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Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1905, p. 2

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It. Chellus--t thought you mid I Mat the first lace in your heart. Mi.” '/ulr,'u'l, you do, but the line B. of course, in down " the bottom. I-A_A A-, _ - _-._ _-- w'-. u-- “mu If.“ I'll hue I drudul mm; to do. Sn mtett n «no. Y. - look when you're [on ' an). trouble who. --" The Careles- Don. (Touth'a Conant-u.) You laugh”. earete stimuli. doll! __)_uu no your now than an.“ Autographs of the women who have absorbed to the bust will be imm'hed In An ornamental “bum with silver cov- m and pages of silk. which will be pre- mted to Queen Margherita. of the Dowager Queen Margherlts, in recognition of her majesty's poetically a nosed love of her country. I,', Rome alone 158.075 women have signified their desire to contribute to- ward the cost of the bust, the execu- tion of which will be entrusted to an eminent sculptor, who will be chosen by ballot. On the oeeuion of the ceremony of “nation. Vida will take plsee in e during the next spring lemon, a woman’s congress Ind exhibition tf) he held. Women of Italy to Honor the Dowager Queen. A committee representing the women of Italy, with the eelebrated when. Adelaide Ristori, at their head, has been formed in Rome with the object ogre- "toting the flagship of the Italian ed- Yrryet Squadron with tb silver bust As an imtance of the experimentu My. of some of " work. the doctor a for sea- sons Mo found I run green moth In the Bronx From it ho fused {millet for two lesson. but out: noon they and. Their food was luvestlgnud. and tho third ”Own tho family now to mm. Dr. Selim had been feeding them on the {can}. blos- som. ot 3 certain cannot. when thor and“! the mic blossoms ot m an. tree.-N. Y. Otto species will fed on nothing but the have; of the witch hazel. wall. mther will die if rod on anything but. the twin of the weeping willow. Some of than In very tond of dandelion leaves. So his shop- ping for caterpillar food often “and: (It beyond the limit: at New York. Otto one in full ot ttutterftys from Florian. Dr. Beitert went to that State to raise and experiment with butterflies. hoe-nu he could not get here the food they needed. Caterpillars are fastidious. we won't eat overything. Matty ot them will only out one thing. rid than in one tropieal species that will on y teed on the have: ot tho pas. ”on flower. Dr. swat bu had many queer thing: to contend with In his pairing and min; " hutterfiioo. Hi: we ot his caterpillar. alone is no sine-euro. Each any of his lite he has to nuke nu excursion to at food (or them. __ ,.‘,v-.‘_ -...---...,. In cases in Dr. Seiiert'n mu m disputed his voile-lions ot butterflies and .130 an butterflies he his created. All tho world as represented-ttutter) iron Thibet, nu and hard to set: buuermm from Japan. with mottled wings that in coloring Putnam. the Japanese tea boxes; immense steel blue butterflies from the ladies and Borneo. gorgeous ilowerlikc insects from South Arn- erica. and queer ones trom Helm. The Incubator. If such it my be culled, b made from a nun" an or shoot. Iron box. The oven of n [a stove would do. Lamps are placed beneath the box, and in- “do no a series of horuonul shelves. upon which the ehrysalids no pitted. The tulips!- “we has to be regulaggd sinfully. no Ippll'lull "upland In than has- 'ttrmatloms ls exceedingly 11-91.. It In In ordinary hobo: or new. when tho cur”- b top! so tut Asleep um I mu. matter or Immature doc not In the but "outdo I. and lt is prepared to mum. the colon which it would mum ta n ammo north urn cums. Prom the (near It in trans- farm! to a pasteboard box in . living tool: UM" the butterfly apponn. Extreme but new to "an! dado,- aunt Just on cold do”. Freshly tamed pupae ot the Arctic m expo-ad to n m- poroturo of about loo hhronhott {or no hours [In after all day: n "tgqgrtq southern form of this butterfly. In un- ml the "tect of tho cold ls round to pro- duce northern forms with more - color- In; while the heat brings out scrum- col- orloven more brilllttntlr. - dear me! do“. will no", the tort they “to. The tomato. In swan! no tar It. in- clmod than the males to rteld In "an! to color rad an!" to the about“; in- ntt- of temperature. While [not and cold usually net u atlmulnu In Moran dances. In some can. almost the an" modification. no obtunod " “can. In: If by cold. Not only will the effects at m. col! annulus the brilliant on. upon a. than of brilliant butternut. such II for nuance the common "Pnhtted Lady." but it will “so have an effect upon the “nave of the than at the Insect. the wing: most approaching the trhngulu In Ila-p. appqarinq In tho modttlqd form or more forkod. TRIBUTE TO MARGHERITL no pupa. from which n In 6011706 to one." a more northorn form ot butterfly I. out as soon an In the" I. but! Into an "hunter or Icebox for two noun bolero I In comlmd to the freezer tor In long do». to wen-tom it to the Min; ton- par-tun. " II "b"eted to the an. Ire-uncut whoa uhn trom a. tram be. 'ttt being expand to a - tamper»; In doing this be is following out tho dis- - first made by Gouge Dortmeieter. o Bunion school anchor. and einco tol- lo'cd up by August Woman. Dr. Bland- m: in Zurich at! W. M. - u this country. name: dincovkod that by putting the pup“ of the mun-nu. belonz- ing to the family of Arctiidu .II’ in tho cold ot his collar tor n certain longth ot timo be secured n modulation in (on: no color which made the mulling bathtubs "- oemble n butterfly of n more northern climo. Dr. Selim bu taken n tmtueeV common from horndor to the Cape of Good Hope. and by the icobox or the incubator method ho ho- unloved specimen! which have " individually or their own. Be In taken butterflies fnmmarlr known in tho iicldl wound New York, and by subjoctinl the chryulid- to extreme. of but nnd cold bu obtained forms that would properly belong to_both Cannon and Florida. non: my noun. no bang probed. And not entirely new and Moro [manque - my ret be (mooning from the ”an; out of the haunting menu which Dt. Setter: enjoys. my. on so am be... tqt-tad " Manama. m. tuhor “If: “It I]. 1rrtyrinLtMrtrseicu-iu"'iGi"tsi'irt"o-ti'i'7 m: and mm And tho lad Wily m. . than Md collector ot tmtter- "8tiq.. H. can. to Anetta In um. “I "In in the am: who. Ior thtrtr-ttr. 'y-n. but coulinnod his counting and " Menu with Murillo. Now he has batman: by thousands and In tuning more all the mac. Cater- 9ulu'l are coming to him from Mend: In alt we; ot the world. They tau-1c: him tn " movemonu. "1 rum to so to Europe this no.5 he sud the other day. “hm I have - a my will": that I could not have In." Dr. Senor! I. no- mlklng experiments of special interest. By - of tho ml!- cation ot the am or heat and cold to the eatarttiliars. butt-rm. ot more let- scouo. or more_uohor etrto.rs. u the 9390”: tht 03 Mo. 8!... butternlea. because he re the food they needed. fastidious. 3nd won't eat tr of them will only at is always, a gun GG.' 8013‘, Ind. of an Young men of the New York swell set no longer dance. and the girls no frantic over the situation. When I. youth is invited to a social “(air ot my kind he nukes care- tut inquiries shout the dancing and of the me. When he find. out that this in to be 3 feature he says "Good-trr."' He in wil- ling to cut up a - or sit out in the open nit uni ling songs or even go to the thaw, but he'll be dog-med it ho will dtuteq with anyhow. He is becoming no selfish that he will not even play and: with anu- ours. duced by exposure, it neglected, develops Into the chronic form with elmoot memmle rapidity. South American Rheumuc Cure in a. qulck~actlng, “to. simple and hemlesl cure. acts dlrectly on the ”dam. not a lini- ment to temporarily deaden pain. An Inter- net treatment that will absolutely cure moot unto forms in trom, one to three dara.--U4 a. little elementary knowledge of the matter. They work under bad light that in. jures even good eyes, he declared, and are kept at work with eyes that badly need expert attention. Hundreds of them are even made partially blind from want of mere common sense and Profesor H. R. Kenwood, M. D., de- clares that on the important question of the care of their eyes, the children are in complete ignorance. 'In two generations half the people will be blind and the other half wearing spectacles, unless something is done to check the injury to the ways of the chil- dren," he declared. Britain Ruining It: Ityea. "There is little use in trying to who marksmen if we rum the eyes of the nation in childhood." This statement was made by Sir James Criehton. Browne, an eminent London physician. I "I doctored with semi physicians but it was all no use. Shortly after this I began to urinate blood and then I knew I was in the grip of that dread monster Diabetes. "At this time a. friend prevailed on me to try a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and they did me so much good I con- tinned the treatment till I had used up three boxes. They cured me completely? MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM, guru-n. vase or whoa. Harrison. of Bt. Marru Ferrp-.ue Tells tho Story Bun-elf. St. Mary's Ferry, York County, N.B,. Sept. '4.--(Speeia0.d-Tut Dodd's Kid- ney Pills will cure Diabetes, one of the most deadly forms of Kidney Disease, has been satisfactorily pro ed by Mr. Thos. Harrison, of this phage. Speaking of his cure Mr. Harrison' says; “I began to suffer with severe pains above the region of the Kidneys. When I lay down it was torture to get up again. My appetite failed and I lost flesh rapidly. Diamond Hall's recent enlargement means in. creased values to cus- Startling One of Thou. Hunt-on This I s-jewel " Ryrio” movement is fully guar- anteed and good enough for a solid gold covering. Then 134-138 vimattnvr. TORONTO . m. ' Special 15 1ltytie" flll)illl ALL ELSE hl Jill BENEFIT DYRIE B A Kenna editor tried the experiment of telling the unverniehed truth in Me journal tor "KI, were: net, didn't get Wood the itiret y. I in Appeared on My: "Mnrrie6.--Mi" Sylvia. Rhode to In. Cer- when. Int Sundey evening at the Baptist Church. The bride we. I very ordinary town girl. who doesn't know my more then a rehblt about cooking. end never helped her mother three deys in her life. She is not 3 beauty, by any means. Ind he. n nit like a m duct. The bridegroom h tut undo-date loner. he been. living on the old folks ell " lite, and don't mount to shueka. nohow. They will have a herd lite while they live together." The editor is etill in the hospital. But we have widened it) opportunities for " serv- ing mankind" ttroeering it for just 8rsoo in a 25- year gold filled ease- ladies' or men's size. l The brighter the girl, the more origi- nnlity she has in this puticulnr line, the better her opportunity for s lum- tive employment. Just at the present time women’s work in this line is most- ly in the purely feminine fields of dress and trinkets, but there is no reason to doubt thetuvith enlarged experience she will hove an opportunity to direct some of the advertising of the general (lo-l putments of the larger shops. educated It You" College ore occupy- ing very lucrative positions " odver- tism. Another, B clever young woman artist, graduate of s Well known {uh- iomble school in this city, directs her energies toward mounting in street an and eoneoeting catchy verso a her illustrative "eomtmniment. Woman advertise“ In in the field to any, and than in Philadelphis In no hands in the business. Two young; women of height minds, who were both! Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured His Diabetes. vomnmvnusuo. "WMM I: Won't Dance Ono Day Wu Enough. Waich -- - " “up: It. The principal retailers know what would happen to their business if they were to drop their practice of communicating daily with the public and confine themselves to the pro- rmulptian of (imam, bulletin of can». news. What is good for the retails: 1" in this matinee good for the AiiiiiL7 and manufacturers. There ought to be more manufacturer: honoring 1te'i'u,t,'l “V in tho news re da da to at. e Ming mmion or); guanine. To lake on Indellible It Tell a man once a mont' you think he ought to know intervening twenty-nine or he will forget it. Tell him and he ean't forget it. trl retailers know what would aL-r, , . Great Britain's Government has deeid. ed to secure and protect for the nation the ancient ramparts erected by Edward I. around the town of 1?erwiekinttreeE These ruins are of great antiquarian and historical value. In the copper belt out Shuts. county, Cal., ore has been found MO feet deeper than it. lea. been found hitherto. The French War Department i periPenting with a machine gun wh to fire 300 bullets in lea than a. a San Franeisco's, demand for brick great it has created a. brick hunt California. Pah--sigo lib.-" Vermontr~Red clover. washington-r-ii/ai/rims,,, Alabama-Goldenrod. AAaorsa--sequoia cactus. -f.rlyyvsar-4ppits blossom. fy!iioryu-rPifppr polortuio-cohiaine. Delaware-Peach blossom. f?tsorgia--Cherokee rose. 1d.t.ut6r-ssrirtga, 1llittoU-ttosr. Iowa-Wild rose. Nutsatr--tstmnower. kmyutuer-surtoria. Mhine--Pine cone. yi.ehigar-Appie blossom. Ninpesrota---iioeeasik. ?ya1usippi--Masmou'ii, MontanivUBittef root. Nityrouri--Goidenra. 2,ttjttr,Shgtej.itri: ow Ieraey-ts ma 1e l New T'al%1'l,S" p N orth Dakoyeihunrod, t8e,e,tyt.-sy,ttijiiiii: egynrpregon gm Rhoda 1,j;iirl'.."v'i'orl','l.e' [r',txe-rpltte bonnet. engaged. No injurit were observed, even about 10,000 feet i been reached. Brevities of Sa'eme. For the building of the tuna Jungfrau railway in Switzel young pen from 20 to 30 years wno visa tar nus a an: Met-er tram Catarrh, procured two bottles of Dr. Amer- Ctstarrhat Powder, and it effected an abno- Iute cure in a very short while. One putt through the blower will clear the hand And atop headache. 50 Ceuta.---" Mrs. Benz, of 418 E. who ya tar years I The Counter and the Choir. WANTED.--, lealing retail imple- ment dealer, in a good sized Iowa city, is in charge of the choir of the Methodist church. He needs a first class young lady for bookkeeper and stenogrspher, and in filling the position would like, if possible, to help along the church work by securing a lady who is a good singer, either soprano or alto, and eapable of carrying her part in a. mixed quartet“. He needs also I. good floor salesman, and a. man who has a. first class bass voice would receive preference. Address: comet» BY PRINTED TESTI- MONY of the hundreds of the cured, Tips in iGiGiiGiiiririr" (Philadelphia ledger.) The tipping evil is growing in New York despite the discussion aroused by the new law aimed at purchasing agents. The latest class to demand tips are clerks in department stores. Ae. cording to an experienced shopper the woman who does not recognize and sat- isfy the itching palm of the girl who waits on her will obtain poor service in some stores. Akin to this is the More "graft" on which many of the clerks figure " regular addition to their in- com'e. This is the change left over from purchases, at odd prices, such as $1.48, $1.67, etc. Usually it only amounts to 2 or 3 cents, but very many persons give the seller $1.50 or $1.75 and go away without waiting for the change. This often amounts to a considerable 1 sum in the course of a day. Sometimes it even amounts to "white money," as silver 'is called, and adds materially to the day's takings. l fern. the sales of Scott’s Emulsion: Why? Because It has always pun better than any substitute ,‘Whon you ooh-drug “on no oak lot Scott’o Emulolon you know what you wont; the man known you ought to how It. Don't be ourprlood. though“ If you on ttfti.rmt oomothlng oloo. Winn, corona, ':'ii?,t','i) etc., of cod Hm on no plow- ful but don't lmoglno you on getting cod liver oil whoa you “to thorn. Every you for thlrty yooro wo'vo boon incroulng awn once a month something ', he ought to know and in the g twenty-nine or thirty days 'rget it. Tell him once a day an’t farm-0 " - ' Get " OT T" Emulsion 8001'? a BOVINE. Ghoulish Toronto, Ont. Boa and $1.00. All ducal-b State Flowers. Band for free “not. ONTARIO macaw _ TORONTO Ions effects on them 1 after an altitude of above sea level had maple (tree). De.pfrtrnent is ex. the tunnel for the Switzerland only 30gears Old. were Impression. street, New York, 1e gun which is thalt a. second. famine in isso The birds begin trip. South. to take hooks mam. 1oi7itiiuhTlll,r w? an. toshistle when V _. our undershirt. " “batten e, V.-." - taped out from in navy ma. And we mount, with e thrill ot up! Tansy; he: a. touch of tttt 1 When teen er comes, . so den We'll measure the boy nun. And me. tn e annealed Climber, With the mmatthte shut ”my, Thro' tears that tell like e bitter min We measured the boy to-dey. And the little bare feet that were dim And meet u e budding rose. Lay side by “do together, In the bush ot A long repose. We Hunted the Baby. We 111mm the t',tt'GP'r Against cottage w ' A lily grew at the threshold. And the boy we. just no tall- A r0711 tiger my With spot: ot purple and gold. Amt B heart with A Jeweled chance The Regent dew to hold. His eyes were wide as bluebem, His mouth like e no- mm; 1‘79}!th feet like funny vim- unh- 3w: 1upiiiirii"%FGtlt%ll medhtely tar 'hill' ll THE [HEREIN co, whiskers Mrs. _Popley--Oh, John, you must raise sidewhitikers. Mr. Popler---WhU, you never would let me mise-- Mrs P.opley--r know, but Mr. Burn- sides was here to-day and it was too cute to see the baby pulling his side- "rl..'.."-,. How the Skeptical Are Cottvineea. The first impulse of a man who . ceeds in so investing his money dllii though safe, it yields him an unusually large return, is to put out the increment at equally profitable interest. That is why the hesitating tradesman who be- gins with a; two-inch newspaper Nd. as a feeler rapidly branches out into dis. play. Newspaper' advertising is the one investment that brings such returns " ere generally anticipated only from spec- ulation. tr: Callahan hair Restorer Has Clired Shiloh For 33 Years the‘mswmoofthompmmcmmv moon Wad tn obtain-Inc uni-halo:- their own an of report“. an! this un- dated ind-used tta30tmttodatitttt um. which was provided by including in the No portal-3' “new a portion ot the Mot-3' sullen on each side ot the Home. ret the accommodation for the was, "qtstsiattr on "be' nights, I. still totaltr MM, a, indeed. it In In all other parts ot the house. Individual members of the Home having. however. bequeath abused the We: to exclude mm. the Home of Common, in 1371. retrtetttttatmrttsettrtttrostmniers would not be excluded, except attu- . Inc- tbn put from the chair without Wt. or dance. and curried by u Meaty. For a long time. mansion to the :11. low vu utmost exclusively ottttfutqe to the London morning and evening new. The munch: paper: were. down to M. Myst! via: new of the am In ittitsat m an - Hui-1?: "ttri-air-dau-ti-" "eftet_9Crry9-iouty" ..mra9snvh9n-. Down to the you 1871. how-var. my mmttttqroetttqBttiot Comment!!! " " more will In! plan-um can the ND"- Wvu or the was to to mull! ejects. by 31mph rising to " plus. and In- ,Iornun; mum tint he “could lantern." o w In ttta-oat bound to orda- alt m to “than. (itis,?,t,Teris or 'rmrmq the mom-u. Ylserrta-ttaknmrontratewantter, In. who an met-ttter that. "nod old tin.” whq In 66CtMqt"BM. oe no): occur- ”. they won with]: unwind by the otpt-trtdwmrtiettti.to-nai- an evening together at a tte--ettrqe pull. ed down-ta Naw Pun. "ed. In Inch esse- them was MU am unnum- mortar Rmonq the M. PU. who furnished the mm W with more or In went-to accounts . Thormhnoerrertmr-tsttatrthsrtght otth-toe-tPkti-tioetqq- tna..tii.atmaituttnttu.inisdottttrr "trod-ttau-tttttAe-tt attmtideiarum.--tttietepast?t+ mportamormitttetrdruonatre-stbot the prune“; of Mining“. A SHILOH m“ --.. "w "u'wu a“. ,1tLra"',Si at 'tsth, 'a"tvgitiiiiia. ttpeltrit., Wr '"P't 't.to "ulna-ole rd tll'GT, Ltrt2ii"u c.3315: Gir.GaTaii7 Anything to Plane Baby, canyon. - -_ -- ”Lu with: I mer.deLhretu.-i,. Wluphmcnw-l. In . k hi . th-d, fthe oui- d i'iit7l'rdh"lh"CQtt'lt1.t,t *'â€"â€" w" - 6", 'MMM', I “W“.MH "a”. " M‘tcmm the dealer 'dltdt whyoupnidfoti. Shiloh Thooe who 'aaa "iiiiiuiu"iiir2e' bewihoutit. Those who have a... 'ed t.1hteke.ow that evrr.bothis (new. con. ti,',',"",')',';'?,,"'),'?','!.' HOUSE or COHONS GALLERY. Shiloh' Comma . the fldt'h,et'g,pt'tdit? '1: El. '1ttg,ttet 's,'?!,')),! tat ”W I i,"e'i%',Cl'lft"ld'2'li','? ya. mouth” for Pun Mount.- 1tqegtaesthttrmwitritde. ul: 'n Windsor-.7 liki- wirttde " --- L I had . F . in“ /'4iri'fit 'Iwm._’,u -- -, “mm Btgd m. "ettts% "Suite Me I“ In ng to above Pointe tnko dimet I rouuflihigh Vast?! mime Fin hat .0. ran train. ' tom Miami” 313% triagnra 'ra. Train: o a. T. I R. m. direct connection at Bil-pension ngsn'n The Lew Valley has thme ' 'ttts in New ark uptown, our all Let. clan hotels ri,,",',',',,?:,? ham; downtown, near n more“ than! ideas, saving paw-gun or 1htrpre a' long 3nd _ex_pe_nnive We. tin-n4 When a. men goes to an aw tea and thinks what a good tin could be having smoking In ol, at home he has been married lo, ough to talk plain English about the wuy home." tEldorado, XML, Reouttiteatt.r Every farmer boy went; to be e - teecber, every echool teaches hopes to be In editor, every editor would like to be e bulk- er. - bunker would like to be B that magnate. and every trust Instance tropes tome any to own a firm and have chicken: and can and ply and horses to look alter. We end where we begin. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA Ramon- all hard, soft or ealiotmrd lump. and blemishes from hot-u, blood opovin, who, uplinu, ringbono, "my, um», cpl-um. core and swollen throat, when. numb, nuotmbot- do. Wamntod the moat '02:ch Blink): Care qrer known. ENGLISH SPAVIN l.llllliOT ot thy. ‘ond was found. Brought out fro min gloomy haunts into the light of the Inn. dies almost immediately.' The sunlight seems to wither and shrivel up these insects, just as though they had been placed in front of s hot fire. Yet, in a ite of this faet it is known that the bgind cave creatoures are descended from other: which originally lived in the light at A-.- some seventy years :30 in a Austria owe, the grotto of Adeltberg. One sped- men only was caught and though ita dil- ooverer offered a prize of $25 for - other, it was fourteen years before a Bee. l Men do not fully realize their unim- portance in commerce. Women do the Intyintt--men merely the paying. Ask any advertiser. Men wear clothes for comfort; women for adornment. Men adjust their clothes to their figures; women adjust their fig- ures to their clothes. About the only library which domestic felicity really requires consists of 3 check book and a. cook book. Women write most of the short star:~ ies that get into print these days, but as they also read them, the men should not complain. I The difference between a, skin Ind . complexion is that you an get the letter at f drugstore. It is usually the one thst winds the clock who regulates the household. Often s woman buys so many’ bar. gains that she has nothing left to p1! for what she needs. Sometimes an oil Bacheldr -iiitu"ar. nhd because he is tired of himself. Whit puzzles one shout ihgilormom is: Where do att getltpe mopey? Lou'of womén don't begin 6,c';;i; til_they find their hundkerchiefl. A clever young Kl!!!" girl supplies the following to the Club Member, offi- eitl qrgau of the Kansas Women's Clubs: Wuhgmydisizuipotuorpml with [emf-Dry Soap "i'iUiiiii' 1tnriilrrr. tntmsthtstt-rithth--8' , The nouns! mount of water dolly required is s mthemstiesl calculab- regulsted by the sensstion of thirst; s reduction of the body of water by l per cent. produces thirst. Life on be sustained for s longer time when water is taken without food then when dry food is taken without Inter, hold- ing in solution waste products is ex- creted in tWenty-four hours from the body weighing 165 pounds; this will serve as an spprovimste guide to the necessary smount of wsier for dnily ingestion.--Womartu Medical Journal. Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. " , M- gag; Not in His Honeymoon. (New York Press). a. men goes to an Afternoon thinks what a good time he a having smoking an old pipe t ho hon h-- ----. . . IuAarsttttatetWatertttDghth. Moving in a Circle. Philosophy of Helen Dodge, ma .rrief long 'ariiiriA'ldrat “- tihr, g eu- it on t",rr'S'd'k'1tt' Rule- of m french In» In the French army an officer when dutyitistoreportohnnjuniorholr liged to show him t e original "port and obtain his ligature to it, u the proof that he has made him-elf master of the coma. The general officer in not permitted to rem opinion on the matter “welt: manna: the one loaned . written detainee. pain and “any with dutrmtrtn. Heart DU- ane. it gives relief tn 30 mm. Thom" Peter, ot Ayhnor. Que" writes: "I Ind aut.. fered for tive your! with a severe form of Heart Diane. Tho slightest elem pn- duced than". Dr. Ann's Cum for the Heart an no Inst-u relief, (on: how- entirely cured 'ne.-1" A ,uGttirri,"'iFi'i sun i ”new: Cure for the Heart. After y. pain and “on! with dim-.0..- "-- A man is known by the one: Nice men tell no tales. In A multitude ot summer we”. It's a long ttead that has II: It's u lot Mean (but bor,-.. It's 3 long he“ that bu not turning. 't,'t,p."ct"a-iiiit-taa;us"t'a"rhooe. - c Summer School of Metaphy. Ono touch of suntan In“ the whole world skin. The will”? (it! mow-6.0! maul. Thanh»! otthepttauetsin the“; Bert bathing lqeeU ntt flats. There'- no foot like n qt88m8her tool. “in”! In " own _ " um. am an h . 4......- & The Chiago and North Western Rail. way will sell low one my second class settlers' tickets, daily from Sept. 15th to Oct. Mot, 1905, to points in Utah, 'Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, murh. ington, Wifornin and British Columbia. Rots from Tomato to Vancouver, Tie- toris, New Westminster, B. C., Seattle, Washington, or Portland, Ore., 042.25; to San Frsncisco or Los Angeles, al., 6-K. t1rreaponding1y low rates from sll points in Guilds. Choice of routes. Best of service, Por full particulars and folders write to B. B. Bennett, General Agent, 2 King street out, Toronto, Ont. Owing'to the ition of the Isle of Wight, the adaptater both from the English Chanel and the Solent. and .there in but on hour of ebb to each tide. This cable: the largest stunner: to dock " any time, and has drawn largely from Liverpool, with its coolly Improvement. Bouthnmpton has four tides daily in hoe of the ordinary two, and scarcely Eu one tide begun to ebb when I sec- ond check its progress and giver high 'tter. "tin., --- A Tide! oddities are the secret of the prosperity of Southampton, which in used " . port of entry in spite of the frlh't',. under (isdinlry conditions cost- ly . won e required to make the tqt/Arpt",.',' .le ts . pet. - - [an m. mum- dm. all mon- ‘uuotourtoah-nh. [anon-chum potetterittmttor-ta.tthanthet of W. R. norm-.11. of “WWII, OIL u. an: "I wu completely run down. In. .lt-.Mnersneshrebetledat.u1ttereie, walnut dinn- lad menu: dettuttntee. Four bottles and. up. I we" 'ttsn.-" madly one or two old sports or ribald young men on the on, and it would shock them terribly.4t. Louis Pol. D9roueh. Don't'lw or bin-phone of otherwise minogldnct yous-pelt. Itenemter thee He "tuaraetodertttntt1tuearhna comatonfullatop,elpodnllyilit in crowded. mocha-mum in nohurry. -- " - Don't has at the young men in tho at. You In" no idea how ennui-rus- but}! lo that. . ... .. - "sims'tiarureamtir,t-,ex. tgtg."'"""""'""" Elton Ltitu,,du-a-,,,tta,.u" manual 1ttrtuhtg'arttirnisttoin- 'eyittiJitt. ... " u “Don't ti"tdr',',ursn*,g' “in f “any. In gain; some "ttl t1eltyrttt on.tre'He [ISSUE No. 40. 1905. “D... sour]! mum “Rm tone, f'iiihtEiiiP.t ' I can. “I tpthffl ihat 'glik' ' 15%;» (Odour Smut Settlers' low m West. Southmpton'l Sauce“. anna Ch. ottenlsteg her al- l??? -. gqettglttaBtmlt$0-. “3‘3”.“ FOR SALE mauve-m. was he have. Sirl- to t. "ljl8tjll(iiAits drawn. He could supply no informato an to the profits of a half interest Chicago & Alton Syndicate credited the Squire trustee account. Other syndicate profits in 1902 at no: deposited with the American ll posit & Loan Company to the credit thlu account witneu waa unable to " plain. On May l, "01, a ncw book ' then entries waa opened, and a halan of $82,770 was credited. The bank d posit book was kept by Thomas D. Jo an. at that time comptroller of tl Mable. (leeks tor deposit to th Equi immediate withdrawal of the rum draft. Mr. Graves said he know I ing. He did not know where the m came from nor by whom it wan , drawn. He could supply no inform' us to the profits of a Ulf imam - __ ..__i, -_A.lh.. Legislative Insurance ll Committee w-day. Me paw tails of the payment at cl" George H. Squire trustee no coming one entry of MOJO to the amount on July 12. Pd Where Did the - Come From? Henry Graves, a clerk employod I the Equitable Life Assurance sum-t continued his testimony bc-fun- tl Legislative Insurance Inveti,s1tis ... rand”... A George H. Squire t; payments on account ticipntion. the money was ohuined by bo from the Equitable , this amount $21000 Mr. Winthrop said t the money advanced Squire trust account tion was mlly the m tble Life Assurance t um the ttmt "' J. r. puny In tielier. Testimony was gives on; Winthrop. financial Equitable Life Assuran effect. that when the ', dioxin. which turned " fitabie, made calls for George H. Squire tru: Int-mania on tttmount I Testit.t"m 000 of Cle a investigation. showed sums at “my “id loudly: "t Hull have to r that those books he produm-d." "All right," replied Mr. Perkins Peru- a Financial Poo-Bah " mum mmlnny. tie tumUh copies of [he to the transactions in ferred not to bring Hughes, counsel to the mince. for the first York Life Insurance Company, member of the banking firm I Morgan and Company. created a (on the Legislative lnvestigati mittee to-doy when he objertet request that he produce mrtui of J. P. Moran and Company in connection the New York Lif Some Very Rotten Tra Inquiry New York, Oct. ' In; both dynamite at Mutable oil was t of a crowded five-sto " 13Itrd street and Over twenty persons. at the time, were hut by the explosion. and carried from the h N. Y. [le PRESID lain some of tht Minn syndicate 'erk t n _ drawer. Town poopll by the (-xplosi ford police to The burglars at Glaltonbury. was so heavy th and the interior ed, the debris (u it Wu difficult 'brtford. (um 'ight between tw "Hon open a m h Gtnatoes'our.v, til ‘Mt early tolc: teed bridge. One ...“ Rayon. was burglar- escaped in Bor, although pun-q M's posse. Officer ttttnl, but his inju Yellow Fever Fight irr by Grati 533 Bomb Fiends Wreck t Twenty Raiders Scared nil Inn IO Bomb Fiend': rt Ill ple " fine" Mr. H ugh tl wit h widom " a money t Society Cir " " PW vet ll put nn 5:40.000 rl It n tin H llll tht " the ti " M Omeer tr the thh Ind De- W " II n

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