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Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1905, p. 7

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Tried to Drown His Sorrows and Troubles in Strong Drink but Was Unsuccessful Follows DiSCARDED BY LOVER, . MAN mass POISON. Detroit despoteh: Dayan“ has“ thi- girl he loved did not "ciproeuto hi, affections, Robert G. Menu, aged 32. employed a eoaehmnn for a million- airv's family in Cloveluul, swallowed a quantity of acouite in Washington park wily Tuesday morning, after writing several farewell letters to his idol, Misa Minnie Vernon, 8 Cleveland girl, now whiting at the residence of her uncle, J. Frank Webb, No. 1061 Third avenue. And Took a Dose of Aconite After Writing Dole- ful Letters to the Girl Who Rejected Him. Cameron was found dying near a; clump oi busing in the park opposite! the Parisian laundry “out 4 o'eloek,' and he died while being taken to St. Mary's Hospital in Bord's Imbalance. Tliv body was removed to the county morgue by Undertaker Creation. It was [HUNT poorly clad in a black checked| amt. An empty bottle found lying he-', 1side the body told how Cullen-on had! mum to his death. Miss Vernon is an exceedingly hand Bome young woman. She is apparently in her early twenties, and has dark brown hair and large lustrous blue eye". She ia a private nurse by our pation. and is at present attending her aunt, who has become ill since Miss Ver. nnnk arrival. Although aha tried hard to appear unconcerned, the announcement that Cameron had taken his life was a shock to Miss Vernon. She professed to know practically nothing of the 3mm; man. admitting however, that she was acquaintted with him. Then she glided quietly away and closed the door. leaving the inquisitoru last query unanswered. It was plain to are that she was bearing up with acme difficulty. Miss Vernon it is thought, came to Detroit purposely to avoid Cameron’s attentions. He.foliowed her here. however. and searched. the city until he located her. Then he insisted on enlling at the Webb home and on thin amnion she told him she would never permit him to see her win. Sew-ml times after that the young man went to the house. and. it is said. waited outside for hours, frying to get a ehatwe to speak with Miss Ver- non. lo this he was disappointed and at last in desperation, he sought a balm for his wounded affections in drink. From this Mate of mind it was an "acy step to the suicide’s grave. From his conduct and his own fare- well m?.-‘.dage to Miss Vernon it is evident. that Cameron's mind was a trifV unbalanced at the last. and thia fact. probably accounts, in a ynenmre. for his rash deed. - wtrrrted ac ”IL- Ut'gxuuu.“ -- 7 - 1w wid. by the proposal of laws that SI mid bump: r their companies. and their nfr‘ivora "wally trembled at what they would have to endure the ftret pix months of each year! The Occurrence to l' In A. v --- Sept. 24,the business ter the church services an the McCurdy Baptis vauerafree fight in] euuion. Deacon Grand: his head out, was It bleeding. knackod inset generally. Deacon Md blackened. Deacon Mummy m... .... --- formation against Deacon Gnndsen, charging him with assault, and the in- vestigation commenced before Squire Backhonse at Port Burwell on Thursday, but was adjourned, after hearing five witnesseq. until to-day at 2 oretoek. W. A. Dowler, of Wm, - ed for the prosecution ind sr., E SW- ens. of Aylmer. for the defence. Late last night County Crown Attor- my McCrinunon took action on trehntf of the Crown, and an ',fg""',ttlu'd: laid before County Police M an... em that» was.” Tus. New York, Oct. 9.--Th mum. Preyident of the Ifu- Insurance Company, " from the New York Fit ilfoutn" u to the suicidr’s name BLACKMAIL IN INSURANCE. I any P, below in on as: m homg FOUGHT m cannon. mas despatch The Otter Valley ivareh scandal will be fully in. 1 before County Police Magis- nt at Port Bumell to-monow lock. On the night of Sunday, the business meeting held " aurch services at what is known rCurdy Baptist Church " Otter free tight followed a bot dis- )eacon Grandson, it is anid,had _ out, was badly scarred and knrckcd insensible and used up . Deacon Mchnly had an ere l. Deacon McCurdy laid an in- t against Deacon Grandson, him with assault, and the ln~ m commenced before Squin no at Port Bane“ on Thursday, adjourned, after hearing five -- _ M-- " 4|.er Her from Cleveland to Detroit Only to Meet With Disappointment. Ventilated in an: nnd address was moved when Coro- ner Parker 'l'ueldsy afternoon found this note scribbled on a slip of paper: "My name is Robert G. Cameron. I came here to see Miss M. I..Vernon, " Frank Webb’s on Third ave. Cameron WI! I Vgégdwlooking man with Curly blue-k hair and dark eyes. His general appennnce was that of 3 mm who was fitted for a better po- sition than that of 1 coachman. Side“ " Letters. To be delivered at 1,061 Third street. Dear Minnie: Forgive me for any trouble I've been to you. I have not been right for some time. You know that I told you that my dreams were that some were trying to take you away from me. That, and your telling me what you did, set me out of my head. Then I got to drink- ing. To-night I am more rational than I have been since, but will attempt to kill myself again. Remember, dear, that I shall hover around you in spirit, to I cannot have you in life. Bertha may no the same road some time, but I shall meet you in the beyond. I commit this deed in the open. To some others trou- bles, Mrs. Ormond shall meet her trou- bles, and the rest, for driving me to this. For, dear heart, were we left alone we could have been happy. Little girl, how happy I was all summer plan- ning what we were to do. To-night I die. You were not the same when you got back. Then I went to the bad. I tried whiskey, but that would not kill me. Then I don't know what I have been doing. My dying wish in that God will blosa and care for you. I lost all hope when you gave me up. Robert. Minnie Dear Well, God help and protect you. I could not live with the thought I could not see you again, and you told me the same. When I was planning every way for you. why did you throw me up? I am dying. love, for my love of you. What is life to me without you? Whatever they say. I did not drink whiskey when you were away. but when they came back and told me you would not come up there that knocked me out. Had others left you alone things would have been all right. I know that you loved me and I know that you can never for. get me. I hope God's curse will follow those that parted us. When things have gone wrong a man has a right to quit. See the effects of whiskey. . ' What French Medical Authority Says of Consumption. Paris, Oct. O.----" the. Tuberculosis Congress to-day Prof. Grancher, one oi the leading French authorities, de, ciarcd that consumption was the most easily curable of diseases if taken in time. It was a mistake, he said, to wait until the presence of the bacillus was established. Immediately a physician discovered a permanent abnormal sound localized at the top of the lung when the patient drew a breath he ought to diagnose the trouble as tuber- culoais. Sounding was the beat and simplest test. It was far superior to rudioscopic examirtstion, in which he had little confidence. A e _ .. MsCurdy, Holland MeCurdy, Benjamin Grandgen and Corey Harvey,with that "on Sunday, Sept. 24, they did unlaw- fully make an aifray by fighting to the alarm of the public in the McCurdy Bap- tist Church. being a place to which the pimple then had aeeess." According to reports received. the fight was a most, disgraceful affair. The com- batant: went at each other with fury. Bad blood is said to have existed be- tween Pac,tor Walker and several of his flock for some time back. and the t'0tV gregatinn naturaily divided up into two factiups. Ambalrsador McCormick has received a. telegram from Secretary of State Root suggesting that he inform the American delegates to the congress that it is hoped it will consider the United States a 'suit. able place for its next meeting, and that the President will be glad to receive its members. The question will be submitted at the final sitting on Oct. 7. This is the only invitation yet received. First Steamer Returning Reports That Catches Were Good. Victoria, B. C.. Oct. 0.--ahe sealing sehooner City of San Diego returned from Behring Sea to-day with the first news from the fleet of eighteen sen!- ing vessels from Victoria. The City of San Diego, which brought 732 seal skins, reports eleven schooner. with good catches. The season’s catch will "exeeed that of last year, better than for some years. Good weather aided the sealers, there. being)“ two heavy atom during the aeaael. Wo eeianres were made, and few accidents are re- yorted. The “vessels reported hytheClty otsnDtqrtht11yter 0mm The total catch in Behring Sea last - was a little over eight we. Yours in life and death. "Good-bye, Dear mart." THE EASIEST CURED. SEALING IN PACIFIC. Robt. G. Cameron. Robert. I?! The wedding was to take place next week. But Emery was not to be balked that way. According to the father's story, after hearing of the turn affairs had taken Emery called at the Cyre house, and asked the girl to deny the rumors. Eugenie nerved herself and told the sad truth, which so affected the lover that he fell fainting at the girl's feet. When he recovered, the father says. he gave way to despair and de- clared that if Eugenie married the other man he would do away with himself. 1urtorr'sDGoterto-il I . I n. Katrine to Another Man-Auf One hundred NW Army W" CIIItBell id Iz.'"""'""""""'""'""" Montreal, Oct '.--almery Louzon II . F . , The new Coll of F and Pity!!- young 'nmse, of Cote gt. Michel, is held eel Training hamburg“; opened by by the .police here at the instance of by Lord Linlithgow. Joseph Cyre,of the neighboring parish of" Friends of mm Urqtthnrt, of To- Bt. Leonard. Cyre tears that Emery ronto, think he may run for n fourth if permitted to roam will marry iidliGU. alight" Eugenie, n . most undeniable. Senator Carlos Walker Martinez, " B. because there in a youth of more eminent Politician and leader of the “aging parts who " willing to wed Coneervative party, died todnr at san. Ere: girl as soon a: tt can be found. tingo, Chili. u . no one seems o 'now where Ea. De 1 t da h d Iso t gems !.', sweep? Ihnerr, and he won't l elt'Jllttfi'l,li', fattening; is“: tell, affirming his. Ignorance. The two COL. which closed Monday. The owners {33,8 1'dl are 2ttt, {grime girl's af. of the bank are not there n, . apparen y er , althou h . . oneed. by the father, has a: least 'IS'. anckenzre & Yann "I'." purchased the ceeded Mt arousing the girl's sympathy. Nepigon Railway, tt portion of which, at Eugenie had not shown any preferenée wee found, would be duplicated by tteir to either swim, but her father frowned projeeted Sudbury to Port Arthur “In. on ’Emery, and finally secured his daugh- I An order in Council was passed yester- ter l consent to marry "the other fel. day promoting Mr. Justice Mnclennan, low. Iii the Ontario Court of Appeals, to the This, Cyre claims, so affected his daughter that she ran away, and he " terwards learned from a. priest that she was being detained against her will by Emery. Then Cyre came to the city and procured n warrant. Entry Luzon Charged With beaming The father positively stated that the girl did not desire to marry Emery. The Magistrate was not so sure about that, but he thought it wise to detain the young man and investigate. a 13mtmrlmm' LOVE swan? nor can ttr. menu, QUE. 91's. Kilpatrick and Kennedy Admitted to the Faculty. Toronto, Oct. 9.--The services of the induction of Rev. H. A. Kennedy, pro- fessor of New Testament exigesis and literature, and Dr. T. B. Kilpatriek, J'"" fessor of systematic theology, at Knox College. was held yesterday afternoon in Bloor Street Presbyterian Church. Rev. D. C. Hossack presided, preached the sermon, and performed the induction. Rev. Dr. W. D. Armstrong, of Ottawa, moderator of the General Assembly, de- livered the charge to the new' professors. Rev. Dr. IV. G. Wallace, pastor of Bloor Street Church, assisted in the service. There were a great many friends of the college present and also the majority of the clergy of the city and faculty of the college. TAP KORE STILL SORE OVER TREATY. Party of Twenty Returned to Their Villages. Rosthern. Oct. Ih--. A Doukhohor party numbering about twenty were brought here by last night's train, taken in charge by the local Mounted Police and escorted back to their villages this morning. The party was made up of men. women and children, and kept up a continuous chant as they were march- ed through Rosthem streets. This party recently were arrested near York. ton. They travelled the whole dis- tance. about 250 miles, on foot, avoid- ing all the towns and villages on the way. The Doukhobors designate Ros- thern as hell. and their Mounted Police escort the devil. The Public Indignant and Impatiently Waiting an Explanation from the Government. A Tokio cable says: In passing the Peace Treaty yesterday the Privy Coun- eil has clearly impressed upon the anti- l’eace agitators the impossibility of n rI-fusnl to ratify it. The energies of the Litter will now likely be concentrat- ed on an attack upon the Cabinet. Pub- lie demcnrtrstions expressing the wa- tional indignation against the Peace Treaty, it is believed, will cease. but this outward suppression of feeling will. only create a strong undercurrent of disaffeetion, which, if allowed to grow, will swell the popular rage. Unwise re- sistanee and any attempt to suppress popular opinion may, it is feared, give rise to acts of violence. Well informed pecpie, while appreciating the wisdom of putting a. stop to the war. are indignant at the halrtnettsure policy of the Gov- ernment as exhibited, for instance, in the, partition of the island of Sakhalin. (liht, public is keenly awaiting an explan- ation from the Government, but the promise to convene a speciol session of the Diet immediately utter tho conclu- "ion of tho pence not having been fulfill- "d, it is growing brunt. i than! on: m , Uh '.'St,', 2tgdtttd tat,',,')",') civic -tittag to with: d his ur- vieoo " Port-oath. tatt',': that . have In (in in his a! an to be mad with the Moro of tho dtr or u _m m rejected and o St. Petersburg Council Refuses ato Banquet Otherwise Honor M. de Witte. WANT MISSING GIRL ri, DOUKHOBORS ARRESTED. KNOX PROFESSORS. 2'i'iErsxifei Developments yesterday showed about $250,000 missing from the Alamo“ Bank, COL. which closed Monday. The owners of the bank are not there. An order in Council wt: paused yester- day promoting Mr. Justice Mae ennui, of the Onturio Court of Appeals, to the Supreme Court of Camda, vice Judge Nesbitt, resigned. Mackenzie & Mann have purchased the Nepigon Railway, a. portion of which, it was found, would be duplicated by their projected Sudbury to Port Arthur line. The reports in continental papers that Italy is paasintrthppgt.t an industrial crisis are denied and it is ttatserted tut the industries of the country are flour ishing in an exceptional msnner. Peter C. Nelson, a visitor from Strat- ford, 0nt., complained to the Detroit po- lice late last night, that he was held up and robbed of $25, by two men while passing along Beaubien street, near Woodbridge. Senetor Carlos wake: Martinez, " eminent Politician and leader of the Congerutwe party, died today at Sen- tingo, Chili. Workmen at West Ncehish channel, Sault Me. Marie, found the body of Jas. Comerford floating in the nver. Comer- ford was drowned by falling from u soon! on September 22. He was 32 years old and a native of Canada. The motor of Moscow University has closed that institution in consequence of a. recent mass meeting held in its pre- cincts when a. number of the participants were outside agitators, totally uncon- nected with the university. New Viceroy of 1mm Will Take Ex- perts With Wan. London, Oct. fh-Lord Minto, the new Viceroy of India, is going to tas- cinute society at Calcutta and Simla by drawing some of the best dancing men and some of the smartest ball. room oficers into his Vice-regal en- tourage. Perhaps the crack dancing officer of last season in London was the little Lord Guernsey, son of the Earl of Aylesford, himself a. fine bull- room ornament in the mid-Victorian days. WILL TAKE COMBINED JAPANESE FLEETS T0 TOKIO. up. Lord Minto has placed Lord Guern- sey on his staff as aide-de-camp, and the M-year-old Irish Guardsman is a. great asset from the social point of View. The Irish Guards, so far as the officers are concerned, are a dancing regiment in excelsis. Tokio, Oct. 9.--It is reported that after the Emperor formally ratifies the peace treaty he will command Admiral Togo to bring the combined Japanese fleets to Tokio Bay, where it is planned to hold an imperial review, some 200 warships to take part. Togo will take this opportunity for a triumphal return to the capital. _ . "i'"firiiis"iGoaeron is expected at Yokohama about Oct. 12. resolution was adopted declaring that he is not worthy of any special honor because his services at Portsmouth "were only a redeeming sacrifice for the political mistakes in which he has ac- quiesced and which were, responsible for the war." _ - The first act of the Ministerial com- tcr'.tee, the sessions of which have been resumed with Count Witte's return, has been an important concession on the lan- guage question, permitting the commer- cial schools at Warsaw, Riga and Reva], to use Polish or German as the language of instruction in all studies except Rue sian grammar, history and geography. Immense Debt Business Men Asked to Wipe Out. Tokio cable: Former Foreign Min. ister Okuma, leader of the Progressive Party, before the Associated Chambers of Commerce to-day, referring to the sudden expansion, of Japanese fimutee, said that before the Eithdrnyul of troops is completed she .wlll find herself con- fronted with a debt of '1,M0p00/)00, the interest on which alone, roughly speak- ing, Wm tye9r6,000,000, or nearly twice the revenue of the country ten years ego. The per "Pita rate on taxation be- fore the we! was 32. Now it is $6. The per enpita share in the national debt before the wu- vyu " It]; now $6. Count 0km however, was not pes- simistic. Be referred eloquently to the necessity of the luminous men redoubling their energies in the development of pro- ductive works of All kinds Ind thus ee- curingvictoriesin‘peacenwelluln . MINTO TO TAKE DANCERS. HONOR roll TOGO. NEWS Ill BRIEF JAPANESE muncns. -----_------ ' “In Ci",' i2sp , ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO The dead are: Charles Donnelly, god 9; Robert Donnelly, 0; Katherine Don- nelly, 12. Other incidents of the fire were the birth of I child while the mother we: being removed from the burning build- ing, and an accident which wrecked Fire Chief Crokerh automobile, and in which the Chief narrowly emped eerioul acci- dent. The Children's Parents hymn. Five Other Tenants Burned and Two Firemen Hurt. New York, Oct. 9.-- Three children were burned to death, their parents rel- cued and taken in e dying condition to St. Mary’s Hospital; five other tenants went to hospitals suffering from burns, And two firemen were hurt in a fire in a four-storey flat house in Reid ave- nue, Brooklyn, late last night. The fire is believed to be incendiary. The hallways of the building were filled with flames and smoke, and every occu- pant of the building was asleep when the flames were discovered by Wm. Tea: and James Nugent, firemen, who were off duty. They found a ladder in the back yard, and, climbing up the fire taupe, awoke the tenants by breaking into their apartments. At the top floor the fire Disastrous Incendiary Fire in a Pour Storey Plat in New York Lust Night. Cattle-museum in Possession of le- bruka Town. Mullen, Neb., Oct. 9.--A howling mob of cowboys has held possession oi Mul- len for 24 hours. Both the United States Marshal and Governor McKey were asked by telegraph to send troops to restore order and protect life. The Marshal answered that he would arrive to-morrow, while the Governor tele- phoned the Sheriff he would order a company of soldiers here if necessary. The great cattle barone of Booker County were indicted recently for illegal- ly fencing government ranges, and their fences were ordered down. The cases come to trial next week, and fifty wit- nesses have been subpoenaed from this county to appear against them. It was to intimidate these witnesses and force them to leave the county that the riot- ing was indulged in. The mob first visited the home of O. F. Hamilton, who hits charge of the government cases. The building was tcrn down and a notice posted that he would be killed unless he left town at once. Search was made for Hamilton _ to lynch him, but he escaped. THREE CHILDREN 8tjllthilliill) TO DEATH. GRAND TRUNK OFFICERS REFUSE T0 REINSTAIE THREE MEN. Chicago, Oct. ti.-The conference be- tween the officials of the Grand Trunk Railroad and the officers of the Switch- menu Union over the grievances of the fifty men who walked out last week in this city was broken off last night with no agreement in sight. The men were antisfied with the working conditions, but demanded an agreement and the re- instatement of three men who had been discharged. The railrond declared that the three were chronic disturbera and would not again be employed, and de- clined to make an agreement with the union. It agreed, however, to maintain the present condition: in the yards, which are satisfactory to the switch- men. The Stork, With a Rich Cargo, Arrives " London. London, Oct. 9.--The steamer Stork, with £50,000 worth of furs for the Hud- son’s Bay Company, arrived at the West India docks yesterday. She started from Charlton Island, in Hudson's Bay, on September 19, 1904. A succession of gnles were accompanied by pack ioe,but after many escapes the Stork was driven back to Charlton Island, where the crew subsisted for nearly ten months on the food they hunted, principally wild nab. bits. The crew, to vary the monotony, made a banjo out of a tin, and danced to its music. While picking her way out of the is: the Stork encountered the ship Discov- cry, which, though herself icebound for five weeks, shared her provisions with the Stork’s crew. The temperature averaged 22 degrees below zero, and sometimes exceeded 40. Admiralty’e Court Finding in the Albino- Penean’ . Collision. Halifax, Oct. 9.--In the Admiralty Court this afternoon Mr. Justice Me Donald gave n decision in the action brought by the Alba Steamship Com- pany against the Bitnburg-Ameriaut liner Album, tn recover damages caused to pleintiff’e ship Ptrtuirtn by collision near Cbelmeto Heed, Merck M. His Lordship listed that he bed taken a good while to consider the evidence, as hehadttee-tsletoqrmewithap- min Tingley. new sum-or. who Ind at ,rtthhimtoharttteeaaa. Intbe judge’s ophtittae-and it is the opinion of the eottrt.--N Alb-no was wholly to blame for the million. REsidencos of witnesses in town were visited and partly wrecked. Then the mob separated into different bands and started through the country searching out all witnesses, spreading terror and doing damage wherever it went. ‘3?" 'ky Commander Tingle); BN3, who was TERRORIZED BY COWBOYS. CHRONIC KICKERS. FROM THE FROZEN NORTH. Eli FAVOR THE ALLANS. PETE tC: 3M! ' , Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly. who oe. cupied the other {an of the upper floor, were found lying mention: on the floor of their room. They were brought out by the firemen, but did not know that their three children were asleep in their beds. until their burned bodies were found later. . Other occupants of the buildinz were taken from the windows new“ to tho-e of In udjoining building, or were dropped into the urn“ of the men below. and when the fire depart:neat Irrivnd the building was Mire from top to bottom. "Elmo-e Morris was Grried on a mttreu acrou the street, where the me “my , bop. '"iirG,Gr tihAstopier Leary WM knock- ed from n ladder by . strum of water and suffered concusion of the btain, had spread most " 'r, and the two rescue" were com I to curry Mrs. Joseph Hulda, on. of the tenant- of the floor, do" the fire scape. In doing so the ladder nt the bottom broke, am the wow. fell on to Tear, injuring him “rarely. . -ivtiid hurrying to the fire Chief Cro. ker’s automobile was 11 set and the Chief 1n: thrown out and {wily shaken HI. "iioiriir.iGii" LiJVire'TrF a; I? 1; n' bush suturing (tom hav.intt1thtr.led flame or smoke. Gd are not likely to recover. nautical adviser, in his report holds that the Parisian wag under weigh at the time of the accident. and it was there- fore her duty to keep clear of the Al- beno. lie finds the Parisian in fault for that reason, and for not keeping a pro- per lookout, but censures the captain of the Albano for approaching so close as to make a collision inevitable. The de- cision will probebly be appealed. French Aldermen Decade to Call It St. Antoine. Montreal, Oct. 9.-A striking instance of the difficulties that are prone to con- front the administrators of affairs ot a large city like Montreal, where men of two distinct languages and somewhat conflicting sentiments sit together at the Council board, is furnished in the publication of a resolution changing the name of Craig street, one of the lead. ing business thoroughfares of the city. to St. Antoine street. The question arose as a complete surprise to every- body outside the Road Committee, and became for a time perilously close to a dispute between English and French aldermen. . As it was. the English members voted in a body tor no change, while the French members, with one " two exam.- tions. voted the other way. Alderman Lariviere explained that it would be bot. ter to change the name to St. Antoine. because there were far more French people there than English, and the French found Craig u very difficult name to pronounce, generally making it sound "Cfeg." T _. ._ . a UA______,,: VICE- lt seems that Craig street was an addi. tion to the original St. Antoine street, and thnt the latter wns I. fashionable thoroughfare at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when the present site of Craig street was a creek known as "Ruisseau do In Montague" (Mountain Creek) and was a favorite resort for snipe shooters. , , 'A‘ _ I “A _.I Anni-n nvnuf Baron Von Sternbcrg Throw: a Water Glue at Dr. Wolff, Striking Latter on the Cheat-Refused to Apologize " Demand of German Members. Vienna, Oct. 9.---A disorderly rot-21¢ occurred in the Lower House of Parlia- ment to-day, resulting in the suspension of the sitting amid general uproar. While Baron Von Sternberg was speak- ing during the debate on the Govern- ment’s declaration of policy he was con- tinunlly and badgeringly interrupted by Dr. Wolff, the Hungarian leader. Von Sternberg appealed to Dr. Wolff to de- silt, but the latter persisted. Finally Von Steruberg lost his temper and threw n. water glen It Dr. Wolff, striking him on the cheat. A great uproar followed. end the President of the Home called Von Sternberg to order. The Gel-mm members were not satisfied with this and vocifented e demand that he t,tttet TtoaeB-mfttredtodo, end Pro-idem, being unable to re- store order, deduct! the sitting Impend- ed. The apron continued until Von Steamer: Ht the Home. HIT HIM WITH A GLASS. iGGil, Austria, Oct. A.--Although popular excitement continues. there have been no further tstniflieU here. All the streets on the German quarter are A DISORDERLY SCENE IN THE AUS- TRIAN PARLIAMENT. , The ehtrnge of name inconvenience to man: guarded by troops. The Czech new cheats hm celled taunting for Oct. 7 to inaugunte e boycott of ell the Germ nominate. The letter on petitioning the ntttttorities to prohibit the meeting. St. Cethnrineu, 0nt., deepetch: The n- seuon' report presented to the Council this evening shown a. decided increase over but eyes. The figures are as fol- Iowa; ' Reel --t.. .. .. mu”). Bushman-amt... .. Moment... .. . w 'W/ill?', Total.. .. .. .. .. .. ....85,'793/m Thtuiseattnereaaeof mouth". million donut. The population in IV mama»; --.- CRAIG STREET, XONTREAL. GROWTH or ST. KID’S. of name will cause ttrest to many bushes; tiUi. " ”8,970 fl}? {2:352 roar arid. cm in (my ’P " Put. hunk; 'peech. . We a Jo vent- Fin- muall ether tt van t with " to, Bri- an Mose of the Id p". 1. and min-1y Welling mem- “Nature's Mon. It sermon. ex preg. mission on J 8 nd the your Trt :1 .

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