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Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1905, p. 1

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trsjviiii"iihiii1i/iiiiihiWh WihhhhhMMma Ta “I 4""! HIV 7 [i Ca: f o' y: Fi' 'Y','. p. n'lu, Pal, F3,'/ylFllXX8llillllillX9glfilgfi=iiiefiX©illft Nt 'M yl_l fli-Dfli-ii-QEiiidEI-OERBEEEEEEEEEEE‘ VOL. xxvu. N0. gas kl New Waistings Sui tings Handson Ladies' Coats . . u'tort adies James Ireland. We has beautifl Cream 2 The ncw range is ready for your im. syn-(lion. We have all the most ap- proved colors and materials in weight“. suitable for suits or Shirt Waist Suits. Pcr yd from Mc up to MO excee You want Style, you also want Value. These are two of the particular features of our Law Coatts this Season. The other is Qualitz. If you want an If xcuedingly stylish Coat this year-as of course you lo Herc IS the place, Now is the time for you to My 'hcfore the assortment gets much broken. , Fall Skirts I 4, all want to have a Skirt made, we step in and can i" mm with a swell skirt. ready- lIlJKTlC, navy or tweed, lengths 2 50 to 5 50 14;;m.,pnccs.............. . . c in the newest waistings, which are even more 1 than in former seasons? nd colored goods, per yd, .UIIES' RAINCOATS, see our assortment. g different colors and styles, 50, 65 and 75c $8.50 to l5.00 5.00 to 10.00 See the special line of DRESS GOODS we are selling at 25e per yd. Don 't miss it. iiiiti_ 1.90 E [ monthly meetitv- at the home of Mrs l, James McGilvarv, Glenda. on Oct. 5th. iSuhiects. sewing and kniting. All are wordinlly invited to attend. and come 'prepnred to take part. l We have"large assortment of Furs Otst in. S. F. MURLOCK. it Bf , Priceville Show will ho held on Thursday and Friday, Oct 5 and 6, the Friday of course being the big dav. Don McMillan is President. Neil Mc- lKinnon. SPcy-Treas. and with two such ,cupalile officers, a wide awake hunch mt Directors, and agood Prize List he- ihind them there is only requirement -of good weather to make agreat sur- leess. Rush in the entries early an the :Secy. IS an overworked man on Show iDays. As usual one of their tine con- .certs is planned for in the evening. NATURE STUDY.»A5 will be seen else where. the Annual Convention of S. Grey l‘eachers is to be held on the 12th and 18th inst. The first day will have the usual character, but a. new depart: ure has been made for the Friday. an excursion to Guelph hennar been ar- ranged. The object is not pleasure. but pro t. for the intention is to visit the McDonald Institute and get some poin- ters on "Natme Study.” the new sub- ject or rather system receiving much attention at present from educators. The fare from Durham is only $1.15, and no doubt many besides teachers will take advantage of the trip. Rev, T. H, Farr. B. A., of Wallace- burg, the newly appointed rector of Gorrie parish. was mused on a farm in the County of Grey, near Durham. He received his theological training in Huron College and graduated in 1898 with the degree of Bachelor of Alta from the Western Universgiy. London. On Dec. 21et he was ordain Deacon m St Paul's Cathedral, London by the late Bishop Baldwin and the year fol- lowin he won ordained to the print- hood f,, the we place and on the some date. He was wpointed to Atwood . h when he Uhoged till hungry Bit when he won minted tabla Tri.", we in W chm-g. when ha la in the WI yincyud with --.--w- 8hr. NUT DROWNED. -SGllow Lake had a. stabbing sensation a short tinw ago an Italian being the crimmal. it had another last week when Geo. Ellis die- appeared for four days. While in Owen Soundandintoxicated he wander- ed onto the .. Minnie M. " and went to sleep. 0n waking up he was on his way to CollingWOOd. He got home the fourth day and found his father and nei hhora grappling for his dead body in tie Sydenhnm River ll Next time he disappears there will be less interest. ll. ll. Mockler's values in Ladies Jack- ets appeal to keen buyers. morning heavv rain fell which makes in good combination for promoting fall growth. But no doubt there’s a cold blast or two waiting around the corner. A professor has discovered among some ancient ruins what is supposed to be the eleventh comnmndnwnt. The text is as follower--- Enms rof yitpmorp tseyap noht sselnu repapswan a. duer ton tlnhs uoht. " The commandment is easily translated by beginning at, end of the sentence and reading backward. GREAT Htr.xT.--.-In unusaily heated spellof weather has been experieneed here Since last Thursday. OmMonday or-l.-,.,.",....- -.t, a ., I . . _ Prrmident Binnie and Secy Davidson of S. Grev Agricultural Sucivty arein- vited to at tauiuoxem meat conic: grace of such otricers to take stock ofthe standing of the various: shows with a view to the weeding nut of unworthy ones. ttrg, , The out. sidewalk north of Gnrafrnxa Mgt. Bridge, is now torn up, and will be Ireplaced try a new hoard walk, slightly f higherthdn the old one. i A Song Set-Vine will he held next. Sun- day evening in the Baptist Church, at the (ttstint hour. A cordial invstion is ex- i tended to every one to attend. i M. H. Mocklor has natural wool under- wear, in all sizes for boys. Losr.-on Show Day in mum, a lea- ther mrsa containing two bills. value 87. hinder will he witalilv rewarded by leaving at this Otrice, or sending to . WM. HEARD. Swinton Park Flarity has got in a stock of comerhlng special in cravenette Overconts which is the best in make and quality. You have been offered for the monev. Call in a. nd satisfy yourself. 10 per centoff for cash. STILL 1MPRovrsa.- Muster Wilfrid Calder after a week in which his life seemed to be trembling in the balance is still gaming and his parents and friends will have a relaxing of their great anxiety. The Women'rs Institute wi 'yonthrv, anfdtin" at the h Rev. R. IV. Woodswotth of Toronto will preach Missinnarv sermons in the Methodist, Church on Sabbath next. The offeriug for the day will he for Mis. SIGNS. Wm. Mccatmon, well-known us blacksmith at Varney for a. number of years. has rented the shop west of the Middangh House. For fashionable Full Millinery inspect our Millinery Parlors. S. P. Marlock. In Ladies 001m. Flarity lakes the lead in quality. price and appearance. A new stock in this week. APPRENTICE wAtmeu--Apolr at Par- ker’s Drug Store. H. H. Mockler has the most upito. date Ladies' mantles in town. . ' A. H. Jackson. has a few tine farms, and Durham properties for sale. Irmurur, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, i"iiiiii' tri-ra,,':,-).!,?-))).',), $013109 ill hold their tttii' :19: ALLAN--McKmg-0n Wednesday. Sept. Wth, by the Rev. Dr. Milligan. Edwin Allan. of Durham. Ont... to Mia Hattie L. McKee, Barrie, Ont. Hrrtmesr-agoetr-At “Pophr Reaid. denee," the home of the bride's p. ents. an 2tt 27th, I”. an» Gt, Geo _Kou 'tl, [in Edi Isabella. Aheautlful Shirred green silk, fur- ing shape With dented side edged with wings ands. Bird of Paradise 09%;” and twists of green and Tuscan rib n. There are hosts of pretty toques. tux-bans. and many ready to wears pretty and serviceable, in styles and shades to suit every one, The tints shown this season are most beautiful and the combinations of fur, foliage. chiffon and Bowers make a most effectiye showing. . MISS DICK. The Lamhton Street parlors at no time looked better, will be thejudgment otthe many who have waited on and been waited on by Miss Dick and her six busy assistants. Miss Dick's expel-o ience and ability is so well-known' to this community now. that anything we can say in favor. would appear super- fluoud It a. call has not yet been made. it should not be delayed. Every one claims Millinery is prettier and more he., coming than ever and prices reasonable. A handsome long black sailor in ms- tor panne velvet with facings of blue 3119 noses under the brim was very sty- Tre, lish. A pretty toque of Alice blue velvet was much admired. It was quite close fitting and raised " the face with clus- ters of shaded' blue violets and roses of the same shade at the back. In colors nmnv exquisite shades 1n green, brown and blue are shown. With the coming of the first, chill days of Autumn and Nature’s Autumn tints comes to the feminine mind, the thought of Falland Winter millmery and the display shown in this store is well worth the inspection of all the ladies of the town and vicinity. EMr Morlnck as usual has an expert in charge. Miss Coghhur---wuo, to years of experience [nu evidently added a peraonal taste which makes a fairy bower to the show room‘ 'tiitsiitialCc"hii'i'ai' in!“ “W” m“: Bat upstairs was the ladies' delight ------iqi--------. ;for here in highe1ass pr..tusinu we? . . . 'dainty ladies' work whichs'muld e Fall Millinery Openings. Eincmdcd inthe me Arts, substantial As usual We have made out' semi-an- ~arcmles tddomeirtie manulactiu'e, quilts nual how to the millinets and gazed ithat would cover a regiment. The With {more or less pf interest and rap- : Fine Arts proper contained some tine Fare at, the uni-active shades prowdml (work which memory dwells on loving- 'd',Pr("vll,,tydhy':.),"p.i,,reyi, kWe if"? ly,y but which we cannot reproduce. . _. ,. ‘nC'S on an .: . . . a and hard indeed must she he who leaves 1Tb? prize list will show the execllent Durham for lack of variety or good sartism. tale. ) Mr fl IT' Miller. M. P.. Dr Mearns. ,, NV fiV.~ - u.v-n.l~‘. "or" uuvapll, was dangerously ill. In Nnnpanv with her son, W. J. Adams, she left, Friday morning and found her Very ill with a cholera complaint. Mr Adams is since home and it was hoped when ho left that the disease would be held in check. The Harvest, Home Anniversary Ser- vices of the Methodist Echnrch. va_rttey, will he held on the Sth and 9th of Oct. Rev J. Smith, of Elmwood, will preach anniversary sermons. morningat 10.30, evening at 7. An excellent program is heimz provided for Monday evening. Dr Brown of Holstein. the Durham Qunrretto and local talent will render appropriate music. limitations. Remi- ings, Drillq. ete., will delight everyone. The Rev D. L. ohprreli,' of Dromore. Rev Chas P Holmes, Holstein. Mr. Ivit, All-an. Mr G Immune and others are ex- pected to he. present. A rare treat, N in stone for all. Erevyoneweicome. Prrs gmm to start at 8 o’clock slim-p. Ad. ults l5 cts, Children 10v. - D. MCPHAIL. Auctioneer. [LL AT G'ierr.- Mas Adams last Thursday received a sad telegram that her (inunhtel. gar?- Philips, near Guelph, SALE REGISTER --Titenday,, 17th Oct, , --P. w. Runeiman. lot 27, can. 20, Ezro- I mont. just out of Boothville. will Offer; for sale on "lrove date, stock and imple- _', menu. 12 more. credit. 6per trentoff for l cash on credit amounts. Sale at l p. m. I Also a. quantity of Hay for cash. Sm: I posters for palticplars. , Rey Thor. Eskin. M. A., Ph. D..nf St. Andrews Church. Guelph. has heen appointed by the Ontarin Govt., to the position in Torom-o University made vacant by the death of the late Prof. Morrison.' dbmntcr of m aid arrrhtiriiia', to Daniel Hunter. .110! but. A SECOND CONVICTION. - Inspector Harris an Monday last secured acou- victinn against a well-known Nemmdt hotelmrtn. This m the second since May last. He Will now have to walk straight as a thed will cancel the license. er week of such weather will see it com- pleted. Underwear! Underwear! our stock of Underwear in complete in every line. All wool. union. or cotton, for every member of the family. H. H. Mockler. The fine weal her of last week ullowod of fine progress on the new cement side- walk tet.retytin.st up Mill Street. Anoth- Go to Finrity’s for your Overcoats. The newest linim in pun-ms and shanks. Every ordered Coat guaranteed to th. Swell and genteel In appearance. Wine": Aoiyrentieee wanted, Ap- ply to B. F. MonLocx. Bee our Fragrant Brand of Stvlish and up to date Ovarcnats. S. F. MORLOCK. The styles we carry in Ladies" (Junta are not only correct hut exclusive. H. H. Mockler. The Directors of the Public Lxhrary are called to Tttt for an important meeting in the Library building on Sat- urday night at 8 p. m. S. F. MORLOCK. ‘5 w bb I .. _ . l _‘, r, _ k ‘ Lauiirieyb" "- " ,-~,‘_ '4 [Juli-2%.. F. 1 'ar'e Ei ” " ' N." > ", . - _ an 32,4» hi " " 41 0 t 3 " 0' _ cr, - . 3, , TORONTO MARRIED i'iitgiijt; 3 Mril H‘Miller. M. P., Dr Mearns. ; J Messenger of Hanover were outhe ngunds; Mr and Mrs Jag Murdoch, jOwen Sound, met many old friends It course ; a very large number from :Dnrlmm, Ayton, Mt Forest; Every- Ibpdy seemed to be there. and the two gchurches and the hose! ware kept busy {catering to the crowds. Review to Jan 1, ill), ilk Pres Wm Allan, Scey. A Seiin. and and Asst-Sew W JSharp have our thanks tor Press eoartesie8. That they and the Directors were pleased goes without saying. The great success puts upon them greater responsibilities to go ahead. There is a demand tor a two-day show, at least that the in- side judging be done earlier, To be independent of weather housing will have to be provided for stock classes, &c, &e, and the hall tnadelarger. To do this, the tjdrmoas charge of 10 cts couldbe increased. Shows with in- terior attractions have charged 25 eta. Pres Allan has been 38 years con- secutively in attendance " Holstein Show and his faithfulness. reproduced in kind over all the township, is what makes Holstein e sweets. quite inde- pendent of ell government grunts. W. Mdatttaitt took the major part of the poultry prizes and " good wife um! Winnie Mioc’ work. The Farmers’ Manufacturing and Supply Company had some fine arti- cles on exhibition. Photographers Chapman and Le-Warne of Mt Forest each had a display and a large num- ber of other pushing merchants. The local stores did a big business, as did tht merr.mto-rotmd, _9n thy gronnds. Some fine new building. have been built recentlv. The ettigrew pro- oerty chauged‘bunds a few days ago for 312(1). the purchuer being Mr. D. Coleridge, Jr. Holstein is progres- sing and expects next year to have fine cement sidewalks. In addition to Mr Seim. the pushing Loader man. Durham and Mt Forest printers were on hand. I The Fuirbairns of course were prom- Iinent and the younger carries home ”Ora Near the handsome cup presented 'by McIntosh of Mt Forest " the best iteam unthe grounds. It he wins it. for three vears in succession it becomes :his prowerty. The exhibition in the Fline of drivers. teams, &c., was a most {cgeditabie nne and one was not sur- Messrs C L Grant and A Wenger of Afton were nearly sarfeited, testing “fading the bread, pastry, Fetch-s, Dairv produce, &e. They dee and it excellent and chew decisions gave satisfaction. The Society should offer separate prizes lor the various kinds of 'pie. mung was Keenly contested. Me U. IMcInnis had a yearling bull of great {excellence for which he longed for i com petition. The Hall, art-stairs and down, pre- sented a chaste, aesthetic appearance. A tnattnifieent display of flowers grat- itied the eye on entering, ehietiy 1mm the homes ot Dr Brown, J D Main and W Seaman. J C Adams had a re- markabie displav of culeus plants which would have got a prize at Tor. onto. Fruit, Grain and roots We have seen better, but there were good smu- ples, a few surpassing] y good in apples. I Ex.Reeve Don McQueen won a. (bunch of red tickets for Durhams that 1 would make any man proud, for m'crv Ithiryt pas keenly contested. Me C. Paisley and other; paint; say that tliié was the best show he had seen this year. pfised to hear Judge [luck of Mildnmy 'who has peep judging " Cpesley, _ Nothing is so striking " the number and quality of the cattle. It would be hard to tind anywhere nine such Dur- ham cows lined up as (seed Judges Brigham and Liyirimrtone. Without a doubt a steady improvement is taking place in cattle which will before long Place Egremont on a par with Wel- ington County. In horses too the township, especlally in the South shows great improvement. "v'? PK . The Show " Holstein a Tuesday was the bosc yet held by the Soeietv and thacis saying a good deal. It was estimated than: least 3000 people passed the gates and the exhibits were numerous and of a high char. meter. Directors Delighted. Holstein Happy. 'People Pleased. EGREMONT EXCELSIOR. Prue Lid on Page 8, I cents. Subscribe NOW. mommm... Fancy Goods, Fancy China. Books. Stationery, Souvenir Goods of Durham Musical Instruments. Wall Papers of all kinds. Shot Gun: and Rides, Car- mntr Seth. etc. R. B. KEELER ad (li)liil Big Jewelery and Book Store, During Come to keeler's 'e-Nt-q-q-te [run REVIEW to Jan. I, 06! [Gnldstune .F. mm .......m.... ....JI Alma.........9.l3.... ....N.... ....33 ‘Fergus .....AIM.... ..5lI... .....er, Elam .....9m........m........tr, Arriving at. Guelph 10 tIlia m. Re- lurmnc will leave Guelph at 6 :05 p "I.. I Oct 13th. or unyregulzu' train, Oct M. ' For the homo“! ot tho lam-hen. the Professors of Mm-dmmld Institute will arrange a program for the dnv. Ail I friends, of Edm at ion will he Welcomed. ', Don't miss (hie npnm-Lumty In visit the l? Model Farm, the Agllcultuml (‘nllogm otr. I Tea. Gaffes. and Watear furnished free I at the Institute. I Art'antre"tente are Ming made wtrlt l caterer for sandwiches and cake at reasonable prices. Fhtcutsiottisstg may. l howew-r, provide lunch otherwise. Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. D. R. and 22 and 23. ml the 3rd Com N. D. H. Gleuelz. Minimum; 150 acres. man-0r less. 123 norm cienred. balance hard- wand bush. " miles from P. o. and school. church on property. Well wat- ered, wells and running sm-‘ngs. Build- ings In good repair Will be mld nu reason-AMP teruw :(i miles from Durhnm and from Prim-Villa. If sold [musesmmu given tor work this fall. Full P"'""" ion In March. Clear titleqiven. Apply to the proprietor. D, GRAHAM, Pricevslle, or to A. H. Jscroios, Salicimr, “when“. Git, st"""""""'., 'Naae.earttes ! Macdonnld Institute and Consolidated I Schoov. Mterrroit, . Pulmmemn Moorefield . Dravtnn . . , Gnldstnne Alma...... Fergus . . . . Elam. . . . Rates for round trip Station Leave A, Durham _...7fat ..... Vat-may ....7s'W...., Hotatiian Mt Foro, Tickets tromhtoimronly "tt one Ir dn. to return same dav only. except stations from Durham to Mt Forest, inclusive, glue]! is good to return the following ay. Under the auspice: of the South 6er Teachers' Institute the Grand Trunk Ry.. will run In: exmlrninn to Gnu-Iph on N. w. f Excursion to Agricultural College We're being rushed with or- ders, but with our staff of Gable assistants, we can quickly sup- ply you with a hat to your lik. ing, either trimmed or ready-to- wear. Call in anyway, and see our Fall and Winter stock-o display of beauty unexeelled outside of the large cities. We desire to call your atten- tion this week to our large and stylish display of Trimmed and Ready-to-wear Hats. Our stock embraces the latest designs in hats popularin Paris, New York and Toronto. And while in town dou't fail to have a look through Keeler's Big Store which is full of big bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Sil. verware, Spectacles & Eye-glasses LATEST IN MILLINERY Miss Dick. Thin '/otn'.t"lttt,Tel, trom now to Jam. I, l over lt was only ilk. Bend " to vour far- away boy or Riel. They will eniny the home news. Let you! neighbor know about it, Our Holidnv Numlu-r fro". FARM FOR SALE CHAS RAMAGE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER, 13th Pun-n an Punusnu. AMI‘BEIJ. Pet). 7 ...v, , 7. 49 f? tOl ttt tlid Adm“ Children 't.tr, .l.15 .l.l.'» .1.n5 ..41.'i, R0 80 T. ALLAN Secy. 40

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