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Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1905, p. 3

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i,'.i,',',tlt (u, Layla. in tho it an. in my th nd " Ji . ii- ly Sitoa of Fi"'.',,- w H no Henry Greaves, a clerk employed by the Equitable Life Assurance Society, continued his testimony before the Legislative Insurance Investigation Committee to-day. He gave further de- tails of the payment of checks to the (Reorge H. Squire trustee account. Con- cerning one entry of $40,000 deposited to the account on July 12, 1901, and the immediate withdrawal of the sum by draft. Mr. Creates said he knew noth- ing. He did not know where the money came from nor by whom it was with- drawn. He could supply no information as to the profits of a hall interest inl Chicago a Alton Syndicate credited to the Scythe tmtee account. Other ayndieate rrotito in I” and 1903 depodted with the American De- iiif,'2'dNtT,1',lttupt)4, t mt Vitae-e w. nun-Sh to an: plain; On May 1, ”Olga new bah these entrien was opened. and a balance of - wan credited. The bank de poeithooh wn.urtttrrhoenaDrirtr- hatthattine ”rouge! the Han, " that time comptroller Equitable. Cheeks for deport: "u""" lluao -iite_'e_'-" - - tion was really the money of the Equit- able Life Assumce Society. Where Did the new 00.0 M? Equitable Life Assurance Society, to the effect, that when the Novigation Syn- diouto. which turned out to be unpro- fimhle, made calls for money on the George ll. Squire trustee account for payments on account of syndicate por- tieipation. the money for the payments WtV6 obtained by borrowing '2tRMtott from the Equitable Trust Company. Of this amount 327.000 MI been up.“ Mr. Winthrop said that in his opinion the money advanced to the George M. Squire trust account on this trons-e- .. AlA ----. " thm Inn“- hituwlf represented both the New York Life Insurance Company an purchaser and the firm of J. P. Morgan & Con- puny as seller. Testimony was given by Henry Rot era Winthrop, financial manager of the I‘unifnh" [in Assurance Society. to the va York, Oct. s.-- George W. Perkins Vice-President of the New York Life Insurance Company, and a member of the banking firm of J. P. Morgan and Company. created a stir be- fore the Legislative Investigating Com. mittee to-doy when he objected to a request that he produce certain books of J. P. Morgan and Company to ex. plain some of the firm's dealing: with the New York Life Insurance Company in connection with the sale of navi- gation syndicate bonds to the life in- surance company. He said he would furnish copies of the entries referring to the transactions in question, but pre- ferred not to bring the boob. Mr. Hughes counsel to the Legislative com. mittee. for the first time during the investigation. showed signs of anger, and said loudly: " shall have to require that those books be produced.” "All right," replied Mr. Perkins. Perkins a Financial Poe-lab. 'l'e-tirying to the purchase of 84,000,- 000 of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago& St. Louis bonds from J. P. Morgan & Company, by the New York Life Insur- unvo Company, Mr. Perkins said he ob- tained the bonds " $40,!!!) less than the price stipulated by the Life Insur~ once Company's finance committee. Qtvutioned by Mr. Hughes, Mr. Perkins said that in this purchase and sale hfl Some - W- .......u -I as"; lull of a crowded five-storey tenement house at 133rd street and 8th avenue today. Over twenty persons, who were sleeping at the time, were hurled from their beds by tho explosion. and two of them were carried from the house unconscious. N. Y. lle PRESIDENf bcirlge for burglars. Bomb Hand’s Work. New York, Oct. 2.---A bomb contain- ing both dynamite and I quantity of in. flammable o_il__was thrown " the rear Town people who had been awakened by the explosion telephoned to the Hart. ford police to watch the East Hartford drawer. The burglars did not “can "' booty at G'lauonbury, as the dynamite chm-go V.t, w heavy that the sale we: sutured and the interior of the post ttttlee wreck- ej. the debris covering the sale no that it was difficult to get at the money L'.vc:t'ord, (but, Oct, 3.-A m {213: between two burgh", who Ind bluvn open a sale in the post ttttlee in Glastonbury, and two policeman, was burgh: early to-day on the East Mart. er bridge. One of the offkers, Ed- ward Hayes, was wounded twiee. The burglars escaped into the woods in Wind- 301'. although pursued by I deputy sher- iii's posse. Officer Mares is " the hos. pital, but, his injuries are not serious. Kalaers scared oe Without Boa OiBeer is Wounded. -""----------.. Bomb Fiend: Wreck and Fire a Hm Twenty Persons Sleep """----------. Yellow Fever Eight in Mexico Has 1 by Gratifying Success. Raiders Scared oe BURGLARS MW m PISTOL DUEL Very Rotten Transactions Revealed in Inquiry Yesterday. o burglars, who had te in the post office if two policemen, was ' on the East Hart. of the officers, Ed. wounded twice. The to this REFUSES THE BOOKS. W. I account, Mr. Creates said, he delivered " to Mr. Jordan. a Equitable Paid This Amount. P. Another entr in the Squire trustee be. account under (rate of May 2, 1902, was LI I the first payment of $62500 on a navi. rtTV gation Syndicate call by James H. Hyde, a This money was borrowed from the As Equitable Trust Company by James H. Hyde on May 5, on the participation px- certificate. Witness knew nothing of ith this. merely making the entries " the ny direction of Mr. Squire. Another entry vi. showed a loan from the Equitable Trust , Company of 865.000. being the second‘ In- call on the Navigation Syndicate. and tld tliia mu paid upon the order of Mr. W, Hyde. On Oct. B. 1902, another loan) l" of $75000 was made from the Equitable ce- Trust to cover another call in the Navi. ir. gation Syndicate, and on Jan. 16, m- 1003, a lo per cent. call required another ‘n__ -e anew ' . -- --- Sigma. h, 1,uc,.dfl,"'idae I m- om 9 Jury was , w . . verdictjt “be”, 'l'ul2T5tl? Il., Shun. guilty) Mada, Mr the “law, heavily armed, strode into the cowl-t- house when the jury was " work, wait. ed till the verdict was written out, then snatched it from the toms-’5 hudmd tore it up, meanwhile swearing that he He Was Prom Guilty of W - "Now. as to the future. The gold standard has been irrevocably adopted. Therefore, the question of similar con- tributions cannot arise again during this or any subsequent administration of the New York Life. However, in or- der definitely to express and fix the company’s position, I shall ask the Board of Trustees " its next regular meeting to pass a resolution which will make it clear to every policyholder and the public that the New York Lite will never contribute to any political or- ganization for any purpose whatever.” McCall Think, Country in SA“. "The contributions have been called political by some people because they were made through a political party. They were made through a. political party solely because it was not possi- ble otherwise to reach the (larger that menaeed our assets. This company, under my administration, has never made a contribution for political pur- poses, nor will it, ever do so. - ,7 No More for Politico. Prerident John A. McCall. of the New York Life Insurance Company, has sent out to the agents of the company cir- culars in reference to his contributions to the Republican National Committee on behall of the New York Life. After calling attention to his testimony be. fore the Insurance Investigating Com. mitte. in which be said he consented to the New York Life's contributions to the Republican party in order to de. feat free silver, Mr. McCall says: These calls were paid on the order of James H. Hyde. Mr. Squire drew, a. cheque for $20,000. and on April 18, 1904, another for $7,500, to reduce the loan from the Equitable Trust Company on account of the Navigation Syndicate. but when the dividends came in they were not credited to the George H. Squires trustee account. This syndicate account is still running, and is carried on the books of the Equitable Life As. surance Society. loan' of 8225.000. Iii'," ii," "fiiii, li' fifth call demanded $25,000, which was also loaned by the Equitable Trust Com- puny. Cooler weather will soon set in. which will check any fever which might ori. ginate in the hot country. Didn't Discuss Horocco. Rome. net. 2.-The reports received here relative to the meeting yesterday between Chancellor Von Buclow and the Italian Foreign Minister, Signor Tittoni, at Baden Baden, any that Morocco or the Franco-German agreement were not dis. cussed, the subjects considered being the {lungurian crisis and affairs in the Bal. 'ans. OUTLAW TORI UP met. Within a minute titer the explosion Ilium had nearly enveloped the rear I walls of the building. The police believe that the Black Bond, Itnlinn annulus, threw the bomb. The object of the at- tack was the renr door of nu Italian , barber shop on the ground floor. The I fire In: extinguished with slight dam. an. Mexico Cit , Oct. 2.--The Superior Board of Health reports that there was one death from yellow lever yeaterdaz in the hospital " Vera Cruz, and that t ere are two other cases. There is one case at Tierra Blanca and three at Temnapa. One patient has been discharged cured. Merida, capital of Yucatan, reports one case, but there is nowhere any epi- demic ot this disease, and the Gulf ports are remarkably free from it. The pass- ing of September without an outbreak of yellow fever is regarded as a great vie. tory of sanitary science over the disease. The Dividends Rot Credited. by and: Jury. “110' Jack in Idea. House in Which tinute otter the explosion nearly enveloped the rear building. The police believe wk Hold, Italian tannins, nub. The object of the at- VY/tie.""?',' V but One WW :1 " Marked the are - nine- 19k permission Jo YUP?“ a ttu “and tbl Wai; tt be tenths: Ind anxious to - The story includes a statement that Great Britain in being nked to and more troops. Nothing owe“ U 'tle subject is 301! thet Bustytog. patched From Pretoria. London, Oct. 2.---It is stated that a flying force left Pretoria on Sept. 26th for the border of Basutolnnd. Since the death of Lerothodi, the paramount chief, and the report of the last Gets man defeat in South-west Africa, the Basutos have been restless, and n war- like feeling he been simmering, ready to hunt out nt any moment. Young chiels ire traversing the country stir- ring up n sort of ho y war, that u nim- ed more nt the Boer: the: the British. It In alleged that the British resident " Maseru he: urgently appenled to the H Cami-timer to m the tuners“ n on_the_borders_. nemml mm; Force of British B" Bea Da- r'rV'a."C" The general situation certainly has grown worse, while 'the feelingthrougfi- out Hungary against the dynasty is in. creasing. It is stated that the Emperor has issued orders that in the event of disturbances harsh measures must be avoided, if possible. At 8 o'eloek, about fifteen hundred Socialists gathered outside the Indepen- dence Club and announced their inten- tion of entering and clearing out the 1council room. A large force of police was present, and was assisted by 150 leading citizens. The mob made an ef- fort to enter, but was vigorously op- posed by the police. A fight ensued and, amid the wildest clamor several persons: were stabbed; but the Socialists were finally scattered. Fifteen minutes later, however, the Socialists again gathered. By this time many adherents of the coalition appeared and a free fight en. sued. A dense mass of humanity surged in every direction, shouting and singing tho Mnrseillaise and other songs. Knives, sticks and stones were used vigorously. , PIT,',"; Oct. 2.--. Between forty and fi ty persons were injured in riots here to-night, when Socialists Ind ad. herents of the coalition parties, includ- ing students, clashed opposite the Royal Hotel, and for two hours there were scenes of wild, tremendous excitement. Socialists and Coalition Party Have a ‘7 Their evidence was emphatic that in taking up cudgels for his brother-in- law, Bartolo Bruno, who was engaged in an altercation with Marlow, Domin- Iiqnc Tavernito had clapped his hand to his right hip pocket and struck out at Marlow’s groin. No knife had been seen. but deceased on teeeiving this par- ticular blow had eried out in pain, when before he had been exchanging fig. tieufts with him. This'wns the verdict returned but li,tt, by the jury at the inquest con- du ed by Coroner McConnell into last Friday night's fatal fracas in the bar of the Windsor Hotel, Mimico. Crown Attorney Drayton and Mr. J. M. Godfrey cross-examined four of the six Italian prisoners. I A Toronto despatch: "That the deceas- tl, Amos Marlow, came to his death "hrough a knife wound; that the said knife wound was inflicted by the man mentioned as Dominique, and that the man named Bruno was an accessory to the killing. The jury are of the opinion that the killing would not have happen- ed but for drink, and that the building used as a hotel where Marlow was killed is unfit for the purpose of a. hotel and conducive to excessive drinking, detri- mental to the neighborhood and danger-, one to public safety.” I Verdict " Coroner’s Inquest Into Mimico Stabbing Anny. The ishark followed the bonts until the men had almost reached the beach and then disappeared. . Suddenly the head came above water and the fishermen saw it was that of a big shark, which showed fierce looking teeth. The monster seemed to be mad from hunger. Several fish were thrown overboard and these the greedy man- eating fish devoured. Then it made lunged at the boats and tried to cup- size them. John Smithersez fired two shots from a revolver at the shark, but this did, not frighten it, and the fishermen hadl to row for their lives to the Port Cheater shore, fighting their foe the en- tire way. The fight took place almost opposite Captain'; Island Lighthouse. The men heard a. commotion in the .wnter and saw a long body with head submerged coming toward the boats at a. furious rate. _ New York, Oct. 2.--Fix on Long Island Bound were terday by a big shark, whi attacked their boat and desperate battle. Oars wen effectively to beat off the r: Long him rsuaii, am a paw-to Battle. ,e.... -__ nae-unit Dunn]! nave left Ellnbell, when Simme is guarding Mis. self from attack by the officers, and Where he deelaree he will eventually kill all who'heve given the officers any in. formation. The sheriff seems to bepow- erleu, and the Governor has been uked to order troops to the county to put " end to the terror existing. Simml come. of a prominent family, and has relatives ul through the county. BASUTO RISING PEAKED. would kill any man who ever aided in dating up “other verdict new: him. Bill-e he. created I reign of terror in Bryan Count . In the Inst three Week. he he killed three men, and he [declares that he intends to' kill others. A welking enema], hd roves through the country making the citizens, under pain (of death, do his will. He is not only re- quiring that he be given food and ‘elothee, but 'he frequently demand: money. may persons have sought ute- ty in flight rather than take the chum} of being killed by the desperado. All of the witnesses who testified in‘ 3:: f1",','tleee against Simml have left DOMINIQUE THE MURDERER. would kill any a-- FIGHTING m HUNGARY. crust» BY A BIG SHARK. e Simian in guerding Mis. eck by the officers, and we- he will eventually kill given the officers any in.. he sheriff seems to bepow- _ rN--..__, . . - ound were chased yes- shnrk, which viciously oat and gave them Our: were used in. ' off the ravenous fish. place almost opposite 'o-Five - fishermen :3. Governoff suffered a good deal from rheumatism and when his friends call- ed for him on Friday morning he was still in bed. Accepting their invita- tion to breakfast, Governoff rose and accompanied them to a restaurant in the tt immediate neighborhood. Placed Cash in Strong Box. , While sitting at the table it was ex. 3 plained to Governoff by the Frenchman I that it had been thought advisable to f have a strong box, which they had with , them, in which to keep their money. The e American produced a roll which he said _. was 8400. and readily placed it in the 1 box. The Frenchman talked a good - deal and laid on the table a huge wad. . He then made a motion as if to place , it in the box, at the some time inquir- , ing as to the safety of Governoff’s cash. l In order to keep each lot separate, it F was agreed between the Frenchman and the American that they would do the l rolls up in official blue paper and label , and seal them. Governoff watched the [ proceeding, and after he had seen the _ two packages laid away in the box he drew his money from his pocket. He rolled up his own parcel and carefully placed it on top of the others. There were three packages. and Governoff saw the box locked and given into his care. The Frenchman kept the key and the American saw Governoff safely to his room in the Palmer House. Found Only Torn Newspapers. His friend made some excuse, and promising to return soon, withdrew af- ter borrowing Governoff’s camera, worth 835, which he prized very highly. The Russian was ill in bed the most of the day, and also on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday he decided to make some inquiries about his friends, and went to the American Hotel, at York and Wellington streets, where they were I supposed to be stopping. The informs- tion he got there was that they had paid their bills and left on Friday. thinking that they were probably sight- , seeing, Governoff returned to his hotel. 1 The strong box was still under the bed 1 and intact. Getting a_little short of 1 money on Wednesday, while in s Turk- I ish bath, he spoke to one of the cm- 1 1t'."ktlGi, s ttne, to open the l x. I t e a er resktsss het l the minute, ','d, 2ur'h1tel,'d'dtltli1 musing?" “goal or use of the 4 eras was We to 1 iltr, when the seals were brokon,"aot‘ 1 crate-k notes, but We? of tue' d Y aN.Itl'. out?“ th she. of m lishg that be Min 1 'aT© ' . _ t Fl?,)l,',ri,?ttbii, a... ttt ' f . the put Detective we“ M to i work. (Bonnet! has reputed the I t,t,t'i,te'thrS, his”; tttt "' , _ at was stolen Mu Ill! .9ritts" .' . ", Govemoff intimated to the French- man that he had to go to the First Na- tional Bank at Ithaca, N. Y., to cash a draft he had in his pocket for $600. Tho party went to Ithaca and getting the cash came on to Toronto. arriving here on Thursday last. The other two men put Governoff up " the Palm. er House and left, saying they had to get other quarters, as the place was full. That afternoon the baggage reached the hotel and so far as he knew everything was all right. I "Come over to my hotel," said the Frenchman, and the party were taken to the Pennsylvania Hotel in Jersey City. After explaining that all their expenses would be met, the Frenchman proposed the journey to Toronto at poor. The money was supposed to have been left by his brother, who once failed in business in Toronto and be- came a millionaire in the Klondike. A severe attack of pneumonia had forced the brother to leave Canada for the south of France, where he afterwards died. Govemoff became deeply inter. ested when the Frenchman mentioned the fact that he needed two men to new mist in the distribution. He asked how he and his American friend would fill the positions, and getting a favorable reply, communicated word of their good fortune to the man at his side. Toronto, Ont., Oct. 2. - Serge Gannon, the former proprietor of Novi Krai, a newspaper pub- lished at Port Arthur, Manchuria, u penniless in Toronto as the result of an experience here with two slick gentle- men who worked an old eonfidenee game on him and got away with all his cash, amounting to $600. This is Governoff's story " to how he was fleeoed: He left Liverpool on Sept. 6th, on the steamship Baltic with l the intention of taking a course of agri- ‘l culture in. Cornell University at Ithaca, N.Y. One of his fellow passengers was an American. who proved good company, and they became very fast friends. Ar. riving at New York the American per- sisted in seeing Governoft safe on his journey to Ithaca. While they were bidding each other good-bye a stranger stepped up and inquired if either of them could speak French. Governoff spoke a little, and learned from the stranger that he had also been a pas- senger on the Baltic and had given somebody $20 to get change and the messenger had failed to return. Distribute Charity in Toronto. Continuing the conversation, the stranger gave a glowing acount of how he was on his way to Toronto, Canada, I with $203900 to distribute among they Swindle: Met Victim on the 00m M8651; tuvrrlhrtiis $6001lrithttetaiB. likeImt.’ VICTIM OE OLD CONFIDENCE GAME. b31353; Cubed Draft for .600. Wicked 1m. Colonel Younghmhua nude with the “that" “chucks, Qumran-tad mint it“ too- a thr try-“- pedition tutu-ed trom Lh-a. Th first commissioner who condoned with Lord Curso- did not make much pro- gres- in the negotintiona, whereupon they were temporarily stopped, to be taken up again within u for I’eekl. China Want, to Amend the Existing Treaty. Washington, Oct. 2.--A conference will be held in the near future in wr. cutta, India, " which it is hoped that the difference between Chin: and Great Britain in regard to the trent of the latter country with Thibet wig be ad. justed. At this conference. which will in" u its purpose the minim“ n new treaty between Great mu and (line cowering W, the Glue-e Government will he represented-by itr mm in London, "taittt n Yen. wheel muster In London, W:&TI Yen, while the Viceroy you!” be blackm- igh 'errmeittatire. ' 05in - reeogtrtimd the treaty ONT A" The board censured the Chief, and di. rected that he should pay the entire ex- pense: incurred by the constable from Milton and other expenses in connection with the matter. A Guelph, Ont., despatch: The Police Commissioners have rendered judgment in the charge made bv County Constable Merewether against Chief of Police Ram dall. A prisoner had been placed in the calls by High Constable Merewether to be detained, pending the arrival of a constable from Milton to take him to that town on a charge of horse stealing. The constable arrived, intending to take his prisoner back by the return train. However, by interference of the Chief l of Police, he was unable to get his priaw oner out of the cells, and was put to ad-l ditionnl exnense. GUELPH CHIEF CENSURED. Inst Pay Em of Conan“. a short time we Giniiii iiiFi" Uni; worse scandal: than those confronted by the Belgians." A letter from Count De Bum, dated Aug. 24, says: " found the conditions at Bangui intolerable. The population there was being destroyed by requisi- tions. Everything was done to hide the true state of affairs from the mission, which, however, discovered serious abuses. No reform is possible without a change of administration. I return with the belief that the despatch of my mission was necessary, as otherwise in Among the cases of cruelty cited in the report is that of several natives who were flogged to death with knotted whips. It is also nsserted that to force the natives to pa taxes the Colonial Office at Bengal, In Min 1004, impris- oned " women and ten children, and that within five weeks 47 of these died of starvation. Paris, Oct. 2.--M. Clemente], Minis- ter of the Colonies, has received the report of the mission to the French Congo, sent out last spring under Count De Bram, who on the journey died. In connection with the sending of this mission a eonsidemble sensation was aroused owing to the publication of charges against M. Gentil," Commission. tar-General of the French Congo, alleg- ing mniadministration and great cruelty towards the natives. M. Gentil is now in Paris seriously in. _ SCANDAL m FRENCH CONGO. Startling Report faint De Bu _ “The oddamount of forged cheque." add- ed Mr. Slayhnck, "represents . day's inter- eat " 4% per cent. As n mutter of fact. the loin In recorded on our books " " per cent. Clearly somebody must he" had knowledge of the loan. Yet land it been some one in our employ the interest rate would have been computed " 4% per cent." The securities include 1,000 were: of United States Steel common. 1,000 share: Rock Mend common, 1,000 shares ot Metropolitan street Runny. '10 shares Minoan Pacific, Mit shuns North American Connolly. 47 Ameri- can Tobacco Canyon ' per cent. bonds, and some Webnh debenture B bonds. It is believed that the iorger hid an tttti- mate knowledge ot Pearl & Co's. links. E. P. Buyback. Junior member ot the ttrm, llld: "It the forgery should involve any loss the bank will be amply able to “and It." 1 Pearl i Co.. stock broken. in Willi!!! etreet. recently nexotllted e one day Inn for $300.0” with this, inetitution. On Wed- - a cheque tor the amount. plu- $37.50 for interest. in preeented at the bank " e stranger, um received the security de- posited by Purl l Co. tor theid loan. The bank is one with which Peart & Co. never had In aeetmrtt, so the forgery we: not dis- covered until the cheque had peeled through the clan-in: houee exchanges. when it was branded u fictitious. Transfer ot the sc- curitiee wee at once stopped. ,riir-TiiioirtririiiTsk- Exchange ttrm 3nd re. ceived in Autrn securities valued " Iboui MUM The inliitutlon is believed to be I prominent Nntlonai Bank operating in the financial district. New York Dank Svindled Out of but About. New York. on. 2.--rtte details ot . Man whereby the National City Bunk ot this city recently was victimized by n clever toner. can. out to-dar. The (one: pre- ertte4 3 [mm chgue bearing the name ot a 1w. by the local nuthoritiee, pending the arrival from Toronto of Dr. Bell. inspector of the Provinciel Bond of Health, who confirmed the diagnosis. Following this the local board decided that the cheese had to bum, end burn it did. There in little danger of the dis. use upwelling owing to the thorough. i net. of the preeautionary measure. i555? Cover-on knew the m he met on the steamer Us "Andrew Conins” end the Frenchman no "PHned.'. Inch is “out forty years of use In particul- arly well dressed. Swindlers of this kind are very are in Ontario. the tart was Come six yours ago, near Newmar. ket, when Silas Took, 1 weekly unn- er, loot 'Moo in deoling with men who wanted to purchnse his property. noted person, it was thought best to, cheek danger of further spread by the a.etion mentioned. Four doctor- in the locality Ind diagnosed the dim-e u smnllpo'x, and _nll prmutionl Ind beenl BRITAIN m T313312 N303! GETS BIG HAUL. TORONTO Received in Paris. Count De Bum 52%“ trf y?m a» m Johnntown, N. Y., Oct. 2.-.. Port John-on, Akin, the own humml mn- sion in this country, and the first ion. of tRe William Johnson, in the Mohawk 'i1tpa1pflg'tLtte.eici,?Li.i Aktm My. m ' "I. Iutlnnd3rthesohtiiotgAii. W.thbn ph- totmrtheetasasaiatrd thefort mofnuhwpluothuit in. Pee you: 3.1th hum“. 1tTy.,'!Per1.!!t1teLieniaii'i>' thorium“ ’ 'uthSuuofllay little.“ The eorreapttasdeatt's informant, n ctr- diul, deduct that the relation- be- tween the Pope and the King we“) never more undid. London, Oct. 2.-The Italian censor stopped a despatch from Home In- nouncing that the King intended to ap- point as Senator Mgr. Bonomelli, Bish- up of Cremona, who in . “much friend of the House of Savoy, and approached the Pope on the subject. The Pope ne- plied that he "I gratified " the friendly intention, but u the appoint- ment would involve the remove! of Bon- omelli from his diocese he could not unetion it. WANTS A BISHOP FOR SENATOR. King of It‘ly’l Suggestion to the POP. lot Am ten, charged with {aging the name of James Deans to I note for one hun- dred and bwentydtve dollars, in favor of Hiram Buehanu, I drover, who lives neu- Ingersoll. He we: arrested yes. tel-day, and has been remanded for eight days. The waged offence wan committed some time ego, but prosecu- tion has been dehyed to give the young Niacin Ftlls, Out, Oct. S.-- John M. Parker, l member of n. well known and highly tttef, Stamford township family, is a , so?" " .police headquaf. Yon-gluofGoodhnilyinJmat Khan hill. Less Than Half of Samples Analyse! Found to be Pure. Ottawa, Oct. 2.--Mr. Thomu Mne- Farlnne, chief analyst of the Govern- _ ment, has T/tttf the examination of 60 samples of luck peppers andMstun. ples of white peppers. Of this number only 40.7 per cent. were found lo be un- doubtedly genuine and 47.7 per cent. were proved to be adulturated." The col- lection of samples was made all over the Dominion. Wheat flour was found to be a common ingredient of adulturated commodity. Other foreign substances which deteriorated the peppers were. maize, starch, stone cells, and wheat starch. “here the peppers were found to be impure the percentage of foreign substance ranged from 1 to 16 per cent. The Treeaurer said: "t told these gentle- men very plainly that we believed the prin- cipie of the lew good end would not eholish the tax. Now there ere certain mgtttem of detail which they referred to. end on these points I will be glad at all times to receive my information they may be able to give, so that the Government may be in e posi- tion by next session to make such mend- ments to the law ea will make its worktop fair to everybody and clear to all. It is even possible thet we mey be able to give British agents certein edventegee over (or eixn competitors. but that is merely e aug- nation tor the present. As to the luv It- self. however. it is working to the ad- vantage of Cenedien housee. end I nee no reeson " alter the principle." Provindd Trauma: MkrCttr1ritN Reply to I British Agent! Delegation. Montreal, Oct. t.--A delegation ot tour representatives ot a British Agents' Ano- clluon to-dar had on interview with Hon. J. C. McCall-kill. Provluclll Treuurer. with ten!!! to the commercial unvellen' m. The leaders of the coalition majority and the newspapers are doing their ut- most to calm the political passions and prevent a clsshing of the factions dur- ing the street demonstrations. warning the population that the reactionsries would thereby be given I. pretext for oppressive action. The mtionnlilt 'stdieartirirrieuna. in: the expulsion from the university of all students of millistic tendencies. in my qua-tern to uelieve that Boron Fejervory may be reappointed to the premiership. The latter is now under- stood to support the contention that Hungary has the right to establish in- dependent mstoms in her territory. This has created 1 favorable impression. The faet that Count Albin any. pre- sident of the Upper Home of the Hun- garinn Diet, has been tummoned to an audience to-morrow in now consid- ered here u implying that he will account-Ely be invited to form . cabinet. On the contury there is n diapoeitlon in my ttttnrtert. ta “an". um um... ination. Buaput, may. Oet. 'I-A tin box filled with. powder of some kind I“ found thit morning under the stair- use of a hotel in which the coalition lenders were meeting. The box, which is alleged to be on internal mchine, no taken to police headquarters for exam- "" JOE'S“ " SOLD. Elmo-mm Indy ' I chance to Bake good the his. My Maybe MedtasNmo AWMMWDB- CHARGED W111! FORGERY. ADULTERATION or PEPPER. HUNGARIAN TROUBlES ACUTE. EH WILL KAINTAIN THE TAX. 1$bhash Ttdiana :3: wt" 'ca d W E') IF

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