West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1905, p. 5

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to lety der I Ity PM y to on the " FOREX " HF, " SELLS atts CHEAP W. H. BEAN The Hanover Convvynneer, LENDS MONEY at very tttwest m- PI-cg; Ingunm. of All Mmutn - ' "WI-"Hm. Collect. Dom, Arr-ago: Business DIMoumu. Dram vamp.- tt -= Sells C. P. R. “at.” to Ml points. Besides other Innds he can: the lollowlng Bargohtn: 100 Acron Noun-uh, goutttorest of mr n3» _ uell 2y'g'g,d,h'1' nu am good In!!! Hun” Lou!) togo west. __ _._ - . Fi' R m PERINEB at 98.00. b, 6, 0.50 and 9.00m- Fl 1: IU Hrs tst......81.00, 3.00. 4.75.“ 5.00 etch. iiifllf'illli)llf%llllWlri)il Lndies'wirttervestsmmt....................it 1'lulrlrett's Winter Venn. .11 gueBttqtqgt......t8t, up Len m' Canuxlll Jtte_t.....W.0t)aatd LOGIC! ISO A Nt ' Jye',ttreut,tpA'tttluise", 125 Acne "again” Con 18; Well looted Luv] Improved. Will "ntitetot “div; _., T i u- Hanover Conveynnc‘ BIG 4 Luna A/e bed com!onm..1.%. 1.75. 2, NIS, 8 meh We y r w 1ltrNEY-Ju" in. 0311 and no Ill- - T ttiGTt FtreaiihiiiiiireV ICO Acre. 'ltoettFt Near Rock! 9mm J, a) unuoved and owner says has mouth“ ' . r Its pay priccuked. Durham Residence Owned try J.L. mm" n I \uugnlphcl‘. Also . but number“ other I~ mu um Town Properties. Urn-114 gize mm blunts. white-t -r,......... Druggists t lhouillm. 1mm _ outside "cum, foe Mind Winter a 9.230. 3.00. 3.de 4.50 each OCTOBER 12, MacFarlane d Go. '1' I. H. MILLER Don't neglrct netting not a bed for early tspring f1owirs. Noth- ing moor in tho tlower garden and lime trouble. Do it now. Not bung given m0." um non for such a mall why. Winter and Bar ly Spring bloom H. H. MILLER: Bulbs In FUR RUFFS we have them from $2 who $9. C L. GRANT- and H beaten. Also nice Wt CAPERINES. Our 50c values in allwool Chinese Sacred Lilies P cents each, NEW ,DBESS GOODS I "III,” mud. med»: Double ttue mixed. Me dos douhur. any color. 5 com. each or 50 can“ par dozen Tulips Crocus tilyacinths t enetxans. FUBS 10 ct: u an. 500 per 100 M . (i (llllflill'll BUNK es.Mohairs , can't be North of Allan Put car. Hanover W 81.20 a put 'r5M,',S, Weir-- hieMiGu- This: “Counts for an"! be pesid an lollomc: D McCormick 6.M, Thou Greenwood thes, Ar)tn White, Mohrtlhur-Httta--Tbttt Goo E Arrow. smitb be paid 5.00 communism on mum-ya spout on wad». Also J A Mommas boo, E W Hunt 8.00 and Wm Wen- 2 00.--CIH The Council adjourned to Nov. um at 10 I m. Hunt-were-. That “we otee,iiwoos1 be paid 8.00 tor cadu- timber tre 'tIvor' " lot 27, con Ito-Curried. . I g.od was Lena-ax LM, W J Young 1 on. and Wm \Vnsmor 8.86.-AJoried. HMS Ill? llRD Tho Name“ In“ Supwml-or 16th pm- mum. to mjourmom. All the member- prmm. the Been in we chum winter of Ian moo-mm rend mud ooctiruted, com- mnuiuuouu and u lollovm. From Hon Nth-on Mouton” m Cumulminn of Conn- " Councils. From County Trearurer, lint of arm-u of axon and min-ruined lint. from ltr Human to one of Dipcberin. From Dan Mel-mo- c.ertitletste tot gavel. Mei-an Arrowvnnun and Hunt rowin- Iuncund to bu.ld mow lance on Morton's um it they "mum. it uecolmry (or the “lay " navel. blsNillan--i1'eir--/Nat thls municip- nlny will hold all pamucoming and un- uittst "union angina lmblo for dunagos cum-ml to bridge: unlm they strictly comply with the luv "meeting the run- ning of MIT.) engines: (hurled. MeMilltru-Arrownmittr.-Tut Thou (Stanwood be paid " for half dny'tt work lot "to men and team at. lot 27, con 8 and mu E W Hum be pmd 51,25 for over- seeing work u the name pmce. Carried. Arrowsmrtr-Hnnt-'IT,at check issue for mums Iabnr {and a: {diam '. Ward 1 tor19o4 87.50 and for 1905 " total Irtio Ward 2 tor 1904 " and fur 1905. 10.60; mm 16 60. Ward 8 for 1904 to and for 1905 'lo; total .10. Ward 4 for 1904 " and for 1905 .2; total " Carned. 11uut- Mo.aillan-- That One Arrow- mum he paid " the Reeve 5.00 and Mr Fundy 06 for services in rewiring Orr't Brihtr.-Uatried Review 1U.00 to Jan. l, 1907 JUST ARRIVED-- A carload of mm A full stock of (lulilllill, HOUR I fill) J2'gl T139365 [RUNS I (lllllfWll)lllllf NeMi.%n--mrir--pttts,a Uommiuimet (or Ward 4 be gunned 010 to nopuir video In”: un'l‘ownlino n Donn-ch providing [So-amok Cuuucil grunt. " eqmnlom. --.ihsreiea. Htutt--Weir-Tbat Gen Anow~mith and John Van, Is hereby “thorium! to colleen mo Manama gun-cubed to and»: in defrnsine the expense: of the road bong!» from Mr Haunlh-n. Curried. Matthews & Latimer board Drmrintt..D. MnttKettsa. Reports of Committees Election of 06m Question Draw, Roll Call. Ar rowtstuitu-Hunt--TGt tl,e Clerk be paid ttth, uu tusinrr-Ctsrrserd Wm"... ... Annie Lawrence Writing.... . ...........JJ. Tolchud. Guam", Jr. Clam. ....R. Thompson. Campaign lines in Book and Much The Reliable Grocery . . . . Thursday attemoon, Oct. 12, 1905 ""'rit “mun. W. Cmphell . B. Mon) Ina-333° in Sehoou...Ada C. Abttott. Winn"... ......Chu Nun-Se. 01mins _otftunmee School for We WANTED ', by Chicago wholesale house, mec- lnl nprentlve for ouch province in Cunule. Salary 020.0) Ind expenses paid weekly. Ex- pense money Advnneed. Bunnie” euccessful; gum perm-neat. No investment required. Tiotta experlence not cumin! to ensuring. Address Geuenl Msnuger. I32 [Ate Street. chic-so. m, U. S. A. (Jno. Rose's Old Stand.) Glenelg Council Teachers' Convention; 1 Excursion to Agricultural College J. S. BLACK. C ark. WW! Coleman 's, of Kincardine. WINDSOR sun ’32! In entire Staten! Maine there were, tttty years ngo. hve savings ittsetitutiont, and the whole nanny Institutions amounted to less then 890,000 while to- dny. nf'er fifty years of |Il'uh|hlli(ln. we have 57 smingslmnks In our State, 22 building and loan associations, 37 trust companion with aggregate deposits of more than '118.000Un---the savings of the people under prohibition, and there is no other thing that It can be. attribu- ted to.-t'msRtItIr PEARSON. KANSAS. “counties one without a pauper. 52 have no poor-home. 87 counties have not a single occupant 'm..tche jail. _ . _ _ _ The following statistics were compiled by the National W. U. T.U., to be used in pmnted form, " a part of its exhibit at. the World’s Pairat St. Louis. Large, placand‘a Igniting ttese figures aroused Théru is nutrué-llnlch liquor in fifty illegal places in Maine us in um- Well-e- qttippetl saloon jIt a lieense State. Maine has $103.76 per copita deposited in its savings banks. Illinois how only $2175 per capita de- posited. Ohio hm only 811.58 deposited per capita. in much interest tiidi th"iFiilsG 3:55; duplicated in a. series of four letdute.- No. I. Pnomamon Sam-Ba. MAINE. There is not usingle brewery or div. till_vry in the Slate. 37m5ntnea have not a. criminal cm on the court. docket. NORTH DAKOTA. Leading cilia-us testify that mhihi- tion has hemmed crime, seem-v: better local govemment. rained the tone of moral-s, reduced the tax rates, increased the bank deposits, ruined the value of farms. 17,000,000 out of 27.200.000 people in the Southern States are living under absc- lute prohibition. Don't [MRI Tai' TGjiiriiiiG' C';lii'G'ifi. Model Farm, the Agricultural College. tttr. Ten. Coffee, and Wnbor furnished free at the Institute. Arrangements are being mule With a. caterer for sandwiches and can 3: returnable prices. Eyettionkttamar. howevnv. provide lunch otherwise. N. W. Gunman. T. ALLAN Pres. Becr. CAPITAL. Authorized CAPITAL, Paid up . . . . RESERVE FUND . A general Banking business transacted Drafts isauud and collection imam on all points. Deposits received and inter out allowed at earl-enf rates SAVINGS BANS. -nteree Allowed on savings bank deposits of '1.00 and up- wards Prompt. attention and every facilitv afforded customers living at" distance. J KELLY, Agent. Arriving " Guelph 10 :151 m. Re. turning will leave Guelph M 615 pm.. Oct 13th. or any regular train, Oct 14. For the henetit of the tau-hon. the Protesters of Macdonnld Institute will 1fIPrt , IMP“!!! for_!lte dny. All Arrange a Jli1'l','ll.',': for the (luv. Al ttltreu o.f . Pation will he welcomed WEAR!) BANK OF (llllllll AGENTS in all principal points all Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United Slat»- snd England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID. Manager. DURHAM AGENCY Slmyed from Lot 24. con. s. Ben- tinek. on or about Sept 25m. 4lnrge yearling heifers. 20f tin-m were Here- ford bred with white head. and 2 black Gallnwnys. Infurmation leading to their recovery Will be rewarded hy applying to - ,7 "-v_ -v -iM--.. - -""'."M any. Batu for round tri p Station Loan Adult- Children Durham ....7drt .....0i.ts........e Vurm-y ....T_dF.....A.ts..C.Ctjd Mobuin .-7.q.......r.ig.L.y.y.tid Htl'on-u o..tW1.......1,otC.r..Ciis '.yhyeet.or..rgfcr.r.T.ii'ii.C..Ciiii ts1ot.fuid...r3r.y.r.y.".iiir..:y.y.iii mton .....tft2tr.......iriC..C.go G "one....y0........tbtj.._.V..uo wA,,htta........Fii.y.y.:i'iii'.y.'.y.y.iii Fergus .....Arr26........m........S6 Elam ......9m, an " FRIDAY. 0010339., 13m Tlckeu good noingonly on 000 train. to mom name a" only. except stations. from Durham to It Fore-t. lncluuive, :hlch in good to return the following Under the auspices of the South Gm Tmeheee Institute the Grand Trunk Ry., will run nu excursion to Guelph on Madonna Institute a! Coliseum School. Telling Temperance Truths. Contributed by the W. th T. tr. tt and see it you haven‘tsome- I N G d; J M E h . in: you mt repaired. [ All kinds of Mneht'tteeyre. ' ' . C 30 111tr tired, m ground, Saws _ Led. leteUtitted withkeya. , /t _ _ " / _ I -tqaqa.eara-tqed. , 1lt"'"'a'P,Nle"'""'"" Head otilce, Toronto. CATTLE ESTRAY. ....tdF.....d.isC.y.y.ii, 7491151!) b ...tbq1.......1,o6r.r..C.iis on ..trdlo.......a.C..Ciitj d...tp.H........iir..Cy.yi .....tft2tr.......iriC..C.40 '....8.ot........tyL..i..uo .....9.18........iticr.y.9s ....Arr26........M........ss Anon. Wmsos. Edge Hill. ....s2.000.000 .... 1,000.a0 .... 1,000,000 g.',"?,?,), TQ trg% 18 ga?, " "aB-ttlimi' ,1. e» ".e..‘- l ' w'."e'T"Vers7PticiEYhrs' r ,E'UH.R2 ‘1;- -r't "te [tli? 'rs'iFrel:T"2, THE UUIHIA M REVIEW Staff and Equlpmont The school is thorough] e at in main tbility In chemo-l 3nd tl,'ahirt'lll'M, out] a: tings, 'dis.", for furl Junior Moving and lumen].- tion work. The following competent MBtt on in chum t ' THOB. ALLAN, m Clo-o Common. Principal 31183 L. h. {QRI_..R.43. A., - - A - Intending Btudentn should enter " the begin- ning of the term " possible. Board on be omn- ed " temnnble um. Durham is I healthy and unreal" town, main: it I most desk-IN: plece E Funnel“. the issuer: of “conu- were required to send a “come can! to the Ittntiorir.thsnertu upon the isaue ot "cry licenu. returning the "thdtwit In his poc- uric". By the m-W order an issuer in re- qum-d to full om. the details in n prepared form printed on the hunk of the aitidnvit. and forward " to the IugiatrarAHtteriU instead of the license card. 4 Duplicate oftioitu envelopes no unp- plied to istnum, of “comm. one to be mad in sending the amduvn to the Registrar Genet-01'» Dornrcm-ut. nul l n- to he tottt Will] each licence innued. for the use ot the "hnutrug clergymnn in mating the Ilo. Guano. to the aagistrar-thateral. Wm.garttotort,dr., G. Rum-go. I Chairman. Burch"? Undor new regulations I" humus no to he outlawed an the back and iorwudod to the Rotttrstrrr.uomsrml, Toronto, by an clergyman This Home uoo do I'Iy with the "mutation of marriages. All martin» mad. he registered by Mr. cul cards. giving (all alum-a to the Divi- tiiott.tiasttutrn" of the Inuuioipnliuu when martini“ are perfonnml. A -. 3. Both the "ia/tta. and "can": no to he placed on m. in the 1britsstrttr-tNsn. enl'a Department. Toronto. for future I.- ferouco and a“. leaping. - iiidiUn cc. The topoieine in a atonement of the change: hnluhd out by the doputmont: 1. Under (onus: tegulnmna alt lie- u~um no held In p-muuion of the oth. aiming clam men. Altar the performs“. of the common}. under the new runlwoul. tho clergy- man is directed rm toward the ducnmouta in his pan-Quinn to the gen-roman: Mi. dull": the Qmoau'u Park. Important clumps " the ll'Tel, of coming than“ keeping of t 0 "words an “nouns-d by who 30.2mm than.“ annunom of the Obtain thttrver.mont. TIM nmwvuion ot “an!“ in to be when cumulus bunch. M anointing minimum. In!” is to be handled in a more luminou- litre w" by the department in". Hon. W. J. Human. bu inn"! nun.- gnlntionn "sprain; tho taxi-station ot marriages. The-re no between 13,000 3nd 19,000 marinas: ouch yar in the province or Ouhrio. 3nd from 800 to tOt of lbw no no: rem-to Hi. while many no delayed in mom. cues " manual. Durham School . "ciniii,"3iikiisiU 3nd English. MISS FLOSSIE McKERRACHER. mrst Cl". SPttlt9tttyttd tpird year undergraduate of Queen's Univ-lug. Science, Mary sud Geography. MISS MARY GORDON, First elm with honors, Graduate of Ohmic Normal College. Mullen-tics And Dumb Grimm" dull; Model Term. 'eiissssasasassM%isstaeayagay , /titiri8; New Marriage Regulations. N., G. l McKeohnie FEES: 01 per month In “an”. We would strongly advise the people who are looking for Spring Gosds and right prices to be sure and strike Mekechnie's for a nice line of Lace Curtains from Just opened up, Linolmmé and Floor Oils, lk and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of Call and examine for yourself. It will only a pleasure for us to show youfour goods. JAPANESE MATTINGS LACE CURTAINS (The popular Cash Store.) ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO CARPETS 300 a pair up to $5.00 I', Open Confession is 560ml for the Soul" 'ira"ir'il away or conducting our Mote out of You: generoeily for the public. We sol no 810 watch for ‘5 or $50 diamond ring for 810. We claim to he a. fair dealing Jenreller--alwtt giving you full honest value for your money. and "or ready to make any wrong right. Surely no one will or can Riva you more for your money than we give rou--tnd you run do no better than to patronize us. We owe the succm of our hneineee to your continued patronage which we belie-ye. you wiil never regret. TWEEDS & YARNS Ol? BET QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods. Boots * Shoes, Crockery, am. We can give you Bargains. If We ask inspection of our Ten.“ We are not giving Watches Watchmaker, Jeweller. and Optician. Hair Vigor White Blair tt Fam 'd “3&in Il _' I. Ayerfs only use Ayer's Hair Vigor. your my hair " soon have nil the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for Ill years. AV.', LT,t'a'UtttMlhg In: Thtttetue,rtorxrgtmrhte old. Butwtiriorirrtrodi no it, in your my hair? Keep ”urban-Mud rich animus. "your!!! . SCOTT. WE CLAIM no monopoly on humanly. and ninth" do we nuumo all the virtm- in the land; A. GORDON, GIVE US A CALL if“ . u; for 31W _, Ame. a?! ‘5] vrtt"rf J. G. HUTTON. In. C. I. I. n. c. P., man. In!“ We! Wquu'm Dionne. od Ere, In. Nose. and Throat MIt I..." 'ttteh- gm: 2.. malfmdm 1-. (mi: ”whom-unm- tpee. .m‘l‘l. m a” 'h.t"dtfot8aPe OMIOOCIOW. “no“: l MACKAY & DUNN, '!NrrlsurrB, Sonclgorl. Convoyucon. ht. with: to noodle“? Lo-don, ting to [mum (New Yuk) in Hospital» HONOR GRADUATE of Tomato University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeon. of Ontario. Rooms. Over J t J HUNTERS New Store otBeo-Caideru Block. over Post L moo ”unmet, - - - - Owe-18001 museum Iliad“? Home. Durban. tttettmtWMtserdsro" 'aetsgttetettttftmi Mta.rn.uttttt.m. W. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. o. S. HONOR GRADUATE mm University, um Raul (mil... lhnnl “ti-gaun- ewl ttttttte-LOWER TOWN. DUI“! ll. u adds as}: 661E. Baal giiiiGiiiWiGt Dentin, In all m Manchu. 00!loodou ad Annoy promptly ttuudcd t Willa. 0004.. MW. 1”, Amazon. imam“, punt-4. mm of We! rer- Iona looted “our ad Inc-nor: and Ada: nu- cruon' Accounts propmd and tthet Surrogate com Dulu- Prob.“ at wn than" " Ad muons“ cumin-up Olvulmd. - on. and. " may one. And Tm.- "de 0- “my and {than Fund. to Lou: on 1'tea.gi. “love; may at nun-t. Valuation m; ..-. a ua m... --- rah i'"iiirictGiiF.' Money to Bun. (P"'. McIntyre Block, over the Bunk A. a. Much! Ike. W. F Dual Fun... Hp... '-4 p. Tolouloum No. " Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. to. JOHN CLARK.» Mun. lav. M. NB. Notary Public. Commissioner. Convoy moor. "luntor, Insurance Agent. to Private Money to Loch. Collec- lion. of all kinda promptly atten- ded to. Fun:- bought and told» Sydenhun Mutant Fire Insurance Co. Batattttahed In m. ARTHUR tWN, H. D.. to ante., M. mm In men: the Review or bs, Dublin. at $ysem.poRt1epeenddmed there, or to Ceylon P.0.. will be promptly “and“! to, "no on am to Liana-d Auctioneer to the Conny of Grey. MAWM‘MOthOIq. on. My attegrthed to. an mug. 3-1 be 1rdt At wMs.utrltqyrtt, Fat Puma-nuns. Moo our J.L.J.Humr'c Bun .b!04.l. lanai “a (In. No or... -mmuuv-UMU 'rtsettersnatdCttMrea. )mjsg PeegeedlefyietAyq CARRISTER. IOIOITOR, loan" puma Gonna-cut. . MEDICAL. Eye. Eng-L110“ & Throat J. EGRANT. D. 0.8.. L. D. G. LEFROY McCAUL. FPS W?! moo. over Condom- Jewelry Store. (Bee. McKenzie‘n Old Stand. Durham Auctioneers. ' McPHA IL) orto EDEN T Licenced Auctioneer for Go. Grey LEG-AL. A. B. JACKSON, DB. BROWN. J. P. TELFOBD J. tuna-Jun- D. 1::pr Ceylon P. 0 C. RMEAtMt, Durham Ceylon t-teiqtremeMiee. it} DB. BURT Money to Loan. Kain-d.“ ’3'i'6mm' m MP3!) - 't 119-1, M tor - " v ---.H Id“ '-4 p. I ac. th to Id " md ttr " " I“ " It

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