West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1905, p. 5

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Pleat- knee. puld, 5 you pedi- r1550]. id in- , to tore gm. ists. "t 'tsee lk to 'ly to L'ORIA ALE ort of m the “NW " Ill", J." SELLS A CHEAP W. H. BEAN "'ir.ii,?i'3lai0aWal BEG ill. 100 Acru Norm-ab, eouth-west ot V" "t ' V null improved and m exm good than Iawmz‘lnl21n130 go wen. 125 Acres Monmouth, con ltV, wet11oeated 't 2.1 " “Ned. Will rent it not 'old noon. 150 Aeren Brnlnol Noethot Allan Park Inx: Hui rhu p or quick sale. ICO Ac r0. Bentlnol Ne" Rocky Swan“ N' r12 i1uproved and own new My: nu enough tun hrnluy ”treated. -- mm Durham H..- H-. rJdr-conreraneer. Hanover OHTOBER Preserve Eggs {5&6 'Fz‘y Our Spices UNI I l. I f. NIILLER fresh Honey H. H. MILLER, 1n and Henrietta' In FUR RUFFS we them from $2 upto Also nice assortment CAPERINES. xm V cnetnans. if HKESS (Sr-ODDS mists & Buoksellars far-lane (ll Co. KIN ES at 03.070, 3, s, 0.50 and 9.00 each, , at, . . ' . 31.30. I.00, 4.75 and 5.1!) etch. eaten. fur Vests .'rom....................Meup ll mm “an. all sizes ttotn.....n3e up Luau Jul-ken at.....F.aynnd 1.40m]! Ill WATER was gm. mm: 150 egg: f r two j. cars. This is a woven tact. Try it. Tin-y are as pure as they can be bought. People are predicting a high price " Eggs this wimcr. Pat them any now. A 15e can of We have just received a lot of prime Honey-100 " lb-- put. up in sealers. iti.ui- Owned by 1.1.. Browne 'tpl-er. Also . Inge number of other n1 Town Properties _ ir 50c values in allwool :nctians. Serges,Mohairs " Henrietta. can't be " tltmnrlette Mutton. ',i',tr. and my.......... G :m»sKlK'!'1~‘ for Valium trite at 3.250, 3.00. 3.50 and 1.50 etch FURS "rtnforters.Br= 1.73, Jun in (llllm BUNK I)lllililllll South-west of Var cm and see ur -... f' 4n 2, 2.Wr, 3 each tl.20 I pair have $9. Mr Wm Font". who "and” near him-oh. A non or cx-Rec-w Wm. Foam ot Holland, had a narrow rmpn bom death or sax-inns Injury a. few tttsys “to a! the hands of amm- mmmn criminals who wow driving past his place in a rah. Mr Poster Wan attending to some farm duties not far from the histhw"y when the caning” load at people. canw along and without the sl'ghu-u', wagon twore. vulver shots were fired at him, mm hul- let whizzed past. hi» head and the other C,','1t"127 his hat and failing on his Pad. We have- not heard of M r. Foster taking ptotteeeditue to have the desper- "does: punish-d hat such eharacters Ifmuld begiven a. term where rwvolvms "renot in use unit-s: by prism! guru-(la. and " would um be u difihutit mattrr to locate tiuuu.--Ch"trworo News. a "J. B. Nc‘ullen. pastor of claim" church. INis, has tendra his brutal _ Manon to his mum lion um: t Moul' of "thirty PORN. Of ll. _ Who sign-d his all (00". hundred in number) only tg relimin in connoctlmi with thrvhureh at the pres" "It Limo. After the Annual meeting of the conmntion in January a call will i e oartended to n. new pan-tor. Mr Mui. trn has had an exeeptbtnntly anneal-ml pal-torn"- and 2 bis brand and kindly Ppirit hue won t e "ectton ofth whole n-mmnnity. Of late he but felt the Weight of advancing yours. ripat lax" paid into ot"' 0' the local banks. The' Mal-on’s hull offerod to do the work free of rhnrge. and the council 'arc-pred the ofrer and decided not to "lung:- n ettliretor. . le Mouton-d lawn mum-i! are suing Quarry this yawn-ivy lmvimz the mani- --Bennet, an Indian murderer " Brantford, has been senteneed to tr. nth King. who murdered his mate in the Yukon an Venus ago. w..s hanged " Edmonton on Saturdav. --The investigation Into the irreg- ll'nrilics of ths big Life Insurance Companies reveals the fact that three of them worked together looking after legislation that affected their interests and or course moulding it to suit themselves, A most disquieting state- ment has been made by a Director thnt an Executive ottieer, so inclined. could perpetrau, frauds in spite of the, vigGuee ot the Ihreetorate. IhDirec- tc rs can he cheated what about the poor insurer ? He has simply to stand and deliver and ask noqaeetions. --Japnn it is reported, agreed to the Peace of Portomu th, tearing a tioneial 't'cUil,rt',mJ'lll,1', to a poor promise of a cereal crop. TOPICS OF THE WEEK --Brantford on Suturdav last cele- brated the opening of the new G T It Main line which now goes through their city. Manager Hus and a lot ot'othor dignitaries Were present and l'cllnitnus epeeches were made. Prov. Secretary Hanna made the humorous bit ol the occasion telling them " the ratlway had formerly gone by them now it would go through them. " and they would are which experience, they liked best. Harrisbur“! will now be an obscure way station. It is a pity, " we may be sure all true sportsmen feel, that our race courses should be made agamhling hell. So long as the man who bets is backing his own knowledge ot a horse it is sport. and may act as " spur to any relation in breeding houses. Bet. ting of' this kind, it kept within bounds of moderation. might at all events not be likely to do much harm. Buta- mong the throng which crowds the betting ring and which includes peo- tt out]: classes and stations in life, ‘ew can know anything about horses, or can even have seen the horse upon which they bet. In their case betting is mere gambling. It is just " much gambling and " little true sport as throwing dice. One hears of ladies asking for tips. But tthoghabit is on the increase. The betting ring is more clowded thane'er. An impetus has probably been given by the cala- mitous increase of (riotettsiomslitrm, at- tended by betting in other sports. If the gambling hell of the race Course is licensed how can other gambling hells be put down? Let the true patrons of horse racing see whether anything can be done to redeem the honor of the "sport.--Goldwin Smith in the San. FIe-l Graham. nan of Mr George tha. ham. Wu: held up by a bold highway- man on Sutmday evening while on his wav home from Kimberley, about two miles distant. "tter delivering three loads ofiumlwrat KimH-rivy. for which he was paid. Hemade some purchases and put the balance of the money in his boot, as he had seen asuspiciuus “Hiking chm-actor earlier in the day in a swamp that lay on the road home. It was dark when he stat ted for home and he had just nicely otered the woods when he was stopped up wnh a vevolver at his head. Gmhmu wan jerked off the wagon and with the persuasive cold steel of the re volvor placed on his head. he weekly submitted to having his pockets searched. Tue bighwnvumn could find naming of l value and let the young man no on his [ way. and disappeared. He is described a a tall man weal-inns "fuzzy" overcoat. tmtfurther than that 61-9th can give I no information. He is “W '.t.o In . gunner. anon-pic!” We" hay. been not“ in the ddnity. Young an“ in can,” of an. and mu fortunate ht2ittlQP, no My. no kept up In. dud the drive homo. but on "ataAtUgt “unis an: be 'l"l,'iGUicuhuheeto0ie= _ _' T l Held Up by aBitrhwMrnan. Exchange Echoes The Gambling Evil. O q-i, may be sure all Mr Was. Black. hurilware merchant here was judge in the horse clawe- um! speak-u highly " the class of horues brought out. There wean speeding too, not perhepe up to what was seen in Dur. ham, but yet tmf1ietetu to be interesting. Vicky K'ock we: Again the winner in the open nee. having only one other compet- itur. who brushed her hard however. The 2 40 race We: well contested and a named race had tive mum Whlld a. ftrmers' not furnished exciting amuse- menu. Sumo of the judge. were as follows: 1nowem--thso. Binnie. C. Emil). Mrs Mills. Fine Atta-Urs Mills, C. Firth. Indies' Fancy Work-41m Mills. Miss Lexie Andaman. Miss E. Chadwick. Thai-niu'hnoy work shown-l a rltill had finish hard to aurpuu and In this th- u‘rtment and more 12013th in the Fins Arte in the opinion at Mrs W. D Mills. on. at tho Judson. excelled anything in Durham. In I" other lino-n of lsdiea' work. quilts. mun. carpets. brawl. putty. at: the" mud to be much of excel- loam. The “undue. was a record beaker and the exhibits maids reiUested the cap- abiliuo- of tho locality Vary “My. The tum district tributary to Flo-heuon no": Mb I. make that exhibit n wonky elf. ind “an more “mauve than " othee chow. to ttus Wetst Ind ti. Weat ot them. The root.- ahnwed the u~ual mon- um: and won of excellent qunlity while grain who'd up won: as maul as this you”: we". ' Domestic briu3nttustore-Nrs Hunt and Mrs Knon. ThorLbury. and Mrs Grier, Dundalk. mg. . Penmanship. Pencil Drawing. eu,-. Mr has. of Markdale. Great interest In: taken in she Educational exhibit And at no tune did it want. admire". Something like this would main» an agree- abls change " Durham Shaw. Our thanks are due ic Mrs Mills and Mr Wm. Blue: for the wuiff of the snow we hare been able to gun. Miss Loxie Anderson went a'ong an n visitor hat was pressed into "N’VICH 7m ajndue in the alumnae ef Minn Laura Mekeuzie. Tho Ruling Show bu nlwty: hid the Input-non ot sum “aching to it Ind the ma“ of the annexing of last week will M hunt to. recard. U. B. a. NO 2. BENTINCK k GLENELG. Class 4-Elias Edgp. 'o'rd--Gortie Morton. 2nd--Altred Bunny. George Newell. Annie Ewen. Noble Bavtlny. Pt 2nd--Roy Wismtr. Mable Ve.ude. Willie Edge. Sr lalvavwia Newell. Thomas Granhy. Jr be 0)--Stewart McArthur, GounPt Wit"tter, IhrlVes- sie. Jr Isl (bv-Edith Winner. Reba Vania. Mary Earthy. Claus 6--Annio Clark. Jessie Smith. tth-Those. Putterbousth, Willie Me- Nally. Benton Mt-Nally. '3rd--Clarn Cnswell Boas MCDOnald. Thus. John- ston. Sr 2--Clorettee MoNally, Mattel Smith. Robbie Putherboaurh. Jr 2-- Mny Grin-son. Mariory Clerk. Earl Mr- Nally. Pl42-Glast McDonald. Furry ()aswell. Sr l-John Smith. John Clark. Wesley (laqwe’ll. Jr 1-Howttrd Fletcher. Com Lumwv, Roy McNally. Avernge attendertce 22, Sr III-INF Tucker. Archie Allan. Joe Morrison. Jr Ill-Edna Dennet. Jr Ir-A-s Allan. San-n Allan, (equal) Sam Morrison, Gonna Pollock, Hazel Dennet. Andrew Gray. Sr pt.2--May Allan. Willie Gray. Bridget. Wnodn. mu Baird. Sr A pt 2.--M yrtle Allan. Earl Mend. Jr pt2.--Annie Ker, Mary Ker. Sr 1st.-Wittted Ihubrmr, George Me.. Lnughlin. Willie Finnignr. Willie woireU.-Bthet Limin, teacher. Review tl.00 to Jan. l, 1907 '/h)pp,iiti)pfr1i)o is (lti)il,i(i.i:'i. for the Soul” Bread and Pastry-S away or conducting our store out of pure generosity for the puhlic. We sell no 810 watch for $5 or $50 diamond ring for 810. We claim IO he a fair dealing JewirIler--Mwtsys giving you full house: value for your money. and ever ready to make any wrong right. Surely no one wilt or can give you more for your money than we give you-tnd you can do no better than to patronize us. We owe the ant-cm of our business to your continued patronage which we believe, you wiil never regret. We are not giving Watches Watt: REPORT Fon B. R. No 2. EGREMONL TWEEDS d; YARNS Ol? BEST QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boots a: Shoes, Crockery, Its. . We can give you Bargains. F We at inspection ofonr Teas,-, “TE CLAIM no monopoly on honesty. and neithvr do we assume all the virtue in the land. rhnmker. Jeweller, and Optician. . SCOTT. East Grey Show. s. a. NO 10 BENTINCK. School Reports. GIVE US A CALL. w. J. RITCHIE. Teach”. . GORDON , K. MCDONALD Teacher, -0- .016 5% {£3 ag prune d- may a“; THE nu rum M REVIEW " Allow me In prvsent the other side M the qurulion to those who think the sum of $2.511) fur six or seven month! Met vice at Ottawa is a. very large salary. The electorate M their conventions prawn umn into the conteut against hmnwn iucliotioo at, a cm! of anv- where frmn 81.fl00 to $10.00) with the 3.1-..wrhinl utscertaittity of a ham nee as to the result. One candimlv or the other' must law. and if he loses. all the wonky and time expended in cant vrttisittg and elecliou expuwen are lost and he has nothing left except the veryi quasiiunuhle advantage of the patron-': axe for his riding. " hois fortun He! enough to win the contest. Iheleisal slum): prolmbilitv he may have a urn-y In! "waning bun lo (and. trout SUI!) in 810.000 more. If ho escapee both defeat and unwitting he ire under the: Inccvwily of leang his husinvsa. what. ever it may be. for six 4w seven mimihs yearly. and hefnre his term of oifiee expires he may tind his business " van- ishing quantity. Thin has been the experience of sum»: of men who have been memlwra of PurIvatuertt. l was under the impu-ssinn when 1 accepted the nomination fur North Grey that a num- nnwilling candidate "ever. enter- ed n CHINE“. fur purlmmentury honors, hut 1 found wnen 1 went. to Ortlwu. that nnmlwrs of other nwmlwrs had been forced into a similar contest. Bruce taking everything into coustdet- atiunl think the indemnity Is mumm- alvlv. if i' is to he tivemed pavnwnt for time and nmnev expended in the public sun vice and I he risks incurred. The o. tt. Advertiser had "candy the folioivimz letter' from thei'r M. P.. Just- ifving the indemnity Int-recur. It wnuld he interesting to know how many men are "pressed into the con- ttttrt; again“. his ihciimuion." Think tlre weakest tetategye.tt.t in the letter. The arguments am fairly good as far at the Home of Cnmmom is concerned, but. luv their wry terms coudrmn the moron» to the Summon who have "either mum-sun mn- protests nor de- feats to [my for or In fear. nnr huve tltey Pink!" in run. We would like to sow n. defetwe of the Sena“)?! “with”. l'rfrlnicuf the t,",t,Y, to ex-miniwten lthru- mm sum-v y he any. Here is thus "let' t Mr Temwd claws by offering to resign his "eat, tf the electorate wi-h to try the English system of men running for the hnnur of it. Anyone sending a men-h and rftt','t'tl,", my cum“! ascertain our opinion {no I emu In Invent on in prnbubly Pamntable. Communlcw “on: strictly comment II. Handbookon Plum- um. from Oldest Agency for r,riyg"dlt',1'gti, Puma taken t rough Hum: ' o. receiv- chnu Mu“. gallant. churn. In the year: tour manual. u. pom nyul novice-Ian!- myrm ' Cayman» New Yon much ofBotr. . St. Walkman. D. a. A ind-emery Illuntnud weekly. 1m Mr. culntlop of tfitryAq.ue1oxrey,t -Sttteh It I W. P Tclfora, M. P., on the Indemnity. ulnuuu v- .uy u.-v--u_v v-..... --._.__. _- - an "r, my" yoga». a). Soid trraltpe"r".tsPre. 'diiititit Emma, 'eaassassaaaaMtirastahssgagay if, iittii,, G. J, McKechnie ii s; H15... _ £5, _sriiPs')?,ti4gll ONTARR5 5;.W Sn" and Equal-moat. The school is thoroughly caui‘ypod in teaching ability, in chemical Ind elect a supplies Ind tit tings, Ae., for full Junior Leaving 3nd Matrloulu- tion work. The following competent and! “e in chm. I THOS. ALLAN, lat Ciscertitteate. Principal MISS Ln. FOR'..R. B A., _ u ___ TORONTO I mending Students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if newbie. Board an be obtain. ed " reasonable rues. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, muklng it A most desirable place esldence. "k/ri/iii/ir" There is . huge demand tor you-Ix men "ettotr' mphers, very much Inger than the supply. _ d Exam] A ttgNeer,.t,Un an input:- Wm.Johns1on,JI-.. C. rum-, Chairman. Secretary A lIlVquau In“. m--.... V..___., - W __ following suggecuz- Shorthand (Pltmnn'n Sula-m.) Tone Trpewritiug, Penmnnphip, Spelling. Letter-writing and general omce Practice. Students admitted " my time. Full pmlculm lent to any mam. free: whaling. is to the scylhe. He. there- fore. that spends his whale time in re- creation is ivernrhettiug, nevermowing, and he that always mils and "evet'rpere- ates IR always mowing neverwhm "w-- Biehop Hall. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. . Recreation is iptended. for the mind an The Lun gs ""“l"is. J. I. “In!“ 93.1.22! _ l 99-4!!!“- If, F2lieiifiiiU. -'-e""_ for Durnam School Alva k a bode of it In the 131.?" We have been saying this for so years, and so have the doctors. 1t.trtqydAr-hLtergv8-tt. “I“ , trec, has.“ '4f4h'4hi', 'pi"c,ahlrt2rfattt Pot-cough txt1ttAtmtttettttt "thrna, 'ltfl throat, was: lungs, consumption, (the Ayer 0 Cherry- Futon]. " I. -- Chi-mien. Modems and English. X168 FLOSSU; McKEiUtACHER, Pirst 1'htics (retaliate sud third you undergmdtuste of Queen's University. Science, “him Ind Geography. MISS MARY GORDON. First elm with honors. Graduate of Ontulo Normal College. Mathetnatiett and English Gnunmnr _ during Model Term. " Cherry Pectoriil rneAthoetetfthettoytmNUjtqi- r. Aid altar. MAM. PM. '2r"'"ee"'"CTiG FEEB: " per month in Bdranee 1V0; Address: C. A. FLEMING. Prln course including tte L. ic. n. London. mun ' . ttg-ttatt' a mac-1.3:" Yuck and Ch' I‘D. _ Dim of Ere, Bar, Nose. and Throat OW!" he " Knapp Home Durham. the In. Main in each loath. Hours. I-tit 05“ I lomlut Gallop nm and Surgeons I Omar“. J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C.M. oe .36 Residence Cu. Gum-x- and Gem. trt., " 10010! mn. Otd Mood}. comer. onion nouns _ butch-51mm to Moorfteid'tt (London, PM) and to Kn-pp's (New York) Eye Hospitals. office, 18 Front St, b-tttot. '-4p.rrb. 'l-SP." Til-phone Connect!” No. ttt ARTHUR GUN. M. D.. mucus: a Bil-anon. Om“ our J.&.J.H|u-ur'u Sun W. C. PICKERING ll. o s., L. o. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Rural College of Dental Surgeons of Onturiu. Rooms. Over J & J HUN'I‘ER‘S New titope Ottiee-thuderu Block, over Post Office 1psarristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers Att. l Money to Loan. (Y'""" McIntyre Block, over the Bank Iii". G. Much! LC. w. F Dunn HONOR GRADUATE Toronto lluixersity. and W Royal College Ueutal Surgeonsof Ont Dentistry in kit its branches. omets----L0WER TOWN. DURH A M. Jompnny Ind - Fund: to L. an on long-mu " Iowout ram ot mun-t. Valuation mul- " ammmmcud mum) Vuluntor. MEDICAL. adhesion: and Agency prompt]: unendod t Willa, Deeds. Mom“... Lem-es, Apron-men“ he. correctly prep. . Estua- of docs-used per- Iom looked that sad Eucutor'n and Mimi-u- bntorl' Accounts m‘epued Illd fused Surropnto Court Bunion. Prob-M of Wit a. Lean” on Ad ministration cud Guudlnmhip Obtnined. Tu- ohu and. in may 0mm: tud Tulan- mp0 tad INIOA.I. "Nikki Sto tr.N tto Onl- -tepeeiotteattit-tstttDise-o' Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner, Inc. Notary Public. Commissioner, Convoy sneer. Vuluator. Insurance Agent. to Private Money to Loan. Collets tions of all kinds promptly atten- ded to. Farms bought. nnd with Will he at the Iliad-ugh Home. Durham. the am Wednesday ol sub month from 10 s. m. an 4 p. m. Jilpy,_iiitr.,Iitttrt,lIrr1r/yy.:.). JOHN CLARK) BARRIOTER, SUICITOR, NOATIVPUIUG COIVhVAMCER. (C. GrarirrGiiiGi.feii in.” __ itit% -e mn' NE. 52131 mu be left " " Implement Wm 'al'l't' ffidtinmrn's ohl and. orat the Bum Durban. Nov. 16. m. J. F.GRANT. D. D.S, L. D. S. 83 denh ttm2rlrtyf1 lumm Fm Building an Contents. Dwelling 3nd Cocteau In town Ind val-cu. henna in a dttttlirtif cox-venous mm. comm "E -ee-e iaiYiieiira% 311%“ “val - - -ee -e rmiiehuiritiTieWiki _--' -. uieTiarik" - trl,ttlt= and I!" M from 'tlu',',",','."':,',,','?,,': tt mung. t'2'gtitti't 1'l't may: I“. um. h the mu. Lop. and? M Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Urey “rem: moderate. Amman: for sales u wanes, Ac., man bend: at the Review or tice, Durham. Ia' Correspondent-c mangled them, or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly attended to, Tall on uppncsuon to Mean-ed Audion”! ty the 90: of Grey. - ay.- DEN T Money to Loan. mce. aver Gordon's Jewelry Store. moo. McKenzie'a Old Stand. Durham aa,na.etiext.eexa. MACKAY & DUNN, ' McPHAIL.) ' LEFROY MCCAUL. orto LEG-AL. Women and Children. DR. BROWN. J . P. TELFORD FEEL": DR. BURT --rrrnrttttTrr-eTtttT-r-r " . B. JACKSON, b. IcPllAlL. Ueylon P. o I C. BAIAGE, Durban. Ceylon has I telephone "tlice. J. I. MAY”. Dal-In- Fire Insurance Co. MUM)“ in 1889. Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. Modcrato Owen Sound La i v I"!

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