to do the same. We saw two young ladies climbing up to the grain mow at a recent threshing taking each a fork from two of the young lads that were pitching the sheaves to the dropper. _ They used the forks very mainfully for a time, whether it was to show the WVADma» werle ak a uy Co C s CE mEXHas wV were basily engage& in attending to threshing and we find quaite a conâ€" trast between the pencil and the forkâ€" handle. The latter we often had to use like the criminal who was placed to pump water or drown. So weâ€"often 37 inches wide EIC“CS at, per yd' only loc will be disposed of during the next two weeks at Bargain Prices. For the last ) w BAy that Mr Reile ng with some inwns poorly at prasent but may get around again the fork with all arrived. Priceville and the Presbyterian gly, quite a numâ€" The People‘s Store The People‘s Store le of weeks we Best French Flannel, etc day our Tag itke O the Fospel as lit up by J“:;:II (i:l‘lgfllt and thel modes S:EP:' dopted by sintul man n ex i those lights and refusing tgi:f m:.fi the " Li‘ht of the World," o e e 1 oo e d conduct:d at Amos chureh day by the lug: Mr G Loth Revy Mr Campbell illustratin; use of candles the similarit rflom"l'ifilhtsofgbg_gospolyl Mr JOS. Moore, Thistle, goes up this week as a juror to Owen Sound. . Mrs Slack, and Miss M. Falconer, Mona road, are at present on a yvisit to Mr and Mrg Jos. Moore. Messrs J. H. Snell and John Laughâ€" ton have each been summoned on their ril to report at the court house, &ven Sound on Dec 10th as Jurors. The children‘s day seryices were conduct:d at Amos chureh last Sunâ€" day by the su& Mr G Lothian, the Rey Mr Campbelt illustrating by the nae of mandilam ans 2. 000B s Mr McKinney, Toronto, brother.inâ€" law to Mr Robert Baxter acrd Mr Win Tucker is at present visiting those parties. The threshing machine run by the Messrs Hooper and Lawrence is doing as speedy work as was ever done on the line this year, in every instance taking less than a day to a barn, Mr Jos. Moore, Thistle, goes up this week as a jinror to Nw.. oC N "", ‘ Mr James Tucker also found his mare dead in the stable one morning, a severe enough loss to him. Mr Wm. Ramage had the mis{ortune to lose his pur:e with a smail sum of money in it on his way to charch Sun. day last. Finder will be rewarded. Mr Thos. Brown lost his spring colt one day last week. U. L. work also her various services in the choir, were given by the Rey MrCampbell and Mr Wm. Ramage Leader _ and one from Mr Charter Smith, Durham, who voiced the sentiâ€" ments of all in wishing them not only a pleasant and safo trip to the Pacific coast and back, but also one through a long and happy iife together. Reeâ€" itations were given by Mr D. Gilmour | and Mr Geo. Lothian. and numerous‘ solos, and choruses by the choir itselt, Jas. Mather, Normanby, contributed a couple of solos. A very happy and enjoyable time was sp nt far into the morning. The happy coupile left next morning by C. P. lg for Owen Sound for a two months‘ trip to points in Man. B. C., and the Pacific coast. Mr and Miss Ieaac, Corbetton, were yvisiting at their uncle‘s, Mr Jas. Isaac on Sunday last. Mr Chas. McKenzie is suffering trom a severe attack of Eczema. as souvenirs and momentoes were presented, reflecting in a large mensâ€" ure the esteem and approbation in which they are held. After an exâ€" cellent supper had been partaken of spceches in appreciation, of the bride‘s &;itfil‘mful participation in church and Ahe bridesmaid, Miss Maud Seaman a cousin ef the bride, trom‘Ithaca, N. Y., was dressed in Persian lawn with Macklin lace insertion over pink, and wore a boquet of sweet peas, and looked equally sweet in a pair of white kid alip(fers. The grovum‘s presâ€" ent to the bride was a gold locket and to the bridesmaid a gold locket. Another of those pleasing and noteâ€" worthy events, which have in the past made.this town and vicinity famous, where two hearts that beat as one, are made one, and where the affection and good fellowship of friends and neighbors combine greatly or contribâ€" ute largely to their success, occurred at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunter on Wednesday the &_th inst. when his second daughter Aggie. one of Egremont‘s :airest, was conducted to her place on the dais leaning on the arm of her equally handsome brother Wn_xland was there united in marriege Mr Arch. Ector beéa;ne'tlib_i);n;fipy father of a little daughter last Wedâ€" nesday. Both are doing well. Many varied and valuable articles Mrs Conkey, of town, moyed to Mrs Butter‘s brick house next to the Postâ€" Office and Mre McLachlin moved to Mrs Conkey ‘s late residenee, having bought the same. bégnr big show c:l’m boo:;! Oct 6th the yet, F°°d m weather expected when ladies can wear their hats withâ€" out fear of losing them with the temâ€" pest as was experienced at a recent exhibition. s Mr J W Firth returns next week to Toronto U niversity . Mr and Mrs Geo. Firth, Jes sopville, were visiting friends in this neighborâ€" hood last week. Mr F. took in the Darham Show and enjoyed himselt. Mr and Mrs Ham Allen and David Allen, Hopeville, visited the old homeâ€" stead last week and were well pleased with the show in town. Mr Raymond Bell, wbho has been the last twelve months with Wm. Edge, left last week for Cleveland. We regret to lose him from our midst bll,lt trust he will better his position there. * bl Dromore Edge Hill PC 43 of the l k Another petition from D McQueen hk. for a dni:.“'l“lbns’ J«;hn Davilhof Alton do this wor! cierk notify him accord.â€" ingly. § + Carried. Motions passed for O M Seim for orders for $89.40 for printing and be charged to drain No 1‘ also for $40.80 printing Voâ€" ters‘s Lists, otc. Also from John Reid, re committal of ’W Romains to House of Refuge and bourd. Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"â€"That $6 be paid for aboye services. Carried, A petition from Geo Suell asking for a drain from Lots 26, 27 and 28, Con 12, Tuat Mr Tnyqor do the work and the clerk notify bim to locate said Drain as soon as possible. Carriad _ Also from A Knisley re reduction of assessmentsâ€" Fergusonâ€"â€"McArthur â€" That we take no action in this matter Carried Gordenâ€"McArthur â€" That the Clerk write Normanby Council asking payment for amount due us with interess to date of pay ment. Carried. Council met Sept 22nd. Minutes of last .regular meeting with she two meetâ€" ings on Drain No 1 were alopted. Com munication from Normanby re arrears of School Debenture payments. Robbâ€" Ferguson â€"That this uow adjourn.â€"Carried. le ga d oo P o 0 m 0 Colty Ateoe t oaning and that we refer said report bark to be amended as to Assessments on the various lands and roads mentioned in said reâ€" port.â€"Carried, {A0OU@ °PCwOn was agreed upon: Gordonâ€"Robbâ€"That upon the corporaâ€" of the Tp. of Proton withdrawing their appeal to the Referee this Council rescinds the motion gnssod at the meeting of Aug. 4th, 1905, adopting the report of Engineer on Drain No. 1, Egremont and Proton, s le o old e ht e 200 n ow T The matter was discussed manner by both partiee, an following motion was agreed The Reeve of Egremont stated that e had been served with Notice of Appeal to the Refereo, regarding the Report of Ergineer on eaid Drain by the Corporaâ€" tion of the Tp. of Proton. akd seulve umt (ne pursuant to adjournment, asa Court Revisiou on Assessments on Drain N 1 and Proton. Members all present together with t Reeve an‘l clerk of Proton. Mr Ham Allen is touring the counâ€" try visiting his numerous friends beâ€" fore he leaves for British Columbia. We do not know what course he will take or what he will follow in the new country. The inhabitants of Beer Street put up scare crows to protect their corn and other crop. Mr Buchanan, a former preacher here, gave the people a call before he leaves as a missionary for Bouth Americi. Mr Lee‘s, the able pastor in the Presbyterian church here, time bhas expired. He goes to Toronto to take his flnishi:g course in College, Meetâ€" & is called for this week to see about Supply. t On the 25th to Mr and Mrs Wm. G. Glenister, a daughterâ€" All doing well. Congratulations. David Bilton, our hotel keeper, has got a fine driving horse and outiit for himself. WYWm Dezell is busy building a; his new house. Jos. Coulter has left again for a while but intends to be back to his old home. Caitle and sheep buyers are plentiâ€" tal here this sammer and prices good. Jo‘in MoWilliams, Jr., and George Troup have gone to Markdale to work at the Brick Building Business. Mr Will Heara went to the show in Durham and says he lost his purse and seven dolfars in it bat I think he must have bought the ring and tells the other story. If not, it was a dear show to him. Council met at Mr One of the residents of the Park has got a tame martin and he has pat a bell on it for ftear it should stray a way so that he wiil be able to find it again. Mr Geo. Watson tended the show in ports a good time: Mr W. Ramage finished his quarter of music lessons on Friday eveninq I think most of his pupils are weli satisâ€" fieddus I hear of no complaints being made. Mr_ Herbers Campbel!l was home from Durham for Sunday. Mr Robert Knox has rented Mrs Jobn Hardy‘s farm. He will have lots ot work now to keep him out of mischief working 300 acres of land. Miss Maggie McCaffrevy, from land, is staying with her aunt, James Ferris. On Friday evening Mr Neil Macâ€" llilla‘n: w::t b:lt:er the cows. He caught t and was going to take him home and pat bim in the st ble. The rope was snapped in the ring and was fastened around his horns. He just got the ronuntutoned off his hornsfwhen the bull attaeked bhim knocking him down and trying to gore him. It was lacky he had the dog with him as he set it on the bull drawing the latter‘s attention‘ off him till he got hold of the ring with his fingers causing the bull to raise his head. Hs came off pretty sate, oniy getting a few bruis‘s and n sprained ankle. He says he doues not want to be tackled by another bull. . TORONTO Egremont Council Carried. _ _ Knisley re reduction of Swinton Park Hopeville discussed in & friendly . Allan, Clerk, Robbs, Sept. 15th and finally the , of the Park, at: Durbam and reâ€" &A Court of Drain No. with the Council Several school© estimates were not forwurded, Trustees kindly forward at onece. Council adjourned to meet on Nov 15, D Aucax, Clerk. Sundry accounts were examined and orders granted am‘tg to $256.95, McArthurâ€"Gordonâ€"That a grant of $25 be made the Ag. Society. Carriedâ€" Yeasâ€"MeArthaor, Gordon, Robb, Hastie, Naysâ€"Ferguson. Robbâ€"Fergusonâ€"That a grant of $50 be made to said Society providing that the Council have the use of the Hall for Nomination and Election purposes, and coancil meeting® Lost â€" Yens : Robb, Ferguson. The officers of the Apricultural Society waited upon the Council soliciting a grant on behalf of the Society, Reeye reported that he attended meetâ€" | ing of owners of land at Lot 17, Gon 11 12' under the D & W Act. An agreement was arrivedl at which was filed by the clerk. Report adopted and $1â€"50 paid j for his services. Byâ€"Law No 190 to levy the rates passedâ€"4 mills is the rate. D. Huoter was appointed collecter for 8. D salary, $35. _ Mrs R Kerr was exempâ€" ted from land tax for 1905. ‘ Com Gordon‘s report showed $79.50 exâ€" pended3, Com.fees $5.00 Com Robh‘s report showed $64.30 exâ€" pounded, Com fees $3.00, Com Hastie‘s report showed atn expenâ€" ditare of $178.20, Com fees $12.00. | Reports : Com‘s Robb reported settleâ€" [ ment of acet‘s on E ind P Townline ; nco‘ts _of both Ty‘s were examined for past 5 years and found Proton was debtor to Egâ€" remont $54 on grants and Egremont was drâ€" to Proton 175 days statute labor at T5oâ€"§181â€"PBeil due Proton $77, He strougly recommended settlement at least every two years, ‘ Report adopued, and $3 Com fees paid. ‘ Com. Ferguson gave us a detailed acâ€" count of expanditure in his divisions on roads amt‘g to $215.28. Report adopted and $15 Com fees paid. Com MeArthâ€" ur‘s report showed $99 55, expended Com ‘ fees $4. 00. | Ladies‘ Skirts ! Ladies‘ Mantles Broadâ€"Cloths i Cordâ€"deâ€"Chene Venetian Cloth Venetian Cloth SFi"&s#®"**"*:"** 60c, . 5, 1.25 A" wool H enri etta One o.f the nost Fashionable Fabrics for this beautiful shades ever Sb(:)F::ll. ::.??.,f)? Ot o th“ umfit 50C, 65C Fall s Winter Opening Our Large stock is all new from cellar to roof. Rush in your Butter and Eggs. ALEX. RUSSELL THE BICG STORE _ | We have this Fall the most complete range of Fashâ€" ion‘s latest novelties in Suitings and Dress Ends. ‘Our Furs this season are all newâ€"not an cld garment in the place Ladies‘® Electric Seal Jackets, with Mink Trimmings for $50 Ladies‘ Bocarin Jackets, with Mink Trimmings for $50 \ Mens Fur Lining Coats uc _ »m _ of Fashionable Dress Fabrics In Brown, Naivy, Black, Green, Garnet, at prices, per yd, from . , _ In all the lsading shades, ir #. P"k'“.peryard.............. FURS !! FURS !! mar a,. _8 Tots 9 BruceE 8212 g57, $20.me 18 Co ntess W 9.51 . 2.82 1233 *J dourl d t nB 116 °* * * (8 41 19 ! Town of Durham. County of Grey To Wit : BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued unâ€" der the hand of the Maynr of the Town of Durhaw, and the seal of the Corpor. ation of the Town of Durbam in the County of Grey, bearing date the 7th day ot:.dAugnst A.dl?,. 1905, .nlnd to me directed. comman ing me to ley upon the lands hereinafter described ’;or‘:,?.e arrears of taxes respectively due there. on, together with ali costs incurred, I hereby give notice that, pursuant to the assessment Act, I shall on Friday the 2ith day of Noyember A. D., 1905, at the hour of one o‘clock in the after. noon, at the Town Hall in the Town of Dnrhar in the County of Grey. procced to sell by Public Auction so much of the said lands as may be necessary fop the payment ‘of the arrears of taxes, and charges thereon, unless such arâ€" rears and chkgeflluu have been soon. er paid. All eundermentloned lands are patented. TREASURER‘S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS or TAXES ArRTHOR H. Town Troamins rooms, modern and conyv well on premises, small b; stable underneath, A ba buyer. Apply on tha . The undersigned will sell ho lot on West Bruce St, built in cated between Furniture and Separator factories. 30 x 32 stories, double cellar, cement one half, fornace in the other rooms, modern and ennwsami2l? Jan. 2, Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Strock and likel mals. Apply to * uiant * ce ap 30 ag) o ° OOrnkbe f HHMG from school, and 1 mile from post office. Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 rooms, stable with stone foundation, frame barn, stone pig pen, and good bearing orchard, Terms to suit purchaser, Apply Box 11 Durbam P. 0, G. RÂ¥ax, Prop HOTEL & F ARM for SALE | or to RENT. Will be sold, or rentd sepa desired, that wellâ€"known hotel girable stock farm at the Rob P 10 and 11, Con. 1, 8. D. R., uler acres in farm, more orl=ss, Bla Shop on on« corner, Hotel ac HOUSE FOR SALE CC C euae i Tarm, more or |â€"ss, Blacksimnith n _ one corner, Hotel across the Every field well watered. 4 mile sn onl s on iA e id * o U rap,;2,, _ _\ C@Nvenient. _ Good remises, small barn with stone derneath, A bargain to quick Apply on the premimme A. 4 .° FOR SALE. y9 N ‘.§- RpMEstxtiiosellh a5.5% . 1 cellar, cement floor Thos. Scarre & Soxs. Rocky Saugeen P. O Box 92, Durham. . $1.25 to 1.50 ‘ 60c and 1.00 60c, . 5, 1.25 the premises or to . Lecokrtrr + ~S*~CHt HOOr in the other half, 9 l sell house and , built in 1904, 1o wn hotel and deâ€" he Rob Roy, Lot . R., uleneig, 994 I_ Sus as . d and likely ani Costse separately it ud Cream 82 feet, 2; -»WE ,,,:Tr fi"“ AC 2.43 | h | | {| «~xRITEEKEE YTOL.â€"X

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