West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1905, p. 4

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Tim. - Enter Caste Tele Sim. men' mt y le n In i r Chev if? In M d ies'. light Me OI &B Th It tl li, F, A“ A 'at-x- number of Farms {m Ftir. m the inllnwing Counties-- ihant. Hva. up“. ticev, Huldimand. Hurt”. Kent. Lambton, Lancoln. Mid. diewx. Norfolk, "ntario, Olford. Peel. Perth. sum-op. Victoria. Waterloo. Welhtwom \Velland. Wentworth and York. Also many Buline“ Ind Resi- dentiat properties for Sate in all We! the province. " you haven Farm or other property for .30. In“. tor our terms of ceiling Meet In... Useful Articles in Leather Goods lvl'. " ("HILrLlI from 32 to $3) JEWEL CASES from 81.00 to 10.00 SEWING 'oMi'MroNs--tever, 'ro- Comb. collar and Cut! Cases from. . . . .-. . . . . . ..8t.utt to s.tn TRA VELLING CASES Western an! Estate kahuna. Ltd.. London. Ontario. caring 2/'arvasters W. W. RAXAGE. Agent, Thistle. man thaw. lb; trom us to them useful anieletr- o , s tDarhng , Whih eon” gain (55arh. fo , it strange Drug game w NC, A'EHF Our Milli pta We have and Stack N01Qomplet; The best aietures 3tats, Pope, Gurtrmts, any”; 'arty tReady-to-ttrears and CAI/dram l 3Gudtmsar. If I/faghers used are good qualitr--moroeeo crushed (mun. pin seal. walrus. seal-all goon value. our 3iatt " only a men list of our goods y to the needs of Sc-uth (in-v I linery Openings were more successful than ever. , us verymuchtoseeour customer-ell-tidle) mr Jisplay of Fashionable Mininery. including w! "an all the year round demand" for these gems of the coming gift season requires increased attention m. We're mentiomnx a little list below ot the most --i". may suggest to van a present need or future ttifr. n black. lawn. grey. gm Mantle are very t ni nicely finished. comprising the latest m “'ASHERS: The P im's Wriratere. all mm ratvenieisee & Mr. . .82 to " tor the ton Buggies. Brick}; already booked orders I lar" 'rmCd%, frlco‘ their line M we handle only the best McCla a. -r.njrlt, main en "n tlns topic. This line of urg'xnwut is that ifalmtel owner has to pay a iugher license or taxes, and ban to expo ud money on fumiihing aniublo aeeommod men. the public benefitted should in one way or another pay for it. Charges should be levied for that. inter. homer. waiting room- and other convent encea which no one. now taken nann- uge of Vinson new: beterg [chin oom- ponution. q This in no. light. Usual- hr chug. we" and. ham poop}. “IA -.---, ALA ‘**" ._. - could when!” the hon-'0 1riiiioG"rC. trauma; the bar, and in this WI, do ”no Mn £0an work. The Huron Expositor _ 'eettriteh, artiey, on thin [nun 3735 Warm Machinery made t Purses and Wanots from 50c to 3.00 Music Crurete,---Chnin Purses-hand Bags, Card cases. cigar cases. Ladies' Toilet Cases. Ford ebony tiitinwr. . . . . . . . .. ”$5.00 to 20.00 IAQICURE SETS, solid ohony " _iP. all erartment: Our Ladies' and Children's Manda are very stylish. 3iatt maul/es large consignment of Miladi Brand of Ladies'and Misses' Skirts.in black. brown.grey tweed effects from We have just received a gl 'tytish &tirts ~mls. but In quality uni vy we arr not an”. d: naps. Beney‘s Har- een “rated Drum Hugs Temperance Hotels. Stoves fc l' Stay Fence 'ortock. A few doors Snutb of the Middaugh Home. "e"""--- $2.00 to 6.00 I) ll and brown mixtures for Christmas, MN In ot Ayr '-:r pr ices 2)rtegsses. CBI ycr “Iv in the Idea .t3.ooiifr."ii, reeerlt)r bad sty Wcoa It Orpemuw a?" -- "@7581, o t Am.yllccvno. p n Chairman Ba. Tunnel, Top Ct1tt, Out AKplications mil he received by anv of t e undersigned to Nov lst next for teacher for school section No 10 Glenelg and Egremonr, holding a. second class eertititate With testimonials. Apply, stating salary if by letter to Feversham . . Pr‘reville. . .. Dundalk . . . . . Chatsworth .. Grand Valley We will unis token of loving remembrance with e amen payer: God's ntirtt's {Illness on her rest. His love her sunshine be ', And may she “in, while doubly blah A blessing betmm Thee. Signed on behalf of Church and Choir, B. lick“. trar. Gram, B. Sumxa. W. L‘wuw. We whh foe you u sure mecca... out! guy that you will be spud to come min to us, T e expa- tentNs through which you will mm the future. lying before you' will enable Tou to be of greater help to all who may hare the joy of shoring In your friendship. In: going away, for -weiGit aaGa; We feel that your inftuettee md example " a christian among our young people ha been. and still will be productive of results tho: will only be revealed in eternity, for no one could be in your warty without heinglmed to I higher level. out! being inspired to noble: thoughts and purer mo- tires 0! union. 'so. we rent-n3 our regrets that you evening new to you our - that tor a while you ongoing tmm our midst : the period ot time durlmr which we one been ”muted a friends and fellow-members in the church ot our choice has been one of enjoy-Ibo helpfulness. The choir was invited tn the home of Me McRae tn have A social evening. After refreshments ware served, Mr Mr- Rae in behalf of the choir and congrega- tion rend an uddrawu and Mrs Witchureh presented Miss Coiling. the retiring or- ganist. with a beautiful gold chain and locker. Miss Comm: is going to attend the University at Tomnw. To MN.8 COLLING. - l Dun Firms» [my FELunr Wogesrm- I . -4 A! --- _ We have met here thin {eview to Jao.ti,'iyl, $1 -_ --eee .,_-.-. F-.." ".FU'BR. h"."" ""' h disappointment was felt when Dnugnll. all of Pemskey. Mich.. are . .li.y.s spending a month visiting at their um " was learned that the match between cle's Mr C. McDmuzall, and other friends ' Hanover llld Durham was not to be in town and country. lplayed omng to the non-appearance Rev Mr and Mrs Farr an visiting rel- I of the latter team. A game was ttot- ativrs and friends here. at present. Mrs ' “in. up Ary the .lotuu men however Farr and children Will remain a few I whieh did something to fill the bill. .wetks while Mr Farr is being settled l We did not learn the Cate receipts, In his new Incumbency at Gorrio. l but local men expected that a record -----_------- l had been made. Mr and Mrs Stolt. and Miss Flora Mr- Dnugnll. all of Pemskey. Mich.. are spending a month visiting at their un- cle's Mr C. McDmuzall, and other friends in town and country. TEACHER WANTED. f,'ogfrt,2.1t,t,t,e.1', to Mr Edwin Allan, mu 0 our Principal here. who hue on. tprml into matrimony. Long life and joy to them. Mrs Brut-k91- left Tnmday for Strat. ford as delegate frotmalrinitV Church to t he semi-annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Auxilauy, Mrs Kerr. and 'rrnnd-dnttRttter, Miss Jennie Derhv, left Thundny. on a three weeks visit with relatives in London and Chalham. Mr and Mrs Muir. of Waterloo Ont. were the guests of Mr Jnn. Muir. Allan Pars: ,and Mr and Mrs McNaughton of Hampden. Mr bidney Gill. after four nomh~ on the Chromde staff left on Monday u, take A position on the Grand Vallrv Mr Brad Jamieson has folly rot-upon- ted from his recent illness, and left fut, ”day morning to resume schnul in Tor- onto. Mes. Adamnand son. W. J., were sum- mored to Guelph. Friday "wing tn the s-sous illness of her diuurhter, Mrs Phil- lips Me (Rev). Bsce‘s mother of Ripley. who has been a guest at the Heetorr the wt three weeks. returned home last week. Mr Wilhartt McCrno of Lean-inmon. wa County. visited at Mr George “Mann‘s. the beginning ofthe week. Messrs N. Mclntvre w. ngrney. Grant and Mrs Whittaker attended Fleet" rton show last Th usdny. Dr. Jam'esnn left this Wednesday on a visit to his father in Exeter. having received word rd his illness. R Mr D. NarRenzie, Jr. left Tuesday to take a six months course in the Central Business College. Toronto. Nist, Violet Blackburn. after A six weeks' vtsit at her home here, returned Tuesday to Chicago. In t J. churlwy. Arno". Geor- tou. id "siting her uncle and aunt. Mr Mrs George Wilson. Mr Arch IcDongtll came hope last week from . visit mm friends In Lon- don and elsewhere. Sound. ill "the McDonald. Mr. Poole and Miss Annie Nod. of It Porsr. wore goats ot Miss Casi: IcDonald lately. Mr T. MeComh. Rob Roy. left Thurs- day on a trip to Tomato. Mis. McKinnon. of Bruce. in. guest u mm. at Mies A. McKenzie's. n are, page uncArthur. of Oven MrCeelt Gun left for Toronto on Fri- day but. Mr P. Harris '88 in Toronto Thun- dny on business. Mr R. Watson. North of town, spent Min-ck end in Seafortb. THE DURHAM REVIEW MISS COLLING HONORED, By Methodist Church. Dates of Fall Fairs. Irro. IcDoxALg. MacArthur. of Owen guest. of In. Aubu- . ....0ct. 12 (£213 ....Oct. 12& 13 .....0ct. 17&18 .Oct. 5 & 6 ........Oct.6 TORONTO Matthews a Latimer Ararrsron-NakeruI shop in village or Drumore. Show-room suitable for fur nituru. Dwelling above, A good stand Apply m Mrs John Wilson cr J. M Findlay. Druluore. Announcement Forgreen he'd-r mu! holes horns willyay 9 iii! pdrhi/."iicti' The undersigned offers his property in Upper Town foe s ptuttculars, apply to, F rum Durham there were pr Dr Jamieson, M. P. P., Mr Jno. 1 er, Mr and Mrs C. Ramage. Mizs Livingstone. Mr ..-eorge Staples another vi-icor from this part. Having purchased the gro- cery Business of Jno. Rose at 'rheobald's old stand, we beg leave to announce to the public that we will car- ry a full stock of Staple Groceries, Confectionery and Fruits. Also a stock of Flour, Feed and seeds. Visitors to the show will find a Lunch Counter, in- side the store. l The Directors this year cat out i everything in the nature ot 'tspeeding ' in the ring " and substituted substant- Iial prizes tor Schom children's drill geither fancy or military. This was 5 the chief teatnre of the utternoon. and was a good one. bat it is doubtiul if it would ever acquire or retain the l popularity which attaches to a horse Irace. The public like strenuosity. '!eAsmpetitorrs in the same tield at the {same time, and this exhibition oi {young Canada in training scarcely lsuppltes, though it is a healthy and l delighttul exhibition. man I A stroll round the live stock areas ! impressed one with the lack of "eemn l mutation for proper housing. Perhaps i, this is the reason for a somewhat limit- i ed displav ot sheep. swine and come i The, quaiity was worthy if quantity ; wasn't. The Herds. in the sheep 3 classes were large prize takers. and t. we noticed Mr John Ooper of Hump- ; den, a prize winner in the horse elaea- t work of the fancy as well nature culinary kind. As might be looked tor in melt a furniture tuwn there VII a tine dbpley of furniture which had lmeny admirers. The most extcnnve display of hemess we ever aw eta show adorned the wells. while mimo- at instruments, hardware. etc. were exhibited by emu-wt the pishing guer- lchenls. A very modest exhibit..? l flowers and Fine Arts was teen which iweenot at all representative of the irrtellis.retr, prxogtretmive community- tAg,tiotyig, Photographer Bailey's ex- ibitawaan "ecu! ra h"portmit ‘ot the late Rev. WJegsen. e ne likeness. and intended tor a member of Durham Presbyterian church. Out. side, the enterprising Engels had an l overhead tent erected under which was suspended an array of high prw- I ed fur goods, which looked etranzrlv I out ot place on the broiling hot day. In the hall, which is too small for is purpose. was found a large and varied collection of nuts and twin. also} tyTudtrine display_ot lullia' The comm of the Amman! Boe- iety of Bentinck will be in a healthy condition after the great new of their Annual Show. They have oc- casinully met with hard luck as to weather. but thm year the moat attractive brand of that none-nary article was tarnished and brought out the yeomen ot Bentinck and Brant vitb their wives, sons and daughters in great numbers. FOR SALE. Azz-az-g- TO RENT. wing hides, free of cute 's./utrttctl-hone out. I Tides' J OHN Rum-mm 'N, '., Mr Jao.' Haiii wr hide. tide: ll. SMITH. his splendid foe sale. For prrsent May was Order, JUtt Everything in readiness f, Spring season. Do you wat Jpriny Implement: . . Ploughs, Barrows, Drills. Sc: etc. Enquire at this agency Karyn-fin] Weed/nary . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, at this famous iirtn 'tg make. give great satisfaction. I and terms to suit patch-nun. Pete, familiar: nyenqy . . MODEL BAKERY A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. A first FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. 'dee SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department ot our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absoh,tp,t,a. And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake's, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. Iraqi-rs TOA T_I attention. South of New Hunter Block, Durham With IMMehneken at House Stable or at th OFFICE. will Red.- GQOD REASONS.- l STI NSON'S Aim some for. .... .... . WOO: hien'ts Hats. worth 1.5G,for . . . . . . . . . . .75 IN e have purchased a thu, lot of Ladies SKIRTS& Blues SILK CLOAKS and will sell an at. half price Ladies' Crnvenette Raincoats. .. . . clearing price...... ..........$3.75 Young Men's Worsted Suits .. . . .. worth 87 me.... ...... ...... .3190 Fashionable Sumnwr Cap . . . .. . . . . . clearing lot for. . .. . . . . . .2ik each N en's tian neleue top Shirts. . . . .25e each Men's Emmi-Has: worth 1.50 for. . . . Alot I l i YOUR SHOOTING l SUPPLIES HERE Till CHEAP. STORE Sow is the time to get a bargain in a wheel banra. W B L M K In washing machine. we can satisfy the moat peculiar customer. ___ Churn. Dun-stock of Grumman in Very large and well tanned. Great bar- gains in preserving kettles. Gmuiteware If you ragtime n Churn we have the variety. or sch rockers are taking the lend. 5 1L Y, our prices are absolutely Give us a call and see tor vour The Mn: reason In in an swing. and in moving along at n very “reasons suit The game is most abundant end the weather all the: can bedesired. All that is left for you to doutopurehastt your gun and an. munition from us. We have told I number of very superior (one this season, and here Just opened out an- other hm shipment. Call endeee our gm; berg-ins. especielly the double best-ere breeeh-loadintt shot any: we are giving urrv 3 watch Wit 1. l fl. STINtiittyN, If you wnnt to make mom-v in buying goods. call at Irvine's cheap More. You will we lur- prised at the unheard of bargain prices. Hetxy aresmueodd lines: D7r4fl.'M? and be' 1-1.?) WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Lates Styles on Shortest "rsrie_a, J. LEVINE 'edutta,t - - - v v. i . l . LOWER TOWN I readiness for the Do you want any m1er in Lates shortest notice at the mtu, the REV!" V Scumcrs ' etc., of atelyfair, yourself. They P rice. ANV. Watson Bull! and Biscuits in great varietv All kinds ofCaket, made to 0rd er WEDDING CAKE ourtrpecialty 1tttttte (33mm? First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Wat son’s Bro: There‘s Something Ahoot 7 mile-c from Dori (huh-x: Fioacl. Tttle w... him: an (blur. must be “A... Durham. Fri 100 Acre FARM r, Alto other high-grade Hours. per band .Stig Ogllwe's Rnyul ll. " tfive Roses." is. I' cc' _ ' . "we Cannot see W e and tail: 1:) each otleci you personally, hence We try to talk to you Gamma. 1y through our annoticce.. ments here. We w 11E. if possible, convince pm that our drug: and ly,', a; ewes are pure and abgnf- utely true to label and in- Vite you at all times, p. come to our Drug Same for any kind of goods L15. ually kept by tirtrucr:, We price ihese. We have suit you. in We have F32ft YOU at Barclay t Be} WAREROOMS oppcs ite Middaugh Ho. Slam“. . . . AS USUAL . . Sega to be all the co They are handsome am a everybodv knows they are the most dur able rig on the market Call and cxamia- an”; T U ll H 0 PE CARRIAGES PARKER'S Drug Store QGTOBEP. 5, 1205 RANGES lave more new All makes. Ft; per but: el fr) ttd---The Best Ind Relinble l 35.60 to 5.75 Itlt6 Muliilu'm $6 $6 las, H k", gk'a. I11! CAt'r'.Pdb' fl'R 1ir,"r.cot Illil t?i.t IllfllfURpiR “din." , Children MP rial um I i. LENDS MONEY " -? Plioc- ir-tces r' '.. Co-niet, Collects Debts .OOMCII Difficulties. Drs ‘d Ser.1s C.P.R. Tickets Wumm NEW In t?il bien' 100 Acres Norm-ab 125 Acres N ormnnb! 350 Acres Beninck ottttr-l,rrr'. _ The Hun 'oo Acne: Bcntinck "aro- lurh my lnrrmkm Dot-hem Residence Photo- I) \.-n Farm u. 1 ls \\ .11!” OCTOBER 5, t Prayer Eggs Fresh Henev Trr i) Mac? "6'Y nu H. ILMILI Tht CAPERINES Also nice " NEW 1m 1c: (+00 . H. MILL P “durum (m u) FOR RH it If it ML“ W

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