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Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1905, p. 1

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I! 3.50 Ml fix:-::-::-::-;sxmmmmmmmgmmflfi tirsGhihihhhii1iGi1iihhl 1hhhhhWiWWkg qFl=leiiilalzx*eirr%ltaiilfirlnfiori=rinirrrarriTl, VOL. xxvn. NO. tttil A large range of Fashionable Fabrics bought at a big sacri- fiice Sale. This week we are enabled to offer so and 75c goose! the following colors, Reseda, Navy, Grey, Fawn, Royal, . Green, at, per yard...... ...... .... .... .... ...... ...... 37b, We are prepared to do the Dress Goods trade this season and will do it it the nicest goods at the lowest prices count for any- thing--and people are finding this out. Im ilk: til. H. MOCKLER. ti. We have a number of beautiful goods in cream and white, Fine Henriettas, Crepe de chenes, Ristina Flannel, Lustres, etc. . . . ' .. 50c and 60e per y For Shirt Waist Suits Lustres, Sicilians, Pebble Armures, Popiins, Violets, etc, in all the new shades per yd, only 50e New Mohair Brilliantine. subdued colors, in dark red, biue and grey, 52 inches wide, per yd. . . . .. $1.00 SPECIAL VALUE Sf Black Black Black Black . , . These are stylish and perfect Ladies Underskirts fitting and are beautifully made of sateen and moreen ; colors-black, navy, green and brown ; prices.... . .... $l-25 to 2-00 New-Nifty --Up-to-date '. The Skirts we have opened up are that; they are also splendid value. Black, navy and tweeds t Prices.. .. .. . . $2.50 to $5.50 This is Your Chance; Nn't miss it. Orders filled promptly and at prices that can't beduplicated This is your Chance to buy your Fall and Winter Millin- ery at MONEY SAVING PRICES, in many cases away below dost. Ready-to-wear-Shapes,----;-,----)-,-----" Kinds . We want to clear out our stock of Fall and Winter Mil, may as quickly as we . o t can, so we are selling at Sweeping Reductions' "g-fr/dr/ti iir"ilGir.rVuGl this Dress Goods Opening I n. II. lVlUUnLEK. - Jlivllail))lliiti1iiilfiut Those are going to be very popular this Fall. wk all wool and mohair Crispines .. . . . ...... _.. ..50c per yard ick r',riiliantine for shirt waist suits. . .. .per yd 45c, 50c and 6oe [ck Mohair Sicilian.... ...... ...... ... ......peryard, only see wk l’ullblu Armure, fine glossy wool and mohair material. . . . .. ...... ...... .... .... .... ....$r.ooand 1.25 peryard F.CfAL---Black, Silk and wool, Crepe de chene, special $1 per yd Offerings for This Week Fine Dress Goods Choose your Dress where Choice is Best Cream and White Dress Goods Reduced Prices in Dress Goods nmmmgs. James Ireland. EVERYTHING GOES--- T See our large display of the newest and tastiest fabrics at our store during the next few days. Great Clearing Sale Millinery Colored Dress Fabrics Ladies' Skirts In Black Goods Dark and bright red Henrietta, 44 in. wide, very fine, per yd... .. . no.“ ' Ram I V, f Star 31.8) , Iowa 81.85 . _ _.... 84.50 1 '.... '1.6tt pin. 'l.76 liter $1.00 ..... $1.75 Star $1.75 1a..._81.tfo 'rimmed Hats, - and 60e per yd {2.30 and 7 p. m. Special Music. [An Entertainment will be given on lMonday evening. consisting of vocal AM instrumental music, recitations, .dialoguen. speeches and the Methodist .Church Choir and Male Quartette. of , Durham, and others will furnish aggro- priate and helpful music. Rev m. l 1ihrqatrhtsrsom Rev. w. L. Newton, Mr [Allan. and Mr Campbell. of Durham {and Mr H. H. Miller of Hanover are ex- l pected to be present. A very enjoyable land helpful time is expected. Every I body come. Adults 16, Children 10 eta. VARNEY Atmtvmtt---The Harvest Home gatherings of 1% will rank as 'ahout the best ever held. Tho Sunday inc-"ices. (Rev T. J Smith, Elmwood,] were well attended and helpful minis- trations. on Monday evening the church wu filled to the door and with splendid order a my and attractive programme was presented. Mr A. Cotton made. a- good Chan-man. Misc McKenzie of the Union School had charge of the drills, and thev were certainly. an attractive feature. The VernayC oir gnve tshuts. sci-twee. and fine Solos were rendered tr, " Brown, Holstein 3nd by Min- verett. ot Stretford. Recitationl were 1'li'4'i' _hy may sign. Aland glad lied and addresses w the pastor and Mr Wm. Allan. Ilia Ickleboro accompanied for Dr Brown sud Mia Irwin for Mga. Bremtt, The collation: mounted to given lay Mines Sim, Aland and Mead my! ad [99991- by t_h_e pastor and Mr Wm, THE HARVEST HOME ANNIVERSARY Services of Ebenezer. and Allan Park, will he held in Ebenezer church next; Sunday. and Monday Oct. 15, and 16th. (Rev) G, I. _Stenhenson _will_p_regch .at FINGER Potmg.-Now that same far- mers are having signs placed at the front of their farms with their names and in some cases the number of the lot and concessmn, it has been suggested that it would he a good move to have finger posts erected at the principal cor- ners pointing the way from place to place, with the number of miles painted thereon. This would he especially con- venient for strangers who frequently mistake the turns and travel consider- able distance out of their way before discovering that they are on the wrong road. It is a. matter for the Municipal councils to Consider. and is worthy their attention. FIRE ALArtN.--The Fire hell's warm ing note brought out". large crowd on short notice last Mondav evening. Th e ungority of the inhabitants were. in be It being about 10.40. and by the time they ascertained what and where it was, the blaze was over. It broke out upstairs over Dan Campbell’s imple- ment shop. and James Lavelle who was passing by, noticed the blaze and ran in and gave the alarm. Afew cedar bought, which were blazing, were easily extinguished but the cause is yet un- known. The monthly meeting of the S. Cr. Women's Instute was held at, Mrs J. McGillivary's on Thursday Oct. 6th. The attendance was somewhat smaller than usual, hut the meeting was both interesting and mstructive. Next meer- will he held, flrgt Thursday in Novem- ber, at the homeofMls Wm, Matthews. Glenelg. Topics. "Curing meat" and “Christmas preparations". Go to Flarity's for your Overeoats. The newest lines in patterns and shades. Every ordered Coat guaranteed to fit. Swell and genteel in appearance. SALE 1trears'rrm.-Thedtsy, 17th Oct. --fi'. W. Ituneimam lot 27. con. 20. Egre- mont. just east of Boothville, will otfer for sale on above date. stock and imple- ments. 12 mos. credit. 6 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Sale at 1 p. m. Also a quantity of Hay for cash. Bee posters for petieltty. The young ladies who have been going hareheaded this season will learn with dismay that the practice, introduced in- to American cities and in general vogue there some three years ago. is being abandoned as those praetieingit have found that the hair dries out, becomes hrittle and falls out or tums gray pre- maturely. Flat ity has got in a stock of something special in cravenette Overcoats which is the best in mane and quality. you have been offered for the meney. Call in and sntisfv yourself. IO per cent off for cash. While cleaning up an old revolver the other day, Me George Burnett acci- dently pulled the trigger and found it loaded. The ehot grazed through the fiesh In the palm of the left hand. he- low the fourth finger, causing no dangerous injury and the wound will soon heal. Dr Brown, Specialist in diseases of the eye. ear, “one and throat will he at the Knabp Hotel. Durham. Saturday. Oct u, from 12 to 6 p. m. Eres tested and Glasses fitted. CLYDEBDALE Come Iron tgALtt.-One year old Gelding: Two sucking fillies. wellumtched. Applytn T. J. MORRISON, Rocky Sangeen. Chatsworth has a. dog poisoner a most cont.pmptihle member of society. More agreeable news is that the village is soon to have a. local telephone sys- tem. Milllnerv Apprentices wanted, Ap- ply to 8. F. MORLOCK. A. H. Jackson, has a few tine farms, and Durham propetties for sale. Gum's Conan Cum: is fully guaran- teed. try 'tt-MAcsrAru.Asar & Co. Mr w Legato moved onto the Mor- ton farm near the Rocky last week. Try MaeWruute's Baby Cough Cure for children. DURHAM, ,?mmn:uw,nitjFt"iriiiirii 12, "iiiii"i' D. MCPHAIL. Auctioneer. ht S'itt , -.OW . w? tit, Mr Alex Pollack. a well known and re- apected resident of Emmont, All!) pun- ed a.'.".' last week. We have no other Review to Jan.1,’07, $1 This Indy. sister of Mrs John Nichol and of Mr David MeNieholot Lamlash. died at her home at Elmwood on Sun- day last. She had reached the up of about TO years. Her nephews. Thos and Band Nichol went, west on Tues- day to attend the funeral. MR8 JAB BOULDEN At the same village the Sunday prev- Ious Mrs Jul Boulden died at the we of as yours. She was an aunt to Mine! Laure and Edith McKenzie of town and a. sister of the Petty brothers: here Thou of town and Charlie and Wm tof _Hutto_n_ H_ill neighborhood. She we. particulars. buried in Hanové}. bf time and space her' death will he a h ow severe to them and to her brothers also in the far went. To the bereaved husband who has assiduously cared for her in her "lietion, and to the son and daughters the loss will not be less sev- MRS. (DR.) LANDERKIN. E Ro s r This well-known lady died suddenly. S _Dad‘:yeli: Ca In Toronto on Satin-(lav last from some 1'llt r a ers, , heart complication. The remains Were l Me1tob . Mare‘und ft brought to Hanover on Mondav and a 1lyrn McRae, C. Mel very large funeral marked the rt:rrr,tiWlve,r,tr? Nicholson, felt by her late fellow~eitizens and oth- .Jno Barnett. Karme era toward: herself and to the memorv ; McLean C MeRobh of her well-known husband. Meesrs T. gs) r. "iiii'-5c C Jiiirii.' I Harris: and J. J. Smith of Dmhnm. A. :32; a I , Wenger of Avian. intimate friends I bwanston. yr-o from malkerton. Chesteyr and elsewhere ' Jas Tyryery Wm Pattot Were present. It. was the intention in _-c-p Melnnis H Watson the near future we believe to move a-iColt by Don Meltae's gain to Hanover, and a very striking l Walter 'u-John McRae co-incidenre is the fact lnat it was ex- l Best lady driver (unm netlyr two years: ton dav from the fu- iial bv Dr iii/ii/Ai -lg neral of her husband to her own. is C McLean ( The J l/e, HEERYdHOOPEFte (equal honors to both In A wen no un my, a roverai . yein; opt',',',,!,',';",?,',",'),',',) J,1g,'"i,t,9',', borne I ll D DUNDAS' Gavel wit J riot an o itu e an resigna- l , tion the above lady passed away. She Bullc2m 'test won the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs ipiii,2e an " Joseph Stevenson. late of N Egremont. “If 3rd R lie chem. Pyti8 Idaho, and th.ough. farming-stat! !c__ngil,_ D McMillan. Tho funeral of all three takes place on Wednesday afternoon. To the re- sperlive mourners we extend sym- pnthy. This Indv a. short mm: ago had asxtroke of paralysi: from which she never PP- covprpd. Shn died at 8 om on Mondnv at the am: of " years. Besidos her hus- hand. who heaven as chief mourners, om: son William and three dmwhtem. Mrs Jno Harbottle of Durham. Mrs Morden of quhnm and Mrs Miller of Strat- ford. Though rine in years she was until Intelv in cool! health and bar husband will sadlv miss his life com- panion and hor children mourn deenlv A mother heloved. Mr Oliver Mr. Cmmlnnd. North Bantinck in a brother of the decnnned. Startlingly sudden came the call in this one. Deceased has not been well lately but on Monng walked from his home. two miles west of Dromore to Wm Andrews', where his brother Wm. and himnelt had a contract. of some mason work. He took his dinner and had resumed work for about. 16 minutes when he. suddenly cried out "Oh Grd. lie,"nnd his hrother. just beside him, caught. him ere he fell. Be gave. one, pained "OE dear.” and his spirit took its flight. He was 50 years of age. un- married. and has latterly resided with his mother on the 18th con of Egremont. To her the blow will fall likeuseeond widowhood for thee have seldom been separated. Hie hodv was brought to town to his brother's home, and the sad news telephoned to Dromore. That evening his brothers Jame: and John. and Mesera John M Findlay. Walter Fergmon. G Johnston came to Durham and removed the remains to his moth- er% home, from whence the. funeral will take place Wednesdev. to Amoe Churrh graveyard. Mrs Park, foster daughter of Mrs Renton. Is hnnpilv vis. itingwith her at prevent and will be a comfort under the circumstances. - n.» -.._...._. .., a...“ urn, ulu Unl'rl'l' ntschonl. his tenderness in the hnmP. and his active phvsicnl habits .le. promise of a life of usefulness, which must now he merely a memorv. a and one certainly, hut tempered with the thought "Tis better to have lovnd and lost Than never to have loved at all.” Not often is the uncertainty otllfe Impressed on the living in so striking n manner as was experienced last Monday when three human beings tininhed their course: one in budding youth. orein active middle life. the other in the viper years. beyond the Pulmist’s limit. \VILFRID CALDER. For two weeks the town had been watching the heroic struggle made by the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Calder who Was stricken with appends citis and was recovering as a, result of the operation, hut the forming of no nh. cess made another operation necessary on Mondav. This was successfully done hut the weakened vitality conse uent on the two week’s struggle proved un- able to rally and the llrlght and active ( hor passed to his rest. He was nearly l 11 years old, and how great is the loss‘ of his life. love and companionship tol his parents and friends is only known i to those. similarly nfflioted, His career .1 Mas. CHAS. FALKINGHAM M Death Roll of a Day. MR. ROBERT BENTON MR8 STORER ONTARIO ARE“! TORONTO Wilfrid Calder. Robert nonton. Mrs c Palititttthtutt. [ibaiti'i' Aged Ram-A Muir, T Nichol. Sh. Ram-H ASwnnston, John McMilhn. Ram lamb. .T Nichol. A Muir. Aged owe-”J A Swsnuon. Jno Eckbudt. Sh. 1twe..A Muir, J A Sum. Em huh-"J ASnnuon, Altar. Grades. Cow-John N ictol. A McEachem, Jan Knox. 2 yr-tttsi-John Barnet. Jog Am, John Burnett. 1 yr;old hoifer--Johtt Eekhardt, John Burnett, In Oliver. Heifer ealt-A D McLeod. D McMillnn. 2 yr tsteers-Jas Oliver, J no Burnet. I-yr steers---Jas Oliver, Inc Buruet. Joan JACKION. Gov. Judge. can lt-Sheep, Cotswold Aged lutn--A Muir 1 & 2. Shear- line Rtun--A Muir. Ram 1tunb--A Muir 1 & 2. Aged Ewar--h Mair l & 2. 8h. l!hres-h Muir, Ewe lumb- -A Muir. Class 2-Cattle. Durham Bull 'hlriii2ttgri, and not farnin.... tl,egP/t chem. Ball1-arr---c. Me nub. D McMillan. RMcEachem. Bull Calf-Wm Patton, GeoSnell 2 & 3. Cow-D McMilltn, Eckhudt2&3. 1 you heiter-John Ftirbairn, John Eagludt. Heifer ealf-John Eek. tb t. Walter 'u-John McRae, A McEachurn. Best lady driver, ( unmarried )--Spet> ial by Dr Atkinson -M E McArthur. SC McLean. (The J udge awarded equal honors to both ladies.) r R D DUNDAS: Government Judge Span-Dr Walters, Wm Paton, C McRobh. Mare and f'9al-H,Yhtaon, John MeRae, C. McInnis. Single Driver-R Nicholson, J Fairbairu, Jno Barnett. Farmers' Trot-Colin McLean, C MeRobh, John Burnett. 2 yr- old-C C James, T A Ferguson, J A Swanston. I yr-old-H Watson, Jas Turner, Wm Patton. Spring Colt --f) McInnis H Watson. Best Spring Colt by Bop Meitae's horse "Lord General Purpose. Span-D McLachlan, J Calder, Chas Meltobb. Mare and fotyl--R Nicholson Chas Meitobb. 2 yr-old-Arch Me- Lean, R Nicholson. Spring Colt-R. Nicholson. J Eekhardt, Alex McEach- ern. Class i.---Borses, Draught Span-Jas Patton, John Fairbairn. Mare and foal-Jae Patton 1 & 2. 1 yr-old-Jae Patton. Spring Colt-Has Patton, D MeLaaehlan, Jas Paton. Agricultural Span-Wm Kairbairn, Alex McRae. Mare and foal-A McRae, Wm F..ir- bairn, Henry McDougall. 2 yr-old--. A McRae. John McMillan. l yr-old--- Henry McDougall. W Fuirbairn. Spring Colt-H McDougall, W Patton, A NORM. Baton, as usual. was a large winner in the horse claws. and the horse judging here is a ma'ter of great in- can» ppr thanks are due to Bee'y.Me Kinnon for furnishing prize list and mode (More. We extend tsonttratula- tion.' tothe directorate on the success. The Review representatives were h itably entertained " Mr and Mrs 'l8'llly, and Mr and Mrs D McCor- mick. The latter takes many prizes Moe vegetables. Unwever we rater our readers to the prim list and to our Priceville corres- pondent's fine write up. Notewer than 89 sheep were penned for judging, pigs were not plentiful but of tine qualitv. John Eekhardt capturing some good prizes. John Mc- Beth too is establishing 5 record " a breeder and prize winner, The grade cutie were fine and the thoroughbred chaos were strengthened by some hmmont blood. me toms were everybody's sur- prlw. and in this feature Priceville easily leads all the shows In south or East Grey so tar held. Fruit, gram and ladies‘ work were creditably in evidence. Mrs N. McKiunon captur- ed the two bread prizes in keen com- petition, and there wasnt . poor loaf amongst them. The butter was so good that thejudges as will be seen {nude special comment on its excel- once. :' Glorious weather and greet enthusi- ium characterized the annual Exhibi- 'tion of Artemesia AgricuraI'Society. :The receipts at the gates were larger i' we believe' than ever before, the concert :wu a brilliant success. so Pres. Don. iMeMillatt, Betsy. McKinnon and their Pye! of energetic Directors, have no i, anxiety on the score of finance. Nor will they have disappointment over the quantity and quality of the exhibits: these were most creditable. As,the inside exhibits assembled it we: seen that that feature', success was ensured. and the comments of Viacom on the second day were very daunting. Maggot. Roadster or Carriage. Priceville’s Big Show. lakes . New Rocoxd. “toaster. Prize List ll. B. KEELERC and SONS A Window Full of Snaps 1'3 t §MABT STREET HATS Strictly eonf1denau.--Ciose attention. Came to the premises of the under. signed about 7th ttieptetttiter, n yearling heifer. men' will please claim pm- perty and pay expense“. ALBERT McCausTos Vnmey. Oct 3rd. 1% "in Edwards can: a. sweet solo dur. ing the event as. Rev Mr Wondsworth preached "Isle sermom on Miusimm last Sunday in the Methodist Church. ar GIL" spoke and mum same good idea on most succnssful methodn of raising Minionary Monex, and How the League can help the Prayer Meet- Min A Sin- in a nicely read address " What social features can you recommend um are wholesome and upllfting " gave a. few good idem that might work well in League. Al we nvenmz session in which the ch'urgh was Weill tllled, Mr Bowl and ing, A very instructive model Junior Lemne was conducted hy Miss Dunogh and Rev Smith. in which the Lmqruers 'lf,1e.,i,tl'",i, lhennelves (-rmlital-ly. Mr Go ling presented Mneters Cecil 1Volfe and Hamid Aljoe each with a. medul for fidelity in "ttendance at. League. .At the Bltrenrturtression in which the Avery succenuful Epworth League Convention both as to enthusiasm Ind nutnheve. was held in Durham on Tue.- dar. Ttto various Leagues of the dis trict were well represented Rev Mr kerruUh, Pren. presidimz. Rev A. J. Johnston. Grand Valley. gave an able with?“ on Agkreqsive syuttrelisun. Mr R T Edwards Found.. ation SVork of Christian Life, Rev Mr Mutton. Dmnmu-us' some good pointers on " How to cure for the Growth And Development of Christ ian Life, Rev Mr Wordsworth, Toronto, gave it tlne address on Christian Stewardship and- vocating the giving the tenth put to the service of Christ . Fridnv of tin- week will he I. grew any in 2tNea72 here. Rev. Canon mu thing of oodetoek, is to he present and will conduct a. Memorial Service in the “lemma at 8 p m and a thanksgiv- ing nervice in the evening, at 7. The Ipeclnl Dedieaiion Service of the church wilt ho used and the occasion will he s notable und memorable one. many inter- esting tonium and special music mark.. ing the net vice. SSUER of Marriage Licenses. Lot 52, Can. I, N. D. R., olenelg. 99mm“... ‘gmé‘ We have a nice turttltrtmottt of Children's Hats to Sell at 8] up. Also a. selection of Ladies' velvet and chenille haunt-Ls. We ape already busy with nrders for the Thunksgiging holiday and as We have made up a great nmny new hats. are prepared for the rush. We WI" he pleased to show you them whether you buy or not. This week we wish to make special mention that our Milliu. erv Stock in more complete than ever. Every few days we huve more new huts. some from our own workroom and others from the leading wholesales in Toron- to. Thin week particlurly we. will be showing something en- tirely different from what we have' Lad. We invite you to call in and see these New Millinery F' u. aqar..e-.e't' has»; an: Home" ot the Pukers' Honored. Miss Dick. Why, at Kecler's. of course, See our South Window this week. What we say we Jo, The League Convention. CHAS BAMAGE. Pusan up Punt-In. TheBIlyStme onthe BtrqrOtoetteqDtuharn. TBOB. XICHOL ESTRAY H EIFER Memorial Window. Where ? WE DO ,

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