West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1905, p. 4

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we have a large number of Farms for Sale in the following Counties- Brant, Eupx. Elgin. Grew, Haidimnnd, Huron, Kent. Lambton, Lincoln. Mid- dlesex. Norfolk. Ontario, Oxford, Peel. Perth. Simme. Victoria. Waterloo, Wellington, Weiland. Wentworth and York. Also many Business and Resi- dential properties for Bale in all mo! the province. " you haven Farm or other property for ale. write for our terms of "tting Real Run". A - Useful Articles in Leather Goods bearing J7'arvesters SO Ray ' Western M Estate hell“ 9, '8titderuhaiiiriia a 'iFritra."" The Ltd.. London. Ontario. g 3 “may '2l'dtdrtrd..""e h“ mm w. W. Rumor. Agent, Thule. [ “an: c. A. ruins. an. with contents from $2 to 820 JEWEL CASES from 81.00 to 10.00 SEWING tioMPANitms--Evers wo- TRA VELLING CASES man knows the crnvenalel, 765 value of one of these. . .82 to $7 Comb. Collar and Cuff Cases Noun... ...........31.w to3.00 Earling’s Drug gape EIETHIXG NEW IN “'ASHERS: The Perfql'ated Drum, nnlvi Also \Vilhelm's Wrimters. all made by Watson" of mend, Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves fer Agent for the Dillon Hangs Stay Fence. While there's "an all the year round demand" for these gems of convenience. the coming gift season requires increased attention from us to them. We're mentioning it little list below oi the most useful artielett--it may suggest to you a present need or future gift. _ Our Ladies' and Children's Mantles are very stylish, serviceable and nicely finished, comprising the latest styles and shades in black. fawn. grey, green and brown mixtures. Our Millinery Openings were more successful than ever. It pleased us very much to see our customers so well "tidied with our display of Fashionable Millinery. including Pieture, 3tuts, Poh, atria)”, vogue.» Wavy 0terudy-to-uteurs and Chitdren's 3Gud,msur. [“83933W2ermmem 2 Ive can cite nnlg a met'e list of nut-goods. Mn m qn-lmy and adaptability to t e needs of South Groy we we run esrelhW. Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Herey‘s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggy”. Renowned mticles. fair pnicen $30522. Shark. FOR SALE. The Leathers used are good quality-moroeeo crushed and plain. pin seal. walrus. seal-all gm value. We have already booked orders for Chrismig. The best In their line fall 'Illli0iaturry I 3i.Nilortack. Darling’s, Cask and an: fray. s.-,-..:) Warm Machinery. NS There is . large demand tor young men ate npben. Terr much Inger than the rar,"." A thorough and Ma] mum includm the following "ttrt-ns.. Rhn-sh-nl In»: Should take I course YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Purses and Wallets from 50c to 3.00 Music Cttgete.-A)htxin Partmr-httnd MAIj‘ICURE SETS. ssoliAtrtortfil- Ladies' Toilet Cases, solid ebony fillings. . . . . . . . . . ..$5.00 to 20.00 “mum-.5 2ll'i"Ti"g, We! (P151131; System.) Tone Typcwntigg. Penmanship, spelling. Lena-mung a m 0mm Jiatt Wald/es handle only the 12-99! We have just received a large consignment of Miladi Brand of Ladies'and Misses' Skirts, in black, brown, grey tweed effects from &ytish &tirts Bags, L'srd cases. cigar cases. lings $2. A? At 6. A? A few doors Snmh of the middaugh House, ”Miami/M / /y Coho Truggsses. ours: of taming in an 'rmtwrtting " the oethaad tutd Mum uf Ayr. -'-.--.- M4... .. . ..83.00 toh.00 Coal c r Wood in the Idea 6tiiG In hadies’ cont, Purity taken the lad in qualitz. price sud nppemnce. A new stoc in this week. McDosALD-McFAemrs-At the rest- tit nee of the bride's brother. on Sept. 20th by the Rev J. A. Matheson. B D Peter McDonald. of Egremont. to Annie McFayden. of Proton. NrcmrL--Mc0ortaeActc--At the mi- dence of the bride’s father on Oct tth, he the Rev J. A. Matheson, B D. John Nichol, of Glenelg. to Jessie. Imhd. youngest daughter of David McComack. Proton. NtCHoL-in Gtanele. on Sept. 15, to Mr and Mrs Thus. Nichol, a daughter. GUN-ln Durham. on Tuesday, Oct. 10. to Dr and Mrs Arthur Gun. tb daugh- ter. On Wednesday. Oct. 4 last the home of Mr Don McCormack. Swmton Park, was the scene of a happy festive gath- ering. the occasion being the marriage of his youngest daughter Miss Jessie Isabel to Mr John Nichol of Glenelg. Rev Mr Matheson was the officiating clergyman and the happy couple were supported by the groom’s brother, Rev Walter Nichol, of Woodetock and Miss \Viison of Swinton Park. The usual hearty congratulations followed from the company and were followed bya sumptuous wedding dinner and liter an evening of mirth and jolity which will he long remembered by the par- ticipants. To the happy couple the Review extends felicitntions and good wishes foralong and happy life and regrets that so much of masculin- ity attended the fulnishing of this re- port. as to put out of the question a. truscworthy account of the bridal dresses. Our readers will take for granted these were as becoming and attractive as the Weurers and thatis saying a good deal. Mr Chas. Watson, North Egremont. was In town Tuesday and renewed once more fur the Review and Globe. We are pleased to see this veteran pioneer in good health again. He has been " Globe subscriber since its inception bark in the 40's of last century and still takes an Intelligent interest in pub- lic affairs though almost 80. A large wedding was held in Ben- tinck Wednesday evening at the home of the hride's mother. Mrs w Falkinm ham near Vickers at which her daugh- ter Mrs Mightnn was martied to Mr Roselmrough from Brooke. Miss Sadie Carson returned home Saturday after " year's visit With reln. tives in Manitoba. She was accompan- ied " her sister, Mrs Cameron, who will stay for a time. Three Icads of Leaguers from Mt Forest. one from Holstein. and afew from Arthur, Damasrus, Grand Val’ey, and other nearby League centres at tended the Convention here Tuesday. Mias Putnam. Mt Intrest. was a guest at her uncle's, Mr T. Whalen. while at- tending the League Convention here Tuesday. Miss Lexie Anderson returned Satur- day to Hamilton after spending a few weeks pleasant. holidays with friends in town. Postmastvr Smith and Mr T. Burris attendvd the funeral of the late Mia Dr Lnuderkin in Hanover on Mondnv, Mr Dunean. Su-nin. visited among his relatives here but week, Mrs Peter Wattron and Mrs A, Scott and others. Mr. W. Mcthdhey, assisting Wut vollet, barber. for a. few weeks, left Monday for his home in Huntsville. Mr and Mrs Ed. Burnet attended Priceville Show and visited their cous- in, Mr John Burnett over next any. Miss Brown, of Toronto, is n quest of her cousin, Miss S. McKinnon and rel- atives in and around Bunessan. Miss Gertrude McLeod, of Priceville. is engaged as teacher for Vickers School for the coming year. Mr Chas Mek. nnonis no me from the West. M " Thus Noble, of Toronto. in visit Itttr relatives in town. Mrs R J Johnston. Cunningtoq. II uniting her mother, Mrs ti. Scott. Mr and Mrs Jno McKinnon, Uhealey. were guests of his tsister, Mrs J. A. Black for a few days. Mm J, S. Vollett and baby returned Monday to her home in Fort William. Min Flo MeMilhsu, of Priceville, was the guest Sunday at Miss R. McKinnon. Mr Finlay Graham, Midland. us home on the occasion of his nephew’s funeral. Mr Wm Flarity. Owen Sound. spent stew days last week with his brother, J. L. in town. Mr Dan McFadden is the new"man behind the counter " in Parker's Drug More. Misses Marv McGowan and Norma Patton visited D McFaydeu’son the Avenue on Monday. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr McLauchlnn, of Prioeville. upent but week end with his uncle. hit Allan McKinnon. The Alexander family ttom Durham! are moving onto their fun) in Bentinek this week. N icHoL-M CCORMACK tiymeneal. MARRIED ONTARIO ARCHIW TORONTO BORN Review to Jan f, 06, ilk - V .V--........ ‘9. |ll3 ' u nun-.5 Trom Durham and from Pricevilla. If sold l'f','l',eeeee given tor work this fall. Fu I possess- ion tn March. Clear title given. Apply to the proprietor. D, GRAHAI, Pricevxlle, or to A. H. JACKSON. Solicitor. Dar ham Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. D. R. and 22 and 23. on the 3rd Con. N. D. It. Glenelg. containing 150 acres. more or less. 125 acres cleared. balance hard- wood bush. " miles from P. o. and school. church on property. Well wat- ered, wells and running springs. Build- logs In good repair. Will be sold on s',".?,','",'.'.')?.!,?-,,?,'-?,' it' mil-gs fryyn Durham The Winter Millinery continues to follow the Autumn styles i. e., the high stiff crown, large and sharplv tinted lvrims. and the prevailing trimming con- sisting in wings. ostrich plumes. and birds of paradise.--Heidn Berkeley Lloyd in the Delineator for November". To-day a women a furs. like the rest of her apparel, must fit the time and place. In order to meet this require- ment the furriers offer ntekpieiretr- which seem to be preferable for the fur troat--guitahle for all occasions. Bear Beaver and mink will he worn with the morning costume, while chinchllla, sable and hroadtml will he suitable for the afternoon. and ermine is strictly reserved for evening wear. The lingerie waist still holds and will be worn all winter wi tailored gowns. over a high corset cover of silk for warmth. A notable feature in the Autumn fashions is the wealth of color. The rose tones continue. and greens and orchard tints prevail in the. gowns and in millinery. They appear to he in the dominant colors in the dress velvets. and also in the lustrous failles that are with us once more under the newer name of messaline fame. The browns of dead wood and the. prune shades are also fashionable and are warmly wel- comed by those of quiet taste. Greater distinction than ever is shown in the morning. afternoon and evening gowns. Both Empire and Empress effects are Dopular. Cmpete,pelerihes,nnd Empire wraps are in vogue. and the lace Bridge coats are still greatly in demand. an, Mxmie Mortley. Clifford "iioiiiiifii". Annie Stewmt. Peter Mountain. Jr 2nd -IttahelU Turnbull, John Smith. Katie Smith, Arthur Simpson. Norma Black, Edmund Noble. Freddie Christ. opher. John Ledinghnm, Berlin“! Cof- field. Katie Stewart. John Mcuillvary. Lavina Mortley. Emma Christopher. Cecil Twamley. Neil McDonald. Stuart ?ecGillivary, Jimmie Vau‘yhun. Class 1(a)--Uturie Mortley, l illie Smith, Donald Smith. Edith Laurence. Har- old Laditiglmtu. Archie Tut nbull. Char.. lie Mt-Donnld. Willie Vaughan. Claus th)--Wary CoMeld, Wilfred Black. Georgie Noble. Bobbie Mortley, Annie McDonald. Georgie Christopher, Mary Meulement, Georgie Vaughan. Aver- age attendance 39. Sr 1ha1---Mrrgaret Mortley, Frank Twamley. J r 3rd--Mortison Smi l h, Alex Turnhull. Bella Ray, Addie Twam. lay. Br 2nd-.-Lazie Smith. George I/tdimly/ttloyal" Bag. Sadly Vaugh- __ -. ,, --- - -0..." u, u. -.u,. VV uu Ir. B Huber. " 2nd-E Barber. andH\V Blyth equal, Edith Morrison, M Kerr. H Barber. A Pettigrew. Jr 2nd- w Hutton. M Bugle. A Lauder, Sr Pt 2nd --tf Kerr, S Grant. Jr Pt 2rut--E Mor- rison. L Petliarew. Sr lst-W Eden, U Barber. J1 L,t-G Grunt. C Blyth. Bad Uoniittcts--A Pettigrew, A Lauder. L Pettlgrew. M Boglv. DURHAM SCHOOL. man scnoon DEPARTKENTy Form IH-Ethel Morrison, Annie McGirr, Ethel Greenw00d. Alice Law- rence, Sara McLean and Ida Pineo eq, Br Pt I-Petty Bryon. Leone Fagan. Ella Unrson and Charlie Havens eq., Myrtle Spurling. Zell Urnwford. Jr A-John Duncan, Arthur Whit- more. Jr B--gack Bryan and Mandy Mc- llmlth eq,, Norman Lanehun an Pearl Wright eq. Jr U-Etta Saunders Percv Mc- Keclmie. Sr 4th--E Hutton, B Lauder. G Dunn. Jr 4th--d Mollvuide, H Barher. Jr 131th Peyitireyr,yyiy, W Boglr, Form II-Lizzio. Binnie, Katie Clark. Sadie Fletcher. Bobbie Laidlaw, Irene Latimer. Form I-dean Wataon, Bessie Tel- ford, Isabella. Elder, Hazel Cm1dwetl, Sadie Ferguson. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTIBNT Sr 4th--Baaet Mar-hall. Willie Gudd. Laura Seigner. Vaddie UaIdWell. Eva. Burnet. Br ttrd-Jack Davidson. Gladys Whit. more. Margie Mitchell, Beatrice Simp- son. Vernon Elvidge. Br Pt 2nd-atnud Xmas, Alex Hilder- brandt, Pearl Mitchell. Ray Furquhar- on. Frank Mcilraith. Inter médinl L-Nesue Fluker, Sadie Mckeetrnie. Jr 4ttr--lhrttr Knish-y, Lizzie Kenrn. ey. Jeannie McGowan. Mary Wright. Rune-18m mush. Jr 8rd--Bdith Watson, Mute! Latin:- er. Florence Bryon, Willie Petty. Edith Duncan. Br 2nd--hUr CHE. Rubble Campbell. Vivien meford. Lida Livintpitone, Ruby Catton. Leone Russel. Jr2nd-Eart McDonald, Verna Fluk- er, Mabel Payne. Marion McKenzie, Annie Vollett. Jr Pt 2nd (a)-Murra, Williamson. Emily Lloyd, Wesley Johnston, Char- lie i) Ulla-“son. Mary Mckechnie. Jr Pt 2nd fls)-Helen Ireland. Della Brows. Bertha Havens. Marguerite Hutton, Janet Marshall. FARM FOR SALE New York Fashions. "J"; :32 A. 0. MACKENZIE. Teacher. School Reports. U. 8.8. N01 E.&N. LATONA SCHOOL. MISS ABBOTT. Tum-her. {at still holds Its sway all winter with semi- P.v.er a high neeked Order: JUtt Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any ebrour Implement: . . Ploughs, Barrows, Drills, Scufflers etc. Enquire at this agency! Wervnh‘ny Mackinaw] . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, ete., of this famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Pete, familial: liganqy * . MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN department of our esiitaidiriLi." LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and Bee tor yourself. A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. _1____._ -_L___1 ,‘n . - . v - -. always on hand at Rowe's store Flour and other ingredients: if; SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness rtigy.sjn every FIREF of all, Vie ul"' only the finest ITSUITS TOA TI And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake's, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. South of New Hume! Block, Durham We have the finart selection of Guns you can tind anywhere end some great bargains. Muzzle loading Gnu from " up and Breech-loading Gun. from $3 up to 350. Now is the time to get what you desire in this line. THE CHEAP STORE Almsmnefor. o..............' Men’s Hats. worth 1..50,for ...........76 IN e have purclmsod a fine lot of Ladies SKIRTSA: Black SILK CLOAKS and will sell all at. half price Ladies' Cmvenotce Raincoats. . . . . clearing price................88.75 If it's 3 Cooking Stove that you have to buy, it will certainly pay you to come and see the good values we are offering. There is nothing to equal the "Penn Esther" Range. If it's a Heating Stove, we are sure to meet your views. as we have a Inger selec- tion than ever before in both Coal and Young Men's Warned Suit .. . ... worth $7 for.... ...... ...... .831,” Fashionuhlr Suuum-r Cap . . . . . . . . . . clearing lot for. . .. ......25c each Men's fbutnelette top Shirts. . . . .2he and) Men's Umbrellas. worth 1.50tor.. . . {no . We unloaded another car of Cana- dian and American Coal Oil, Monday. GOOD REASONS f With R.tMcMreket, at the House Stable or at the R1 OFFICE. will receive om attention. GOOD VALUE IN STOVES SI‘ INSON'S BEST SELECTION GUNS If you want to make monov in huying goods. can at Levine‘s cheap slurp. You will "a sur- prised at the unheard of bargain prices. Here ore some odd lines t . H. STINSON. HARDWARE I J. LEVINE Made to order j-n-ia-iii, Styles on shortest notice WEDDING CAKES W. BLACK lah GOAL Oll. heel/an at the Hahn the REVIEW WWW 2rial?at A. W. Watson Buns and Biscuits in great variety All kinds oanku made to order WEDDING CAKE ourspecialty About. 7 mile! from Durham an the tGt.nfratms “and. Title good. Passer sion at nut-e. must he sold. Apply to 100 Acre FARM for SALE Durham. Feb. 22. ltltF. F irst-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson's Bread. Durham and PEEL, It's extra good huyil. ing and orders 1mm 75c and ti Bargain Tables Money-Savers . . . Cannot see e and talk to each one of you personally, hence we try to talk to you earnest- ly through our announce- ments here. We would, if possible, convince you that our drugs and medi- cmes are pure and absol. utely true to label and in.. vite you at all times, to come to our Drug Store for any kind of goods us- ually kept by druggists. Aldo other high-grade Murmur.“ moum, per barrel £5.60 to 5-75 Ogllwe’s Roan Bonn-hum. per hartel.... " Five Roses.” We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. OCTOBER 12. 190!) Barclay 81 Bell WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. ... ASUSUAL... Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybodv knows. they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. taking advantage of Peel's PARKER’S Drug Store T U D H 0 P E CARRIAGES RANGES "tood buying. Repatr- mders promptly done. The Shoeman, Owen hiound w-Th BR " J. P. Tammi), sid.' "one; Insurances Comwnun. CclIects Isthmus DiHicultil Burt Sou: C.P.R I 100 Acres Norm. INC 3 HI Thu' il Illfllf'0iR '" Acre. Norm-n 160 _Acres Bentm H'Rt'A FUR Ill Mil-r u Children ‘00 Acres Bentm Durham Resicen BIG 4 Mews Cur Lulu an» NEW HUN Rome. OCTOBER MacFarlaI Brnggists t, Ill II. II. Al The “Mu-W! LENDS MONE “I! Not lnngg two for l in“ n and I Winter l ly Sprin 1 Tulips I) Bu them Also nice i CAPERINH an 0 Chines Lilies Douh double Crocus Hyacin DH ur Ft L.G

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